' ,.
VOL 13- ~fo. 4 ~AN F~ANCISCO, CAUFORN~A ------------------------------------------ ,----------------------------·----------
Official Notice r tr Members
Our nex:t , regular meeting will be ·'held: on Saturday evening, 8 p.m .. , Oll Ma.y 7th, 1955, : a,t the San F rancisco Building 'I'1;a:des Council, 200 Guerre'ro, Street, San Francisco.
~ . -E!~+:::! Ai~~:s ~r;:be~:c:~~ Local Union' Manager will · be • made at this meet.ing for the
J r
I From the Colorado state line in the Rqcki~s, west,\;ard to
the Pacific shores, the construction industry is yawning ar1d i stretching its giant muscles in anticipation of one of the hea\'ie I . .
est work seasons on record. . j . · . . . ensuin-g four (4) years. . J' .
"'~ THIS JS · AN IMPORTAL'1'T Neariy every branch office or · mat-days 111 the • productwn _ 11-ne
Local 3 rep_orts a sl':arp upward than in many years.
' .,
. FORT TO ATTEND-?° I . In a<ldition to nomin,ations, the
.. menfbers assembled at this meeting will alsii) elect an ELE_CTION COMI\il;TTEE to conduct t,he ooming, election.
Get Out the Vote! C@yote -v~Uey , Be !_Duwnned! . . . 1 · EN~~EER, S:"'O~N IN-:--Fr~nk A .. Lawrence, lon~-tin{e n~en~ber
pick-up in· job activity. Lack of · The past w inter has not se211 needed rains has pen'lit ted wide- as iow a dip in the job rate us in snread starts on projects. Only I previous years, since the pi·essur e the south central .val:ey ai·ea has on many projects, such as Califor~ not yet felt the pick -up. ! nia's bulging freeway campaign,
Dams, freeways, subdivisi.ons, has r equired work between rains power projects, industrial building and at every opp ortunity . -all are in second gear for a big So,, to Loca,l 3 members,, here's push., through · the summer, and it for a goocl season. But ta.ke it is expected that Local 3 member- easy- observe all safety rul1es Ol'l
ship will be called upon for more and off the job!
Welfare Prohlerns? Operating Engineers are, Joining J of 01>.eiatmg E~gme"ers Local .3•. 1s sho,\n. h~re wh~n bemg SW!)In mto
with other tradesmE;h _arid a strong a, new term . until l?o8, as presidmg comm1sstoner o~ Panel No. 1, Sta~e ] Ublic se,ntiment working for a I Industrial Acci~ent eo:nmi~sion. H. e has be,e~ on the commission since , . ,, '\.,.q
' "yes'' vote May 10th on 1951. Left to right:. Victor ' ~· Sw~n.s~n, busmess i~1~nage_r ,of Local 3; e re t I' 0 u r . the, .important Coyote · Charles Hanna, assistant chief, division of apprenhceshl11; Lawrence, -. Valley ~ese1:voir proj- , and Sup~rior. Court.Judge Vi\m. Sweigert. 1'Il41y labor an<l s~te officials ~ _ . , . ; 'od· : t . th R •., attended tl:ie swearing-in _ cel'emonies at the engineers' building , 474 ' \ Ve want to call to the attentioi1 of all members .cm f l ~
~n' -~he ~~[1~~ 1 Valenci~''E,~;- saii ;F!'ailcisc1foir:l\farcfi ' 3}, _ ._ :. ,:· · / '..· by- our Welfare ' Plans ' that they .should report -ANY, AND _wj}l. . ~e; t_l~e .. 'av'tho1'.j~at/6n ,: bf:';t h'.~:f '< · _: . . _ . . : · .- -- ·... ·, · ·-· -. . .. - . ALL CLAIMS, DIRECTLY _TO. THE TRlJST F~N? --~~ • counrv.·s · sl_lare In b1;uLchng tire ~20 ·,, .. B. A' . ,: ,:. . ' . " 0' 5 Ii) FICES. These offices are mamtamed solely for the aomm1s~
illi~n _federa: dam: .< . ,; .... · . . ·· ~a· . .' .g· ·ay··1fe.··Rate • . rat;J:1,· ~onr. Jtration of the welfare plans and are not connected \'lith the This 1s an impodani,· pi,:oJect to i ;l.' . -. 1, a !I .. it Mlf' . , A '+.. L l lJT · ~ ffi ·
• • · ,. - . - . · .: ,i . · · . · - •m 'atll · · n .,;a oca mon o 1 ces. . -So~oma, .Co,u1tl· _ ai1~ t,h~ ,Northtia~ I ~ , . . . ,,,p . , . Therefore, if a ·m em ber is cov- DO NOT RECEIVE SERVICE regwn. If. you live · m. that· area or B' k• b. · · t C t I I t · fron1 the T'r·ust F• ttt',d offir·es tl1Pn I ., ' . ,' . ' I ' o,!, . . a ered by a group insurance under- - -, :J:;':.r~0
t~e~;~:_.~n::,\;1:~;·1\,;:;r~o~ j . ri_iri(_.·. _1 . O· ,,.·.e- ll • . onris A :n ··.·,US• ·r,J written bv New York Life Insur- we ask that .you fonvard ,2: Jet ter · l '1..<tl '•L 8 6 f ~ "' , J ance c o. • he shoul d then address ' to th e Main Office of Local Uni0n * ~. ~ ,. S A 1 d C , · · · · all claims and inquiri es to C. ·w . No. 3 at 474 Valencia St., San
11,-1 Me":11101-·;a~~ .' out.hern ,. ame la, ounty and that portion of the Liver- NEY & co 4~6 \T I . Francisco, outlining in full the u, n~· , ~- H~ l . ed b h S\VEE . I a enc1a 'I ~ore Va le:y s1tuat_ et.wee~ t. e tow1:5 of P!.easanton a1'.d St., San Francisco' (phone HEm- prncedure you have taken and all
WILLIAM SALSMAN Livermore is the site of an industry with which the public lock 1-4417 ) . information pertaining to your Richmond, Calif., Mar. 21 '. is not too familier but one which is essentially the backbone , If a member is covered under a problem. The representatives of
ROLLA PATRICE: / of the construction industry. \ ' gr oup insurance underwri tten by ·the Local Union will be glad to Carterv il le, Ill., Mai:. 3o. I W f .. . · d "d . and the California Rock Company the Occidental Life Insurance Co. be of service to you and will see
E . L . HILL ·
e r e er to tne TOCK · san an ·1 . · . . t ·t t i t · · 11 · · t J
• \ ' vVhile these plants do not by any he should then address all c1a1ms ·o J · · 1a · you receive tu ass1s ·• San Leandro, Calif., April 8 gravel p ants m t 1at area oper- · · · t th R k s , ance from the w1;Ifare offices.
· a'L·ed by t'iie JC'Jenr·y J. Kaiser Com- · means constitute all the rock,_ san_d and ll1CJl!ll'les o e oc ·, ana ROY l\'I. ALLEN \ ,. d 1 1 t d & Gravel Producers Assn. Em-. 'Salinas, ·Calif., _April 10 pany, the Pacific Coast Aggregates, an · grave P an s a_n . q~aiTi es 111 IT US !l\iPORTANT THAT ALL
· : . . the geographical Junsd1ct1on of ployees' Security Fund,_ 25 Taylor M:El\'IBEJRS KEEP A R,ECOR.D OF · Operat ing Engineers Local 3, they St. , San Francisco (p hone PRos- THEIR TIM:E WORKED. This is
are three of the larger plants lo- . pect 6-0260). · not only required by your union cated in this area. . · • VVHE:rJ M:A!i1NG IN,QU!R-IES I by-laws ·BUT it is to your · own
, The first of these plants which I OR SUB1"I1TTING CLAIMS mem- personal advantage as ·it will tend . we will attempt to give you a word bers s])o,t!d not only . give their I to a void m1y errors in the compupicture of is that of the H enry J. , name, ~ddr e_~s. and Social Secunty I t ation of your hours \\·or :<ed in
Part of the unique 7,000-foot conveyor belt at Kaiser Radum plant, n ea.r • Live1:more, runs under the main highway ancl railroad tracks from the classifier into the main plant where ma.terial is' separated. This _ one plant ships 25 rail cars and about 4,000 yards by. truck,' each
.: day. 84. engineers are empioyed here (Pictures by Bro. Jim. Jennings of' the Oaklaml office of Local 3.) ·
Kaiser Companies, known as the numbe1 , but ALSO the name a nd connectw n with your stanamg m , Radum Plant. This self- address of thei r employer. IF YOU the welfare 'plans. ' contained plant has been in opera-tion for a number of years and is A •1 "i!j 02,. , "lit\'~ f} hga {' I.., g U.J ~ a plant ir1 which a11 phases· of the prt~ !<tm 'fO Jul;~ r U~t!C ,J(HOOiS weea{! rock, sand and gravel industry is Memories are one of our cher-represented in a close proximity ished possessions a nd time has a of one another. ' habit of painting even painful ex.
It consists or a hot plant which periences with a happy glow·. Cerhas been in operation since 1939 tainly this is t rue of our m emories and is capable of producing 85 tons I of scli ool days. Perhaps they were of plant ~1ix ,per )1our, a cement I it~dious at the time. Perhaps we
(Contmuea on Page Three) · did resent the lost hours at the
old "swimming hole" and the meticulous supervision of a teac he1• trying to refine our animal-like urchin ways. .. '
But now as we look back even • those of us who were most rebellious r ecognize that th ese were
(Continued on Page 12)
Giant plants in Southern Alameda ·county process thousamls of tons of aggregate daHy- the backbone of Northern , California's huge construction industry . This is a genera-I view of Pa.cine Coast Aggregates
Company's plant at Centerville, one of severa,l "PCA. operations. Eiiough ag-gi·egate storecl in these hills for 100 years. (Pictures lUld article Oil the rock-sa'.ndJ industry- by Oakland office of Local 3.)
ENGI~EERS' NE\VS Apr il 1 S, 1955
·" h t'·s 9
1ng • 1n the kland ·Area By AL CLEM, L. SOLARI, L. L. LAUX and B . BARR, Business Representatives
In spite of the fact that the month of Ma,,rch has been a comparatively mild one, our out-of-work list has been bobbing up and down like a cork in the water. Some days we have dispatched quite a number of men, but at the same tirrie an equal 11umber, or possibly even a few more, would come back on the list. · With all of this, however, we had a slow and steady diminishing of names on our out-of-work list. Many of the Brothers returned to their former employers, sdme have left the area, and still others have gradually been dispatched and assimilated to local jobs which are ,finally getting under way after a very wet ,vinter. The greatest number of persons who remain on the out-of-work list are the men who follow industrial work. Due to the slacking off of the work in the building program and the various refineries, we find that not only ourselves but the ironworkers and 1'nany other crafts are also fii1ding it difficult to put all their members to work.
Perhaps the only bright spot for I--------------
How About Blood? Hey, Brothers ! \"\'hat hap
.· pened to tha.t great start we made to build up a reserve in our blood bank? Seems to be working like our pocketbooksall going out and nothing coming in!
\Ve realize that ,vith work picking· up, it is a little L~1ore difficult to make an appointment with that good-look'ing nurse at the blood bank, but see what you, or possibly a member oI your family, can do. V/e are cons.tautly having . requests for blood,. ancl truthfully, we are getting do wn to the ' ·bottom cf the barrel." So how about it? the industrial workers has been Miller are working with the pi"e
the Fluor Maintenance Corp. at butts at Todd Shipyard for Pacific I o,ieum and the H. J. Ferg_uson Co. Bridge Co. The Bridge Co. has I mel was awarded three contracts, 01. Richmond, both of which have b · · the most recent of which is the I " . ,, . . . a out four months of work re-Lutn,~hed a number of Jobs durmg . . . . . . Escobar Street job in Marti11ez t he past couple of months for out bwld1J1g· Pier 4_ which will mclude betwee11 . h Sh 1 ·o- '
stringers, cans deck111 0- and pav- · t e e 1 11 Co. and 1nembers. ' ' · "'' Avon. Operators on this job are - The gravel pits also provide a ing. 1 Lewis Lively, Roy Thompson, Rus-b right spot, . with Rhodes & Jamie- sell Bates, Richard Avilez, Chris
Bro. Earl Baker dropped in to son recently having put a double say "hello" . Immel, Ervin, Ray Copely and Au-s hift of men to work. Conditions - and to ·Jet us know gust Paulsen. · i n the scrap yards have improved t~at the . Mar~hio, B~ker & Tre,~considerably due to the increased : hiH Co. 1s dm'.1g busmess and · will price of scrap. The shipyards and ? egm i:esurfacmg a port10n of the equipment shops have remained mdustnal . h I g h w a Y near Shell -about the same throuo·l10ut the Ave., Antwch. Bro. · A. Qualle is past several months. b t~e blademan and Ray Cochrane
We are certainly hopeful that will do the "monkey wre_nching." by the time this paper reaches Ma'.-ch10, Baker & Trewhitt have 'our members, our out-of-work list the!I' ?ffices_ and yard at the old will be back to normal again and l\farch10 S1hca Sand Co._ plant on ,.>Jl of our brothers will be work- 01! Canyon Rpad, 111 Ant10ch. They ·=ing · at their various classifications. are also opening a rock and sand
pit at the end · of Oil Canyon Road.
Gallagher & Burke Co. is ·start- -. ing the spring ·season with a bang Brand~n. Equ:pm~nt Co., Inc., o~
Another. company. going at full speed - this spring is the Transocean. Engineering Co., on their 4.4-mile-long freeway on Kirker Pass, .. Working with Supt. Pat Mur.phy on the . Transocean job are Bros. Glen and Don Bowman, Charles· Hooten, and Calvin Barnett. Louie Robert's and Ransome Company's part in this freeway is the moving of 547,000 yards of dirt, which they plan to do in 120 days. Local 3 m en on this portion of the project are Therman Smith, Arie Roberts, Dean Marvin, Larry Shaw, Richard Lundtoft, Clay Coffman and B. K. Miller. A total of 260 days should ·see con~p;etion of this freeway job.
vv"ith the purchase of two DW-lOs, I Haywara; is gon~~ mto the secona tw o DW-15s two Dw-2os four year of construc Lion on the Palma D -8 · Cats, t e'n pick-ups, a i;d last Ceia . Village housing project o_n but not least, a ne,v and f_ully Tennison R,oad m Hayward_. This _equipped grease truck which is pro;1ect is t_n~ ~randen Equ1pm~nt ·commamled. by npne other than ~0. S fi~}~; JO~ :n the constrUCl!On -Bro. Ernie Alameda. ·Bi-o, George field wit11 t,1eir,, own ~qu1pment "_lVIorcel, master mechanic at the They purch~se? a:ll new eqmpm_ent California ·' Building Co. is conHigh s,treet yai'd, is keeping the at the begmnmg of_ construct'.on . structing a high school in Shore eq\iipmeiit 011 the job and r olling The Palma Ce1a Village proJect Acres, Port Chicago,'· under · the w ith ti1e able assistance of Ken was ~tarted March 17, 1954, and supervision of Mr. Broman, genRishell .and Art Johnson. The hot the Job o~ 2,000 home\ will be era] superintendent. Contractors '.plant· crew at the Hio-h Street ard completed 111 March of 19::i6. Bran- are Al Rider Construction Co.,
. :has the plant cle:.neci up Yand den_. wi ll sp~nd $4_0 h:illion on thi s· C.J.C. Company of Pittsburg, Turtuned up ready for business-and proJect , which will mclude exca- rin & Sons, and Louie Dannels. plenty of it. Bro. George Ray is vat111g, curbs and gutters, rock for Operating · engineers on this job .for eman, Bill Lawrence is fireman, the roads, and the roads. The~e are Bros. Ros3 Wall.ace, Lee Du'2.nd Hartwell Ledbetter, Louis bro~hers, who hav_e worked on th1~ Bois, Burt Colle tt, s. P . Carrigan, Scott, Vic Baltahya i- and Fred P~OJect ~rnce the begmnmg an? Chuck Bray, Art Tun-in, Ernest Greathouse are . the boxmen. will contmue on the payroll unti l George, Duane Jackman, Ervin
Gallagher & Burke have started flext March on a 40-.hour · week J arvis, Han;ey Edwards and Lewis ,w idening Lincoln Ave. from the basis, are: equipment superintend- Rainey. The school shou '.d be finLincoln Ave. Children's Home to ent, K. F. Cline; foreman, C. W. ished in a year . -Iifaiden Lane Oakland a distance Clme; DW-lOs, Boyd Deaton, Tim of aboi.it 2,500 feet. Bros. Ge orge I Atkinson and Ed Miller ; D-8 dozer, F ranks and Ray Klein are moving Bill Conn; D-6 dozer, Ed Hart; 12-38,000 , yards of rock ·with the bl ade, George Gentry; mechamc, Model 6 shovel. Bro. Pete P eter- J ack Brown; grease truck, J oe son is on the blade putting the Riley, and roller, Lee Wright.
News Abou1 The Brothers ·artistic touc h to the slopes and
Bro. Les Chrisman is -the foreman. ·The company is putting the finishing touches to its Park Boulevard job, w hich w ill make the boule\-ard fou r Janes, divided, from E xcelsior Ave. to Es ta tes Dri ,:e.
Pipe Linings, Inc. has been busy 011 their job on Calaveras Dam Bro. Jack Moser is in the Kaiser Road in S'..!no] since its incep'. ion Foundation Hospital in Oakland, March 28 and plan to complete recovering from a double hernia work on Ju ly 10. Thi s project con- operation- w hich was pe"rformed on sis ts of laying 30,580 feet of 44- March 30. We a ll wish you a inch I.D. pipe with a %-inch lining speedy recovery and hope to see
A. J. McCosker's operating engi- of _concrete. . Their average is you up and about again real soon, neers are on the ball and pushing a~<JUt 600 feet per day. The? have Jack, .the wheels of progress with the a~out _100 days . of work . 111 all. Bro. J oseph S. Naimey has been -installation of a new radio com- I Opei-ating _the mixer for Pipe Lin- in the Oakland Veterans Hospital ,munications svstem. The lSO-foot 1ngs, Inc. 1s Br o. George A. J ohn. since last December 31st. Joe ,v iii antenna was-f;brica ted a t the shop Generator: c~rnpres~or and pump I be there for some t ime yet and .at First and Cedar Sts in Berke- 1 operat or is bro. William M.cMul- says it gets pretty lonely. Why .Jey and erected by Bro. Curley lin. "Doc" Kei~~ is super_intendent not drop in and pay_ him a visit? Toles; who ,,vill a lso ·install ·the six for th is Job, w1tn the assistance of Bros. Vince Hoyt and Haq-y m.obile units and one base unit. foreman Art Dussault. Buettner , doing business as Hoyt .Mobile uni ts will be mounted on & Buettner, Industrial Repairs-the equipmen t transport t he field Stolte , Inc. has the contract for Welding and Fabricating, have a
"'ser\r[ce t r.uck , mechanics; pick-ups, installing about 5,0CO feet of 66- new location. Their new shop is and . the foreman 's pick-up. The inch storm drainage pipe from 41st located at 22117 Meekland Ave., system will be in . operation in and-'West Sts. to Grove to 45th St., Hayward, phone LUcerne 2-9920. April a nd will . have a radius of up 45th St. to Telegr aph Ave ., in They do repairs on t r ucks, trac-50 miles. Oakland. Also included in this tors, and all construction equip-
contract is about 1,000 feet of ment. Bros. Frai,k Booth and Marvin smaller feeder Jines connected to Bro. J ack Anderson will have
the latge drain J;nes. his son, Staff S;t. Donald An:le r-
ENG!NfH:RS' N'EWS Managing Editor, V. S. SWANSON
Pcblished Each Month bv· Local Union No,. 3 of the InternatioriO:l Union of
. Operating EI'lginee?"s Northe rn Caiifornia, No;thern Nevada,
State of Utah
Office .. 474 ..Valencia Stree~ S;a.11 ,Francisc.o -~, Ca1ifornia
SQbscription. Price : $2.50 per year
Mail ail · ~8ws :·ilems Iri'~t.o ._.editor nof lc:ter ·q,a_n the .. ~th of· each month·, .·
Enier ed as Second Class Matter September 9, 1"943 , cit the Postofiice at San Fran cisco, Californi"a. under the Act of
August 24, 1912.
Bill Cole is superintendent on son, USJVIC, home with him for the this · job and working·· with him are next 30 · days. Don arrLved home
the f?llowing _ m_embers : NW" 1 1,~ - from hls secoi1d tour of duty in
yard backhoe, Jun Johns, Sr., 011- 1 Korea of 14 months on March 9. er, Al Abansino; . Bro. Paul Cr aig Aft er his lea ve he will re turn to
J is running the %-yard Lima crane Camp Pendleton where he will be I laying the pipe,_ with Bro. A. E. a1; instructoi:. ' Sanders as h;s 01ler; Johnny Costa Bro. Darwin Smith just spent a is running loaders doing the back little time· in the I{aiser Hospital, ·mi. Any mechan :c. work don (! on · Walnut Creek, where .he was the job :is ha.ndle.d by -one of pur treated for a broken hand. Dar-br:oth,en;_ at the Stolte ya1;d. .. wi~ vias -11ttrt whe11 workin o- 'oi1 a · . ·· · · · . · · ·. · . ddz~r. · ' · ':'. ·· '
One of ·1:he ' contractors \vl1o is · On equipment, m en: Be careful ! busy -at tire present time in Contra I "Think first ," and then be cauCost~ County is· Lee Immel. L11- tious-"anyon.e can get huet."
OAKLAND Those me~bers of Local 3 residing in the City of Oakland
have a very important appointment on April 19th-we are referring to election day.
The governing body of the City of Oakland, namely, the city council, will be chosen at the polls on April 19th. It certainly behooves each and every one of us not only I to a\;ai l ourselves of the privilege i of voting on that day, but to get out and see that our friends and neigh bars cast their ballots for the below-listed candidates for membership on the Oakland City Cou n- 1
1 cil. These m en are endorsed -by the _Alameda County . Votei;s League, I A. F. of L. ·
DR. GR.OVER H. l\iacLEOD. f
JOHN F . QUINN. I JOHN W. HOLi\IDAHL. We particularly u_1;ge each and
every one of you to cast your -ballot for Mr. John F : Quinn.-Brother Quinn is the present · chairma11 of I the 11.lameda County Central La,bor Council, an · ardent trade. unionist JOHN F. QUil~N who, at . the urging of many o{ his [ .. . . friends and co-workers has become I ern hotel. a candidate · for. membership in the 4. More recreation facilities, tt Oakland City Council. cut ju~·enile delinquency.
T he outcome of -this election will 5. District election, of e ity tcoun-have .a definite effect upon ,every cilmen. member of Local 3 living · in the Oakland area at the present time. It · w ill have a · definite effect on future construction work in_ the City of Oakland. The following_ ar e the six points which will have to be settled by our city council:
1. Urban renewal and slum clear-a.iice.
6. l\'Iore industry for Oakl'.'Jld. . Get out and vote on: April 19th
for these men who will make the best decisions ·for you, and who at the same time will be making th E:. best decisions for making Oakland a better place in ,vh ich to live . .
* * * 2. Solution of the transportation Many a live wire would be a
pr oblem. · dead one if ,it weren't.· for the :con•
3. Construction of a new mod- nections,
Report of Last eeting '
T he meeting was called to order at 8 :00 p.m., President Clancy pre-siding. Roll call showed _all officers present.
A Synopsis of the Regular Meeting l\Iinutes of l\Iarch 5 wa-s reai and by motion a.pproved as read.
A Synopsis ,of the Executive Board l\'Iin~1tes of Ma.r ch 16 was read and the acts and reeommenedations of the Board were by motion approved as read.
A Synopsis of the Executive Board Minute.; of March 30 read and the acts and recommenedations of the Board were by motion approved a s read, except that portion relati.ng to owner-operator equipment, which was referred to New Business.
Cards of thanl{s were received from the fainily of Joe Groom; the family of Russell Stillwaugh, and Mrs. Charlotte Shanley and daughters. Received and filed . · • The fo llowing Brothers were reported ill: Delbert Armer, John Ard,
Joseph Briggs, Gordon Braden, Dewey Basham, Ben Bilbo, Carl ·Beyer, \Vayn e Brogh ton, Marvin Collins, Iv.ol Cunningham, L. Caweiti, Harry Crummey, Harry V. Carte, Buford .. E . Dearling, . Hamilton Daire, lUa.urice Dadone, C. E. Decker, L ouis l\'I. Devincenzi, L loyd. E . Dixon, 'Leo cEly, Geo. E. Ellis, .. Raymon!-1 Eigholz, Anthqn.y ·Faria, .,John.- Gosmeyer, . F_red Griffith, Charles . C. :B;ardin, John B,· Holtz, Henry Hi,bner, Am;tin_. Hall, Paul L. Hein, 'Walter ,B.· Heflin,• Alvin ,Jon1os, Irving __ J .ordan, Rober t -H.ing, Joe Iiimmel, L~on Lally, B.ill ·Lauderdale, Verno·n . Ioancaster, Clarence i.\I .. McRae, l\'lich~el l\'Iiller, Victor lUiley, Jess)\'Ia,-,.:ham, H. R. Mag·uire, · James 1VI. Neese, Jose.- Nava, . Guilda .A. Ordway, RoJJert L . Parker, R, L . Patter-son, F.,ranlcPierson, Jolm T. P _erdue, E.venor. A Rocha., John E. Rogers, John, M:. S0t9, Lyman Samuels,on, Roy A. Sc.ott, Eh_ner J . Sudmeier, Roy A. Scott,. Edwar:d-,Sahlman, \ V,m, SalsmaJJ., _Geo. H .· Swinyer, E. L , Trautwein, F _red J .. Von .Roder, James P . Viclrnrson, Neal VVillingham, James ·winsky, Galen \Vright, Jess . \Villing")1am, Royal. \Vinfred, James F . VVafah, Wm, P . ·wal slt.
The ·.following Brothers "'ere .. reported decease,l:. R. A. Stillwaµgh, V'/m. Salsman, Rolla .. Patrick,. John -Ca~roll. T~1e,.m embership stood 01ie m inute _in silence in r espect,. to ,our .deceased _ Brothers. .
Roll call ·of ca11didates for. office ·in .. the co.milig election showed ah candidates . present.
The Business .Ag~n~s g~ve -.thei1· reports .which were-acc~pted as gi_ven. Under New_._.Business, the m!t"t,l,er , of · owner-operators and -· their ·re
quest that .no .oiler -be. requir.ed ,on, small equipment , was br.ought ,up. It wa~ regu_larly nli'ive4 i a11.;d ' ~e,co;1ded tl).a-t the Uni-on COUC~l!'.~.i'n, the reco.m1mmdation of the E:i,::ecutiye .Boa~d in th;i,t -tl~eir .reqµest .. be ,denied. and . they -be i11st:ructed . to -OJ);~ra~e .th.eir;, sq1~1l .. sqovels, . tr~nchin-g,:ina chines, . baqkclH>es, etc. wi,th , a~:i ,.ag11pp1t;ice ,a ~. ,reqµi r;ed . by .. Paragi;ap).1 ,.10, Section 20 .. of. .the currenp.cAg:reenrnnt wJth ,_the Associa ted -General Contrado_rs. l\'Iotion carried withi,F, ,,_vo.te of 24~ ye~ -a n .cl 8 .no.
Brother Franli; Lawrence, II1dt1stri_al . Accident . Commissioner . and member o.;' tl~e Port Con11nissi.01_1< of. ,-Sacramento, requested th.at the Union , e11dorse the P ort. Commission's . reqµest , f.or· a~propriati~;1s o'f money ,.from the Governmen_t -to 0pr,osecut.e the work on that pr.o1ect He also requ,ested .that Locitl N·o .. , :i ,,a1_1d . their -business .representatives in , the varioQs districts, increase., th~ir,. efforts .in . r espe_ct ,_to this_ project. His r emarks were well received ,by the ,met1,bership, , and. it. 0 was r1igularly moved .and seconcledJ;o-conc.ur in t.lie r equest-of Brother La;wrence, Carried. ·
,Under Good of the Order, Broth er Daxmy D.ees was permitted to take the floor _in ·regard to his · testimony before the Senate Investigating· Committee. He . read from the transcript, his: tesimony. ·
Brother George Simon was .granted. privilege of the floor, Then~ ·,bei1ig in/ furthe1• ·,ousiriess ·:to coii'ie '.befcfre ' ·the - •meeting, it
·adjourned'. ·· -.· ,· <.·,,
Respectfully stibniitted; O. F. i.\IATHEWS . RecorclingsCorresponding Secr etary.
ock Plants, Ba(kbone of Giant (onstr •. Industry (Continued from Page One) , Engineers on the •. Kaiser
plant, locate.cl on the same sit.e and [ Plant payroll. · a rod mill. which produces sand P.O. AGGREGATES
Radium are .at the .present on the j payroll. ,' · _ 1·0ALIF. ROCK COMJPA....~Y
P.C.A. f
from pea gravel. These operations I . Located not five miles from the Company 'also found it advan_ta- ·
In · 1932 the California Rock .
are grouped · around the main Kaiser Plant is the Elliott Plant · geous to build a rock crushmg ; crusher plant which is capable of of the Pacific Coast _Aggregates plant in the L_ivermore Valley. The · handling approximately 1,200 tons
Com!Jal1y Its . ope1·at1·011s s1Jr·ead original plant was a wooden struc-,f material per hour. The crushe1· . · . 1 f 5W B M over considerable area in the Val- tui·e which has since been entirely P ant is ·ed by a ucyrus on- reconstructed and replaced witl1 a agan which feeds the material to a ley, in fact, the · entire operation. steel building. This plant uses still conveyor belt which is 7,000 feet /contains three separate plants, the another type of equipment-a 54- , in leng:h overall. . . , newest and most n:odern of which. in. Gyratory Crusher. They average ' .. A umque phase of this operat10n was coastructed . m 1949 and 1s 80 tons of sand per hour and prois that the conveyor belt crosses capable of producmg one thousand I duce 3oo. tons of concrete mate-
' '1_enP..llth the .highway .and· ~he ma_in tons of 1p at_erial per bour. P.C.A. rials per hour. This firm, being .me of the Southern Pacific Ra)l- uses a1: ~ntJrely dlffer:nt metho_d somewhat smaller, employs only _road through a tunnel to the pit · of feedmg then· plant. fhe dirt 1s 16 engineers. Some of the old- : where th.e Monagan is work ing. ~andled by .a 5-yard Bucyrus Drag- timers on this job are Arn;lrew This one plant ships around 25 lme. Instead of the conveyor belt Casella, foreman; Clay Nelson, · ;railroad cars per day in addition ·syste_m they use a Monagan dump- utility operator, and Tommy Gillis, to from thre~ to four thousarw:;. mg mto Cobra Wagons to trans- , locomotive crane operator. Some vards a day delivered by truck to port dirt . from . the pit t_o _the 'j of the employees of these three , ,rithin a radius of 50 miles of the G~·1zzly. It 1s poss1bl_e that th1: fu·m , plants coming under the jurisdic- :
0p)a1it. Th~ plaAt works oh _a year- will soo n add to its operat10n a tion of the Engineers Union have rourid basis with a mmunun: crusher for the purpose of makmg been members in excess of 20 years, . amount of. time lost to the. mem- sand. ~ ·go~d portio~1 of_ the ·work We can say, without fear of con- , :bers -employed · there. At the pres- done 111 this .operatwn 1s handled tradiction, that in our visits to the ' ent _there are 84 _•n1,embers of the by the 49 members of Local 3 who Brothers employed by these va- ;
rious firms, we ·are always finding something interesting, . new and pifferent. In addition to the operat- · ing of the machinery, these plants ' have well-equipped shops where the repairmen not only 'repair and maintain the equipment, but are,/ _ often .called. upon ~o improvise and I
Th~ ·D-8 ca_t operator .at n:'aiser · ~adum Plaut i_s P,..rnold J'. Cook. -
construct new eqmpmen!. - Tins view shows the epd of the 7,000-:oot conveyor from the cla~sffie,r. These three gravel nrms have I · ·
plants scattered throughout North- From here it distributes 1nto the main washing , plant and is sepa.rat2d
ern California and we will en-1 info aggregates. . deavor in the next issue of the News to give you a run down on
. their operations as well as opetatiqns of"other firms in the industry.
We feel that with the phenomenal industrial growth of Alairiella County cQuple-d with the numerou_s housJng projects in the vicinity of these various plants that they aJ:e a very important part of the ·ec·o·nomy of this area. We certainly hope that t,hey will continue to operate and expaml and .thereby furnish
, t employment as well as _an ever-' . . I ready source of supply of aggre-
This is a · general view of _ the 0:usher Plant at the big _n:aiser ! gates for the building industry · in Radum Plant in Livermore Valley. (PIC. from Oakland office, Local 3.)
t;.,; . a
'.This view shows two Bucy:r~s rigs feeding the fast.moving -Euclids at th; Pacific. Coast Aggregates Company -gravel pit. These giant rigs a.re manned
,~s are .. . .
* * ~
awarded to 0. W , Van Cleave, P. 0. Box 1933, I,,afayette, for construction of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, City of Walnut Creei{ for year 1955._
PORT CHICAGO, -contract
I awarded to Plant Bros. Co., 1168 '
, Battery St., S. F ., $152,175 for re- 1
I habilitation RR barricaded sidings 1
1 and regrading emba.i;rkments, etc., , at Naval Magazine, Port Chicago. !
BERKELEY, contract awa1·ded to William Dinwiddie, 1411 Josephine, Berkeley, $24,932 for sorority house addition.
SAN LORENZO, con tract awarded to Samson Const. Co.,
10831 MacArthur Blvd., Oakla-nd, $126,656 for const. of convent in St. John the Baptist Pabsh.
ALAMEDA, contract' awarded to Pat Barkely, 620 E. Taylor, Sunnyvale, $2,850 for const. -of sanit. sewer lines at U. S. N. A. S.
by Operating· _ Engineers, employed in ,th6> Southern
' I I ·
with several hundred Alameda county plants.
'I ( ~
Shown here is a portion of the 7,000-foot conveyor belt at Ifaise-11'
Raclum Plant which feeds from the classifier to the main hopp·er ,;,f
the washing _plant. 8,000 tons per day can be put through the c;assifit-1r. This is the fi;:st washing of the pit run a.t the classifier. The operatoF ,;,:,r~
the classifier plant is Cha-rles Drohare, and his ·Oiler is Stanley Ra.tJn,
bone. -Charles M. Watt is . the mechanic. There are 15 other mecha1r1i,er,;
in all at the plant" (Pictme from Oakland office.)
1\'Iusclcs of steel and rubber combine to ·move 2,000 tons of rock i.!IJl
eight hours. Operating Engineer Harry C. Lefever and Oiler Franik F. Ormond are here operating.· a 5W Bucyrus six-yaro draglin'e ·b'-!ck,,t at the big Kais~r Radum Plant, near Livermore. (Pic.,by Gakland.office,)1:
'_ , ' ( t . { ·~ .1 -·. J , J r . ..) ) .
EV ·Job ·· Pick~up. Slow In.Fresno By. H. L. "Curley" SPENCE aud JOSEPH "Joe" Il'IILLER, -Business Representatives_ By G: L. MOORE and J. D. MONROE, Business Representatives
In our last issue we were looking forward to Spring to Dod~e Consfruction, Inc. have R-er10 Members:
1 are hard at work in the cuts with .
~ 011 tl1e 13 B L d' D · arrive, thinkinba work would start up but according to bids all of their equipment 1 .rothe1·s Antone un m, · enms miles of highway, eas t of Fallon, Rowley, Larry Guisasola and Don being let and information received by this office it seems . the Nevada, off Highway No. 50, con- U~l[t Ci~r .. f .~{'.· ~~.~\q~Ji Gordon operating the electric pull s, work has by-passed this area. We a:re havirig wonderful necting with Highway No. 95 south, ~]...,!;lJ Lh;~ i!'!J.l.J l'l'f~~JU~ and Bros. El wyn Peter son, Eldon weather so we cannot blame the weatherman for the lack of a short-cut through Fallon, south. H · d w I h Bailey, Tim Heidrick, Wesley 1 T f 1 . t ()wae\"1 \ 0 nston Marx, A. L. Crip•)S, and Walter wor <. hel'e ore t 11S news repor I Mr. Verne Wilson is the super on · · · !'i · • · ' F cl ,,_,1_·1_1 be quite_ b~ief a_s ther_e_. is ve,_r.:.Y_
, ar·e .m0,,1·n~ back to the coast, tl · · b d b 1· J · · ~ · ~ " "' · ·: Cr ipr)s on the cats. Bro. J. I. • or . ~
us JO an e ieve me, 1e IS a littl e new to report. Gramte Construction have started dirt mover. Bro. Jack Chate!le is lakes hi s share of rock, too, with W d 1 b' f t' .,
the scra1Jer. Some of these brothers . e o have qu te. a it o _ac ·1v1\y I black top Of).erations on their Jayne t he grade foreman, and Jack really t1]] g·o111g on at Castle Field All" c G ld came from the State of ULah with s . Avenue . job at oa!inga; era
keeps the rigs moving. Such broth- W. W. Cly, de, and they are "rear- Base with additional contracts Brewster finished up 011 their grad-ers as Bob Ellis, Gene -Akins, Ray being let from time to time. At the I ing and .rn~ving their equipment to Mil!er and Jim Street are on the in" to dig into some of the great .
1 f ll . t
Si! ve i· State soil (check ine- · to see present time t 1e· 0 owmg con rac- 1 Salinas. · electric pulls moving in overdrive , - tors are '§iisy on Castle Field: L. D. Folsom Co. were awai'de ( ·~ · th' J if it is as good of grade as Utah ). .
IL there is such a . mg on an All i·oking· aside, thoug·h, this is a Peter Kiewit Co. and Frederickson a . contract of $21,898 by the Cit:\> electric pull). However, these elec- & Kasler "'tolte Inc Clarence d ·
swell bunch of fellows and they < ' ~ ·, of Coalinga for ramage construe-tries really move the muck with
1 will do a fine i'ob. . Ward Construction, Slough Con- tion -at the Coalinga High School.
these four brothers operating them. . struction, Bethlehem Pacific Steel, ! Gordon Ball and t he San Ramon ·Nr tl t d · d'f"' t f ' Over in El y· , Nevada, Foley Bros., I ow · 1e ca, sprea 1s I reren · or Dallas Wilson Trenching, Hess & Land Co. were successful bidders t he following brothers are a little Inc., have completed their contract M R l C t f . d Sh .
at t he two shaft jobs. Kennecott ace, us 1 ons ruc 1011 an. aw on a job at Fairfield and will not slo wer, but they get the job clone. Copper CorrJ. is expected to take & Estes. start their paving at Delano unt;-You know old slow and easy wins c Q 1 c f [ l l f ll Tl
W over· the production a:rran~ernents oncrete ...,upp y ompany o ate summer or ear y a . 1e·;> the race or sonie such saying. e ~ M t·11 h ·t b' f · ti k I al·ound the 16th of Apr1·1 . The erced were awarded a contract Is 1 · ave qui e a it o ear 1 wor :find Brothers Art Allen, Carroll . I l)r·others. 011 the J'obs completed the of $57,971 on additional work at to do. "Bud" Berg, Rod Kelly, and Arnold I F l · l t
construction ahead of schedule an d Castle Field and also were low John erry crus 1mg roe { a Odermott, Ray Seibert ·and Bill. b 'dd t th D' · p t ·11 d l ·t b't f were · highly praised· in a telegram I ers on a contract o e 1v1- or erv1 e an 1ave qm e a I o Martin holding down the cats. · f rr· h f "'164 3~3 f th t ,. l 'led t Par from the Foley Brothers officials. s1on o - 1g ways o "' , ;i or · e ?,ggrega e ·SLOC '- p1 a •
. The outstanding blade rnen for Many o! the brothers will remain 11 bridges and 0.7 miles grading. terville for the Gordon Ball job at .Dodge on this job are Brothers I 011 the job and work on the Ken- Stolte Inc. were ·awarded addi- Delano. James Smith, Link Harris and Bert necott payroll. The many brothers tional contracts on Castle Field Baldwin Construction Co. at :Roark, and they really rna:ke every- there have done a great job for Air Base, one of $426,083 for Lindsay will have finished their thing nice and smooth. Brother Foleys and were very satisfied with hangars, access roads and parking highway job by the time this goes Ted Johnson and Tom Taylor are HOWARD JOHNSTON the job in the past two years. Some aprons, and one for $184,097 for to press and presume they will spreading the grease, and Brother Talking about the l\'IiJ!er outfit will probably pull out for other buildings. · move back up north. Ed "Squirrel" Jones is back in his b . . IJa,rts of the cou. ntry, telling others M. J. Ruddy & Sons will start . Frede.rickson & K
1er at P
old stamQjng grounds of Fallon a9d rmgs to 1.11ind a fact and_ ~ m~n . d . 1
h f t R th to lay hot stuff Monday on their ville still · have a 1tt e wor { e , that . all of you brothers hvm.g m of their dee s m t 1e s a ts a u , . _ . . . . .· a .
busy keeping the Dodge .equipment Reno should remember, BROTHER Nevada. We have sincerely appre- Plams~urgh Road Job ~ut of Plana- back fillmg bnd,,,es and clean u:i; -.ready and rolling. HOWARD JOHNSTON THE MAN ciated the fine cooperation and da, broug~t back their hot plant work. . . .
At the Dodge Construction, Inc., FOR MAYOR OF RENO, NEV. joval attitude found among the I and have 1t all set up and 1:eady Eato~- &. Smith have m~ved ,111,
:Iron Mine, out at Lovelock, Nev., Tl . 1 t · . , I hoistm 11 the BDRM and brothers to go. S. E. Boyd Company fimshed I on their Big Stump Road Job out . 1e primary e ec 1011 is c,ose, now, e , · ·h . b . 'th h H bb f B.. c k h ,· · t k·-·.with Bro. George Eckman as gen- M 3 1955 d' I t' b. ti , around the shops who were work- t e1r su contract w1 t e u s o 1g ree , a, e six ca s wor
-eral superintendent, is really ma:k- Lat; ' t. t -tal n els go,t 10 1
~xrs,; 1·ng i'th Br·othei: Geo roe Rood Equipment Co. on the Madera ing on the grading. It will be some e s ge o 1e pols; pu our w o · . . .• 1 • 1 ing progress with the iron ore beside Brother Johnston's name They are all a splendid group of Fnant Can.al a1~d have moved th~n I time before the! can d? banbytc ean
operations. Brother H. W. Pardick . ti . d" fello a11d arl excellent ere," for rigs to R1vers1de. Hubbs Eqmp- up work on then· ,road JO e ween and see to 1t mt he 1s our can 1- ws ·, . T and Charles "'Gene" Shoffner are da ii I Gener I Election for the· Shaft Construction jobs. I rnent have about anothe.r few Hunti~gton and Sh~ver Lakes. he taking care of the loading opera- te
1 t le a . weeks left to complete their con- 1 Phoenix Construct10n Co. from
1 d d Mayor. 'We need him; he'll W'ork ISBELL IN RENO I tract. . Bakersfield have the paving on this_ t ions at the roa ro.a loa ing· for us and for our interests in this, nmps. Bro. Ep Barrington is dig- Back in Reno, Nevada, the Isbell Gene Richards Paving Co. got I latter mentioned job. ding the ore out and G. Quilice is our city. · Construction Company is well sta,rted on their paving job on We know the brothers are anx-oiling for him. Bro. JVI. P. Eschin- Who alse could we hancl the along with their four-lane highway, Highway 152 (Pacheco Pass) out ious to hear about the Mammoth
reins of government to with com- B J ger is on the crusher breaking fid . . 1 t west of Reno, with rother I. . of Los Banos and expect to be I Pool project. No word has been
pJete con ·e:ice 111 their · 10nes Y T b 1 d 1. d' · · b 1 Th' · d h h' · b ·11 the iron ore so that Brother T. C. . . -1': . 1 r o ler on t 1e rag- me 1gg111g through 111 a out two wee rn. 1s receive as to w en t 1s JO w1 "Alabama" Bottoms and his oiler, and mte~rit ·'. and with t
1e fee
111; the drainage ditch, and Bro. Lloyd company is also busy on their Clin- J start and Bechtel Company ter
Bro. w. v. Berger can load the that he is with us lOO per cen : ·1 "Blackie" Richa,rds is on the bcj.ck- ton Avenue ov,erpass at the north us they do not know either. m'e into the trucks. Bro. Perry \Ve need Howa.rd Johnston fi°1 hoe. Brother Al "Boots" Potash is end of Fresno, and have started' * * * Thomsen is on the dozer keeping Mayor of Reno, and we are ! le doing the finish work with the work · on the moving and setting . everything cleaned up and pioneer- only one_s tha~ can do
801~1etlun~ blade, and there is a bladernan that back on their Abby Street Freeway OUTLO·O· ··K·
-ed for the shovel operators. Bro. ~bout this. Lets vote :,01~ 111111 ' fel is hard to beat. Brother Victor, job. Also doing some paving at the · · · / AT Miguel Pantoja 'is greasing the 0 \"s, and all of y~u a to your "the Groaner" Lambert, and Bro. Fresno State College. 1 1 ·
. neighbors and friends. Brother R 1 h "SI' " C bb . St kt C t t· C . RED. DI.HG GOOD "'quiprnent at the Dodge Iron Mme · 1 a p 1m u erness are on oc ·on ons rue 1011 o. were " . . ~ . ' Johnston ms had ten years ex- . . . . r· .and there is one of the best oTeas- . . ' , d I t the electri c pulls. This Job 1s really awarded a storm sewer contract . : . :
. 0 penence 111 Reno s eve opmen . · ,· d h · ·
ers in the miniJ~g industry. Lots of I He has ·had ex erience in meet- movmg ught along .an soon, : e by the City of Fresno for $33,?51.76 .. -experience behind the boy-and
. ti bl" P . ' . Biggest Little City m the World, I across the D Street Freeway. I B E A· HE;;;;TER . . , . mg 1e pu 1c, an experience 111 "R. ,, .1 1 fi · I · · · y · · "' Mike 1s a fine fellow to work with. d Iii 0 • ·th ti robl ms that .n - eno,. w1 1 1ave .a ~ts 1ed four- Guy_ F. Atkmson Company h~ve Business R,el}resentative lLOVELOCli ROAD JOB ea
1" wi_ le _ P e . . ca . lane highway commg m from the about 50 per cent of then· pavmg . . .
Silver State Construction Corn- come ~Ip 111 busmess. He is mtcr- West for all you jolly tourists from job done on their highway job at With the ram hol dmg off, there ])any, or rather Andy Drumm, Jr., ested 111 the f~turc of Reno; not sunny California. the Visalia Y and wm move their ~as bee.n a good deal of work goi s "slinging" muck on t)1e Love- con~ent to shde along on past Out at the East Second Street paving crew up to Fresno to do I~g ~n 111 the Cascade W~nderland Jock, Nev. road job, and the broth- glones or. p~rformance_s. And mo.st Isbell Gravel Pit and Hot Plant, their freway .job at the north end distnct. The \.'-:0:·k conditwns ha~e -ers are busy -as beavers. Brothers of all he is mterested Ill ~hat will where Bro. Bill Boegle is super- of Fresno. ~hanged much smce our last wntRenry "Hank" Kiechler, Marvin be!lefit Reno and the reside!lts of intendent and has been fooling Quite a bit of subdivision work mg. We contmue to have a num"Timber" Renken Oliver Sullivan Reno-You and 1 · · · So, Jets You around crushina a little grav.el and still going on, with Petroleum Sales ber of. members on the out-ofand Joe Armas · dn the super C's, and I all vote: I just putting in l1is time during the Construction; Saginaw Construe- work .list;. howeYer, from t.he way ·the dirt has to fly. Although these VOTE FOR BRO. HOVl'ARD win ter months. Now, however, I tion; Marvin Taylor; Kovick Bros.; the situ~tion looks, "'.e. will soon brothers move a lot of material, JOHNSTON FOR MAYOR OF quick as the sun starts shinning W. M. Lyles Co., and Dallas Wilson I be needing some additrnnal h~lp they can't do the type of job they RENO, NEV ADA, and the Ilfayor and the work starts, Bro. Boegle Trenching. sue~ as blade, cat, _a nd T~ub_be~ Ure are doing withou't the outstanding for us. takes a month's vacation and goes I Valley Paving Company finished I equip~nent operators. ere IS n_o j ob performance of Bro. Leonard -- to California to take a rest from their paving job on C. E. Mose- questwn tbhat the fwo:-k outlook is
and Clifford Syth keeping very the winter's hard work and to visit man's road job at Rive_rdale and goFingdt~ ke go&odwrorn now on .. Ellis, a super C specialist (other . , . . . . re ric ·son atson are gomg Ti~s, too). Bro. Ed Howard is on busy tryma to keep warm and th ell" !11s relatives. The gravel pit and I f
11 bl th B H'Jl f ·
~ "' · . . . 1 , . . . . . 1 u ast on e ass I reeway t he backhoe and Bro. Da,ve Howard backs to the wmd. Brother Lollis ~he hot P ~J1t are stil( there w~1: - have the Lagrange Link Belt back~ job north of Redding. The . firm
':i.s chasing _the pulls around with Wilson is repairing the "rigs" along bmg1• for you, Bro. Bill, so hurry hoe out at . the new disposal pla:nt . recently submitted _a low bid
011 t he DW-21. That sure looks like a with the efficient help of ·Bro. Lee ac '· . . . being built in Sparks, Nev. How's the Stillwater Creek bridge and :fine rig along side of a super C, Drewery. Bros. Paul Willingham To the George ~nfal: .outfi~ and the hunting, Bro. Dale? Hear quail approach at $5?,?77. They were "but who knows. a:nd Hallie Pfeifer . are doing the Bro. Al Par.lanti _1'.1 par~icu]ar. -~1; are in season. Bro. C. L. O'Coyn~, also lo.w bidder on the Hatch
Brothers Dave McEvers, Bob blade work after the "rock men" I can say 1s sorry, sorry, sorry. after a short siege of the flu 1s M t · d. · b · ·"'555 555 M ffi · · ·t . o.un am roa Jo at "' , . Nelson, Ray -Lambeth, and Nathan move out. This' has been a rough Y, 0 ice gll"l says the ~ypewn .er back to work for Lagrange. Bro. · Piornbo Construction Co. grad-
George are doing the dozer work job because of the weather, but the cant spell, and I guess I rn a .po~r Ed Duncan is the only man left ually is )11ovina in a little equip.for A. D. Drumm, and I must say brothers will feel much better in a proofrea:~er. All we can offer m out at Empire, Nevada, on the L.a- ment on theh".' big job · betweeri.
· t.hey are also doing an excellent week or so when the good old defense is · a~ leas~, '~; began the grange job there. Just about · but- Vollmers> and Larnojne. If weathe1; job. After the supeF C's a:ncl dozers Nevada sun begins to shine. Don't last name with a P . _I offer ~Y toned up out that way. Lagrange· conditions . continue there sho.uld _get things stirred up, along comes cuss me, brothers, it has to get apologies, Bro .. Parlantt,. and will Construction is moving right along. be a Jot ' of actiYity there in the .JBrothers Al Montrose and Bud better, sometime. not call you Piretto agam. Every- Bro Bob Williams "The . Sand- very near future. Koepnick on the blades to smooth CLYDE CO. AT ELY one seems busy ~ro.JJnd this. outfit. man,'; on Highway No. 40, west of Also over in Lassen County,
· 1:hings out. Brother Joe Benbow is W. W. Clyde Construction Com- Bros. Cal Scolan, Ed Gnadig and Reno ha a new front on his sand- Claude C. Wood of Lodi was the "the fix-it man and keeps everything oany will start paving their road Al Parlanti all ha:rd at it. See you pit ~ow s that the Isbell crew is successful bidder' on about 16 miles run11ing, and Bro. Ray Travis pours job at Robinson Summit, nine fe!lows h~ve_ a new ~~ce tnc\~ard moving dirt out there .on their of · resurfacing plantmix ·project'. "the grease into the "rigs" to keep miles out of Ely, Nevada, and many 0. repor 111 on ·Ietz e a~e. four-lane job. Bro. · Bob and Bro. The job is situated between Stone t hem rolling (friction free). With of the brothers will be busy with Mlghty fine for an up and commg House are hard at work. · No Ranch. and Salt Creek, the 1,oad ·aij, the cooperation tha:t these the gravei and hot stuff. At W. W. coiitractor like Bro. George Grifall. sleeping around this outfit, even that· leads from Adin to Susanville 'brothers give each other plus their Clyde's job a:t Carlin, there are two Congratulations. if they are sandmen. The bid was $214,711 . . efforts, Andy Drumm Jr. keeps his shifts going strong with several The health and welfare plan BFo. Paul Brothers, who. oper- J. H. Trisdale, Inc., Box 779, .jobs moving and gets them done. brothers on each shift. There will under the Associated General Con- ates the big GEM Ready-Mix Plant Redqing, the successful bidder on
Stolte Bros, radar station job, be a lot of rock to move on this tractors for t he brothers in this of Geo. E. Miller on Ea.st Fourth, the Red 'Bluff and Corning Canal ·with Schwartz Construction a sub- job, as it goes up the canyon from grea:t Silver State of Nevada has in Reno, won't . have quite so much job, submitted a low bid · of $474,<:ontractor, at \Vinnemucca, Nev., Carlin to Palisade, Nev. The first gone into effect as of April l , 1955· work to do now th&t the weather 710 to the Bureau of Reclamation. -.is climbing up the mountain, and mile is in a nice, level pasture, but Full details of the plan will be is warming up. He. won't have. to Baun COJ1struction Co. will be .18ro. Buster McKelby, the foreman, from there it is a rocky, steep rug- printed in a later Jt;sue. keep the boiler going · to keep moving up from \Villows socin tQ is keeping the brothers mighty 'ged eight miles of new road. I am SPARKS PLANT everything warmed up around the their new job at Proberts. Clem-
·busy. Wind or cold, the job must very sure that W. W. Clyde will do Lagrange Construction Company, plant. Bro. John ·Livingston· and ents Construction Co. haS, started go on. It is a steep, rugged climb a _good job, though, because he has better known as Johnny De- the Busch Brothers have th~ir preliminary work on their job at io the top of the mountain , but the a very fine hard working crew of Lagrange, "The Little Man," is hands full keeping the GEM mix- Los Molinas. They should be going ·orothers will get the1;e in good men on the job. Bro. Park Grif- doing fine. Mrs. Mabel Lagrange ers running along with their other full blast within another week or time, especially with Bro. Donald fith is keeping everything in work- has been promoted from office repair work in the · shop of Millers, ten· days. ,Gowin putting the stakes out ahead ing order with his box of "monkey assistant to yard foreman. She Brother J. E. Burney and Brother Plenty of work is shaping up _of the 0oys. Pulling the cans wrenches." Bro. Chris Guldager has nothing but trouble from Bro. Vernon "Peewee" Galleron, the for ' the coming seasdn and I. shaE afou nd with a load of dirt are will be seen very hard at work Sam Wauchope, the· general BDRM two outstanding welders . of the be looking forward t o seeing many Bro~. Val Salvador, Douglas Be- with· the blade the smooth, oh, so foi.· the "Litth! Man'." Brother Pete · Miller. Company really keep things new -brothers shG\yhlg . up_· for
~ard, John Coswell, 'Gene Thomas smooth work. The cats arid pulls Ferretto arid Bro. Dale Morlan still ·welded up at this establishment. work.
7\:pril 15, 195·5 ENGr'NEERS' NE,vs PAGE FIVE
. GETS E Rl Y ST Rl S By \V. Y. MINAHAN, H . § . CLARI{ and E . M. NELSON,
Jos Area n rk
Bus-.iness Representatives who donated to our blood bank I Due to the very light rainfall during the month of March, this past mon,t11_: Harold L: Peters,
th. d. · · · l · t· ·t h p t· ll Mrs. Ada vV1lkmson, Marshall J. · 1s 1stnct 1s s 10,vmg ac 1v1 y everyw ere. rac 1ca Y every_ White, Mrs. Frances White, Fred employer has called back his regular empolyees and has E . Lacert, George w. Crogan, and begun to put on new hires. If the weather c:ontinues we should ! Marv: n R. Russell.
"s:;ee our still large out-of-work list decline considerably by the Again we"remincl you to obs~rve
Business Representatives ' . . . ' all safety rules and regulat10ns
-) middle of Apr11. \,vhile on the job. Ahvays keep in \Ve are pJeased to ·report that a great number of tl1e The state, cities a nd countiES pipe from this tunnel to Cam'no, mind that a life may depend upon Brothers have moved off the out-of-work list as the. demand-
have let considerable work to date, a distance of seven miles, also will your observance of these rules. for operators h,as increased greatly the last few weeks. which involves highways, schools, be finished early this spring. Remember, 'this office is open sewers, and buildings of all types. P iombo Const. Co. 'has about every Thursday evening from 7 to The State Highway Department will open bids on four The subdividers have also begun completed its freeway job at Plac- 9 for your convenience. laning approximately 13.2 miles of Highvvay 101 on April 13. to work on se\·eral new sites in- erville. A few weeks of clean-up * * * The job extends from Llagas Creek to the Y south of San Jose; eluding housing from 10 units to should do it. Thjs company is I Lane and Walsh Construction
about to start its road job at Ap- HAWAII SETS c · · · . 1·,500. This should be a .boom year 1
t T h 0. t ire . tl e . _ _ _ . . .. .· _ I Company will start the new San $70,000 job of constructing storm for, heavy constTuction. ·p ega ·e. oo mu~ m is l 1.11 1 . Jose Disr)osal Plant in about 10 · drainage ,facilit ies at the U .. S. Naval
A. Tiechert has moved on their fills has held this jo~ down ' to_ date. days and will keep about 10 opera 0
A_nother JOb com_mg u_p will be I TUNNEL JOBS tors busy for some time. - Post Gi·aclu. atg ~-chool in Monterey. Roseville freeway job are are go- at Placerville, which will be the . E. V. Hampsl;lll e was awarded a ing good, with Brother Ken Fox . f f 1 1 5 miles ~ L. C. Smith Company on the Los I $100,000 contract for the construe-. R · d · h pavmg o our anes, . , • . . and Brother ,ay Austm orng t e through the town on the new free - Gatos freeway are now em~loy111g tion CJf barracks for _the Navy. superintending and gaffing, respec- wa ·. This . project has already By J. K. WAIWAIOLE a.bout 28 of t_he Brothers. T~1s con~- M.G.M. Construction Company tive.ly. Teichert also has the Shin- be:i
1 advertised. Another job to . _ B usiness Representative pany _expects to g~ on a shift basis has a. small water line job for the
gle Springs job about st~rtecl start will be between Auburn and The. t~rritorial highwa_y depart- I as soon as Swenson Company com-, city of Monterey which will las~ again. · Brother Oran Cobb sits in Newcastle 011 Highway 40_ This ment w1l_l open bids May 19 for pletes the work on the box culvert. about ~ month. . · . t he driver's seat on this proJ·ect, . , con t · ct o f t t I el l s 1 bd' · · G 11 t Co t t l t t ·-" shpu ld be about · a m_ ill ion clollaT s r u .. · 1 . n o_ wo unne s, an . e~era n_ew _su 1v1s10ns are ra 1 e ns rue 1011 1as s ar eu. with Brother George White doing job. Sti·ll anoLlier will be on High- connectmg _bn_dges, on the n ew startmg up 111 this area and gen- paving on its two subdivisions iii: the ramrodding. way 50 at Fre3h Pond. Nuuanu Palr highway. _ erally the work outlook is. ,very Salinas after being held up all win~·
A. Teichert a lso were low bid- The longer tunnel, about 1,000 good for this time of the year, with ter. ·They are still working on their ders- on the Mather Field and Mee :HERE AND THERE , feet, will go uri'cler t he Pali look- most of the local contractors hav- sewer project on the south encl of Clellan Field jobs, , and are p1'0- WITH THE BROTHERS out. The. other, · ~00 feet long, wm ing work lined up for the summer. Salinas. gressing rapidly to elate. They are MEL KELSO back in town; be through a ridge on the Kailua J enecke will resume operations George Brewster of Avenal has contemplating the start of a con- CHARLES Jo H N so N checking side of the lookout. Bridge con- on their La Honda Highway job begun work on his subdivision locrete pour on Apdl 2nd which will parts; JACK CARWIN wotking on \ struction will connect the tw9 , some tim2 this weel5:. However, cated near the Rodeo Grounds in keep that crew going about six .a shovel; CARL BAKER watching twin.-lane bores. This project will I there is 1ut much work left on this Salinas. He is bringing in thr·ee 20's weeks. This company also has a crusher; BENNY ELLSWORTH I hav~ lll) USuaHy close supervision project other. than ~he real hard and four Cats from his0 job in San
·small er ·projects· going throughout ·o-reasina a 120; BOB WAGNON · every step of the way. rock which will reqmre the use of Joaquin Valley. this district. ~utting"' street ·s ; LEE YOUNG Hyde Forbes of Palo Alto, noted a shovel and a few trucks: C. H. M ·.eman of Redwood · City
)v'.lcGil!ivray Construction, Brigh-_l grinding bits; VIC GERHART run- tunnel engineering geologist, ~ade i Valley Engineers and E . ·r. Haas was awarLib, the $1,500,000 job near. ton Sand & Gravel, J. -R. Reeves, . ning a _ hancli-crane; BILL GA v- a study and report ~r: the bormgs are making good progress on their King City. This job will keep a and all the _9ther contr·actors are RILKO checking in ; JACK SHAF- made at the tunnel site _by Sa~~on two water main projects out of good number of the Brothers busy showing signs of an acute case of FER getting certified; BOB SOR~ \ & Smock, a Honolulu test clrillrng Woodside and Stanford. al] summer. - ' spring fever. They are breaking ENSON putting up a rotk plant; I firm. One of Mr. Forbes• recent Another huge subdivf.,ion . has Fifty-four miles of telephone line out al] over with new jobs and f RAY COPELAND welding; BILL . projects was the very· difficult just got under way west of Wood- is scheduled to be let the miclcl .e of
···hangO\iers from last year. Lentz COOPER working _on swing shift; [ ~roadway tunnel in San Fran- side and exte,nds to the Skyline. the month. This. will start at .Camp, Const. Co. has added several pieces· DEWEY SCHREINER having cof- c1sco. This job will involve quite a lot of Roberts and extend to· the Salinas of equipment to its string this fee; MARVIN . WITHROW gassing
I The Kalihi (Wilson-) tunnel is equipment. Bahr & Ledoyen wi,ll River at ·Soledad . .
year, which makes a healthy con- up; FRED SALAS all over town; still a controversial issue and no do the grading and paving on this The Fadel Construction Company dition .for our out-of-work list,. MARVIN REED readying a tran- work has been done since it was - b of Hollywood has about a · month.
u. P. K. Cf!. , contractor on tte sit; JAMES MOUNTNEY heading I closed. Mayor BlaisdelJ and Chief JO Stanford grounds · are still very and a half left to cornplete the Elvas and Rose\·ille freeways, is for the club room; MANUEL I Engineer Vannata of the City of active, showing a new Dormi tory, a roads and Chesbro Dam .at Morgan: in the finishing stages of these WAHL going to Esparto ; BOB · Honolulu want its present con- new Sc.ience Building and the huge Hill.
' projects. Last word we had was JINKERSON visiting Placerville; I trnctor (E. E . Black Co., Ltd.r to Stanford Shopping C1;nter, with PERSONALS that they should be sold to tte BEN s HIN N finishing grade;,! fimsh out t he work. The Board of the well-kno,vn contractors L c. We are happy to report that Bro. State in about a m<;:nth. PETE CONNER sloping; CARL Supervisors is somewhat hesitant Smith, E. H. Bean, Dinwiddie Cen- Don Wheeler, who is recovering·
Gr'[)nite· Const: Co. ·has startEd GENTRY cutting blue to·ps; HAR- to go along on ~uc~ recommenda- struct1on, Wagner Martinez, 'vV. P. from a heart attack ·is much im-, its Stockton · JillHl.,~· Highwa,y 40, RY ALLEE checking in; CARL I t10ns a.nd 1s we1gh1ng the re_com- 1 Goodenough, Baht ·& Lecloyen, Wm. proved, but stil l confined to a local job again with Brother Art Root PIRTLE · heading for the tall tim- J menclat101; __ of consulat!1t _engrneer Radtke and Williams_ Burroughs, hospital, also Brother Wyman wh D'supervising and Brother Ted CO2( 1 ber; HAROLD ECKES v1s1t111g the Peck on fumg. E. E. Blac~ _and of- working here. has been ill is up an.cl soon will be
,doing the shifting. This company office; 1:-0Y BELL looking at tug- fer1:1: th_e c01~tract to, _ fimsh the Oscar Holmes was the low bidder able to go back to work. We were , has subbed the dirt on this proJect ger h01sts; CHESTER YOUNG- tun.LI to other contractors on the on a nice little ])ridge job 011 the glad to receive a •letter from Bro:. to the Los Gatos Const. Co., who BLOOD running a Hopto; DICK m_amlan? who are . rr:ore familiar west ern end of the Stanford prop- ' ?· A.. Pans who has_ been wo~·.kmg; have also started the rigs pushing GRAY looking for trenching work; with soft clirt tunnelmg and who I erty for approximately $90,000. He I 111 Mrnnesota all wmter. He says. muck . Granit e Const. als'o has LARRY MERCIER back to Fol- also have used the electro-mos,is has three Cats and a No. 6 North- that the wea_ther has. be.en extreme-
• .leased the American River Sand som Dam; BILL EDWARDS. run- ffiethod of drying up soft mud. west in operation. Peletz Construe- ly cold and will be glad to get back & Gravel Co. holdings and startEcl ning a concrete lining machine; Oahu Construction Co. received tion Company were the low bidders to California.
· a complete o,·erhaul of al] facili- BILL DONALDSON · working on the contract for the new Nuuanu on a nice undei·ground job in this * * * ties. They are pulling up a hot High Street; JACK WINGATE Vall ey highway section from Coun- same locality for about $50,000, ! .CONCORD, contract awarded to. plant and setting in crushers for sloping streets; WHITEY ADAMS try Club Road to Carter's Corner, with Brother Clayton Davis as the Joe Sobotka; P. o. Box 1074, Con-
. · d' ]'ft · I LONNIE DUBOSE a distance 0£ about half a mi.e. all types of materials mclu mg 1 mg roe<; 1 ' ' super. cord, for building additions ,and nl-concrete aggregate. Brother Mac- batching; FRENCHY GUZEK call- They submitted the low bid of Joe Brady of Redwood City has terations. Donald is in charge here, wi'th ing in; ROY SCARBROUGH sign- $323,688· started his big underground job for •.:.:f'ft rrn:rr:o 1, i 111 11 1 LUJ Brothers R. E. Stowell , Bill Rei- ing the out-of-work list; PAT Kaiser's John Ena project has Callon Const.ruction in East Palo ber, Jack Richie, J. c. Lawley, CALLAHAN getting cleared; BILL been stymied temporarily by local Alto. Aaron Mills, Andy Peroni, Bob STANLEY testing for uranium; government and other big business Sondgroth Bi'others of Mt. View Kelly, Orville Herr and E . H. BERT (vVrist Watch) ATKINSON interests on a problem regarding have started on their new subdiviRichie making up , the res t of the driving a new Chevrolet; DOC the development' of certain water- sion .in and around Los Altos and crew. LINDSAY a two-Cadillac operator; front are~s around the . site. . Sunnyvale and have moved their
Johnson, Drake & . Pipe1· were HAROLD HUSTON dropping by Th_ere. is now bott.led · up 111 the I Northwest 80 into th'eir quarry low bidders on the fish hatchery to say hello; DICK WISE ovvner Terntonal House a concurrent with Brother Guy lVIattingly at the
• at Nimbm, \vith a bid of $457,852. and driver of a new pink P ;ym- resolution, No. 14, passed weeks controls. This firrn evidently is an-We should see some pile driving outh . ago by the Sen«te-the sole pur- ticipating a banner year. · here in the near fut,.1rP. . vVishes for speedy recoveries go pose ,of which is to give the Terri- Williams - Burroughs were just
Ben C~ Gerwick
.\Vharves - Piers - Bridges . Terminals - Foundations
Submarine \York
ll 2 M(jrket ::ti·eet Scm. f.r:.mdsco 11
Phone SUtte; 1-7 1 Q:i
Elmer Wendt. contractor from to the following: Lou Novi, who tory the opportunity and power to awarded another nice contract in .Rio Vista, was iow bidd;:-r on the r broke two ribs in an encounter settle this entire matter. Stanford to the extent of $820,000 American River levee, at $466,635. with a slope and a bundle of Hawaiian Dredging Co., Ltd. has for two more c16rmitories' dining This· will also be under way ty stakes; Blythe Pierce, who had an I completed its little dredging job hall and wings. ; I H !-I t ·1 I , I I l ; , I I I i I:OT'Oi, the first week in April. This fi rm encounter with an electric po';ver at Kawaihae, Hawaii: They con- vVork in the southern section of will do the st ructures an,1 Cecil line and was hospitalized for a few template a return of t he dredge the district has picked up . in the Hulse, from V{ooclland, will handle days; Kenneth Keithley, who is in I W. F. Dillingham, now in ' south last two weeks.· Granite Construe-the mucking. Sutter Hospital with gallstones. Japan, _to Ha\vaii if no other work tion has started work 011 their [
Baldwin Contracting Co., which Congratulations to: Brother Os- , closer is available. sewer job at Vv'atsonville after has the paving of 13.1 miles on u~e car Brandon and· wife upon the I . fisher Construction, Pacific Con- being shut down during the winter Roseville freeway, has its bi,g port-. birth 0£ a baby boy; Russell Davis struction, and Walker & Moody months. This firm has several other able roe'' l)lant set up in the mid- and wife upon the birth _of their wili co-venture a $6-million proj- 11 · b · 1 · ,-. sma JO s 111 t 11s area too. dle of the right-of-way. and will baby boy; and E. I. Schlottman I e_ct in Guam. This is a housing McDonald _ You.ng anq Nelson be r_eady to roll as of Apr1·1 2. This_ and wife upon the birth of their \ project .for mili_tary personn, el now I s f have started wor < on the new a e-plant will be moved three times in baby boy this rast month Could on the island of Guam. A few key - W t -11 . ·J • -1· _· • , a· ,' men 'may be taken from the Ha- way store m a sonv1 e. the course of this opera1j_on. There be . t nee utire en"'111<;e1s. .. . . . _ . Brothei· I"hil Calabrese has begu n are approximately 40,000 tons in- Congratulations . also to Brother wauan Islands but the ~1aJonty of work on his two subdivisions in valved here. Brother Bill Stanley,' Otto Van G~1·der, whose Beagle . th e labor will be by native Guama- \ Monterey. Brothers Hunt Zimmer-who is in charge, has promised us won a charr.p:onship in San F ran- , mans and others available on the d C .1 C . ' ·t·h B · . 1 d e man an ec1 0111101 s w1 r.o. a picture of this operation for our cisco recently.
11s an · · . . Wright as foreman are workina
\'fire - Rope
S piicing· and Socketing
1 .L\gen ts for R.oeblings Blue Ce~1ter l-
All Work :Made to Order [ Guaranleecl and Insured ·1
6GO Addison Si'reet L
rier!dew, Ca1if. ~ l Tele11hon e .\S,1be"1·y 3-3"'"-: i • • . • ,.,.,... .j_
--.----· - J next issue PERSONALS -1
The NLRB has finally with- 11 . . t 'B C l b· "' · · d f . . . d' . on t 1s same proJec . ro. a a rese , T he constructors of Folsom Dam Brother Joe Gant, equipment . rawn . rom some its Juris ict_wn also ha·s the gradino- and paving on I [l al·e V'ell on the ,1·ay to complet1·011 rental a11d la11cl Jevelina· call Galt m the islands, especially those 1m- 1 _ . '." ~hey' have shipped most .of . theil: 2802. "'' plicated in building and construe- two school Jobs which were let last Bl 'KE BROS co equ ipment to Seattle for a nother Brother Denzil Strone·, e:radi1w, t.ion and the hotels. Theil' West week. p · · t 1 tl - A - · ' .' l
~ ~ - A. J. eters have s artec 1eir • ~ , dam job. This year will see the oiling, paving, etc.; call Locke- Coast representative is in town to I encl of th,s p1·oj ect. The Jake be- ford 5. try some of the cases that have Producers of ' , hind the clam is risi ng by the hour. Brother Chet Ball, foo tings, been processed prior to thei;: deci- open up in the secoricl half 0£ this r There will be a ro:t cl aroui' d the trenching, leveling, ete.; call IV sion and also to. look into other year. Asphaltic Concrete - R-eady-Mix
; entire · Jake, with plenty of boat- 9-0187. cases that -were filed after their Organizational \VOrk for mem- C
1: r 1 .. . oncrete & Quarry Products .
1 ing, swimming, ancl aIJ types of Brother G. vV. Lloyd, blade· rent- decisions were made on coverage bership is still a ve1·y c.ermiate sports. al; call Marysville 2·-0314. . I or not. ~roblem for \Js as w~:l as otl:er I f
.'ur , T: E . . Connolly Co. has .resumed Brother Dean -Ketcherside dra·0 -- The general construction picture orgamzatwns here affiliated \VJ th , !?. O·. Box •1002 Rich:m1:11'Jd• H . t hree-shift.operation on the tunnel . Jines, backhoe; clam, etc.; c;ll WA for the . island. is a t ' a very ,. low '[ the AFL.- It is: h9we.er , ·a b os_~! · ·ff ,
at Sly,· Park, Another month "will 5-0244. ·level at present, although there- t.o., our morale rn know that some 1· \Veste1:11 Drive . BEacon -2..:."Hi93 (f · see this -project c_o1~1pJeted. Engi: BLOOD BA.J."'l'I{ · are con templated projects ln the I assist[)nce ·is . to .be fol't)icoming · t n·eeri-ng · Con·structors, . who laid · tl:e Sincere thanks to · the· foHowing . millions oi doJlars scheduled to from the vanous Internat10nals.
--"'-, /
April 15, 1955 ENGINEERS' NE\VS PAGE . SEVP1\T.
ore Stationary Engineer Reports Monticello Dam·, Travis Air REPORT Foot-t se: Spark Nort ay l)is . id .. REPORT . f ROM.·
OAKLAND By H. 0. FOSS and FRANK LAWRENCE, .Business Representatives
I · Monticello Dam-Peter Kiewit & Son, two 80 Northwest By S. E. SMJTH By HERBERT H. SIMS .
0 B. · R t t· shovels diggin~ for erection of coffer dain, working two sh1'"'1·ts. By R. E. McCARTHY I Business Representative ! • usmess epresen a 1ve ~
Busuiess Representative The following contracts were Excavating and pouring footing for gantry trestle. Water in _ I During the three years I have completed during the month of the river has · been diverted through the tunnel. It will be
Visited the 'National Ice Co. in been activelv associated with Lo- March: Manasse Biock Tanning Stockton, chatted with the men I cal 30 many. complicated problems Co., Kahn's Department Store, some time before any concrete will be poured into the dam,
t d as there is so much preliminary awhile, looked around and spot e have been presented. Maintaining Ice and Cold Storage Industry of work to be 'done yet. a flashy convertible. · It looked like our rightful jurisdiction is a never Northern California, and the Linde move to different pastures, the
··a rose among the thorns compared ending chore. Negotiations of con- Air Products Company.. · Stephen Stolte, Inc., Gallagher better this office will like them. to the rest ·of the cars parked tracts with a wage structure which The following contracts are in & Burke road job up above the Shamrock Material, new conaround. Found out it belonged to assures our engineers of the high- the process of negotiations: Owens- dam lost very little time on ac- crete batch plant, hiring two enBro. Hurt; think he is trying to est possible wage, in fa.ce of the Illinois ' Glas1;, Company, Air Reduc- count of rain, and they have been gineers and- looking forward to a make the rest of us jealous. ever increasing living costs, is a tion Pacific Company, Stuart Oxy- working about 40 to 45 of our great year. They have four new
Visited Bro. Hans Petersen's shop constant battle. Establishment of gen Company, Pacific Oxygen Co., brother Engineers. The other end trucks now, and more going into at Gustine and noticed a very a satisfactory welfare program is Consumer's Yeast Company, Uni- of this job was to have be~n let operation· by April 15. .
-peculiar piece of machinery being a new and complex problem, due versity of California (Berkeley some time this mfnth, but has I Fred Jensen, candidate fo1· coun--made up. Bro. Peterse11 explained 'to the constant increase of hos- Campus), University of California been postponed to so.me future I cilman in San Rafael, became a that on the overhead units for pitalization, ,x-rays, laboratory and Hospital (located in San Frands- date. · father on March 5. Mr. Jensen refrigeration of moving equipment doctor's fees. co), and the Baker's Club of Oak- Parish Bros., Harms Bro~., and formerly was associated with the a platform was needed that could However, the wage ra·ises re-: land. Gordon IJ. Ba]l have gotten starts firm of Jensen & Pitts. Bros. Ar- . be · moved up or down , or in or ceived by the engineers ·since the Letters r~garding tl~e _opening of ed on their job at Travis Air · thur Bresnan, Melvin Piorp.bo and out; and this piece of machinery amalgamatio.n have been in excess contracts for nE:_gotiatwns have Force Base, constructing parking Raymond Pjombo announce. the was the answer to it. These engi- of the national average and in ex- beei:i sent t o. the following com- .aprons, etc., at a cost of $3,576,149. formation of Piombo & Bresnan, neers down · in the valley have cess of the majority of increases in pames: Washmgton Market, John There are jeeps, cats, dozers, 'shov- formerly J ensen & Pitts, in San come up .with . some good ideas, this area. Brother Fitch has had Morrell Co., Hansen Ice Company, els, cranes, l'ollers and what ·have Rafaei. 'vVe note they· did n0t due to the fact that _ _in order to Independent Ice Company, and the you-\vorking like a _colony of have the "union bug" on their many years of experience, so his · t work on special equipnient, they Fox West Coast Agency Corp. bees. Dave Otis is· the master mind announcemen ; however, we wish . assistance and advice have been in-have. to use their ingenuity in get- Last month our "Out-of-Work" on this project, with Rutherford them much success. They have ac-
. valuable, and it ·has been my pleas- I J . . ting: their' work done t he easiest · list showed 32 men unemployed, as. his assistant. Gor.·don H. .Ball quired Bro. oe Faustme as .then· ure to serve the membership to the
_way. · I · for one want to ·congrat- b b . but I am happy to report that since will do all the cem.ent . wor.k ~nd operator. . · est of my a ihty. H bb · d l ·· 1 ulate ·Hans for designing this piece then•, through the cooperation of has moved the pavmg eqmpment Bro. Orville u ar 1ospita •
oLequipment. To keep ~bre~st of the present the Chief Engineers and the man- onto !he project, with a crew as- ized on March 15 in San Rafael· Visited the . Blue Seal Creamery labor laws is. ?1fficult- beca_use of agement of various concerns, this semblmg equipment; also have a General Hospital. Bro. Steve Gif- .
at Atwater. Not finding Red Coc1- the man~ add1t10ns and rulmg? of "Out-of-Work" list has been re- brand n ew batch plant laying fen broke his ieg, according to a lon · in his usual hiding places, I. the N~t10na: Lab? r. I:,el~t10ns duced to only 16. Our goal, of there ready to be erected. report we received March 21 . . Bto. made a tour of the plant, just Board 1~volvu~g the. Jun~d1;_h0 n. of course, is zero. Parish Bros. will be aouble shift- F. D. Bird suffered a heart attaclc insp.ecting things in general. Ap- the engmeei~s m va,nous maustnes. On my "Let's Get Acquainted" ed on their Petaluma job as this recently. "vVe hope that by the parently Red can take a hint be- Our apprenticeship program has td'ur, I have now visited 94 per cent i·eport comes off the press. They t ime this edition goes to press, the cause I see he has a file case now advanced considerably through the of the plants in the area. we·i'e successful bidders on exten- above brothers are · well on the -and it looks like his papers and cooperation of management and Have You He.a.ref ! About Brother sion of freeway. Approximately way to recovery. . . catalogs were in order in fact it our members. There is still room Mel Sevey's recent ski accident? -700,000 yards of shovel wo1:k and Our congratulat10ns• to Bro. Bill is beginning to look lik~ an engine fo1· ·considerable work in this field, You will be happy. to learn that ·one-half million with · dozers and
~vans, with Raise~, who was marl'oom. Congratulations, Red. In but its continuation will assure us the crutches are thrown away and cans-rubber. Also pinched off ned on New Year .s E~e. addition to keeping his engine of qualified engineers for the he is again rea.dy for action. 3 %-million Travis Air Base joint All brothers -callmg m to the ofroqm offic.e in t>rder, Bro. CoulOn future. Also, about Brother E. J. Patter- venture, Harms & Ball. So high flee will .probably miss Irene, who was elected to the Stanislaus Cen- At the present time there are son's write up in the Oakland gear these people for 1955. was our secret~ry for ~he past tral Labor Council as a delegate only a few contracts in the proces~ Tribune on Sunday, March 6, 1955 Our old friends, Stolte, Morrison f_our years, leavmg the .i:;r:gineers from Local 39. I told him several of negotiations, hut the most diffi- issue; along with a very fine pie- & Knudsen, $122,224.40, Travis Air to become house manager for years ago that if he kept hollering cult one is the bakery contract, ture of Brother Patterson checking . Base-tactical facilities George LeFevre, a prominent bus-d th. · d th t h 1 b' h · b · · t· t d · · tl o c J · · inessman .in San Rafael. 'vVe ar.·e o 1s, . o a , e wou d be p·.1t w 1c 1s emg nego 1a e JOll1 · Y the boilers. This was a very inter- . . ones Skaggs is for Navy, to work. Now it's happened . for Sa,n Francisco and the Bay esting ·article and I never realized $15,759 resurfacing. very sorry that she has resigned
F rom t he vote taken at ,Modesto Area. that the U.C. Campus Steam Plant Carey Bros. started United Rous- her · position, We know we will and Gustine meetings on special produced and distributed approxi-· !ng, Corte Madera, conti!'J.Liing ~n 1:1iss ·her, b~it ww do _reel ;lial:_.Ter -call r egards to the acceptance or the Executive Board member am mately 1,600,000 pou·nds of steam Terra Linda and other subdivi- 1 r~ Haa~ will m.eet you_ a.I with a re~ection of the proposals from the I asked, "Why don't the members every 24 hours d uring the winter sions. Three S's and TD-24 added mce. smile and try to give you the Milk Manufacturers Assn., it looks of Local 39 up in your district months. to spread recently. -Bro. J. Clay, se~v1c; tt'.h1c~ ha~ b~en extended like it is behind us f.or another .exercise their rights and vote Remember-if at any time you pushe1;; Vern Croker, master me- ou O 11s ° Ct'
111 t 1e past. year. when they receive their ballots?" are in doubt on any matter per- chanic. · J * * *
At the special call meeting held The question is hard to answE'r'. ta ining lo Stationary Engineers, Norcal Excavating with some IC - o In Sto.ckton, the employees at the If the members in Galt, Lod.i, please call your Union office. 20's, etc. for hire, fine equipment. onstruct1ol!i1·, McCormick Creosote Plant voted Stockton, Tracy, P atterson, New- Phone GLenwood 4-6811. Bro. · J. . . . Ii that a committee of plant men man, Los Banos, Merced, Atwater, PERSONAL NOTICE D. O'Connor owns this spread. A d work with the business represent- Turlock, Hughson, Modesto and We wish to extend our deepest A. G. Raisch starte~ on pavi~g war S ative to set up the demands for Ripon don't feel like voting it sympathy to the family of Brother Waldo. Have somethmg new 111
the new contract, which looks ·certainly is an indication that they Ernie McEntire who passed away c.ement treating plant for base, de- SELMA, . contract awarded . to good so far. don't care how the Local is ad- recently. - .signed and built by Bro. Bill Rus- Lewis C. Nelson & Son, 2915 Mc-
It's nearing election time for ministered or by who~,· let's sur- Brot·· her · McEnt1' i·e 11ad bee11 a sell and Sandy Mills, the master 1 f f Cal , Selrr:ia, or construction o the officers of Local 39 and every prise everyone and au · of us vote member of tl11·s Un1·on for· a num- mech . Corners stuck together by · · commercial bmlding. 'time we hold an election, I as this time. ber of years and had taken a wit,h- Bro. Ray Pyle. Quite a job! Go-
drawal card at the time of his ing to put out 3,000 tons per day, McCLELLAN AFB, contract
REPORT FROM retirement tiu·ee years a"O'o from and that's something! awarded to Stolte, Inc., 8'.\51 San
B T B Leandr·o, Oakland, $132,268 for the National Ice and .. Cold Storage ro. ony rabo buying new
equi t d b const. of ADC group utilities on · Company. He had 42 years of serv- pmen an usy as usual.
S f M C ff base at McClellan AFB. ice with this firm, which we be- ame or · 1 c a rey Bros. lieve is an outstanding record. Paul Vincilione starting agam SAN FRANCISCO, contract SAN JOSE, SALINAS & WA TSONVlllE
By RICHARD A. CBRISTIAl~SEN . Contract negotiations are still
taking place with the hotels, dried fruit industries, and · ice and cold storage plants . at Mountain View, C.entral Ice plant in San· Jose, and wfth the ice plants in Watsonville and Sal.inas. Negotiations were. concluded· and offer m ade by the San J OS~ . district accepted on ·Mm;ch . 16, .1955. Also, contract wi.th Crown By~Products Co. and Garden City Pottery consummated and sign"e·d. . .
Our A,pprenticeship. Tr at n in g Co.mmittee held t,vo meetings during. the month of March and an additional meeting was set for April 6. Some progress has been made.
With respect to hospitals, will state that while no contract has
· as yet been consummated, progress toward this goal has .been made. ·
Some calls have come in for men ' and they have been supplied. Prospective applicants are plenti-
,.. ful. However, a close screening seems to be necessary as qualifications are being strongly stressed, which. not only include. one's mechanical ability, but the fact that he .must be sober and of good character, and -in addition thereto they .s.tress . the fact- that younger mep are desired. · ..
T)11i Administrator of'the Sali~as lVI,emoriai. . Se;:vjce .. ,Hospital has be~_n __ p:rese.nJed , ,..,,,.ith , a ._request for
·-....__ad3L~Stment . Of. \\'ages, etc., but to
_ .Business Representative date no reply has been received. A recent visit to the plant gave the indication that perhaps additional personnel might affiliate.
May I most respectfully request that all members be certain to get their current ··dues up to date an d, if possible, the dues for the quarter ending J.une 30, 1955. Not alone 'for your protection, but to enable them to .have the privilege to vote in our June 1955 election. This is very essential and all members are urged t~ vote. This is your organization and in time you will receive ballots · showing thos.e who have been nominated and are eligible to be elected. So please don't fail to vote. '
Have attended meetings of the Central Labor Council, and of our Executive Board, and a meeting of the Business Representatives of the Pacific Coast. I find that considerable good is derived from. attending these meetings. I would also urge members to write their Assemblymen in behalf of our Lice11se Bill No. 787. Ask them t o
* * * Lar:{spur · way on large housing awarded to Ransome Co., 4030' proJect. . Hollis St., Emeryville, $17,602 for
All local contrac ors up out of replacing interior and installing mud-looks like a big season. new exterior steam ·and co.ndens-
E. A. Ford~ Co.. no.t too busy. ate return lines, · B-ldg. 134, S. F . Been ,missing a few on close pitch- Naval Shipyd. ing. See Bro.' Tuso, the old Ukiah FRESNO, contract awarded to
By A. R. OUGHTON, boy, is still with 'em. Volpa Bros., 233 Nielsen Ave., . Business Rep1·esenta.tive , We are slowly but surely catch- Fresno, $3,458 for r esurf. ' Hamilton
Agreements Open: Be1,cut-Rich- ing up on a ' few o{ the "phonys" Ave. betw. Van Ness an!i -1\Jary . ards Cold Storage C.ompany, Air .who ~re neglecting to pay the St., Fresl10,. Reduction Pacific Sales Hale Bros . • Welfare. The sooner these people EUREKA, contract awarded to Store, Weinstock-Lubi; Co., an·a · M. W. Oldham .& Harold P. Hast-Reno Brewing Company,. Reno, is taking over at Bercut-Richards ings, P. 0. Box 546, Lakeport, -$6,-Nevada. Cold Storage Company. 565 for installing drainage facils,
Agreements CI o s e d : Senator Cerl Larkey has left Betsy Ross at various locations in MENDO-Hotel and Milk Manufacturing Bread plant and is now at Made- CINO COUNTY. -Plants. Rite Sausage Company. EL CERRITO, contract awarded
Sick list : Herb Hedrick, :f'red Brother Harry Bowman is retir- to Carl Overaa, 620 16th St., Rich-Britton, Kenneth Thomas and ing from a job well done at the mond, $93,666 for addns. to 'Castro Harry Thamert. Forum building. He has been a Elem. School.
Withdrawals: Gustav . Steinbren- member of the union since i918. KENSINGTON, contract award-ner, Anthony M~U'engo, and H·arry He was formerly chief engineer at ed to Carl Overaa, 520 16th St., Bowman. the old Buffalo Brewing Company Richmond, $83,920 for first unit of
New Members: Louis Griess, and and president of old "210" for Kensington Hilltop School. Martin Kostner. about 12 years. Take it easy, Harry. RIO VISTA, contract av.rarded .
B1e·ssed Events : A couple of We agree with you that you have to H. F. Lauritzen, Box 470; Pittsprospective new engineers arrived earned yo ur retirement. burg, $15,426.40 for r eplacment of at the hemes of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- I hear Gus Linneman has a ne,v Dolphin Pilings at Decker Island ·cis Bunker and Mr. and 11/Irs. J ess ambition - trying to wear out a and Rio Vista Storage Activity.
support the same. vVilclhaber, Jr. · 1 new Ford. I've been told he spends HILL AFB, UTAH, contract The Salinas meeting will be held Around the p I ants : Howard quite a bit of hi s time off on the awarded to Montgomery, Corn-
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955, at the Shamp, who has been doing a swell road ·enjoying himself. wall & Parker, 319 Ness Bldg., Carpenters Hall, 422 N. Main St., job as chief engineer at the Sen- Just another reminder! Ba.Ilots Salt Lake City, $164,108 for const. Salinas, Calif. ator Hotel, is leaving there and will be mailed out in the near fu- fire station, crash and str.uctural
San Jose meeting. will be held Tony Tm is taking his place. Geo. ture to elect new officers. PLEASE building. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1955 .. Carden is taking over at Wein- MARK YOUR BALLOT, PUT IT i BEALE AFB, contract awarded . Nomlnation for your Executive ·stock-Lubin Company where Bro. IN '·THE ·ENVELOPE P~OVIDEDI to·.w , K. Kendall, 1073 ·J;udson Dr., · Board delegates, Central Labor Trn was employed. ·AND ,i\'fAIL IT, BACK. 'Tills IS Mt. View, $20,883 for const. of a ·
.C0uncil; a11d By-Laws Committee. Beother ~ayne·Smith _has moved YOUR iJ_NION. PLEASE .VOTE ! ·- \ .commm1!ca.tions repair and ·se:rvice . Please attend. to a state Job and · Martm Kastner .. Be ·Seell\g you around the pla.nts. \ stock btuldmg. ·
SAN MAT EO COUNTY, contract award ed to L. C. Smith Co., 1st ai1d Railroad, San Mateo, $1,975 for storm drains on El Camino Real betw. San Marco Ave. an d Santa Lucia Ave., in San Bruno.
During the past two weeks ,,ve were pleasantly surprised at the amount of work starting, the clearances we are writing, Schedu,· 1e err MeetifiiiS for Constrndfon, tanf,i Co.. COALINGA, contract awarded t o . · ~ ~ , Larsen-Ratto, 1901 Hedges; Fresno, and also the new jobs that were let. s .... ; @ G I n O tf v··· u . . $73,258 for const. of Presbyterian
w. ·w. Clyde has begun his job on Highway 40 from the . anu 4Jl rave , urcm • te ,~~inf!Sv. , nro . nmmm Church. ·
Colorado state line west toward Jensen, Utah. Mack Olsen is Corporation, Kennecott Copper Co. SAN FRANCISCO, CO l1 tr a Ct
the supfr on the job and has a good crew to back him up, Constmction, Sand. and. Gravel m embers, 2nd Thursday of each month, awarded to MacDonald, Young .&
I · Q N 1 Ch t Fl ct" H ld D lt d Nelson, Inc., and Morrison-E:nua -· sue 1 as ue e son, - es er . an ers, aro · a on an E ngineers Hall, 1969 Son th i\lain St ., Salt Lake . City, L" tah · l · · · Th t sen, Inc., 351 Gal iforni a St., S. F ., n1ore, too numerous to n1ention at t 11s wntmg. ey exp~c Construction, Sand· and Gravel members, 3rd Tuesday of ea.ch month, $5,213,162 for separation stnicture .. to · start the crusher with in the Labor Temple, 165 · \Vest First N orth, Provo, Utah and' -road · work beh\'. s. ·F. -Oakland next fe\v days and should be tak - I fo r bids on about April 19th for Constmction, Sand and Gravel m embers, 3rd . Friday of each month, Bay B;'idge at 4th St. and· Main S i . ing a few more operators. The the construction of runways and Labor Temple, Ogden, Utah MONTEREY, contract awarded· company has a . bunk house set up.· supporting facilities on Hill Air Vit ro .Uranium Comp:my, 3rd Thursday of each month, Engineers Hall, to Joseph Fratessa, P.O. Box ' 23,' on the job-site: but the meil a r e · Force Base near Ogden. This work I 1969 ·South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Monterey, $l19,942 for additions t o' eat ing at Artesia, Coto ., w hich is : will consist of apron extensions, Lang, Company- All Called Meetings motel tit Ocean and Mission Sts. on I y a hop, skip and jump from blast epads, warm-up aprons, pri- Cedar City Iron 1\Iines, Thursday, i\lay 5, 1955, 8 :00 P. lU., El Es- BERKELEY, contract awarded~ th e job. I mary r unways, taxiways and sta- ca.lante :Hote.l, .Cedar City, Utah to Joseph Bettencourt, 1015 $an::
Olaf Nelson also started their bilized· overruns. l{ennecott Copper i\Iines, \Vednesday, Apr..il 27, 1955, 1:30 P. l\I, and Mateo Ave., San Mateo, $382,750. jolJ at T ri dell, Utah , which is jitst Additional work is also sc heduled 3 :00 P. ii i., Civic, Center, Bingham Cany.on, Utah t'or canst. new gym for Garfield':
a few miles out of Roosevelt. They for bid during April or May on the Schndule ·of S'ate Dt\~d MoetiIVaS Jr. High School. h ave 3 D. W . 15's on the job w ith following work: ii; l!.I, i " flw ~ . Iii~ , the ne cessary cats and patrol and I
1 N . ·l
1 . . . , , Cedar City State Road ,vednesday, i\Iay 4, 1955, 7:30 P. 1\1., El Esca- STEAD . AFB, NEV., contract:
one backhoe . Thev expect to work · ew gu s . coimitoi:i at Uie lante Hotel, Cedar City Utah. awarded to McKenzie Const. Co .. ,, thi s job on. a 60-l~·our basis. I ~ tah State Agncul ture College at Uintah Basin Area at R.oose
velt Commercial Club. \Vill notify each shed 1560 E:ietzke ~ane, Reno, . S182,l9.0, T here are two new jobs to be . 01a1dd't' t tl R 1 El by .mail of da..tei . I for const. an·men's service clu_b,
Je t in th e same locality One will I t · S h1 i~n. 0 0 1 · oc' emen- All other .State· Road Meetings will be Called i\Ieetings. with ext. utilities .
be from Bone ta to Ta.biona Jct. I ·ary c oo m g. en. . DI~<\MOND SPRING:.o, contract, 3. Resurfacrng of runway and - . ·ct II L J ·d P l and the other is a Bureau job near , . ". . _. .
0. • • F d G ·tfitl . b k . 1 h awa1 ed to - . . or · an, · easa11,t-. _., . i ta""'1 stups on the Q0 clen Mumc1pal re n 1s is ac 111 t 1e os- have to wait and see, maybe hope Valley Rd., Placerville, $6,048 (wa -;
Ti ICle ll. The · Reed & Jensen JOb I Airport. pita! after a losing round with t he a little. . ?n .t he Vernal to Manila hi ghway_·[. 4. New gymnasium at the Davis "crusher' ' he was oiling. Seems he Fortunately, we have been able ~~-~i~~PP;Y~ a~~/
011;ta~:;e;' i~l:;
ts still to be completed. The work I-" ·1 s · 1 l1ool·ed 01 t a J ft th t Jd11't t t a b f th ' · · ' ' '' ,. . . . , . . . . . _ ilg 1 cnoo. . . ' 1 ·o s 1a a wou · 0 ge a goo num er O e 990 ·(grading) fo r const. of water· PllLUie m the Uintah Bastn looks . 5 Mam gas ]me extenswns and quit a nd it left him a badly frac- br others out on . various construe- . · · . . .· . . . . I · c • supply lme from reservoir to D.a-, ver Y b11 ght for the summer . service connections for Mountain tured shoulder and no workclothes. tion jobs and it looks good for more S .· . S 1 1 ·
l 't I C s•. t · C · t'll mond p1 m gs c 100 . J a 1 on .,Lt uc 1011 o. is s 1 I Fuel Supply Co. in Northern Utah Brother Grifl'iths was just getting jobs in the immediate future. Quite .
w ! iting for a little good sunny , communities. . into the swing of t hings after a a number of road jobs are about NIMBUg, cont~act awarcle~ t o weather to start on the Wanship I 6 Rene ,al of ·· t · o· t , very serious abdominal operation to start and more bid op·enine:s ar'e .Baldwm ontrg. o., Inc. , 46 L OU··
, 1 · v\ . exis m 0 · wa er · . · - · s· s R f 1 <r?IO ~oo f · Dmn. 1 hey have a spread of new ·1· "'S · o d · t Jl · t tl Hurry and mend Fred Try it a:'vert1·sed. If yotl l1a\1en't put yot!I' ise c., an a ae ' "~ ' 1 01 . . llL 111 g en ai.ea o a evia e 1e I • , · ,u -t f t t t d N 1 d d · cats, some of each kind a nd color . I 1ow pressure that has to be con- again-it may take this time. name on the out of vYor B: list and coi:i~ · 0 es s an .1 0
· an a -This should help to get a n ample
· tended with during t he summer We are happy tor.· eport thaL Br~. will leave the area to accept work, ctiti,on to Con,troJ B_ els. No. 1 for supply of good operators, but a months. Tom Curtis' sight is on the im- send your name, telephone number Aer oJet General Cot p. lit1le mo re h,0tirs of work per week I 7. Sewage disposal plant at Brig- prove . . Brother Curtis was left al- and the line of work yqu do to us MARCH 22. 1955 y.,1ll help even more. ham City and additional gathering · most sightless by a hemorrhage a immediately and we will get the SAN PABLO, contract awarded
The S. L. county se,yer work is ]ines. . few months ago. Tom thinks he information on the book. to Carl Overaa & Co., 520 16th: sti"l going slrong with more con- 1 We hope the o ther proposed work wil] be ready to go to work by the We should have been in some St., Richm ond, $128,620 for remod-. tei;1plated to -be let this summer, 1 that is in the planning stages ma- end of l his week and we'.ll be glad negotiation meetings by the time eling of new city lorall and compleIt seems the entire state of Utah I terializes soon, allhough there ap~ to see him back. you r ead this and we wfll report tion of aclmin. ofl'ice at NV! corner h a.'; at last become sewer conscious, 1' pears to be suffic ient work already Bro. John Thornton is the proud any progress on same at our next Market and 21st St., San Pablo. as more and more communities under way to keep everyone busy father of his third daughter, born meeting which will be held on ovc, r th e stale are p]a.nn in g similar ; for the coming year . the 31st day of March. Congralula - Thursday · evening, April 28th , at 8 se,·; crs of their own. \Ve are a lways · tions, J ohn and Mrs. Thornton. p.m ., Room 11, El Escalante Hotel
now operating in the ore areas oi': the pit; these latter shovels, then, will be dismantled, converted t o, dual cabs, and erected on the East Side to replace five "standards" which will be scrapped. The fift h new shovel will not directly r eplace
h q,p py to see such prnjects go not S@~Jthen-a Se~H©!"! as far as we know now. If the·re on ' y from the stand poin t of the Our out of \..vork list has t aken SouHn,1est Ccrns1·r~H:tio~ is any change, we will notify you work it affords No . 3 men, but be- a beating the past 'month. If the Laliff Woods is about through of same. cause of the · dire need of these sys- work continues as sched uled, the with the dirt moving at the Air tenis. list will be but a memory of win- Force Rocket Sled job at Virgi n
.,l_ •. J~a~ ~~nst. Co. has ~\gain sta. rted I te1· a t the next issue. Mesa. OJ .. iatioi; ., at the Murray Slag Pile Construction in Utah County Fullmer is laying pipe and sho uld and expect t~ run quite a_ bit of pi t , alone is expec ted to total $50,00lJ,- be through by the end of April. r t If J t l Tl I Mor·e work is slated to go early.
U:l s ·ti_ , J U · no crus 1mg. ,ere . 000 for 1955. Some of the top jobs · 1 t lk f l · b' ' Buckhorn Flat will be bi.ct on April 1s a so soome a_ o a pate 1 .10 I slated for this year, some almost
l 'l t- 12th. on,.,,t·h e, CJK: for :a"er, this su:11me~'· I completed and others about to be-
: here ate mor ~ scnool builcltn,,,s i gm, are t he Anhydrous Ammoma s~,(~te Roa cl b e1·,.g bid along with the many now I Plant to cost in the neiohborhood V.fe are glad to see the change under construction. Thi_s also j of $20,000,000. The new pipe manu- in the Capitol in regard , t o the seems to be a great expand 1 ng pro-
factur ing plant, located on 117 chairman of the Road Commission, gra m in tlie bu ilding and constqic- acres just north of Geneva Steel and anticipate good rela t ions with Uoi1 industry over the state a nd is I Co., is almost com plete at a cost- the new cha irman, Harley Corleisce r t:1m ly one mu.ch needed. Al- j in excess of $7,000,000. Residence sen, w hom we are happy to weltl10ugh U1 ese buil ding jobs do not j subdivisions will total 391 units at come back. absorb a great number of local 3 , a cost of $4,500.000 . Construction Failu re on the part of the Legisnwn, the few that do get on usu- i at B.Y.U. will include a botanical lature to pass a bill for job secua,:1;1 have a go?d winter. job. . j 1aboratory and. i:nedicaJ center, new rity was disappointing. It seems
;-oo once agarn we mvite you to · stadium fac1lltJes, women'-s and obvious that in their estimation, atte nd your linion ·meetings and . men 's residence buildings, tennis yo u are not entitled to 1·eceive the help pla11 the strategy for th e com- \ courts, utility extensions and a new same type of benefits ·that olher ins:- ner:otiations. This s.houlcl be a i heating system at a cost of $7,150,- workingmen enjoy. At the r equ est goor. li v·ely year for negotiatio ns 000. There are flood control proj - of the committee who was pushing in Utah. j ects and street. a nd highway work the Cevil Service bill, we kept hands
to be clone. In all, it looks like a off. It was suggested by some of very ·busy season in this section. that group that if the union was
A number of men have bee"n ·All the jobs that h«ve been let not involved in sponsoring the bill cleared to jobs in this area the past to elate have started. Whiting it would have a better chance 0£ mo nth and several other projects Haymond are doing very well on passing. vVe did just that thing and are getting uncter way which \vill their job at Escalante. They have contrary to some adverse reports requ ir f' 8cldit.ional men within t he almost the same crew ts a year ago we did nothing to block it . We Je,-.:· weeks. and i t is a goocl one. Strong Co. at stood aside and the only results
The work orospects fo r th e com- Torrey are getti ng along very well,- were bad-no bill and a couple of ing year Jo~k , very promising at but the wind is moving as much the committee fired. It defini tely tho present time and most of the dirt as the pulls and usually . in pr oves the . need for you to let de lay has · been due to the Jong the wrong direction. L. A. Young your union carry the load instead con.tin·ued cold weather and usual Co. is going great guns at Oak of you trying to do the job. Many w i,1tcr srnrm s. City. This is a dir t job and it is men and women have been fired
The S tate Road Commission has moving right along. The 21's a r e under similar circumstances. That's called for bids on April 12th for boili11g over each trip -with the ·help why unions are created. two additional jobs in this . area . I of the T.D. 24 push cat and a very When it looked hopeless on the One of t he jobs is the gravel and · iine crew. W. W. CJ.yde Co. has fi rs t bill , we got our original bill h itrnn niou s surfacing of Pight miles j been the company with most. of introduced. Another bill was inOf I-I ighwav 30 between Emory and the work and consequ en tly 1s usmg tro.cluced by the State, County and Castle Rock. Young & Smith Con - ,the largest number of o.ur people. Municipal Employees. They were struction Co. are in the process of
1 -1'.heir job at Ferron was supposed i all turned down. Why? Your g uess
mo\·ing their equipment back in to · to move into a two-shift program ' is as good as ours. If you want us complete the excavating and grad- ' Monday, April 4th, but our present to we'll try again rwxt time. i ng on this road . . I storm may alter plans. Th is job .is
. T he other job is a 4 mile section su per vised by Bill Clyde as ~uper- Cedetr lren Miries of new 1' oad that w ill connect R ed- : 1mendent and Ray Corless as grade There is very .little change in the wood Road with 5th South west I foreman. Brother Sheldon Neilson work situation at the Iron Mines. of Bountiful. Thi s is a continuation is supervising this company's work The tempo stays about the sameof the job Gibbons & Reed com- : at Wellington . Blaine Clyde has no better, no wo,se. Prospects for p let e.cl a year ago, connecting Reel- : the detour and overpass job in
1 the near future are indefinite . . If
wood Road wi th Cudahy Lane. The I hand with Brother Vic Anderson i w e lis ten to all tJ:ie rumors being completion of th is section wil1 help ' as grade boss. Ruel . Jensen is :· peddled, we . would .. probably go r _elieve the heavy industrial traffic watching over the ' Nephi job for i. crazy . . vVe do hope, however, that
· $,ituation · that ex ists in the west this company and r ea.lly ·keeps the I by the· ·middle of the yem' some-i,ect ion of 'town. ' old Super . C's clattering. . . , \,fo in.g develops ·t.o improve· the sit -
Th e Army Engineers have called vVe·are sorry to r eport that .'Bi'o. 1 uation. In the. meantime, we!Jl just
Since the last sho\·el was buried any present operating shovel but and another man crushed, we had . will eventually be used to develop the opportunity to spend a day on the next "drop -cut" level. The sixth . the mine in the company of the ' 'standard" shovel wi]] be scrapped State Industrial Commission Safety when our prese'ht Marion 151-M Engineer, the Corppany Safety En- No. 7 shovel now working on Q-. gineers from both Bingham ai1d Level, East Side, has completed Salt Lake and Mr. Barlow·. As a. , current r equirements there and is result, we believe we are well on ramped to Q-Level, East Side. the way to having the cause of "The net result of the program these accidents r emedied. Our outlined in the above paragraph steward, Bro. Everett Hibbard, was will change our current shove1 along and in order to· point out the status of 1~ single cabs, 6 "stand- · bad spots we directed the State ards" and i5 dual cabs (total 39 ) Engineer to them and were able tn to 14 single cabs and 24 dual cab,,bring to his attention the fact that (total 38 full -revolving). the maximum of safety couJ.d be "I stated the company's intenobtainecl by the methods we sug- tion to follow. up the above outgestecl. The main contention was lined program with one of either tha t if the single cabs are operated converting t he remaining single from the track side under ail con- cab s hovels tci' dual cabs . or an al" ditlons-except ii1 extreme emer- ternative of equal safety effect. gencies - the big clanger will be This, you unders tood, is a program · eliminated. Fort unately on the that would cover a number of same day Mr. Barlow went into a year s; however , in the meantime .. meeting with Mr. Ladenberger. we shall continue to ext'end every'. Mr. Bowman was invited to the reaso.r.Jable effort to work t hese ~ame meeting and the results of shovels in such a mannei' that theythe meeting are contained in the m qy be operated from track side . following le tter: in digging cuts. Where track side;
"For your information and in operation is not practical nor fea- : accordance with yo ur request this sible additional precautions will be; letter has reference to our discus~ taken to make. bank conditions as·, sion in my office clubng the after- safe possible. noon of Tuesday, March 8, 1955, "I pointed out also the necessary concerned with esafety in shovel coopera.tion needed from the unio,a:, op.erations at the Bingham Canyon as ,yell as the crews themselves, _ mine. During this disc·ussion: (l J I that t hey must be conscious of the: cJ,uitied to you the general oper- inherer.Jt hazards involved in min.ating problems involved as weil as ing operations and therefore shou1q: outlrning the current status and be alert at all times to those clan loca tions of full- revolving si10vels gers, and should at all times ob_- , with and without dual operating serve and prcictice safe working_. cabs, and the locations of old habits, r ul es an.a instructions." ' 'standard'' shovels; (2) I expresse.cl Yours very truly, company attitudes and plalls con-· (Signed) J. C. Landenber ger Jr. cern111g purchase of new shovels, Mr. Barlow indicated to us that ; replacement of "sta,ndard" shovels, the operator is the person to deter -: co11version of shovels presen tly in mine if a bank is unsafe a nd· if he. service w1ti1 single opcnHing cabs pulls away from the bank on that . to dual cabs, and ope1 au,1g and account he will not be penalized safety precautions anct procedures. for so doing. Rem.ember this, .you r ·
' " With reference to item (2) work is normally hazardous, but , above, it was stated the Company's you can help protect yourself by-111ten tion to purchase and erect taking safety precautions. aunng this spring and summer, five At our last visit · Brothers Ren-,
shovels equipped with dual don and Smith were ma.king ·good. operating cabs. Four of these ' new ,progress and our: congratt1Jabons s11ovels wi~i replace four 4161 type I to Brother . Rendo11. ·. on .· the · new, rn1l-r ernl vrng smgle-cab shovels J addition to :\)is family.
' #
\ ...
April 15, 1955
I Rarin' to go <in the bridge approach for the new [ Northb\LY bridge are these Opera.ting Eng:ineers and i a string of hefty rigs of the \Valsh C<;mst. Co. The
boys paused long enough to have their .pictm·e taken and then away in a cloud of dust.
I . . .
I Walsh_- Ctt Ge_ts_ . Job I D.rougi~it1
·51,o,a1s· G· r. t ~ij~pdr" · 1(0,,~1 ~uilding Approach ' . ' . ~l ~ i I . n- I 1"~..... . ~
To Nor.thbay Bridge Coyote Dam on Russian River The .job of constructing the
Richmond approach to the J~\ch: m6nd-San Rafa·e1 ·Bridge has .been· awarded to .Walsl/ Co11sti"u'ctihri
. By GLENN L. DOBYNS, Bustiness Representa.tive
. Fate of the Coyote Valley Reservoir project "on the Rus~
Co. This job · has ·· preserited the sian River will rest with Sonoma County's voters May 10
Big rigs lay groundwork for the approach to the new Northbay ·bridge from Richmond. to San Rafael, ,valsh Const, Co. DW20 is 'Shown here -opera.ted by Operating Engineer Cliff Bakewell, and behind ·.him on the Push Cat is Harold Corbett.
waish firrri" a number of probler'i-is~ ~hen they decide whether to authorize bonds for the county's because 0£ the right o'f way·. ying 1 . • • • · . ,
throug11 ·the Richmond -Refinery of I share m burldmg the . $20,000,000 federal government dam •.
the Standard Oil Co. of · California. [ ·The Sonoma County Supervisors pressed by the support of all AFL The job· entails moving ·of approxi- have called the special county-wide unions,
.Stockton is Getting Underway, Season~ s Prospects Good
mately 170,000 cubic yards of shale election to bring to · a final test a WILLITS JOB UNDER WAY rock in the roadway excavation as wate r development project that has well as constructton of a six-lane occupied official attenti011 increasoverpass stri.icture, 1,200 ·feet . of ingly for more than 15 years. cantilever re_taining walls averag- On the ballot will be two propo-tng 26 feet m height, and a bm-
It isn't very often, considering the nomadic natur1e of the engi~ neers, that we get a chance ' to speak of a home town boy in his
type retaining wan 300 feet long. sitions: own area. Proposition A, authorizing the Bill Rolland, 38, superinendent
Roadway excavations are being sale of $5,650,000 in general obli- of the Frederickson Brothers ·'job done of this project' by three DW-
. gation bonds from w)lich up to eight miles north of Willits, was By ED DORAN, C. L. CASEBOLT, WALTER TALBOT ancl 20 scrapers and three D-8 dozers. $5,598,000 will be this county's raised in Sebastopol, not too many M. W. GRIFFING, Business Representatives One cat is equipped with an Otero partnership contribution to- the miles from his present working
. . hydraulic ripper which has proved f d 1 . t· · ·t 1 t site. He attended the Santa Rosa The work prospects for this year are very gooa here 111 indispensable in this particular e era governmen · s cap1 a cos s · of the dam. Junior College where he graduated
t~1e Stockton district1 a lthough most of the work will not get type of rock. Other equipment on in 1937. Two years of work in the ·1 l 'ddl f M th fi t f J 11· · b · I d D 4 1 d r a Proposition B, authorizing the
under way untr t 1e mr e o ay or e rs o une. t is Jo me u es a . . - oa e ' sale in successive blocks of an ad- mines of Idaho followed and then The u1Jper dams of the Tri-Dam I · I Cat-l2 blade, a Loram truck crane · he. -r·eturned to· the University of
N J b kh ditional $8,500,000 in general obli-project will _ be let on the 21st of T/racy Rock & Gravel· ar·e stock~ ' and a_ ort lwest _ ac o_e. California where in 1941 he ,,,0 Taclu- ,
- gation bonds to finance · self-liqui-Apr:il but we do not expect any piling material for A. · Teichert & Because of the i:nany pipes· from dating county aqueducts to distrib- ate.ct with a degree in mining engi-activity until June as these dams I Son's Manteca Freeway job and the refinery crossing the . nght of ute released Coyote Valley water neering. are near the 6000-foot elevation. I some of the brothers . are getting way, it !1as taken much thought from the Russian River to the Uncle Sam beckoned on his grad-Probably, only access roads, clear- a little overtime at the pit. and teamwork on the part of Bro. water users. uatio·n from U.C. in 1941 and Bill ipg, and camps wiH be construc~ d Clements Construction Company . Fnmk Cam~bell, foreman on this saw service in the South Pacific t his year, with the work on the job, and his operators to have It was a solemn, moment when with, of course, the engineers. He
is ,,,o-etting their hot plant at PCA's fi · h th up · · o s t111an·n ousl adopt dams proper gettin°· und·er way . . · made such a ·ne showmg in sue e s er vis r 1 1 Y - was discharged · in 1946 and . re-, "' Ker]maer Pit ready far a thirty- · d th t* 1 no· · Jut' re-next year with the exception of "' · · . . a Short time. e _, e O O "' reso _ 10ns J0 0ined his parents who by- now had . - ' . day run on resurfacmg Highway . qu· ·ed t send the issues to the t he tunnel. . · I . . The brothers workina on this · JI O moved to Berkeley from Sebas_t6-' 33 ·near Vernal!s. . , "' . electors . Claude Wood Company has co,n- Walsh Construct10n Co. proJect I . : " · pol. It was at this time that he u leted their job on · the Miller's · S. M. McGaw has been J_,eeping from Locai 3 are: W. F. Dunham, Th_is is one of the most substan- went to· work for Frederickson Ferry Bridge and are now bl.tsy on s9me of the brothers steadily em- dozer; C 1 are n c e Olsen, blade; tial" proposals ever presented to Bros. In 1949 he was raised to suthe approaches to the Lockefcrd ployed on work arou~ld town a~d George . Tipton and Howard Hus- the people of the county and one perintehdent status where he has
w_ 11] probably get gomg on then- toil, dozers,· Ear·! Rubke, Lorain deserving the support of every far- b·een ever· si·nce. Bridge job, subbing from Brighton Sand and Gravel. Job on the ~ack Tone Road _east I crane; Roger Landrum, NW back- thinking citizen of this county. Archie Edmunds, who has a good
Kenworthy & Patterson have re- of S:ockton m about two we_eks. hoe ( Eric Glasgow, oiler, Lorain The multiapurpose dam will many years of solid experience Wmton Jones has three ot the craJle,· Lloyd Noe, ,,,ar·ease truck,· create a 122,000 acre-foot reservoir . . d sumed operatinns on t he Priest's with the engmeers an the · same
Grade job, with M. J. Ruddy Com- brothers ·working in t he Tracy dis- Pete Johnson, mechanic; Fred in Coyote Valley above Ukiah for company, is Bill's assistant. Don .pany waiting to get started on the trict, . subbing ·street w_ork for Art Bennage, oiler, NW; Joe Nelson, flood control and water conserva- Davis is the timekeeper and he is black to_pping, Lincoln in the Lincoln Park Addi- Cliff Bakewell and Bob Shields on tion. the man who can, at will, ·give (YO U
A. Teichert & Son are about tion. bW-20s. Ken Griffith is superin- Local interests, meaning· Sonoma the statistics on the job. Bill re-t hrough hauling dirt on 'the Man- Holden & Gorham is building tendent for this job. County and probably part of Men- cently added a new man, Fred · , ·* * * . · . dociuo· County, · will ·contribute t eca byapass job but still have to two storage aprons for H. J. Heinz ,1 . _ , I $5,598,000 toward th.e dan-i costs, Katarzi. Bill was asked if mining haul to the north section of the Canning Company in Tracy, who I engineering wasn't · a ,;long .shot by-pass, which should not take are movirig their Oakland opera- CQNSTRUCTl()N AW:AROS, this · payment representing th_e from his present work. He said 110, long: · tion to Tracy. The construction of · 1 water supply developed by the proJ- As a matter of fact, he added, it . M.J.B. Constru,ctio11 Company the additions to this plant should _SAN JOSE_, conu·ac~ awarded t~ :ct t ~?\ doi;"ll;§tic, ~~ricilturaJ, in~ was closely allied since ha was still and Lord 0& Bisho1:i- have finally supply quite a few jobs for the Nielsen & Nielsen, lO 11 Westwoo _ I us .ua auc recrea iona- uses. . · working with geological formation, started to rnll on the freeway north members of Local 3. . . Rd., , San Jose, $359,414 for con st. The federal govermnent will even if they were only on the
. . . I boys' gym at San Jose Jr. College. carry the balance of the cost, some sur·face. 9f Lodi, with the old "Super C's" The Olympian Dredgmg Com- · ·$ t $l 'Ir fl d a. bto·w1·11,,,a and ago1·11g. , " · " D. - d · · J BURLINGAME contract a ·1'!ard- 13
O' 4 1111 1011' as a 00 · con- Frederickson Bros. won the bid pany ,s Monarch 1 e · ge 1s 111 t 1e . ' . 1 trol outlay . The . Shawmut Grade job on f' ·t f St kt I Tui· 1·11a Basin ed to Arthur Bros., · 29 Vista. Ave., · for realignment and resurfacing o,f
01 o oc O 1 · . 1 1 0 · . ·.,11~ 950 f . . t f The act of Congress that author-
Highway 120 beyond Chinese Grade dredging for the dock at' the rice San Mateo, <P .'' . or. cons : 0 . . . . . . . " 2_.l miles of U.S. 101 north of Wil-s hould. be advertised by ·the tfrne · · · I sewa 0 e and dramage fac1ls., lV.hlls- ized the dam iequues the . locaI lits with a low -bid bf $578,000.
""" storage P ant. · 1 · "' • p k b · t' E. 1 c interests!' to have thefr share .. of .t111·s .a_rticle ,,,aoes to press. · · _<:!ale Industrial ar e w. . · a- . . . . - Bill reported the roadbed would Bro. LeGrande Sobr ero is now ·111 th dam co t ava lable 111 ready ,
\ JI
. , Utah Cons_truction .Com_pany have mino Re.al and Bayshore Hwy._, e ~- 1 · . be a cement treated base and would the vacuum ·c1eane_r business. He's cash b for th Army Engmeers ·
'plug00-ed along through the_ winter _betw . . Burlingame and . Millbrae. e e e_ · · ·1
1take an estimated 150 working a top notch salesman for the Elec- award construct1011 contracts · · \·,,1·th a fe\v of the bro-thers working · STANISLAUS C_OUN:r'Y, - c_on- . ' . , · .days. He added that 12;000 to11s of 0
trolux cleaners in the Manteca It 1s unde tstood that a favor and at this time, are getting-ready district. · You boys that haul the tract _awarded to 11'.L Maifita-no & bl t ~ · ' T A M - hot stuff would be pou1'ed and that t_,_o . po,ur the_ rice silos- which will · Son·, Inc.,. P. 0. Box 750, P_ ittsburg, a e ~o e 0_11 ropOS! l0!1 '_on a~ would ·take 20 days.
dirt, both on the job and mto the 10 will be followed by an 1mmed1 be on a three -shift basis. They are "'92,702.80 for grading and surfac.- ' . .· ·. · · . . - We have working on the proj ect house, might make it easier on the <P ·at conaress10nal appropnat10n to · a·_,l·so · the succe.s~ful b1'dde1· on the · , i11 0"' -on La Grange-Snelling road · e · · "' .· · Brothers Sol Cox, Robert E. $trit-)1ew. Walnut_ Growers Association
. plant to go up here in Stockton, but as yet, have not- started on t)1is project. SUBDIVISIONS .. MOVE
little worn.an by giving Brother I get constr ct on uncle way The Sobrero a c·alL betw. McDonald Creek and .Merced . u 1 . · · _r d . ·. . zel, Harley Jolliff, . C. R. Carr,
County line. !ederal ~on~y is provide 111 wait- Charles Marshall and Herschel * * * i FRESNO contract a\varded to 1 ;g -~gis!at10nd approved by the Wright · on the doze1:s. On · the I Jour'dan C~nc Pipe Co P O Box rsesi ent s CBu get B:e.a~. h Sh_ovel Bro. Geo. J. Ernst. Oilers, CONS.TR_ U(T_IQ_ N' A. WARDS 152 · Fresno· f~r pipelin~ il:ri;ati011 onorna · oudnty · op_- cia s, ·t· owA- Bros. Leo Beers, Gus \,Vallin, Robq
. , · , ·, - ·· "' · · ever have ma e the · ropos1 1011 - . i on new carripus_ of Fresno Sta_te - ' . . · · , ert Archibald. Tru_ck Crane OJ;J er9.-
The ,subdivision work is · pickii1g · 1':iARcH · 21, 1955 C 11 " . $l- 900 _ , bond issue big enough to guaran-1 tors Bros. Kert Doaks Don alas
_,,,.. · · 11 · d · d O e,,,e, 1• • · t t th f d I t ti t ' "'·"' f ·up -agam as t e groun IS ry FRE,SNO, contract awarded to · · . . · · . · e~ O e e era governmen_ · 1a I Clements. Bros. Frank D. - Elk;
· enough .' now to suppQrt the equip- Stockton Const. Co., . Box '.?087, GILROY, contract awarded to I this · county alone has the money . . ad S A ·a . S B d L_e\v Jones .Const. Co., :)._535 S_. 10th .ava1'lable to get --t._e·· ·pa".t11er·sh1'p Robm _A?rur, ~Gr ~ - etters . . n _ · ment. · tone · rothers have opi;ne Stockton, for canst: of storm sewer S S J . $
33 284 f . . t , f' , , , ., •· Bro. Cecil Edward . the Welder. .
· up a new subdivision ·north of town across "D" Street beeway hight- t., an ose, , . · · ·. or . cons .· o project under way, if necessary. - * , * ' with A . . Teichert & Son cutting of-way ·on Calaveras St., . $33,551. warehouse bldg, for Calif. : Prune The $52,000 . over and . above * .
'ii out the streets with two DW 20's SAN . MATEO . COUNTY, con- & Apricot Grower~ Assn. $5,598,000 ii1 °Ptoposition A is · for TRAVIS · AFB, contract awarded R\ld -a .push cat. Stone Bros. have tract av,;arded to · L. C:. Smith Co., WALNUT CREEK; c O 11 tract consultant and other technical costs to Stolte, Inc. and Marrison-Knud~ Brother ·Clem Callavan · on their P. o. Box 610, San Mateo, $73;264 awarded· to E. _S. Campi, .22 Sheri- incidental• to the bond issue ·and ·sen,· Inc.; ·8451 San Leandro st.; ..
~-_ :blade. for 5 mi'. surf, with pltmx. surf. dan Rd:, Oakland, $lS,99o for two- sale. Oakland, $122,224.40 for const. of .: .. Claude C. Wood Company and betw. 0.1 mi. nor th of 16th Ave. story store addn. for_ McI)onnell Proposition A wilf be · the key AAA tac;tical facilitjes. · C. V. Kenworthy were the low and 0.2 -mi. south of Bransten Rd . Nursery Store. issue in the election and· the dam [ MERCED, contract awarded to bidders on the 4.3 miles of ro.ad SAN FRANCISCO, contract FRESNO, cmtt-ract awarded · W project. Concrete Supply Co. , P.O. Box between Clements and the Cala- awarded to Cahill Bros., 350 San- J. ·T.. Cowan, 625 Bell1).ont St., The superv.isors' resolutions pro- ·778, Merced, -$57,971 for const. of veras County line. This job should some St., S. F., $95,000 for altera- Fr.esiio, for const. .of ware-house vide that they · can sell the dam runway and taxiway extension and be drawi'ng a few men off the out tions to cold storage bldg. on Bat- and · office bldg. · at corner . P,e~rL bonds if .Proposition A carries -even additiimal runway and ta,xiway at of -work list . by the time th.is is tery and Lombard. and "M" Sts,, $100,000. · · I if the agueduct bonds ,in Proposi<: Merced City Municipal Afrport. printed. CASTLE AFB, contract awarded CASTLE AFI~, contract aviarded · tion B fail to carry. DIXON, contract a~arded to ' · M . . Malfitano & Son have started to ,Stolte, Inc., 8451 San .Leandro to Stolte·. Inb. 8451 San · Lea'nd1;0 · Laboi: has worked~ exceed'\ngly Carvers Const. Co., Hi~' Princeton t heir .road ' fob' at .LaGrange" whicl~ St., Oc1.klanct, ;$6,770. foi· : const. -of I St., Oakl~rid! $6,770 foi·: retetni~rlt, h:1rd for ~his project. Tlie _ su~er- / Ave., M:odesto, $208,574 ,.for cons:; a mounts to $92,000 three grnups of_ CM blast walls. blast walls. · · : · ' · . :visors obv10usly were greatly 1m- West Dixon Elem. School. --~
UTAH CO. GETS POE TUN EL JOB onstruction war s By LES COLLETT and C. R. VAN WINKLE, Business Representatives . Compiled by P . E. VANDEWARK 1861 for additions to Independent
Utah Construction Co. has been awarded the contract to drive the 34,000 ft. Poe Tunnel MARCH 4, 1955 School, Manter Ave. near Crow for the P.G.&E. in Feather River Canyon. We will be meeting in the near future with offi- OAKLAND, contract awarded to Canyon Rd.
. John F. Tulloch, 3428 Ettie St., BEALE AFB, contract awarded cials of this company and will know more about the job by then. It is not known at this Oakland, $40,448 for building addn. to Brown Ely co., 7360 Schmidt time, whether or not it will be a camp job. Stolte, Inc., is doing the best they can to get and alt. at Carnation Dairy, iri Lane, El Cerrito, $1,300 for grad-starte:d on th~ Poe Br(dg.e ne~r the I - ALAMEDA COUNTY. ing and paving. ~owerhouse site, but it. is a roug.h I small crews working around the r Engineers Hall, 1010 Eye Street; HA WT]iORNE, NEV., con.tract· ' NORTH HIGHLANDS, contract oeal all around. Bro. ~11! Br~w1~ is ., area. Los Gatos Const. ,Co. is mov- Marysville, at the following· tin~es: awarded to Silver State Const. Co. awarded to Continental Const Co., on the. cat and he sta.es it is like ing dirt near Olivehurst on 99-E. ' 10 a.m. for the members em- and Wendell Nelson, Fallon, Nev., P . 0. B?x 2551, Sacramento, $211,~ a buckmg br9nco on those boulders. I Raymond Concrete Pile Co. is do- ployed at night. · $135,604 for addition to Mineral 000 for unit No. 1 of McClellan Jr.
Judson, Pacific & Mm'phy have ' ing the pile driving for the struc- ·County High School. I High School. fi nished the bridge at Bardee Bar tural foundations. 7 :SO p.m. for those members SAN FRAN.CISCO, contract SUISUN, . contrac.t awarded to and the P.G.&E. are putting on the H . Earl Parker Co. have quite a worl,ing days, awarded to Peter Sartorio, 262 San Francisco Bridge ~0·• 140 .., k. u · ci llt' St S F $189182 f Montgomery St., S. F., $b,680 for «ec mg now. tah Construction few rigs around the district on ,eme ma ., . ., , or . . · · Co. is going pretty good on the landleveling and a few rigs trying NATOMAS COMPA-11/Y: I const. firehouse, Engine No. 11. ?redgmg mouth of Smsun Slough W.P. Tum)el lining job at Keddie, to get started on the levee of the Monday, Ma.y 2, 1955, at the Vet- SAN FRANCISCO, contract 1'
111 Smsun Channel. .
acramen o iver._ e hope to t M w B B 827 R dd Calif. We look for the· HaJv·e1'son S t R' W e. rans. Hall, Folsom, at the follow-I awarded t. o Ben C. Gerwick, Inc., REDDING, contract awarded_ to Co. ·to start their road job at Spring have some men over there pretty mg imes: 232 Santa Marina Bldg., S. F., $1,- 42 310 50 r~wn, ~~ · ' .e tg, Garden ariy day now. soon. Butte Creek Rock Co. keeps 10 a.m. for those ,rnembers un- . 313,870 for const. wharf and con- ~ ' 3/: · . or g:a mg and sur _ ac-
' able to attend the night meeting. J nectina Piers 15 and 17 Port of mg ., ci, · mi. of road nr. Ander,,on. Brown & Hertel of Reddin a- has I going very well around Chico, and "' , SAN FRANCISCO, contract
a contr'act for one mile of gr;ding Bros. Rudy Clay and Bill Gates 7:30 p.m. for those members IS. F. awarded to J. R. Armstrong, 5741
d , d · 1 1 1
take care of the oilfield work able to attend the night meeting. WALNUT 'CREEK, c on tr a c t an roa mix anc a stee pate . . . . awarded to McGuire & Hester 796 Central, El Cerrito, $6,260 for re• <>irder bridge for $197 039 near around Glen and Butte City. (NOTE: If the negotiatmg com- I • moval of approx 2,000 sq. yds. of 0
. ' ' I ·tt · d h b 66th Ave., Oakland $84,927 for · . . · Grayea aJe Calif. They will be m. ov- Richter Bros. of Oroville have I m1 ee IS rea Y to report t e a ove . ' . ex1st111g dam a aed areas of asphalt . .
0 ' f ·u b · 1 11 d const. samt. sewers about 1 m1. 0
mg 111 any day now. Baun Const. had a few men working near the mee/ng ;;d . e tf s~~~1\ c~he, south of Walnut creek, toward cone. pavement and replace with Co. got started on their Highway Gridley-Oroville turn-off south of mee mg, e JOm Y wt t e o er Danville, CONTRA COSTA COUN- new asphalt cone., S. F. Naval 20 job betwe~n Colusa and Wil- Oroville. New York Machine Shop two crafts, and you will be so no- TY. · Shipyard. liams, a few days ago and will have still has a few men on the payroll tified by mail.) SAN J\lfATEO 't t d d · SAN FRANCISCO, contract
b t th . I b f · 1
·, , con rac awar e . t he hot stuff rolling pretty soon. u 1s ias. een one o then' s ow- --- t W H M p O B 18,., B 1_ awarded to Associated Pipeline, This company was low biddei' 011 est winters . Kaiser Sand & Gravel GLADDING, McBEAN COMPANY:
0 t ... 4·40 2a3y9, f · · otx p "•1 ed Inc., P. 0. Box 66, So. S. F ., $37,200 .
d ,
1 , J . B mon , ,, , or cons . ar rn1 e
0.16 mile of roa.d work in the south oesn t iave many changes around omt oard of the Lincoln In- S h 1 . p k ·ct T t t E. for const. of auxil. water . supply . , . . . . c oo 111 ar s1 e rac a '1sen-of Colusa, for the Calif. Division the1r plant. Vv. H. 0 Hair & Co. 1s dustrial Council, Tuesday, Ma,y 3, 1 0, d H 1 c; ts d F. t system in P erry and Harrisons Sts. . . . . .
1 ¥er an a sey ~ ., an 1es a of Highways. Brown . Ely Co. is domg . some crushmg off Larken 195.5, n~ the offi~ ~f the Lmcoln Gardens School in Fiesta Gardens .SAN FRANCISCO, c on tract doing very well on their paving Road Ill Butte County. W . H. Dar- Industrial Com1c1l, Lmcoln, at 4:15 Tract at Sullivan St. and Bermuda awarded to H.. E. Fahlmann Co., job south of Yuba City on Highway rough & Sons of Yuba City have p.m, Drive, San Mateo. 1695 Jerrold Ave., S. F. , $84,761 24. Bro. Barne! Bell is p~ving I had a ~ew rigs on landleveli~g. SPECIAL NOTICE: As the next I MARE ISLAND, contract award- for const. Francis I. Proctor office foreman and dou;g a good Job. L. .L. R.1ee &. Sons of Yuba City few membership meetings will ed to Dalzell Rigging Co., 1505 bulg. on Univ. of Calif. M\;dical
Baldwin Const. Co. have a few have quite .a, fe~ men on the pa!- probably be joint meetings with ~he 152nd · St., ·Emeryville, $3,364 for Center campus. . rol,l on ~~e:r crnsh~r ~nd the 01!-1 Teamsters, look for the meetmg rel.ocating hydraulic buffers 70 ft. McCLELLAN AFB, c O 11 tr a c t fie,d work m the d1stnct. announcements 011 the bulletin above the ground. awarded to A. Teichert & Son,
The fay hnnrovement ~ids are ?ue May 4th for a. small I boards in the plant and at the FAIR OAKS, contract awarded ;:;~l~·tol,9$3~14s, ti~~{~O~~' !~;~·: o~al:~:: (4 bndge Job m Sutter County 111 the office. . to Frederick Chapek, 605 Fremont Company amount of $75,000. That's for now I ___ . . Way, Sacramento, for Science ad- way extension. *
... let's get the dirt flying. CONCRETE PIPE COMPANIES: I dition to San Juan High School * * PAVEMENT CONTRACTORS -LES COLLETT. J Monda.y, May 9, 1955, at 7:30 $108,000. '
Highways, Streets and I p.m., in the Teamsters Hau, 818 HAYWARD, contract awarded Subdivisions INDUSTRIAL REPORT Wa.ll Street, Chico. to Wallace Webb & Son·, 1772 B
101 Carolina Street MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS SPtECt~AL NOT~tCtE: _Whend. the ~t., HaywSard,. $112,856 for addi-S IF • YUBA CONSOLIDATED nego ia mg comm1 ee 1s rea y to t1ons to equo1a Elem. School.
. an, , ran~1sco r eport, . a special called meeting SAN FRANCISCO, c on tr a c t Phone UNderhdl 1-26 71 GOLD FIELDS: will be held of the membership in awarded to Cahill Const. Co., 350
Monday, April 25, 1955, at the Chico. Sansome St., S. F ., $1,387,653 for
~-.o._o.-.o_.o_(M!l!l!!IH>-Gl!ID-o_.o_o._o._.oG!!'J&<O const. office and warehouse bldg. I ,' GM P · • I IN:~i~:~!Ai~ !~P~~!nd the an- fo~:iwF:~~~6~~~: 1~1~.,ni~r:·:t
~ o nual round of negotiations have awarded to P&Z Co., 120 S. Maple Hi GEORGE M .. PHILPOTT CO.. ~ started with the companies. While Ave., So. S. F., $440 for test boring · f , it is too early to predict the out- at Jackson - Commercial· sewage
. i SAN FRANCISCO - OAKLAND ~ 0 come, undoubtedly preliminary re- pumping station. ' I Compressors_ Pumps_ Ball and Roller Bearings I '! ports will be indicative of the atti- HAYWARD, contract awarded c Rock Drills _ Steel and Bits_ Wire Rooe ~ tude of our employers and also to Independent Const. Co., 741
; i . , j !nter~sting, and it will be a good 50th Ave., Oakland, for traffic sig, ·· t SALES RENTALS , idea 1f you are m attendance at all nal system, hwy. lighting, and Si.-o._o-.o.-.o.-o.-o-.o._.0 ._.0 ._.0 em,0 Eaij the meetings of your unit. channelization at intersec. Rt. 5
~~~~0%~~0~~<M>~~~'M>~~ Main Office: ·
l\Iodesto, Calif. Four Branches 443 S . 99 Hiway to Serve You
920 S. 99 Hiway Modesto, Calif,
Operating Engineers always get a better deal at
J TRAVELON TRAILER COMPANY Because tl'ley FIEATURE easier terms on
1761 N. Wilson .Way Fresn-0 Branch 2996 Ventura
By doing this you will be in a and Harden Rd., $63,988.30, position to not only know what is MARCH 7, 1955 going on, as full reports will be MENLO PARK, contract award-made to e,ich meeting, but to also ed to Stevenson Pacific Co., 1135. advise your representative on the Chestnut St., Redwood City, $79,many points that are sure to arise, 864 for const. Willow 7th and 8th and which may have a ·1asting ef- ! grade school at Pipe. and Elm Sts.
I feet upon you personally. Remem- SAN FRANCISCO, con tr a ct ber, it may be too late· to object to awarded to Carrico Const. Co., 365 some detail, especially if it becomes Ocean Ave., S. F., $12,935 for site a part bf a package, at a special work on Potrero Annex. called meeting to accept or reject,. SARAMENTO, contract awardas ,the offer may be too appealing ~d to Baldwin Contrg. Co., 46 Louto the majority. Negotiations at 1se St., San Rafael, for . const. of this writing have progressed be- offi.ce and warehouse bldg. for yond the preliminary stages with Umon Oil Co. .
~~~~%0~~~0~ theNatomasCo.andthenextmeet- SUNNYVALE, contract awarded
YO O get service that .really means something f;om
Bacon. Nine competent service men with fully equipped
trucks headquarter at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento •
and Fresno.
They are ready to keep your Erbco equipment in top
running condition and to give emergency service when
· Folsom of 17.tli Street, Son Francisco 10, Ca.lif. HEmlock 1,3700 , Sa~;O~ento • · · Odkland.. • · ·." Fresno · · .,,,..
ing, with the preliminaries out of to Nicholson Barnhart, 785 Walsh the way, should see us getting close Ave., Santa- Clara, $639,633 for to the meat of the question. Nego- const .. of mfg. and distrib. plant tiations also have started with the on Kifer Road. concrete pipe companies, but the I SAN JOSE, contract a_w~rded fo position is still that of the early N. A. Lamb, 23 El Cam1mto Ave., sparring stage. Negotiations very Cam~bell, $69,742 for const. of a soon will start with the Yuba Con- multi-i;iurpose bldg. for Orchard solidated Gold Fields. Elem. School.
HAYWARD, contract awarded to C. A. Gossett & Sons, 10058 Madison Ave., Cast.ro Valley, $41,-
Before this reaches you, a special called joint meeting of all the members of both unions comprising the Lincoln Industrial Council and who are employed by the Gladding, better this year than last. McBean Co. will have been held on At this writing, the anticipated the question of opening the· agree- reduction at the Yuba Consolidated ment and, as it will undoubtedly Gold Fields, due to the imminent be voted to open the ' agreement, closing down of Dredge No. 15, has upon what to ask. not materialized. Also the ·company
As the meetings, for the next has informed us the immediate few months at least, as we said in effect may not be so great as vaca-· the meeting announcements, will tions are being scheduled and some probably be joint meetings at Lin- of the men who can expect to be coln, they will be announced in the Iaid off, will be needed as relief plant and at the office in Lincoln. men. While we know· how inconvenient The Natomas Company has sent it is to attend the meetings in Lin- a crew to Snelling to dismantle a coin, with the transportation and dredge owned by the company other problems, yet here is an in- there and this will supply some convenience that, if induced, can be additional work, and if any of our profitable. members at Yuba are laid off, they
· Employment at Gladding, Mc- should contact the office to see if Bean's plant in Lincoln is irn;reas- a_ place can be arranged for them ing, with the recall list exhausted at Natomas. · Incidentally, it should and the company hiring in new be noted that since the Folsom men. The company seems very op- Dam has neared ~mpletion~ there timistic that this will 'continue as are houses for rent in the Folsom they · tell' us that · ·according to all . area. the ·porterids, business willbe much -C. R;- VAN WINKLE.
By A. R. l\foCAFFR.EY Bush1ess Representatiye
The wheels of progress are start- · ing to roll in the Redwood Empire, weather permitting,
- ercer-Fraser Co., alias Ralph Brown, is starting .out .as. usyal~ work all over the counti'y. Ori March 24 they were awarded two concret e bridges and appi'oaches north of Arcata. · Their bid on this was $370,982. · On March 10 they were awarded .• a . base surfacing job at Smith River, R {!,569,00(( p1:oject. On April · 1 they were awarded the · base a·nct sudaciqg; also Tesurfacing the present high~. way between Eureka and .Amata; their' bid being $613,771. In the· meantime. they are working on .va~ rious jobs around the area~ ·
Valley .Engineers, Inc., of Fres• no, are getting started on their water project in Cutten, south of Eureka. Their bid was $615,370,
Bechtel Corp. is · getting rolling on the PG&E steam . plant at Buhne Point. The following sub• contractors are workimg on this project: C. C. Moore, Consolidated Steel, Foster Drayage Co., and Arthur B. Siri, Inc.
Macco M. K. Co., at Cr escent City, also is getting ready to go, One dozer starting April 11.
J . Ira McNutt Co. of Springa field, Ore., has two dozers opening up on a job on Berry Summit, The firm's bid· was $459,092.
Humboldt Constructors also have two dozer.s working on their highway job at Beny Summit. John Delphia is also expected t o move in on this job. It is a co-adventure.
J ohn Burman & Sons are going full blast at Red Mountain Creek, Finally got the rip-rap situation un.der control..
F. Fredenburg of Temple City, Calif., was awarded a bridge on the Fort Dick Freeway, nine miles nort h of Crescent City. The bicll was $71,781.
John · Peterson of Beatrice was awarded a bridge job at Weitchpec. His bid was $11,585. · · .,
Arthur B. Siri, Inc., has consid• erable work at Hoopa~grading, surfacing, etc.
All of the local contracto1:s are starting to get going; also the rock, sand and gravel companies· are busy. · ·
As usual, our 01,1t-of-work , list has be~n large this winter and we still .have .a .· few men on it but the. way it. looks :from: here, .:,ve \,voh!t: havejt long • .. , .. ,. ·, .s' .,·. ,:. ..·.:.,.-
\ .G ,
' ,,,
~'.\pr.il 15, 1955
. y . . i;J> , · .. . · WITH SECRETARY OF LABOR ,
MOFFETT FIELD, contra ct COALINGA, contract awarded Letter of Compliance issued by Department of Labor, February 7, 19.55
awarded to Vvatson Bros, 12298 to Re.mco Const. Co., P. 0. Box Bellomo, Sunnyvale, $17,024 for 1679, Avenal, $42,690 for coMt. o~ earthwork, paving, sanit. se\ver an approx, 800,000°gallon concrete tonst. and plumbi ng work at Mof- reservoir with either concrete 'or
hiternaHoijtd Uniosi cf Operating Engineers H104 t{ ST. NJ?/.,- Vf/ASH!NG10N, C. C.
fett Homes Housing Project, N'aval wooden roof, approx. 70 ft. by 197 I Air Station. ft. over all, for City of Coa:inga,
CALENDAR YEAR: Ja nua1:y I -December 31
PORTERVILLE, contra.ct award- TRACY, contract awarded to M. ed to R Pedersen & Sons, 446 J. Weitz, 1521 Bess:e Ave., Tracy, Clark, Fresno, $176,629 for con st. building work; and Ralph E. iVIan-
International Union of pperating Engineers- FUNDS BALANCE SHEETAs at December 31, 1954
FUND s 1,100.00
9f library and 02cupational ther- na Co., 2365 Lo:-nbard, S. F., me-?-PY bldg. and firehouse at Porter- chanical work; $100,000 for canst. ville State Hospital. of addn. to Tracy I ce &· Develop- CAS'-f ON HAND ..
r:'?q (.:'?I) ri::;
2,981,122.95 SSS.00
:d d ment. Co. / CASH IN BANK: - STOCKTON, contract awar e C.heckina Accounts . to D. A. Parrish & Sons, Inc., 3128 OAKDALE, contract awarded to Savinas - Accounts .
DEPOSir"S E . Miner Ave., Stockton, $34,700 W atkin & Sibbald, 6 Bridge St., INTEREST RECEIVABLE-SAVINGS ACCOUNT ..
5.1 s J~ 'J:J .c.5 875,351.53
... ...
BENEFIT FUND s · ... 7~S . '99 "0
BU 1U)!"-fG FUND
TOTAL l,l OJ.00
10,905.0J 1,718.75 for partial water, gas and sewer San Anselmo, $27,942 for ground MATUREP BOND INTEREST COUPONS ............................ .
system, .manholes, etc., at- 2nd Dist. improvements to Natiohal Guard ACCOUNTS. RECEIVABLE: 625.00
· 1,982,803.12 4,908,743.01
955.00 10,90'i.OO 2,343 .75
3,213 39 223 .. 15 Agricultural Assn. Armory, · Adve r tising .. . . .... .. .
3,401.69 104 .62 6,719 .70 223.15
. · I Local Unions ....
STOCKTON, contract awarded awarded to Haro'. d T . Treacy, 41 LOAN TO CALIFORNIA .STATE FEDERATJON
t S M Jiff G C "07 Elk S · A A S F -$- "49 f UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS .. 2,303,444.00
25 ,000.00 10,000.00
3,399,881.38 3,035,135.07 5,000.00
25,000.00 L0,008. 00
8,738.460.45 5, ISO.OD
67,68-!.46 27 ,355.40
7?.7,Rl 6.49
0 , , J.C aw o., 0 · S ant-a na ve., ' ,, , r, 0 or CAPITAL STOCKS , .. ISO.GO 67,684.56 27,356 .40
Bldg., Stockton, $76,438 for recc,n- I laying 6-in,_ water line in Chestnut FIJRNITURE AND f!XTURES-LESS DEPRECIATION
struction Jack . Tone Road betw. 'I St. betw. F11lmore and Laguna S.ts. b~~Ll~~TJX6~H~tYwiNG SITE-NET :· · Linden Rd. and Copperopolis' Rd., SAN JOSE, contract awarded . to · TOTAL • $6,499,363.65
?.55 .000. 00 $5,214,897.16 $4,765,465.49 $35,535.23 $16,515,261.53
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, . Leo F, Piazza Paving Co, Rt. 1, W\BILITIES
OAKLAND, contract awarded to Box 800., San °Jose, $29,920 . for re- Printing and Sundry s; 1., q,n 79 $ s $ . .. $ 15 ,960.79 13,213.25 C. Norman Peterson, 2832 9th St., canst. of Julian, Cinnebar, I~eeble ACCRUED TAXES ....... .. ..... .... .. .. .. .... ....... .
Berkeley, $32,019 for cpnst. of fac- . Sts., betw. Stockton St. , and 'Fhe EMPLOY[S' CON'PRIBUTIONS DUE TO PENSION FUND 5,693.25 7,525.00
FOR DECEMBER ,, . " . . .................. .. 560.0 l 337.50 897.5 1 tory bldg. on 49th . Ave. Alameda, in City of ,San. Jose.' , l.U.O.E. CQN-r'RiB1J'f.JON DUE ·To PENSION FUND FOR
SAN FRANCISCO, co ntrac t MARCH 9, 1955 ES~i9,.\~gEtNPAIDj )~ATH CL-AI-MS .... 10,467.15 4,32()84 3,6:,0.00 l i:m 66 awarded to Malott & Peterson- SAN FRANCISCO, contract · TOTAL_Uf.BILIJiq. . S ~2.68' .20 ~ 12,183.24 $ 3,6SO.OO $ $ 48,514.54 Grundy, 2412 Harrison St., S. F., awarded to ·Petet' O. Mattei, ]?ier NET WORTH DECEMBER 31 , 1954 .. ,.... Si5,46G,68245 $5,202,713.82 $4,761,815.49 $35,535.23 $ 16,466,746.99 s5,-277 , for . resurfacing 7 tennis 7, Foot ,of Broadway, S. F., $36,000 TOTAL .... $6,499,363.65 · $5,214,897.16 $4,765,465.49 $35,535.23 ~16,515,261.53
·eourts and 1 basketball court at for remodel ing Pan Amei'. World International Uvion of Opetating Engineers - FUNDS ·OPERATING STATEMENT-v-a rious parks and square,, S. F, Ainv-ays ticket pffice on Maiden Year 1954 .
SALINAS, cont ract awarded to .Lane, which ' includes some struc~ \."Fl. M. Lyles, P. 0. Box 4S5, Ave- tural steel. DF:!,TH
1,al, $24,191 for canst. of water sys- STOCKTON, con tract awarded INCOME: "t ern at Rocteo Grounds, Salinas, to Modern Engr. & . Const. , 1128 Local Unions
$2,004,026.92 $755 ,103.65 $718 290 .ZS $3,477,350.82 UKIAH, contract awarded to ·N . Union, St0ckto.n, $38,498 for· Interesi and Dividends 101,655.25 99,763.80 9-1 ,312.46 295,731.5 1
-Kilburn Deal,. Rt: 1, Box 68-F, canst. of residence. TOTAL INCOME $2,105,682.17 £854,867.45 $812,532.71 $3,773,082.33
lJkiah, $40,000 for canst. of hard- SAN ANSELMO, c on t r a c t EXPENSE: ware store and warehouse at Oak awarded to V. Maggiora, 7 Harri-
' -a nd Standiey, son Av_e., Sausalito, $2,456 for con-Organizing Salaries and Expense " Convenhons, etc ... . . Office Expe'nse, Printing, Rent, Office Salaries, etc .. . Dues Books and Supplies .. . Taxes · Affiliations Per Capita Tax . Pension Fund
,,. Death Benefits
$ 752,599.30 201 :398.70
48,321.02 7 ,543 ,78 ·
l 17 .318.00 120,827.76
$24?.,38S.6g $ $ 994,984.98 21,897.07 3,092.00 226,3 17.77
48,32!.02 711.18 8,254.96
~ 117,318.00 50,518.87
442,590 bci 171,346.63 442 ,590 .00
,9,570.00 9,570.00 180,068.0 1
SAN FRANCISCO; c o n t r a c t struction_ of foot bridge and sai1it. awarded to Carrico Const. Co., 365 sewer over San Anselmo Creek in Ocean Ave., S. F :, $12,935 for site Lincoln Park, MARIN COUNTY.
'.improvement at Potrero Terrace SAN FRANCISCO, contract ,Annex in.volvii1g canst. of walks, awarded to Lowrie Paving Co .. , curbs, fences, and railing, Inc., 1755 Evans Ave., S. F., $14,854 [
Shke Benefits Journal-Publishing end Legal and Accounting .. . Dues Refunded ·
4,440.00 '3,636.3 1 1,800.00 49,876.31 1,6 13.50 1,613.SEJ
- MILPITAS, contract awarded to for replacing Haight St. sewer be;Camping Const. Co., 904 54th Ave., I tween Divisadero and Scott Sts: Oakland, $70,000 for canst. of cone. SACRAMENTO, contract award -t wo-story auto transport bldg. · ed to Los Gatos Const. Co., P. 0. , Near EUREKA, ,.contract award- 1 Box 111, . Los Gatos $28,474 for 0.3 ',eci ·1:0 B&R Const. Co., 110 Market mi. of grading anci' surfa~ing . with .St., S. F., $54,5CO for additions to'·[ double seal coat, removing existCutten Siem. School. I ing bridge and canst. of new cul-
!'J SAN LEANOPO BRENi'WOOD SAN FRANCISCO . HALF MOON BAY f;jfl SWt>clwood 8-5600 MEirose ,I.J5.:16 YU ken 6-6300 liuH Moon E.oy 4443
344 High Street .: Oakland, Calif. Office: AN clover 1-0466 - Quarry: -TRinidad 2-2400
RANSOME COMPANY Construdicn cmd Bt1tm"ie Engi!!'leers
Member of A.G.<;;.
4030 Hollis S1·reet Olympic 2-3600 Emeryville 8, Calif.
PARISH- -BR S. General Contractors- Highway and Public Worh
Ail Types of
Tota l Expense
vert at Hest'er Creek, · 5 mi. north of · Soquel on Old San Jose Rd., in SANTA CRUZ COUNTY,
CASTRO VALLEY, c o n t r a c t awarded to Ralph Larsen & Son, 64 South Park; S. F., $111,652 for canst. Vannoy Elem, School.
£1,432,446.57 $368,719.11
s 673,235.60 $486 ,148 34 .
CONVEYORS DITCHERS Asphalt Mixers and Finishers
31& So. B Street Som Mateo
$449,095.50 $2,250,261.1 8 - ·---
$363,437.2 1 $1,522,821. 15
LOADERS Portab le Conveyors
Dkimomi 3-5828
COLMA, contract awarded to Landes Const. Co., Brewster War- f&f.:H><&lll!!IM)._o_ocm111H;~o~o-.<:•.-.1,...,;1,,;,.,,,.o_..;.,_,.,
1 ren Bldg., Redwood City, $45,000 • 0
mfg. plant. 1 Lt· . . i THERMALITO, contract award- ~ In' ~ '
ed Henning & Son, Stockton, $146,- ,1
j I . ~ ~, 600 for canst. Nelson Ave. School. ;. 1 Jt · · @ ·
. . I l
MO,DESTO, contract awarded to 11 ij Harns Const. Co., P. 0. Box 109, , General Cc,ntrac~,ors Fresno, $329,500 for additions to I i Thomas Downey High School. I J I
SACRAMENTO, con tract award- : ·T . . . l'f 0451 S""n l.aanclro s I
ed to Guth & Schmidt 2821 s St. Rmiclad 2- 106o;, Q - "" "" t. Sacramento, $94,736 f~r ~ddition~ ! Oakland, California ffl to Earl Vvarr en Elem. School. , i · t
SANTA CRUZ, contract awarded j ;,._n.-o--..,.o-o-<Bl!lill-O.-o.-.n .. _...,,,..,,,..1,1tr·n-,;.,111,1,m<>l)-<llii!!II~ to Granite Const_ Co., Box 900, Watsonville, $3,533 for canst. of J. curbs, · gutters, s:dewalks and cen- -1
ter strip, Beach St. extension between · Pacific Ave. and .West Cliff Drive.
EXETER, contract awarded to Consolidated Westem Steel Divi - I s1on for canst. steel water tank, $13,786. '-
MATHER AFB, contn,ct awarded Lo Brightori Sand & Gravel Co., P. 0. Box i', · Pe'i:kins, $44,703 for prepat'ing of_. A/C parking apron and A / C taxiway and . apply seal coat. ' ··
CASTRO VALLEY, c o n t r a ct awarded to B&R Const. Co., 110 Market St., S. F., $459,040 Jor con
I struction Center Street School 1 GUSTINE, co.ntract awarded to , George Reed Co., 529 Covina Ave.,
Mod esto, $·9,865 for const. of tennis c.ourts at High School.
CROWS LANDING, contract awar ded to J esse \il/agon er, Rt. 5, Box 634, Modesto, $25,742 for construction of gunite constructed swimming pool and bath house.
TRAVIS AFB, contract awarded to Protective Coating Engineers, Buena Park, $15,562 for aircraft parking apron sealing. ·
uoG Rugged 3/s Yc:srd,. £ i@n Money Maker
Hou r afrer hour, da y after day, you ca n count on · your 53 "QUI CK- IVAY" to handle all types of jobs - faster, smoorheL The 53 is rugged-built to •han d!e toug her digging, heavier lift,ing and roll up production reco rds that put it way o"ut front as a money-maker.
CONS·T&tUC'f.lON EQUl~MENl .,_,..._.,,,...,.,_,.,_,_...,,_ ._..¥._, ~.-"'
T he 53 "QUICK-JF'AY" gives yo u 'll ll steel construction, precision engineerin g, simplicity of design, interchangeability of parts-and BIG CAPACITY in· digging and lifti ng - all at a price that
. COSTS YOU LESS. ·fully c'onverrible. An attachment foreverr k,ind (;f,io/2· Ask.11s__f()r/:tl( tfefails today. -for- Sale and , Rent ,,, ..
· ·. '3254 Ea.stshor.e .Highway . !HCH MO~D· LAndscape 5~2190 ·
. . ,0. Co.,JO.NES,,&.SONS+;, :, .. ... ~EN(~,RA~.:: cQ~TRACto·gs'i·t ; _,,Ceda1<and 4th,St. ,, c,;BERKELEY-5
•' LA:ndscapil ·6-342'1 ·
·· Edward''·R. Bacon Co.· '·'co NSTRUCT fo N ~EQ·u I PM E'N T .
, ' f·olsom at 17th St., San Francisco, Calif., · HEmfock. 1-37010
·· ~ .;/ilif~j)ItijijWijij~igjilijffigffl@Wl@lfi/!Jffl~@Jli@lllljpr~lgjjjiil.· 1 .., ft ft ft • _·:rvTerhb~r: A. i;: ,C. ; • , '-' . SACRAMENT.O •OAKLA N D • FRESNO
By PAUL EDGF'JOMBE and PAT CLANCY, Business Representatives
This is the time of year when the Operating Engineer begins to stir and stomp and is raring to go. He is inquiring as to location, facilities and hours on various jobs. We enjoy the situation when there is vvork enough in the jurisdiction of Local No. 3 so that we can suggest and help place competent engineers on. the many-1types of heavy · construction equipment that . will be in oper-
1 atio:1 throu ghout the area this If. [d ,coming season. ie .
In the San Fra.nciscQ area the freewa:r projects a nd building construction that we,·e in progress have kept many members busy fo1' the p?.st month. With the p1·0-posetl work that has been awarded, more men will be employed on these job;; as soon as they get By AL BOARDMAN under way, Agreement has been reached
On p.ortions of the fre eway, E d with the Pacific Manufacturing K eeble has moved his DvV-lOs a nd Co. of Santa Clara and San Francats back on th e Candlestick Poirit cisco on an agreement covering section, having recently fin ished the Mill Draftsmen of the Santa the grading job at Rollingswood Clara plant. Terms of t he new subdivision. agreement call for a two-year
A two-shift operation is going I term with a wage opening Jan.on at Guy F. Atkinson's Brisbane uary l, 1956. A new overtime pit with the 150-B and 88-B shovels keeping a steady stream of trncks .rolling to the big water filJ section. ·
Chas. Harney has several pieces of equipment cutting ramps at t;he vicinity of Third and Bayshore junction. Recently the section from Alemany to Third Street was opened for traffic, and is quite a relief to this particular bottleneck.
Eaton & Smith are busy on the elevated roadways and connecting links of the Bay Bridge and South Freeway.
Morrison & l{nudsen and MacDonald, Young. & Nelson have moved a rig in, doing the preliminary work on their · big $5,216,162 Embarcadero Freeway. This is just a starter on this multi-level traffic structure.
John Delphia was the low bidder for the water filJ gap between .Atkinson's and Keeble's sectio.ns. This material will be taken from the hillside near the garbage dump.
Several b u.i I cl in g construction jobs are now in progress, with a few more in the making. In addition to .the Dinwiddie Equitable Life Insurance Building, they are building a new tlll'ee-story building · for the Salvation Army on Geary Street and also remodeling an d adding three more :floors onto the Emporii.m,: store, Mission St. entrance. · · I
J . H. Pomeroy Co. continues to make progress on the American Can Co. block-sq uare building.
Other operations in, the construction industry remain stable at the present time.
As of April 1, Bro. Harry Metz a ssumed the duti es of represen tative in the San Francisco area north of M'ss ·on S: re2t, with t h~ transfer of Bro. PauJ Edgecombe to the ne,,v branch offlce in San :rvra teo.
* * *
clause which reads as follows: "All work performed in exc~ss of eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday, shall be paid for at the rate of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for the first two · (2) hours, and at the rate of two (2) times the regular rate of pay thereafter. All work performed on ·saturdays, Sundays and the holidays hereinafter defined, s)1a]] be paid for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay."
An.,. increase of $15 per month for all classifications, bringing the scale up to the following rates: Apprentice Draftsmen-
First six months ............ $241.00 Second six months ........ 259.00 Third six months .......... 278.00 Fourth six months ........ 295.00
· Fif th six months ............ 313.00 Sixth six months .......... 331.00 Seventh six months ...... 349.00 Eighth s1x months ........ 367.00 Ninth six months ... .. ..... 385.00 T enth six months .......... 405.00
Mill Draftsman, Journ ey_ man-First year ... .. ................. . Second year ................. .. . Third year .. ............... ... .
Senior Mill Draftsmen ... . Assistant Chief Mill
Draftsman ....................... . Tag Writer-
424.00 442.00 460.00 479.00
First six months ...... .... .. 248.00 Second six months ........ 262.00 The,·eafter ......... ....... ....... 280.00
Blue Print Oper ator ........ 235.00 Next meeting of Techni ca l En
gineers will be held on Friday, April 22, at S p.m., at 474 Valencia St., San Francisco.
* * *
to 0. E. Anderson, 1075 N. 10th, San J ose, $934,920 for canst . of first u nit of new Sunnyvale High School. CONlrfRRnrr~o~o -~w· A !)lf\t!:' CASTLE AF~, _contract awarded
,Ju olUI\. U f~ ~ ~!'IEJI.J J to Prec1s1011 Dnll111g Co., P. 0. Box SAN FRANCISCO, contract 693, Santa Rosa, $4,120 for drill
awarded to Plant Bros. Corp., 1168 ing, casing, plugging, developing Battery St., S. F., $30,000 for addi- and testing pumping 2 deep \veils tions to John .Finn Metal Works for Ordnance Storage Area. which includes some structural COALINGA, contract awarded steel. to Remco Const. Co., P. 0. Box
i\fARCH 10, 1955 1679, Avenal, $72,800 for locker · CARSON CITY, NEV., contract room additioi1 to Coalinga Union
awa;:ded to Silver. State Const. Co., High School. 859 S. Maine St., Fallon, $312,817 i\fARCH 14, 1955 for canst. of portion of PHS, US SAN FRANCISCO, c o n t r a c t 50, SR 2A, bet-..:1. 7 mi. NE of Car - awarded to Associated Engineers son City and 2.5 mi. NE of Day- Inc., 3606 El Camino Real, Palo ton, LYON COUNTY, approx. 6.073 Alto, $12,564 for a dditional site de-mi les. velo pment a t S. F. State College.
SKAGGS ISLAND, contract HAPPY CAMP, contract award-.awarded to 0. C. Jones & Sons, ed to Bos Const. Co., 1035 Grayson 1520 4th St., Berkeley, $15,759 for S t. , Berkeley, $26,783 for 1:edeckr esurfacin'g and paving exis t ing ing bridge cross Indian· Creek, in roads and ·new roads at Nava) Ra- SISKIYOU COUNTY. c1io Station, Skaggs Island. SACRAMENTO, contract award-
PALO ALTO, , contract awarded ed to Gene Richards, In c., P. 0. to 0 . C. Holmes, P. 0. Box 790, Box 1349, Fresno, $262,713 for 1.5 Redwood City, $67,921 for canst. m i. of grading and plantmix sur-91 ft. steel deck girder bridge with face on cern . tr . base on Abby St. , concrete deck across San Francis- surface. etc. on Blackstone. Ave., qui to Creek on boundary line be- \ and R O bridge betw. Divisadero tween Stanfor d campus and City St. and Hedges Ave., Fresno. of Palo Alto. ALAMEDA, contract awarded to
TRACY, contract awarded to Gallagher & Burk, Inc., 344 High Dryden Const. Co., P , 0. Bo~ 536, St., Oakland, $20,624 for canst. of Stockton, $35,900 for additions to I culvert's and resurfacing Centra'l Tracy Senior E lem .. School. · Ave. betw. Cottage and Sherman
ENGINEERS' NEWS April 15, 19S5
Business Repres.entative Work ·is slow in San Mateo area
for this tim e of year. Although m any engineers ·are
employed in . Sari Mateo County at this ti)n e, we still have a large out -of-work list .which see !TI~ ·. fo slowly get smalle1,: .However, tpi'ee. large real estate de.vei9pm erit pi;pjects are dtle to begin opei'ation'.s in the near future.
The Joseph .Brady Co. of Redwood City will begin operations on -three real estate development projects during the nex t 30 days which will involve the moving of over three million yards of dirt.
Foremen Bros. Archibald a!'1d Eitner, with a large crew of Cat and rubber-tired operators, are happily engaged in moving 500,000 yards of dirt for the purpose of real ·estate developm ent on Alameda De Las Pulgas at San Carlos. Operating the Cats at this location : are Bros. Hutchinson, Sanders, Mt:;Kinsey, Turner Smith,
I Spaulding, Gausberger, Yo u n g, Ford, Tobacco and Hague. On the r ubber-tire i·igs . we have Bros. Floyd Farwell, . Ed Farwell, R enwick, Jacobson, Thomas, Johnsoi1 and Vicari. Bro. Don Baldwin is ,
More than 5-0,000 tons of steel a.nd 14,000 yards of concrete I the heavy duty m echanic on the \ are g,~ing into the $70 million Northbay bridge betwe"en Richmond and job. J. 0. Archibald, the contracSan Rafael, which is moving ahead ra.pidly. This fine picture of latest tor on this project, also has a progress was taken by Jim Jennings, Oakland clispatcher of Operating large job ready to sta1:t across the. Engineers Local 3. bay and is buying more new Cats
~ and other equipment for the job.
5(\ 000 T f St I Bo Bros. Eitner and Archibald, ·the fil ~ ons O on ua supervisors of this project, highly
, V f - . · _, i .i;J/ ~~:n~~;ie t~;7~\~;:~ro~~1e;f ~~~~
North Bay Bridge Project 1
::~~~~~;; .. ~;;:;,;:.~,;:~;:i:~; The Richmond-San · Rafael Bridge presently being erected ent, there are many new projects
on San Francisco Bay is one of the largest bridges under con- planned for the coming season
Id d and it is the opinion of the con-struction in the wor to ay. I tractors in the area that this will
The· contract for t he superstruc- j a couple of oldtimers with the be the busiest -year to date. ture of t his bridge was awarded to contractor, Frank Veronda and The San l\fateo office of Local :f the joint venture composed of the Car] S trader. . is· happy to announce that we have Judson Pacific-Murphy Corp., Em- The oompressors on th e Job are movecl to la rger' qua rters. \Ve are eryville; Peter Kiewit Sons Co., manned ~y 0 . . L. Dean , . Arthur\ in the same building·, upstairs, Omaha; Stolte, Inc. , Oakland, and Stout ana A. Hightower. which is much ··hetter. \Ve · feel Fred J. Early Co.,_ San Franc_i sco .
1 Project Manager Fran c is J. that we wili ·be able· to give the
This con tract consists of fabncat- Murphy thanks Local 3 for the members better ser·vice at the new ing and ei-ectin g 36 100-foot girder assistance it has given them on location which is 703 B Street spans, 36 289-foot truss spans, and construction of the bridge. The Room 210. '· two cantiiever spans with main members of Local 3 v1iho have . * * * soan. clearance of 1,070 feet. Th e been employed on this job have . ;{ecessary . r einforcing steel and e_njoyed_ exce!len~ worki~g re]a- D11b!"1c ScLoo~s lJJ A~'~ .. conc:rete for one deck of the t.Jons with the Juason Pac1fic-Mur-1 r Ila .J Gi • VV t,;;"'1\1 bridge is al so included iri th<' phy Corp.: w hich ha~ prove~1 to be A nrlil 244'~ ~0 30tJL., .· . superstrncture contract. very cordial at all times w ith Op- All" B m U I HI
The contract caJJs for erection of some 50,000 tons of structural steel, pouring of som e 14,000 yar ds of concrete, and placi ng of som e 1,400 tons of re in forc ing steel. At th e ptesent tim e thei·e are ab.out 200 men on th e job who are affi lia ted with eit1-,er Iromvorkers Lo-cal U,1ion 378, of Oakland, or wit:1 Operatii1g Engineers i;:ocal 3, Oakland. These un ions are r epresented by approximate ly 170 ir011vvorkers and :25 oper a ting engineers.
The ma:n steel is erected on the 289-foot spans by use of a tw in boom trave!ler. Each boom has a capacity of 35 tons, and the entire ri g was manufactured by American Hoist and Derr,ck Co. Operato1·s on this rig are Jack Reasor and Tommy Th'ompson.
The erection travellers for th e canti lever sp2.ns have not been set up •at this writing. Present plans can for th em to be erected within the next two weeks. They are 55-ton capacity stiff-leg travelle1·s, also-- from American Hoist and Derrick Co. Stringer sidewalks Qn the job are placed by two s,epa ra te crews-each ·employing a Lornin Mota-Crane. The t11:o ''sh ort" men in t l1e bwiness, "Shorty' ' German an d "SlH1r ty" B en n ett. a1·e ,.; ~e1·ator 2- nd oiler . respc~t.ive1:,:, c< t he 1i :·st rig, · and "vctei:a~:. 1
' E(~. SHuf'rs and 1VI rtin Best a1·e ope:·,,.tor and oiler on the second rig. ~fru ck cra:1 es a.!:e us2d in the yard to yard out all(t s '.o.,·o th e steel. T l'!e t,vo major 1·ig:, e::.1-ployed are 30-ton cap?.c ·ty Lora·n i'/(to-Cranes, which are o;;er atec1 Ly Herb \Veaver anci Arnold Butterfield, 11,dth Dan Kise1· and 'vV. Rowe oiling. These men hanc,le a tremendous amount of tonnage in an eight-hour day, 1
Our two ace mechanics, who do a great job of keeping all of these pieces of equipment r unning, are
erating Engi neers Union No. 3. I (Con,tinued from Page One) * * * important formative years. That behind that· stern disciplinarian
CONSTRUCTION A WARDS who stood over our shou lder at OUl' desk or at ou1· side at the
HICKAiVI AFB, OAHU, contract blackboard, there was true kindawarded to Havrniian Dredging ness and a devotion to an {deal. ./ Co. , 1350 Ala Moana, Honolulu, That ideal was that only enlight$595,100 for rehab. of a irmen's ened m en and :women . can make a dol'mi tory Bldg. 51. democracy work. . ·
REDWOOD CITY, contract I Yes, the public sch ool teacher in . awarded to Mon·is Dal ey, 1350 her importance in the scheme of Howard Ave ., Burlingame, $27,118 things takes her place along with for store bldg. on Broadway betw. the stars and stripes in Old Glory. Main and J efferson . ~ And perhaps it is a sad commen- 1'
TALl\'1AGE, contract awarded to tary on our times that today there ·., Rothschild , Raffin & vVeirick , 274 is an increasing shortage in the Br annan ;:;'t. , S. F., $315,920 for 8.1- required number of th ese conseterations to _unit No. 2, comp'e.te crated citizens. The di;ift away faciliti es in unit No. 4 at receiving from the teaching profession is and treatment bldg., Mendocino even more alani1in g to students of Sta te Hospital. this problem than even the short •
SAN MATEO, contract awarded age in classrooms .. to VViJliams & Burrows, 5000 I-i:ar- But there is · an answer to this ·._ bor Drive, Belmont, for 'addition problem and each of us can find to Fireside Dial Bldg. it only by going back to school.
MONTEREY, contract awafded Yes, evei'l if for only a day. The to A: .J. P eters & Sons, P.O. Box 36th a nnual. Publi c Schools Week 632, San Jose, $56,399 for extend- gives each of us that opportunity. ing storm drain facilities at U. S. -The a nswer will be folmd in know• Naval P ostgrad. School. ing what t he schools are doing, (
SACRAMENTO, contrac t award- what the problems of _teachers and ' ed to Ed1·1·in J. Mackey. 720 Home students are today, and translating Ave., Sacramento, $422,.388 for that answer into public opinion. co1,st. aclmin . bldg. at Sacramento Vvhere public Ot}inion is based on II/Iu ni cip-2sl /,. irpor t. k nowledge of the facts any need
MONTEREY, contract awarded can be met. to F . V. Ha:11pshi.1·e, P. 0. Box 448, S;ilinas. SS6.743 for const. of Ar- &,,.R,., '11',.,,tr.liJ:i,,. n1:""'' :,,. ~B. ~!H'.l. tib~~ .. i/'t:ti rr ....... ,~ ~ .. lf;~ rnorr for California Natl . Guard, A total of 21 ·Cal ifornia state Mont ere~-. S::nators on April 13 signed as · co•
Vi' ATS ON V IL LE, Cf.>ntract author s of a resolu t ioa r equesting awarded to George \ r,,T . Da,·is , 506 Congress to a pprove the Trinity Center St., \Vatsom·ille, $177,600 R.iver-San L uis Reservoir Project fo r con.st . of two schools, T. S. to be linked in 11·ith the CVP arid MacQuidcly E lem . School a nd the the Feathei· River Project. Thornley Scl100J. * * *
CLARKSBURG, contract award-ed to Clark Bros., Clarksburg, $2,- 51:il>vscc UU'"'f..U\l?AWALS 346 for drilling we!J and installing 11.;l!l I la ti Iii nllli/U , · pump at Clarksburg Union High School,
Wm. Re<l'gewick Jr. James Lee Wright.