All MapleStory classes (2024)

Originally released in Korea and Japan more than 20 years ago, MapleStory quickly became a popular free-to-play fantasy MMORPG worldwide.

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Players pick their class when creating a MapleStory character, but it can be difficult to choose if you are unsure of the branching subclasses—also known as job advancements—that extend beyond the initial core class.With this in mind, we’ll look at all the available classes in MapleStory, including the main classes, their job advancements, and abilities.

  • Magician
  • Thief
  • Warrior
  • Bowman
  • Pirate


As the name suggests, the Magician class focuses on wielding magic in both combat and support roles.

Battle Mage

All MapleStory classes (1)

The Battle Mage specializes in close-quarters melee combat, but can also cast auras to help teammates.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Staff
  • Type: Resistance

Beast Tamer

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This class lets you summon a hawk, a bear, a snow leopard, and a cat companion, with each having a different attack mode.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Scepter
  • Type: Beast Tamer


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The Bishop is all about healing and support abilities along with Holy Elemental skills.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand/ Staff
  • Type: Explorer/Magician

Blaze Wizard

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These powerful wizards can control and command fire to set the battlefield ablaze.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand/Staff
  • Type: Cygnus Knight


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Evan’s skills revolve around his bond with Mir the Dragon, with the dragonling growing as Evan levels up.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand/Staff
  • Type: Hero

Fire Poison

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The Fire Poison mage attacks using a range of fire and poison-based attacks.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand/Staff
  • Type: Explorer/Magician

Ice Lightning

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The Ice Lightning mage deals significant damage thanks to their devastating ice and lightning powers.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand/Staff
  • Type: Explorer/Magician


All MapleStory classes (8)

Illium’s main form of attack is via his Lucent Gauntlet, but he can also fly with his Lucent Wings.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Lucent Gauntlet
  • Type: Flora


All MapleStory classes (9)

Kanna’s main weapon is her magical fan, but she has a spirit fox familiar too, and can summon ghost-like wraiths. She can also quickly regenerate Mana.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Fan
  • Type: Sengoku
  • Special: Unique Mana system


All MapleStory classes (10)

Kinesis uses telekinesis to throw objects at enemies. This subclass can also earn unique Kinesis Psychic Points to power up various skills.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: PSY Limiter
  • Type: Magician
  • Special: Psychic points used to activate ultimate skills


All MapleStory classes (11)

Lara uses her connection to nature and the land spirits to channel a range of nature-based abilities in battle.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Low/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Wand
  • Type: Anima


All MapleStory classes (12)

Luminous can switch between dark and light magic, both of which are available in two different modes.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/High
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Primary Weapon: Shining Rod
  • Type: Hero


Sneaky and agile, thieves prefer to use stealth to attack from the shadows, hide from enemies, or evade them entirely.


All MapleStory classes (13)

Cadena uses her Chain weapon to pull enemies to the ground. She can also use it to get closer to enemies.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Chain
  • Type: Nova

Dual Blade

All MapleStory classes (14)

Dual Blade subclasses wield two weapons. They’re also known for having one of the highest dodge rates in MapleStory.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Dagger and Katara
  • Type: Explorer/Thief


All MapleStory classes (15)

This roguish character is an Anima Thief who uses a Ritual Fan as his main weapon.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Ritual Fan
  • Type: Anima


All MapleStory classes (16)

Khali’s speed and dual-wielded Chakrams make her a formidable opponent, as does her desert blessings ability.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Chakrams
  • Type: High Flora

Night Lord

All MapleStory classes (17)

The Night Lord is precise, highly mobile, and uses claws to deal a lot of damage.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Claws
  • Type: Explorer/Thief

Night Walker

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Night Walkers can call on Umbra, the spirit of darkness, to assist them on the battlefield.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Claws
  • Type: Cygnus Knight


All MapleStory classes (19)

The Phantom class is crafty, as it can copy the skills of different archetypes.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Cane
  • Type: Hero


All MapleStory classes (20)

Xenon can equip Pirate and Thief gear, even if they don’t have the stats required. They also use a unique energy supply alongside Mana.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength, Dexterity, Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Whip Blade
  • Type: Resistance


All MapleStory classes (21)

Attack and defense are well-balanced with the Shadower, as they use wield daggers and shields.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Luck
  • Primary Weapon: Dagger and Shield
  • Type: Explorer/Thief


The warrior class favors strength as its primary stat and can wield heavier weapons and defensive shields.


All MapleStory classes (22)

Aran uses a polearm alongside her ice powers to freeze enemies, but she can also land consecutive hits to accumulate combos.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Polearm
  • Type: Hero


All MapleStory classes (23)

Wielding Aether Swords, Adele combines strength with magic to guide her swords to her will.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Bladecaster
  • Type: High Flora


All MapleStory classes (24)

Blaster has two heavy weapons that can be used to defeat enemies to charge their Dynamo gauge.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Arm Cannon
  • Type: Resistance
  • Special: Dynamo gauge that is used to activate his powerful skills.

Dark Knight

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This subclass focuses on dealing heavy damage with destructive abilities, though their high HP also makes them a strong defensive subclass, too.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Spear or Polearm
  • Type: Explorer/Warrior

Dawn Warrior

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Channeling the power of the moon and sun, the Dawn Warrior can mix and match skills.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Very High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: One or Two-Handed Sword
  • Type: Cygnus Knight

Demon Avenger

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The Demon Avenger uses HP for skills, so they don’t have Mana. They can use certain skills—like Life Sap—to counteract the fact that they have to spend HP.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Extremely High/None
  • Primary Attribute: Hit Points
  • Primary Weapon: Desperado (Special Sword)
  • Type: Resistance
  • Special: Uses HP to activate skills

Demon Slayer

All MapleStory classes (28)

The Demon Slayer has a special gauge called Demon Fury—rather than Mana—that charges by damaging enemies.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Blunt Weapon or One-Handed Axe
  • Type: Resistance


All MapleStory classes (29)

Hayato has a special katana to perform quick, lethal attacks that can create various combos.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium-High/Medium-Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Katana
  • Type: Sengoku


All MapleStory classes (30)

The Hero wields both one and two-handed weapons that deal significant damage all at once.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Sword or Axe
  • Type: Explorer/Warrior


All MapleStory classes (31)

Kaiser can perform deadly attacks with his two-handed sword, but he also moves rapidly around the battlefield.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Two-Handed Sword
  • Type: Nova


All MapleStory classes (32)

Mihile is your typical sword and shield warrior, though you can upgrade his Soul Shield to be even stronger.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Very High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: One-Handed Sword
  • Type: Cygnus Knight


All MapleStory classes (33)

This subclass is much like your typical Paladin, specializing in defense, tanking enemies, and supporting teammates.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Blunt Weapon or Sword
  • Type: Explorer/Warrior


All MapleStory classes (34)

Zero is technically two characters that come together as one. Zero uses a gauge called Time Force rather than Mana, and both have their own Time Force and HP meters.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/None
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Lapis and Lazuli (Special Swords)
  • Type: Transcendent
  • Special: Uses unique Time Force gauge


Bowmen are ranged attackers that are quick, nimble, and precise with their weapons.


All MapleStory classes (35)

The perfect, speedy all-rounder for those who enjoy ranged characters.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Bow
  • Type: Explorer/Bowman


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Kain wields an ancient, cursed power alongside his signature Whispershot weapon.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Whispershot
  • Type: Nova


All MapleStory classes (37)

The Marksman favors pinpoint accuracy with its crossbow above all else.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Crossbow
  • Type: Explorer/Bowman


All MapleStory classes (38)

Mercedes is an agile elf who wields Dual Bowguns. She can become even more nimble when she reaches level 50 and unlocks a rideable unicorn.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Dual Bowguns
  • Type: Hero


All MapleStory classes (39)

The nomadic, wandering Pathfinder uses an Ancient Bow and shadow magic to cause chaos amongst her enemies.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Ancient Bow
  • Type: Explorer/Bowman

Wild Hunter

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This subclass is well suited for those who enjoy animal companions thanks to the trainable and tameable jaguar war mount.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Dual Crossbow and Jaguar
  • Type: Resistance

Wind Archer

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Wind Archers are bonded with the spirit of the wind, so their powers revolve around the wind element.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Bow
  • Type: Cygnus Knight


You can probably take a guess as to what kind of class the Pirate archetype is. If you were thinking adventurous swashbucklers and daring rogues, you would be absolutely correct.

Angelic Buster

All MapleStory classes (42)

Angelic Buster uses a Soul Ring as a shield and a Soul Shooter as a weapon. They also use Soul Battery powers rather than Mana.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/N/A
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Soul Shooter
  • Type: Nova
  • Special: Soul Battery power instead of Mana


All MapleStory classes (43)

Ark uses a fist weapon to perform strong attacks, but also utilizes the Abyssal Path skill that allows him to channel dark energy.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Low
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Knuckles
  • Type: Flora


All MapleStory classes (44)

The Buccaneer is a great all-rounder, focusing on survivability and high damage with their fist weapon.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Knuckle
  • Type: Explorer/Pirate


All MapleStory classes (45)

The hand cannon is the weapon of choice for the Cannoneer,but they can also buff their allies via the Pirate Blessing skill.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Hand Cannon
  • Type: Explorer/Pirate


All MapleStory classes (46)

Along with using guns, the Corsair subclass can also summon their crewmates to help them in battle.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: Medium/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Gun
  • Type: Explorer/Pirate


All MapleStory classes (47)

The Mechanic incorporates tech into their abilities as the player pilots a mech suit with futuristic gadgets.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Primary Weapon: Gun and Mech
  • Type: Resistance


All MapleStory classes (48)

Shade is a Pirate subclass that uses knuckles, but can also summon different kinds of spirits into battle.

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Knuckle
  • Type: Hero

Thunder Breaker

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Thunder Breakers have a passion for storms and are blessed by the spirit of lightning.Using knuckles as their primary weapon, Thunder Breakers also have a unique ability to throw sharks, because why not?

  • Hit Points/Mana Points: High/Medium
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Primary Weapon: Knuckles
  • Type: Cygnus Knight

So, there’s everything you need to know about every class in MapleStory from developer Nexon. There is a class and subclass for every kind of player, so why not jump in and start your own unique playthrough?

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All MapleStory classes (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.