BUT I’m a Cheer Captain?! - Chapter 49 - SoulyOH (2024)

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
And you are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today

The pulsating bass line of Pink Floyd's "Time" echoed through the trendy rooftop bar, a stark contrast to the light, carefree atmosphere. Trent, his eyes closed in concentration, channeled his inner David Gilmour, his fingers flying across the fretboard. Heather, tapping her foot impatiently, glanced at Gwen, her brow furrowed.

"Is she crying again?" Heather hissed, her voice barely audible over the music. Gwen, who had been watching Courtney across the room, nodded sympathetically.

"Pregnancy hormones," she explained, a hint of amusem*nt in her voice. "Apparently, she wants to talk about baby names."

Heather groaned. The prospect of baby talk held as much appeal as a challenge with Ezekiel. "Tell her I'll see her later," she said, her voice firm. "Right now, I'm enjoying the music."

Gwen, knowing Heather's aversion to anything vaguely sentimental, chuckled. "Alright," she conceded. "But don't be a stranger. I know you secretly love Courtney."

Heather scoffed, a playful swipe at Gwen's arm betraying her amusem*nt. Just then, a figure materialized beside them. It was Courtney, her eyes red-rimmed but a determined glint flickering within them.

"Heather," she declared, her voice thick with emotion, "we need to talk about baby names!"

Heather, caught off guard, sputtered. "I... I just said.."

And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun
But it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way
But you're older
Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death

Before she could finish, Courtney cut her off. "Gwen told you," she sighed dramatically. "Look, this is serious! It's a boy, and we need the perfect name. One that reflects his… power, his leadership potential!" Her gaze darted towards Duncan, who was across the room, engrossed in a heated debate about the merits of vegan burgers with Geoff and Brick.

Heather, momentarily speechless at Courtney's intensity, found her voice again. "Courtney," she began, a hint of exasperation in her voice, "it's a baby. Not a future CEO."

"But wouldn't a CEO baby be amazing?" Courtney countered, a playful glint returning to her eyes. "Imagine, 'Junior' Duncan leading a multi-billion dollar corporation!"

Just then, Brody, his signature smile splitting his face, appeared beside them, a tray of food balanced precariously in his hands. Brick, ever the stoic one, followed close behind, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"Whoa, hey ladies!" Brody boomed, his voice filled with his usual enthusiasm. "Didn't expect to see you guys here! Long time, no…"

He trailed off as he spotted the grumpy expression on Heather's face. "Uh oh," Brody muttered under his breath. "Someone's not in a baby-talk mood."

Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines

Hanging on in quiet desperation
Is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over
Thought I'd something more to say

Duncan, alerted by Brody's voice, turned to see Heather and Gwen. A grin spread across his face. "Heather!" he exclaimed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Fancy seeing you here! Haven't seen you since the wedding announcement."

Heather, surprised, blinked. "Wedding announcement?" she echoed. "What wedding announcement?"

Courtney rolled her eyes playfully. "Heather, we told you," she said, nudging Duncan playfully. "Remember, February? Vows, cake, the whole shebang?"

A blush crept up Heather's cheeks as she realized she must have missed the announcement amidst the whirlwind of her own life. "Oh," she mumbled, feeling a pang of guilt. "Congratulations, you guys. I… I'm happy for you."

Duncan chuckled, slinging an arm around Courtney's shoulders. "No worries, man," he said. "It happens. Besides, who can blame you for being distracted by the music?" He winked at Heather, then motioned to Brick. "Speaking of distractions, Brick here has been working on a new clothing line. Wanna see some sketches?"

Heather, relieved by the change in subject, nodded eagerly. The rest of the evening flew by in a flurry of laughter, reminiscing, and catching up on lost time. Heather learned about Brody's new career as a sustainable architect, Brick's foray into fashion design, and Courtney's plans for balancing motherhood with her legal aspirations. As the band transitioned into a more upbeat tune, a sense of warmth and belonging filled Heather.

Despite the time that had passed, their bond remained strong. These weren't just former reality show contestants; they were a chosen family, one that celebrated life's milestones, big and small, one that offered support and understanding during times of hardship. And as the night drew to a close, Heather knew that no matter how much time passed, this connection, this sense

Far away, across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells

Two weeks had flown by in a whirlwind of activity. Heather, energized by her rekindled friendships and the success of her non-profit, found herself swept up in a whirlwind of social gatherings. There was a movie night hosted by Owen, complete with an overflowing popcorn bowl and questionable movie choices, a board game tournament organized by Noah (which Heather, naturally, won), and a barbecue at Geoff and Bridgette's lake house, where laughter echoed through the trees and the scent of grilled burgers filled the air.

Today, however, found Heather in an entirely different setting. Standing amidst rows of shimmering white gowns, she was surrounded by a cacophony of excited chatter and exclamations of "Oh, my God, you look amazing!" It was Courtney's bridal shower, and Heather, despite her initial reluctance, found herself swept up in the festive atmosphere.

Courtney, radiant in a crimson silk robe, was the center of attention. Her normally composed demeanor was replaced by a giddy excitement. Izzy, her newly minted maid of honor, flitted around the room like a butterfly on sugar, her bright pink hair bouncing with every step. Eva, a surprisingly tender expression gracing her typically stoic face, stood beside her wife Sierra.

Seaside, whenever you stroll along with me
Merely contemplating what you feel inside (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Meanwhile, I ask you to be my Clementine

You say you will if you could, but you can't
I love you madly
Let my imagination run away with you gladly
A brand-new angle, highly commendable
Seaside rendezvous

Sierra, always the enthusiast, was engrossed in a lively conversation with Bridgette about the astrological compatibility of Courtney and Duncan's future child. Heather, ever the pragmatist, couldn't help but roll her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Even after all these years, their dynamic remained a source of amusem*nt.

"There you are, Smuggy!" Courtney called out, her voice laced with playful exasperation. "I thought you got lost in the sea of chiffon."

Heather sauntered over, a mock pout on her face. "Just admiring the sheer amount of fabric it takes to create a single wedding dress," she quipped. "Enough to build a small sailboat, wouldn't you say?"

Courtney swatted her playfully on the arm. "You know you love it, Heather. Besides, a girl can dream, can't she?"

Heather couldn't argue with that. Despite her initial doubts, she was genuinely happy for Courtney. Seeing her friend, once so focused on control, radiating such joy was a sight to behold.

As the afternoon wore on, the girls reminisced about their past adventures, swapped embarrassing stories, and offered each other heartfelt words of encouragement. Heather, watching Gwen across the room, a warm smile gracing her lips as she spoke with Bridgette, felt a surge of gratitude wash over her.

These women, their diverse personalities once a source of conflict, had become her chosen family. They were the ones who had seen her at her worst, cheered her on at her best, and loved her unconditionally. And as they stood together, surrounded by laughter and love, Heather knew that this bond, forged in the fires of reality television, would continue to grow stronger with each passing year.

I feel so romantic, can we do it again?
Can we do it again sometime? (Ooh, I'd like that)
Fantastic, c'est la vie, mesdames et messieurs
And at the peak of the season, the Mediterranean
This time of year
It's so fashionable

I feel like dancing in the rain
Can I have a volunteer? (Just keep right on dancing)
What a damn jolly good idea
It's such a jollification as a matter of fact
So très charmant, my dear

The future, once uncertain, now shimmered with possibility. Heather, hand in hand with Gwen, was ready to face it, head-on, surrounded by the love and support of her chosen family. And as the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the bustling room, Heather knew that this wasn't just a bridal shower; it was a celebration of love, friendship, and the unwavering power of acceptance.

The salty breeze whipped through Heather's hair, carrying the faint scent of bonfires and barbecue. Laughter echoed across the beach, fueled by the rhythmic thrumming of Queen's "Seaside Rendezvous" blasting from a makeshift sound system. Stepping off the wooden boardwalk, she surveyed the scene. It was supposed to be a bachelor party getaway for Duncan and the guys – a last hurrah before he said "I do." Looking at it, Heather couldn't help but snort.

"Bachelor party?" she muttered, amusem*nt dancing in her eyes. "More like a beachside brunch with mermaids and mocktails."

The guys, true to form, had found a way to bend tradition. Instead of the usual debauchery, the beach was transformed into a tropical paradise. Tiki torches cast flickering shadows on the sand, brightly colored beach umbrellas created pockets of shade, and an inflatable pineapple bobbed playfully in the waves.

Brody, his usual goofy grin plastered on his face, was behind a makeshift bar, expertly mixing colorful concoctions without a drop of alcohol. Cody, sporting a sequined seashell necklace and a bright blue wig, was his enthusiastic assistant, juggling co*cktail shakers with a surprising amount of dexterity. Alejandro, ever the charmer, lounged beneath a beach umbrella, a floral sarong draped over his toned body – a stark contrast to his usual suave attire.

Heather's lips twitched at the sight. Even Alejandro, the manipulative mastermind, couldn't resist the infectious chaos of their chosen family. A wave of warmth washed over her as she spotted Gwen approaching, a plate piled high with their favorite comfort food – grilled cheese and tomato soup.

"Gwen!" Heather called out, her voice filled with delight.

Gwen, a playful grin on her face, weaved through the throng of people, navigating past a particularly enthusiastic game of frisbee involving Owen, Geoff, and Lightning. "Hey Smuggy," she replied, handing Heather a plate. "Figured you could use some real food amidst this… festive display."

Heather chuckled, taking the plate with a grateful smile. "You know them," she said, nodding towards the makeshift bar. "Always reinventing the wheel."

They took a seat on a beach blanket, their gazes drawn to the group of girls clustered around Courtney, who was inspecting a bouquet of seashells with an air of mock seriousness. Izzy, ever the free spirit, was twirling through the sand, her laughter echoing into the night. Sierra, her eyes sparkling with excitement, was trying to convince Eva to let her braid her hair into seashell dreadlocks.

"Looks like everyone's having fun," Gwen commented, her voice soft.

Heather nodded, her eyes gleaming. "They are," she agreed. "And even though it's not exactly what they envisioned, it's perfect. Because it's them, us, all together."

A comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant laughter of their friends. Heather glanced at Gwen, her heart swelling with a fierce love. Life hadn't always been easy. There were challenges, disagreements, and moments of doubt. But through it all, their bond had remained strong, a testament to the unwavering love they shared.

As the moon cast its silvery glow over the beach, bathing the scene in an ethereal light, Heather knew this was more than just a bachelor party. It was a celebration of friendship, a testament to the power of found family, and a promise for a future filled with love, laughter, and seaside rendezvous with the people who mattered most.

Heather sank deeper into the beach towel, the soft sand warming her back as she leaned against Gwen. Laughter bubbled from her lips as Leshawna, sporting a flamboyant flamingo hat, wrestled a giggling Izzy for the camera. Izzy, ever the drama queen, flung herself dramatically onto the sand, clutching a plastic starfish to her chest.

"Leshawna!" she shrieked, her voice laced with mock despair. "You'll never capture the raw emotion of this moment!"

Leshawna, her booming laughter echoing across the beach, snapped a picture anyway. The air crackled with an infectious energy, a perfect snapshot of their unusual family. As the night wore on, the bonfire cast flickering shadows on their faces as they shared stories, sang along to classic rock anthems, and made memories that would last a lifetime.

Underneath the moonlight (ooh-ooh)
Together we'll sail across the sea (shine on, silvery moonlight)
Reminiscing every night (ooh)
Meantime (and in the meantime, baby) I ask you to be my Valentine

You say you'd have to tell your daddy if you can
I'll be your Valentino
We'll ride upon an omnibus and then the casino

The following month flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Between juggling her responsibilities at the non-profit and stolen moments with Gwen, Heather felt like she was living her best life. There were late-night brainstorming sessions fueled by take-out and gallons of coffee, afternoons spent exploring local art galleries and hidden cafes, and cozy evenings curled up on the couch, watching cheesy movies and critiquing bad fashion choices.

Today, however, was a day Heather had been eagerly anticipating. A moving truck, emblazoned with the words "Heather's Stuff (Mostly Gwen's Clothes)" stood parked outside Heather's apartment. Boxes, overflowing with clothes, books, and years of collected memories, lined the sidewalk.

As the movers unloaded the last box, Gwen leaned against the doorway, a tender smile gracing her lips. She wore a simple sundress, her hair pulled back in a messy bun, but to Heather, she was the most beautiful sight in the world.

"So," Gwen began, her voice filled with a quiet excitement, "ready to become a permanent fixture in my life?"

Heather couldn't help but grin. "About time," she retorted, stepping towards Gwen. "Now, how about a celebratory ice cream binge to christen the new digs?"

Gwen's smile widened. "Sounds perfect," she agreed. They wrapped their arms around each other, the warmth of their embrace a silent promise of a future built on love, laughter, and the unwavering support of their chosen family. As they walked towards the ice cream shop, hand-in-hand, the setting sun cast a golden glow on their path, a reminder that the best seaside rendezvous was the one shared with the person who held your heart.

Get a new facial, start a sensational
Seaside rendezvous, so adorable
Seaside rendezvous, whoo-hoo
Seaside rendezvous, give us a kiss

BUT I’m a Cheer Captain?! - Chapter 49 - SoulyOH (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.