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fiddled with the corners of his clothes and said softly. When Jiang Shi saw Shan Yi acting like this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

They stepped on the ground neatly and powerfully, causing strong vibrations. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Shi heard the sound of dense footsteps.

Boom The 200,000 troops left in a mighty manner. Gong Chen glanced at Xiang Jiaoyun and smiled Yun, let's go back and recover Yes Xiang Jiaoyun nodded, and then ordered the 300,000 troops.

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They all came out to join in the fun. But even so, it can't compare to a boy who has been ascending for less than a hundred years Hey, I, Shangguan Yun, am a handsome man.

She shook her cute little head and circled around Jiang Shi first, then nodded solemnly and said, Little guy, my sister said the challenge, so the rules are set by her Jiang Shi stumbled, almost Falling headlong, is this too overbearing Little Dragon Girl, my brother lets you Jiang Shidu pretended to be calm.

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Shan Yi Xiumei frowned, Brother Jiang, that guy may have run away, how can we find him Jiang Shi smiled mysteriously, Follow me Then, the two of them walked around the city and came to Zui.

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Seeing how anxious you are, it must be a big deal Tell me, I Ao Chen will definitely help Brother Ao Chen, a group of mysterious people have kidnapped the six Shu Yi brothers and have entered the East China Sea now Please help Brother Ao Chen to stop them In addition, the other party's cultivation level may be very strong, and it is not ruled out that there are possible escapes.

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Pure His cultivation will still take some time, otherwise if he dies innocently, it will be a pity for our Dragon Clan So, the next leader of the Dragon Clan is Ao Chen Jiang Shi whispered, and the Golden Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, if not With such a plan, he wouldn't bother cultivating Ao Chen.

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Everyone stepped forward to take a look. When they came to the stone tablet, their eyes widened instantly. They saw three words clearly and clearly engraved on the tablet No rules No rules No rules Then why does Immortal Chixiong mention rules Everyone was confused and started talking again.

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Hee hee, my father and mother have finally reconciled. I have a mother. Zhu Ping jumped up and down, like a happy elf, infecting the two Qing Huangs. Let's go Qinghuang's face turned red, and the three of them entered the whirlpool together.

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It turns out that he is a cultivator It's a cultivator A curious light flashed in Fengying's eyes. Let's go The general sighed and walked towards the ring.

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He was tireless and jumped into the teaching building with one leg. He knocked away every figure crazily and went straight to the fourth floor In the classroom on the fourth floor, Jiang Shi rushed over crazily, shouting Qin'er Qin'er, but in an instant, Jiang Shi froze there Qin'er Qin'er Where is Qin'er Qin'er, where are you Jiang Shi shouted loudly.

I miss my mermaid sister very much. Oh Jiang Shi said with a bad smile. At this time, the beautiful woman shook her delicate body and turned around lazily. When she saw Jiang Shi's appearance, she also showed a look of shock.

Whoosh Cang Mu didn't wait for Manshi to speak to Aotian, and very consciously typed out the third picture of a gentleman against the immortal.

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Damn it, if I don't show off my power, do you really think I'm a sick cat Jiang Shi was furious. He slapped his chest and his body became a hundred feet tall, standing in the field like a giant holding up the sky.

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Okay, let's go join in the fun first Caining smiled slightly and didn't care about Jiang Shi's attitude. Then, Shang Cang and Caining left together with Shu Yi, Jiang Shi, and Yunsheng On the way, Shu Yi seemed to have something to say.

They didn't expect that Shangguan Yun, who had always been elegant and graceful, could be so knowledgeable about swords.

He smiled and said, You kid, you just made fun of Qing Huang and Zhu Sheng, and now you want to catch my attention Jiang Shi scratched his head, his face full of embarrassment.

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However, nothing strange happened until Manshi reached the other side safely Brother Shu Yi, this is called luck Manshi said excitedly and patted Shu Yi.

What surprised Jiang Shi was that the physical strength of this barbarian elephant was comparable to a top grade immortal weapon But its intelligence is still in the chaotic stage of beasts, and it lives the life of a beast in a hazy state.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.