Mass Effect: Observing Gains - Chapter 29 - xXWWhiteXX - Mass Effect (2024)

Chapter Text

Two days Later
Red Spirit Company’s stealth ship, Wisp

“I cannot help but feel guilty”

“I don’t like it either, but trying to pluck Tali away from Normandy during repairs is like trying to reason with you when you get some new prothean artefact or blackmail. All we can do now is hope she remembers to sleep” replied Shepard as she rubbed her lover's meaty expanse of flesh. The pair was in the nice, large quarters aboard Wisp, they were slightly bigger than Elizabeth’s back on Normandy and about as nice. Both, the muscular woman and obese asari were on the large bed, and Shepard was sitting with straightened legs. Liara was lying next to her, her lard spilling over the bed and head supported by the spectre's muscular leg.

They had remained unclothed or mostly unclothed since they stepped on board. Putting aside spontaneous bouts of intimacy, the lovers simply liked the view. In Liara's case, she also liked being reminded of her current figure, although the doctor, still wouldn’t admit it.

Tali had supposed to join them, but the quarian, despite clearly being torn about it, choose to remain by Normandy. Beyond repairs the vessel was undergoing cleaning and modifications, every inch of it was being checked for any surprises that Cerberus may have left. It was a good thing to have a truly trusted person oversee it, but that knowledge didn’t help disappointment. Garrus was capable, but not nearly as well versed in the workings of Normandy. Truth to be told Liara wouldn’t mind him tagging along with either, in a different cabin of course.

“Still, I fear she thinks she needs to make up for the time you two spend without me” said the doctor with a sigh.

“There’s no point in moping about. Instead, think about how to cheer her up when we get back” replied the commander opting to focus on pleasing the doughty mass. She loved Liara, but the doctor was prone to overthinking.

Before the asari could reply they received a message on the terminal – they were about to land. Shepard carefully removed herself from under her love and stood up, then she retrieved the information broker garments. The spectre help the enormous beauty sit and began helping her put on lingerie.

While Elizabeth was a bit less efficient than bots, she was far more… tender and changed procedure Liara quietly enjoyed, into something which made her bit her lip.

Once this was done, with their forces combined, the doctor stood up and they put a dress on her, before the asari sat down again.

Technically, Liara was able to(so far) do all of those tasks alone, but assistance made it all much quicker.

Shepard started to put armour on herself. It wasn’t immediate either, but unlike her love, she was putting on a full set of armour. Identical to her usual one, but in colours off Red Spirit company and with one-side visor.

She was done almost exactly when the first shakes from entry were felt. Fortunately, they remained minuscule and Elizabeth could arm herself.

“I know that you like to be prepared, but is all of this necessary?” asked Liara. Shepard turned to asari and immediately used zoom in the visor. As small as they were the ship’s movements were inducing delicious jiggles in the blue flesh.

“Knowing our luck?”

Liara opened her mouth to respond but closed it. All things considered, the spectre had a point. Soon enough they felt deceleration of the craft and several minutes later a small hit. They landed.

To the ramp, they when hand in hand, but once they descended, two lovers separated, assuming appropriate, “professional” poses. Shepard felt the faint glimmer of biotic aura from her partner, but then the wind hit them. The landing pad was located in a narrow valley, but even here the air currents were impossible to ignore.

Elizabeth looked around, most of the architecture and equipment were familiar, typical for Council species, but some… not.

They were greeted by a small group of commandos, whose lieder seemed to immediately throw out of the loop when she realized that the VIP she was supposed to escort was Liara. After brief formalities, they boarded a large tram, that was mostly used for material transport save for(fortunately) a few seats. The group headed under the mountain and as they progressed the spectre kept noticing a few unusual details but kept quiet even as Liara was making a polite conversation(interrogation) with the commandos.

They arrived at a small station, clearly meant for people only. The group disembarked and moved through the pre-fabricated rooms. They passed a checkpoint and soon arrived before an important-looking door.

“IN!” shouted a voice inside once they called and so Liara and Shepard went in. While they surely had been announced by security, the director(formerly commando) of the facility was in the middle of heated exchange. She was an asari of average height, with skin a darker shade of blue, her posture betrayed military training and wore a practical asari grab, instead of a dress. The director was currently lecturing some unfortunate commando. The younger asari had purple skin and was wearing a typical, skin-tight, off-duty commando jumpsuit.

The spectre noticed that the maiden’s body was stretching the uniform a bit too much. The commando’s sizes seemed to be a bit too generous and soft, even for her formation, which valued mostly biotics.

“…lift your fat ass!” the directly finished, then she turned to the door and paled when realized the visitor's identity. Then she scanned Liara, as if to confirm something, and paled even further. Almost immediately, the director dismissed the subordinate, whose face gained a strange, but smug look, and introduced herself.

“Kasana Atrumi, acting director of this fine facility. It’s an honour to have you here ma’am”

Liara kindly returned the greeting and introduced Shepard as a high-ranked bodyguard with high-security clearance. That seemed to partially calm the shorter asari, as she had been monitoring the tall figure the moment she had stepped inside.

For the next hour, Kasana and Liara were going over how the facility was faring. Elizabeth was listening carefully, despite finding the topic mind-boggling boring. Still, this was the main reason she was here. Ultimately, it all boiled down to "despite the initial uncertainty, the projects on-site and cooperation with new partners is going exceedingly well".

“There is… one thing” said the director once everything was done. Her face perfectly stoical and professional, so far, was starting to betray signs of nervousness from before.

“There’s a certain trend, I believe it started with translators, but then it spread to the rest of the personnel. Nothing that would impair their work, at least so far, so I didn’t interfere beyond occasional notice. However commandos are being affected as well and in their case it’s unacceptable” explained, or rather tried to explain, the director. Liara’s face shifted slightly.

“And what exactly is this trend Miss Atrumi?” the doctor asked calmly for clarification. The slim asari hesitated for a second, before answering.

“Members of our personnel has been… increasing in weigh. Noticeably so” admitted the director and glanced at her obese employer with worry. The information broker merely smiled softly.

“I understand how this may be a problem. Is there any specific cause?” further questioned Liara. The sari behind the desk visibly relaxed.

“I believe so. Our hosts are providing us with a unique food product as a show of goodwill. Of course, we had it checked, but according to our eggheads, it's neither harmful nor addictive, if stupidly caloric. At first, only translators were trying it, the consistency isn’t exactly encouraging, but the thing keeps getting popular. As I said as long as it was limited to civilian personnel I let it mostly be, but commando? They’re already lax as it is” explained the thinner asari and signed.

“Ma’am, I pride myself on being a good organization, but my diplomatic skills are just enough to put some sense into squabbling maidens. So as much as I would like to cut the problem at its source I find myself poorly fit for it”

The doctor nodded.

“I’ll address this issue and see what can be done. Also, my companion is a long-time military, perhaps she may lend a hand? We’ll stay for at least two standard cycles” said Liara. Kasana glanced at the tall figure and slowly nodded.

Soon the pair were escorted back to the train and went deeper. At some point the tram was passing a large reloading station.

Then they saw them. Rachni

Hundreds of insectoid aliens crawling around the dry dock, hulls of ships which may be intended for humanoid races but with completely unfamiliar designs. The crawling figures were different from those encountered in frozen labs years ago but unmistakable. Liara tried her best, but Shepard noticed her sudden discomfort.

Amongst rachni, like raisins in the cake, humanoid figures were spotted. The tram didn’t even slow down. They arrived in, again, a small station. They passed doors and arrived by what, essentially looked like an ordinary office lobby. A fairly attractive, human woman of Asian descent sat in reception, her ancestry was a stark constant to the adipose that clung to her. Unlike the commando from before, whose face betrayed a just a little too much softness, the secretary was on the border between very chubby and simply overweight, which was clearly visible looking on her ample cheeks and uniform that was several sizes too small. Once they were near her, Shepard noticed a glass full of semi-transparent liquid with a purplish tint and rather dense consistency.

Despite, the braches of the dress code, the secretary was professional and in seconds dealt with formalities. She also remained adamant that only Liara and her companion may go further, despite the present commando arguments. After the doctor deescalated the situation, the pair passed through the reinforced door and after a short hallway was intercepted by a curious pair - An asari and a rachni.

The maiden was rather short, and like the secretary well past average weight. The rachni, while unmistakable, had a much thicker body and more tentacles than those on Noveria, it also lacked pointy bits.

The asari introduced herself politely and explained that she was a guide. They followed her and Shepard found that she had a hard time ignoring their guide back fat and a rump that clung to stretched dress. The spectre glanced to the side, Liara was in a similar dilemma.

Fortunately, they arrived in active areas and the tour began. In the rooms, behind transparent groups of asari and rachni drones similar to one walking with them, many mono-gender aliens had pitch-black eyes.

Translators – asari is specifically trained to communicate with insectoid species. While any member of their race could connect with them, doing that seamlessly and effective was another thing altogether. As the facility grew, their services become invaluable, this same resulted in the birth of new species of drones, one that was able to directly relay information from the queen and connect with their allies.

Also, with exception of one or two, all asari were as fat or fatter than their guide. Shepard also saw many of them indulge themselves with familiar translucent liquid and occasional, various snacks. Strangely enough, from what the spectre noticed, the drones seemed to encourage this behaviour, putting the jugs full of pinkish substance and trays of foods close to their partners. Nothing ostentatious, quite opposite, but Shepard made a point to memorize every bit, noticed.

After some time they passed a large, reinforced door and entered an equally large sluice. The next door was even sturdier and there were two drones, clearly combat-oriented, as evident by their armoured bodies and sharp claws.

Their guide turned to them with badly hidden embarrassment.

“I’m sorry but I was instructed to remain here, ma’am. You and your companion have to go further alone” explained the maiden bashfully. Liara smiled reassuringly.

“It’s fine, I’m the one behind this arrangement”

The young asari smiled, nodded and retreated behind the first door, which immediately locked shut. Shepard moved ever so slightly, so the enormous doctor was out of the way of eventual fire. But two large drones moved even farther from the second door and seemed to bow. The entrance opened and they passed, the hallway quickly turned into a catwalk closed in a transparent, dome. The duo, now back hand in hand, saw an occasional rachni between the rock of the cavern.

Soon they passed a small complex with many windows. Shepard clicked a button and after a few seconds, a door opened to reveal a spacious office and its occupant.

“Doctor T’Soni, Commander Shepard it’s good to see you two” welcomed Ceathea D'veis cheerfully with a sincere smile. The matron had changed, the last time either of the duo saw her, the asari had been chubby, easily above average in weight for long-lived species, but certainly not breaching 180 pounds.

Now, Ceathea was sporting a sizable gut split into two folds, that was the centre of her gain. Her bust and ass also expanded, if not quite that much, every limb of shorter asari unmistakably thicker. The servant of rachni was wearing a comfortable, casual dress that was wrapped around adipose. Shepard was pretty sure their host was around 250 pounds, or perhaps she was overestimating the smiling asari was rather short.

Ceathea led them to a large couch, the duo sat and Shepard noticed Liara’s relief, the trek had been exhausting even if she hid it well. The commander removed her helmet and looked around, the office was certainly comfortable, perhaps even homely, but parts purely for work were in perfect order. Elizabeth noticed a large array of snacks as well as this dense, pinkish liquid.

“I believe you liked that blend Miss T’Soni, but I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with your preferences, commander,” said the head translator as she put a large tray on a table. There was a kettle, three cups and an array of cookies. Shepard sniffed, recognizing tea.

“I’m good”

Soon all three were sipping on the herbal blend, then two asari began talking business. This time conversation was much more interesting to Elizabeth. Even if spectre was no scientist hearing about establishing cooperation with such different species, especially one presumed to be exclusively aggressive, was interesting.

After an hour the conversation was becoming less official.

“Forgive me, but director Kasana informed me that her subordinates display a curious trend of increasing weight, that was spreading from your translators. You did mention that the queen tends to be a bit… generous with hostility and looking at you I suspect that still may be the case. While I have no right to condom you, Ceathea but it was pointed it may become an issue. Could you explain the situation from your side?” Liara asked and bit part of the cookie. Shepard couldn’t tell which asari was devouring the large pastries faster, but from a large supply remained maybe a quarter. This was doing things to the spectre, and she had a hard time keeping composure.

The shorter asari couched to cover her embarrassment, then she stood up with exhale. A second later the translator put three simple glasses and a jug with a pinkish substance.

“This is rachni jelly, this was originally used to feed their young, but it was also what they feed me when I first crashed. The queen has modified it to better fit my needs and tastes. It’s incredibly nutritious and easy to digest, also the current version is quite tasty, even if some people are put off by it at first. Rachni can produce it with a variety of substances, that even quarians would find impossible to use and seeing as the queen made sure that every messenger could make it, we have an abundance of it. I’m fairly sure we would be able to sustain ourselves of it even if we were to be completely cut off” said Ceathea and looked at them. The pair nodded that they understood, their host took a bit of pastry, then a sip of tea and continued.

“When I began training other translators, I had them try it to be courageous. They were sceptical due to its consistency, I too was rather when I first tried it, but they quickly get used to it. Soon enough jelly became popular and it was becoming familiar to other personnel. As I said, it’s extremely nutritious, but a lot of us drink it as causally as tea. Effects are what they are, but everybody is aware of jelly's properties. I also wasn’t aware that it may be an issue... Hm... Do you want to try it?”

The pudgy asari poured jelly into glasses, a bit to two, and one full – for herself. Ceathea drank and emptied her portion in one go. Liara, after a second of hesitation, took a sip, her eyes widened in disbelief and quickly drank the rest.

Shepard followed their suit. The jelly was dense, almost more so than kissel, sweet, but not too much, with something akin to citreous aftertaste and strangely refreshing. It was surprisingly good, indeed, but…ash on her tongue.

Shepard blinked a few times.

“I was lead to believe…” started the obese doctor.

“… that director chose not to bring it to your attention so far, because it wasn’t affecting commandos. It’s no longer the case. Also, she wasn’t confident to eventually deal with the queen without offending her”

The translator grimaced a bit, and Liara give her a questioning look.

“Kasana… may be onto something. The queen was quite vocal about her support for… changes to our personnel” the shorter asari and put her hand on her ripening tummy.

“Perhaps she wouldn’t be offended if she was forced to cut our supply of jelly, but the queen would be displeased. I propose we try to solve this with our personnel at first”

Liara nodded slowly.

“I’ll make sure those commandos get into shape. Either they forget about overeating or they put those extra calories to good use. I got some good suggestions from Eristena” Shepard reassured and smiled wickedly. Liara suddenly almost felt sorry for the local commandos.

“So… there is nothing special about this jelly?” asked Elizabeth.

“Well… as far as we know. Our medical personnel is capable, but they aren’t researchers. They were able to firmly state that jelly is neither addictive nor harmful. But they lack expertise and equipment to make more in-depth study” admitted the translator.

“I’ll take care of it” assured the doctor, she leaned down squeezing her enormous gut and pushed the empty glass towards their host, who immediately filled it with dense liquid.

Shepard watched her love gulp down the fattening jelly. Considering what she saw so far, the commander needed to acquire a supply of this concoction.

Speaking of… how is Tali doing?


Normandy SR-2, the engineering deck

Tali was muttering an array of quarian, asari and many, many human profanities she had picked up from her lover.

She was stuck.

To be exact, her meaty bottom was wedged in a half-closed, air baffle. When they had disengaged power in this part of the ship, it must have been halfway closing/opening. It happened sometimes. As the quarian had been inspecting this air duct, the engineer merely took note to configure it later and continued, confident that she would be able to easily pass.

Tali might have miscalculated.

The circle she had to pass had been wide enough for her to pass… several months earlier, before Shepard got to her with those delicious nutrient pastes, actual food and pampering, all happily provided by Liara.

The spunky quarian tried to force herself to squeeze, but all she accomplished was getting stuck. The baffle was painfully wedged into her ass, the sizable bulge of her butt stuck with her upper body on one side, and the rest of her incredible booty and thick legs were left behind.

After five minutes of tugging forward and then backward, Tali stopped and let a chain of profanities that would make Jack envious. Then she took a deep breath.

“Okay, those two bosh’tets made you too fat to fit through a wide-open airlock. That’s fine, you can deal with this Tali” mumbled the soft quarian and began weighing her options.

If only I find one as heavy as myself

She reminded herself what model was being used here.

If Shepard was here now…

All baffles that can be accessed physically have to have a manual controls.

Mmmm… Elizabeth would…

“Nope” Tali cut her train of thought. She needn’t think what hergirlfriecommanderwould do to her in the current situation. All those terrible, terrible wonderful things.

The heat that was spreading through her body and the familiar itch was not helpful.

The pudgy quarian took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her body. Once done with this, she looked to the place, where should be manual release. Her memory was right, although Tali had to bend rather uncomfortably to reach it. The engineer could feel fat being squished as she bent to the side and was doing her best to ignore it.

Why couldn’t she find it shameful as most humanoid females and asari would?

Oh… that’s right! Because, that evil, sexy bosh’tet – Shepard, had corrupted her and Liara was cheerfully enabling her.

And I love it

Tali almost reached her salvation, the lever, when a familiar notification flared in the corner of her display and an equally familiar hose slipped between her lips.


No…I… I disable it before the mission and Liz…Liara

Her deliberations were interrupted when a stream of dense and, admittedly, fairly delicious nutrient paste flooded her mouth. After the emotions of the suicide mission, Tali almost forgot the feeling of having this dense substance forced down her throat.

The quarian straightened and supported her with arms, trying to take as comfortable a position as possible. Which, given her predicament, wasn’t comfortable, at all. Tali was lying on her arms, face down with her ass wedged higher and the paste kept flowing, so the quarian keep eating.

After several minutes tank was empty and the quarian, almost desperately, reached for the lever. Second, later her sore butt was free, she crawled father to be completely safe from the baffle and fell on her side/back.

Tali was panting, but the bout of movement was only a fraction of the cause, same with her legs that were being squeezed much more tightly than necessary. One would think that after months of similar treatment the pudgy engineer would get used to it.

But there was something new:

She wasn’t full.

After swallowing over a litter of thick, calorie-bursting paste, Tali wasn’t full. Perhaps, the bootylicious quarian was sated(she wasn’t, in any sense of this word), but she wasn’tfull.

“Keelah” whined the engineer and covered her visor with her hands at the realization thatyes, she would certainly go for more of the fattening paste.

She activated her omitool,she needed to…

Tali bit her lip, she had spent there much more time than suspected. EDI or one of the repair crew would contact her soon.

Not enough time to put this overpriced nerve-stim to good use

The quarian sighed, deeply and in a span of a minute or two managed to compose herself, mostly. She got back to work.

There’ll be time for it, later.


Utukku, Red Spirit’s base

Liara and Shepard entered guest quarters. They were simple, made from typical prefabricates and furnished a bit better than most of the complex. Considering the smell was never used before. It was perfect.

Elizabeth led Liara to the nearest couch, the asari sat down heavily and with visible relief.

“How are you holding up?” the spectre asked, her voice unrecognizable due to her helmet.

“I’m fine” The doctor shot with annoyance, but was unsuccessful in hiding her tiredness. She took a deep breath and her grimace lessened.

“Sorry. I am tired Shepard, but you needn’t worry. I manage”

That was what worried the spectre. The obese information broker weighed almost 550 pounds. Thanks to asari biology, which took all new lard in strides, precise control of her increasing biotic abilities, and musculature maintained thanks to ever more gruelling physical exercises Liara hadmanagedto get through the entire inspection. She even managed to hide her tiredness and discomfort from the entire staff, thought from not the spectre.

Elizabeth would prefer to carry her mat… partner the entire time, even if such feat would leave even likes of her or Eristena panting like a varren. Of course, it was out of the question, but still…

The commander refrained herself, for now, from voicing her concerns, instead she bent down and removed the blue beauty’s shoes, which released a sigh of relief. Good thing that Shepard had successfully convinced her love to wear flats instead of high heels. Not like Liara needed them, so far she proved to be taller than any asari on site.

As much as Elizabeth would like to focus on her love, she still had things to do. The spectre stood up and began sweeping the apartment for any bugs as well as inspecting it. Just now she noticed that one couch had been unfolded with linens on it. Shepard smiled, they had to have done it as soon as Liara informed them that she and the “bodyguard” would stay in the same room. Next, was the pile of language that had been on the ship. Seals checked out, nobody was stupid enough to try and open them.

The livingroom was clean, so the tall female, took one large, but unarmoured container and went to the minuscule kitchen. The sweep revealed nothing, but before going further Shepard opened the container. It was full of pre-made meals, some of them were opened and put into the oven, some put out to be ready, and lastly, a pot of herbal, relaxing tea was made.

Elizabeth admitted that she was hopeless as a cook, but not that much to mess that up. She brought a pot and cups to Liara, who accepted the drink with gratitude. The spectre went further – sparsely furnished bedroom… nothing, but the king-sized bed wasn’t too soft and had a sufficient amount of pillows that was good.

Last room – washroom, again nothing, but…

Shepard frowned, the shower was big enough for a grown turian, Liara should fit… tightly… very much so…

Hmmm… the entire place is covered in tiles and there’s a drain on the floor… yes that should work just fine

Now, reasonably sure there were in the clear, Elizabeth removed the helmet and put it in the bedroom.

“I propose you start with the dinner while I finish making perimeter. Or do you want to shower first?” asked Elizabeth entering the livingroom. Liara was now lying on the couch, her stomach proudly rising upward, the piece of furniture barely wide enough to prevent the spilling of soft blubber. Considering the low rumble that had come from the fleshy mountain, Elizabeth suspected an answer.

“Mmmm…ah, dinner, please. Hmm…You do know that this blend makes me sleepy” replied the bountiful beauty.

“Yes, and I know that you could use extra sleep” …and that’s you being tired, not tea’s fault. You shouldn’t have strained yourself.


The commander headed to the kitchen changed bit settings and prepared cutlery. Not ten minutes later she began moving the first portions of food to Liara, fortunately, now empty boxes were sturdy enough to use as a counter, the table alone was a bit too short.

Liara, energized by the appearance of food, began to dig in with gusto. As much as Elizabeth wanted to stay and watch, she had one last thing to do before a breather. With one of the containers, the spectre retrieved an entire array of security equipment and began placing it throughout the entire apartment. It was good to be through.

The spectre finished just in time, her lover was just finishing with her first course(s). Shepard quickly provided more goods from the kitchen and removed empty dishes. Finally, she sat on the armchair near her lovely glutton with the portion for herself.

The commander removed some of her armour, before grabbing cutlery and proceeding with the meal. All of this was being made difficult by a familiar, but no less enticing spectacle before Elizabeth. She had never admitted it, but the commander always had a thing for watching beautiful women/asari eat. Nowadays it gained a new deeper meaning, besides she yet had to meet somebody who eats quite like Liara.

The enormous asari ate voraciously, almost desperately, but maintained the base decorum. Shame on people who thought of thessian species as blue human women with funny heads, if they only could see how widely the mouth of starved asari could open. Shepard could almost imager those lips closing over somebody's head. Exaggeration... maybe... maybe not.

Mmmmm yes, those plump, soft, kissable lips. The commander had an almost physical urge to bend and taste gravy on them.

All of this was made sweeter by its ultimate goal. All these foods served to sustain and expand Liara’s lush body. Every part of her asari was now enormous, thick and filled with soft fat. Even if the obese goddess managed to slow down her increasing weight to focus on, other aspects of their fascination, there was no doubt in Shepard that Liara would get only bigger.

The good doctor was too greedy to be otherwise.

Unfortunately, the feast was coming to an end. The mountainous gut swelled and tightened, full of food, making the dress nearly rip itself. Fortunately, those were stretchy.

Shepard handed a paper towel to stuffed asari and went to the kitchen. On her way back she unpacked a bag with some utilities. She placed a pair of flip-flops before engorged asari and began removing the rest of the armour.

“Urp… I thought we agreed that I would cut back on food” said Liara as Elizabeth bend down to help her disrobe.

“I prepared only what was marked for today”I just made sure we had double everything

“Or are still grumpy because queen complimented how much youmatured” replied the spectre with a smirk as she located the miniature zipper. Liara grimaced.

Meeting with the rachni queen had been enlightening. Their species was so different from all others, but at the same time, the few similarities were chillingly close. It was almost bizarre how amicable the enormous mother was in a peaceful settlement. The opportunity to talk in length, in peaceful surroundings, allowed them to cover much ground, despite having to use a proxy. In the end, the queen couldn’t help but compliment how much Liara had... matured(grown fat) and expressed her hopes that other prospective mothers in the facility would follow suit.

It was bad enough and introduce a mix of very conflicting emotions(a bit of shame and denial, but thenprideand determination – no upstart was going to outgrow the head of house T’Soni), but then asked how large brood the pair intended on having. It took some careful wording to change the subject, but what worsened the situation even further was some interactions between Kasana and the queen. The doctor may have been projection, but soon they may reach a new level of asari-rachni cooperation.

Not bad, if not bad at all, if not for the fact all of this was aggravating Liara. Never before her instincts were so much at odds with logic. So what that Reapers were supposed to arrive any day now! She was a young matron with a bountiful, fertile body, everything was screaming to her to tackle Shepard and f*ck her until pregnancy was confirmed, repeat to be sure and on the quickest convenience mirror the process with certain quarian.


Good thing, Liara was now too tired or she may have done so.

Stupid hormones. Stupid, grandmotherly, enabling queen and her underfed translator.

Luckily, Elizabeth’s movements managed to bring the asari back to reality. With few more movements, the dress was now lying next to her on the couch and her engorged body to the word. The doctor bit her lip, the contact between her and Shepard was…

The commander helped her to stand and supported her carefully as she waddled to the bathroom. Thanks to biotics and a special, loose dress, the doctor had been able to appear, more or less, walking, but truth be told her legs, with their soft thighs as wide as her muscular partner’s waist, reduced her mode of locomotion to waddle and waddle alone.

AN obstacle appeared, namely the door to the bathroom, while they seemed to be the standard far for the construction of this type, it was a model used when space was sparse. Namely, they were thinner than those on SR-1. This posed a bit of a problem.

“By the goddess” murmured Liara, purple with embarrassment as fat at both sides of her belly and waist touched the frame. Shepard assessed the situation.

“You should be able to fit by going sideways”

The blushing asari only nodded and so they did. The tip of her meaty ass and stuffed gut did brush the door, but they managed. Liara put her hand on her blushing face once the doors closed, Elizabeth only chuckled and kissed her crest. The obese doctor looked at her and weakly returned the smile.

Then she glanced at the shower and released the queen of all signs.

“I suppose, I’ll have to do” with that the young matron squeezed into the cabin, supporting herself on its sides. The obese asari rather not think about what would happen if she were stuck here.

“Liz could please pass me shampoo and sponge? And please close the door” requested the doctor, finding barely enough room to reach the controls. Soon she felt a sponge, already with a fruity-smelling substance on it, near her bottom. Grabbing the item proved to be a challenge, but together they manage, now only…

“Door, please?” reminded Liara

“Nah… start water, I begin with your back” replied the commander and the asari felt a familiar hand sink into her back.


“You can’t exactly wipe yourself inside so floor goanna get wet anyway. C’mon”

Liara had no choice, but to comply, besides the spectre had a point. A stream of warm water poured on her, washing away some of the stress, stiffness and this lotion that hid her sweating. Shepard had tried to convince her to go without it, but the presentation was important. She couldn’t be sweating after a short walk before her subordinates.

The doctor felt a second sponge and familiar hand work on her back and couldn’t help blushing. Somehow, and very quickly, Elizabeth managed to seamlessly become her aide, successfully replacing her bots. Without a word, the spectre was helping with almost every physical chore, somehow being both more capable and more attentive than automatons… also much more tender, like now.

Mmmm… I wonder how it’ll be once Tali fills out more… the obese asari daydreamed with a small smile. Shepard’s attentiveness was anything, but indifferent to Liara.


“hym?” the doctor blinked, Shepard was calling to her.

“I’m finished here. Are you going to finish alone or do you want me to help? Just turn to me” proposed the commander.

“ah, no thank you. I’m just finishing” replied the obese asari, though not fully. Reaching between every fold, every soft crevice, every inch of stretched skin with her limited reach, wasn’t so easy. It took her a few more minutes to properly clean her side, during which the pale woman behind her keep slowly caressing her body. It likely was unnecessary at this point, but Liara was far from complaining.

“I’m done” informed the flabby doctor as she disabled the flow of water.

“ Try to turn your side to me and grab my hand. Be careful, everything’s slippery” Elizabeth instructed and Liara did accordingly. Various fleshy bits bumped into the sides of the shower, but soon their hands met. The doctor made a step over the edge of the shower base, the floor was wet but less so than she had expected. Supporting herself on Shepard and the cabin’s door, the young matron succeeded in exiting.

Elizabeth gave her one of the earlier prepared towels and herself took a second one to, once again, help her lover. The spectre's rapid motions shook the ocean of flesh that was the blue body, turning it into a plethora of jiggles, but thanks to the commander's diligence, and enthusiasm, which made sure she reached everywhere, Liara was soon dry. In the end, they both brushed their teeth. Here the doctor managed without assistance.

The duo managed to, easily enough, go back through the small door and soon the enormous asari sat down on the bed with a loud creak and leaned back, supporting herself on her arms. Shepard put down the bag and took a bottle from inside.

“Aren’t you exaggerating?” asked Liara, recognizing muscle-relaxing balm.

“Maybe, but I rather take a few minutes now to make sure you feel fine tomorrow. You did almost spend the entire day on foot” replied the commander as she poured some of it into her hand.

The doctor grimaced and glanced accusatory, at least as far as she could, at her inflated breast and the fleshy, gargantuan expanse of her stomach under them. Elizabeth was exaggerating a bit, and even if that it was true, in the past Liara did spend much more actively entire days walking around digs and, later on, running on mission with Normandy’s crew, with little issues. Certainly not with the…discomfortshe felt now and likely would result in ripping soreness tomorrow.

Liara moved and with effort managed to lay on her side to give the spectre access to her back. She touched her spilling gut and reminded of herself back on her expedition. A young, skinny asari with some lean muscles from wandering around prothean ruins and hailing equipment. It was hard to believe that not long ago she was so frail.

The doctor blinked, she had caught herself feeling pity for her past self, her thin, nimble form being starkly… undesirable. Liara felt long pale fingers sink into her blue flesh, lovingly speeding lotion. The doctor squeezed the seemingly bottomless organ that was at the very centre of her current predicament and after several seconds smiled.

No… she missed digs and discovery, scientific work, but her old figure? Certainlynot.

“I’m fairly sure you covered everything and them some more” said Liara playfully and Shepard only chucked.

The spectre helped her sit and helped to put on her oversized pyjamas. But once the deed was done, the soft asari keep holding pale hands.

“I don’t suppose you’ll head to sleep, as well?” asked Liara looking into green eyes. Elizabeth smiled apolitically,

“You need to sleep, me… not so much. And as much as I would like to cuddle we’re here for a reason” replied the commander. The doctor nodded.

“Of course, but you should visit Karin about this insomnia”

“I did and got a prescription for sleeping pills. All they do is make me loopy. Besides as much as it infuriates her, after several check-ups, she had no choice, but to admit that I can normally function with a minimal amount of sleep. You know that” said Elizabeth with a half-smug/half-reassuring smile and kissed the top of the doctor's head.

Liara gave her a worried look but began making herself a place on the bed. She was tired.

The spectre retreated to the livingroom and retrieved another container. Several minutes later, she was standing there in standard uniform for a technician, brown hair in a slightly different style and a much more tanned complexion. The commander also put on glasses, a practical technical model for engineers, or rather a pair that looked like one.

She checked security one last time and headed out. Time for inspection.


Normandy SR-2, captain’s quarters

Tali yawned loudly as she entered, she locked the door and then hauled a large bag the quarian had brought with herself near the desk before sitting down next to the console. After a few seconds of silence, she looked around.

Their(Their!!! J)cabin was one the first places to be screened. All signs of intervention and trash, only displaced items were a sign that something had been done. The engineer used a console and started diagnostic of local systems and comfortably leaned back on the chair. It had been a long day.

It was filled with the same, repetitive tasks, like previous days, but no less tiring. Also that… accident in the vent. Tali had similar experiences, especially during the last months, but never before in a vent designed to be able to fit a turian inside. That’s had been time-consuming, embarrassing and left her incredibly aroused.

YES. Tali saw no reason to delude herself about it. Unfortunately it also, almost painfully, reminded her of Shepard’s absence.

Still, it was almost the highlight of the day, a small adventure, compared to monotony. There was also her, now regular, chat with Legion. She was still unsure about the machine, but both her knowledge and observation confirmed that geths lacked the capability to lie. This made all the things the quarian all the more shocking(terrifying), And that made sure her mind was as much tired as her body.

The console released a low sound, Tali looked at it. Everything was green across the board and the sterile field was slowly turned on. The quarian informed the rest of the engineering staff, that she would do some light diagnostics through the master console and check a few details. Everybody accepted this( she had trained them well), but it was only partially the truth.

A notification informed her that environment was within acceptable limits, so Tali began peeling suit from herself.

Shepard and Liara had spoiled her. The rooms they got on the base were nice, but still required her to wear a suit, not surprisingly the field module was both ridiculously expensive and rare to find outside specialized hospitals. No need for it in their current base, but since the captain’s quarters were back in working order…

The overweight quarian shuddered a little and clicked a few commands. She had forgotten to set a comfortable temperature and went to the bathroom. Before getting in the shower she examined herself, everything was normal save for a set of thin bruised from when she had tried to squeeze through. Well, that in her case normal had lately constituted a pair of buttcheeks, each twice bigger than her head, widening waist that would make any quarian female envious and thicken thighs that were now touching.

Tali lightly slapped one of the meaty orbs and watched it until movements died down with strange fascination. Not even that bosh’tet, Lawson could claim to her more perfect ass than her. The quarian looked directly down at her torso and grimaced a bit. She was almost twice the weight of a quarian her size, some of this could go to her chest. Sure it was nice for her species and acquiring the size of Liara, Shepard or even Miranda was rather impossible, but the possibility was very… interesting. But her breast stubbornly refused to expand by more than several millimetres, any adipose, that failed to settle on her lower body, went to her belly which now resembled a fluffy pillow, that hung over her legs and was slowly splitting into two large folds.

Water poured on purple skin washing down sweat and substances used to regulate her body. Yes, Tali was spoiled, her two lovers had accustomed her to the standard of living that admirals in the Flotilla could only strive for. By the ancestors, she was first, no waist, second overweight quarian in 300 years.

Soon likely, a second obese quarian mused the engineer with the sile as she was wiping herself

Not bad for an exile

The thought of her future, that she had seen in Zoma, was still unreal, but at the same exciting. Because there was no doubt Tali was going to grow, not with commander Shepard and Liara T’Soni.

The engineer put on a bathrobe and went to the table, taking the bag along the way. Soon, its contents were revealed: multiple examples of a levo cuisine, disinfected and sealed, several of her favourite MREs. In other words – a feast.

Tali probably shouldn’t eat more today, she likely met the necessary(theoretical) quota of calories for one day but:

  • She was hungry
  • She couldn’t have Liara hogging all the attention

The quarian started with “fresh” foods. Say what you will about turians, but meat is one thing they make right. Steak, some meatballs… mmm. How did they had gotten turian cheese with herbs?

Tali had emptied two large plates of turian cuisine, making quite a bit of mess. This was an unfortunate side-effect of spending most life eating through a straw. But the quarian was prepared with an entire roll of paper towels.

*burp* the engineer didn’t try to sniffle the gases escaping her lips, again she had never developed this reflex and was alone.

Hmmm… Tali supposed that after two heaped platters of meat, many vegetables and some bread(bread…), she could pass the rest. She was more than full.

The quarian took a portion of fruitcake and bit into it. A little bland taste compared to some pastes Liara had made, but texture and bits of actual fruits inside more than made up for that. After several large bites that left her face full of crumbles, the overfed quarian took a few sips from the bottle with juice. Tali preferred not to think about how the obese asari managed to obtain a juice from a fruit native to Rannoch or how much had she have to pay for it.

About five minutes later a portion of cake, as long as Tali’s forearm and as wide(here it wise to add the quarian’s forearms had noticeably thickened, especially compared to her former, poor, slender from). Two hands landed on the engineer’s stuffed gut, the soft pouch was swelled, its skin straightening and tightening. Tali was now almost painfully full, she had even spread her legs to give the abused organ free space.

Still, it wasn’t a reason to stop.

She grabbed several flavours of MREs bars, it was good ones that Liara’s company was making. Apparently, they were already becoming popular amongst turians, especially younger ones, and Tali understood that. Many flavours, some completely unknown to levo-species, but not too strong.

The engineer recognized some of them, as in she understood what was the food they were supposed to be based on, an advantage of living in a multispecies crew and relationship. They were delicious, although that “mild curry” was a bit too spicy for her, but like a machine, Tali kept putting one bar after another in her mouth, save occasional pauses for a drink.

Her belly seemed to lose its main folds instead starting to resemble an orb. If not for the sound of rapid consumption one could almost hear skin cracking, trying to accommodate overstuffed guts. The thin cracks of darker purple were appearing on Tali’s middle.

Once the gluttonous quarian was done with her bars, her stomach was throbbing with rippling pain and newly devoured food felt likely to escape. Fortunately, the latter was almost impossible thanks to supplements put in all Liara’s brands.

Tali was panting, but she wasn’t done, she still had an inch for more. The stuffed engineer glanced at her bag, there was still much left inside, but what to choose… there.

Half-litre tube of chocolate, nutrient paste. Tali couldn’t be sure how good taste was replicated, but if real chocolate tasted like this, she could understand Liara’s obsession with the stuff.

Trying not to aggravate her gut, the naked quarian reached for it, unscrewed the cap, put it in her mouth andsqueezed.

The dense, delicious substance exploded in her mouth. Mercilessly, Tali was forcing more to flow, swallowing it even as her middle seemed to beg her to stop its torment.

After what seemed like an eternity, the tube was reduced to a fraction of its original width and the entire paste found itself in ready to explode organic container. Tali simply released folded polymer, letting it fall to the floor, similarly simply falling to her sides.

The overweight quarian was sweating, her breath rapid and shallow, everything seemed to indicate she had just undergone some great effort, only the crumbles and other food stains were interfering with that image. But… wasn’t it true in the way. Yet another example of Tali working tirelessly to grow, to make her body change, to grow what her lovers(and herself) desired. It was no easy task, to put bulk up for somebody whose species survived on a bare minimum for the last 3 generations.

After a few minutes of respite, Tali opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings. She grimaced, there was a bit of a mess.

Normally Shepard would have taken care of itand noticed the quarian with a pang of guilt.

“Tomorrow” she promised, limiting cleaning to her own body. Carefully, minding her gut which seemed ready to crack open at any second, the engineer slowly waddled to bed. Thanks to an abundance of pillows she managed to prepare herself a comfortable nest and with last effort used the special lotion on her belly. Discomfort lessened.

However, despite tiredness, Tali reminded awake, one hand still on her gut, the second slowly roaming her body.

If only Shepard was here… or even Liara… or both…the quarian daydreamed.Yes…none of those fair ladies would pass the opportunity that the bloated engineer presented.

Tali’s breath quickened again as she let he imagination run wild. Her legs moved despite being pressed firmly together and somehow her hand, one not preoccupied with her throbbing tummy, was finding her way under the cracking orb and between her thick thighs.

Half four later, again covered in sweat, but deeply satisfied, Tali drifted into sating sleep.


Shepard wasn’t a spy.

Shepard most certainly wasn’t a spy, but she was a capable enough scout and had long since learned(it wasn’t easy with her appearance) how to disappear in the crowd. For her current assignment, she was enough.

Again, was it even spying? The spectre was acting on acted on the orders of the owner. So it was fine, probably.

Still, so far everything was surprisingly in order. Elizabeth was visiting sections and areas where something may be afoot, she even hacked several private terminals and datapads, but found nothing.

Of course, there were offences against the regulations, but they were so minuscule, that they weren’t worth noting. Ultimately Liara will decide.

However, the director was right – local commandos needed to kick in the arse, but that was a matter for official intervention.

So far there was only one example of “suspicious” activity, which Shepard now investigated.

One of asari, a translator was hauling a rather sizable bag towards the loading area. It was obvious, that she had no experience in the matter, to her credit she did seemed to avoid any suspicion. At least from her colleagues.

It was a bit troublesome to follow her, humans were a minority in this area, but once they entered the loading bay it was easier. The seemingly open space, that was partially made of a natural cave was a maze of shipping containers, equipment and stone constructs.

What’s more, the asari’s trial was overlooked by a set of sturdy pipes. Climbing them to them provided to be child’s play for Shepard.

Need to talk about security measuresthe spectre made mental note as she followed the suspect.

Finally, they reached a small area in one of the corners, that was almost completely closed off by containers. Inside was several people, two asari and two human females, there were also several small containers placed as seats and table. Shepard started recording.

“You took your sweet time” welcomed one asari with a toothy smile, by her uniform a commando, but her features too seemed to be a bit soft. She was also the thinnest member of this assembly.

“Heavy” replied a translator witch, cheeks purple from exertion, she clearly wasn’t used to hauling this much weight. The commando chuckled and with one hand took the package from the newcomer and put it next to the nearest seat, where the translator sat down and disengaged the lock.

From inside several bottles of familiar pinkish liquid.

“You’re a lifesaver Valama, I don’t know what crawled into Kasana’s but she seriously speak about banning this thing” said the black-skinned, human woman, technician by the uniform as she took her bottles. A uniform which was definitely a size or two too small.

“She’s just squeamish, give her some time and she’ll give up. But speaking of things forbidden…?” replied the commando as she looked to her companions. They too brought bags/containers with them.

The purple-skinned asari, somebody from the office considering her attire, who was about as… thick as Ceathea the first time they had met, retrieved a bottle of thessian wine(Shepard recognized the brand but couldn’t hope to pronounce it, not bad) and some snacks.

The second human woman with a mop of blonde hair and a bottom-heavy figure retrieved a small bottle of vodka(Elizabeth could respect this choice) and some meat snacks(also not a bad choice).

The dark-skinned technician bent down, which almost tore her uniform at her chest in the bottom, and retired an impressive array of snacks. Quite a lot of them were chocolate.

The commando’s offerings were sparse, mostly one bottle of identified liquor, but she likely provided other services. Meanwhile, the sitting translator retrieved several larger, easily 2 litres, bottles of jelly and put them near the table.

Soon the dense liquid was poured into large cups and alcohol of choice into smaller ones.

The group made a cheerful toast and the celebration started.

Well, that’s one time to spend free timemused Shepard as she observed. The situation seemed a rather clear cut – a group of workers together smuggled rarer, if not dangerous, items for sake of good time. Not surprising, Elizabeth herself took part in similar gatherings in the past, but the problem was eventual ways they managed to get them here considering the strictly classified nature of the facility. Eventually, it could come from private stashes – to investigate.

There was also something more that keep the specte from withdrawing. She has already identified every member below and could access their files at any second. Hacking their equipment with her gear wasn’t an issue either, Shepard already glossed over them, but found nothing suspicious.

No…there was something peculiar. None of the celebrants was stinting themselves food or drink, but the alcohol, at least pure alcohol, was seemingly last interesting. What seemed to be depleting fates was the jelly, which was even more shocking considering its truly sizable supply.

As the party progressed, participants stopped refilling their coops with jelly, opting to drink directly from bottles. Some like the short blonde added liquor to the pinkish substance and drank the mix, others, like the translators, focussed on the pure jelly, snacked between swings and took an occasional sip of alcohol.

Even if highly-octane drinks were the least consumed, it wasn’t meant they drank little. Clearly, the celebrations were becoming happier. The commando's good mood turned into full laughter, the translator choose the floor as preferred seating, the black-skinned technician and third asari looked ready to further interspecies relations and the blonde keep showing chewing like an automat.

During the entire time, the jelly was being ravenously consumed at a truly terrifying pace. That too wasn’t without effect. Shepard could easily see that the middles of celebrants were rounder fuller than initially and the asari/human group below without any regard for it keep pouring the sweet sludge down their throats.

At some point, the party turned into something resembling an eating contest, any conversation forgotten in favour of stuffing face with food or jelly. Those who could open or disregard their top clothing and the spectre could directly see some distended bellies. The first to fall was the asari from offices, mostly from alcohol but her stomach seemed to house a small balloon inside. Then, despite determination, the human technician suffered from alcoholic overindulgence but seemed to mutter something through her sleep. Elizabeth could see her stuffed, brown belly, just a bit smaller than volleyball.

It left only three participants who continued to pour jelly and food into their mouths. After one swing of sweet substance, the commando stopped abruptly and rubbed her full stomach which made it look like she had a fully inflated basketball under her leathers. She made face like she made about to vomit, a few jerks occurred, but nothing happened. Then she slowly slumped to the floor, still awake, giving her stomach as much freedom as possible. To her credit, the commando couldn’t easily remove her uniform, especially without living herself in lingerie alone.

The fattest asari, the translator and blonde woman, who seemed to be second after asari in terms of bulk remained on the battlefield, seemingly dead set on finishing every bottle of jelly. That should be impossible considering the sheer amount, but their actions were full of dedication. They were in visible discomfort with their stomachs nigg*r than sports ball, the pair were no longer able to swallow as fast as they were pouring jelly which made the dense substance spill from corners of their mouths.

Then the final showdown had come, both were struggling but continued. Seemingly on signal both raised their bottles and began drinking.

The asari didn’t manage.

As chocking, the sludge exploded from her mouth along with the bottle. Quite a lot of jelly escaped from between her lips, but the rest managed to remain inside. Leaning over “table” with both hands as support, trying to catch a breath. Once she managed that, almost immediately she fell asleep, face first to jelly that just escaped her mouth.

Meanwhile, the blonde mercilessly chugged, despite leaks in the corners of her lips. At last empty bottle was put back on the “table” with a loud thud. Sitting there like that, with one hand on improvised furniture and the second dangling on the side the worker looked ready to barf at any seco…


With visible relief after releasing gas, the human woman succumbed to alcohol and calories and slumped next to the table, still with an empty bottle in hand. Her stomach was large not quite a medical ball, but not far off.

Well… that’s certainly somethingthought the spectre, it was then she realized her face was split into a grin.

Down girl, you have Liara and Tali

Shepard did few operations on her omnitool, the facility systems would focus on monitoring those five. Perhaps it was nothing, but better safe than sorry.

The stay among Rachni was becoming more curious with every hour.


Undisclosed location, Facility of T’Soni’s company
Guest’s quarters


Miranda glanced down at the convict who was currently trying to set a holopad ablaze with her eyes. They were in the quarters T’Soni provided for Miranda. Not the most luxurious quarters the operative had stayed, but for such finely hidden(eve she had to admit that) base and temporary stay they were sufficient.

Jack also often swung bay… actually the overweight brunette nodded one hand to count nights, that the tattooed woman hadn’t spent there. She also founds her way to lay her hand on Miranda’s thick lap, it… just had happened… somehow.

“Less complying. More studying, T’Soni may be rather polite about it, but when she said you should, she meant you absolutely need to. Also, don’t be dramatic, it’s just a bit of memorization” said Miranda trying to look at Jack, but truthfully most of her field of vision was obscured by her bust. She was partially beginning to understand Shepard’s complaints about her own size.

The skinner woman abruptly down and ran her hand across her head.

“Why would need to know how to babysit some brats?” asked Jack and paused with her hand on her head.

“sh*t, I need a shave”

Miranda looked at the shorter woman. Indeed, where once had been a perfectly flat surface and tattoos, now were visible beginnings of hair. Quite densely too.

“I think you should let them grow” commented Miranda, almost without a thought. Jack glanced at her, but if there was one thing operative was good at it was quick thinking.

“If T’Soni manages to get you a pardon, and she likely will, you’ll should try to change your image. Most likely the instruction she has you learning somehow tie to that, so don’t slack of, it may be vital to whatever plan the asari has” explained the overweight woman.

“Also longer hair would suit you”

That last part came involuntary, again. She didn’t feel tired?

Jack’s face looked strange, she opened her mouth and closed it.

“You really think so?” asked the convict in a strangely soft voice.

“About my hair, I mean”

Miranda blinked and looked at her companion.

“Of course. And if you don’t want to wait too long I have a special conditioner that considerably speeds growth. I can lend you”

Jack still had this strange expression and avoided looking directly at the brunette. She nodded.

“Thanks” with that the shorter woman leaned back on the couch and returned to lecture

Miranda was suddenly awkward, she too returned to her work, but not before taking a bit of one of many bars she had near.

The exchange had been weird, then again the last days were weird in general... strange, new weird.

But also, strangely...nice?

Miranda didn’t know what to think about it.


Over a week later
Normandy SR-2, Captain’s quarters

The lift’s door opened and Shepard come inside, accompanied by murmured quarian profanities. Their source was Tali, who hang over the spectre’s shoulder, kept in place by a muscular arm. She had ceased to resist, but if maintained to spew promises of gruesome doom.

The commander, grinning, carefully strode in. Besides the distracting cargo on her shoulder, she also was carrying a large, big enough to likely fit a human, bag. This was a bit uncomfortable, even for the spectre so she was cautious.

Behind her, Liara waddled in, who tried and failed to stiffen an amused smile on her flushed face. With workers left, she saw no reason to hide her struggle.

The bag landed on the floor near the table with a *thump*, then Tali was delicately laid on the bed. Right away, she crossed her arms above her belly, her luminous glare was a good indication of her grimace under the helmet.

The couch groaned as Liara unceremoniously fell on it with her monumental rump. Very unprofessionally began taking off her shoes using only her legs. Tali noticed it when already one shoe had flown away and the doctor was using her free toes to remove the second.

“What?” asked normally formal asari as she noticed human and quarian staring at her once both chubby feet were free.

“pfft… nothing” replied Shepard smiling widely. Tali huffed but untangled her arms.

“Did you have to pull me from the vent? Could you wait… like a normal person?” asked the quarian. Elizabeth just raised a crimson eyebrow.

“… point taken. But still”

“If I let you, you would be back hours from now, dead on your feet. Knowing you it’s likely what you had been doing for last week. You can use a break” explained the commander knowingly.

“Shepard’s right Tali” added Liara, which earned her a murderous glare.

Minutes later, the field was up, Tali’s suit exchanged for a comfortable bathrobe and the trio was discussing the latest events while enjoying snacks with tea.

The quarian fairly quickly finished with recent events on her side and the conversation focused mostly on visitation to the Rachni facility.

“So that jelly it works like those drugs to enhance appetite?” asked Tali, somehow she couldn’t force herself to take a bit out of a bar. Eating something made by Rachni?Eeewwww

“So far we cannot tell. In some cases, it seems like some weak addiction, but a report, one they made on-site, says jelly is harmless. The most, ah, vigorous consumers were examined, but outside increased mass, no apparent side-effects were observed. We took a few canisters to analyse as well as had assigned more specialized scientism and equipment” explained Liara, she had no problem with inhaling the chocolate chip cookies, that Elizabeth had put on the table.

“It may be very subtle or has these effects only when combined with something else. To me, it seems alcohol may be the case” added Shepard who limited herself to a large cup of strong, black tea.

“Or Rachni are culinary geniuses and it’s simply just that good. Liara seems to like it~”

Tali neared chocked on her bar and looked on suddenly blushing asari, who developed an unexpected interest in the celling.

“You drank that?” asked the quarian, her luminescent eyes almost escaping her skull.

“A few cups...” admitted the obese asari and pit one hand on her enormous gut.

“Try a few litres” added the spectre with a smirk and put her hand near Liara’s on the round expanse of her belly, squeezing it lightly. The doctor's face turned almost completely purple.

“But if it’s addictive…” Tali had some serious doubts.

“Risk is minimal” said Elizabeth more seriously, but still foundling gluttonous organ, small folds of flesh encased in fabric appeared between her pale fingers.

“It took several months for anything to happen. Several months of regular intake. It’s too easy to digest to have much effect after a week if there is any effect. At worst Liara will get some carving for the stuff. Considering its results I can think of worse things”

The spectre slumped to the side, her head landed softly into the sea of adipose. The doctor was still blushing, but she smiled warmly and put her hand into crimson locks.

“You’re irredeemable” laughed softly obese asari, very pleasantly noted Tali. However, the quarian was cursing inside as she watched the tall woman snuggle into soft blubber. The engineer had sat on the second couch so they wouldn’t be cramped, that proved to be a tactical mistake.

A low barely heard rumble spread through the room, but of course, Shepard did hear and focused on the source with a toothy smirk. It was Tali’s turn to blush.

“I… may have skipped a meal” admitted the engineer. Liara shifted her gaze to her with disappointment.


“I just wanted to put Normandy together before your arrival” tried Tali, but received only an increase of disapproval from obese asari.

Elizabeth chuckled and energetically stood up, sensing a ripple through the doctor’s gut. The next second, she was kneeling next to a gigantic bag and began unpacking familiar vacuum-sealed containers.

“I prepared a few things for our get-together, getting turian pastry was a pain. Also – triple filtered brandy” explained the commander and put a bottle of alcohol next to the pile of disinfected food that could easily be a lavish meal for four quarian.

“Also I got something for those of us with differently twisted helix” with that Shepard began putting out much less secured containers as well as typical boxes and bags of snacks.

That pile was twice as big, but… Tali glanced at Liara, whose legs were as thick as her waist and almost the entire lap was covered by the soft expanse of her smooth stomach, her cankles were almost an inch wider in diameter than her chubby feet at the place they connected…yeeesssthat was understandable.

“Unfortunately here I had little luck” Shepard raised a bottle of red wine.

“It’s hardly a high-quality stuff, but I think you’ll like it Liara”

Tali dug into one of the pre-prepared meals, some chopped meat with pasta and a bit of gravy, while Elizabeth poured alcohol into glasses. She passed one to asari who took a sip from it and smiled.

“It is nice. But you could warn me, I wouldn’t have eat a full dinner earlier” said Liara and fondly patted her gut, which, indeed, was quite full upon closer examination. Then she took one of the chocolate cookies and took an entire into her mouth.

“Well, I’ll finally outeat you Liara” chuckled Tali between bites of her meal.

“Oh?” said the obese asari for some reason the simple sound managed to be surprisingly foreboding. The overweight quarian looked up from her meal. The doctor was giving her Thelook.

Somebody may find this ridiculous to consider a slow blob of blue fat intimidating, however, it didn’t change that anybody at the receiving end of this look would likely start to consider their life choices in swat and theyshouldtry to placate the obese asari at once.

Tali did feel the menacing presence, but unlike most people, she also felt unexpected and hot in her lower region. Again, the bootylicious engineer wasn’t like most people, she didn’t back down.

“Well, since you’re already full and I skipped a meal, I think I may have an advantage” replied Tali with a nonchalant smile. Liara’s eyes constricted into thin slits.

“Liz, be a dear and try to stack boxes so we both have an even amount of food, while Tali finishes. Also, do prepare soft beverages” instructed the obese asari and Shepard with a grin followed them. When two large piles of neatly stacked boxes were set before her and Liara, the overweight quarian did feel a pang of unease.

“I believe there’s no point in convoluting this little contest. No time limit, but no stalling. Shepard will act as an observer or provide some basic assistance. And no feeding” explained the obese asari with a subtle smile, accepting one box from the spectre, who was trying to hide her wicked smile.

Tali accepted another chose another meal, some cutlets with mashed vegetables. Soon asari and quarian were staring at each other with opened boxes next to their faces and cutlery in their hands.


Both contestants started without delay, but despite initial impulse neither rushed. They had experience with time work, it's better to be methodical. Tali cut her cutlets and chewed them, interrupting the flow of meat with mashed vegetables, meanwhile, Liara had some meatballs in a spicy sauce with boiled vegetables and bread.

Several minutes later, almost at the same moment contestants finished their portions and reached for the next ones. Tali couldn’t help but smile, she had just the equivalent of two lavish diners (at least to quarians) and easily went for more.

Liara wasn’t giving any obvious signs, but she didn’t eat as quickly as the engineer knew she could and the fabric around her fat-filed middle was visibly stretching. The asari was in a far worse situation than her, the overweight quarian had no doubt her previous meal was anything but a full course, and now she was making just a good face.

Indeed, the squares of meat and cheese, covered in bread, that were in Tali's box, this time disappeared before the contents of Liara’s package. The blue beauty was slowing down, despite a calm face and intense gaze shifting between her nemesis and meal.

Tali discarded the empty container, she was now quite full and her tummy visibly rounded, but it was hardly a reason to stop. In one of the vacuumed containers, she noticed a dried fruit turned into bars and held together by solid jelly – a fairly common turian candy bar. The engineer could use a change of taste.

By the time she bit into sweets, Liara finished her portion and had Shepard pass her another dinner package – some dumplings in gravy, after drinking a glass of juice.

Tali was chewing through fruits and jelly valiantly, but like all processed turian foods bars were quite dense and filling, more so than Liara’s MREs bars(which were intended for quarians). By the time the quarian was finishing the large package, the engineer couldn’t help but slow down as she felt stuffed food painfully inflate her stomach and she had to help herself to juice to wash the food down.

Enough so that when she reached for the next packet of food, Liara was already finishing her third meal, seemingly at an unchanged pace, even as her gargantuan, fleshy stomach pushed forward, groaning angrily. The obese asari was catching up to her, or rather Tali was slowing down.

Next was some thick broth, a little bland, but overall not bad, whose ingredients had been blended and could be simply drunk. Still, Tali had to limit herself to sipping as the liquid was dense and, more importantly, her stomach, which now looked like she had swallowed a small beach ball, was the source of dull, familiar pain. She took large, measured gulps, each accompanied by a jolt from her middle. The entire process was slow, cautious.

When the engineer put the bowl down, breathing hard, she noticed that Liara had just discarded the empty box and was just about to bite into a first éclair from the new container. Her stomach was truly a sight to behold, even covered in thin fabric, it took most of her meaty lap and was spherical, despite the thick layer of soft lard around it. The doctor's face remained serene with a light smile, while she bit into the cream-filled pastry, for a moment returning Tali’s gaze, her eyes filled with a playful gleam.

The engineer huffed and tried to reach for another box but her stiff, moaning with pain, the boulder-like stomach was preventing her. Shepard, as always, come with help, quickly taking the container the overstuffed quarian tried to reach and passing it to her already open. Inside ware sandwiches or turian equivalent of ones.

Tali bit into the first triangle – bread, ham and cheese felt like cardboard as she chowed through it. The sandwich seemed without end, but at last, she managed to finish it…


A sound of tearing fabric reached the suffering quarian and she looked around for the source, She found it.

“Goddess… I liked that dress” said Liara, her mouth and hands were smeared in cream from pastries(her box was almost empty!!!), and with one of those stained hands, she was examining tears that appeared on her gut’s side. It slowly expanded, the sound on the edge of hearing.

“I suppose it’s a sign that my wardrobe may use an update…again. Liz, seeing as it can’t be repaired and I could use berating space…”

The obese asari didn’t have to finish, the commander appeared before her and gently grabbed the edge of the tear. In one swoop, the patch of fabric that covered growth, that had sprouted from Liara’s middle, was torn out. Tali suddenly felt very uncertain…small.

The pulsing, shining, blue orb was monstrous, plowed with purple lines and the only part, that the quarian saw, that wasn’t smooth and round, was the doctor’s belly button. The mountainous gut seemed almost like a separate entity merely attached to the asari which was spilling with fat.

It’s almost as big as meran through Tali's head. Bit of an exaggeration, but not far off. After all, Liara did weight roughly twice what the engineer did.

Despite it all, the gluttonous asari simply kept eating the damned, fattening pastries, adding to the ridiculous mass of food and blubber that had grown from her flat middle.

Tali shook her head, she wasn’t going to back down just yet. The overfed quarian took a bit from the second sandwich and chewed…




It barely went down, her stomach rebelling with every centimetre of its journey. Tali took a second bit and after several, excruciating seconds she managed to swallow…

… the mix of bread and filling stood in her gullet. One second… two seconds… three sec….

She spat it out, it was too much…

A mix of saliva and chewed food erupted from her mouth. Tali coughed several times, trying to catch breath and every movement was ensuring her that she was going to vomit. Suddenly she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder and tissue near her lips. Shepard cleaned her mouth and carefully helped her to sit back in the last uncomfortable position and cleaned her face. Every breath caused suffering, as did every other motion. Tali looked…


The quarian was terrified of what she was seeing. That seemed impossible. Liara had finished fattening treats, the remains of cream were visible on her mouth and fingers, also on her belly. The suffering engineer had seen the growing asari stuff herself silly, but this… this.. stomach looked now ready to explode. But it wasn’t the only reason for her terror.

Liara maintaining her nonchalant expression, with a small, cream-stained small was holding a platter with small, but proper chocolate cake.

She… she can’t…

This time the asari didn’t bother with cutlery. The moment the cake was next to her face, her jaw opened, too widely for any quarian or human, and simply bit into the chocolate treat, stuffing her cheeks.

Tali felt sweat running down her body as she was positive to see the enormous bite travel through what was left of Liara’s shortening neck. The rest of the cake received identical treatment and the quarian felt like she was in some fever dream.

This couldn’t be real, even Liara…

The chocolate treat was reduced to crumbles and smaller pieces. With her hand, the blue beauty simply shoved them into her wide-open maw and swallowed. After that everything come to a complete pause, and then she jerked a little.

She is going to…


Tali felt the stream of gas that escaped Liara’s mouth and couldn’t help but stare in disbelief. Meanwhile, the obese doctor put the tray down or rather lowered it as close to the couch before dropping it, and with a bit strained smile, began rubbing this impossible gut, indifferent to the chocolate and cream on her hands.

“*urp*…I believe that concludes this little competition of ours?” asked Liara smugly, despite obvious strain and Tali couldn’t help but nod slowly.

Meanwhile, Sheppard was silent. She had been silent since the beginning, opting to watch. The commander had been watched as her girl-m̫̤͑̏ͨͯͣ͒͘a̗͚̹̖̰̻̠̝̓͂̇̀͘͟͟t͈͎ͬ͆̃͞e͖͔̤̪̻̤̰͊̄̉͋ͫ͗s͕̖̣̃̑ͭͩ̈̈̚,̳͈̞͔̮͑͘͝͠ ̶̟͙̪̱͔̞̪͋͌͐́͘ͅb̶̪̺̹̝͕̟̖ͤ̇̐̒̈́̉̏̆ͧ͡͞ř̢̤͎̥̩͎͉̤ͩ̋̄͒̍͗ͥo̴̻̜̙̗͙̻ͮ̎̌͟o̶͚̭͕͔̼̱̅͂̃̑̌͛ͅd̛̳̻̟̪͕̻̑̏̈ͫ͐̃̂ ̬͕̘̤ͣͥ͌̌͜͜m̛͈̙͍͓̬̽̉ͫͩo̵̬͕͎̯̖͈̺̩͛͗̎̎̌͒ͣ͢ṱ̸̮ͫ̽ͩ̐̈́͢h͎̜̬͓̹̳̤̮̽ͥ̄͠e̜̺̱͇̮̝͒ͦ͢ṟ̸̶͚̜͕̩̒ͬ͋̌ͫ̿ͬ͑̚̕sͦͨ҉͎- friends stuffed herself silly, their already fattened(n̛͚̟͓̝̜̩̝͔̖ͬͪͬ̿ͤ̄̔͂ŏ̷̡̲̝̜͉̼̣̩̯̟̈́ͤͬ̉t̵̜̾ͨͯ̃̆̽͜ ̤̯ͩͨé̬͚͚̺̏n̻̪̗̦͎̖͉̖ͬ̈ͧͦ͋̾̚ơ̴̗̊̌ͦ̑̅ͧ̚u̝ͩ̽ͦ͒͆ͤ͐́́͢ĝ͇͖̙͖͙̀h̸̫͕̼̱͙̺͖̲̄̅̄,̪̭̭̬̩̰̙̉ͬ̒̍͆͛̃̐̈͞ ̆҉̦̫n͔̪͓̐͒é͓̖̜͕̱̺̥̔͜e͉͚̰͈͖̞̼͆̆̽̈́ͣ͛̆̚d̼͇̤͋̀͟ ͕͊͆͐ͦͤ͡t̨͇̬ͫͧͯ̄͠ó̜͖̜̤̗͍̖̼͗̓ ̵̝̝̙̲̩̹ͪ̀̇ͤ͞f̛̛̮̲̼͚̟͋̍̆ͩ͛̂ͅe͇̝̹̞̜̟̙ͦͯẽ̴̻̬̙͙ͯ͛ͯ͌͗̀̀͝d̨̖̔) bodies had been filling with food to fuel their growth. This contest made the spectre experience flurry of emotions, but not just the mighty arousal when she watched the duo fatten themselves... No

This… This was Liara and Tali should be doing. Not crawl through dusty went or dully themselves going through the galaxy’s dirtiest secrets. Those two ought to spend time in luxury and comfort with no worries, eat and be fed, grow.

The Rachni queen supported those notions and liked Shepard. If they would find themselves under her care… Surely, the enormous insectoid would take care of them, feed them…

Yes… deep in the defended caverns the pair could feast, fattened. Their bodies could e̔͒ͪͣ͒ẍ̮͎̬͂ͬ̃p͎͓ͪȧ̊̽҉͍n̼̥̭͚̅̔͐̋̅̍͠d͉̘͓̰̳͋, g̘̹̯̟̟͎̟̲̉̂ͯͅr̵̤̪͓̤̝͑ͩ̀ͫ̐ͥo̧̪̤͈̙̽ͧw̯̮̭̒̉̊͞ ͈̮̘ͮw͛̃͟҉͙̼͕̙̀ͅȋ̭̞̿ͥ̊̉ͪ̚͞d̥̣̝̙̉̋͋̅ͭ̒͑̚e̡͉͉̭͕̬̮ͩ̔ͫͫ̅̒͝ ̵̡̘̥̩̺͍̋ͩ̎ͣ̂͋̉ͥa̘͉̤̥͎͕̓̓̀͠͡n̸̫̦̫̼̼̊̐̀d̨̳̹͓̣̭̞̗̀ͮ͐ ̸ͩ҉͈͈̣͕̥͚̠̻f̷̺͇͖ͣ̂e̢͓͚̓̈̑͒̎̀̚ͅr͙̫̟ͯ̍̐̌͛̚͘t̰̳̻̘͔͕̟́͌̾̒ͪ́̚i̶̘̦̺̺ͮ̕͡l͚͔̠̮͍̲̬͌ĕ̦ͩ̾̅͊͋ͥ̚ͅ, ŭ̬̰͖͋̒̌̆́ṉ͙̣̪ͫ̋ͯ͊ͥ̉͟t̰̻͖͓̪͌͞͞ͅi̴̵̤͍̩̮̹̖ͫ͛̎̅̈ͅl̸̮̯̳͖̹̻͍̈́͢ ̷̡͉͚̼̝͈̜̖͆͐̽̈̊̄̒ͪę̫̺̖͆ͦͫ̐͟v̡̭̮͍̩͍͂̓̊̆̓̄̏̂̈͠ĕ͎͒ͨ͐͐ͭn͔͈̯̣͓̘̟͔̥̒̑ͩ͂͢ ̺̣ͣ̔̿̽̏t̢̙̞̜̦̗̭̦ͥ͋̽̏̋͡ḧ̼͇̤͋̿̿͌̋̔͆̚͠e̲̺͊̐i̡̢̨̫̘̻͇͒̓͗̊͐͂͑̾̚rͤ̆҉̪̭̼̞̠̳̺ ̤̈́ͯ͋̍͒͟͟f̬͖̫̙̀̍̓̏į̡͔̪̤̘̦̱͊̋ͦͮ̌̀n̨̢͕̟͈̬̫ͤ̀gͮ̀͞͏̩e̞͋͑̇rͧ͑̏̀ͭ́̚͠͏͔̻ ̴̵͂̑̅ͪͭ҉̱̲w͎̼͒͗̍ͬ̀͒̀ę͉̣͙͇̼̙̏͊̍ͦr͋͌ͧͅe͎̟͖̻̜̊̇̑̅̐ͨ̔̓̏͠ ͕̜̤ͬ̉͒̇̾́t͓̗̩͙͑ͫ̈ͣ͗́̐ͧo̶̧͖̫͔͉̞͎̾̈̂̔o̢̲̣͔̎̾̾̿͐̇͟͠ͅ ̧͚͓͚̥̬̻ͣf̖̰̖̦͈̙͎̦ͯ̚͞a̬͈̗͙̺͌̎̾̃̕͝t̵̼͈͖̣̠̓͐ͧͮ̚ͅͅ ̜͐ͥ̽̾ͥ̏̓ͅṫ̸҉̠̳̱ǫ̪̘̀͑͗́̅͒̓̚ ̨̻̥̳͉͔̊̓̏̔̃̃͝m̝͈̉̒̑̓ͮ̌̎̕o̴͈̠̻̜̫ͬ̈̎̾̚͟v̗̪̑ͪͮͮ͑ͩ̋̒́͝ȩ͕̲̰͗͐̈́͗͞.

“…iz?” her name brought Shepard back to reality. She was standing next to the desk, adding a digestive medicine to Tali’s juice. The spectre turned and walked back to the suffering quarian with a balloon for a belly and handled her glass.

The poor engineer shook a little looking at her lover. She had, somewhat, got used to Elizabeth’s face-splitting grins, but those teeth… and didn’t humans have only one row of them?

“uffff… I think we both could use a shower, but…” Liara said and then looked at her enormous, nearly bursting, sweets-stained stomach, then at the long trek necessary to reach the bathroom. Shepard exhaled but smiled, this time normally.

“Wait here” instructed the commander, both stuffed beauties couldn’t help but roll their eyes at this. Moving was the last thing on their minds.

The spectre went to the bathroom and returned with a plethora of towels, sponges and a bowl of warm water. She stated with Tali, using wet accessories, the commander began removing all remains of food from the purple body. The quarian remained silent and motionless, save for deep breathing, digestive helped, but she was far from comfortable. Last was, the stretchmarks-ridden, organ filled with calorie-rich food was last and cleaned with utmost care. Then, slowly Shepard helped Tali’s arms out of the bathrobe.

Leaving, for now, the poor engineer, the commander moved with cleaning utensils. She had more work to do, much more.

Elizabeth knelt next to the enormous mountain of blue flesh that was Liara, her eyes on the same level as the gluttonous stomach.

“You didn’t need to bait her like that” noticed the spectre, who seemed to look for the deeper meaning in the strained, blue skin.

“It’s been a spur of the moment” admitted Liara, while she was faring better than the quarian, the commander easily noticed signs that the doctor was reaching her limit as well. Still, the obese asari was certainly pleased with herself.

“And this…” said Shepard pointing at the smears of cream and chocolate that had been smeared by chubby hands on the vast expanse of the inflated gut.

“…was also aspur of the moment?”

The immense asari had the audacity to nod, despite the blush that appeared on her face.

“I see…” commented the blood-chaired woman and almost in the same second she smooched the taut surface, releasing a gasp from Liara’s lips and some sound from Tali. Shepard kept like that for a second, but she didn’t simply disconnect. Instead, her tongue remained and soon, the spectre cleared a patch of skin from sweet stains.

Elizabeth moved away and looked up at Liara, who seemed ready to burst a blood vessel. She licked her lips.

“…so was that”

After this, Shepard began cleaning. The situation was similar, save the much greater “area” to clean. Surprisingly, the blue fingers were almost free of sweets, it would seem Liara had licked them nearly clean while the commander was busy with Tali. On the other hand, the great, bloated, blue landmass that housed incomprehensible amounts of fat and calories, was many, many times bigger than a quarian’s and much dirtier.

However, the spectre was anything if not dedicated. Minutes later she was mostly done and looked with thought at the remain of the dress. It would be hard to remove it, the zipper was on the back and various parts clung to the soft flesh like a second skin.

The spectre procured a knife from her boots and, before Liara could offer any actual resistance, carefully made a series of cuts. That operation allowed her to peel the dress from blue beauty leaving her in lingerie only.. and with a glare.

Shepard moved cleaning appliances away and come back with a small bag full of ailments. Again she started with Tali, meticulously applying cream to the barely holding skin. The quarian seemed to visibly relax as the spectre progressed, letting out occasional, low moans. The commander wiped her hands and mirrored the operation with Liara.

Then she moved away from the table, they needed space, quite literary as the hardest part was coming. Shepard grabbed the asari’s hands, took a stable position and helped(or the other way around) lift Liara’s extreme bulk. The spectre acted quickly, the moment the doctor was, somewhat, vertically, she crouched and moved under her armpit to support her.

Elizabeth felt herself slink into jiggling side fat and pillow-like forearms over her shoulders. Uncomfortably, on bend legs the pair waddled to the bed, The moan released by the pace of furniture, when two meaty orbs landed on it, was worrying but seconds later Liara was lying reasonably comfortably tilted to the side, to support her pulsing gut.

Shepard returned for Tali. Here the situation was easier, after all the quarian was easily over 200 pounds lighter. Still, she was careful, the spectre helped the stuffed quarian stand up, this time opting to support her by hand. Soon two beauties were lying on the bed, stomachs pushed to the limits and working tirelessly to turn food into more lard.

Elizabeth looked at this sight with a wide smile.

I need to look for a bigger bednoticed the spectre. The current one was enough… if barely when they snuggled. But later…

“I'll take a quick shower” informed Elizabeth, a bit unhappily as she would very much like to join her lovers.

“Really?” wheeze Tali.

“Yes, unlike Liara I didn’t take one before coming out of Wisp and my clothes don’t clean my skin” the commander responded with a shrug. Then again the tall woman couldn’t remember last time (Normandy’s burning, vacuum, she…)she actually sweated.

Five minutes later, she returned wearing only lingerie and with a large blanket in hand. A quilt may be too much, given circ*mstances... At first, Shepard wanted to sleep on the side, but pair of rather thundering gazes made it clear that she needed to lay in the middle.

Soon, the mighty spectre was lying in the middle, squished as closely as possible to two beauties. The enormous boulder of blubber and digesting food was lying partially on her, its owner hugging a muscular arm between two luscious blue orbs. On the other side Tali, merely grabbed the pale hand, her balloon-like middle felt like stone, but other parts of the quarian felt soft. After she dozed off her head quickly found its way to Elizabeth’s lower forearm.

Both quarians and asari had lower body temperatures than humans, but the commander clearly felt the heat radiating from two expanding bodes at her. Minutes later both were asleep, overpowered by the mountains of calories in their stomachs.

Shepard smiled.


Next “morning”

Tali groaned as her slumber was coming to an end. She tried to keep her eyes shut, but consciousness was approaching mercilessly. Her eye cracked, lights were on low settings and that meant had been sleeping for a long time. The engineer forced herself to open her eyes and looked around, she felt somebody next to her, but it wasn’t, Shepard.

“Oh, you're awake” said Liara with a smile. The obsess asari was half-sitting/half-lying on the bed her now soft gut laid between spreader tree trunk-like legs with holopad in her chubby hands.

Tali turned to her and lifted her arms.

“How long…?”

“You were asleep for little more than 8 hours. To be honest, I just woke not too long ago” informed the asari with a hint of embarrassment. Both of them oversleep.

“And Shepard?” asked Tali, as pleasant as the current company was, the overweight was certain that she had fallen asleep next to pale amazon.

“I don’t know when exactly Liz left, but she did leave a message. She went to check on the lest to crew and promised to prepare my language as well as breakfast” Liara said and put several to holopad. Lights flared a bit lighter.

“I'll message her, that we’re up”

Tali grimaced, she wasn’t painfully stuffed anymore, but...

“I…don’t think I need a breakfast”

The doctor smiled and pointed at the glass vial the spectre had left on the desk.

“I understand, add three drops of this to a glass with water, you’ll feel better in a minute. Speaking of, could you, pass me the bottle please?”

After several seconds of deep spiritual preparation and a series of muffled groans, the quarian managed to roll out of bed. Then she raised her hands up and stretched her limbs.

“While I still hope for water, but the show is greatly appreciated” said the asari behind her and Tali could hear the smugness in her voice…

I’m completely naked, aren’t I?realized the bootylicious engineer and blushed, but chose to ignore the teasing bosh’tet. Instead, the overweight took the vial and mixed it with juice that had been left on the table. Then she took a water bottle and turned around to bed, it would seem Liara had been busy contemplating her back, especially its lower regions.

“Really?” asked Tali meeting the gaze of wide asari.

“Unlike, Liz I didn’t have many opportunities to admire your figure, especially since it improved lately” replied the doctor without missing a beat.

The quatrain blushed furiously and spluttered. She was more than aware that her thighs were brushing every time, that two, bigger than basketball, meaty orbs that made her butt jiggle with every step. List time when faced with sitting on a stool, Tali seriously considering using two…it’s going to happen sooner or later anyway.

Overall all seats seemed to have shrunk and gain extra passing…

The quarian shook her head.

“Shepard’s bad influence on you” accused Tali before passing the bottle to the depraved mountain of flesh. Liara chuckled and took a large swing.

The engineer considered suiting up, going to the cafeteria and then to work. She promptly discarded this ridiculous notion, instead, Tali climbed back to bed and snuggled to blue blubber, the doctor's side-boob made for a wonderful pillow. before activating her omnitool.

A few minutes later a small burp escaped her lips and ribbed her soft punch. She felt better… almost hungry.

Then she felt something – a chubby familiar hand was next to hers on her widening tummy.

“I…apologize. I may have overdone it yesterday” Liara said with a slightly regretful smile.

“Eh, it’s not you were forcing me. Besides you had fun” replied Tali a bit sheepishly.

“That’s what the problem is. It was an excuse, even if watching you pig out was a delight” the smiling doctor informed with human aphorism. The quarian blushed, then gave her questioned look.

“Lately, I tried to limit my meals to just what I need and not what I want. Considering incoming confrontations, maintaining what little mobility I have, therefore abstain from gaining more weight, is advisable”

Liara put both her stomach and jiggled lightly the adipose. There was no denying that the young matron was enormous, in width alone she was more than Jacob twice over, almost three times Shepard. Tali knew met many quarians and humans of both sexes, that had waists narrower than Liara’s single meaty thigh. This stomach of hers…the day before the engineer had witnessed its terrifying capability and even now the round monument of flesh was awe-inspiring and likely almost as heavy as an average female quarain. Despite, still, being larger than Lawson’s, the doctor's breasts managed to retain their shape and valiantly fought against gravity. If not for this being impossible one could mistake her forearms as having pillows sewn into them. Liara’s neck was almost absorbed, from one side by her growing torso, on the other by the thickening layer of fat under her chin. The blue face was always lovely and fat somehow only added to her beauty. Tali knew that her bottom was made from two meaty spheres, occasionally dotted by cellulite, each bigger than a beach ball.

The quarian something wondered how it would feel to be pinned by this monstrous ass… and when her own was going to be that big.

Liara was beautiful, more radiant than those fakes on covers of magazines and vids, Tali would admit to anyone, truthfully. She was enormous, bursting with fat, a monument to gluttony, but a radiant one. Perhaps even because of it.

Certainly, the doctor was no longer an example of either agility or speed. Sure, she was managing exceedingly well, thanks to maintaining muscles and increasing biotics, but all of that had limits. The sheer volume of Liara’s blubber alone was making movement more and more difficult.

“However, I underestimated my… fondness for overindulgence. There’s always this itch to eat more, I manage to stave it off more successfully nowadays, but sometimes I slip”

“Like yesterday” injected Tali and the obese asari nodded.

“Yes… and Shepard isn’t exactly helping”

This time the quarian knowingly nodded, it was the spectre’s favourite non-combat hobby. Spoiling her lovers.

“Apology accepted, but I’ll get you for that” the overweight engineer with a smirk and her bedmate smiled.

“Very well. There’s one more thing I would like to discuss, seeing as we have time. Do you want children?”



“What?” Tali felt like her mind had just experienced a hard reset or maybe… maybe it was a dream?

Liara chuckled, but her gaze remained serious.

“Perhaps, I should specify. As you know I and Shepard intend to procreate as soon as Reapers are no longer an imminent threat. But if things with us progress with us as they do, and I would very much like that, you may find yourself co-parenting an asari. I want to know if you’re alright with that or if three of us need to reconsider this matter, together” explained the asari calmly, in a warm tone.

Tali blinked and looked away in thought, but quickly her features softened.

“As long as you two don’t go off and leave me a single parent to a kid with completely different amino acids, we’re going to be fine” firmly replied the spunky quarian, Liara’s smile widened.

“I’m glad, but since we’re speaking about it: do you want to have a child sired by yourself? I’m positive I can assemble a set of genetic material from any candidate you chose, external reproduction if you do not wish to carry a child” the doctor said earnestly.

This time Tali paused for longer. As any female in the Flotilla, she was expected to have children at some point, it was duty, a fact of life, but now... If she could carry Shepard’s child the answers would be immediate and positive, but it was simply impossible.

“I need to think about” replied quarian solemnly and Liara nodded.

“Of course, there’s no rush. However…”

Suddenly Tali felt a mass of warm flesh cover her body. Liara was tuning to her with her entire body until their faces were a centimetre apart.

Wow… no wonder Liz likes it…come to momma…even though the engineer was rendered speechless her mind and hormones were working at full power.

“…I certainly wouldn’t mind if you father some of my children. I know that Shepard won’t mind either”

Tali’s mouth felt drier than drell's homeworld and everything in her screamed to proceed exactly as the seductive asari suggested.

“Go ahead” said Shepard encouragingly…wait

The quarian cracked her head and, indeed, the commander was sitting in a chair by the desk. It was clear she has been here for some time, in fact long enough to strip herself naked. This was one of the reasons the intrusion hadn’t broken the spell. The two enormous warheads were supported by crossed, muscular, pale hands which were sending their cargo into a hypnotic motion. And her expression…

If somebody had asked Tali if it was possible to die from arousal, she would flatly respond with a firm “No”. However now…

Shepard gave a conspiratorial blink and everything became clear. Before Liara unable to see the spectre, could say something, the quarian managed free one of her hands, using she guided the plump, dark blue lips to her own.

Tali had very limited experience with kissing before accepting her current relationship. It was part of her species' plight that even those simple acts of affection were rare.However, the last months allowed Elizabeth to educate her shorter lover on the matter and the engineer was anything not if not studious.

And apparently, the remedial course paid off, because almost immediately Liara ceased any half-hearted attempts at resistance and reciprocated the kiss. At this moment the entire bulk of the immense asari fell on her. Hundreds of pounds of supple, blue lard were surrounding Tali’s body, crushing her…


The quarian almost fainted, never before she would have suspected that being crushed could feel so wonderfully She moved her hands down, but the engineer couldn’t decide what to grab, there wasso much…

The kiss broke, both participants parting and desperately gasping for breath, Tali more so as her chest had a hard time pushing the alluring, blue fat upwards. It was then she noticed that Shepard was kneeling next to them with that damned smirk. The commander bent down to them and caught Liara’s lips. Tali laid here, being crushed by soft blubber, the quarian felt her own large buttocks being squeezed into the mattress and the bountiful body under her hands as she watched her two lovers making out.

Haaa… haaa…haaa…. I hope Liara will sit on MY face

…… and then the beeping started.

To be exact it was a signal about a high-priority call.

The blue and chubby face moved away from the sharp, pale one. Liara looked disappointed, Shepard like she wanted to tear somebody’s arms out and then beat them to death with them. Tali shared those emotions.

The spectre moved from the bed and put on Tali’s bathrobe and tied it around tightly, then headed to the main console. Meanwhile, Liara exhaled deeply and, after a few wobbles, she managed to roll from the engineer. Never before the overweight quarian had been so disappointed because she wasnotbeing crushed to death.

Once the jiggle dissipated and she caught her breath, Liara activated her omnitool and made a connection to Shepard’s console, receiving only. Soon, on a small holographic screen, appeared an older, human male in Alliance’s uniform with scars. Tali recognized him if foggily – Admiral Hackett.

Commander. You’re hard woman to contact

“I just wiped out the main base of Reaper’s lackeys and made a mortal enemy out of one of the most powerful, human organizations. I think that caution is warranted” replied Shepard in her “official” voice forcing herself to assume a neutral tone and posture. She had a healthy dose of respect for the admiral, but his timing was… less than ideal.

The man nodded accepting her words.

“Then I’ll keep it brief” started Hacked and began explaining Alliance’s predicament. Even as she absorbed information and formed new plans, the spectre couldn’t shake off the strangest feeling of déjà vu.

After several minutes of conversations, the connection closed and moved toward the two beauties, that remained snuggled after watching the broadcast. Shepard sat down and looked at them soberly.

“Tali, how long it’ll take for Normandy to be ready if we disregard the new modification?” asked Elizabeth, Tali did a quick match.

“About 24 hours, not sooner. The Normandy is fully repaired, but several areas were left open for improvements, there are few corners to sweep. With finishing touches and tests I can’t promise to finish faster and mindlessly rushing would be moronic” explained the engineer seriously, her tone lacking previous excitement. Shepard nodded.

“Good. Prepare suitable orders, I’ll signal Garrus to kick everybody's asses into the gear. Also, Liara tries looking into it, maybe you find something useful and… I’m sorry but…”

“Without proper equipment on Normandy, I won’t be of any use. That’s fine, I’ll return to the base and monitor the situation. Somehow this Dr Kenson slipped, despite my search into anything related to Reapers” finished Liara, with full access to her network on she will be able to fully help her lovers… The asari clasped her chubby hands

“However, once you deal with that and my works station is added, I expect a proper dinner and resumptions of interrupted activities” instructed the doctor with a stone-cold expression and Tali nodded in total agreement.

It was also her face fist cracked with a smile and low laugh, then Shepard smirked and Liara joined them, chuckling.

They got it.


Week later

So… they blew up a mass relay and a solar system with a batarian colony along with it… this was not good.

Despite fairly encouraging words from Hackett, everybody knew that situation was bad.

“Is this really the best solution?” asked Tali, still unsure. After the rather turbulent main discussion about their next steps with the entire crew, in the conference room remained Shepard, Garrus, Miranda and Liara, connected to them via quantum communicator.

“As much as I hate to say it, yes. Hegemony will keep moaning, but if Shepard remains free, batarian may go to war or Council will completely condemn her to keep the status quo. Spirits know they want to do this anyway” replied Garrus with the turian equivalent of a grimace.

“Everything that needs to be done in near future can be done by us or Liara’s people. I don’t like it, but going separately may be even more effective. At least before Reapers come”

“Vakarian’s right, Tali” added the overweight operative. The quarian glared at Miranda, she didn’t remember allowing her to call her by name but quickly deflated. She know they were right, the reasoning was clear, but it didn’t mean she had to like it.

“Chin up, they won’t lock me up in some dark dungeon. Even if they won’t believe it may recording should stop alliance from actually sentencing me. Besides, legally they can’t and nor I haven’t broken any laws” said Shepard with a reassuring smile. True, even if the council disliked her and considered her delusional they had given back her position as a spectre. So even if, the commander had committed war crimes of any sort she couldn’t be prosecuted for them

Let’s summarize” Liara’s distorted voice suggested.

The gist of things was:

Shepard was going to give herself into Alliance’s custody with the Normandy.

Garrus – Pallaven

Mordin - Sur'Kesh

Grunt - Tuchanka and later wherever Wrex sends him.

Jacob - there was information about growing numbers of Cerberus defectors, they’ll need his abilities.

Zaeed – back to Liara’s employ, but he had requested a “vacation” for a few weeks, and the doctor had agreed.

Samara – Ardat-Yakshi monastery. She seemed reluctant but equally sure about this. Tali was already a bit scared of justiciar’s bondmate because of it, more so seeing as she seemed to have some shady arrangement with Liara…

Jack- Garrison Academy… on probation… as a teacher

Kasumi – she hadn’t specified other than she was going to ”take care” of some things. But likely Liara had already presented her with a contract.

Thane – to Citadel and, unfortunately, hospital. The events of the last months had put a strain on him and now his illness was starting to noticeably affect him.

Legion – back to beyond the veil. He didn’t know why it was being recalled but promised to contact Shepard or Tali as soon as he possess any new information.

Tali was going to join Liara. She already was working on several projects the obese asari had shared with her.

Miranda was in arguably the worst situation. Her position, a member of Cerberus, had been just leaked likely by TIM himself. The ample operative could get a pardon with Liara’s help, but her former colleagues had infiltrated human government too deeply and she wouldn’t have the same protection as Shepard. So for now the brunette was going to lay low and as the agent of Shadow Broker work to dismantle Cerberus, starting with Henry Lawson.

As for the civilian crew, after initial confinement they would be quickly released, some of them directly back to service, courtesy of the Liara.

An exception was Kelly, who had received a job proposition from the Shadow Broker and accepted. She would be transported to her met with her colleague for foreseeable future.

As for the ship itself... having to change modifications, the alliance surely was going to implement, according to what had been planned by Tali was hardly a problem for the powerful T’Soni heiress.

“However I’m not sure if it is wise to simply leave Jack in such unfamiliar surroundings. It’s easy for something to go wrong and results may be… explosive” Miranda voiced her doubts. The commander smirked.

“It’s sweet that you’re worried for your girlfriend, but I believe Jack will be fine. You’ve been good for her, with little help from us”

The now obese operative’s face twitched.

“I may have occasional dalliances with her, but I am in no way in a relationship with Jack” replied the busty brunette. Everybody in the room looked at her with varying flavours of irony, even the small hologram that represented Liara seemed to share it.

Miranda was grinding her teeth.

“I never got human mating rituals. Watching Shepard and Liara was painful enough, but now I feel like I’m stuck in cheap holo-drama” commented Garrus, almost smugly.

“Garrus, you’re just jealous that Miranda has Jack with her while you and Wrex live in separation” added the spectre, not even hiding her smirk. The turain’s face betrayed deep abomination, the expression even worse due to scarring.


Several days later

Nyxeris took a sip of her drink. Despite her return to the field and “normal” life, she was far from happy. The asari has spent the last several weeks being tortured with exercises and that diet…ugh

At least her figure returned to normal… well mostly. Her bottom still had more cushion than a year ago, but the operative was cleared for duty. Heavy monitored duty. One slip and she is done for, either by T’Soni or Shadow Broker.

Or Shepardthought the former assistant with a shudder and drank the entire drink with one go. It had far too little alcohol to lift her spirits.

Now, Nyxeris was going to babysit some rookie who apparently “despite lack of experience in intelligence, possessed mindset and knowledge that will be beneficial to future operations

The asari didn’t see how any greenhorn could help her, she hadn’t even received any data on her “partner”, it would come with her/him.

“Excuse me, Nyxeris Dimakos?” a soft voice tore the asari from the daunting thoughts. Next to her was a rather petite, bit shorter than her, human woman. She was attractive enough, her face dotted with freckles and red hair atop( light, pleasant tone, not one of freshly spilt blood)

The newcomer was wearing a rather simple, if acceptable elegant dress. She smiled radiantly as soon as Nyxeris affirmed her identity.


“Pleasure to meet you. I’m Kelly Chambers, doctor T’Soni said we’re going to work together” informed happily the female and put a holopad on the table, she pressed her hand against the screen. Several seconds passed and the device was unlocked. Nyxeris took it, everything was in order.

Psychiatrist, huh? I suppose that makes some sense

The ginger sat down and a waiter took her order.

“So… Kelly could you explain, what you are bringing to operation? With your own words, I’ll read the exact report later” said Nyxeris forcing herself to smile.

Let’s see what you got

The ginger’s face dropped a little, but then the waiter come with her drink. She took a sip and started.

“I must admit that I had problems with… nature of this assignment, but both doctor T’Soni and commander Shep…”

“Excuse me” interrupted Nyxeris suddenly feeling cold sweat at the back of her crest.

“You worked with commander Shepard, the human spectre?”

“Yes, I just retired from the position as a yeoman on Normandy” clarified Kelly with a questioning look.

“I see… Forgive me I was just surprised. Please continue” replied the asari trying to appear calm and her conversationalist glowed up again. She couldn’t screw this up.She couldn’t.

“Suffice to say I had to admit that your method was far more preferable to alternatives. You have already been using a psychological approach, quite cleverly so. But there are several things you overlooked, which could be used to improve the entire experience” the redhead said sincerely with that innocent smile. Nyxeris felt a pang of annoyance after hearing somebody say that she had overlooked something, but the operative didn’t show it. Instead, she prompted Kelly to elaborate.

The petite human was explaining in a warm, soft voice using relatively simple terminology or explaining more advanced terms. Despite occasional trailing off, the asari felt her reservation melting and experiencing something alike excitement about working with her partner. Kelly was listing a wide array of subtle stimuli that could be used when turning targets into butterballs.

Two of them had scheduled a second, more formal, meeting and parted with positive moods.

Later in her temporary apartment, Nyxeris was going through Chamber’s files and her spirit was going up. Perhaps this partnership wasn’t going to be so bad after all.


The Shadow Broker’s ship

Tali hadn’t quite expected this. With how sudden everything had happened, she had been expecting a more rushed place as a workplace. The claustrophobic journey to the flying fortress(the quarian had travelled as a sealed cargo) had reinforced those predictions.

Instead, the bountiful engineer was now sitting in an office whose walls were made from prefabricates, good ones, but there were signs of rush ended. Before were the most sophisticated pieces of designing hardware and software. The room was fully covered in a sterling field, and the rest of Liara’s working area had been previously fully sanitized so Tali had no problem walking through it totheirbedroom, which also had the expensive field. The asari offered to provide her with a separate room and bed, but both had learned that they… enjoy each other company.

Her armchair was expensive and very comfortable, likely custom-made just for her and the rest of the furniture wasn’t cheap either. Fortunately, they were practical and functional without pointless add-ons.

“Miss Zorah, I brought snacks. I hope they are to your liking” said the bot putting a tray full of various snacks on a nearby counter, replacing one now almost empty.

…then there’s that

Tali was unprepared for the presence of many bots inside the base, or rate the parts of the base Liara roamed in. Now, the overweigh engineer wasn’t like some of her species, she had no problem working with automatons even before, now after weeks and understanding with Legion, she was probably the most accepting quarian.

Despite this Tali had been unprepared for their constant presence and number. Still, she should have expected it. Without planning her absence before, Liara had to be completely focused on her work, she didn’t have time for chores. The need for secrecy made robots an obvious choice.

That and the obese asari also needed help in more personal matters. Tali had wondered as had watched Shepard help the blue beauty with the most trivial physical tasks. Same tasks that were enow strangely hard for her and getting harder. How did Liara manage to do those on her own? Answer – she probably could slowly, do those alone, but she choose to use robots to speed up processes.

Not that Tali was deploring the flabby doctor for it, this was the purpose of non-sentient automatons – to help. But she was still getting used to it.

Perhaps, the ample quarian wouldn’t be meeting them so often if the robots weren’t so set on spoiling her. They were set on helping her with ever, ever most mediocre, physical ability. And of course, there was food.

Tali was being served ridiculously lavish, for a quarian at least, meals. Every single one of them made her belly taut as a balloon. Between them, she was being supplied with an array of scrumptious snacks.

So really, the quarian was constantly stuffing her face. But seeing as she wasn’t spending her entire time in a food coma, but working, Tali was happy she was exercising some self-control.

She glanced at the new tray and signed, dried fruits covered in species, of course. One of her favourite treats.

Then robot placed two cups next to it, then poured two different, steaming liquids. Soon enough Tali heard steps, that were both heavy as well as soft, and accompanied by even, but deep breaths. She turned her head and sure enough, the quarian saw Liara waddling towards a small couch put in her office.

Getting used to fully casual Liara was quite the experience. Sure she saw glimpses of her during their common times on Normandy, but never to this extent. Even her old stuttering self was quite official, displayed little discomfort and tried always to dress to the occasion. Lately even more so, fat or not fat.

So watching Liara walk around in pares, plainest outreached clutches, mostly barefoot was a stark contrast, to say the least. The obese asari also didn’t bother maintaining her facade. She didn’t even try to pretend to be able to move other than by heavy waddle nor did the young matron hide her deep breathing, often supporting herself on the railing or calling a bot to help her relocate.

Despite seeing signs before and talking with Zoma, Tali first time truly witnessed and understood how much all this blubber affected life.

As she watched Liara waddle slowly, her face a bit purple from exhaustion Tali couldn’t help but feel a bit terrified.

On the other hand, all this jiggle… and those meaty, beach ball-sized butt cheeks did feelamazingwhen pressing her body…

(Tali blamed Shepard… and Liara too, she used to occasionally fantasize about the pale, muscular body of the commander. Now she hadserious needsthat included said human body and a quarter ton of blue, asari adipose)

The young matron sat down with relief, the couch groaned under her immense bulk. The piece of furniture was a proper couch, even if a small one, but under Liara, it appeared almost like an armchair.

Tali turned with the upper part of her chair to her quest and took her cup, recognizing levo-blend, soon, still remaining, the automaton passed the second one to the asari, then put a small plate of snacks next to her.

Sometimes Liara liked to visit the quarian and simply converse. As much of a loner she was, the obese doctor still enjoyed the company of close ones and there was only one person who was closer to her than Tali. The engineer often returned her gesture and had her chair next to Liara’s enormous armchair in the main room.

That day too, they began talking about matters both serious and casual, sharing an occasional laugh.

“You really ought to finish” said Liara gesturing to the tray held by still standing bot, where there were quite a lot of remaining snacks.

“I made sure to it well balanced and scheduled… unless there’s something not up to your taste?”

Tali exploded with muffed laughter, largely because the asari was completely serious.

“..ha…it’s so balanced I would burst from my suit in few months” jested the quarian before taking a bit from the dry pastry.

“That would be ideal. Unfortunately, even the schedule I had made, gives hope for a weight increase of about 100 pounds after 3 months. It’s a bit optimistic and unlikely prediction, but I’m confident we can make you well over 300-325 pounds after in this time” informed Liara calmly and took a sip of tea.

Tali froze with her mouth wide open. Liara once again was completely serious, even if a faint smile wandered on her lips.


“Of course, we could meet this goal, probably even exceed it if we used stronger aids, but I postponed using those for now. Unless you have nothing against?” offered the asari, her smile making visible dimples in her chubby face.

“Ehhhh… no I’m good” replied the quarian. She had never outwardly acknowledged it but she had seen what abitstronger T’Soni drugs did to Miranda. First, the brunette had been, barely and with great effort, managing to stuff herself, next she was wolfing down MREs like there was no tomorrow with her stomach as tight as a drum.

Also, she saw recordings of a test subject who received stronger stuff… the engineer still felt a cold chill at the memory.

So yes, Tali would pass those drugs for now.

“Aren’t you being…overly ambitious?”not to mention failing to tell me about it?

Liara gave the empty cup to the robot and put her hands on her enormous gut, which had been serving her as a table, and with a sly smile began fondling the blue flesh which almost fully stuck from her shirt. All of which she was looking directly at the young woman.

“Tali, as much as I enjoy being the biggest one in our relationship, I would love you to finally properly bulk up. Laving you as you are now is out of the question, I think 450 pounds is a good goal to strive for, at least for the time being” explained the immense doctor maintaining eye contact and still putting motion in her luscious blubber.

Tali’s throat was dry. She had known, of course, that neither Shepard nor Liara was set on making her grow, neither hid it by now. The portly quarian accepted it, was enjoying it even. But it was the first time it was placed in such firm terms and with an equally firm, as well as intimidating, goal. A goal with a schedule.

“I’m also sure Shepard would be most appreciative should she see a substantial increase in your volume. Lastly, I do know that you’re quite anxious to experience how it feels having a bottom as big as mine or larger” finished Liara and by then her smile turned into a small smirk. Tali blushed.

Stupid sexy asari and her stupid mind reading melding!!!

“I must say that I share the sentiment” added the doctor and loudly smacked her belly. The quarian took a few breaths and was about to retort, but the obese beauty’s omnitool beeped and flashed red.

“I’m afraid we have to cut the break short. I’ll try to join you for lunch” said Liara before gesturing to the automaton to help her. Tali, despite wanting to counter the flabby asari, merely waved her goodbye. The gluttonous doctor did have more duties than her and made those breaks when she could, which wasn’t that often.

She watched as Liara made her way, her back fat and her meaty flesh moving in tandem to her heavy waddle….Mmmmm… all that jiggle…

The quarian signed longingly and dusted crumbles from her skin starting with her “barely” expanded chest, through her pillow-like belly and her luscious, thick thighs. The temperature in the room was set so she was comfortable with a bare minimum of clothing, which allowed her a had a watch on her figure. All that food was leaving mark on her, Tali already felt practically getting fatter with every day.

Though probably not as much as Liara would like

She took a fistful of sweets and put them in her mouth and chewed slowly. The engineer got to keep in shape, after all.

Perhaps she would try to finish this entire tray?


Illium, Nos Astra
T’Soni company’s housing block

Jennifer looked nervously around the room she had just entered. It seemed like a decent enough apartment, much different from the sterile hallway that lead to it.

“Hello there!”

The young woman almost jumped startled by the unexpected, if warm, welcome. Next to her was an asari, slightly taller than herself, with almost white-blue skin and no visible paint. Her clothes were sparse, to say the least, she was wearing only a shirt and lingerie.

“Hi” responded Jennifer trying to compose herself.

“I’m Limena, soooo you’re our new roommate?” asked the cheerful maiden.

“Ah, yes. Jennifer Walters” the young woman introduced herself and tried to offer a hand, but the two heavy bags that hung from her shoulders.

“Great, that means we have a full set. Sam’ll be happy that she won’t be the only human. Let me show you your room” said Limena and without any ado took one of the bags and went inside. Jen had no choice but follow.

She couldn’t help but feel a pang of shame as she watched the nimble figure of her guide. While Jen was fairly strong and physically capable, the young woman of African ancestry was never able to shed extra padding that clung to her body, especially her bottom

Then again it means I have an advantage. Never would have thought being fat would look good on the CV

The slightly chubby young woman of African ancestry was putting a lot of hope in this job. Since getting to this planet she had trouble getting steady employment, but this was a chance. Only viable chance, so far, even if it was… strange.

The apartment was nice(much nicer than anything she was able to rent on Illium before), a bit blank and…why did it need all those rails?

Before they reached one of two double bedrooms, Jennifer learned that there were five of them, 3 asari and 2 human women, that only Limena had the smallest, but single bedroom and 2 of her future housemates were now on some medical exams.

They entered the double bedroom with a mess of clothes and other items already on one bed. Jennifer put her things on the unclaimed bed and looked around. It was nice if lacking in personality…

“Is… that a minifridge?” asked the young woman, a gaping device located near her nightstand.

“Yup, we all got them. I mean… it makes sense” replied Limena with a nervous chuckle. Jennifer nodded slowly.

“Listen, how about you grab a bite before unpacking? Tomorrow's when "diet" starts and Nyssa is heating a pizza” offered the maiden, still smiling.

“Sure” Jennifer hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was afternoon already.

They went downstairs, but before arriving in the kitchen they noticed an asari in s casual grab lying in the living room, gaping at some show displayed on a large screen munching on a large pepperoni pizza.

Jennifer kept being surprised how much human foods were popular amongst asari.

“Nyssa, you promised to call when it’s ready” shouted the standing maiden, the person in question lazily turned her head, she had purplish skin and a few white strips of face paint, and with an unchanged expression put a slice of pizza in her mouth.

This is going to be funthought Jennifer with dread and Limena huffed before sitting down on another couch and taking a slice.

“That’s Jennifer our final roommate” she introduced the newcomer and passed the box with the steaming dish closer to the human, who sat next to her and accepted it. The lazy asari just waved at them in acknowledgement and focused on the show. Limena gave Jen an apologetic look.

“What about diet?” asked the young woman after several bites. The pizza was very good and thick with toppings.

“Well…, they didn’t call it that, but they did say that tomorrow we get this show on the road and thatwe were going to have to abide by the precise dietary regiment” explained Limena making air quotes with sauce-stained fingers.

“Frigging*much* eggheads” Nyssa spoke the first time, still chewing on pizza.

“All we gotta do is sit on our asses and eat food, that all to it. But of course, they have to make everything sound complicated to feel smart”

Jennifer wasn’t so sure of this. The young woman would never admit to it but she was fairly adept at dealing with bureaucracy and contrast. It thanks this Miss Walters hadn’t ended up in “Indentured servitude” during her stay on Illium. Her current contract seemed fair, especially by local standards, but it was by no means lax and gave their employer a lot of power...

The lone emissary of humanity chose to withhold those doubts, opting to take another bit of meaty treat while listening to Limena cheerfully explain house rules.


Terra Nova
Colonial capital

Tela had a fire in her lungs as stumbled down after jumping down from the fence in some alley. A suggestive dress she wore was torn in places, covered in grime and bloody splatters in various colours. Fortunately(or not) barely any of it was hers.

“f*ck” muffed curse escaped her lips, the spectre felt pain in her shallow wounds and her lower joints as she stood up and clung to the dark corner of the wall. The panting asari activated her omnitool and an array of programs that provided information. She needed confirmation if they are still on her tail.

The operation was a bust. Why exactly? - she would investigate later.

And everything had been going so well. The enamoured human male let her in on a “private tour”, and even introduced his boss. This detail hadn’t gone as good as she had hoped. Then again what to expect from a high-up of a hom*ophobic terrorist group, same with some of the workers inside. Fine, this Harry Lawson was hardly worth looking at either. Same with her “boyfriend” really, but what you can do.

Still, everything had been proceeding as planned, distraction, computer viruses, and even those codes to access databases and security worked like a charm. Considering paranoia surrendering the place it had to be hard even for Shadow Broker to get them.

… and then something tripped the alarms.

She barely managed to escape as the building imminently went into lockdown and the guards were not overly inept. Vasir escaped confident, but several groups chased her, both on foot and with vehicles. It took her some time to shake them off.

f*ckers, some of them had to drug themthought the spectre furiously as she tried to even her breathing. Tela couldn’t remember the last time she tired so easily or felt so sluggish. Then again she felt similar symptoms for some time now

Here it’s worth mentioning that both the asari’s fatigue and the alarm had a common cause, namely the noticeable pillow-like bulge that extruded from her middle. The softness that enveloped the rest of her body also was partially responsible. How over fifty extra pounds of fat could impede her physical performance was fairly obvious, but cause alarm? Well, it was quite simple: Vasir being in complete denial of her enlarger figure at some point had pressed her expanded belly into a touch screen, console in question was meaningless to her and had no meaningful data, but it was password protected as well as located in the restricted area. It was an assortment of random words, written by the supple stomach that tipped the alarm.

The asari let out a deep breath, that almost ripped the remains of her dress. Various viruses and other aid were doing their jobs, the Cerberus lackeys were chasing shadows, but not her.

Still, the spectre was furious, her assignment only half done. Sure she had now an abundance of leads on Cerberus, incriminating evidence and names, but only a fraction of this would incriminate Lawson. Sure it was enough to incriminate him, but not to justify taking him out, another failed objective.

Once her heart seemed to case its escape attempts from her ribcage, Tela carefully started heading to the safe house. She needed to patch herself up and contact Shadow Broker to consult on her next moves. The asari wasn’t looking toward it.

Then the spectre reminded herself of the large supply of chocolate cookies and genuine thessian wine she had stashed and her mood lifted a little.

As Vasir walked she ignored the aching of her body as well as the weight that hung from her middle and the growls it was releasing. Last two, her suborn brain seemed to simply filter from reality.


Terra Nova
Colonial capital
Unknown apartment

Miranda signed heavily and rubbed her forehead. Through the console and various equipment T’Soni provided, she had been monitoring the spectre and quietly helping her. The brunette also just received a preliminary report from the Vasir.

The brunette wasn’t happy with the state of affairs either. Fortunately, they managed to get the most essential intel, it was a huge blow to Cerberus, but her father…

Of course, any truly incriminating evidence, pointing to him, was elsewhere and after this stunt, he would hide, so the devil himself wouldn’t find him. Miranda could say a lot about her father, but he wasn’t careless.

Worse yet, Vasir had used her codes. Even if he had had his doubts after they had cut contact, the Illusive Man would be now sure she was compromised.

The brunette poured herself a bit of bourbon, normally the operative wouldn’t be caught dead near such low-end alcohol, but she was alone and in need of encouragement. The liquid warmth spread through her body and momentarily dampened the pain of existence. She didn’t need to worry, her genetics, wright and biotics made sure, Miranda was quite resistant to alcohol.

Still, can’t get drunk. How the hell Shepard manages to barely get tipsy from things that should melt her stomachwondered the overweight operative allowing her mind to wander and reminiscing about that “girl-time”.

Wonder how they are doing? Is Jack doing we…

Miranda shook her head and felt that her flesh followed its suit. She had separated from the rest of Normandy’s crew, but the ample brunette had recently realized that she was genuinelymissingthem.

It was new and… worrying.

Never before, save for Oriana, Miranda missed anybody. Especially considering all the… disagreements.

Worse, a lot of times, her thoughts circled around a certain convict.Sometimes at night…

A low ringing brought her to reality.

Saved by the bell

The brunette used the remote camera and other sensors to check the source. The hotel service with a trolley full of food.

Good, they were right on time.

Miranda went to the door with a pistol, just in case, and opened the door. The young human male in hotel uniform looked surprised for a second, but beyond that merely recited typical formula. The brunette stopped him insisting she roll the trolley herself and after brief, professional denial he went back.

As the operative wondered about the source of his surprise. Was it her appearance?

She paused for a moment, near the entrance was a full-body mirror. Miranda let off of the trolley and posed, a sly smile appeared on her face.

She lookedgood.

The brunette was easily the fattest guest of the hotel, but if somebody disagreed, even herself in a moment of weakness was either lying or borderline fatphobic.

The almost 200 pounds of pure lard, that had been added to her body, had gone to the right places. She now had an hourglass figure, which looked most scrumptious, even if her belly seemed set on catching on her breasts. Miranda with a pang of sentimentality had to abandon her jumpsuits, they didn’t play well with her soft folds, instead opting for special suits, that fully accented her expanded curves.

This move hadn’t cost her distractive properties, it would seem the sheer volume of her “assets” were making up for it. And if she wanted to make sure, all the operative had to do was to unbutton her shirt, so her cleavage, which nowadays resembled a valley more than anything else, was on display.

More than once it seemed that somebody was a centime away from falling face-first between soft mountains. Not only men.

…or she could put on tighter trousers. That too proved unexpectedly effective.

All that while both the Illusive Man and her father were convinced that some fault in her genes was responsible for her dramatic increase in size. They had made sure of that.

So… despite her initial worries and approach, it proved to be a completewin-winsituation.

Still smiling, the clinically obese operative returned to the trolley, moving it towards the table. She looked down at the assortment of foods and immediately felt a familiar hollowness in her gut. Perhaps it was resin for the boy's confusion. Miranda was alone in the apartment and on the trolley, there were easily enough dishes on the trolley for a lavish for three people.

Shepard’s training and T’Soni drugs had done their job.

The brunette put the first wave of cuisine on the table and removed the upper clutches, save for a comfortable bra, this one was new and still well contained her boobs. Miranda looked around wondering what to eat first, the advantage of being of Terra Nova was access to human foods that for various reasons weren’t available in most of the citadel space.

The operative sat down and pulled a plate with chaczapuri near herself, to this strategical position where her chest wasn’t obscuring it. Indie a boat of bread, almost as long and wide as her enlarged calf, was a lake of molten cheeses, spices and butter. She started eating carefully, wary of warm cheese, but soon thin strips of bread, dripping with cheese were quickly being devoured by the starved woman. Her rapid movements were the cause of ripples going through her soft body and jiggle of her chest.

The first dish swiftly fell thanks to the operative well-practised motions. Miranda quickly removed the empty plate back to the trolley and grabbed another serving, a large piece of real lasagne, made from fully natural cheese, tomatoes and meat, not their synthetic substitutes. The curvaceous brunette paused when she realized something.

Cerberus had an entire book worth of evidence that the thick layer of blubber that had enveloped her body was caused by faulty engineered genetics and twice as much evidence, that confirmed it. If Miranda wanted to change profession she could become an actor, Shepard too, surprisingly, and T’Soni also come through. Oriana was now a faulty product to their father. It meant Miranda could slow down with masquerade, perhaps even contact a dietician and resume working out routine to shed some weight, perhaps even build more muscle. Certainly, the fattened operative could stop eating meals that certainly would add even more flab to her frame.

Nothought Miranda and pushed a second plate closer

Sooner or later they get some data on me. If I suddenly stop gaining or worse lose weight, the entire operation will be at risk. Father isn’t a fool.

Reassured with this, admittedly quite correct, reasoning, Miranda dug into a lasagne with gusto. Promptly enough second, equally filling meal, was fully devoured by the brunette, her stomach capacity multiplied after intense training.

The operative reached for another third and then for the next one.

And then for one more.

Miranda ate quickly, but calmly even as the skin at her middle tightened and the organ began slowly marching outward. Above it was a soft, but still largely defiant to gravity, a bountiful chest was waving akin to sea in a storm, being set in motion by the brunette's ravenous motions. Occasionally on the supple, spotless flesh landed occasional crumbles, and drops of juices of melted cheese landed. As a side effect of her current routine, after all, Miranda ought to eat as much as fast as possible, last feeling of painful fullness catches up to her.

Her own stuffings, force-feedings and occasional dashes of drugs from T’Soni gave wonderful effects. When the operative was finished she leaned back and released a small, muffed bleach, her gut almost thrice the size it used to be, taunt as drum and extended even further than her mammoth brats. Similar occurrences, were almost daily, although rarely involved such lovely food.

Miranda absent-mindedly rubbed the overfed belly, feeling herself relax. An amazing meal connected with satisfaction from such through stuffing made disappointment from a half-failed mission disappear. Calories and mental exhaustion were getting to her so Miranda set alarm on omnitool and brushed herself, before laying down on the comfortable couch.

Not a minute later, the operative slipped into a food coma and only an occasional digestive groan from her hard-working gut was interrupting the silence of the apartment.






This’s a bribe, atrap, another part of this f*cking prison, I’m not…

“So, how was that?” asked a cheerful, almost naïvely happy voice next to her.

The fat face twitched and morphed into a polite smile, which, the horror, was partially genuine.

“It’s great Falere, but it could use a bit more salt” replied Morinth, her smile making visible dimples in chubby cheeks. The younger asari positively beamed and moved to the counter choosing another culinary.

“She really got into it, you know. Drink?” asked Rila, she was much more composed than their youngest sister, but even her gentle smile was radiating positive energy. Morinth nodded or rather several times dug her chin into her flesh.

Rial carefully put a cup to her sister’s lips, which had about half a litre of liquid, and slowly tilted. The substance was quite dense but easy enough to drink, was clearly milk-based, sweet anddelicious.

She hated it.

It swiftly and smoothly poured into the captive asari’s stomach. Once it ran out, she released a small burp and her sister lovingly wiped her mouth and turned around, likely to refill.

Morinth tightened her jaw as she looked around, both of her sisters busy with food and drinks, the cosy, bright room that she was in, the comfortable bed under her and all of the comfortable furniture.

Herf*ckingglided cage.


Then the ardat-yakshi looked down and focused on her own body. Her obese, as heavy as krogan body that was spilt on the bed. The ridiculous large and heavy tit*, stillamazing, but as large if not larger than her head, obscured everything under them and Morinth couldn’t have examined the damages, if not for a mirror. Her formerly well-toned belly had turned into a wide, doughty mass composed of two thick rolls divided by a shallow chasm. It was hanging down, starting to obscure her crotch and stuck only an inch or two shorter than her chest. In place of shapely, head-turning gluteus was now two moderate, fleshy orbs occasionally dotted with cellulite. The nimble her limbs weren’t spared either, her once muscular thighswere touchingand calves thick and readying to swallow her ankles.

There. Was.Fat. Hanging. From. Her. f*cking. Forearms.

Morinth LOATHED(loved) her new body.

It was also the biggest hurdle that prevented her from escaping.

Oh, there was not that the stuffy matriarch(except father, she wasn’t stuffy) had updated, but the predatory asari was sure she would be able to deal with that. Also this time Morinth would simply litter the place with bodies with no hesitation. This time, she wasn't a naive child.

But this damned(magnificent) body…

Simples, easiest activities were a hurdle. Short walks through gardens that she and her sisters went on occasionally were leaving her exhausted as much as she tried to hide it. Her body was heavy, and sluggish preferring lying or sitting to any activity.

But she was humiliated further, they had done something that interfered with her biotics. Morinth felt the thrumming eezo-powered might under her skin, but at best, he was managing a wave, strong enough to knock over a cup.

The once-mighty ardat-yakshi was rendered powerless.

Obviously, she thought about slimming down, but…

“Here you go” said Falere warmly handing her oldest sister a plate of shishkebabs from grilled meat and vegetables. Morinth didn’t recognise them, but they looked and smelled delicious if a bit spicy. She wasn’t hungry, had already eaten more than twice a diner's worth of food, but the obese asari felt herself salivating, then the asari looked at the sunny, waiting disposition of her sister.

Morinth tried to maintain composure she bit into, one grilled stick.

“It’s great” admitted truthfully the oldest sibling and Falere beamed, then excused herself.

Once she was out of sight, Morinth voraciously attacked shishkebabs with reckless abandon, her flesh transforming into a sea of motion. Fortunately, Rila was busy with something and didn’t have to witness her sister's savage gluttony.

The predatory(no more, save for, perhaps, food) asari wanted to stop, truly, but couldn’t muster the strength to do so.

That was another problem.

It had taken her some time to fully(not) shook off of brainwashing f*cking Visar, or whatever her real name had been, had done to her. But her menstrual hunger and appetite remained.

At first, still, even, Morinth had trouble believing how much food it took for her to feel full.

But it wasn’t enough.

No, simply filling her gut to the brim wasn’t doing. Even if her stomach felt on the brink of tearing if a tempting morsel was placed before her, Morinth it. Then next, third…she ate not ignorant to, but despite the pain in her stained gut.

The obese asari couldn’t stop herself.

Those gluttonous urges put a damper on any attempts at slimming down. What’s more and which shook Morinth to her core, the monastery’s residents seemed to actively encourage it. While she hadn’t once stepped on a scale, if the snipped of the conversation the asari had overheard had been true, she was gaining even more lard and… reached 400 pounds mark.

The lavish meals lack any physical activities, mandatory or otherwise.

By the Void, they were practically showing grease down her throat while keeping bed bound.

The problem was Morinth was weak and it wasn’t just a side effect of her blubber. Perhaps she would offer more resistance if not for the… particular guards.

In the entirety of know galaxy, there were only two(three depending on her mood) people Morinth would never hurt in any form. Namely, her two younger sisters, who, coincidently, had been tasked with “nurturing and reintegrating Morinth back into their community”.

Her naïve, smart, gentle sisters, reluctantly at first, but always with love cared for her, and quickly enough warmed back up to their reclaimed sister. There was no judgment, no rejection only warm comfort and support.

They were exactly as the captured asari had remembered them, only the life in the monastery had made their bodies softer. But that may be her imagination, projections.

Falere had taken up cooking with quite promising results. Her cuisine ranged from good to excellent, despite an occasional odd mix of flavours. The youngest sister produced her culinary delights in great quantities, but Morinth was devouring every last bite, a victim of her gluttony and desire to please the ever cheerful baby of the family.

Rila was more serious and not as naïve, which allowed for a bit more meaningful conversations. The middle sister was expressing herself in more traditional ways through sculpture and painting. She was also responsible for more hands-on help for her weakened sister. Rila helped their big siblings walk, clothe and even bathe. She was the one always supporting Morinth during their occasional walks as well as rubbed her skin with soothing aliments after most excessive stuffings.

The captive asari couldn’t go against either of them, that hadn’t changed in the centuries since her escape. Occasionally father visited, she had moved up in the hierarchy and with her, Morinth didn’t hold her tongue. But the matriarch didn’t shield herself with code or righteousness, instead opting for witty, sharp remarks and a sly smile. It was simultaneously infiltrating and refreshing.

It was good to see her well

So Morinth was once again imprisoned in the monastery, fattened not unlike a bovine, weaker than a pyjack and with two loving sisters that, knowingly or not, were set on fattening her with support from this glorified prison and their father’s patronage.

The fearsome, seductive ardat-yakshi was f*cked and soon even fatter unless she come up with something.

Morinth burped once the entire supply of shishkebabs found themselves in her gut, it was delicious and now she was properly stuffed. Still, in the back of her head was the urge to nib on something, change the flavour with a little snack. Likely it would be soon provided by Falere and wouldn’t be so little.

The flabby asari put the plate on next to her and was about to rub her belly to release some pressure, not an easy feat with those suffocatingly large breasts of her, but then she heard Rila.

“Stop! Clean your hands before touching anything and better yet let me do it” commanded the middle sister with a commanding voice and stern face.

Cutethought Morinth but moved her hands away from her skin and with a groan grabbed some moist towels. Meanwhile, Rila put on latex glows and poured some lotion on them.

The lying asari hissed when cool, dense liquid touched her skin, but as her sister's fingers were shifting her soft flesh and spreading lotion, a blissfulness began spreading through her body, almost prompting moans.

Little Rila knew what she was doing.

Without pausing younger asari spoke.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to be absent this afternoon, Falere too. I already got substitutes, so please don’t be difficult”

Morinth looked at her questioningly and grinned.

“You two got a double date” teased the doughty convalescent, her sister blushed, marginally, and shook her head.

“Of course not, but father requested our presence for a few hours” here the masseur pressed her lips into a thin line, hesitating.

“She didn’t say it, but… I think mother’s back”

Morinth did her best to hide the avalanche of emotions(homicidal rage, bloodlust, disappointment ext.), but she doubted her success.

What that hypocritical justicar was doing here?


Samara was panting, then screamed before falling back, down exhausted. Her strength, both physical and mental, was falling short, like never before. Not even during the deadly excursion against the collectors, which had pad pushed the justicar more than anything before.

The ancient asari could feel sweat dripping from her, her body ached in places and ways, she hadn’t thought possible before. Samara managed to somewhat calm her breath and opened her eyes.

She was greeted by the sight of her tormentor, leaning but mere inches from her face, with a wicked grin on her face.

“Ready for next round?” teased Shiava T’Serra, the mother superior of the ardat-yakshi monastery and Samaras bondmate before locking their lips. The justicar felt familiar fingers on her naked body and, despite even the abuse and multiple intercourses of the last hour(??), she couldn’t help but feel arousal.

That wasn’t quite the welcome the taller asari had been expecting.

After partying ways with Normandy’s crew, the justicar made her way to the monastery. She took a rather…lengthyroute, which had substantially stretched travel’s time.

Samara justified it as taking care of loose ends, but the justicar was enough of asari to admit that she was scared. There was no excuse to leave, for haste, she would have to face a lot.

Still, it wasn’t going as the asari had imagined.

When she had arrived, her bondmate greeted her and led her to a separate dining room, explaining that their daughters(three, all there…) were busy, but two young ones would meet with them in the late afternoon.

The meal was very large for two asari, Samara tried to moderate herself, especially after not too distant feat that had been founded by young T’Soni. However, both her love very presence and…encouragementhad proven detrimental to this.

Shiava always knew how to make her drop guard

So once her outfit had felt far too tight, once again in such a short time, the shorter matriarch led her to her quarters. Samara knew them from her previous visit, it had been where she received a lengthy lecture and following that a passionate night.

However, what the justicar was experiencing now, was making her redefine the “passionate” part. Today her darling bondmate wanted payback from the centuries of separation and pent up… feelings(… and a few other things).

Even if it killed Samara, which seemed more likely with every second.

Goddess grant me strength


The Shadow Broker’s ship

“Liara… what is it?” asked Tali, looking at the large table near the asari work station, that nearly bend under the food. She was there because the door for some reason the entry to her “office” had been closed, but the almost obscene amount of food had been too eye-catching.

More suspicious was the fact all of those levo-based foods(mouth withering ones…), so it could be for the asari, so that left…

Liara stopped typing and turned her head to the suitless quarian. Tali had gotten used to it, somewhat, but she still felt some sort of awe looking at the heavy, fleshy form the formerly slim archaeologist evolved into.

“Your breakfast obviously” informed the young matron casually and took a sip from a straw that lead to a large cup. Tali looked at her with eyes wide open, then at an almost breaking table(is that smeek? Mmm…) and back at Liara.

“You’re kidding?” asked the quarian, sure nowadays she could eat quite a lot(more than several quarians normally)and the engineer was doing her best to ignore the sudden increase in saliva production, but…

“Hardly” replied the enormous asari putting back the cup. Tali had a hard time telling where snacks ended and equipment started.

“Despite our conversation several days ago, you hadn’t caught up to the scheduled diet. Although I admit you tried, I also noticed the decreased amount of sleep you’re getting. Therefore I decided you should take it easy for a few days, starting with a proper breakfast”

“…you’re criticizing my sleeping habits, miss not-workaholic-but-gets-by-four-hours-of-sleep?” asked the quarian and crossed her arms, her gaze was transmitting the condemnation for her lover's hypocrisy.

Liara’s expression didn’t change, worse she had the audacity to bite into a cookie and nod.

“You can’t make me” challenged the engineer, but Liara just swallowed the treat and smiled.

“Oh, you know I can… and I can shut down your access to all devices, save commercial omnitool. Same with your access to extranet” replied the Shadow broker earnestly.

Tali blinked, her mouth opened… then closed. Liara wouldn’t… she couldn’t…

The quarian slowly, very slowly made her way to the table. The mere thought of the highest sentence was pushing her towards the mountains of food. Tali sat sown on one of Liara’s custom-made chairs… which had worryingly less free space left under her rump than she had predicted.

She hesitated for a split second… and energetically dug in, her defiance fully forgotten. Truthfully Tali hadn’t been overly earnest in her earlier denial. It had been caused by obstruction of her workspace, not by the frankly staggering amount of food. The quarian had acted against herself, as every instinct had been urging her to consume.

Now, having “lost”, the engineer eagerly began shoving a mix of ground meat, pasta, cheese and gravy into her mouth. She had a small case of munchies after light(…by the ancestor it could be full dinner) breakfast.

They sat in silence, well relative silence. From the side of the subsequently cleared table were coming distinctive sounds of rapid eating, bordering on mindless stuffing. Meanwhile, Liara spoke occasionally, mercilessly relaying order, but the majority of what was heard, from the direction of seductive, blue mountain of flesh, were regular snacking and sounds of the console.

Tali had lost sense of time, something regular after months of Shepard’s and Lira’s particular brand of pampering, her sole focus on meals before her. One of the resident’s bots was dutifully taking care of empty dishes and maintaining moderate cleanliness.

Once the quarian has inhaled the equivalent of several meals, by the standards of modern members of her species, and her plush belly tightened and began pushing forward, she started, barely noticeably, to slow down.

The obsess asari noticed it, even though her gaze didn’t wander from the screens. One of them had a view of her underfed lover from several different angles. By now she was quite… hot under the collar, so to speak. Liara checked the hour and smiled, it was time for a second breakfast. She send disposition to two robots and returned her gaze to images of Tali and licked her strangely dry lips.

The engineer was unaware when an automaton brought a second, oversized chair or when an asari-oriented meal was placed on the table. Only when Liara approached, even supported by a robot her steeps had this unique sound, Tali broke out of the daze. Without pausing, she gave the wobbling asari a glare, but the doctor only smiled before setting down her rump, which resulted in a rather ominous sound from the piece of furniture.

Tali rolled her eyes and promptly refocused on the task at hand, namely a roasted piece of bovine dripping with grease. Liara followed the example, a small army of thessian fish swimming in spicy, sweet sauce began disappearing between inhumanly wide-opened jaws.

Now, all that was heard were the sound of cutting, chowing and swallowing, occasionally interrupted by a groan from one mountainous or second, infant gut. Despite constant snacking, Liara was eating like it was her first meal that day, but more on less calmly. Tali was still full of enthusiasm but was reaching her limits.

So once the information broker wiped her mouth and was about to start the second course when the quarian leaned back with a groan. She put her hand on her stomach and gently rubbed it, which released a small burp. The organ itself was strained, reached halfway through her lap and showed fresh stretchmarks.

The stuffed woman glanced at the inspecting her with satisfaction asari and weakly pointed at her.

“It’s...uuuurrrp… your fault” accused Tali, but her much wider companion only smiled. She closed her eyes and hung her head back. Perhaps the quarian shouldn’t have eaten that much…pppfff… right, as if she hadn’t been thinking the same after every meal in the last months

On the edge of her awareness, Tali registered the noise of dragged chair and the slight sensation of a nearby biotic usage. She lifted her heavy eyelids and realized that Liara was now so close that her various soft bits were almost brushing her. Meanwhile, the asari in question was busy cutting a cake, a turian bastardization of a quarian recipe to be exact.

“You know that it’s hard to get decent sweets fit for quarians and you barely touched any. It would be a shame if it went to waste” said the obese doctor with a sickeningly sweet smile as she put a large rectangle on a smaller platter.

The engineer bilked, dread setting inside her. Months of training(… and light, non-malicious conditioning and drugs) made sure Tali ate to point of bursting, it was simply her current norm. Now was no different, she couldn’t possibly…!

“Liara, you…mmmpppffffff”

It was truly perplexing, Liara’s arm was enclosed in athicklayer of supple blubber, yet somehow, in split second, the wide asari managed to cram the piece of cake into Tali’s open mouth, pushing the blue mountain of fat, that was her belly, into the purple woman.

The quarian thought she was going to choke, there was no chance of spitting out. A soft, blue, hand was covering her mouth, despite frantic attempts to pry it away. Tali felt some frosting and feeling escape, but it wasn’t enough to bring her respite. So she struggled, working her jaw and throat, small piece after piece, the lump in her mouth was shrinking. But then come the worst, Tali swallowed said lump, which painfully made her way to her cracking gut.

The engineer was panting, tired and in pain from her dangerously stuffed stomach, still she was free from the cake and Liara…

Tali looked up and with dread realized that the next piece was far too close to her and in asari’s hands. Now she didn’t waste time with refusal, smart choice, but once again Liara proved, once again, to be surprisingly quick. The cake stooped hallway, but the doctor was stubborn and slowly was pushing the pastry past her liver’s lips, smearing it in the process. The engineer tried to protect herself, but she was never a paragon of physical strength, her tormentor had an advantage in that regard, also a lot ofweightto throw around.

The only upside was that the quarian hadn’t had to swallow as desperately as previously. Still, Tali had no choice but to swallow quickly as the obese asari was relentless. The entirety of assaulting cake finally slid to her stomach prompting another wave of discomfort. She was released allowing her to catch her breath.

Perhaps the genius technician would come up with an idea of how to deal with the situation. However, she wasn’t given the chance to.

The moment the stuffed breathing returned to some semblance of normalcy, Tali felt a soft hand on her shoulder, gently moving her upward and in the next second third piece of cake was unceremoniously shoved into her mouth.

The quarian fought, struggled a bit, but failed and another portion of delectable torture landed in her stomach.

And another a few minutes later.

The cake was being forced into her with little time for anything, even breathing.

But after seemingly hours the entire cake was gone.

Tali was leaning back on the oversized chair, breathing heavily. Her face was covered in crumbs, jams and frosting, this mix was also present on her torso and hands, a side effect of her resistance.

For the first time in weeks when the most eye-catching about the quarian wasn’t her ever-expanding bottom, but her belly. Skin and blubber were tight around the now spherical gut, which looked and sounded ready to explode at any second now. Or at the very least tear apart judging by the thin, jarring lines of fresh stretchmarks.

Meanwhile, Liara, while having her hand covered in the sweet mix and being winded from her actions, was smiling, almost radiating with satisfaction as she watched her work.

“Now, it wasn’t so bad, was it?” asked the doctor as she was wiping her hands.

“F…f*ck …you” wheezed Tali, it was she could do as she feared moving an inch that could result in any reaction from her throbbing stomach.

“ I think you should that it easy today, I have you moved o bedroom” replied the asari with a smile before, with visible effort, leaned towards the quarian and planted a hiss on purple, shiny with sweat, forehead. Then she returned to her meal like nothing happened.

As two bots simply picked up the chair with her on it, Tali remained quiet save for occasional grans and gurgles from her middle.

She was too tired to shout profanities at Liara, who was now chomping down food without a care in the world. Worse, the engineer could accidentally spill out about just howhotshe found the entire thing.

Then again the obese doctor probably already knew it.



Upper ward’s apartment complex

Khalisah al-Jilani heavily sat on her chair next to her desk after discarding her dress and putting on her bathrobe. It had been a hard day.

She activated the console and reached for the large box that was lying near. From it the journalist retrieved a daunted covered in thick frosting and chocolate flakes, then she crammed almost the entire thing into her mouth.

With one hand Khalisah began clicking on the console and reviewing that day’s interviews. Unfortunately, despite the effort she put into them they were mediocre at best.

“Politicians” grumbled al-Jilani in a voice than made it sound like a course and automatically reached for a second pastry. Shepard was being detained by the Alliance under charges of destroying a batarian colony word. Good riddance to slavers, but it showed the galaxy how much of a poor spectre was Shepard.

Those several commentaries and articles she had made at first were brilliant. But she made no headway in getting anything out of Anderson or his lackey Udina, all she had gotten was official formula. And rest of her less critical interviews were no better.

“Damn…*umn*… xenos” commented Khalisah then paused when all her sugar-covered hand reached was frosting. She looked and indeed the box was empty. The journalist threw the container near the bin, where it joined its brethren. A quick trip to the kitchen provided her with an identical, full box and jug of milk. During the entire time, a strange, wobbling sensation accompanied her

She tore the container open and stuffed the donut into her mouth then washed it down with white liquid.

“urp... ignorants all of them. And that volus…pfff... calling me pregnant. He needs to have his eyes checked” murmured the woman before focusing on the console.

So she may have put on a few pounds, considering her line of al-Jilani had to unwind. Now all she had to do is spin the interview to showcase his disregard for humanity.

Khalisah wasn’t strictly incorrect, her body betrayed signs of softening, noticeable only after a second or two… save for her stomach, which looked as if she had a thick pillow sawn under her skin. Now her stomach was reaching far further than her quite decent breast. Her siders, already turning into love handles, were smaller just by a margin. There was no dress in the journalist closet that would hide the total loss of her formerly narrow waist or its jiggle. Those that managed to stretch that fat for her to put, that is.

But what can you do?

The stress of her job was getting to the poor woman. How else was to explain her carving for sugar and fats as well as an increase in servings?


Illium, Nos Astra
T’Soni company’s housing block

Jennifer groaned with a shred of relief as she finished creaming her belly. She still felt like it would burst at any second, but the relief was setting in. The young human looked around, she wasn’t the only one who chose to rest in the livingroom instead of partaking in the torturous trek to their rooms. In fact, everybody was there.

On the second couch was laying Samantha, her roommate and in many respects her opposite – tall, fair-skinned and with blonde long blonde hair. She was also, with was quite surprising, fit with a layer of lean muscles(at least when they das first meet). Good roommate though, even if sometimes a bit cold.

On the same couch was just enough space for Kal'ra, the third asari in the apartment, to half-lay/half-sit. Her skin had an unusual, dark purple hue and her face was free of any marks. Beyond that, her height and stature were quite average for asari. Her character was a pleasant contrast to the other two long-lived humanoids, she was a calm, reasonable computer nerd.

The always snarky Nyssa was half-sitting/lying on an armchair, whispering profanities and groaning.

The most original was Limena, who according to her typical dramatics, had chosen to lay on a fluffy carpet.

“Piece of cake” said cheerful asari with a pained voice.

“f*ck. You” replied Nyssa the remainder of her words back during the first day.

Indeed, their “job” had proved to be much more demanding than any of them had anticipated.

On the first day, after physical exams, their duties had been explained to them, which prompted a bit of protest from some of them, and outright denial and shouts from Nyssa. Namely, all of them had to follow a strict diet… or perhaps it wasn’t the best word. They had very few limitations on what they could eat, but there was an unmoving, not negotiable and frankly ridiculous minimal quota of calories they had to consume daily.

After their reaction the cold, very business-like, asari had, in detail, reminded them about of consequences of breaching the contract at this stage. She also added off-handily that they were authorized to use medical staff to help them with it. This entire lecture shut even Nyssa up.

Which leads them to the situation at hand, the dinner’s aftermath. When their stomachs were looking like balloons, but filled with caloric bombs instead of air.

After all, they had to reach the weight of 280 pounds as fast as possible.

Still, it wasn’t’ as bad as the first day. Back then most of them weren’t able to meet quota on their own. Cue “nurses”… which wasn’t as bad as they thought, even if very awkward.

The asaris(only asari, that was a bit strange) had been massaging their bellies with salves, sometimes calmly, if firmly, feeding them by hand. They were also fairly patient, they had managed to deal with Nyssa’s tantrums.

Things changednoted Jennifer as she observed Kal'ra carefully putting lotion on her purple belly. Nowadays all of them were managing to stuff themselves with no assistance, at least for now.

Jennifer had to admit that this “regimen” was working. Her favourite trousers barely fit now, and similar troubles were shared by her housemates. Besides the changes were becoming more and more visible, the darkened woman had always been “soft”, but this adjective now applied to all residents. Same with muffin tops and varied expansion of curves.

And this was only beginning.

However, as unreal and as uncomfortable as it could be, most times Jennifer felt fairly satisfied with her new job. As strange as it was to be intentionally gaining weight.

She smiled weakly as she turned her gaze to the brown orb. All of this wasn’t so bad.

Not bad at all.


Tali looked around in surprise as she stepped from the lift. Why had she come to quarter’s deck in the first place?

She was looking for somebody… yes. Shepard probably.

The quarian began walking towards the captain's quarters… she felt strange. Her steps were far too short and why did the floor seem to be a bit spongy. Also, something seemed to occasionally touch her hip, Tali would need to examine her suit for any loose parts.

Why couldn’t she move her arms downwards?

The engineer walked a bit unsettled by the complete lack of crew, then in, the well-polished metal of the wall, she caught her reflection.

“That’s impossible,” said Tali quietly as she took notice of her appearance.

She wasenormous, gigantic. It was hard to describe let alone wrap her head around just how fat she was.

Her hips were almost wider than elcor was long. It was no wonder the quarain couldn’t lower her, far too thick, arms down. There was simply no space for them. Her legs were as wide as krogan and seemed to have rolls of their own. Her calves were so fat, that they had split open her “boots” and there were no visible signs that her legs were curved. Tali’s gut was comparatively small but still large, swollen with lard, even her helmet was larger as if having to accommodate something.

By ancestors… that can’t…

Tali moved her head to catch glimpse of her back. When she did, the quarian couldn’t believe what she saw.

How am I walking?…No!How am I even standing?!

Her posterior was proportionally large to her hips. That’s being impossibly enormous, fleshy, sloped plain that double her body’s width. It was not possible for a quarian that heavy to walk, and even then such an uneven mass centre would surely make her fall.

Tali was all but hyperventilating, even if her suit insisted everything was fine.

Shepard… yes. The engineer had come here to find the commander, she surely would find answers to all of …this.

Ignoring the logical part of her brain, the obese woman tried to walk, or rather waddle. Somehow Tali succeeded, but realized that she had been standing in a rather sizable dent, which should be impossible. Once managed to move a bit she couldn’t help but turn to investigate.

Never before, had the quarian suspected that simply rotating could be such a hassle, but everything swayed, jiggled not to mention the sheer effort necessary to move all this blubber… However once the surprisingly mobile woman could see from she had come from, Tali could help but feel terror.

There was a trial of dents with the biggest one being where she had stood when examining herself. Realization dawned on Tali.

The floor… is giving way… under me…

With her mind in complete turmoil, the quarian turned around and started making her way to the captain's quarters.

“Shepard!” shouted Tali, she tried to run, but it was impossible. She became painfully aware of the soft thuds and sound of strained metal that accompanied her every step. Almost every swing of her unnaturally wide hips was accompanied by them bumping into a wall. It would seem her suit had no loose parts after all.

It seemed like hours before the bootylicious engineer managed to reach halfway through the mess hall, but then the door she had been aiming at opened. Through them stepped her saviour, the pale amazon in her casual outfit. However, she didn’t seem to notice the blob of flesh sealed within the purple suit.

“Keelah! I’m becoming a structural labiality to the ship, Shepard!” shouted the quarian again and succeeded and drawing the commander’s attention.

Mass Effect: Observing Gains - Chapter 29 - xXWWhiteXX - Mass Effect (1)

The spectre looked at her, inspecting her from her far too thick toes to the helmet and smiled.

“I see. Good job, even if you have some catching up to Liara” replied Shepard with satisfaction, momentary glancing to the medical bay.

Tali stopped abruptly, unable to compute the beautiful human’s words. Unconsciously, she turned around to look where the spectre had pointed.

The quarian hadn’t noticed it earlier but the door to the medical bay was wide open and there was some…blue… strangely familiar…masspouring out of them.

Wha... It.. No?!Tali’s mind was blank, the sheer shock of what she had heard and seen, was being too much.

“Here…” a familiar voice purred next to her. Shepard was next to her with a pale hand reaching for her mask. Before the engineer could protest the cover was removed.

“Now sayaaahhh” prompted the commander as she was moving a fistful of smeek towards her uncovered face.

Tali wanted to say something, protest, but then she realized she couldn’t speak. Soon the quarian realized she couldn’t breathe either.

The engineer was trying to move, to scream, to desperately gasp for air.

The portion of her native cuisine was about to be shoved into her mouth and the…


…she woke up.

Tali felt like something both heavy and soft was being lifted from her face and soon wisp of air entered her lungs.

It took her several long seconds before the quarian managed to gain some sort of coherence. First, she noticed that for some reason, her limbs were indeed largely immobilised.

Second, the engineer was soaked and not only with sweat… well it was a quitestimulatingdream.

Then she moved her head around and next to her face Tali noticed a familiar, supple, sprinkled with cellulite orb as well as equally meaty leg attached to it. She looked up and ignored her even fatter upper body, instead focusing on a chubby face.

A familiar,blushingface.

“You sat on me” accused the quarian, but felt her face heat up as well.

“Are you complaining?” replied the asari with a composed voice but still purple tint. Tali remembered the deceptively tender flesh that mercilessly pinned her to the bed almost suffocating her and found her throat suddenly dry.

“Ahem… I suppose I can forgive you… but what about it?” asked the engineer and tried to lift her arm only to receive well-padded, but unyielding restrains.

“Well… you did promise to make up your creative frenzy” explained the obese doctor with a soft smile.

Tali pressed her lips into a thin line. A few days ago she had a creative phase, the quarian had spent several hours mankind schematic of upgrades for ships in Liara’s employ. The growing woman was so entranced she may have skipped a bit of food and breaks. Afterwards, Tali promised the enormous asari she would make up for it. Even though it was hypocrisy, Liara allowed herself even less rest, even if she never skipped food.

“And me being strapped to the bed is part is that?” further prompted Tali.

“Of course. You see I decided to take things easy today and make sure you’re properly taken care of. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak” explained Liara now completely in control of herself.

I would call it thatthough immobilized female having a sneaking suspicion of what her lover intended.

“No need to worry, I’m confident you’ll be satisfied” said the bountiful asari, then she moved a little a leaned down, kissing her “captive”. Tali closed her eyes, Liara had practice and the supple breast and belly that were pressing down on her weren’t bad either.

Once they parted both were quite breathless… and the obese doctor took that opportunity to put some item in the quarian mouth.

“Please, don’t struggle. I think both of us will benefit if I set it right the first time” informed Liara as she worked on the device. Tali tried to split it out but to no avail. Whatever it was it was keeping her mouth open and tongue in place.

The enormous asari made a motion with her hand and the engineer saw a medical bot approach from the opposite direction. It had a familiar tube, with some grey liquid inside.

Liara took it and put it through a contraption that held her jaw in place, then into her throat. Tali's gag instinct activated, but she ignored it easy enough, after all, practice makes perfect.

“I know it’s far from the ideal, but it’s the most efficient way to make up for your overextension” said the information in so slightly apologetic tone, just before the pump began working, forcing the grey substance into quarian’s sizable belly.

The engineer would, again, argue with the accuracy of this statement, but given what was currently being pumped into her…

The ability to chew and easily eat solid food was one of the many luxuries Tali truly loved, even eating nutrient paste without the help of a str-induction portwas a pleasant change of pace. The overweight quarian was familiar with the grey mixture, she had tasted it only once. Even after being spoiled by her lovers, the bottom-heavy woman could attest that its texture and taste were more repugnant than even the worst nutrient pastes.

On the other hand… the caloric density was unmatched even compared to best turian MREs and despite that, it was surprisingly easy to digest.

No wonder Liara decided to use itthough Tali as she glanced to the side. The heavier than krogan asari had relocated and…

There was a table, a mobile console on it as well as an assortment of cuisine fit for consumption by Thessia’s sapient species.

“I hope you don’t me joining you for breakfast?” asked Liara calmly as she began cutting something on the platter, though the doctor wasn’t moving her gaze from her lover for more than a second.

The immobilized woman managed to release some unintelligible affirmative sound, but her mind was going blank.

Liara was going to be here… watching me being stuffed with fattening slop.. ha… that’s fine…haha… that’s perfectly fine… Keelah

Even as she tried to convince herself of…well… that the current situation was completely platonic, Tali could already feel a familiar feeling in her loins. And the damn pup hadn’t even begun to fill her stomach!

Meanwhile, Liara bit into a succulent piece of meat, still her attention firmly on Tali, occasionally on the console’s display. Now, things in both her medical facility and model program were going along well. The collaboration between Nyxeris and Miss Chamber seemed to be going smoothly and they were about to start on the first subject.

Oh!A report about the newest prothean digs.

Yes, perhaps she wasn’t quite resting like Tali or Shepard would like(hypocrites both of them), but ultimately was observing the subjects of her personal interest. Admittedly they had shifted substantially during last year.

Liara glanced at her lover, the quarian squirmed ever so slightly as a fattening concoction was feeling her soft gut. The doctor had been enough times in her head(so to speak) to know that the spunky engineer was finding her situation far, far more agreeable than anybody would suspect. Liara did as well.

The T’Soni heiress turned her gaze downward, there where she found large, inflated breasts and the ever more noticeable mountain of blubber that was her own belly. It was heavy, its unmistakable softness was ever-present on her equally fat thighs. The asari slowly rubbed her always hungry tummy, then squeezed it and observed as bulges of blue fat formed between her chubby finger. She bit her lip.

Liara hadn’t expected this… all of this once she realized what Nyxeris was doing. She hadn’t anticipated Shepard's reaction or even her own for that matter. Neither was Tali’s current situation any part of her predictions.

Their situation wasn’t perfect, but the young matron was never so happy to be so wrong.

All they had to do now is to deal with the Reapers.

Mass Effect: Observing Gains - Chapter 29 - xXWWhiteXX - Mass Effect (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.