More rewards for skilful/tactical play? (2025)

You could have stopped at, "a suggestion that I really just picked out of the air.", not that I wasn't aware of it already.

Please... do not ever go into any area of social engineering in life. Do however pick up a class on statistics if you ever get a chance.

Seriously... what's with all the unnecessary 'not to mention badly executed' sarcasm?

Since when did throwing a few ideas around on a forum warrant such a reaction?

Apologises if your intent was to make yourself look like a 1st prize plumb... you succeeded :yes:

Firstoff, there isn't an iota of sarcasm. The words I've used were directly pointed and critical. Secondly, when discussing ideas and counterpointing them - criticism is an important ingredient of the equation. If you don't understand that, I cannot apologize. My reaction is to a fundamentally terrible idea. I make no apology for pointing that out.

I understand however, in this conversation you feel it best to label me a, "1st prize plumb." Now understand this is not a term I have heard often and do realize it has various meanings depending on context. That which you have used is negative. Am I to understand you believe that in the debating over an idea it is positive to call others names? Is that the alley we walk down? Shall we discocover who can be more creative in our name calling? Such a waste!

Here's the 'thing': By implementing a clock on the application of a reward for a kill streak, given the constraints of matches which might average around 6-12 minutes, you wind up rewarding successful furballers who dive from respawn after respawn into the nearest furball and slice out 2 other furballers who are doing the same thing but are not quite as good at it. By rewarding furball mentality one can only drive incentive for all players to furball more. That is what the idea of a clock provides in the duration of matches we have.

I will explain further, in detail, and attempt to use no words which your mind might construe as sarcasm, using a real world pilot we all have heard of - Manfred Van Richtofen, the Red Baron - perhaps the most famous of all air combat pilots in all lore? I do not argue he was the best nor perhaps did his contemporaries - but he became legendary and we know his name one hundred years later.

We know his kill count. We know his KDR. History can tell us his kills per flyout. History tells us how many times he died (my one use of sarcasm if you're paying attention).

Was Richtofen a stat padder? By adding to his kill count and staying alive doing so was he going against the objectives of the team and thus a selfish combat pilot? Absurd!

He was part of a team which for a time slaughtered its opponents using proven tactics and fighting when in positions of advantage. He died in a time when he went against that.

I understand the difference between real life and a game - but we already have parameters modifying the behavior of our game pilots which cause them to fly with a mentality which obviously does not keep them alive - directly into furballs or idiotic headons with little intent of avoidance up to the point of impact. Some call the latter playing "chicken". I call it stupid.

For those who wish implemented reward systems which would inevitably encourage a lack of overall expert combat flying ability, I will always argue against such. An expert becomes one by flying in such a way as to kill and not be killed. It is this way in every single circumstance of combat and sport and infinitely moreso when the result of winning or losing is death. There is no greater reward than life, no greater loss than one's life. It is that simple an equation. A failure to comprehend that is a failure to use one's mind, and why I state, more vehemently now than prior - do not ever go into social engineering. And do take a class on statistics.

I want more players in this game with increased air combat skills and expert flying ability. I do not want more players in the game who do not care about those traits. I do not want more players who would give up all advantages and barge into a field of red, sacrificing the greatest asset (the brain) while giving into the animalistic urge to bash skulls the way a grizzly bear might. The best human air combat pilot is a great hunter, a great assassin - he is not a brawling bear. It is our nature! And you would have us be otherwise. I cannot disagree more.

Already Gaijin modifies our human nature by supplying up to 10 planes per match (more but rare) and you would exacerbate this? You would have us become more like hyper aggressive beasts?


If you cannot conceive such an idea results in that type of behavior modification then we can debate THAT. I will not however be persuaded the style of combat I believe it results in is superior - I simply know better. And every book ever written on air combat, every combat pilot spoken with, every air force instructor, or air war fought, attests to this view. I go so far as to declare it infallibly undeniable.

More rewards for skilful/tactical play? (2025)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.