Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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Waterville, Maine

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12 M0RN1 NG SENTI NEL Tuesday March 6 1979 New Consumer Economics of music and director of choral Of Meetings Set To Appear In Skowhegan The Burnham Candidates Are Named of 106 over to SAD 74 Board Dr Elizabeth Marks Returns UM Installation Chesterville Selectmen Seek laws Cited Legal Opinion On Town Elections i emerged for first singles are 123 Julie Vi Houston Ricker 112 triples are The 4 6 grace gins win piay at the high school gym Saturday starting at am dith Ingalls i Devotions will be led by Etta Hargraves Refreshments will be served by Alice Beals and Hattie Searles The roll call word is Boosters To Meet PITTSIELD The Maine Central Institute Sports Boosters will meet Wednesday at 7 pm in the MCI library SKOWHEGAN Guy Joseph Williams grand knight of Somerset Council Knights of Columbus reminds all members that Sunday will be a day of recollection for the council as for any other interested men in the Notre Dame de Lourdes parish All members are asked to meet at the church at 8:15 am Sunday for the corporate communion and the 8:30 mass will be said for deceased members of the council with a special message by the supreme chaplain through the ice of Wesserunsett Lake here Sunday afternoon Winter anglers in the area note that eels are rarely caught through the ice BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT SKOWHEGAN Mr and Mrs Robert (Deborah) Corson Jr of Old Town are parents of a daughter Merritt Johnstone Corson bom eb 28 at Eastern Maine General Hospital in Bangor CHESTERVILLE Selectmen in Chesterville have appealed to 'the Maine Municipal Association for help in determining the legality of elections held there Saturday prior to the town meeting Accidentally left off the ballot was the position of School Administrative 9 director filed for this year by incumbent Joan Wheeler Part way through the election the mistake was noted and some of the ballots had her name written in Of 168 votes cast Wheeler Market 83 93 Chiefs 79 97 Undecideds 98 and Hammond Lumber 75 101 Jim White bowled the weekly records for the men with a 146 string and a 399 series whileLinda Breingan had high single for the women with a 114 string and Pat Shaw had high three with a 295 series Holding high averages for the Lycoming College Choir To Sing In Skowhegan The Lycoming College Choir from Williamsport Penn will be in concert here Thursday at 7 pm at the Centenary United Methodist Church program is open tb the public received 74 votes Roy Hazard received one vote Second Selectman John Gee said Monday that the town expected to receive a legal opinion from the MMA today Even if the lawyer there determines that the election was legal Gee said Chesterville residents would have the opportunity of suing the selectmen and having the matter determined in court Thursday in the hospital conference room for a business meeting and program Dottie Veilleux of Waterville as the guest speaker will be talking on with a with some of the fashions as a courtesy from Sterns of 'Skowhegan Program England States Choir members will be hosted in homes in the Skowhegan area during their stay The people of the Centenary United Methodist Church extend an invitation to the greater Skowhegan community to join them on Thursday There will be no admission for the program however a free will offering will be received with the proceeds going to the Lycoming College Choir The program begins promptly at 7 pm initiated by the Harris County Department of Education to train curriculum specialists and supervisors who in turn will train classroom teachers in the teaching learning strategies of Program strategies which focus on learning and the foundation thinking strategies be used by parents as well as classroom 'Qc Marks said Included in the program are the areas of observing recalling noting similarities and differences classifying grouping and ordering she said They may be used within any subject area and at all grade levels Dr Marks added will be covered and design assistance will be available to ready participants for the construction of their own greenhouses A solar greenhouse can be added to either a new or an existing home Adaptable to most locations a solar greenhouse can provide heat as well as fresh vegetables all year round and can be a pleasant place from which to view the winter snows There will be a fee charged for this workshop and enrollment is limited or further information and details write Western Maine Energy Center Dill House armington 04938 Bowling League Scores Listed SKOWHEGAN Gilblair's Paving with a record' of 113 wins and 63 losses is leading the Thursday Mixed Couples Bowling League here after 22 weeks of play budget at 7:30 pm Wednesday at the Canaan Town Hall 3 Annual Dinner Set ATHENS The Victory Club will sponsor its annual baked bean dinner at the Athens Grange Hall here Saturday just prior to the annual Athens townmeeting Members will be served from to 1pm built in expenses There are royalties and high rental fees for the orchestration in addition to the usual budget for sets costumes make up printing lighting and all the director said ticket receipts will cover approximately 65 percent of our total Hayes said we are hoping that financial support from the community patrons and sponsors will help make up the If successful the community support will insure that the Mount Blue High School Music Department can continue to produce a first rate musical as an annual event in the spring Anyone wishing to become a patron or sponsor should contact Mrs Mullin or Potter who will also be visiting area businesses and individuals enlist support women are Breingan 972 Rita Brown 964 Shaw 916 Janet Washburn 915 and Nicole Thomson 913 rank Normhn sets the pace for the men with a 1188 average Next is White 1133 Brian Thomson 1070 Walter Argraves 1045 and Rollie St Pierre 1026 Season records are held by Norman with a 176 string and 429 series and by Brown with a 134 string and 323 series The schedule for Thursday: Undecideds vs Yerxa vs Dri Sliders Clan vs Dick's vs Chiefs unsters vs Hammond ARMINGTON A "Solar Greenhouse Design will be held in four consecutive Saturday sessions starting March 17 at the Western Maine Energy Center in armington: Conrad Heeschen local architectural designer and an organizer of the Maine Organic armers and Gardeners Association Northeast Carry Solar Greenhouse Project will provide instruction The workshop sessions will explore the solar greenhouse as food producer heat producer and aesthetic environment The basic theories and principles as well as construction detials it riiuu sianoiDgs iw iuc iuui and sixth grade boys league are in the East Division Celtics 6 0 76ers 4 2 Bullets 0 6 The West Division standings are Suns 4 2 Nuggets 3 3 Jazz 1 5 There will be no playoff for the fourth grade league Playoffs for the rirtn ano sixth grade league were to have been held this Saturday but Boys9 Hoop Season Ends MADISON The town sponsored basketball program for Madison boys in grades 4 6 has completed its regular season inal standings for the fourth grade boys league shows Supersonics in first place with Cribbage Winners Are Announced SKOWHEGAN The first six week cribbage tournament sponsored by the Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce ended as of eb 21 and another six week contest began on eb 28 Held at the Skowhegan Area High School cafeteria every Wednesday at 7:15 pm the second series will continue through April 4 Winners in the first tournament were Dick Clement and Phil Johnson first place Brian Hjort and Barry Henderson second and Wilder Keaton and Darian Keaton third The trophy was awarded to Brenda Hjort and Sherrill LeClair visit Skowhegan Savings Bank in Madison to hear Allen Sterling explain 'loans and banking services On March 22 the class will tour Solon Manufacturing Co and meet with John Greene Stan ergeson director of career planning at the University of Maine at armington and Bill Stone guidance counselor at Carrabec High School will conduct a class on job seeking skills including job interviews using role playing and a video tape machine so students can see howJ they look to prospective employers April 5 the class will tour Redington airview Hospital and the hospital personnel director will be the speaker Harry Whitney has invited the class to the new Somerset Co Co op Extension Service Building in Skowhegan on April 12 On April 26 the class will tour the Madison Paper Corp as guests of Dan Alexander On May 3 Russell of Russell Insurance Agency in Madison will speak on insurance and its role in economics Area businesses have been cooperative in providing opportunities that allow the class members to see the day to day operations that make up the American economic system BURNHAM Names candidates in the upcoming March 16 town election in Burnham released by the town clerk are as follows or the three year term of first selectman assessor and overseer of the poor are Ralph Huff Sr incumbent and Edward Carey for treasurer Arlene Miles and for town clerk Caroline Mitchell Also Terry Smith for tax collector Blaine Littlefield for highway commissioner and Gloria Huff for the three year term of School Administrative District 53 director Kathleen Martin seeks the post of excise tax collector and Robert McGowan the three year term on the cemetery committee Reunion Session Set ANSON Madison High SchooltClass of 1959 will meet Wednesday at 7 pm at the home of Mary Ellen Beaulieu Hill Top Road Anson for a reunion planning meeting METHODIST WOMEN MEET NORTH ANSON United Grange Meets MADISON Kennebec Valley Grange met Saturday night when CWA Night was observed Elsie Bailey of East Madison served as master Christie Goodrich of Bingham was guest overseer and Lillian Cade of North Anson was chaplain Cathy Edgerly Committee on Activities chairman was lecturer for the night and presented a program including a vocal solo byEdmund Kenney piano and violin musieby Tracy and Myrtle McKenney a safety discussion reading stunts and skits Kennebec Valley Grange will observe its 104th anniversary March 17 with a 6 pm supper preceding the meeting Lycoming College is a United Methodist related institution located in Williamsport Penn Thursday in the sanctuary The choir is presently on its located on Dr Mann Road here spring tour through the New in Skowhegan The choral presentation will include traditional sacred and contemporary Christian music arranged to afford music Movers of all tastes an evening of enjoynfent Many familiar Christian songs will be sung along with some new I expressions of the Christian I faith as tne cnoir moves toward the contemporary The young men and women of the choir will be under the direction of Dr red Taylor the assistant professor 1 OOD STAMPS TODAY HARTLAND There will be a food stamp worker at the Hartland Town office today and again on March 13 from 9 am to noon and from Ito 4 pm SENIOR CITIZENS TO MEET STRATTON The Stratton Eustis Senior Citizens will hold a dinner meetirig at Pizza today at noon Bowling Notes SKOWHEGAN The Skowhegan Wednesday Night Bowling League after 24 weeks of league action finds in first position the Apartmentsteam with a record of 109 83 Next is the Candle Light Restaurant at 104 88 followed by Market 102 90 Graff 102 90 Motor Supply 100 92 Unknown Dexter 95 97 Three 93 99 Dr Parker Spines 87 105 Eagles 85 107 Log Homes 83 109 Top 10 average are held by Julie Washburn 1006 Maddie Chandler 958 Louise Witham 951 Donna Brown 944 Brenda Albee 941 Janet Washburn 941 Polly Lloyd 937 Linda Whittemore 928 Marion McLaughlin 909 Jo Ann Dostie 901 Weekly high Donna Esty Washburn 117 112 and Joyce Weekly high Washburn 316 Houston 312 Esty 309 and lo Harlow 295 The schedule for Wednesday will be Log Homes rolling against Unknown Dexter Graff vs Dr Parkers Spines Motor Supply vs Market Apartments vs Eagles' Three vs Candle Light Restaurant At 1 pm members will again meet at the church for the recitation of the rosary and benediction followed by' the first conference in the to be conducted by the Rev GilberJ Patenaude There will be a public showing at 3 pm of of in the school hall and at 5 pm the members and guests will meet at council chambers for a potluck supper ollowing supper the conferences will continue ending with prayer at 9 To Meet Wed EMBDEN The regular meeting of the board of directors of School Administrative District 74 will be held Wednesday at 7 pm at the Embden Elementary School Committee reports will include building construction David Bishop building and grounds Mitchell Quint negotiations rank Ridley finance David Bishop Reports by the superintendent high school principal and elementary supervisor will also be heard A second consideration of the revised grievance policy consideration of amendment to Affirmative Action Policy and adjustments to the 1978 79 operational budget are also on the agenda There will be action on requests for use of district buses for the Shrine Circus on April 21 Embden Boy Scout Troop to hire a district bus on a date in July for a trip to Boston and the Carrabec rench Club for oermission to go to Montreal Quebec on May 18 The Drj sliders are holding 20 second at 104 72 followed by Blunt's Hardware 94 82 Man or Break MADISON Barnett Paine 21 of town yas arrested riday and charged with burglary in connection with a break that day at the American Legion hall on Lower Maple Street Paine will be arraigned in 12th District Court in Skowhegan on March 21 Nothing was taken in the break Officer: Wayne LeClair investigated the case and made the arrest Gong Show Planned PITTSIELD The Pitts field area YMCA is sponsoring I a Gong Show Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the Pittsfield Community Theater Advance tickets are available by contacting the theater Tickets will also be sold at the door Immunisation Clinic ARMINGTON There will be a pre school immunization' Bowling Teams Post Scores SKOWHEGAN Team standings in the Vance Davis New York Life Bowling League are as follows: Super Kings 134 26 Double OO Bucks 107 53 Skowhegan 76ers 95 65 Super Stars 88 72 Hot Lines 83 77 Strikers 83 77 Pin Downers 76 84 and lying Bowlers 72 88 In individual standings high average for the girls include Kim Holt 753 Pam Snowden 669 Wendy Kingsbury 608 Cheryl Nickerson 605 and Kim Hardy 535 or boys 6 to 10 age group Scott Washburn has 830 Joe King 733 Andy Laverdiere 659 Jim Anderson 608 and Robbie Vassallo 600 or boys 11 16 Scott Sirois has 986 Boyd Snowden 923 rank Shaw 909 Eddie Weaver 907 and Brad King 988 snuwntnjAN i ne of music and director or cnoi Centenary United Methodist music for Lycoming College cnurch will sponsor a choral concert by the 40 voice Lycoming College Choir 7 pm Club HasMeeting MADISON Madison Club met Thursday evening at the home of Doris Sevison She was assisted by Ethelle Christopher Berit reeling spoke and showed slides of her native Norway The club' voted to start a continuing book trust fund for the Madison Public Library This is a civic improvement project Club members are invited to attend a musical program by fee will be charged per animal the Madison nigh School hand in the high school auditorium March 15 at 7:30 pm ollowing the program members will go to the home of Mrs Jayes Byron for a business meeting and refreshments She will be assisted by Mrs (Anthony Shusta SKOWHEGAN ire ChiefCarl McKenney noted riday his department is still experiencing some very serious problems with wood stove installations must realize that wood burning heating systems must be installed properly and require constant maintenance Otherwise the consequences can be and ofte are he said During ebruary Chief McKenney said Skowhegan firemen responded to 11 wood heat related problems in town out of 43 incidents requiring the services Rotary To Meet SKOWHEG Rotary members are reminded that today's noon meeting will be held at the Skowhegan Area High School in the Vocational ood Service Department with lorence Sterns as hostess Dr Raymond Taylor School Administrative District 54 51 superintendent is program chairman All Rotarians are invited' Auxiliary To Meet Questionnaires Being Tabulated i STRATTON Helen Targett community development coordinator and volunteers are currently tabulating local needs survey questionnaires to meet this deadline Any persons who have not clinic Thursday from 9 to 10 returned their forms are asked am at the armington to do so before riday Mrs municioal building Dr James 1 ivi ivi anon wiii i attendance Solar Greenhouse Design Workshops Are Planned i Church Notes SKOWHEGAN orty two adults from Trinity Evangelical ree Church were joined by seven other church members from Sangerville this past week for a dinner party at John Martin's Manor in Waterville The theme for the event of eating singing games and fellowship was On Thursday through Saturday of this week nine members are attending the International center for Learning at the Advent Christian Church in Waterville for a seminar for training Sunday school teachers Sponsored by the Gospel Light Publishing irm it is the first such seminar to be held in Maine Rabies Clinic Slated MADISON A rabies clinic for small animals will be held from 1 3 pm Saturday at the Glen Stratton announces municipal building on Weston public hearing on the 1979 town Avenue sponsored oy tne Veterans of oreign Wars A $5 Boosters Sponsor Spaghetti Supper PITTSIELD The Music Boosters of Maine Central Institute are planning a a 5 1 record followed by cafeteria Included with the UitoOT KMs an Charge MadlSOn Yerxa Ridge 86 90 unsters spaghetU will be an open salad and The Clan tied at84 92 bar roils coiree or tea ana home made pie Arrangements for the supper are being made by Barbara Jones and Grace Jordan food and Holly Beverage tickets The newly organized MCI Music Boosters will be conducting a variety of fund raising activities for the special needs of the music department he for tae nurchase 0 have been postponed until next nkfoineH fmm the MCI chorus Boy Scout project VWWWaaw aawaa TTz! AC OtPlW or band members the music Boosters or at the door Cornville Election Results CORNVILLE There were some upsets in annual election last riday the most noticeable being with the defeat of Melvin Hogate Sr who was upset by Richard Haas for second selectman 198 Laurence Amazeen held onto this first selectman office setting back Howard Pike Sr 176 to 108 Alfred Bowman copped third selectman 169 to Carroll Gould Amazeen also ahead of Pike assessor 172 to 107 Wallace Ricker defeated Hogate for second assessor 170 to 110 Elaine Bowman finished ahead of Jimmy Bigelow 164 to '109 Marti Stevens was unseated as first overseer of the poor by Melvin Blaisdell 142 to 132 Third overseer of the poor went to Bette Hardy over Edward Bristow Jr 162 to 98 Other officials returned to office without contest included: Gerald Wagg second overseer of poor Ruth Ann Poland town treasurer Myron Moody Jr road commissioner Gary Snowden school director to SAD 54 for three years Kenneth Hogate Civil Emergency director Melvin Hogate Jr sexton Elizabeth Hogate tax collector Wood Stove WKTJ MAM07 993 1380 "THE PEOPLE'S STATION CHOICE" RANKLIN COUNTY'S GOOD NEIGHBOR STATION CORRECTION MERCER Two names were misspelled in a Mercer Town meeting report Monday Peter Dewdney not Peter Doody was elected to serve on the claiming board ana ouagei cvmuuuec Targett said Parlin not Richard parlin was 1 chosen to assist in forming Public Hearing Tonight puuis iur 1 new ivwn vuuuiug JACKMAN There will be a special public hearing tonight at 7:30 in the basem*nt of the municipal building to discuss a proposed recreation park and the money needed to fund it GRANGERS TO MEET STARKS Starks Grange will meet Thursday at 8 for a St Day special There will be Irish music by Bill ox and refreshments will be served EELCATCHNOTED EAST MADISON Most people have difficulty catching a fish while ice fishing but John Gavne of North Anson hooked a two foot long eel Workshop Planned SKOWHEGAN Arnold Trail Squares will hold a workshop from 7 to 9:30 pm Thursday at the American Legion Hall Waterville road Alan Barker caller teacher will instruct BP Clinic Is Slated SKOWHEGAN A blood? SKOWHEGAN Redington nrAcmirft AiiniA will ha airview General Hosoltal 1 waaasv III wv conducted by the Skowhegan Auxiliary meets at 7:30 pm woman Club rrom to 4 pm riday at the Municipal Building Water Street i ta Meeting Site Changed ii SKOWHEGAN The Daughters of Isabella will meet tnnivht at 7:15 at the Convent Hall instead of the Knights of 7 chairperson is Barbara Columbus Hall as previously Merrill announced Hostesses will be Helen Yeaton Carol Withee and Public Hearing Set Evalyn Bowman CANAAN Town manager PHILATHEASTOMEET SENIOR CITIZENS TO MEET MADISON Lizzie Moore MADISON Madison Anson philathea Class will meet Senior Citizens will have lunch 'tonight at 7 at the home of today at the Kiwanis Edith Ingalls i tlt Uf4na A Ira na ill kt ubil uu vatuu William Clark 4f Caratunk Methodist Women will meet' columnist for the Guy Gannett tonight at 7:30 at the home of Publishing Co wiU be the Doris Hopkins guest speaker Course Is Being Offered NORTH ANSON School Administrative District 74 offers a variety of adult community education classes that meet evenings at Carrabec High School in North Anson This year for the first time a course on is being offered and instructed by Katherine Hoyt The class is organized in an innovative fashion mixing classroom with first hand inspections of local businesses and industries so students may apply the classroom economic theories to their immediate area Classroom instruction has covered how the national economy works what affects Sand the personnel inflation interest rates unemployment and the general quality of life ield trips and local guest speakers will reinforce these economic concepts at the individual level Charlene Popham superintendent of schools in SAD 74 will speak Thursday on local school systems The same evening Lewis Adams first selectman of Solon and Robert Garland first selectman in Anson will speak about local town government A discussion will follow on the interaction of the schools and town economies On March 12 the class will Drive On To Offset Costs Of Producing School Play ARMINGTON A patron and sponsor drive to help offset some of the costs of producing the World I Want to Get the Mount Blue High School Music Department's spring musical will be undertaken by members of the School Administrative District 9 Music Boosters during the next two weeks A donation of 55 for a patron or $15 for a sponsor is being requested according to Anne Mullin and Rod Potter who will be conducting the drive Names of all patrons and sponsors will be listed in the programs for the production which will pun March 29 31 Dennis Hayes band director for SAD 9 is director for the production which was a solid Broadway hit and showcase for its star and composer Anthony Newley Hayes explained that producing a quality show like this involves heavy rom Texas Training Session ARMINGTON Dr Elizabeth Marks associate professor in home economics education for the University of Maine at armington has returned from a week long teaching strategies training session in Houston Tex The session in a program called BASICS (Building and Applying Strategies for Intellectual Competencies in Students) was presented by the Institute for Curriuclum and Instruction based in Miami la Dr Marks is the ony fully qualified teacher trainer in Program A of the BASICS program in New England The Houston session was I A Ki I X1 'A7 0 Ki? t' i I rwLSi i Peeler Parts Service 'fe tanftOHtas Seme Dey Repair Service 1 WESTTOi AUTO HNGRAMMABit 672 3614 1 'C 6 5.

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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.