Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (1)

phi mu reunion fal l classicalumni awards

alumnimagazinethe magazine for northwest missouri state university alumni and friends


A Strong ‘Nation’

fal l2011

2011 homecoming

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (2)

R obin and I live on the farm that has been in the Wilmes family for 95 years, and our

roots run deep in the Maryville – and Northwest – community. It’s very easy to promote Northwest when you see outstanding young people receiving an exceptional education year after year. Before retiring and during my tenure at the U.S.D.A., as job openings became available I always looked to Northwest graduates to fill those vacancies. I was aware the quality of education that a Northwest graduate received would provide me with an excellent employee. Robin teaches in the Maryville School District and appreciates her Northwest education. Our daughter, Meredith, is a proud Bearcat who graduated in 2008 and lives and works in the Kansas City area. We have many opportunities to give back to the University and community, as Northwest has given so much to our family!

Paul Wilmes ’75 with his wife, Robin Lamb Wilmes ’75


If you are interested in volunteer opportunities at Northwest, contact the Office of University Advancement at

[emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248.

It’s because of the volunteer

support of countless alumni and friends – spirited people like

Paul and Robin Wilmes – that Northwest continues

to thrive.

People just like you

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (3)


alumnimagazinethe magazine for northwest missouri state university alumni and friends

Northwestfal l2011


The Northwest Alumni Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of University Relations, the Office of University Advancement, Northwest Missouri State University and the Northwest Foundation Inc., 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468-6001.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to University Advancement, 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468-6001.

The mission of the Northwest Alumni Magazine is to foster connections between alumni, friends and Northwest Missouri State University. The University strives to inform readers of the accomplishments of Northwest’s alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students and to positively position the University in the hearts of its many constituents to increase public and private support.

Northwest Missouri State University is an equal-opportunity, co-educational university and does not discriminate based on race, sex, disability, age, national origin or religion.

Printed in the USA.

A powerful ideaUsing his electrical, engineering and agronomic skills, Clinton Gesling created a 12-foot wind turbine – for just $20 – used to power a hydroponic garden he and his classmates developed.


30 Focused travelsJeannie O’Donnell ’91 traveled the world with billionaire investor Warren Buffett’s son, Howard Buffett, capturing images for a National Geographic-supported publication, “Fragile: The Human Condition.”

In every issue4 Viewpoint

5 Dear Friends

6 Northwest News

10 Cover Story

14 Alumni Connections

21 Advancing Northwest

25 Bearcat Sports

30 Class Notes

Editorial Assistants Brooke Assel Nichole Beckman ’11 Melinda Bell Teresa Carter ’91 Neil Elliott Teresa Gustafson ’97, ’05 Mark Hornickel ’01 Polly Parsons Howard ’00, ’09 Brittany Keithley Laurie Drummond Long ’92 Mallory Murray Lindsey Steele Lori McLemore Steiner ’85 Keri Stoner Anna Bradshaw Summa ’01 Steve Sutton ’71 Brenda Untiedt ’00, ’09

Photography Assistant Taylor Allan

Editor Mitzi Craft Lutz ’91, ’[emailprotected]

Designer Melinda [emailprotected]

Photographer Darren [emailprotected]

Bearcat Nation unitesThe strength and unity of Bearcat Nation in the days, weeks and months after the unexpected passing of head football coach Scott Bostwick are testaments to what it means to be a part of the Northwest Family.


Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (4)




Send a letter to the editor today. Address correspondence to Mitzi Lutz, editor, Northwest Alumni Magazine, 214 Administration Building, Maryville, MO 64468, visit or send an email to [emailprotected].

Letters to the editor

The Missouri Academy that you profiled in your last issue sounds like a fascinating

program for over-achieving high school stu-dents. I wasn’t aware that Northwest had such a unique offering right there on campus. I live in Montana and wish there was a similar program here. My daughter would have excelled at such a school. I’m proud that Northwest continues to be on the cutting edge in so many areas.

Jonathan Baker ’85

I appreciate your story of Jason Williams’ efforts encouraging disadvantaged youth

to attend college. I teach at a school with similar students, and we are planning a trip to our local college campus. I would appreciate being able to ask Jason questions as we embark on a similar mission here in Columbia.

Becky Elder ’78

Seriously? Dave Tollefson plays for the New York Giants! I saw his picture and the article

you wrote on him in the spring issue, and I couldn’t believe it. I admit, I even went to the internet and researched it myself. Northwest keeps producing awesome athletes who are also awesome individuals.

Janie Dougleman ’93

Do you remember these events?1961A cooperative graduate program with the University of Missouri-Columbia is established.

Residence Hall is renamed Roberta Hall in memory of Roberta Steele, a Northwest student who died as a result of a 1951 gas storage tank explosion near campus.

Northwest enrollment reaches 2,000 students.


Where were you 10 years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001? The Northwest family comforted each other at the Bell Tower.

1971The women’s varsity basketball team, coached by Sherri Reeves, joins the Missouri Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women and wins the conference title.

The Bell Tower, a project unfolded by Northwest President Dr. Robert P. Foster in 1965, is complete and aims to memorialize students, faculty and others who have served their country.

1981Northwest begins offering its specialist in education degree program.

The Harlem Globetrotters visit Lamkin Gymnasium to entertain Northwest students and community members.

The Robert P. Foster Aquatic Center opens, and Northwest President Dr. B.D. Owens is pulled into the pool at the dedication by Sen. Henry Wiggins, who was thrown into the pool by students from Student Senate.

1991The first “I Love Northwest Week” takes place, spearheaded by Student Senate.

Self enrollment begins, and students no longer have to visit the Registrar’s Office to enroll in classes.

The ladies of Delta Zeta sorority write to soldiers in the Persian Gulf War after seeing a letter-writing campaign advertisem*nt on television.

2001On the evening of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, students, faculty and staff gather at the Bell Tower for a campus service and later raise more than $10,000 for the American Red Cross and plant a tulip tree in memory of the victims.

The College of Profes-sional and Applied Studies becomes the Melvin D. and Valorie G. Booth College of Business and Professional Studies in honor of 1967 alumnus Mel Booth and his wife.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (5)



– a rare and coveted accomplish-ment! In previous years, our SIFE teams have also been recognized as regional first or second runner-up and as a Rookie of the Year team in 2000. I have truly enjoyed the ride!

Frequently, I hear from alumni who update me on their career activities and are ready to take, or have already taken, the entrepre-neurial plunge. It is a thrill to see the free enterprise capitalist

principles actually taking form and being put into practice in the real world. The enthusiasm for life and success displayed by so many of our alumni provides great feedback for me in continuously redesigning my courses and assisting the SIFE team.

I’ll close with a favorite quote from Theodore Roosevelt, which I find particularly inspirational in an entrepreneurial capacity – “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”


Dr. Jason T. White ’91 Associate Professor

of Accounting/Economics/Finance

SIFE team reflects entrepreneurship in action

R esearch has consistently shown more than half of

college students have dreams of owning their own business someday. I have witnessed and encouraged this entrepreneurial spirit in our student body for more than a decade at Northwest. Bearcats have the opportunity to wade into these sometimes stormy waters more safely by tak-ing a course in entrepreneurship or joining an organization like Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE).

As founder and faculty adviser for the Northwest SIFE team since 2000, I can enthusi-astically attest that our students can dream BIG, and that they truly come to cherish the American heritage of free enterprise and capitalism. In May, I watched with a mixture of pride and awe as members of our 2010-11 SIFE team competed against schools from around the country, show-casing their innovative entrepreneurship educa-tion and service projects from the past academic year. In total, this group spent thousands of hours working with hundreds of K-12 students, college students and adults. They had a signifi-cant impact on regional economic development and the fulfillment of entrepreneurial dreams.

The 2010-11 Northwest team was the fourth Bearcat SIFE team to win a regional competition event and earn a trip to the national competition

Northwest Foundation Inc. ’11-’12 Board of Directors

PresidentDan Runde ’81, Platte City

Vice PresidentHolly Murphy-Barstow ’81,

Omaha, Neb.

Immediate Past PresidentMike Faust ’74, Omaha, Neb.

Board Members

Virgil Albertini, Fairway, Kan.

Mary Asbell ’69, Lubbock, Texas

John Baker, Maryville

Jeff Borchardt ’82, Olathe, Kan.

Bill Brown ’63, Platte City

Betty Bush ’60, Maryville

Rick Carter, Maryville

Terry Day ’65, Kansas City

Mark Doll ’80, West Des Moines, Iowa

Toni Espey ’83, Parkland, Fla.

Jason Garst ’93, Watson

Troy Greenfield ’90, Kansas City

Amy Harlin ’95, Smithville

Bill Hedge ’74, ’77, ’89, St. Joseph

Ray Hischke ’66, The Woodlands, Texas

Arnold Johnson ’77, Houston, Texas

Jennifer Nicholson ’71, Kansas City

Kenny Petersen ’66, Omaha, Neb.

William C. Price ’60, Cincinnati, Ohio

Juan Rangel ’91, Kansas City

Jim Redd ’66, Leawood, Kan.

Paul Schieber ’81, Overland Park, Kan.

Owen Straub ’86, Kansas City

Kay Thomas ’71, Kansas City

Gary Thompson ’76, Avon, Conn.

Dick Thomson, Maryville

Deb Tripp ’92, ’96, Carrollton, Texas

Ex-Officio Directors

Dean L. Hubbard, President Emeritus, Kansas City

John Jasinski, University President

Mike Johnson ’85 Executive Director

B.D. Owens ’59, President Emeritus, West Des Moines, Iowa

University Advancement

Mike Johnson ’85, Vice President [emailprotected]

Teresa Gustafson ’97, ’05, Director of Strategic Donor Development and Development Officer/College of Arts and Sciences/ KXCV/KRNW [emailprotected]

Polly Parsons Howard ’00, ’09, Development Officer/Booth College of Business and Professional Studies/IIC [emailprotected]

Laurie Drummond Long ’92, Development Officer/College of Education and Human Services/Scholarships [emailprotected]

Peggy Purdy, Accounting Specialist [emailprotected]

Lynn Ruhl, Executive Assistant [emailprotected]

Lori McLemore Steiner ’85, Finance Officer [emailprotected]

Anna Bradshaw Summa ’01, Database Specialist [emailprotected]

Steve Sutton ’71, Director of Alumni Relations [emailprotected]

Brenda Untiedt ’00, ’09, Alumni Relations Specialist [emailprotected]

“ The enthusiasm for life and success

displayed by so many of our

alumni provides great feedback for

me in continuously redesigning my

courses and assisting the SIFE team.”

Dr. Jason White

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (6)



The first task for 24 students

selected to partici-pate in an innova-tive, new integrated media marketing course at Northwest last January was to brainstorm a name and logo for their strategic communi-cations agency.

Building on an idea that all of the students involved in the course arrived with a special ability,

or knack, they named their agency Knacktive. And with that, the students began an exhaustive 15-week journey, sprinkled with some healthy competition, to build a comprehensive marketing campaign for a big-time client, Cincinnati-based LasikPlus Vision.

By the end of the course this spring, the stu-dents gained a professional outlook of an agency and a better understanding of the importance of teamwork, developing creative projects under time restraints and the demands of working for a client.

Northwest piloted the interdisciplinary course during the spring trimester. While the course incorporates principles, strategies and tactics

Students complete pilot course to simulate work in strategic communications agency

Knacktive students, making a presentation to the Northwest Foundation Board of Directors, participated in a new integrated media marketing course designed to simulate a strategic communications agency.

Dorrel joins Northwest Board of Regents

Gene Dorrel ’76 has been appointed to the Northwest Board of Regents by Missouri

Gov. Jay Nixon.Once confirmed by the Senate, his appoint-

ment will fill the Board seat of Rachelle Brown ’93, whose term has expired. Dorrel’s term will end Jan. 1, 2017.

Dorrel has been general manager of United Electric Cooperative in Maryville and Savannah

since 1990. He has served on several boards including as chairman of the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives’ Legislative and Government Relations Committee and as president of the Nodaway County Economic Development Corporation.

He and his wife, Sue Merrigan Dorrel ’78, ’89, live in Maryville. n


of design, marketing and public relations, it’s a melting pot of majors from the departments of communication, theatre and languages; mass communication; marketing and management; art; and computer science and information systems.

Students applied for the course as if they were applying for a real job. Entry was determined after interviews, and the selected students were “hired” for specific roles such as account execu-tive, art director, market researcher and copy writer.

Northwest faculty began developing the course last year with assistance from Bill Price ’60, a Northwest Foundation board member and owner of Empower MediaMarketing in Cincinnati.

Knacktive students described the course as fast-paced and rigorous. They were pushed to new limits, challenged to defend their work and humbled by constructive criticism.

“We did stuff in weeks that most classes spend a whole trimester on,” said Melissa Watson, an advertising major from St. Joseph.

For LasikPlus, students were challenged to find ways to expand its target market to people between 18 and 34 years old. Students were charged with creating an integrated campaign that involved market research, consumer and situational analysis, budgeting and promotions among other elements. n

Business owners interested in learning more about working with Knacktive should contact the Northwest Foundation at (660) 562-1248. For more information, visit

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (7)



Dr. Himadri Chakraborty, an assistant professor of chemistry and physics at Northwest since 2006, is in the midst of two federally-funded research programs.

Stephanie Estes ’10 tutored fellow Bearcats in the TDC as an undergraduate. A reunion of the office’s former student-employees is planned for Sept. 9-10.

As an assistant professor of chemistry and physics at Northwest, Dr. Himadri

Chakraborty is motivated by his desire to com-municate the wonders of science to his students and reduce the sense of intimidation students feel toward basic sciences.

“Physics is something that most students dread, and there are reasons for that,” he said. “One of the reasons is bad teachers who tell them that it’s so abstract they will have a real hard time. If there’s a person who can show light along the proper direction, then many students will feel encouraged and vigorous enough to try and understand it.”

Chakraborty admits science isn’t for everyone. But his palpable passion for the field is enough to get the most science-fearing person excited about atoms and molecules.

A native of India, he joined the Northwest faculty in 2006 and is helping the University establish its nanoscience program based in the campus’s Center for Innovation and Entrepre-neurship, a 46,679-square-foot facility that houses start-up businesses and academic research facilities and provides entrepreneurial support.

Recently, he was profiled as one of “50 Missourians You Should Know” in Ingrams, a magazine covering Kansas City’s business com-munity, as part of a feature focusing on people

who have made significant accomplishments in business, academia, the arts or non-profit sectors.

Chakraborty says his passion for teaching and his interest in contributing to a growing program led him to Northwest. He’s motivated by his desire to help others understand science, something he developed as a student himself.

“I wanted to come to a school where I would have enough teaching exposure, I’d be able to teach a lot of students, and also there would be very intense interaction with the students compared to the bigger schools,” he said.

In addition to learning from faculty like Chakraborty, students at Northwest have the benefit of collaborating on research projects related to nanochemisty, nanophysics and nanobiology.

“We have strong undergraduate research programs,” Chakraborty said. “Whoever comes into our course will have a very unique experi-ence of undergraduate research, and they will be extremely competitive. It will be much easier for them to get a job.” n

Former student-employees from Northwest’s Talent Development Center will be reuniting

for the office’s 25th anniversary Friday, Sept. 9, and Saturday, Sept. 10.

The weekend of activities includes a Friday evening reception at the Alumni House and Saturday events such as the Bearcat football game, a golf outing and campus tours as well as a banquet and trivia tournament.

Dr. Leslie Galbreath ’85, ’02, director of academic and library services, said that for 25 years the Talent Development Center has been “making good minds better.”

“Thousands of students have achieved the dream of a college degree because of the relent-

less passion for excellence in stu-dent support that is the hallmark of the Talent Development Center staff,” Galbreath said. “No celebra-tion of the TDC’s legacy and future could be complete without the opportunity to introduce generations of remarkable Bearcats to one another.”

Linda Genoa Standerford ’07, TDC coordinator, said each year the TDC staff spends about 10,000 hours tutoring the 3,000 Northwest students who use its services.

For more information, contact the Talent Development Center at (660) 562-1726. n

Professor’s love for science translates to classroom

TDC celebrates 25 years with reunion

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A unique course at

Northwest this summer expanded 12 students’ knowledge of puppetry, theater performance and problem-solving.

The students participated in a special topics course, puppetry, taught by Amanda Petefish-Schrag, assistant pro-fessor of communication, theatre and languages. At the conclusion of the course, a showcase open to the public featured several short puppet shows based on a variety of puppetry traditions.

Growing up, Petefish-Schrag performed as a puppeteer in her family’s puppet theatre troupe, and she also taught a puppetry course at a previous institution. She wanted to teach the class at Northwest after several students expressed interest in learning more about puppetry.

Petefish-Schrag noted puppetry provides good training for theater students because a single

person is usually in control of the performance as well as the technical aspects of the art form. Students are challenged to find ways to make the puppet do what they want it to do.

Dana Masters, a sophom*ore from Indepen-dence majoring in theater performance and psychology-sociology, said she took the class hop-ing it would be a creative outlet to balance with a chemistry class she was taking.

“It’s been really fun,” Masters said. “It’s good for acting as well as getting to build things and create your own story and characters. It’s an integrated art. You’re the designer, the builder and the performer.”

As students constructed their puppets, Petefish-Schrag required that at least half of the students’ materials be recycled or repurposed objects. One of the puppets had to be made entirely of objects not intended for building a puppet, such as newspapers or scrap fabrics.

“Part of that is to train them to think differ-ently about objects and how we can use objects and really sort of train creativity and problem-solving,” Petefish-Schrag said. n

Northwest named to community service honor roll

Puppetry course challenges students’ performance, problem-solving skills

Northwest has been named to the 2010 President’s Higher Education Community

Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recogni-tion a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service learning and civic engagement.

This marks the fifth year Northwest has appeared on the listing, which the Corpora-tion for National and Community Service has administered since 2006.

“Service-learning projects allow our students to make a positive impact on Maryville, discover their strengths from serving others and develop a connection and relationship with the community that adds an invaluable layer to their education,” said Amy Pettit Nally ’91, Northwest’s director of volunteer programs.

Northwest students contributed more than

25,200 volunteer service hours to the commu-nity during the 2010-2011 academic year. n

Northwest students spread new wood chips along nature park trails at Robertson-Crist Park last fall as part of a service-learning project.

Kelsey Matthias prepares to perform

with a wire puppet she made to tell an original story from the perspective of the Big Bad Wolf.

By the Numbers

276,000Dollars saved from reducing the number of landline telephones throughout campus

193,722Total attendance at the Fall Classic at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City since the annual football game’s inception in 2002

3,860Dollars raised from the student-driven Colden Pond Plunge to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

1,700Tons of paper and cardboard Northwest recycles each year

21Number of times Bearcat tennis coach Mark Rosewell has been named the MIAA’s Coach of the Year

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (9)



Look familiar?Northwest student photographer Taylor Allen captured the following images from a unique perspective throughout campus. Test your knowledge of these familiar – or not so familiar – Northwest sites. Answers can be found on Page 29.

With their ideas for creating a hydro-ponic garden, Clinton Gesling and his

instructor are serving the Maryville community and expanding opportunities for people with disabilities.

Dr. Jamie Patton, associate professor of soil science in the Department of Agriculture, devel-oped the idea of creating an enabled hydroponic garden, which is an elevated garden that uses water instead of soil to grow fruits, vegetables and other plants.

“By raising the garden up, those in wheel-chairs or those just not able to get on the ground will be able to participate in garden activities and smell the flowers,” Patton said.

But when Patton approached some of her stu-dents earlier this year about the idea of building a hydroponic garden, Gesling, a Centralia native who graduated this spring with a bachelor’s in agricultural business, devised an innovative way of ensuring the plants receive the nutrients they need.

He first developed a way to pump water throughout the garden. The constant flow of water is mixed with nutrients pumped from a container and recycled through the system. Gesling realized the breeze coming off Mozingo Lake on Northwest’s Mozingo Outdoor Educa-tion Recreation Area course provides an ideal

environment for keeping a generator’s batteries charged to run the pump.

Gesling then created a wind turbine along the shore of Mozingo Lake that provides electricity to the generator. The structure is 12 feet tall and cost just $20 to create.

“We are giving materi-als new life as energy producers,” Gesling said. “I built this portion of the project out of scraps and used treadmill motors as generators.”

Patton said she is impressed with Gesling’s ability to take an idea, search for a design and implement the project.

“I simply mentioned we were thinking of building an accessible hydroponic garden and the rest is his design and creativity,” Patton said. “He not only has the electrical, engineering and agronomic skills to make the project a success, but also the desire to give back to the Northwest and Maryville community.” n

Student uses ingenuity to assist with hydroponic garden

Dr. Jamie Patton and Clinton Gesling show off a wind turbine Gesling created. The wind turbine is used to power a hydroponic garden developed by Gesling and some of Patton’s students.


Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (10)

A family mourns Scott Bostwick embraced life with such passion that any

contact with him left you feeling upbeat.Bostwick loved his family, loved his job for 17 years as

Northwest defensive coordinator and loved living. He was ecstatic when he was named head coach for the Bearcats, replacing Mel Tjeerdsma, who retired in late December. He was ready and eager to tackle the challenge of leading one of the top NCAA Division II football programs.

However, he will never get that opportunity. Bostwick suddenly died June 5 of a heart attack at his home while he was mowing his lawn. He was 49, leaving behind his wife, Sue, daughter, Leah, and son, Eric.

Officially, the institution of higher education located in Maryville, Missouri, is Northwest Missouri State University.

Unofficially, Northwest is more than that. Much more.

Within the last several years, two terms have been added to the vernacular of Northwest alumni, students, fans and friends to describe the unity and strength that embodies the University:

Unfortunately, the validity of these terms was put to test recently when tragedy struck, and never before has their meaning been as apparent and appropriate.

By Mitzi Lutz • Photography by Darren Whitley • Design by Melinda Kelsey


Scott Bostwick, named Northwest’s 18th head football coach in Decem-ber, was known for wearing a red hat on the sidelines so his defensive players could easily spot him.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (11)

Many have struggled with find-ing a lesson in what happened to Bostwick that Sunday morning and how it affects his family, friends, the team, the community – Bearcat Nation.

After all, Bostwick was loyal. Instead of looking for a head coach-ing job elsewhere, he stuck with Tjeerdsma for 17 years.

“You feel so bad that he never got a chance to lead this team on the field,” Tjeerdsma said. “That’s what we all work for. I know he was so excited for the first game. He just never got there.”

Northwest Athletics Director Wren Baker said what he remem-bers about Bostwick is how he cared about people.

“Scott was genuinely happy for good things to happen to people. He knew players’ families, the families of his co-workers. He cared about them and prayed for them.”

His possession of this trait – caring for others – is why so many people were absolutely thrilled he got the opportunity to be the Bearcats’ next head football coach. Case in point, this summer’s annual golf tournament that raises money for the football program, which Bostwick oversaw, was much more than a fundraiser to Bostwick. It was about family.

“Seeing the old guys come back and listen to all the old stories and seeing guys you haven’t seen in a while is absolutely the best part of the deal,” Bostwick said in late May.

Sure, he could be “outspoken.” Just ask his play-ers. Or officials. Or fellow coaches. But that was the enthusiasm that defined Bostwick.

Dave Tollefson is a defensive end with the New York Giants who played under Bostwick in 2004 and 2005. He described his former coach to the St.

Joseph News-Press as follows: “His cup overflowed with (passion). Every-

body knows Bostwick from him yelling on the sideline.

He wasn’t just yelling; it was the fire inside of him and his love for the game. He wasn’t going to take anything less from his players, and we weren’t going

to give anything less.”Fortunately, Bostwick


(Top) Honoring the family’s wishes, Scott Bostwick’s family and friends as well as Bearcat fans nationwide attended a public Celebration of Life service at Bearcat Stadium. The event, which purposefully took on a game-day atmosphere and was filled with laughter and tears, was attended by several thousand supporters and was followed by a tailgate gathering in College Park.

(Top, opposite page) As part of the Celebration of Life, members of the Bearcat football team entered the stadium side by side, just as they do on game-day.

(Above) To express their love and respect for Coach Bostwick and their condo-lences to his family, the Northwest coaching staff present Sue Bostwick with a Bearcat football helmet.

leaves behind memories that allow those who knew him to smile a little through the tears.

“As we met with the family, the coaches and the players, we would cry, but we also would laugh as we remembered the good times we had with Scott and what he had done for all of us,” Baker said.

Tjeerdsma said the strong foundation of the Northwest Family was crucial through this tragedy.

“We met as a team, and to see the hurting and yet the

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (12)

bonding and the love the guys had for each other, it’s neat to be around a family,” Tjeerdsma said. “We’re fortunate to have that kind of family attitude and atmosphere when you have tough times. I’ve said a lot of times that’s why the Bearcats, in the last couple of years, have won a lot of games, because we believe in each other. No matter how tough things are, we always seem to find some-thing good out of it. That’s what will happen this time, too.”

A leader emergesJust as Coach Tjeerdsma pro-

jected, the Northwest Family did indeed find optimism in the wake of tragedy.

Less than three weeks after Coach Bostwick’s passing, Adam Dorrel was named the team’s 19th head football coach.

“I’m sure Bearcat Nation will be pleased to have Coach Dorrel carrying on the football tradition, strength and knowl-edge that binds our coaching staff,” Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski said. “Coach Dorrel and his staff are united, just as previous staffs were under Coach Bostwick and Coach Tjeerdsma, and they are eager to move the Bearcat football program into a new era of excellence.”

It was a day mixed with emotions. Once again, the Northwest Family demonstrated its strength and support for each other. And opening kickoff for the Bearcat football season was fast approaching.

“It’s an honor and privilege to be named head football coach at Northwest Missouri State University,” Dorrel said. “I look forward to building on a proud tradition and fully embracing the tremendous responsibility that comes with

leading this program.” Dorrel, a Maryville native, is a former All-American and

three-year captain for the Bearcats during his collegiate career as an offensive lineman from 1994 to 1997.

After earning his bachelor’s from Northwest in 1998, Dorrel was a graduate assistant in 1999 when the team won the second of its back-to-back national titles and completed his master’s at Northwest in 2000. He served coaching stints at Dakota State University in South Dakota and William Jewell College in Missouri before being appointed offensive line coach at Northwest in 2004. He was promoted to offensive coordinator prior to the 2007 season and then to assistant head coach after Bostwick was named head coach in December.

Baker said Dorrel has been instrumental in the success of the Bearcat football program, but “most importantly, he is a leader of men. He understands this program was built with young men who are dedicated to being good people and graduating with their degrees. We are extremely proud to have him lead our football program.”

A Bostwick returns ‘home’Dorrel taking the reins created a slight shuffle in the

team’s coaching ranks, and maintaining the “family” was a priority. Former Northwest defensive coordinator Richard Wright is now the team’s assistant head coach, and Charlie Flohr ’03, who served as the Bearcats’ quarterbacks coach, quality control and passing game coordinator, is offensive coordinator. But it was the addition of another coach that caught the most attention – throughout the media as well as Bearcat Nation.

Dorrel hired former Northwest linebacker and gradu-


(Top) Maryville native Adam Dorrel, a Northwest alumnus and the team’s previous offensive coordina-tor and assistant head coach, was introduced at a June news conference as Bearcat football’s next head coach.

(Below, left) Dorrel also has Bearcat football in his blood, beginning with his great grandfather, Ross Alexander Scott, who was a fullback on the first Bearcat football team in 1908 (pictured in front of the unfinished Administration Building). Dorrel’s grandfather and two great uncles also played in the program during the 1940s.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (13)

ate assistant coach Chad Bostwick ’05, ’06 to serve as the team’s linebackers coach. Bostwick is the brother of the late Scott Bostwick.

During the 2005 and 2006 seasons, Bostwick was a graduate assistant coach at Northwest, in charge of the linebackers. Prior to that, he played for the Bearcats and earned All-MIAA honorable mention accolades as a linebacker in 2004, won the Don Black Award in 2003 as the MVP of the Homecoming football game and also won the Spirit of the Bearcat Award as a senior.

“We’re excited to have Chad Bostwick come home and rejoin his Bearcat fam-ily,” Dorrel said. “Chad demonstrated his dedication and hard work through his years at Northwest. He has a great background as a recruiter at the Division II level, which will obviously be a huge asset moving forward.”

Since March, Bostwick had served as the linebackers/special teams coach at the University of Central Missouri. Prior to his time at UCM, he spent four seasons as the offensive line coach at Colorado School of Mines.

“I’m extremely thrilled to be coming back home to Northwest as a member of the Bearcat coaching staff,” Bostwick said. “This place has always held a special place in my heart. This is like a dream come true for me.”

Northwest also holds a special place in its heart for the Bostwick family.

How an individual, a team, a community reacts when faced with adversity is a defin-ing moment. Without question, Northwest has demonstrated the definition of a united Northwest Family and the strength of a proud Bearcat Nation. n

David Boyce and Mark Hornickel contributed to this article.

Chad Bostwick, the brother of the late Scott Bostwick, was presented the Don Black Award in 2003 as the MVP of the Homecoming football game. The former Northwest linebacker and graduate assistant coach is now the team’s linebackers coach.

2011 BEARCAT FOOTBALL SCHEDULESept. 1, 7:30 p.m. at Truman State (Kirksville)

Sept. 10, 6 p.m. vs. Sioux Falls (Mel and Carol Tjeerdsma Day)

Sept. 17, 2 p.m. at Lincoln (Jefferson City)

Sept. 24, 1 p.m. vs. Fort Hays State (Family Weekend)

Oct. 1, 2 p.m. Pittsburg State (Kansas City, Fall Classic at Arrowhead)

Oct. 8, 1:30 p.m. at Central Missouri (Warrensburg)

Oct. 15, 1 p.m. vs. Eastern New Mexico

Oct. 22, 2 p.m. vs. Washburn (Homecoming)

Oct. 29, 2 p.m. at Missouri Southern (Joplin)

Nov. 5, 1:30 p.m. at Missouri Western (St. Joseph)

Nov. 12, 1 p.m. vs. Emporia State

Home games bolded

For the latest schedule and ticket information, visit

Don’t ForgetThe Bearcat Zone opens two hours prior to kickoff in College Park (across the street from the west entrance to Bearcat Stadium) before all home games. Admis-sion is free, and food is available for purchase. Live entertainment is provided at the Raymond J. Courter College Park Pavilion followed by a pep rally featuring the Bearcat Marching Band, Steppers and Cheerleaders.

And there’s no need to pack the grill for the Bearcat road games. Food and beverages are sold by Countryside Bistro prior to all regular-season road games, excluding the Fall Classic at Arrowhead.

Northwest will honor its recently retired Bearcat football coach and his wife in September during Mel and Carol Tjeerdsma Day.

The two-day celebration begins Friday, Sept. 9, with a reception, dinner and tribute. Proceeds benefit the Coach

T Student-Athlete Suc-cess Program, which improves academic

and life enrich-ment opportunities for Northwest

student-athletes. (Please note,

the registra-tion deadline for this event has passed.)

A series of events also will take place in the Tjeerds-mas’ honor Saturday, Sept 10, coinciding with the Bearcat football team’s home opener against the University of Sioux Falls.

Saturday morning, former Bearcat football players will gather for an invitation-only reunion at the Gaunt House. The day continues with Bearcat Zone festivities honor-ing the Tjeerdsmas from 4 to 6 p.m. at College Park. The celebration includes free mini posters to be autographed by Coach Tjeerdsma, collectible bobbleheads of Coach Tjeerdsma for purchase, tailgate food for purchase, and performances by the Bearcat Marching Band, Northwest Steppers and Cheer Squad. The Tjeerdsmas also will be recognized at the football game.

Also please note, Northwest will honor the late Scott Bostwick during Family Weekend activities Saturday, Sept. 24. n

Honoring the Tjeerdsmas

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (14)



It has been said that “love is the universal language.” I submit to you, fellow Bearcats,

that the Bearcat paw print is also a universal language, much like love. Northwest is often and aptly described as a family, and I challenge you to always be on the lookout for Northwest’s universal symbol.

How often have you struck up conversations, or even friendships, based on the universal symbol of “the paw?” It could be right in your

hometown or halfway across the country, but the paw is universally recognized

and understood. You might be at an airport far from the rolling hills of northwest Missouri, driving down an interstate highway, at a church or

school function, but the paw always makes an appearance on a hat, shirt, car window or keychain.

How many of you use this special opportunity, the appearance of our

beloved paw, to forge a new relationship? Do you stop the person wearing that Bearcat shirt at the grocery store and make a connection? Or, do you let the opportunity to reconnect with

Northwest pass you by? The bond already exists; all you have to do is seize the opportunity. There’s no easier way to have an instant connection with a total stranger than to spot the paw and strike up a conversation.

As president of the Northwest Alumni Association, it is indeed an honor and privilege to wear the paw and to repre-sent the thousands of alumni who are part of the Northwest family. I encourage you to constantly be on the lookout for the paw and continue to strengthen the bonds of our family.


Amy Willits Harlin ’95President, Northwest Alumni Association

Paw represents Bearcats’ universal language

Award Nomination Deadline:March 1,


Distinguished Alumni AwardRecognizes Northwest alumni for exceptional professional and personal achievement and extraordinary distinction in their chosen field

Distinguished Emeritus Faculty AwardRecognizes a former faculty member for his or her outstanding teaching, service and/or research contributions at Northwest

Distinguished Faculty AwardRecognizes a present faculty member for his or her outstanding teaching, service and/or research contributions at Northwest

Honorary Alumni AwardHonors Northwest friends who have served, promoted and loved the University in the tradition of a loyal graduate

Northwest Turret Service AwardAcknowledges a graduate or former student whose significant contributions of time and talents benefit and promote the University and the Northwest Alumni Association

Young Alumni AwardHonors a graduate from the last decade for his or her exceptional achievements in career, public service and/or volunteerism that bring honor to the University n

2012 Alumni Awards call for nominations Northwest honors outstanding individuals through its annual Alumni Association Awards program, and your nominations are essential to the process. Individuals nominated should personify the University’s tradition of excellence through their service and achievements.

Contact Brenda Untiedt for a nomination form at (660) 562-1248, email [emailprotected] or complete the appropriate form located on the alumni website at will not be considered unless the entire nomination form is complete and submitted on the forms provided by the Northwest Alumni Association. The Northwest Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Programs Team makes its selections at the board’s spring 2012 meeting.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (15)



created a partnership between Northwest and the national Family, Career and Community Leaders of America organization for a post-baccalaureate program for advisers to expand their skill set and receive graduate credit and also works with students in assisting community organizations through service-learning opportunities. She lives in Wahoo, Neb.


Doug Sutton

Doug Sutton has been a member of the North-

west Board of Regents for 10 years. A retired vice president of Kawasaki Motors, he was instrumental in starting the facility in Maryville. He is president of the New Nodaway Humane Society Board and treasurer of the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments. He lives in Maryville.


Dorothy Walker

Dorothy Walker began her career at Northwest in

1958 and retired in 1987. In 1962, she started the women’s basketball team, and in 1967, the volleyball team, which she coached for five years. Walker is the author of a book on archery that is used by the Missouri Department of Conservation. She lives in Maryville.


Dr. Conrad Woolsey

Dr. Conrad Woolsey’ 02 is an assistant profes-

sor and health and human performance lab coordinator at Oklahoma State University. He has written numerous publications and news articles and has been an invited lecturer and coach at many universities. He lives in Tulsa, Okla. n


Dr. John Baker

Dr. John Baker, an associate professor in the

Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, has been a Northwest faculty member since 1977. He also provides pro bono legal and tax services for not-for-profit organizations, serves as a municipal court judge and has a private law practice. He lives in Maryville.


Jim Blackford

Jim Blackford ’72 has worked for Citizen’s Bank

and Trust since 1992, cur-rently serving as a senior vice president. Previously he was co-owner and chief financial officer for LMP Steel and Wire Company. He is an active member of the Maryville community and is a past president of the Northwest Founda-tion and a member of the Bearcat Booster Club. He lives in Maryville.


Kevin Fullerton

Kevin Fullerton ’88 is the owner/creative director

of Springboard Creative in Kansas City. He has worked as a designer, art director and vice president/creative director at several advertising agen-cies. He is president of the American Advertis-ing Federation-Kansas City and a member of Northwest’s Mass Communications Professional Advisory Council. He lives in Mission, Kan.


Allison Kreifels

Allison Kreifels ’06, ’11 is the family and consumer

sciences teacher at Wahoo (Neb.) Public Schools. She has

2011 Alumni Association Award recipients

Congratulations!You’re Invited!

The Northwest Alumni Association honors individu-als who have given of their time, talent and service to Northwest.

All Northwest alumni and friends are invited to attend the Alumni Awards Banquet. It’s a great way to start Family Weekend and salute these deserving individuals.

n Friday, Sept. 23n J.W. Jones Student Union

Ballroomn 6 p.m., socialn 6:45 p.m., dinnern 8 p.m., awards


n $30 per person

n $200 for a table of eight

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or contact the Northwest Alumni Association at (660) 562-1248 or [emailprotected].

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (16)



Alumni chapter newsvisiting universities in central Missouri for com-petition, and future events will be held this fall when the Northwest football team competes in Jefferson City. The chapter continues to welcome new members and seek ideas for events. For event listings, visit the Mid-Missouri Bearcats on Facebook or contact President Mark Partise ’02 at [emailprotected]. n


The Springfield Chapter hosts monthly socials the third Thursday of each month at T.G.I.

Friday’s in Springfield. Chapter membership continues to grow, and area alumni and friends – or any Bearcats visiting the Ozarks – are welcome to join the chapter at events and socials. Contact Mark DeVore ’71, ’75 at [emailprotected] for more information. n



1. Members of the St. Louis Chapter celebrated the chapter’s third anniversary. Those attending were (from left) Dana Hockensmith, Sue Johnson Hockensmith ’72, Barbara Bosch Alexander ’82, ’86, Jane Alexander, Anne Alexander Gross, Mark Cromley ’94, Cheri Skarin Jespersen ’72 and Dave Jespersen ’72.

2. The Southern Iowa Chapter hosted the Bearcat Steppers at Mount Ayr High School.

3. Rusty Hathco*ck ’80, Northwest Development Officer Polly Parsons Howard ’00, ’09, Mark DeVore ’71, ’75, Julie Waite ’79, Robin Whipple Hammond ’79 and Bob Hammond ’79 visit at the Springfield Chapter’s Thursday Evening Social.

4. Several members of the Arizona Chapter gathered in March at the Cadillac Ranch in Tempe, Ariz. 5. Members of the Arizona Chapter enjoyed a Kansas City Royals spring training baseball game in Surprise, Ariz.





The Central Iowa Chapter continues to attract a good group of Bearcats to the First

Thursday socials every month at 6 p.m. at The Game Sports Bar in Urbandale, Iowa. Everyone is welcome. The chapter organized its annual Bearcats at the I-Cubs outing in June, complete with a tailgate before the game. Central Iowa alumni also assisted with the Northwest booth at the Iowa State Fair in August. For more information about the chapter, visit n


The Maryville Chapter partnered with Northwest’s Student Activities Council and

handed out popcorn and water to attendees at the free summer movies on campus. Plans are being made for a trivia night in October. n


Members of the Mid-Missouri Chapter celebrated another successful year during

its anniversary party. Events this year have been held in conjunction with Bearcat athletic teams

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (17)



1. Enjoying the St. Joseph Chapter luau were (front row) Courtney Brooks, Anitra Germer Clark ’05, ’07, Robin Pierpoint, Christy Price, Vicki Horton Hargens ’71, (second row) Susan McKnight Clevenger ’74, Ann Eilers Newman ’76, Karen Bunse Vulgamott ’77, Bonnie White Sutton ’71, ’96, Linda Riddle ’74, Sharmyn Thompson, (third row) Jeremy Clevenger, Dave Newman ’69, Jerry Clevenger, Greg Pierpoint ’80, Theresa Heckman Swan ’88, ’05, Patty Bolin Roach’71, ’90, (fourth row) Bill Brooks ’91, Steve Sutton ’71, Dave Price ’70, Mark Hargens ’70, Jeff Swan ’08 and Jim Roach.

2. Northwest alumni and friends flocked to St. Joseph in June to watch a baseball game during Northwest Night at the Mustangs. The Mustangs wore green jerseys and red baseball caps in memory of Northwest football head coach Scott Bostwick, who passed away earlier that week.

3. Steve Coppinger ’98, Aaron Becker ’01 and Brian Sutton ’98 reunited at the Gridiron Chapter charter in Kansas City. 4. Former Bearcat football players representing the last five decades were on hand for the launching of the new Gridiron Chapter.


decades met in May at O’Dowds in Kansas City to witness the launching of the chapter. As part of the celebration, Steve Sutton ’71, director of alumni relations, presented the chapter banner to President Ryan George ’99, Vice President Steve Coppinger ’98 and Secretary Brian Sutton ’98. Special guests included former Bearcat head coach Mel Tjeerdsma and current head coach Adam Dorrel ’98, ’00. The chapter also raised more than $5,500, which was sent to former Northwest coach and current Missouri Southern head coach Bart Tatum to be given to his coach-ing staff impacted by the tornado in Joplin. For more information about the Gridiron Chapter or to get involved, contact the Northwest Alumni Association at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n


Members of the St. Joseph Chapter opened up their homes for a progressive dinner

in November where donations were collected for the Second Harvest Food Bank. A potluck dinner was hosted by Dr. Mark ’70 and Vicki Horton ’71 Hargens in January, and the Annual Mardi Gras Social took place at Boudreaux’s Cajun Restaurant this spring. There was a great turnout for the chapter’s retirement dinner honoring Coach Mel Tjeerdsma and his wife, Carol, at the Pony Express Museum. In April, Northwest’s St. Joseph Center joined the chapter in organizing a welcome reception for the football and cheerlead-ing coaching staffs. Dave ’69 and Ann Eilers ’76 Newman hosted the chapter’s annual alumni luau to kick off the start of summer. The summer was filled with a trip to the St. Joseph Mustangs and Kansas City T-Bones baseball games, and the chapter conducted its first alumni golf tourna-ment to support Northwest scholarships. n


The Gridiron Chapter became the 19th chapter of the Northwest Alumni Asso-

ciation. More than 55 former Bearcat football players and friends representing the last five




Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (18)



Phi Mu to celebrate 50 years at Northwest

Golf tourney benefits Geist scholarship, Bostwick fund There was a tremendous

turnout at the Jim Williams

Memorial Golf Tournament

this summer in Mount

Ayr, Iowa, as 84 golfers

participated in the annual


Nearly $14,000 was

raised for the Cullen Geist

Memorial Scholarship

at Northwest as well as

$1,000 for the Leah and Eric

Bostwick Education Fund.

Tournament organizer

Wayne Woolsey ’70 said

next year’s golf outing will

be June 9 in Mount Ayr, and

the scholarship designation

will be determined at a later

date. n

Past and present members of Phi Mu will gather during Northwest’s Home-

coming weekend to celebrate the Zeta Lambda Chapter’s 50th anniversary.

The reunion begins at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, in the organization’s Roberta Hall chapter room and will include a short commemoration for the charter members and a remembrance ritual. Tickets for the 7 p.m. Variety Show will also be available. The festivities continue

Saturday, Oct. 22. Special seating will be available for the Homecoming Parade, which begins at 9 a.m. Following the parade, Phi Mus are invited to gather in the J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom, tour Roberta Hall and campus, attend the 2 p.m. Bearcat

Dave Price ’70 and Tim Milner ’71 were among the participants in this year’s Jim Williams Memorial Golf Tournament.

Phi Sigs who recently reunited in Arizona include (front row, from left) Ken Jahde ’61, Don Kixmiller ’60, Ron Kixmiller ’60, Ron Kraft ’63, Gary Burns ’61, (back row) Hal Wilmarth ’69, Phil Maher ’60, Larry Sheldon ’60, Ed Jones ’60, Don Anderson ’60, Doug Drake ’61, Larry Miller (attd. ’57-’59), Kelly Snipes (attd. ’55-’57), Bill Simmons ’61 and (the lone Sig Tau) Duane Abbott ’63.

Phi Sigs from the ’60s era reunite in Arizona

A handful of Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity broth-

ers from the 1959 to 1961 era at Northwest began reuniting about five years ago in Arizona, and since that time the gather-ing has grown every year, with this year’s reunion attracting 30 people. Ed Jones ’60 and Hal Wilmarth ’69 coordinated this year’s festivities in Mesa, Ariz. Next year’s reunion will be in Sun City West, Ariz., and is being organized by Bill Simmons ’61, Doug Drake ’61 and Larry Sheldon ’60. For more information, contact Sheldon at [emailprotected]. n

Installed at Northwest in 1961, Phi Mu’s Zeta Lambda Chapter, which includes more than 1,500 women, is observing its 50th anniversary this October with a variety of activities during Homecoming weekend.

football game and attend a meet-and-greet in the Ballroom. The Ballroom will be open Saturday afternoon and evening, allowing those in attendance a common meeting place to reunite and reminisce.

For more information, contact Laurie Moore Skinner ’71 at (314) 255-1845 or [emailprotected]. n

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (19)

Homecoming Golf Classicn Friday, Oct. 21, noonn Two-person scramblen Mozingo Lake Golf Course

COST: $45 per person

M-Club Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremonyn Friday, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m.n J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom

COST: $20

Variety Shown Friday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m.n Ron Houston Center for the

Performing Arts

COST: $5

Volleyball vs. Southwest Baptistn Friday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m.n Bearcat Arena

COST: $5

Homecoming Welcomen Saturday, Oct. 22, 8 a.m.n Alumni Housen Free refreshments

Homecoming Paraden Saturday, Oct. 22, 9 a.m.n The parade starts at the corner of

Ray and College Avenue, proceeds east to the main University entrance at Fourth Street, continues east on Fourth Street to Main, past the courthouse square to Market.

Bearcat Zone Pregame Festivitiesn Saturday, Oct. 22, 11:30 a.m.n College Parkn Free

Homecoming Barbecuen Saturday, Oct. 22, 11:30 a.m.n Raymond J. Courter

College Park Pavilion

COST: $6.50

Soccer vs. Lindenwoodn Saturday, Oct. 22, noonn Bearcat Pitchn Free

Football vs. Washburnn Saturday, Oct. 22, 2 p.m.n Bearcat Stadium

COST: $16 reserved, $10 adult general admission (standing room only), $8 visiting student (Tickets are available to general public beginning Sept. 19.)

Volleyball vs. Missouri Southernn Saturday, Oct. 22, 6 p.m.n Bearcat Arenan Free

REUNION COST: $20*additional cost


8 a.m. Homecoming Welcome, Alumni House 9 a.m. Parade with VIP seating 11:30 a.m. Bearcat Zone pregame festivities, College Park 11:30 a.m. Bearcat Zone pregame barbecue, Raymond J. Courter College Park Pavilion* 2 p.m. Football vs. Washburn, Bearcat Stadium*

ItineraryFRIDAY, OCT. 21

9 a.m. Welcome reception, Alumni House 10:30 a.m. Campus bus tour 11 a.m. Reunion photo, Kissing Bridge 11:30 a.m. Luncheon, J.W. Jones Student Union 2 p.m. Flag-raising ceremony, White International Flag Plaza 5 p.m. Golden Years social, Alumni House 6:30 p.m. M-Club Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony, J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom*

Honoring the Class of 1961The Golden Years Society Reunion welcomes all classmates from 1961 and before to attend Northwest’s Homecoming festivities. Mark your calendar for Oct. 21-22, and make plans to return to campus.

For more information, contact the Office of University Advancement at (660) 562-1248 or [emailprotected].

October 21-22

Industrial Arts Club 1961 Homecoming float, “Showboat”

Order Ticketsn Tickets will not be mailed; they

must be picked up at the event.n Football and Variety Show tickets

may be purchased online at or via check, made payable to Northwest Missouri State University and mailed to Student Services Center, 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468. (Checks must be received by Oct. 20.)

n Contact Michele Steinmeyer at (660) 562-1977 or [emailprotected] to make reservations and purchase tickets to the M-Club Hall of Fame Banquet.

n Call (660) 562-1248 or visit to register for the Golf Classic.

n Seats are assigned on a best-available basis.

n All ticket sales are final.n Ticket prices include

Missouri sales tax.

Places to StayMARYVILLE

Comfort Inn (660) 562-2002Holiday Inn Express (660) 562-9949Super 8 (660) 582-8088


America’s Best Value Inn (816) 364-3031

Days Inn (816) 279-1671Drury Inn (816) 364-4700Hampton Inn (816) 390-9300Holiday Inn (816) 279-8000Ramada Inn (816) 233-6192Stoney Creek Inn (816) 901-9600

Events are subject to change/cancellation.


Homecoming 2011

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (20)



Tourin’ Bearcats cruise the Rhine

Northwest alumni and friends recently returned

from a cruise on the Rhine River offered by the Northwest Alumni Association.

The trip, enjoyed by 42 alumni and friends, began with a self-guided tour of Zurich, Switzerland. The travelers then cruised to Strasbourg, France, and Heidelberg, Germany, where they toured the Heidelberg Castle. They also visited the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany, and Siegfried’s Mechanical Musi-cal Instrument Museum in Rudesheim, Germany. A cruise through the Rhine Gorge and guided sightseeing in Koblenze and Cologne, Germany, was followed by a canal cruise in Amsterdam, Holland.

To view a photo album from the trip, visit n

(Top) Northwest alumni and friends enjoyed the Rhine River cruise sponsored by the Northwest Alumni Association.

(Above) Among the Tourin’ Bearcats were (from left) Holly Phillips, Elaine Ferguson Nichols ’63, Della Platt Owens ’78 and Sherry Ferguson Cady ’64.

Reconnect with fellow BearcatsFrom Arizona and St. Louis to Japan and the Twin Cities, the Northwest Alumni Association supports 19 alumni and friends chapters worldwide. With a variety of events each year, the chapters provide opportunities for Northwest alumni and friends to network, socialize, participate in community service activities and recruit students to Northwest.

Start a chapter in your area or get involved with an existing chapter! Contact the Office of University Advancement at (660) 562-1248 or [emailprotected] or visit

Chapter areas must meet guidelines determined by the Northwest Alumni Association.


MISSION: The Northwest Alumni Association

fosters lifelong relationships through initiatives and opportunities that advance the University and its alumni, future alumni and friends.

2011-2012 Board of Directors

President Amy Willits Harlin ’95, Smithville

Vice President Kory Schramm ’95, Johnston, Iowa

Past PresidentNeil Neumeyer ’98, Kansas City

Alumni ProgramsJohn Van Cleave ’73, ’89, Maryville

Membership Committee ChairpersonSue Johnson Hockensmith ’72,


Chapters Committee ChairpersonDave Teeter ’86, Montgomery City

MembersCindy Tjeerdsma Akehurst ’01,

Kansas City Karen Logullo Bader ’86, ’95, AuroraBill Brooks ’91, DearbornDennis Bunch ’69, ’76, Lenox, IowaJackie Lionberger Damiani ’71, ’76,

Edmond, Okla. Paula Rector Davis ’91, Lee’s Summit Jim Goecken ’92, MaryvilleJoan Lynch Jackson ’65,

Redding, Iowa Chrissy Beck Jolley ’02, Jefferson City Allen Kearns ’62, Omaha, Neb. Mark Pickerel ’76, St. Joseph Mike Zech ’86, Maryville

Ex-Officio Board MembersMike Johnson ’85, Vice President

of University AdvancementDan Runde ’81, President,

Northwest Foundation, Platte City Lori McLemore Steiner ’85,

Finance Officer Steve Sutton ’71,

Director of Alumni RelationsBrenda Untiedt ’00, ’09,

Alumni Relations Specialist

SpringfieldSt. JosephSt. LouisTwin Cities

ArizonaBandCentral IowaChicagoColorado

DallasEastern IowaGridironJapanKansas City

MaryvilleMid-MissouriNebraska/Western IowaSouthern CaliforniaSouthern Iowa

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (21)



Bill and Laura Belle Dunning

Estate gift honors couple’s life together

The Willard F. Dunning estate gift will provide unrestricted support of approxi-

mately $125,000 to assist Northwest through the Northwest Foundation’s Venture Fund, which provides financial assistance for the University to respond to special opportunities.

Dunning, known as “Bill” to his family and friends, was born in St. Joseph in 1920 and attended high school in Winfield, Kan. After a 20-year career with the U.S. Air Force, Dunning retired as a captain in 1960. He then became an aircraft parts salesman for Aviall and was a licensed aircraft mechanic.

In 1964, Dunning married Laura Belle McGrew Phelps ’63, who was raised on a farm near Graham. She enrolled at Northwest in 1934 and then began her career as a vocal music instructor. After her son, Gary Phelps, started school, she returned to Northwest and completed her degree and taught in St. Joseph.

The Dunnings valued education and were proud that Gary graduated from college. Gary was dean of students for his alma mater, William Jewell College, at the time of his death in 2001.

“Laura Belle really enjoyed teaching, and Northwest enabled her to do so,” Gary’s widow,

Carolyn Phelps, said. “It was tough being a re-entry student, and she appreciated that.”

Phelps recalls inviting the Dunnings to accompany her several years ago to an awards dinner on the Northwest campus. Phelps, who also attended Northwest, had been nominated for a “Beacon Award” for inspirational teachers by her former fifth-grade student, Jealaine Vaccaro Marple ’00, who was a Northwest student at the time.

“This made an impression on Bill and Laura Belle as they valued education, and it also served to reconnect the couple with Laura Belle’s alma mater,” Phelps said.

The Dunnings shared 39 years together before Laura Belle’s passing in 2003. Bill died in 2010 at the age of 89, and his estate provision for Northwest is made in both of their names in honor of their many years together.

For more information about the Willard F. Dunning estate gift or other giving opportunities, contact the Northwest Foundation at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n

The late Alice Weathermon Oliver was a longtime advocate for healthcare and educa-

tion, and now her gift has established the Alice M. Oliver Scholarship that will aid Northwest students pursuing nursing degrees.

After living the majority of her 98 years on a farm near Guilford in northwest Missouri, most of which was with her late husband, Wesley, Oliver appreciated all she was given and wanted to help others.

The couple never had children, but maintained special relationships with nieces and nephews, who included Rosalie Weathermon ’74, ’00, a career development coordinator at Northwest, and Marilyn Weathermon Jackson ’69.

Living frugally allowed the Olivers to give to organizations they cared about. Now, their

Healthcare advocate’s gift will assist nursing studentsestate gift of more than $70,000 will help many Northwest students majoring in nursing.

“Alice greatly appreciated the care she received in her last years and knew the financial hardships students can face to further a career in nursing,” Weathermon said. “It’s the family’s hope that a Northwest student will be inspired by this scholarship and Alice’s legacy.”

The Olivers cared deeply about education and healthcare as evidenced by their additional gifts to hospitals, a school district and organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

For more information about the Alice M. Oliver Scholarship or other giving opportunities, contact the Northwest Foundation at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n

Northwest Networks If you or someone you

know is looking to connect

with other Bearcats in a

business setting, check

out Northwest Networks –

Kansas City.

Northwest Networks –

Kansas City is a networking

group made up entirely of

Northwest graduates in the

Kansas City area and meets

at least once a quarter. Each

meeting is an opportunity to

not only meet or reacquaint

yourself with fellow alumni,

but a chance to hear about

their businesses and learn

how you can help each other

in your endeavors.

For more information

about Northwest Networks,

if you’re interested in hosting

an event or would like to

start a group in your area,

contact Polly Howard,

Northwest development

officer, at (660) 562-1248 or

[emailprotected]. n

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (22)



Adopt-a-Bearcat 1:1 match doubles $50,000 gift

L oyalty to their alma mater, friendships made on campus and a shared passion for teach-

ing inspired a Clayton couple to help the next generation of Bearcats to pursue their educational dreams.

Marion ’50 and Joan Miller ’49 Freeman recently gave $50,000 to sponsor the Joan M. and Marion B. Freeman Adopt-a-Bearcat Scholarship. The Freeman’s gift and the Uni-versity’s 100 percent match will be distributed over a 10-year period, ultimately providing $100,000 in scholarships.

Establishing a scholarship fund has been a consideration of the Freemans for quite some time, and they recently decided it was best to do it now, during their lifetimes, rather than later.

Joan Freeman, a music and physical education major from Burlington Junction, was a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority and Kappa Delta Pi and participated in band and orchestra. She later taught music and retired when the couple’s son, Randy, was born. Today, she is involved in Oasis, a volunteer group that assists elementary

students with reading and writing.Marion Freeman, a Tarkio native who

majored in physical education and industrial arts education, washed dishes and served as a caretaker at the Quads for room and board. He joined the 129th Field Artillery of the National Guard in Maryville to help cover tuition. He also was a member of the Bearcat football and track teams, M-Club, Sigma Tau Gamma and Kappa Delta Pi. He later became a teacher, administra-tor and coach for 46 years. His last position was in the Clayton School District, and since retiring in 1993 he has continued to coordinate the school’s annual track and field competition, which now bears his name.

“The education we received at Northwest put us in great job situations, and we saw this award as a win-win,” Marion Freeman said. “Costs are a lot higher now than when we attended college. It’s a good feeling to think that maybe we will touch a few more lives along the way with this scholarship.”

For more information about Adopt-a-Bearcat scholarships or other giving opportunities, contact the Northwest Foundation at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n

Northwest’s Tower Choir has been selected to perform at the National Conference of

the National Collegiate Choral Organization this November in Fort Collins, Colo. Dr. Stephen Town, who directs the choir, said this is the first time Northwest has been selected to perform at the national convention.

“This is a significant achievement that will provide a new kind of visibility for Northwest and our music department that is similar to the national championships played by our football team,” Town said. “The NCCO conferences feature only the finest choral ensembles.”

Also in November, Tower Choir will perform at the state convention of the Nebraska Music Educators Association in Lincoln, Neb.

These state and national invitations follow two years of activities that saw the Tower Choir

present an invited concert at the 2010 State Convention of the Missouri Music Educators Association and a 2011 Spring Break tour through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

“These types of activities and programs can only happen through the generosity of donors, alumni and friends,” said Teresa Gustafson, director of strategic donor development and a development officer for the College of Arts and Sciences. “It provides a unique opportunity for Northwest students to engage in an experience of a lifetime to help them become successful citizens.”

For more information on financially support-ing Tower Choir or other giving opportunities, contact the Northwest Foundation at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n

Marion and Joan Miller Freeman’s generous gift will be matched and distributed over a 10-year period.










Tower Choir to perform at national convention

Johnson returns as VP of advancement Michael Johnson ’85 is

Northwest’s vice president

of university advancement, a

position he started Aug. 15.

Johnson, most recently

the assistant vice president

of alumni relations at the

University of Northern

Colorado, was director of

alumni relations at Northwest

from 1995 to 2004. He also

was operations manager of

Northwest’s radio station and

NPR affiliate, KXCV/KRNW,

from 1985 to 1995.

Johnson is married to

Northwest alumna Kenna

Miller Johnson ’84, ’87, and

they have three daughters,

Michaela, Chloe and Annika.

He can be contacted at the

Alumni House or at

(660) 562-1248 or

[emailprotected]. n

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (23)



Scholarship memorializes young cancer victim’s spirit

L ow-income students who

choose to attend Northwest will benefit from a six-figure gift to the University from the Goppert Foundation of Kansas City.

The $100,000 gift, directed through the Northwest Foun-dation, establishes the Goppert Founda-tion American Dream Grant.

Northwest’s American Dream Grant program began in 2004 as a needs-based financial aid initiative that assists undergraduates who might otherwise find a college education beyond their financial reach.

Corey Strider ’96, executive vice president of Goppert Financial Bank in Lathrop, said supporting a program such as the American Dream Grant

fully supports the mission of the Gop-pert Foundation.

“There are quite a few students in the areas that Goppert Financial Bank serves who graduate from high school and choose to attend Northwest,” Strider said. “This gift from the Goppert Foundation will not only financially assist students, but ideally someday after they graduate they’ll return to these communities to live and work.” n

Curt and Jane Cavanaugh, Jake Cavanaugh’s parents, are apprecia-tive of the scholarship and the legacy it will provide in their son’s honor.

“No matter what the circum-stance, Jake never complained and never lost his sense of humor,” said Jane Cavanaugh. “He impacted many people’s lives in the short time he was with us, and he will truly be missed. In Jake’s words, ‘Peace.’”

For more information about this scholarship or other giving opportunities through the Northwest Foundation, contact Laurie Long at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248. n

Friends of the late Jake Cavanaugh have established a scholarship at Northwest to benefit students pursuing a dietetics major.

Goppert gift benefits low-income students

The Jake Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship was established at Northwest by friends of

the Cavanaugh family, Jeff ’87 and Karen Gould ’87 From, to honor Jake Cavanaugh’s spirit.

“Jake had the ability to light up the room with his sense of humor, his witty comments, his smile and his ability to always see the good in people,” said Jeff From, a consultant for the Mission Command Battle Lab at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. “Jake lost a courageous fight with cancer, but in his short 22 years, he lived every moment.”

Cavanaugh, who passed away Dec. 23, 2010, was diagnosed with cancer at age 16, but was determined to continue his classes and graduated from Blue Springs High School in 2007. For two years, Cavanaugh attended the University of Missouri, majoring in dietetics. To stay on track academically, he took classes at the University of Missouri-Kansas City while undergoing chemo-therapy treatments at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.

Working with children was enjoyable for Cavanaugh, and he was an integral team member in the daycare at St. John LaLande Catholic Church and also spent time working at Kid’s Country and PrimeTime. This passion remained strong throughout his own treatments, as Cavanaugh spent a lot of time with the young children at Children’s Mercy who were also battling cancer.

“As he spent more and more time in treat-ment, Jake became interested in nutrition and dietetics,” said Karen From, Northwest’s director of the didactic program in dietetics and instruc-tor of foods and nutrition. “He would have been a wonderful gift to the dietetics community.”

The Jake Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship will assist future Northwest undergraduate dietetics majors with the initial award given for 2011-12, based on academic achievement and financial need. As Northwest and its Depart-ment of Family and Consumer Sciences focus on growing the University’s dietetics program to accommodate the burgeoning interest in this established field, Karen From said scholarships such as this will play an even greater role in the University’s recruiting and retention efforts.

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Jean Jennings Bartik ’45, who was Northwest’s only female math major when she gradu-

ated and went on to become one of six female “computers” chosen to program the world’s first electronic computer, the ENIAC, and later the UNIVAC, the world’s first commercial com-puter, died March 23 at the age of 86.

Less than a month after her death, faculty members in Northwest’s Department of Computer Science/Information Systems were determined to generate more interest in the fields of science, technology and mathematics for women. As a result, the Association of Comput-ing Machinery for Women was established in April. This new student group is a branch of the Association of Computing Machinery, already in existence on campus, but with an emphasis to support women and minorities in computing.

“We hope this group will show women and minorities different aspects of computing, give them a chance to explore opportunities in the field and provide general support throughout their education,” said Diana Linville, CS/IS instructor and ACMW sponsor.

Statistics show that the number of women enrolling in the field of computer science is falling not only on Northwest’s campus, but nationwide. The field is dominated by males,

and educators believe oftentimes females are intimidated by computing.

“Young women seem to lack confidence that they can succeed in the computing field,” said Dr. Carol Spradling, CS/IS associate professor. “What they need is the proper preparation to enter the field and an understanding that their perspective is important to the industry.”

In addition to the formation of the ACMW group, the Jean Jennings Bartik Women in Sci-ence, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Scholarship has been established for females who are interested in the STEM fields. The creation of the scholarship was announced by Bartik’s family at a June 5 memorial ceremony, which was followed by public tours of Northwest’s Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum, established at the University in 2002. n

The Northwest Foundation has appointed Troy Greenfield ’90 and Jennifer Dawson

Nicholson ’71, both of Kansas City, to its board of directors.

Greenfield is the general manager at ACI Plastics in Kansas City. As a student at North-west, Greenfield was a member of ROTC and Sigma Tau Gamma, serving as the fraternity’s vice president. Following graduation, he flew helicopters for the U.S. Army as well as the Kansas and Iowa national guards and spent 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He and his

wife, Heather Malmberg Greenfield ’91, have two children, Morgan and Parker.

Nicholson is president of Nicholson Capital Management in Kansas City. At Northwest, she was the first woman to receive a bach-elor’s in finance. Nicholson held positions at First National Bank of Kansas City and First Continental Bank and Trust before starting an investment management business, Conus and Nicholson Inc. In 1998, she became sole owner of the firm and renamed it Nicholson Capital Management Inc. n

Scholarship, student club aim to attract women to computing

Greenfield, Nicholson join Northwest Foundation Board

Following a memorial service for their mother, the children of Northwest alumna and computer pioneer Jean Jennings Bartik ’45 tour the computing museum on campus that bears her name.



For more information about

the Jean Jennings Bartik

Women in Science, Technol-

ogy, Engineering and Math

Scholarship or other giving

opportunities, contact the

Northwest Foundation at

[emailprotected] or

(660) 562-1248.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (25)



The Northwest women’s basketball team finished the season 29-5 overall, 18-4 in the

MIAA and ranked fourth in the nation in the final Women’s Basketball Coaches Association top-25 poll.

The Bearcats’ stellar season, which came to an end against national runner-up Michigan Tech in the NCAA Division II Final Four in St. Joseph, saw Northwest setting a program record with 29 wins and capturing its first-ever regional title. The Bearcats also became the first squad in program history to win an outright MIAA regular-season championship and won their third conference tournament.

In addition, senior guard Gabby Curtis was named a first-team All-American, the first player in program history to earn All-America honors. She also was named MIAA Player of the Year and the Most Outstanding Player of the NCAA South Central Regional Tournament. Senior cen-ter Kyla Roehrig was also a first-team all-MIAA selection and the conference’s Defensive Player of the Year. Senior post Gentry Dietz was named to the Elite Eight all-tournament team. Head coach Gene Steinmeyer was named Region Six Coach of the Year, his first such award in 12 seasons at Northwest, and MIAA Coach of the Year for the second year. n

Women roundballers finish season fourth in nation

Northwest’s top wide receiver, top 1,500-meter runner and two of its elite men’s basketball players join two championship teams to be inducted into Northwest’s M-Club Athletics Hall of Fame during Homecoming weekend. The banquet and ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, in the J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased by contacting Michele Steinmeyer at (660) 562-1977 or [emailprotected] by Oct. 1.

Scott Fleming ’03 Basketball; all-time leader in steals (305) and made free throws (628); led the Bearcats to a 98-26 record from 2000 to 2003; team’s leading scorer in three consecutive seasons including 2002 when he led the Bearcats to their first-ever Elite Eight appearance and a 29-3 finish; three-time All-MIAA honoree; his 1,727 points and 435 assists rank third and fourth in program history, respectively.

Kelvin Parker ’07 Basketball; guided team to Elite Eight in 2002 and 2004; named the MIAA’s Most Valuable Player and Defensive Player of the Year; has played in more games than any player in MIAA history (128); North-west’s all-time leader in assists (492); ranks second in steals (209); the program’s best free-throw shooter at 84 percent; his 1,692 career points make him the fourth-leading scorer in Bearcat history.

Jamaica Rector ’04 Football; two-time national player of the year finalist; four-year All-American wide receiver from 2001 to 2004; ranks fourth in Division II history in catches (289) and receiving yards (4,497); ranks 25th all-time with 38 touchdown receptions; played professional football for the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals of the NFL and Edmonton Eskimos of the CFL.

Jim Ryan ’84 Track and field and cross country; competed 1980 to 1984; career-best finishes in 1,500-meter run (3:46.77) and 3,000-meter steeplechase (8:42.84) have stood as Northwest records for 28 years; three-time All-American; six-time MIAA champion; holds second-best 10-kilometer time (31:03) and seventh-best 8-kilometer mark (24:42) in cross country program history.

1975 Softball TeamBoasted a 22-7 record; beat Missouri to win the MAIAW state tournament; advanced to the College World Series; first-year head coach Debbie Jones turned in a lineup card that produced nearly nine runs per game and featured the “W” pitching staff of Arlene Weldon, Cindy Williams Allen ’77 and Sheryl Wurster ’78.

1997 Women’s Tennis TeamRecorded a 24-match win streak, finishing 28-2; five MIAA individual champions; program’s first national quarterfinal appearance; beat three Division I programs; captured the program’s sixth MIAA title; led by Iva Kutlova and 2006 M-Club Hall of Fame inductee Yasmine Osborne ’99 who combined for a 51-5 singles record and partnered to go 28-4 at the top doubles position; the third Mark Rosewell-coached team to be enshrined into the Hall of Fame, joining the 1987 men’s and women’s tennis teams. n

2011 M-Club Hall of Fame inductees

Kelvin Parker ’07 (left), who has played in more games than any player in MIAA history, and Scott Fleming ’03 (right), who led the Bearcats to their first-ever Elite Eight appearance, will be inducted into the M-Club Hall of Fame during the Oct. 21 ceremony.

Junior guard Shelly Martin drives to the hoop during the NCAA Division II Final Four game in St. Joseph. The Northwest women’s basketball team finished its season ranked fourth in the nation and won the program’s first-ever regional title.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (26)



Spring sports wrap-up

Cassie Lowell, who won three tournaments in her first collegiate season, was named the MIAA’s Freshman of the Year in golf.

(Above) Three-time All-American junior Tyler Shaw (right) advanced for the third year to the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field National Championships.

(Right) Senior Malcolm Harrison was named the MIAA Player of the Year in men’s tennis.

BASEBALLThe Bearcats finished the 2011 season 20-30 overall and 19-25 in the MIAA. The team put together a seven-game winning streak just past the midway point of the season, but were unable to qualify for the MIAA postseason tournament. Senior pitcher Jayson Huett was recognized for one of the best single-season pitching performances in program history by being named to the 2011 All-MIAA Baseball Team.

WOMEN’S GOLFWith five tournament championships to its credit, the 2010-11 women’s golf team completed the most successful season in program history. The Bearcats won tournaments in Lamoni, Iowa; Lincoln, Neb.; Lawrence, Kan.; Pella, Iowa; and Liberty. The MIAA coaches voted freshman Cassie Lowell the league’s Freshman of the Year. She also was the only freshman on the All-MIAA team.

SOFTBALLNorthwest softball finished 25-20 overall and 14-8 in league play, good for a tie for fourth place and a spot in the MIAA postseason tournament. Sophom*ore pitcher Jenna Creger was named to the Capital One Academic All-District 7 Softball Team, and senior outfielder Kit Daugherty was named to the Daktronics All-South Central Region Softball Team.

MEN’S TENNISThe Northwest men’s tennis team finished 19-5 overall and 4-0 in the conference and earned its MIAA-record 16th conference championship. The Bearcats qualified for the NCAA Men’s Tennis Tournament for the sixth consecutive season and for the 11th time in the last 12 years. Senior Malcolm Harrison was named the MIAA Player of the Year, senior Giovanni Aurrichio received the Sportsmanship Award, and Mark Rosewell was named MIAA Coach of the Year.

WOMEN’S TENNISNorthwest’s women’s tennis team finished 13-13 over-all and 6-2 in the MIAA. The Bearcats were runners-up at the conference tournament for the second straight year. Head Coach Mark Rosewell was named MIAA Coach of the Year and doubles tandem Sureena Weir and Alison Wulff earned first-team All-MIAA honors.

WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELDJunior Brittany Poole captured the 3,000-meter steeplechase crown with a time of 11:29.45 to claim her first MIAA championship. The Bearcat women finished in 10th place in the team race with 31 points, a third of which were earned by Poole. Samantha Fender, Courtney Jefferson, Chelsie Dailey and Rachel Lewis earned All-MIAA honors as a part of Northwest’s relay team, which finished third.

MEN’S TRACK AND FIELDNorthwest junior Tyler Shaw won his second champi-onship in the 110-meter hurdles, and junior T.R. Pursell captured the 3,000-meter steeplechase crown with a time 9:27.49 to highlight Bearcat performances at the 2011 MIAA Outdoor Track and Field Champion-ship. Shaw advanced to finish third in the finals of the 110-meter hurdles at the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field National Championships, making it the highest finish for Shaw, now a three-time All-American who placed fourth in 2009 and sixth in 2010. n

Men’s basketball team concludes season with awards

The Northwest men’s

basketball team, led by head

coach Ben McCollum ’03,

’05, won six of its final nine

games to finish 10-16 overall

and 8-14 in MIAA play.

Northwest sophom*ore

DeShaun Cooper and

seniors Elijah Allen and

Arunas Simanavicius

earned conference awards.

Cooper was a second-team

All-MIAA choice, Allen was

a third-team selection, and

Simanavicius was one of

five players picked to the

league’s all-defensive team. n

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (27)



Even before the teams take the field at Arrowhead Stadium, reuniting, reminiscing and tailgat-ing are standard fare for Bearcat fans.

Fall Classic celebrates 10 years at Arrowhead

Northwest student-athletes boast high GPAs

The 10th annual Fall Classic between North-west and Pittsburg State University will

kickoff at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, in the Kansas City Chiefs’ Arrowhead Stadium.

In last year’s Fall Classic, the Bearcats needed two Jordan Simmons’ touchdown runs of 54 and 58 yards to beat Pitt State 22-16 in front of 16,504 fans. However, late in the game the Gorillas gave the Bearcats a scare, moving the ball to Northwest’s 12 with just 24 seconds left. But Northwest stiffened on defense and didn’t allow the Gorillas to gain another yard. The win completed the Bearcats’ fifth straight undefeated conference season.

Stadium parking lots for this year’s Fall Classic open at 11 a.m., and stadium gates open at noon.

All Bearcat fans are invited to the Northwest Alumni Association’s tail-gate party beginning at 11 a.m. at the Founder’s Club, located on the north side of the stadium. There will be food, music and appearances from Bobby Bearcat, the Northwest Steppers and cheerleaders and the Bearcat Marching Band.

Field-level tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for fans 3 through high school age as well as Northwest students with a University ID. Children 2 and under sitting on an adult’s lap are admitted free. Club level seats are $37. A family package is available for $60 and admits two adults and two children, although these tickets can only be purchased in person at the Student Services Center in the Administration Building.

To order tickets, call the Student Services Center at (660) 562-1212 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or purchase tickets online at n

Northwest’s 14 athletic programs and its

cheerleading and Steppers programs combined to achieve grade point averages above 3.00 for both the 2010 fall trimester (3.03) and 2011 spring trimester (3.05).

The Bearcats’ women’s golf team led all programs in the fall with a team GPA of 3.76. Northwest’s women’s cross country program had a team GPA of 3.68 in the spring to lead all programs. n

With a team GPA of 3.76, the women’s golf team captured the Northwest athletic teams’ highest GPA accolades during the fall trimester. Cassie Lowell, Kristina D’Angela and Tess Edwards also were named All-Scholar Athletes by the National Golf Coaches Association for their academic efforts. The team is coached by Dr. Pat McLaughlin.

n Northwest Night at the

Power and Light

n Pep rally for all Bearcat fans

n KC Live outdoor courtyard

n 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 30

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (28)



Baseball and bowling: a perfect strike

Baseball alumni weekend slated for Sept. 17-18

During the winter months of the spring trimester it was easy to find many of

Northwest’s baseball players on Tuesday and Friday evenings.

They were at the Maryville bowling alley doing a good deed, not because they had to. They wanted to be there, putting smiles on the faces of others.

The baseball players bowl, talk and have a good time hanging out with the Special Olym-pics bowlers.

“We’ve had as many as 20-plus on any given day, depending on guys’ schedules,” said North-west first baseman Geno

DeAngelis. “The Special Olympics bowlers enjoy it, and we take pride in trying to get as many people out there as possible.”

It started as a class assignment for DeAngelis and became something much more than fulfill-ing a requirement for a grade.

The baseball players, who showed up at the alley wearing Northwest baseball caps and T-shirts, found out the Special Olympics bowlers were interested in them.

“They have a lot of the same interests,” said DeAngelis, who hails from Los Alamitos, Calif., and played two seasons at Golden West Com-

munity College in Huntington Beach, Calif. “A lot of the bowlers have an interest in baseball and especially Bearcat athletics.”

A bond was forged. Everybody benefitted.

“We put a smile on their faces and make their day a little better,” DeAngelis said. “Doing stuff off the field is always a plus for the team. Doing things that are good for the community and good for other people always makes it worthwhile and brings us closer.”

It’s easy for the players to see that the small amount of time they invest in helping others is rewarding.

“We’re making new friends when we’re out there bowling,” DeAngelis said. “We see them around town and they recognize us, and we rec-ognize them and have that relationship outside of bowling. It’s a good feeling to make other people happy whether it is Special Olympics bowlers or another classmate.”

DeAngelis is majoring in physical education and one day plans to be a teacher and coach. Undoubtedly, his experience during the spring trimester will have a lasting effect.

“Once I end up coaching, I’m going to promote doing things in the community like we are doing,” he said. “It’s important to me.” n

The Northwest baseball team’s annual “Hit ’em and Hold ’em” Alumni Weekend will

be Sept. 17-18.The reunion includes a golf outing at

9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Mozingo Lake Golf Course, just east of Maryville, followed by a 6 p.m. poker tournament at Movie Magic.

The weekend concludes with the alumni game at noon Sunday, Sept. 18, at Bearcat Field, pitting the Bearcat alumni players against the 2011-12 Northwest baseball squad.

For more information, contact baseball head coach Darin Loe at (660) 562-1352 or [emailprotected]. n

Cheerleaders finish third Northwest’s cheerleading

squad placed third and the

Bearcats’ dance team, the

Steppers, finished fifth at the

2011 College Cheerleading

and Dance Team National

Championships in January.

The Bearcat cheerleaders

were the defending national


Both Northwest pro-

grams are led by head coach

Jason Sack. n

By David Boyce

What started as a class assign-ment for a Northwest first base-man quickly became more, as he and his teammates teamed up with Special Olympics bowlers twice a week at Bearcat Lanes.


Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (29)



The Northwest Alumni Magazine asked alumni via Facebook and Twitter to answer several questions about their college years – and the response was tremendous. The following are the top answers to several of the questions. Don’t forget to follow Northwest on social media to participate in additional surveys just for fellow Bearcats.

And the survey says ...

What words best describe your time while attending Northwest?

1. Fun2. Educational3. Life changing

Where is/was the best place to eat in Maryville?1. Pagliai’s Pizza2. Gray’s Truck Stop and Restaurant3. A & G Restaurant

Other than walking, what was the best way to get around campus?1. Bicycle 2. Car3. Skateboard

Look familiar? (answers from page 9)1. Blades of artificial turf stand up to the competition at Bearcat Stadium. 2. A gargoyle decorates a marble bench, a gift from the class of 1916, located between the Bell Tower and the Administration Building. 3. Metal rungs fan out from a well-used handrail in the main stairwell of the Administration Building.

What was your favorite gathering place off campus?

1. The Palms Bar and Grill2. The Pub3. Molly’s

Where is the best place on

campus to take a photograph?

1. Colden Pond

2. Kissing Bridge

3. Bell Tower

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (30)



For Jeannie O’Donnell ’91, her career can be defined as being in the right place at the right

time and consequently forever changing her life. O’Donnell has

worked with billion-aire investor Warren Buffett’s eldest son, Howard G. Buffett, on several occasions through the Howard G. Buffett Founda-tion. With Buffett, O’Donnell has traveled the world perfecting her photography skills and accumulating once-in-a-lifetime experiences along the way.

O’Donnell was pre-sented with the opportunity to work with Buffett completely by chance. She was conducting a photo shoot for her husband’s employer when a picture in the office of four African boys in war paint caught her attention. The photograph was taken by Buffett, and because of her interest in it, the employer gave O’Donnell’s name to Buffett. Within the week, Buffett had contacted O’Donnell and invited her to travel the world with him and photograph the devastation and

triumphs third-world countries encounter. Their work resulted in the book “Fragile: The

Human Condition,” a 320-page pictorial display of the places Buffett and O’Donnell traveled as well as a chronicle of the lives they touched. The book was published with the support of National Geographic Missions.

“The book is definitely one dimensional and does not do the actual experiences justice,” said O’Donnell, who lives in Omaha, Neb., with her husband and four children. “You can’t hear the people crying, and you can’t feel the heat. The temperature was a stifling 124 degrees in Sudan, and it took my breath away.”

The differences in culture were evident when Buffett and O’Donnell were greeted by individu-als in some of the remote tribes of Africa.

“Some of the villagers living there have never seen a Caucasian person before,” O’Donnell said, “When we’d arrive at villages like these they often greeted us by calling us ghosts.”

Despite the challenging conditions and differ-ences in culture, O’Donnell said she and Buffett became captivated by the experiences.

“We experienced the living hell that these people go through every day of their lives,” she said, “and then the reality sets in that this is their life, yet it’s only a trip for us.” n

National Geographic publishes O’Donnell, Buffett book

Jeannie O’Donnell ’91 was often considered a “ghost” by those she photographed in the remote villages of Africa.


and her husband, Bob, celebrated 67 years of marriage in July. Helen taught art and also served as a student teacher supervisor. Bob worked at the Weather Bureau of the Department of Commerce as a forecaster and taught physics and mathematics. They live in Boulder, Colo.


and his wife, Donna, cel-ebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a reaf-firmation of vows on Aug. 13 in Carthage. Dan was an educator for 42 years in Missouri and Florida and a veteran of 36 years of the U.S. Army. Donna

was an elementary school teacher and retired from the Florida Department of Employment and Security. They have two daughters, live in Joplin and will travel to Ger-many in December.J.D. HAMMOND ◆

has been named an honorary alumnus by the Penn State Alumni Association. He served as dean of Penn State’s Smeal College of Business from 1989 to 1999 and

is credited with leading the college to recogni-tion as one of the leading business programs in the country.


is a Missouri state representative and was selected to lead the cham-ber’s Higher Education Committee in 2011. A teacher, administrator and coach before taking over the Fourth District

Class notes

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (31)


◆ – Northwest Alumni Association Member NORTHWEST ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL 2011 31

art 38 years in public schools and two universi-ties. After teaching in Bethany and Lawson, he received a MFA at the University of Montana. Teaching in Austin, Texas, since 1980, he led the development of Austin’s High School Fine Arts Academy and was twice named an Art Educator of the Year in Texas. Since 2000, he has taught in the Department of Art and Art History of the Univer-sity of Texas at Austin. In 2010 he was inducted as a Distinguished Fellow of the Texas Art Education Association.


is director of insurance brokerage with American Contractors Insurance

House seat in 2007, he previously served as the panel’s vice chairman and also was chairman of the House Education Appro-priations Committee.


was inducted into the Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame in May. He began his coaching career at Manheim Central High School, was an assistant coach at Clarion Uni-versity and then became head coach at Franklin & Marshall College in Lan-caster, Pa. Stan was instru-mental in the founding of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame and has served as chairman of the board of governors of the

National Wrestling Hall of Fame from 2002 to present. He is the owner/president of Utility/Key-stone Trailer Sales Inc. in Manheim, Pa.


is associate chair of the Department of Education at the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kan. She also administers the Master’s of Arts in Teaching online program. She was an interim assistant professor in education at Northwest in 2010-11.FRED WOODY (BFA 1975)

is retir-ing after teach-ing

Group in Dallas, Texas. He serves as a member-at-large on the Delta Nu Chapter of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Board of Advisers and previously chaired the chapter’s philanthropic committee.


has authored “25 Truths: Winning Wisdom for a Better Life.” The book is a practical and inspira-tional guide built around Christian principles, designed for discussion between parents and their children, teachers and their students, and coaches and their athletes to help them understand what is important to live a better life. Ed is a former president of the North-west Board of Regents.

When Debbie Cone Fay ’83 started playing volleyball in high school as a way to meet

people she never imagined the lifelong passion it would spark. That passion has led Fay to a 28-year coaching career in Kansas City’s Park Hill School District, induction into the Northwest M-Club Hall of Fame and, most recently, her 700th coaching win. She has the best winning percentage of any Missouri volleyball coach, past or present.

Most coaches with résumés like Fay’s would boast about their accomplishments, but Fay only speaks of the hard work, dedication and passion that has led to such a profound career. Fay chose to not notify anyone when her 700th win passed, not even her daughter who happened to return from college to take in “just another one” of her mom’s games.

“It’s not a big deal,” Fay said. “We don’t make a big deal out of it at our school. It’s just added pressure on the players.”

However, she is quick to point out her main

focus is not the number of wins she has as a coach, but the impact she has on the lives of young women. Fay encourages her players to find balance between competi-tive athletics and femininity.

“One of my primary goals is to make the girls believe that it’s a good thing to be a female athlete and to be proud of that,” Fay said.

Fay began her coaching career at Park Hill High School, and 15 years later moved to the district’s new high school, Park Hill South. Here she embraced the opportunity to start a volleyball program from the ground up and has been there ever since.

“It’s kind of fun, starting from scratch. Everything you do is a step up,” Fay said.

Fay’s two daughters, Brooke and Abby, were coached by their mother and also fell in love with the sport and progressed to playing at the collegiate level. n

Fay nonchalantly records 700th coaching victory

Debbie Fay ’83 joined the Park Hill School District 28 years ago and in December won her 700th game as a volleyball coach. She has the best winning percentage of any Missouri volleyball coach.

CelebrateKXCV’s 40th Anniversary

Oct. 22 Reunion and Celebration

A variety of activities are being planned, including a dinner with guest speaker Liane Hansen, host of NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday.

For more information, call 660.562.1163.


Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (32)



When Gordon Highland ’95 graduated from Northwest, he planned to work for a

small video production company and continue playing in his rock band. What Highland did not plan for was that his exposure to a full range of related opportunities would lead him to work with several well-known companies and spark his interest for writing.

Highland’s first full-time position was as a jack-of-all-trades for a small production house in the Kansas City

area and opened the flood gates of exposure to a world of mass-media industries. Highland gained experience in copywriting, video production, screenwriting and graphic design. He worked with major corporations like the U.S. Postal Service, Pepsi and Georgia Pacific creating commercial/industrial videos.

As Highland’s portfolio grew and his exposure widened, he accepted a position as a video direc-tor and producer for telecommunication giant Sprint in 2002. Highland, who remains at Sprint, produces internal training videos that also supple-

ment as external marketing tools. While Highland’s career generated mainly

video productions, his desire to be “creatively satisfied” took over, and in 2009 he published his first novel, “Major Inversions.” Highland’s second novel, “Flashover,” is in the works with expecta-tions for publication in spring 2012.

As far as his plans to play in a rock band are concerned, he has played with several bands during the last 15 years. Most recently Highland plays guitar and piano and sings backup for Winebox.

“I guess you’d call Winebox soulful folk music,” Highland said. “A term I’ve thrown around is ‘progressive blues,’ but who knows what that even means. It’s a mixed bag of originals plus stuff like Heart, Pink Floyd, Ben Folds and Radio-head done semi-acoustically. Shannon Lipps, who handles the lead vocals, and I put Winebox together a couple of years ago and it never got off the ground, but it’s full steam ahead now and we expect to be gigging in the KC area soon.”

Highland, who lives in Overland Park, Kan., credits his diverse foundation and successes to Northwest.

“Northwest did a great job of teaching me the theories and reasoning behind all the new tech-nologies,” Highland said. “As long as I understand why to edit, create or write something, I can apply that knowledge to the latest and greatest technolo-gies and be successful in many different areas.” n


has authored “A Marine’s Promise to God,” a mem-oir of his tour of duty in Vietnam. He works at Technical Packaging Ma-chinery in Fort Dodge, Iowa.


was named Wrestling Coach of the Year in Iowa. He was an assistant for 29 years at Western Dubuque before becom-ing the head coach six years ago.


is chair-man of the National Biodiesel Board. For more than 11 years, he has served the biodiesel industry through his involvement on numerous biodiesel committees and task forces as a member of the National Biodiesel Board. He currently is vice president of sales and

marketing for Renewable Energy Group Inc. and has been with the com-pany for 15 years.


is chairman of the Na-tional Propane Gas Asso-ciation. He has worked in the propane industry for more than 25 years and is senior vice president of business development for Inergy LP in Kansas City and is one of the com-pany’s founding partners.


is the author of “Born Yesterday,” chosen by “The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books” as one of the top 10 picture books of the year. The book also was chosen as one of the 10 finalists for Vermont’s Children’s Choice Library Award and its starred re-views included one from “Publisher’s Weekly.”

Highland finds balance in juggling creative interests

Upcoming events

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Sept 2011

Whether he’s making videos, writing books or playing in a band, the creative juices continue to flow for Gordon Highland ’95.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (33)


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have two children, Josh, 18, and McKenna Joy, 13, and live in Bedford, Iowa. John is the vocal music teacher at Bedford Community Schools, and Linda was promoted to coordinator of the Talent Development Center at Northwest in January. She has worked at the TDC since 1998 and previ-ously held positions at Northwest in Residential Life and at the Counsel-ing Center.


earned a doctorate in agri-cultural educa-tion at Iowa State University in May. He is an assistant profes-

sor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies at Iowa State University. From 1987 to 1992 he was an agricul-tural education instructor at Lynnville-Sully High School and then served in the same capacity at Carroll High School from 1992 to 2008. He was recognized as Teacher of the Year in Iowa in 2000 and was a Milken National Education Award winner in 2001. Tom and his wife, Micki, live in Carroll with their children, Marissa, Drew and Alex.


graduat-ed with a master’s degree in second-ary edu-cation, curriculum and instruc-

tion in May. She currently teaches high school math and coaches cross country in St. Louis.


received the Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Fraternity/Sorority/Advisors in Janu-ary. He is the executive director of Triangle Fraternity.LEILANI GREENFIELD TODD

is vice president of human resources at Meck-lenburg Electric Coop-erative and has been elected chair of the steering committee of the Virginia Energy Work-force Consortium. She and her husband have two children.


and her husband, Aaron, announce the birth of Anthony Robert Jacob on May 27, 2010. Denise is a psychology assistant at Woodward Resource Center, and Aaron is a service adviser at Granger Motors. They live in Madrid, Iowa.ROY AND KATHY HIGDON (’94, ’97) BOLAR

have relocated to Fort Benning, Ga. Roy is a major in the U.S. Army and is at the Armor School. Kathy is teaching special education. They have two sons, Jacob, 14, and Sam, 13.MARK LYFORD (MASTER’S)

is a physical education teacher and head baseball coach at Grain Valley High School. He and his wife have a son and two daughters.

Karen Ackley ’75 Blake Adams ’09 Mohammed Al-Malallah ’89 Edward Alt ’89 Michael Anderson ’75 Ryan Arief ’07 Robert Athearn ’92 Darrin Auxier ’93 Jerald Baker ’58 Karen Beaver ’83 Karthik Bodapati ’09 Gary Boone ’85 Daniel Brewer ’79 Gary Brizendine ’99 Deb Bruce ’86

Edward Franks ’85 Judith Frazey ’78 Sara Frazier ’86 Callen Bateman Frenzel ’85 George Friel ’75 Abhilash Gaddam ’07 Jennifer Mollus Gentry ’90 Dennis Goedicke ’92 Kevin Gogan ’97 Tsuyoshi Gohei ’98 Joseph Gray ’95 Timothy Green ’94 Steven Griffith ’89 John Grispon ’87Mahesh Gunna ’07

Michael Hanna ’92 Erin Hatton Hascall ’92 Ali Hassan ’88 Sharon Helkey ’86 Susan Hill ’89 Jon Holt ’01 Lesley Hostetter ’02 David Hunt ’79Brenda Israel ’92Dale Jones ’87Tracy McGee Joyner ’90 Edmund Kotey ’78Brenda Land ’90Tong Li ’90

Lori Schafer ’85 James Schooley ’62 Alison Smith ’04 Keith Stock ’02 Thomas Szlanda ’97 Katie Duff Thompson ’99 Amy Tyrrell ’85 Pamela Vandeventer ’78 Michael Ware ’74 Brian Williams ’06 Richard Williams ’85 Sandeep Kumar Yada ’09 Soo Teik Yeow ’87 Pei-Chen Yu ’93

The following alumni who were involved in Northwest’s computer science department are considered “lost” because the University does not have a current physical mailing address for them.

If you recognize someone on the list, please provide Northwest with their contact information (i.e. address, phone number, email address, married name) or ask them to email [emailprotected] or call (660) 562-1248.

Deborah Groom Burns ’99 Kelly Burns ’85 Ai-Peng Chang ’89 Nathan Chervek ’04 Dawn Cooley ’95 Larry Cottle ’86 Chintan Desai ’07 Velvet Meissen Dorrell ’99 Heidi Drew ’08 Charles Duer ’87 Geoffrey Duncan ’94 Mary Eggleston ’86 Blake Essing ’94 Andrea Fannon ’84 Rebecca Langford Feighert ’96

Computer science majors, where are you?

Lihong Luo ’97Lisa Marshall ’94Masafumi Matsumoto ’04Robert McKee ’77Coby Moore ’98 Douglas Myers ’81Darlene Overhue ’83David Peng ’94Mauricio Puche ’91Vahid Rafizadeh ’82Travis Rhoden ’09 Robert Robbins ’74Jared Rosenbaum ’04 Pamela Schaaf ’77

Let us knowIf you learn of the death of a Northwest graduate, please submit in writing or via news clipping the name of the deceased (and maiden name, if appropriate), year(s) of grad-uation from Northwest, date of death, age, city of death, city of residence and a brief listing of accomplishments. In addition, submit your relationship to the deceased and your daytime telephone number to the Office of University Advancement, 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468-6001, fax to (660) 562-1990 or email [emailprotected]. No pictures please. Submissions may be

edited for length and clarity. n

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (34)




announce the birth of Chloe on Aug. 1, 2009. She joins Andrew, Mad-eline, Josiah, Gabriel and Abigail. Mark is a conduc-tor at BNSF Railroad in Kansas City, and Jennifer is a stay-at-home mom.


is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in oncology nutrition


were engaged last fall on campus at the Northwest Kissing Bridge and were married June 25 in Kan-sas City. TRACY BOTTOMS

is superintendent of the Keytesville R-III School District. She previously was the assistant prin-cipal at Moberly Public Schools.

at Heartland Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph. She and her hus-band, Donald, announce the birth of Levi Donald on Feb. 28. They live in St. Joseph.


and her husband, Greg, announce the birth of Jonathan Vadim on July 7, 2006, in Nikolaev Region, Ukraine. He was

adopted into their family Feb. 4. He joins Josie, 6, Josiah, 3, and Jordan, 1. Greg works for the city of Kansas City, and Allison is a homemaker. They live in Kansas City.RYAN AND SARAH THURSTON (’01) GEITER

announce the birth of Gannon James on March 13. He joins a sister, Paighton. Ryan is a senior GIS analyst, and Sarah is an event manager. They live in Olathe, Kan.

Trevor Hayes ’07 has always been a sports fan, but the multiple skills he learned as a student

at Northwest, combined with some key connections, helped propel him to a job in the field of his dreams.

Hayes is an editorial production manager at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. He took the posi-tion in October 2008 after working a series of internships with media companies and the Kansas City Royals.

Working at the Hall of Fame, Hayes has chatted with baseball greats such as Bob Feller, Yogi Berra and Ozzie Smith. He’s held

jerseys worn by Lou Gehrig and George Brett and bats swung by Mickey Mantle and Ted Williams.

“All you have to do is take a quick trip through the museum and it reminds you of where you are,” he said.

Hayes chose to attend Northwest, in part, because students may begin working on publica-tions during their freshman year, an advantage many larger journalism schools don’t offer. He joined the Tower yearbook staff as a photographer almost immediately and was promoted to be the

yearbook’s sports editor just two weeks into his college career. Hayes later became the photogra-phy director and was editor-in-chief of the 2007 Tower.

But Hayes actively sought hands-on experi-ences away from the Northwest campus as well. He worked internships that included stints at the Independence Examiner newspaper, radio station KY 99.7 and The Washington Center in Washing-ton, D.C.

During the summer of 2007, he landed a spot on the K-Crew, which provides fan entertainment for Royals baseball games at Kauffman Stadium. Hayes used that experience to build a relationship with public relations staff and became a media relations assistant for the Royals after graduat-ing from Northwest. The following summer he worked in the stadium press box for all of the Royals’ home games.

Hayes knew then that he wanted to build a career in the sports arena.

“I saw how stable the industry of sports is, and it wasn’t very different from what I was learning to do in college,” Hayes said. “It didn’t take me long after getting that job to realize that’s where I wanted to be.”

Hayes’ connections with the Royals helped him acquire the job at the National Baseball Hall of Fame, where he is responsible for producing and designing print publications and advertising and is the voice of the Hall of Fame’s Twitter accounts and Facebook page. n

College experiences help build Major League career

Working at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., has allowed Trevor Hayes ’07 to meet some of baseball’s greatest players and experience unique aspects of the game’s history, such as holding a jersey worn by New York Yankees legend Lou Gehrig.

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Friends of St. Patrick Center, a St. Louis-based charity devoted to build-ing permanent, positive change in the lives of the city’s homeless commu-nity. She also serves on the editorial board for “Strategies-The Journal of the Legal Marketing Association.”SCOTT AND NIKI BAXLEY (’04) WINKLER

announce the birth of Sophie Laryn on Dec. 31. She joins Nolen Scott, 3. Scott is involved in farming at Pioneer Seed/Brown Farms, and Niki is an office support assistant at Randolph County Family Support Division. They live in Salisbury.


were mar-ried June 5, 2010, in Chilli-cothe. Thomas is director of bands in the North Platte R-I School District, and Hay-ley is a human resources specialist at Shook, Hardy and Bacon L.L.P. in Kansas City. They live in Platte City.LISA MICHAEL KONECNE

and her husband, Cody, announce the birth of Ciara Lea on June 2, 2010. She joins Layla, 4, and Wyatt, 2. Lisa owns Little Learners: Begin-ners Preschool & Child Care. Cody is a chemical applicator for Gavilon in Creston, Iowa. They live in Corning, Iowa.


is the news director at KSFY, the ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, S.D. He previously was a producer in Dallas-Fort Worth, St. Louis and Wichita, Kan.ROBERT AND SARAH COAN RICE ◆

live in Maryville. Robert was elected prosecut-ing attorney of Nodaway County in November. He is the first vice president of the Maryville Pride Lions Club and received the 2010 Lions International Melvin Jones Award for exem-plary Lionism volunteer-ing and performing civic and charity services for the Maryville community. Sarah is a financial services representative with State Farm Insurance.ZACHARY AND LARA SCHULENBERG (’99) SMITH

announce the birth of Car-oline Frances and Charlotte Flora on April 30, 2010. Lara is an English teacher at Lee’s Summit North High School and is work-ing on a Ph.D. in English and religious studies at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Zachary is a teacher at Blue Valley Northwest High School. They live in Raymore. MICHAEL AND LORI CASEY (MASTER’S ’03) STRONG

announce the birth of Dylan Michael on Sept. 12, 2011.LAURIE ZIMMERMAN WARING

and her husband, Trey, announce the birth of Tyler Kent on May 23, 2010. Laurie is a stay-at-home mom working part time with Premier Designs Jew-elry. Trey is an IT manager at St. Jude Children’s Re-search Hospital. They live in Olive Branch, Miss.


is a supply management supervisor at John Deere. She and her husband, Steven, live in Cedar Falls, Iowa, with their two children, Tate and Kyla.SAM HENSON ◆

is a senior ERISA counsel at Lockton Financial Advisors, LLC in Kansas City. He previously worked nine years at the U.S. Department of Labor-Employee Benefits Security Administration.BILL AND SHELBY SCHULTES (’03, ’05) HERRICK

announce the birth of William Thomas on Dec. 4. Bill is the owner of Southwest Contracting Inc. and is also involved in farming. Shelby is currently staying at home to care for William. They live in Greenfield, Iowa.ERIC AND SUMMER PETRALIE ROBERTS (’02)

announce the birth of Kylee and Rylee on March 26, 2010. Eric is a vice president/regional manager at M&I Bank, and Summer is a stay-at-home mom. They live in Kansas City.


completed a doctorate of education in teacher education and leadership in August 2010 from Walden University. She and her husband, Joe, also announce the birth of Lydia Ann on May 22. They live in Shawnee, Kan.JASON FELTON AND TIFFANY SPAULDING (’01)

were married in April 2009 and live in Kansas City. In June 2010, they welcomed Sophia Marie.

Jason is a GIS analyst at the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kan., and Tiffany is a GIS analyst at Black & Veatch in Overland Park, Kan.CORBET WILSON (MASTER’S, SPECIALIST ’06)

received his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on May 31. He also received the Dr. Charles L. Faires Dissertation with Distinction Award. He is the middle school princi-pal at Seminole County Public Schools and lives in DeLand, Fla.


works at General Dynam-ics C4 Systems in Scott-sdale, Ariz. She has completed the Exhibitor’s Certified Trade Show Marketer ac-creditation program, the only university-affiliated certification program in the trade show and event marketing industry.BENJAMIN AND STEPHANIE LANDERS (’06) KRUPA

announce the birth of Jackson Lawrence on Oct. 28, 2010. Benjamin is employed at T-Mobile, and Stephanie is a family and consumer sciences teacher at Grandview High School. They live in Kansas City.STEPHANIE SPENCER RICHTER ◆

is a charter member of the Young

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has been promoted to as-sistant vice president, commercial lending at Landmark Bank in Columbia.


announce the birth of Molly on March 5. Steven is a buyer at Lincoln Uni-versity, and Jennifer is a communications director in the Missouri Senate. They live in Columbia.


recently joined the Kansas City District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. She previously was the marketing director at RJ Promotions.


and her husband, Evan, announce the birth of Aubrey Ronda on March 21. They live in Com-merce City, Colo.

Matt Kitzi ’97 never has an “average day” as commissioner of securities for the state of

Missouri. Since appoint-ment to the position by Secretary of State Robin Carnahan in late 2005, Kitzi has been protecting Missourians from fraud and has helped return nearly $10 billion to inves-tors harmed by fraudulent or dishonest activities.

Kitzi has been involved in hundreds of fraudulent activity investigations. Kitzi’s Securities Division of 25 employees works to ensure that investors

victimized by fraud or unethical activity in securi-ties cases have a chance to see their money again.

“Our priorities are driven entirely by the needs and concerns of our investors,” Kitzi said. “We launch hundreds of investigations a year based on investor complaints.”

In 2008, Kitzi was appointed chair of a national task force of state regulators investigating the auction rate securities market crash, which involved 15 of the nation’s largest financial firms. The crash left investors with more than $330 billion in frozen assets. As chair of the task force, Kitzi helped launch the largest securities inves-tigation Missouri had ever seen. He takes pride in reaching settlements with high-profile firms like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Wachovia Securities through the investigation.

Kitzi was part of a team that ordered Wacho-via to return $9 billion to investors in restitution nationwide. Wachovia also was ordered to pay a

$50 million fine for its fraudulent activities.“The task force is winding down this year,”

Kitzi said. “It has secured well over $100 billion in restitution and other relief for investors nationwide.”

When appointed as commissioner, Carnahan spoke with Kitzi to make sure the Securities Division would reach as many people as possible, and he is doing his best to continually educate investors. Each year the Securities Division hosts more than 40 free seminars and runs investor awareness messages and advertisem*nts to keep investors up-to-date on safe investing.

Aside from his commissioner duties, Kitzi chairs the enforcement section of the North American Securities Administrators Associa-tion, is a trustee for the Missouri Council on Economic Education and has been a licensed lawyer in the state of Missouri for more than 10 years. Kitzi said his connection to the Kansas City and northwest Missouri areas and his former employer, law firm Armstrong Teasdale, have helped him make public service a priority in his career.

“It’s satisfying to feel like I’m doing something important that gives back,” Kitzi said. “You only have so many hours in a day, and I want to make sure the time I’m spending is worthwhile and productive.”

Kitzi credits Northwest as the foundation of his successful career.

“Northwest prepared me very well for what I’m doing now,” he said. “It’s the place that got me started on the right foot and put me on the right track toward having a successful career.”

Kitzi and his wife, Laura Stageman Kitzi ’96, live in Columbia with their daughter, Ava, 7, and son, Boone, 2. n

Kitzi protects Missourians from fraud

As Missouri commissioner of securities, Matt Kitzi ’97 was chair of a national task force that secured more than $100 billion in restitution and relief to investors nationwide.

Keep in touch

As life changes, your classmates and friends want to know. Tell us what has been going on in your life by using the enclosed envelope, by email at [emailprotected] or online at

You also may submit a photograph. Please include a self-addressed envelope for the photo to be returned, or email it, in high resolution, to [emailprotected]. (Photographs with children or pets will not be accepted.)

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55, died Dec. 18 in Kan-sas City. Prior to retiring, he had a 31-year career as a Frisco Railroad (now BNSF) engineer.BILL BAKER ’77

58, died Dec. 24 in Boone, Iowa. He was employed in sales, pur-chasing and management in the plumbing, HVAC and hydronics heating and cooling industries for 30 years, most recently as a salesman for Allied Sys-tems Inc. of Des Moines, Iowa.MAURICE BARTMAN ’50

74, died March 24, 2010, in Las Cruces, N.M. He retired in 1986 as a distributive education coordinator at Eastwood High School.JEAN JENNINGS BARTIK ’45

86, died March 23 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. She was one of the first com-puter programmers and a pioneering forerunner in a technology that came to be known as software.


93, of Maryville, died Nov. 19. He taught at Northwest from 1958 un-til his retirement in 1988. During his years at North-west he taught history and learning resources and was head of audiovisual and curriculum materials resources.SCOTT BOSTWICK

49, of Maryville, died June 5. He was named North-west’s 18th head football coach in December 2010. Prior to that, he had been the football team’s defensive coordinator since 1994. Scott also was defensive coordinator at Nebraska Wesleyan from 1986 to 1990 and at West-ern Washington University from 1990 to 1994.DONALD BROWN ’47

89, died Jan. 28 in Lee’s Summit. He was a teacher in the Kansas City School District for 35 years and spent much of his career teaching at Paseo High School until his retirement in 1987.


82, of The Woodlands, Texas, died May 14. He taught chemistry at Northwest from 1962 to 1981. He then went to work for Aramco in Saudi Arabia until his retirement in 1988.BRIAN CHAMBERLAIN ’98

41, died April 8 in New-ton, Iowa. He owned and operated Mid States Lawn Care in Newton for the last 10 years.DEBORAH HARMON COLE ’72

60, of Independence, died March 13. She had taught vocational home econom-ics before becoming a sales representative as well as a sportswear and cosmet-ics buyer, a department manager at Halls Crown Center and serving 10 years as a department manager at Halls Plaza.BOB COTTER ’65, ’79

68, of St. Joseph, died April 26. He was a former alumni director at Northwest and owned and operated Cotter Travel in St. Joseph and Maryville since 1985.


77, died Jan. 18 in Win-field, Kan. He coached football for 38 years at the high school, commu-nity college and university levels.TED DANIELSEN ’76 (MASTER’S)

75, died Jan. 28 in Columbia, S.C. He was a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army and retired after 27 years of service.CONNIE BROWN DIGGS ’04

57, of Maryville, died July 7. She was an accounting supervisor at Nucor/LMP in Maryville.GREG DOIEL ’78

54, died May 14 in Ne-braska City, Neb. He was a geologist in Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.JEFFREY DOUGHERTY ’90

43, died Jan. 4, 2010, in Springfield. He coached girls’ basketball and taught physical education and special education at several school districts, including Mound City, Spokane and Bedford, Iowa. In recent years, he was a Realtor in Branson.

In MemoriamLANDIS DOWNING ’73, ’85

59, of King City, died Dec. 25 in St. Joseph. He was a nurse and was em-ployed in the medical field for many years, working at Albany Regional Center, Worth County Conva-lescent Center and in an administrative position at Heartland Regional Medi-cal Center for 25 years.WINNIFRED SUMMA EAST ’51

87, died April 5 in North Kansas City. She taught a total of 42 years including the Missouri schools of Gentry County, Hannibal, Webster Groves, North Kansas City and Liberty. She also taught in Twin Falls, Idaho, and Kansas City, Kan.ETHELYN HARRIS FLORA ’37

92, of Niles, Mich., died April 24. She taught for 50 years, retiring in 1987.MILLARD FOURT ’43

91, died April 15 in Arizona. He was a retired teacher of vocational agriculture.


live in Bennington, Neb. Ryan is an asset manager at Midwest Housing Equity Group, and Jaclyn is pursuing a master’s in English at the University of Nebraska-Omaha and is an editorial assistant at The Knot Inc.


received a master’s in public health and a master’s in nutrition from Saint Louis University in

2010. She had completed her dietetic internship and became a registered dietitian at Saint Louis University in 2008. She is now a registered dietitian in Des Moines, Iowa.


and her husband, Greg, have two children, Heath Otto, 3, and Sophie Claire, 1. Aubre is a stay-at-home mom, and Greg is a parts salesman at Hi-awatha Implement. They live in Mound City.


was named Young Careerist for 2011 by the Breakfast Business and Professional Women of Spartanburg, S.C. She is the Americ-Corps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America) Leader for the United Way of Piedmont, S.C.


is a hazard mitigation specialist at the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management. She lives in Oklahoma City.


were mar-ried April 10, 2010. Michael is a graduate assistant at Northwest pursuing a degree in educational leadership. Kelsey teaches family and consumer sciences in the Shenandoah (Iowa) Com-munity School District. They live in Maryville.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (38)




68, of Burlington, Iowa, died Feb. 26.MERLE LESHER ’54

84, of Maryville, died March 16. He was a professor of education ad-ministration at Northwest for 30 years before retiring in 1997.WAYNE MADSEN ’74

58, died Jan. 10 in Audu-bon, Iowa. He owned Madsen Pit Cleaning from 1981 to 2006. Begin-ning in 1999, he taught industrial technology at Exira (Iowa) High School and was a bus driver for the district. In 2009, he taught industrial technol-ogy at Johnson (Iowa) High School, retiring in 2010.SCOTT MARRIOTT ’65

69, of St. Joseph, died Dec. 23. He taught and coached in Westboro, Oregon, Maryville and Lafayette high schools, retiring in 1998 after 31 years in the profession.GARY MAULFAIR ’71

61, died Feb. 3 in Kansas City. He was the vice president of claims for Armed Forces Insurance.LINDA DUNCAN MAY ’70 (MASTER’S)

72, of Cassville, died March 30. She finished her 30-year educational career as director of special services in the Maryville School District. MARY ELLEN FOTHERGILL McELFISH ’44

87, of St. Louis Park, died March 4. She had taught music at schools in Mis-souri and Iowa.


57, died Dec. 21 in Everett, Wash. He was employed by the R.J. Reynolds Company.KAREN OLSON ’90

44, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, died June 13. She was the health inspector for the city of Council Bluffs.DONALD RICHMOND ’45

died Oct. 28, 2010. He retired in 1980 as super-intendent of the Center School District in Kansas City. He also had taught at Northwest and was a superintendent of several school districts in north-west Missouri.RUTH “JEANETTE” ROBERTS ’57

75, died March 4 in Lawrence, Kan. She taught and coached basketball and track at Central Junior High School in Lawrence, Kan.DANIEL ROSENBERG ’68

65, of Independence, died April 1. He worked at Montgomery Ward for 30 years.WARD ROUNDS

90, died March 7 in Maryville. He was a member of the Northwest music faculty from 1960 until his retirement in 1985. After his retirement, he continued to give private lessons and repair instruments.DR. ROY SANDERS

89, died June 5. He taught at Northwest from 1961 until he retired in 1984.GARY SCHNEIDER ’60

74, of Osage Beach, died April 20. He was a field supervisor for 24 years at the Missouri Depart-

ment of Elementary and Secondary Education. He previously owned and operated the Lil’ Duffer in Maryville.GEORGE SIMONDS ’71

63, of Farmington, N.Y., died March 3. He was di-rector of food services for the Rochester Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.DONALD SMITH

89, of Boise, Idaho, died June 6. He was a former faculty member in Northwest’s psychology department from 1962 to 1967, also serving as department chair. He then taught psychology at Boise State University from 1967 until his retirement in 1983.LESLIE SOMA ’75

60, of Dunlap, Iowa, died May 8 in Iowa City, Iowa. He had managed the Car-roll bowling alley, worked at the Dubuque Packing Plant for 13 years and in 1991 began working as a maintenance man for the Boyer Valley Public Schools.SIDNEY STEPP ’81 (MASTER’S)

56, of Clinton, Tenn., died March 16 in Knox-ville, Tenn. He had taught English in Saudi Arabia and worked for Applied Science Associates, Oak Ridge Associated Universi-ties and System Software Associates.ROBERT STRAUB ’57

78, of Kansas City North, died Dec. 14. He was a guidance counselor at Eastgate Middle School in the North Kansas City School District for 26 years, retiring in 1988.


81, died April 22 in Kan-sas City. She had been a stage manager for the Mis-souri Repertory Theatre in Kansas City and director of acting programs for the American Heartland The-atre and taught acting for 31 years at Central High School in St. Joseph.MARYBELLE BAST THOMPSON ’52

80, died May 19 in Post Falls, Idaho. Her profes-sional life consisted of 42 years of service with Dea-coness Medical Center/Empire Health Services during which time she served in multiple capaci-ties in the laboratory.DARLENE WISE WEBB ’68

89, died March 18 in Shenandoah, Iowa. She taught school for 40 years in southwest Iowa. Fol-lowing her retirement, she tutored children for five years.WAYNE WEIGHT ’71

61, of Creston, Iowa, died March 31 in Des Moines, Iowa. He was an attorney for the FDIC and spent the majority of his profes-sional career working for the government.RUTH ALLEN WHITAKER ’66

88, died March 5 in Clarinda, Iowa. She retired from Bedford (Iowa) High School in 1996 after teaching 55 years.MARK WILEY ’76, ’78

57, died July 25 in Inde-pendence. He was em-ployed by Land O’Lakes.MARY LOU ROCKWELL WILLIS ’50

82, died May 10 in North Kansas City.

In Memoriam (continued)DONALD FRENCH ’55

80, of LeMars, Iowa, for-merly of Correctionville, Iowa, died July 2. He was a high school principal in Murray and Correc-tionville and also owned and operated the French Market and Driftwood Coin Laundry.MARLENE FUNK GATES

74, died Dec. 8 in Peoria, Ariz. She taught in elementary schools in Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma for 32 years. She also taught at Eugene Field Elementary School in Maryville and was the librarian. Her husband, Dr. Jim Gates, taught in the Department of Educa-tion at Northwest.RICHARD HALLORAN ’66

68, of Kansas City, died Feb. 3. Early in his career he was the city health director for St. Joseph and later was a manufacturers’ representative.MEDFORD McFALL HARDESTY ’37

95, of Kearney, died April 14. She taught first grade for several years.FRANCES PYLE HAWK ’41

92, of Kansas City, died April 12. She and her hus-band owned and operated Pyle Construction Co.NANCY JANE BEAVERS HAWTHORNE ’68

67, of Cameron, died Dec. 23 in St. Joseph.LINDA JONES ’63

69, of Blue Springs, died Jan. 2 in Lee’s Summit. She was employed by the Kansas City Public Library for almost 30 years as a library associate.

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (39)

Contact the Office of University Advancement at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248 to find out about the many advantages of providing an estate provision.

Lasting Legacies

“I am grateful for the wonderful education that Northwest provided. It was here I first met my husband, James, and began the educational journey that enriched my personal and professional life. Making a provision that will ultimately assist tomorrow’s leaders is something I highly recommend to Northwest alumni and friends.”

Dr. Beulah Wilkinson Summers ’42

Through an endowed scholarship bequest in her living trust, Dr. Beulah Wilkinson Summers ’42 will establish a scholarship in her name after her lifetime to assist students attending Northwest, with preference to graduates of Worth County High School in Grant City, her alma mater.

Beulah grew up in Allendale in northwest Missouri and remains grateful for Northwest’s proximity to her hometown, as she would have otherwise been unable to attend college. Beulah completed her bachelor’s degree with double majors in home economics and business economics. She also completed her master’s and Ph.D.

It was on the Northwest campus where she first met her late husband, James Summers Jr., who was studying industrial arts. After World War II, Mehorney’s Furniture

Company opened a store in Maryville, which James managed for about five years. The couple then moved to Topeka, Kan., where James started his own furniture busi-ness and they raised their family. For more than 30 years, Beulah enjoyed teaching home economics at Topeka High School during the school year and typing classes during the summer.

The couple was blessed with two children, Dr. James Stephen Summers who is a retired periodontist living near Houston, and Shirley Sue Summers Chamberlain, who taught in Long Island, N.Y., before passing away last year after battling cancer.

Beulah is pleased to be able to establish the Dr. Beulah Wilkinson Summers Scholarship to financially assist oth-ers with their educational pursuits at Northwest.

One of the easiest planned gifts to create and implement is the will bequest. It allows you to give any percentage of your estate as a charitable gift when a current gift of real estate or cash might not otherwise be feasible.

Consider these advantages:

n You’re able to maintain control of your assets

n It provides a gift to Northwest in an amount you feel is appropriate, and you can still provide for your loved ones

n Estate tax deduction

n It’s simple to set up

n It provides for a cause you deem worthy at Northwest

n Includes membership in the James H. Lemon Heritage Society

n You leave a lasting legacy at Northwest

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (40)


Join the Tourin’ Bearcats for an

April 17-25, 2012$2,395 per person*


● Roundtrip airfare from Kansas City and all transfers

● All breakfasts and three dinners

● An extra night in a Dublin hotel prior to the tour

● Hotel stays in Dublin, Ennis, Killarney and Waterford

● Professional tour guide throughout the trip

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDDes Moines, IA

Permit No. 5780alumnimagazine

Northwest Missouri State UniversityOffice of University Advancement800 University DriveMaryville, MO 64468-6001

Stay in touch with 562-1248

Contact Northwest by email:Address changes: [emailprotected] notes: [emailprotected] to the editor: [emailprotected]



$300 deposit due Dec. 1Final payment due Feb. 1

*based on double occupancy and departure from Kansas City International; trip insurance is available

If interested, contact the Northwest Alumni Association at [emailprotected] or (660) 562-1248.

Make your reservation today. Limited availability.


● Visit the Irish National Stud at Kildare and the Rock of Cashel

● See the 668-foot Cliffs of Moher● Visit the Joyce family marble workshop and

enjoy afternoon tea at Rathbaun Farm● Cross the Shannon estuary by ferry and join

the Ring of Kerry for a scenic peninsula drive● Enjoy the Lakes of Killarney and then spend

the night in the popular resort of Killarney● Visit Blarney, renowned for its magical

Kissing Stone● Tour the newly opened House of Waterford

Crystal● Visit Ireland’s oldest handweaving mill

at Avoca, the Wicklow Mountains and Glendalough

Northwest Missouri State University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.