PNP Memorandum Circular No. 059-16 Police Operational Procedure in the Conduct of Condition Situation Response System (2024)

August 30, 2016




a.Proposed PNP Standard Template in the Conduct of Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) dated June 3, 2016;

b.Undated Directorate for Integrated Police Operations (DIPO) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) No. 2016-001 "Condition Situation Response System";

c.Revised Joint Implementing Rules and Regulations (RJIRR) to EO 546 in Relation to EO 110 dated August 14, 2015;

d.DIPO-Western Mindanao Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) No. 01-2015 "Condition Situation Response System" dated February 16, 2015;

e.PNP Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) 05/2014 "Intensified Internal Security Operations" dated March 31, 2014; and

f.AFP-PNP Joint Letter Directive (JLD) No. 07-2010 "Creation of Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC) dated November 24, 2010.


This Memorandum Circular (MC) provides the standard procedures and guidelines to be undertaken by the PNP in collaboration with other government security forces in the implementation of the Condition Situation Response System (CSRS) in addressing threat groups and CPP/NPA/NDF (CNN) threats and atrocities.


The Government, through the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),had launched various campaigns and pacification drives in the past decades to resolve the continuing communist insurgency threat. As a result, the communist insurgent movement experienced a downtrend in its party building, army building, and alliance work.

This development, however, has not stopped the internal security problems in the country. Aside from the CNN, other threat groups such as the Rogue Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) Elements (RME),Abu Sayyaff Group (ASG),Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters/Movements (BIFF/BIFM),local terrorist groups, and Private Armed Groups (PAGs),continue to wage terror and disrupt peace and order. These threat groups continue to challenge the PNP and AFP which need to face these enemies squarely. ICHDca

In addressing these enemies of the state, it is imperative that the actions to be taken by the PNP are guided and synchronized with the AFP and other law enforcement agencies. Thus, the implementation of the CSRS in the PNP is urgent.

The CSRS is an intelligence-driven system in employing predetermined specific courses of action by the PNP in tandem with the AFP in certain security conditions that involve deployment and employment of troops with suitable resources and timing needed to be able to effectively and efficiently accomplish the task at hand in relation to existing or developing situations.

The system has four condition levels, each with sets of actions to be performed by different tasked PNP/AFP units. The actions can be triggered upon by the declaration of the appropriate condition level by concerned commanders or unit heads. It will also be used to support a Commander's decision especially in the deployment of troops and it will synergize different levels of command to move in one direction. Establishment of command and control will be a norm.

Its adoption is prescribed in PNP CMC 05-2014 "Intensified Internal Security Operations" dated March 31, 2014, as among the strategies to capacitate our Public Safety Forces (PSF) to make them more effective in their mandate to address internal security threats.

This MC was crafted to provide the strategic guidelines and procedures in the implementation of CSRS to be undertaken by concerned Police Regional Offices (PROs),PSF, and other operating units of the PNP during various levels of threats.


Concurrent with its mission and functions, the PNP shall undertake revitalized, sustained, and pro-active internal security operations in coordination and collaboration with the AFP to address internal security threats.


a.AAP — an acronym which refers to Assessment, Analysis, and Prediction of threat groups' plans and/or activities using the Enemy Mapping System (EMS).

b.AHARA — Ambush, Harassment, Attack, Raid, and Arson.

c.Atrocity — Any act committed by an individual or members of the CPP/NPA/NDF constituting: kidnapping or serious illegal detention; murder; homicide; robbery; threat or intimidation; arson; economic sabotage; bombing or use of improvised explosive devices (IED);and crimes involving destruction of public and private installations/establishments in violation of existing laws that would endanger human lives and/or result in damage to property.

d.Command and Control — the exercise of authority and direction by a duly designated Commander or superior officer over an assigned Public Safety Battalion, Company, or Platoon in the accomplishment of organizational mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a Commander or superior officer in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling the operations of his unit.

e.Condition Situation Level — the categorization of certain security conditions (either Condition Level 1, 2, 3 or 4) in an area relating to the level of threat from terror acts wherein appropriate minimum required response is set for concerned PNP units to effectively address these threats to prevent or mitigate human casualty and damage to property and maintain the peace and order in the locality.

f.Courses of Action — a pre-determined set of actions/initiatives which will be undertaken during police operations or calls for police assistance.

g.CNN — CPP/NPA/NDF or Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army/National Democratic Front.

h.Enemy Mapping System (EMS) — A Geographic Information System-(GIS) based application that serves as a scientific and cost-effective strategic/tactical tool of police commanders in visualizing the enemy movements and activities.

i.Government Security Forces — refer to all PNP and AFP units and elements which have responsibility of a certain area.

j.Information Operation (IO) — the integrated employment of information-related capabilities such as counter-propaganda offensives through public pronouncements in support with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision-making of threat groups while promoting the interest of the government.

k.Injects — Information, directives, and incidents provided by the Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) organizers to test participants in line with key objectives.

l.Internal Security Operation (ISO) — as defined in the Joint AFP-PNP Rules and Regulations Implementing Executive Order No. 546, series of 2006, refers to activities designed to preserve internal security against insurgents, secessionists, and terrorists. It includes community defense operations, intelligence, combat, military and civil relations, legal offensives, police internal security operations, and psychological operations.

m.Internal Security Incidents — offensive activities of insurgents, secessionists, and terrorists (AHARA). TCAScE

n.Intelligence-Driven Operation — refers to all kinds of operation conducted either unilaterally or jointly by government security forces, whether law enforcement or combat in nature, which includes: pursuit operations; security patrols; IED recovery operations; rescue operations; medical evacuation in combat; reinforcement; attack of enemy positions; ambuscades; raids; serving of warrants; checkpoints; etc.,which rely heavily on good intelligence for purposes of planning and execution with the aim of attaining a higher degree of success.

o.Insurgency — a form of rebellion in which a dissident faction instigates the commission of acts of civil disobedience, sabotage and terrorism, and wages irregular warfare in order to overthrow a government or disintegrate part of its national territory in its ultimate stages. It could escalate to a conflict on conventional lines. Although insurgency often starts internally, it has seldom been known to succeed without outside assistance, support, and encouragement.

p.IKI — Internal Security, Kidnap-for-Ransom, and Improvised Explosive Device (IED).

q.Minimum Response — a mandatory response required under the CSRS that should be met and complied with, at the very least, by all concerned PNP units in the area.

r.NPA — New People's Army is the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

s.Public Safety Forces (PSF) — is a general and collective term for mobile reaction units established in all Police Regional Offices, Police Provincial Offices, City Police Offices for civil disturbance control, internal security operations, hostage-rescue operations, and other special operations. This includes the Special Action Force (SAF).

t.Response — It is any act or measure pertaining to the mandate of the government security forces in addressing peace and security concerns in a certain area which include joint check points, choke points, combat patrols, serving of search and arrest warrants, pursuit operations, combat operations, intelligence gathering, investigation, etc.

u.Scenario — a pre-defined set of events and conditions which describe all the details on the appearance of characters, scenes and sequences of episodes. It is used in estimating the probable effects of one or more factors which is an integral part of situation analysis and formulating contingency plans setting aside enough reserves to mitigate the impact if the event or situation actually occurs. Note: Scenarios are neither predictions nor forecasts.

v.Situation — the established parameter that is prevailing in any given situation in a certain area that calls for the declaration of corresponding Condition Level under the CSRS.

w.Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) — a people-centered and action-focused activity that simulates an emergency situation. It is designed to execute the emergency response plans and evaluate the plan against approved standards or objectives.


a.Concept of Operations:


The CSRS is an operational mechanism that is primarily designed to increase the likelihood of success in addressing any threat group and CNN threat and atrocity prior, during, and after they happen in the specified area. It is basically a standard procedures and guidelines in the manner of employing predetermined specific courses of action by PROs and PSF in a certain security condition that involves deployment and employment of troops with the right resources and equipment and timing needed to be able to effectively accomplish the task at hand with more focus and resource optimization.

To ensure that the procedures prescribed are followed and fully understood by concerned units, it is important that a Simulation Exercise following the prescribed SIMEX Template be conducted at least once every quarter.

a)Condition Situation Level

The condition situation level is the categorization of a certain security condition in an area relating to the level of CNN threat and other threat groups wherein appropriate minimum required response is set for the PNP units to effectively address such threat for the purpose of: preventing and/or mitigating human casualty and damage to property; denying the enemy's freedom of movement; and maintaining the peace and order in the locality.

a.1)Level 1 (Normal Situation) — This level is declared when there is no threat or atrocity in an area and only unvalidated reports regarding threat groups are obtained. Likewise, during this situation, there are no reports of kidnap-for-ransom, and improvised explosive device and internal security incidents.

Courses of Actions on the Ground:

a.1.a)Coordinate with AFP counterparts for a more accurate and timely assessment, analysis, and prediction (AAP) on enemy; immediate relay of AAP to threatened unit/area then to other end users; cTDaEH

a.1.b)Conduct information gathering and be in constant coordination with the Barangay Information Networks (BINs) and Barangay Peace Action Teams (BPATs);

a.1.c)Conduct of Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center meetings (JPSCC);

a.1.d)Convene Peace and Order Councils (POC);

a.1.e)Liaise with other stakeholders in your AOR;

a.1.f)Conduct Information Operation Offensive (IOO);

a.1.g)Intensify legal offensive;

a.1.h)Update Enemy Mapping System (EMS) for an accurate and systematic analysis and timely sharing of information;

a.1.i)Supervise/monitor deployment of personnel;

a.1.j)Conduct police visibility in vital installations such as seaports, transport terminals, and other places of convergence;

a.1.k)Conduct review of Camp Defense Plan;

a.1.l)Conduct of simulation exercises (SIMEX);

a.1.m)Conduct of operational review and audit of all PSFs to ensure effectiveness;

a.1.n)Prepare for tactical deployment or first responder role;

a.1.o)Special units and technical units to make available sizeable force for emergency mission in two hours notice and one hour for medical team; and

a.1.p)Conduct public safety tips awareness among probable KFR targets.

a.2)Level 2 (Low) — Threat Group or NPA Initiated Violent Incident is Imminent.This level is declared when two or more independent/reliable sources are obtained. It is likewise declared when there are reports on NPA movements, sightings, consolidation, and encampment; harbouring, dry-run or simulation drills of large number of NPA members and stocking of foods; and unusual number of missing or rental of buses and trucks.

Courses of Action on the Ground:

a.2.a)Perform the first eight Courses of Actions on the Ground in Level 1;

a.2.b)Concerned units which have jurisdiction of areas with enemy threats will declare Condition Situation Level 2 and advise the concerned units to deploy personnel to confront an identified threat;

a.2.c)Coordinate with AFP counterparts for possible joint combat operations;

a.2.d)Conduct security patrols and checkpoint/chokepoint operations within AOR to address the threat;

a.2.e)Conduct of IED/Kidnap victim special recovery operation;

a.2.f)Initiate the convening of JPSCC or POC if warranted;

a.2.g)Identify probable targets, liaise with their families, and show/provide KFR Rogue Gallery to Counter-Intelligence Operatives (CIs) and witnesses; and

a.2.h)Special units and technical units to make available sizeable force for emergency mission in one hour notice.

a.3)Level 3 (Moderate) — Threat group or NPA initiated violent incident has Occurred. This level is declared when there are incidents of hostile actions perpetrated by threat groups like ambush, harassment, abduction, raid, and arson (AHARA) by at least a platoon size of enemies within the area but combat operations and/or hot pursuit operations are limited within the area of hostile actions. cSaATC

Courses of Actions on the Ground:

a.3.a)Perform the first eight Courses of Actions on the Ground in Levels 1 and 2;

a.3.b)Concerned units which have jurisdiction of areas with enemy threats will declare Condition Situation Level 3 and advise the concerned units to deploy personnel to launch combat operations or hot pursuit operations;

a.3.c)Supervise the investigation to identify perpetrators and file appropriate cases;

a.3.d)Special units and technical units to make available a sizeable force for emergency mission in 30 minutes notice to conduct highway blockade and stop all commuters in case of ongoing combat operation within one kilometer from the highway; and

a.3.e)Visit hospitals and clinics for wounded perpetrators.

a.4)Level 4 (High) — Threat group or NPA initiated violent incident has Escalated.This level is declared when there are borderless and massive threat groups, when there are rampant hostile actions (AHARA) by bigger than a platoon size of enemies and their operations extend beyond one PRO AOR, when threat is imminent, when AHARA are in progress, and when combat operations/hot pursuit operations extend across borders.

Courses of Actions on the Ground:

a.4.a)Perform the first eight Courses of Actions on the Ground in Levels 1, 2 and 3;

a.4.b)Concerned units which have jurisdiction of areas with enemy threats will declare Condition Situation Level 4 and advise the concerned units to deploy personnel to launch combat operations or hot pursuit operations;

a.4.c)Conduct joint planning for involved AFP and PNP to be thoroughly briefed on the situation, mission, concept of operations, and related combat support operations;

a.4.d)Establish a single tactical command post (TCP) to be jointly manned by the military and police to facilitate command and control;

a.4.e)Ensure that communication systems between operating military and police units are compatible with each other and alternate means of communications for redundancy shall be provided;

a.4.f)Direct Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division (RIDMD) to supervise the investigation to identify perpetrators and file appropriate cases;

a.4.g)Dispatch the required force for joint combat operation on orders and conduct of combat operations and/or hot pursuit operations to address the threat, neutralize the enemy, conduct highway blockade, or conduct search and rescue operations; and

a.4.h)Deploy special units and technical units in strategic positions.

2)Minimum Required Response

In accordance with their mandate, all government security forces are tasked to address the peace and security concerns in a certain area. As such, they are required to take necessary measures and actions to accomplish the same. These measures and actions would include unilateral or joint operations between the PNP and AFP units. To ensure a greater degree of success, government security forces should put paramount value to intelligence-driven operations.

To avoid repetition of operational lapses in the past, standard minimum required responses to certain condition situation levels are prescribed under the CSRS. These responses may likewise serve as proactive measures in preventing the condition situation level to escalate. Mostly, the combined responses would serve as deterrents for NPA forces in carrying out their evil design. cHDAIS

It is important that all joint checkpoints, police defensive roadblocks, and/or chokepoints are to be conducted in accordance with a "Joint Checkpoint Plan" to be agreed upon between the AFP and PNP at the Brigade/Provincial Police Office (PPO)/City Police Office (CPO) levels down to the Battalion/Municipal Police Station (MPS)/City Police Station (CPS) levels. Each unit must, therefore, have its own plan in conformity with this joint plan which shall form part of this CMC.

Likewise, joint combat operations shall be conducted in accordance with JPSCC existing and/or future guidelines or SOP that may be issued. Other operations and activities shall be in accordance with the respective organizational guidelines, including Police Operational Procedure and AFP Revised Rules of Engagement.

Since it is prescribed as minimum response, concerned units may increase the level of response at their discretion based on the condition situation level.

3)Declaration and Downgrading of Condition Situation Level

a)Declaration of Condition Situation Level:

a.1)Under normal conditions and in the absence of any declaration, CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 1 is presumed to be in effect. In such case, all concerned units shall observe appropriate minimum response or measure as provided for under the CSRS.

a.2)Commanders at all levels, except the Chiefs of Police (COPs) of MPS/CPS, can declare CONDITION SITUATION LEVELS 2 and 3.This will be done if the prevailing situation as defined herein corresponds to the Condition Situation Level wherein such declaration will be made. As soon as the current situation satisfies the corresponding condition, the concerned unit commander shall send multiple SMS or text messages to predesignated addressees below:

a.2.a)Joint Operation Center (JOC),Area JPSCC

a.2.b)Regional Tactical Operations Center (RTOC),Concerned PRO

a.2.c)Provincial Tactical Operation Center (PTOC),Concerned PPO/CPO

a.2.d)TOC, DIPO

a.2.e)Concerned City Police Station (CPS)/Municipal Police Station (MPS)

a.3)Only the concerned Directorate for Integrated Police Office (DIPO) and Commanding General (CG),Area Command, AFP,in concurrence with each other through the Area JPSCC can declare CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 4 if the prevailing situation satisfies such condition as provided herein. They shall then instruct their respective Operations Officers or TOC to communicate thru SMS or text such declaration to the pre-designated addressees below:

a.3.a)JOC, Area JPSCC

a.3.b)Concerned RD, PRO

a.3.c)Concerned PD, PPO and CD, CPO

a.3.d)TOC, DIPO

a.3.e)Concerned COP, CPS/MPS

a.4)When CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 4 is declared, TDIPO and CG, AFP Area Command shall take over full "command and control" over all PNP/AFP units in the area and they shall establish Command Post at the Area JPSCC. They may jointly delegate this function to their authorized representative senior officer, provided the same is clearly communicated to all units initially by SMS or Text Message and confirmed by standard radiogram format utilized by JPSCC.

a.5)The usual "command and control" procedure shall be observed by either PNP or AFP units in all Condition Situation Levels, other than CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 4.

b)Downgrading of Condition Situation Level

b.1)Only the TDIPO and CG, Area Command, AFP,in concurrence with each other are authorized to downgrade CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 4 to any lower Condition Situation Level. Subordinate commanders may, however, make recommendations to the former by presenting the appropriate justification. As soon as received, subordinate commanders shall relay the same thru SMS or text message to concerned offices/units. ISHCcT

b.2)Only the concerned RD, PRO is authorized to downgrade CONDITION SITUATION LEVEL 3 to any lower Condition Situation Level and shall communicate same to their respective OPCON units and TDIPO/CG, Area Command, AFP thru SMS or text message. Correspondingly, subordinate units shall relay same thru SMS or text message to the other concerned offices/units.

b.Template in the Conduct of CSRS Simulation Exercise (SIMEX):

Simulation Exercise will accurately assess how unit/s perform and respond to any given situation that may arise during the actual crisis incident. These SIMEX simulate work-related tasks enabling the unit to assess a participant's competencies in a realistic setting as well as improve their individual skills and knowledge. Likewise, the exercises develop teamwork and cooperation among units/offices. To be more effective, SIMEX should involve not only PNP offices/units but also AFP counterparts in each area.

In the conduct of SIMEX, the following three phases should be followed: 1) Preparation Phase (Pre-SIMEX);2) Execution Phase (SIMEX Proper);and 3) Termination Phase (Post-SIMEX).

1)Preparation Phase (Pre-SIMEX)

This phase requires all the necessary preparations needed in the execution of the mission/task given to concerned PNP units. All tasked Unit Commanders shall convene to conduct a mission planning to come up with plans and identify parameters and/or solutions that will be applied in a scenario.

Planning activities establish procedures for analyzing a mission and developing, analyzing and comparing courses of actions (COAs) against criteria of success.

During the Pre-SIMEX Phase, the following should be conducted:

a)Identify the Key Players and their Roles and Responsibilities.

The following are the Key Players:

a.1)Exercise Director — The Exercise Director can either be any of the following: Chief, Regional Operations Personnel Division (ROPD);Battalion Commander, Regional Public Safety Battalion (RPSB);or Company Commander, Provincial Public Safety Company (PPSC)/City Public Safety Company (CPSC).He is responsible for the following: a) SIMEX project management which includes delegating of responsibilities and convening of conferences, briefings and schedules; b) initiating joint mission planning process with unit leaders/participants and other stakeholders; c) instructing the players and passive participants; d) developing the injects for the SIMEX; e) managing the set-up and dismantling of the exercise environment; f) acts as central point of contact for questions and problems arising in the course of the exercise; g) making ad hoc changes to the plans or halt the exercise in the event of serious complications which cannot be resolved; and h) managing the scenarios and approving changes when necessary.

a.2)Facilitator — responsible for keeping the discussions on track and in line with the exercise's design objective. He ensures that all issues and objectives are explored thoroughly within the prescribed time frame.

a.3)Role Player(s) — are individuals who portray key roles in the exercise but are not part of the players, example, actors who will portray the roles of concerned citizens, media personalities, complainants, etc.

a.4)Key Player(s) — members of the PNP and AFP who are directly involved in the conduct of the exercise.

a.5)Observer(s) — invited guests whose main roles will be to observe the SIMEX and provide critiques that would be used as guides for improving future exercises.

a.6)Red Team — individuals who are tasked to monitor, assess, and evaluate the performance of participants/key players including their weaknesses and vulnerabilities during the exercise. The Red Team can either be members of the PNP Quad Staff or Regional Quad Staff. CAacTH

a.7)Photographer(s) — dedicated personnel to document the exercise in photo or video.

a.8)Recorder(s) — dedicated personnel who will record the exercise and prepare the After Activity Report.

b)Designing and Developing the Scenario

Simulation exercises require a scenario such as attack of police station, bombing of vital installations, kidnapping/abduction, and/or condition level that disrupts public order and safety. The task of designing and developing the scenario is part of the mission planning process and situation analysis based on the exercise concept agreed at the strategic level.

The scenario aims to create a plausible script for the key players that support the successful accomplishment of the SIMEX objectives by identifying designated areas of operations (AOs),the supposed course of actions (COAs),forms of operations and maneuver, tactical mission task, resources allocation, and potential risk as part of the scenario during the conduct of the SIMEX.

The planned movement techniques should be based on the

Troop Leading Procedures (TLP) taking emphasis on the use of the Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops-Time, and Civilian (METT-TC) and considerations on the Obstacle, Cover and Concealment, Observations and fields of fire (Oco*kA) in analysing the pre-determined situation as in real incident. Designed and developed scenarios of the SIMEX shall be conducted in areas based on intelligence-driven threat assessment and estimated to anticipate lawlessness and atrocities.

The scenarios are usually not revealed to the key players prior to the SIMEX. This supports the idea of realism because participants have to respond as information is received, rather than plan their actions in advance. It is, however, acknowledged that the realism may cause stress or anxiety to some key players, especially those who have experienced real crisis scenarios in the past.

The scenario consists a sequence of events designed to guide the key players in achieving the SIMEX objectives. Each event is subdivided into incidents and each incident is presented to key players in the form of injects. These injects may either be given through telephone calls, electronic mails, simulated reports and data, simulation system outputs, staff instructions or pseudo media items such as newspaper articles, radio reports or news video clips.

c)Conduct of Table Top Exercises

Based on the result of the plan or order, the tasked Unit leaders will initiate their COAs through the conduct of a table top exercise. This activity would greatly help them in identifying uncertainties and develop a framework for action during each scenario.

Most scenarios require a narrative, which sets the stage for an exercise. The narrative may be presented by key players in advance of the official start time to create a context for the exercise and to enable key players to prepare mentally and physically (e.g.,by going over plans and procedures).

d)Tasking of Participants and Logistical Preparations

All units involved in the SIMEX shall organize their teams, properly orient the members and explain to them the details of the mechanics of the operations. Subordinate units and attachments should also be briefed on the purpose of the SIMEX and their specific mission and purpose.

The concept of operations should be based on the COAs prepared as annex resources which explicitly explain how to accomplish the tasks from start to finish. Unit Commanders shall remind their personnel on the adherence to the PNP Operational Procedures, Standard Operating Procedures, and CSRS that is applicable for every type of scenario. Logistical inventory should be conducted to determine the most suitable equipment to and resources to be used during the exercise.

e)Physical Accounting of Key Players and Showdown Inspection of Firearms and Basic Equipment

This is to ensure the units' operational preparedness and capacity to respond/repel in case of enemy attacks or crises.

f)Conduct of Briefing Prior to the Simulation Exercise

The Exercise Director shall set a conference to apprise the Command Group or the supervisors the mechanics of the SIMEX. Key players should also be properly apprised before the SIMEX to maximize their gain from the exercise. The briefing can be done on the same day of the SIMEX but if feasible, it should be done a few days before the actual exercise, unless the SIMEX objective includes rapid response to an unexpected challenge. In this case, the briefing should be done at the start of the SIMEX. IAETDc

The most important points to be covered and understood by the key players in this preparatory briefing are the aims and objectives of the SIMEX including the value and purpose of their participation in the exercise. This will encourage the key players and motivate them to perform their best.

During the briefing, all equipment including firepower, transportation, and communication necessary for the fulfilment of the SIMEX should be determined and prepared.


Proper coordination with concerned agencies, Local Government Units and other friendly forces should be made before the SIMEX. This is to prevent fear or panic among the residents of the area. When feasible, signages may be displayed in the areas of operations.

2)Execution Phase (SIMEX Proper)

In the Execution Phase, the initiated "make believe" virtual scenarios should be consistent with the plan or order. The employment and deployment of key players should be based on the Condition level that needs to be addressed and should be guided by the COAs developed during the Planning process. POPs, Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) procedures and CSRS policies should be strictly observed during the SIMEX. The activities of the whole exercise should be properly documented and recorded in still photo and video.

a)Launching the Exercise

It is important that the Exercise Director clearly announces the start of the SIMEX, either thru classroom set-up, electronic mail, telephone, Short Messaging System (SMS),fictional newscast, or fictional newspaper article so that all key players will get the cue and the time to assimilate their roles.

To ensure that all key players understand that the scenarios are fictional, the key players should remain isolated during the activity enabling them to act realistically during the SIMEX. Gather telephone numbers of key players and role players and inform the key players that only those in the list can be contacted during the SIMEX.

b)Determine Areas to be Tested

Organized Red Teams shall focus their evaluation on the participants' situational awareness in adherence to the elements of emergency plans and COAs, their speed of response, cooperation and decision processes to address the problem as well as the proper coordination of resources, logistics and support capabilities.

3)Termination Phase (Post-SIMEX)

All participating units shall convene at a designated Rally Point (RP) for debriefing. Red Teams are required to review and evaluate the activity. The determination of lapses and other vulnerabilities during the SIMEX will help in future decision making; hence, enhance the performance of the key players.

a)Terminating the Exercise

Just as it is important that the SIMEX is properly launched, it is equally important that it is appropriately terminated. It should be noted that participants in the SIMEX can be affected by the scenarios especially those that are close to real life events, thus, the exercise should be terminated properly to "close the loop." For example, key participants should be properly informed that an inject of an emergency situation is terminated and the "hot debrief" should be collected along with exercise evaluation forms. It is also recommended that key players are called for a meeting to solicit their feedbacks on the SIMEX and chart operational plans.

b)Evaluation and Assessment

SIMEX should be followed by a debriefing to provide the key players an opportunity to express their comments and feedbacks on the exercise. The meeting will also be a venue for them to share their lessons learned. The Red Teams shall render critique/open forum and discussions to assess and evaluate the exercise including the individual and unit performances, lapses and vulnerabilities.

The team should also give its recommendation on how to address these lapses. These observations and recommendations should be properly documented and an After Activity Report should be prepared and submitted to higher headquarters. It is also highly recommended that a feedback form be submitted by all key players. The organization of the debriefing process will depend on the size and complexity of the SIMEX. DcHSEa


All units of the PNP are tasked accordingly and shall perform, among others, additional tasks necessary within their mandates for the successful accomplishment of the mission specified herein.


a)Conduct continuous collation, assessment, analysis, and prediction (AAP) on enemy and immediate relay of AAP to threatened unit/area then to other end users;

b)Coordinate with AFP counterparts for a more accurate and timely assessment, analysis, and prediction on enemy;

c)Conduct information gathering and be in constant coordination with the Barangay Information Networks (BINs) and Barangay Peace Action Teams;

d)Conduct Intelligence Assessment; and

e)Update Enemy Mapping System for an accurate and systematic analysis and timely sharing of information.


a)OPR in the implementation of this MC; and

b)Conduct operational review and audit of all PSFs to ensure effectiveness.


a)Issue information operation offensive (IOO) or follow up IOO to the concerned units;

b)Conduct Information Operation Offensive; and

c)Coordinate with media entities for the broadcast/publication of Condition Levels when necessary.


a)Direct the Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division to supervise the investigation to identify perpetrators and file appropriate cases; and

b)Intensify legal offensive.


a)Supervise the PROs under your AOR to ensure proper implementation of this MC;

b)Monitor the implementation and conduct of all Simulation Exercises (SIMEX) by PROs under your AOR; and

c)Perform other tasks as directed.


a)Implement CSRS in respective AORs and conduct SIMEX on quarterly basis;

b)Conduct review and evaluation on the implementation of this CMC and submit recommendation to DIPO;

c)Advise DIPO on the scheduled conduct of SIMEX;

d)Prepare/issue IOO;

e)Dispatch the required force for combat/joint combat operation and/or hot pursuit operations on orders to address the threat, neutralize the enemy, conduct highway blockade, or conduct search and rescue operation;

f)Conduct security patrols and checkpoint/chokepoint operations within AOR to address the threat;

g)Conduct IED/Kidnap victim special recovery operation;

h)Initiate the convening of JPSCC or POC if warranted; SCaITA

i)Tap BINs in the validation of any information on the enemy; and

j)Identify probable targets, liaise with their families, and show KFR Rogue Gallery to Counter-Intelligence Operatives (CIs) and witnesses.


a)Special units and technical units to make available a sizeable force for emergency mission in 30 minutes notice; and

b)Provide operational and technical support in the implementation of CSRS and during the conduct of SIMEX.

d)Coordinating Instructions:

1)The PNP at all levels should conduct regular coordinating conferences to jointly assess the peace and order situation in the area and chart measures to address these;

2)Intelligence fusion between the PNP and the AFP at all levels is encouraged;

3)The concerned Directorial Staff shall provide the necessary support for personnel, logistics, funds, and other requirements of the PROs or concerned units subject to the existing policies, procedures and approval of the Chief, PNP;

4)All PNP units shall re-assess their respective resources and capabilities;

5)A regular quarterly SIMEX, at the minimum, shall be conducted by PROs and subordinate units in order to hasten the process of familiarity and mastery of the CSRS. Similarly, DIPOs may conduct SIMEX at the area level as they desire;

6)Current IMPLANs and SOPs shall be updated to conform to this MC;

7)RDs, PROs or Unit Commanders are given the discretion to declare, upgrade, and downgrade Condition Situation Level in their respective AORs based on their assessment of the prevailing situation and peculiarities of their respective AORs;

8)Debriefing shall follow immediately every after drill to sort out the gaps and strong points. Records of the debriefing shall be kept for future reference;

9)All tasked Offices/Units shall prepare respective plans which shall be submitted to DO copy furnished DIPO within 15 days upon receipt of approved copies of this MC; and

10)Respect for human rights shall be paramount, and strict adherence to the PNP Operational Procedures (Revised Rules of Engagement) shall always be emphasized in all police operations.


All other SOPs, policies, directives, and other issuances previously issued which are inconsistent with the policies/guidelines stated in this Memorandum Circular are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly.


This MC shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the UP Law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order 292 otherwise known as the "Revised Administrative Code of 1987," as amended.


Police Director General

Chief, PNP

PNP Memorandum Circular No. 059-16 Police Operational Procedure in the Conduct of Condition Situation Response System (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Phone: +2366831109631

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.