The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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48 Wanted Rent Hom 1 54 Hemw fr Aged Invalid 65 BuIn Mck r8 (Coxtln nn frwrtlnr Cl IContlMed Tram rllr JCOTtbHiM Hwi uttpunt 3 tr mor ptrw CARNCII OOTH 41 Rent Apertmtwh (Wed) 48 Rent urnished Apt (E) Parma NEEDED' AIR Gardens Conditioned 12600 SHAKER BLVD Call Telephone TU 4 8960 WANTED MR BOETTNER SOVEREIGN ED 1 5214 41 Wintid Rent Hsum holld with lwrh prtvIUHX i Phon Port ginlui i MM ana wn tear a bit ir Hihlnt: no yi jMS mornlnj 11 now for Aurit Apartmcnt Living Downtown 3 bedrooms porch02 GA 13276 4 5 Will Has CHH Wnti MILES LEE rd AIRVIEW PARK BROADWAY ESSrJ stores caw bi drtn desire 5 6 afncl or duplex Wanted urnished Mount Shaker Warrensvllle or Cleveland rrr rrefTAtzul fur 60 Summer Reterte Hettle DEPT store buyer need apt Glans Broker CH 1 2072 CE 1 1587 OU Jtil CJO room single whit ELECTRONICS eng and family house Glanz Broker CB 1 1587 CH 1 2073 46 Houses for Rant (East) In Next Column) (Continued in Next Column) New apartment! now taking applicationi for July Auguit occupancy Continued on Pag 25 1 bedroom iuite $95 $105 per month 2 bedroom suite $105 $1 15 per month Wife: desire nr 4 room apt upper duplex or garage apartment: furnished with stove and refrigerator moderate ly Priced prefer West Side but will consider any rood location Classified Ads Rocky River! Garden Apartment 2 bedrooms garage $125 M3V commercial bldg 20207 Har te rd opposite shopping center I stores ttill avsiiiMe 20xM JtU Ideal for dress shop er any wthto butint ER 1 207 fl Metropolitan Management CA 1 1800 LO 1 1480 Newly decorated Pullman kitchenette and 1 bedroom xpts available immediately Complete hotel service beau tiful dining room and co*ck tail lounge Laundromat room Reasonable Monthly Rate CALL MISS DEITZ CE 1 0080 3 bedroom single or duplex for engineer with 2 school age children Housing Accommodations upper: 4 rooms and 8100 per mo SPACIOUS 1 2 3 Bedroom Apartments in 2 3 Story COLONIAL BRICK BLDGS SITUATED ON 13 ACRES LOVELY LANDSCAPED GARDENS 4 ENCED IN ULLY EQUIPPED PLAY AREAS Suburban Living at Its Very Best RAPID TRANSPORTATION AIRPORT and DOWNTOWN Just Three Black tr the AIRVIEW PARK SHOPPING CENTER EDISON 1 2251 iROOMS and apartments: Modem i center of resort Kenmoft Cottar Phone HUxley 7 3519 PLEASE WK ARK DESPER ATK CALL CL 1 3OO NO CHARGE TO YOU EXECUTIVE RENTS NEEDED 8125 to 8300 placet shown by appointment THE AR0 EQUIPMENT CO EN 1 7300 Rogen A few steps to Shaker Square from these modem 1 2 bedroom AIR CONDI TIONED apartment All modem conveniences In cluding electric kitchen 4 elevators attended garage on ground floor ete 8150 and up MODEL SUITE AIRVIEW PARK APARTMENTS 50253 59 LORAIN RD 45 NEW DE LUXE SUITES WTTH MANY OUTSTANDING EATURES bedroom ultes tor Inunllar oc eupuiey: 1130 and 135: lor Au occupancy 512750 to 145 Utilities extra tirase optional No peta SEE MR WILSON CL 2 3325 48 Rant arnlshad Apts (I (Cea tinned rom Preceding Celama) 51 Mint to Rmt CoHipo MSCTORIteedlaMh 8Uerp flTewiab private beach utilities GA 181 IT 1 05th St at East Blvd Take Advantage of Our Low Daily Weekly and Midseason Rates Attractive comfortable sleeping rooms starting at $70 month: well furnished and decorated 1 2 3 4 room apt over looking Rockefeller Park: complete ho tel service: free parking) express bus to all points Call Suzy Gallagher Mgr GA 1 2520 mutt hi Heroin! bf the bofiortoHOtf Ptthlir Wrljoer of Ohio LADY win share her apt with couple EX 1 7147 EN 1 9825 GIRL will share her apt with same colored Call after 4:30 SW 1 1114 BUSINESS girl will share her apt with same: Lake Ave LA 1 5532 3 SISTERS (2 working) sire 2 bedroom of a double or duplex gas heat vicinity of Lakewood Not over $95 a month Arthur McKee Co TO 1 2300 50 Hint Housu (W) BROOKLYN: 4 rooms bath up: 2 bed rooms heat utliitiee own sntrance newly decorated $28 week adults BROOKLYN: Single 3 bedroom: large yard children accepted SU 1 2458 after fl VLTON Denucn Ave fl rooms batK ON 1 2188 46 Honm far Rint (Kail) (Centtnaed rem Preceding Column) MODERN OUTSTANDING I BEDROOM SUITES Large attractive living room all 1 electric kitchen and bath utilities Included In rent CALL BLDG SUPT 9 A 8 TO 1 8795 STONELEIGH COURT 6801 EUCLID 1 3 3 roans: newly remodeled and decorated electric kitchen elevator: suitable 2 3 parking $1780 up 2 ADULTS 1 chUd dedra small farm or house Within 20 mile of Cleve land Call VU 3 5181 after 6 COUPLE desires 5room single cast Ml 1 3201 Located at 5441 Stumph Rd Open 1 0 a 8 Euclid Rest Haven 13240 XVCUD Bed Patient Chronically Cancer Patients Registered Nurse UL 19398 Nominal Rate Lake PT 8 7: single Sun 11 3 Glans Broker 10815 Euclid EW 1 4430 Cleveland a Oldest Renta! Brokerage AURORA 6room hcu Early Amer tran 10b yrs old 2 arret IV 1 7000 (Refrigerated) New Apartments The Shaker West Of national desire tn leave bedroom bouse Single Lakewood Aw rilhnM Pivlr Wtvr A consider suburban Bast Cleveland Mum be nice Will guarantee property LA 1 1700 Apt 20 9 RESPONSIBLE young couple desires 8 roons single duplex or apt Shaker Warrensville or Cleveland Heights area preferred for immediate or early occupancy Rent to $180 Call PR 18852 between 1 2 AIRVIEW PARK PARK RIDGE Modem new 2 3 bedrooms: immedi ate occupancy kitchen refrigerator Disposal! combine Lon washer dryer: asphalt tile floors throughout: Individual gas furnaces KBd alr drculation fan for summer fttfye rooms plenty of storage $183 4168 30580 LORAIN RD 15615 CL 3 1727 bl ore connecting brick xarsic will divide for reeoonalWe tenant Parking! reasunablt Phone owner LAKE AVE 11125 8 mom sot: 3 bedrooms: aervice: $110' mo adults only in quire custodian venlencea call yveWO 1 3451 Point: Sleep 5 boat TR 1107 VERMILLiOft Modem redeeoreled Open now ill 1 3980 i ROOMS "for rmt byday er week Vermiliqn A457fl MODERN eoctagH on Indian River Box 312 Indian Rhrer Mtch Aar 1 to Kept 1: $90 per week SK 1 3919 MADISON on Lalr private beech: modem CL 14873 KV 3010B Height area preferred on or after Sept 1 References SK 1 9988 EAST Cleveland Ettdld WUlouxhby 5 room 1st floor 3 famllr sideby side or slngt: parents with 3 tdrh school girl KB 14591 after 9 RELIABLE colored couple 8 well trained children desire fl or 7 rooms: good neighborhood to $80: references take good care of property TO 1 5195 I yon have a heart and a 5 nr fl room upper or lower east $80 we will take good earn of your property 2 children mom and dad GL 1 4483 RESPONSIBL1 couple with fl yeer old child desires 5 rooms with (trare up to $85 east: white from 85 and SL Clair up UT 1 1217 after fl it official and family desirs 3 bedroom single to $150 Prefer east end near good elementary school and convenient to rapid MA 18436 Park Lane Villa Hotel 10 2 lifl 3 beautlful tio Can Lae as one Complete excellent cnndl tion Pair rent RE 9M1 37651EE KDT At Scottsdale ItxSO new ample parking MR V1NY WT flM 10015 EUCLID aVT WTORK 15X70: VtTJM MEAT CalJMoaMA 1 1800 Eat 4St CUrVKLAND Kelgljlr Shop flew apace approx 800 fl: surtabl for plamber electrician factory rep resent tive Y1 3 9537 3 BEDROOM ranch home ndlant heat: Parma Heights $165 TU 472 03 5 ROOMS up: Gas heat 1 or 2 chll dren call after fl Sat AT 13530 STOKER: Lovely Vt down 3 1 adults no pets $140 WA 1 1848 Call Arthur McKee Co TO 1 1300 fat 397 LANDLORDS NO CHARGE Let us rent your vacancies Cn'ored tenant with refrrences waiHrr CLARA BRYANT REALTY Speetalizinr la colored rentals ex i4737 i yat EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Drfr 2 bedroom single or apt nlthed urrwT wprrrRPirn Arthur McKee Co TO 12 1 no Ext 2 fl 7 COUPLE: 3 school ge children de slra 3 4 bedroom single will jeaae to 8170 RE 11317 51 Want Suburban Proparty RETAIL stores "Operations manager larte rubber company: desire 3 bd room in Berea Parma of nearby suburb earlv or mldAucust Excellent references Wrtie Helwlek 1358 Mandel Ave Weatchester 111 RELIABLE couple dependant mother and father no children deslr 54 rooms CB 1 3528 between 9 3 and after CLEVELAND Heights (lose to bu stop 3 rooms kitchen bath on 3d or working coup! er Ixdy A 1 0863 Hights: 3 furnished rooms 3d bath prints entrance ER 1 2813 1 (Cantinwed' in eit Olamn) stare Kinsman and LranftaKr 17x90: half baaemenL Ld 1 3783 ar 8K 1 4789 1 23 OUPKRIOR Storeroom and basemaut suitable Hr office modern front good display itam heat A I Xtane MA 1 lbflf DOWOWTsTORE SMALL ROOM OR WHOLKSALJB RETAIL AT CLAIR fl ABLE NOW CH 1 378 Broadway comer El 111 St Lot 135l57 ft: ut bsltM 1MM goM tenant ali or part UT 1 1803 IDEAL for West sid machine or light manufadunnf company ap 7000 ft floor vpa 19923 Uie Rd RO 2 9937 1 1 709 LORaT 1100 an ft and beam" ent CL 2324 TUDOR ARMS HOTEL 10M0 Cm! Av CK 1 4100 AIR CONDITIONED TELEVISION Newly Installed kitchenette apartment fully equipped with eooklng utenails silverware dishes etc All with air conditioning and television dally weekly monthly rates UNIVERSITY Heights: 2 furnished rooms bath EV 1 4135 after 10 a area: 3 rooms newly decorat ed all utilities $100 mo RA 1 8727 WHITETHORNE 8026: 5 room fur nished apt 2 couples adults only colored GA 1 7974 BROADVIEW 3208: MODERN 4 ROOMS CLARK Scranton: 5 bath: nlcs for 3 couples adult ON 1 1188 cl*tON 14814: 2 room and kltch enette $80 includes utilities CLINTON 6311: Nice 1 room: ef ENGINEER Wife and 3 children desire unfur nished upper of 3 family or duplex East Side ENGINEER Wife 1 child 2 years old desire 4 5 1 room apartment er duplex femlshed or unfurnished by July 25: near transportation prefer West Side Par ma or Lakewood Arthur McKee Co TO 1 2300 Ext 287 MATURE bachelor executive would like 3 to 5 rooms unfurnished house or apt prefer or Cleve land or suburb Mr Rima VU 3 1400 between 8 and 9 er Ask The Man Who Lives There Row completely enjoyable apart ment living can do how a tulle in Shaker Cub apt can bring you the same gracious living with matchless service A 9 room suite includes living room dining room 4 bedrooms 2 baths eleetrte kitchen ample closets: $353 rental Includes utili ties and space In always attended garage at elevator level riendly service from a staff of 12 beautiful terrace overlooking Shaker Country Club fairway shopping center theater restaur ants and rapid station close bv all add to the pleasure and convenience of apartment living In this choice Van Aken location Tops in Apt Living Shaker Club Apts 19101 19201 VAN AKEN BLVD SW 1 1441 WY 1 4041 In the JUST TOR YOU AND for this is a time to wax poetic You could reallt boast of being ON TOP THE in thia delightful penthouse suits with a view of LAKE ERIE as there is a TERRACE all the wav around It has a large living room with wood humlnr fireplace 2 bedrooms and bath Th dining room and kitchen Is on a SEPARATE LEVEL At the TOP CEDAR HILL Is a perfect location It i completely and beau tifully furnished with some items which must be purchased Garas InchMM MRS JETT A 1 7232 or MA 1 4023 OR ord Motor Co EMPLOYEES Preferably Bedford Maple Heights and Garfield Heights Area Call BE 2 5200 Ext 284 Jr Business Man uaii torasuj jnde eev WILL rent room or 3 furnUhed Mncr loetti CH to responsible family tn St Thsrsa I 4r Parish 5103 EtstlaU Rd htneld I bb Hint Hint ctftinin rum STORE 7oom desired with Uring qusr ten 4 Of 8 rooms 1 rhfl4 expecting: weL ME 1 8331 OL 1 6588 WANT apTt for wowuui'draporl workroom dean welkventilatK rrv fr Heights area A 1 0445 EXECUTIVE wife adults single Glanz Broken Ce 1 1587 CH 1 2073 WEST Side: 5 to fl room housa un furnished co 1st floor WO 1 1965 AMILY needs 6 8 room house East Side PR 1 5669 3 ADULTS want 9 7 rooms east HE 18115 after 5 SINGLE or double 2 car garage couple 1 child east WY 17278 COUPLE 2 children need 5 room Southeast To $60 SW 1 9932 57 4 OR single or double: couole and 1 child GA 1 3791 after 5:3 0 YOUNG couple 1 child expecting 2d want 5 rooms West RA 1 2049 DESPERATE for singles doubles 1 REALTY Cash CL 2 3322 COUPLE son 18 desires 5 room hou? east PR 1 5470 RESPONSIBLE couple with children desire 6 7 rooms east XX 1 1587 AMILY: 2 glrfk ned 4 rooms Er hst reference KB 1 7345 Taylor Rd Near AntisJala Urtractive Stora Psrkiog XANGESSER CO MA 1 9274 18 KT' r' STOR ROOM IN TH14 VERY BUSY NOW AVAtLABL sk a inii io tronuw 195 EucUd fax ntmituzaac apVa8t btunnm will rvmadd Cali EW 1 8381 ar HE 1 8903 SHAKER HnGRTK Kinsman Lee ahopmnr cenur ot large modem studio furnished or nM rnsonablejn 3 8994 or SK 3 8T7fl 2boTft 980 near Kt Clair: mer Brooks Coal Mupptr sid ing otna garages 2 acre yard 839 TO 1 1775 MODUN rrtU UN 1 St CUir YIv Bmdu aiu for uua MA 19250 SINGLE store for' rfflr Good bostnevt Ines turn Rent to ottiy 8100 pr menth Call MB 1 0118 WAREHOUSE and" stwre" front £77 fv rat table for atfg 1219 KU Clair ER 1 2 918 All Independent of any other axency Rentals nur SHAHAN RENTALS 3191 117th St CL 1 9408 Same location 11 yes Open 9 9 RANKLIN 8103: 3 room basem*nt apt laundry: couple ULTON Clark: 3 room: adults only RE 11558 or YE 2 0960 JOHN 3811: Efficiency vuit with kitchenette and bath adult LAKEWOOD: 2 room apt completely furnished share bath: 415 week prefer young working girl BO 2 5855 LAKEWOOD: 3 rooms semibath all utilities tor employed couple or 2 employed girl $70 AC 1 81 20 LAKEWOOD: 3 rooaa semiprivate bath private entrance employed couple $85 Including utllities BO 2 8271 LAKEWOOD bath Adults LA 18112 ANSEL liough area 5 room upper pa furnace white KE 19647 be fore 10 a or after 7:30 CORLETT Ave: Modern 5 rooms down: adulta $90 CE 1 6721 BRATENAHL: 5 room garage avail able Aug 2: adults Box 23727 Plain Dealer BROADWAY: 5 $75 Sun 11 3 Glanz Broker infl13 Euclid SW 1 4 430 Oeteland Oldest Renta! Brokerage (Continwd 1b Nxi STATE licensed home for ambulatory elderly mm and women in small urban area in Medina County pleasant sur roundings near churchea will accept dlebetlcs or others needing special diets Reasonable rates The Dean Home 4 Medina Sharoneenter 5157 MEN WOMEN INEST DORA ANN REST H0M1 AMBULATORY BEDAST SOMETHING INER OR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Phone Mantua CRestwood 4 3313 MENTOR WAY Villa Nursing Hcmr Rt 20 Mentor Ohio Greyhound but service to door Blackburn 8 8860 Beautiful surroundings: home atmo phere: nursing care house physician registered nurse Reasonable rates VALLEY VIEW IN CHARDON ON RT fl: Private nursing home ambu latory and bedfast patlmts: bautifu! surroundings home atmosphere and wmderfu! care or appointment phone Chardon fl 5901 SEMIPRIVATE ROOM? BEAUTIUL SURROUNDING? NURSING CARE AMBULATORY Bedfast patients CE 87456 65 Business Places for Hint GARISLD Blvd 5510: 34x70 full basem*nt: good lor any business Call WO 9831 2440 EUCUD opposite enn Colleg: 3 car brick garage $80 month fl A Roth WY 1 0164 LARGE store 19x70 on busy corner Ideal for diicatHaen: ample parking WY 1 8448 eves WY 1 5819 DOWNTOWN: 4 stores 1310 to 1334 St Clair Ave See Nick at 1204 Si Chlr or call SU 18907 LAKEWOOD store 195'22 Detroit ap prox 14x85: good retail Jocettmi custodian MA 1 03 38 or A 1 4153 1 UNIT AVAILABLE tEWIS A INK REALTORS MA 1 0300 A Arnold 152 3788: Excellent transporta tion: nicely furnished 4 rooms 1m maculate WI 1 2999 132 38YO: 2 rooms private bath $13 week CL 1 5891 WHITMAN 4216: 2 room efficiency children welcome WO 1 4864 STUDIO APT WITH COMPLETE KITCHEN OR ONE: A TRANS PORTATION 2138 WOOSTER 5 ROOM duplex reliable couple re fined quiet clean references AC 1 9027 NEAR 14: 3 rooms TO 17074 RANKLIN CIRCLE 28 ULTON RD: 1 bedroom room suite $65 per month includes heat hot water light gas stove and refrigerator: adults Call custodian PR 1 5171 RANKLIN Circle: 3 rooms $49 aT eept 1 bady SU 1 94 94 1738 ULTON: 3 rooms bath: rent 855 Lease Mr Hskai MA 1 3745 GIEL 1389: 4 rooms newly dee orated $85: adults Custodian KAMMS Comer: New 1 bedroom effi ciency suite electric kitchen adults: $95 IV 1 8374 KAMMS area: Modern 1 bedroom hat range Iceless $95 CL 1 9961 11115 LAKE Ave 3 rooms: new kitchen just decorated: stove refrig erator heat hot water adults LA 10476 55 Rent Suinmtr Cottijii MENTOR HEADLANDS Yumlshed 2 bedrooms living room kitchen electrio ranges refrigerators continuous hot water hot showers Indoor toilets fireplaces screened in glassed in sunporches Private beach Orest 26590 MADISON Are: 4 room suite adults ro pets AC 1 1615 PARMA Rldge Rd GardsB type 2 bedrooms AU appliances 100 $125 md TU4 AM0 PARMA 6032 Ridge Rd rooms? stove icelesz heat $100 TU 4 7477 BRECKSVILLE 1 and 2 bedroom apts Available Aug 1st JA 8755 6 cl*tON BLVD 11719: 5 rooms bath carpeted: porches adult cl*tON 14814: 2 rooms and kttch enette $80 includes utilities CORDOVA Winton: 5 room and bath for middle aged couple $100 per mo ACl 8405 DENISON 14 area: 3 b4thihL 7Q SH 1 1 0 DETROIT Clifton: 24 room suttee AC 1 8978 DETROIT 70: 5 rooms bath dividual gas heat LA 1 3573 EDGEWATER Dr: 3 rooms hated garage: high class bldg adults $110 BO 27433 NOW AVAILABLE Call Mr SATULLO Sale Manager A 1 5400 ANSEL 1400: Clean nice 3 ronms bath 1st quiet adults GA 1 5496 BASTOGNE HOTEL 1 2 3 roomg own baths': elevator fret parking: children: white: $1750 up 3907 PROSPECT Belden Hotel 1903 70 Euclid or Hough bus kitchenette suite with bath utilities elevator phone ntafd service: $1650 up UT 10900 BROADWAY 5230: 5 rooms utilities adults $80 BR 10157 CARNEGIE 1030 3 rooms bath 3rd Privat entrance 1 2 men White Quiet home $65 plus utilities 10912 CARNEGIE: 4U rooms block from rapid new rigldaire nice ly furnished: white See custodian STORES 1 Offices AIR CONDmoMNf? 6000 SQT IRST LOOR OXTAR1O ST CfJjBL cxi Bldg: exchuwt row cmc a ugha CH 1 4267 13403 Euclid Ave RMR SUPERIOR STORE OR RENT KieeUent location for any kind it buslne or office CH 1 0210 1426 Hayden Doubla Stare New Gat urnace $1 5 Per Montk Cragin Lang ife Co Realtor PR 1 1900 $12 WEEKLY DOANBROOK HOTEL (NEW MANAGEMENT! CORNER 105 CHESTER CLEVELANDERS 1651' 93 A modern fireproof apt bldg with ele vator service: and 3 room suites including utilities ample parking fa cilities close to transportation near Rockefeller Park white only See eux todian or eall CE 15125 123 and Lakeview: 1095 Linn Dr: 34 rooms newly decorated and furnished steam heated apt bldg $4125 half month children while YE 2 6860 COLORED: 5808 Qutmbv: 3 room bath all utilities included parking: $25 a week YE 2 6fl35 NEWLY remodeled 3 room apt with heat: $18 per week See custodian 5803 Superior 2 room itchenette private bath? colored SW 5 0784 WINDERMERE rapid transit area 2 rooms 2 gentlemen GL 1 2299 COLLEGE area 3 bedrooms porch utilities EV 1 6502 GA 1 3276 3 ROOMS nicely furnished private bath 6403 Roland Ave DI 1 3078 3 ROOMS private bath employed white adults GL 1 0293: 3 ROOMS bath 1st floor garage adults 3641 135 Sunday 3i ROOMS caH Mom 8 a to 8 A 13807 URNISHED apt 3d floor colored: private entrance and bath RA 16348 NICE 5 rooms bath 3 bedrooms $85 plus utilities White LI 17897 53 8uperior area: 3 rooms bath modernly furnished 2 girls or couple white HE 11409 147 3newly famished rooms for 2girteor employed couple LO1 18414PIRE Ave: Single ''home newly decorated: 3 bedrooms adults while $25 week LI 10340 LYNDHURST ranch $175 Lake Shots 8 garages $150 Newbury 5 brick S8O Miller Realty V4 EV 14443 SOUTH EUCLID: Nearly new brtot 2 bedroom bungalow fumlthed Neer transportation Executive or rt Us bie person on lease $200 moplh Call A 1 2 007 UNION 79: 2 bedroom 662 lake Shore Blvd: 5 rooms down AUDITOR wife Adults need 5 Glanz Broker CE 1 1587 CH 1 2072 3 ADULTS (2 employed): 2 bedroom apt Lakewood LA 1 3172 ATHER and adult son need 2 bed room apt eaxt preferably LI 1 4738 COUPLE deslrea 3 4 5 rooms" Broken EV 1 4444 EMPLOYED couple 34 rooms: Lake wood vicinity $75 1 1407 REINED employed lady wants 3 un furnished rooms West SH 1 2678 NEWLYWEDS would like 4 tn" 5 rooms Sflfl LI 10219 43 Rent urnished Apts (E) ADDISON Rd 1556: 4 rooms on 1st floor: private linen dishes and washing machine ALCAZAR HOTEL A few select apartments on 2010 46th at Euclid 1200 ft 1st floor Plus 1269 ft ground floor at shipping level Air conditioned if desired 200 ft candle fluorescent acotutle celling PAWNS 4500 EucUd Ave Bldg EN 450t Parma shoppIIG CENTER Store available suitable for bakery hardware paints electrical applianoM or baby shop CH 16900 APPLE Y1 2 1438 3134 PROSPECT AE 26000 SQ 2 story brick 75x17 5 each floor 4206 iq ft ef duclsy room on 1H Hevy duty freight elevator CaH MonMA 1 1900 Ext 4U 38 Corner Woodbint Corner 1870 ft er double store 2500 se ft Ideal for fleUcatemen or general food market Muit have 2 license Call Mon MA 1 1 900 Ext 4 flfl EUCLID 7TO7 Ktore 20x100 automatic bentId1 for various kinds of bustnsafl Accessible to parking faculties Call Mon MA 1 1900 txt ST CLATR41AYD0T Onr store 2400 xj ft Additional 9500 so ft on 3d floor EevtHe Also store 15x42 7 Kargessr Co MAYIELD HMthta a UrtlU fl Medical spare awly remMeied frw physician ete acroea hall from dntiat paj king: reasonable xeoti EV 1 7717 HI 2 1355 Arthur McKee Co TO 1 2300 Ext 287 TO LANDLORDS Reliable Rental Sendeen Z'aifOT'v ttfTru KKTY AND Wli 1 BONDABLE QUALIIED TENANTS WITH BEST REER ENCTS OR QUICK EICIENT SERVICE LIST YOUR EAST WET OR SUBURBAN VACANCY NOW PLEA8 CALL Thomas Realty SW 1 4114 44 Rent urnished Apfs (W) BAILEY 3720: 2 or 3 men fur nished rooms AT 1094 BRIDGE Ave 2302: 3 lovely rooms utilities Inquire Suite 5 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALDI SUNDAY JULY II IHi 40 Rent Apartment! (Eajf) fCentlaeed rom eceedlwg Page) 45 Wanted urnished Apt The Glidden Co Desires to locate 3 room fumtohed apt for recent college graduate and wife jointer our organization here In Cleveland July 23: prefer Lakewood West Park West Cleveland area: best recommendations Call the Glidden Co weekdays 900 Union Commerce Bldg PR 15121 ask for Mr A Duncan Ext 279 MIDDLE AGED working couple want 23 3 rooms bath: furnished or not: reasonable references: no children or pets: white GA 1 0310 fl SLEEPING accommodations for 2 adults and 2 children: 6 8 weeks Heights preferred YE 2 0464 COSMETIC representative desires 1 or 2 room efficiency by Aug 1 Box 5428 Hain Dealer 57 Rtnl Suburbia Property BRECKSV1UE 2 bed eoom apt Elertrle rng doors to pat to aftd beautifully shaded! DAVIS REALTY A 1 1 ipi'WU' iwn hMLJ4J 'n5 YRHAHT mllt ntt Rt ST County Rd 13 Untlr: 3 bedroom bath: larue: heal: full baiwnt 1 or 3 rMIdrca uupted US Medina 3 0M3 MANTUa VUUtr bejutlfbl 4 momuln all modm cororemenee cm mater Mrvta Jacoba Creatwood a 336S LYNDHVR1T alula ill! Kld Sun 11 3 GLANZ Broker 101S faelld SW aaiO Cleeeland a Cddeet Rental Broberue GARRELD HetjhU Ranch is' SU 11 3 GLANZ roller lOdlS Zuctld SW 1 4430 Clewlnd' Oldmt Rental Sroaerr BEAUTIUL new 4 t4room 5 bath In better Knalu Children ae earned S1S0 month can Lorain dSS7 Sheftletd Lair 64 CAMBRIDGE HOTEL 1837 78 ST ROOMS: DAY OR WEEK: WRITE HOTEL Chester 1810 11 St: Per manent rooms available Men only Dsfre fl fl rnnm double or apartment West Side: nr children nr pets ex cellent references permanent loca tion Call Mis Hamill WO 1 8306 Extension 241 MARRIED eouple telephone technician Interior decorator desire apt with free hand to decorate garage desir able lease and option: a must for Sept 1 Box 21827 Plain Dealer 2 DOCTORS and their families (4 adults 1 child) desire 3 or 3 bedroom apt or house In Garfield Heights area near transportation Call LO 1 0500 Ext 4 8 4:30 weekdays YOUNG professional man and ex pedant Mfe desire 2 bedroom apt in Heights area To $100 Excellent references YE 2 7047 after 9 MIDDLE aged couple 4Y3 rooms anS garage lit floor: Mayfield to Kina man Lee area Reasonable rent UL 14309 2 OLDER businesswomen want 2 bedroora apt Height ares with kitchen equipment heat garage up to $125 GA 13177 after 6 TELEPHONE employee with 3 young children desires 2bedroom apt to $70 East Cleveland preferred MU 11569 WIDOW desires 3' rooms private bath entrance kitchen Clifton 117th area Lorain 110 to 140 or Brooklyn area WO 15304 1 BEDROOM apt for woman: eaxt A 12159 daily WO 15236 APTS URGENTLY NEEDED! EAST WEST: AAA 1 TENANTS WAITING THOMAS REALTY SW 1 4114 ENGINEER wife desire apt or hnue west suburbs to $90 LA 1 7145 WESTERN Reserve graduate student 4 children desire 3 bedroom house or apt In Lakewood for 12 months Write Hodgson 502 East Ave Erie Pa HEKMAN Biscuit Co employe wife 6JA yer old daughter want 2 or 3 bedroom: prefer Brooklyn Parma TU 45025 wRu postdoctoral fellow wife and 3 boys fl and 8 ytara need 3 bedroom single on East Side: by Aug 1 Call ER 1 0536 HOUSE furnished or unfurnished 3 bedrooms Garfield or Maple Heights preferred reference MO 28836 STOCK broker wife ned 2b1roora house Glanx Broker Cl 1 1587 CH 12072 AIRVIEW Park landlord: amily with 2 children desire houra In your nice community TR 1 3698 I OU businessman wife desire unique 5 room houie er lower West Side AC 17949 COUNTY executive and wife fl room single: to $100 Prefer Psnna or ParmaHeirhUSHl 7465 CHEMIST and employed wife desire 5 rooms: Aug 1 or 15 Shaker Square area JSJ 0L A 47766 BUSINESSWOMAN mother desires 8 6 tf neiznoornwa no children CE 19337 after 7 COUPLE 2 daughter 58 rooms down Brooklyn or west $65 i ousj ORD engineer wife baby require 5 rooms up or down or single west or Excellent ca reWI 16 98 4 EXECUTIVE and will pay $T1S for singl or suite east John KENNY Realtor A 16 52 3 ZDULTS desire single 078 rooms Call EV 14444 COUPLE 2 children 5 rooms to $50 OL 13567 to 10 a or eve 54 Hornet for Agacf Invalids WINDSOR REST HOME Lovely Windsor Rest Home has a few vacancies: men women bed ambula tory very reasonable Phone 47U1 Windsor WHILE vacation will rare for mother or grandmother in my home no Invalid CH 85583 WANTED: Room board and personal care for young arthritis victim In adult home Box 27127 Plain Dealer BOARD and good car for an elderly women in my home SU 12525 ROOM and board for elderly person reasonable Ra 19601 GOOD eve and board la private home for eldrly woman WO 1016 (Continued in Next Column) NEWTON AveM 9806 fl room single $100 SHAKER Beautiful upper suite In 2fmilv 6 minutes to rapid and school 3348 Colwyn Rd Open 1:30 4 30 LO 1 4902 SHAKER RENTALS LATIMORE: 2 bedroom upoer $150 WINCHELL: 2 bedroom upper $150 NO RENTAL EE TO TENANTS THE REALTY MART WA 11745 SHAKER Deleford up 3 bedrooms carpeting drapes garage $150 SK 2 2235 SHAKER: 6 rooms uo near schools and rapid $120 children accepted can be seen today 16 WA 1 5124 SHAKER: Near rapid and school: brick 7 room up1 3 bedrooms plus sunroom $140 SK 1 9883 SHAKER near rapid 5room $145 WY 10027 after 9 a SHAKER: 5 rooms up: near Lynn field adulta: $125 WA 1 0482 tiwtvrofltrv tr ticiency on 1st private bath and en itive 5 room op garage large trance $55 OL 1 1246 screened porch: divided basem*nt DENISON 3715: Available 3 rooms Ml? sir conditioned: reference: private bath and entrance adults no sdulti $170 A ilfllO: SK 2 1477 pet WHITMORE AVE ETTERMAN Dr Strongsville: Beau bath up adult a whit: near tlful efficiency apt private bath 1 c1atr bus PO 1 9307 nr 3 adulH 44085 INY4R at suite room oath: garage: $156 2d floor 7 room batn $135 call any time ER 1 2543 6 ROOM side by aide duatex Tucllrf Green near shopping center school churches playground and pool: avail bl August 1 $110 XE 1 6714 3 ROOMS Slo venian couple around age 50 no Pt DI1 9266 5 ROOM suite redecorating to please: near shopping and rapid 3555 Gridley Rd SK 1 8403 LAKEWOOD: INE 5 ROOM HOME $100 VACANT SOON ADULTS PEARSON ORGN LA 1 8227 (STOP IN: MANY LAKEWOOD: 5 up garage: gas heat middle aged couple no pets line to cation $85 LA 1 6529 LAKEWOOD: fl rooms 3 bedrooms: tile kitchen and bath garage adults $100 3 LA 1 7105 LAKEWOOD: room upper $90: ges heat garage newly decorated adults LA 1 6874 LAKEWOOD: Lower 5 rooms bath gas heat garage adults BO 2 5197 LAKEWOOD? fl room brick tingle dec orated: no pets BO 22120 LORAIN Ohio 24 mile from Public Square: Living room large kitchen with plenty nf tlng space: 2 good bedrooms and bath: full basem*nt ga heat garage $90 TR 1 2037 for rppoinTment LORAIN Rd 23612 6 rr: children: 5115 LA 1 7236 LYDIAN 15506: Nke quiet location 5 rooms: gas heat garag $100 Adult no peta References 7 2 5 odsy PARMA Ridge Rd: New brick double: 2 bedrooms: garage: $125 TU 47274 4 nice rooms bath with heat $67: quiet responsible adults 13389 ROCKY River: 4 rooms 2 bedrooms upper of 2 famlly range: adult no pets lease damage deposit $110 LA 15664 SCRANTON Rd 2460 5 room hath down: adults: decorated: heat 185 SCRANTON Rd 2943: Lower double 6 rooms 3 bedrooms $80 month VIEW Rd 2125 4 blocks south of City Hospital off Scranton 5 rooms upr garage gas furnace: $80 Call Suit before 2 or Mon all day 16878 Air Conditioned 2 bedroom Apt Shaker Ity baths AU electric kitchen good closets dis pose I 24hrs switch board service: Limousine service to Shaker Sq Guest roems on premises Garage service options mud service Available Aug 1st Call GA hi 800 Metropolitan Management personnel executive 2 ramiIy 1st ftoor rwlr aflroam wnfumiAhid Smmim un inn 7 urr ukc norc divs: nxmi aown Iru TEACHER and expectant wife desires 4 room apt Heights area by Aug 1 11319 2 ADULTS want 5 room apt: Height area excellent references YE 2 5431 or ER 1 0039 2 APTS In same building to $65 east or a large house to $90 sisters with 2 children GA 15512 BUSINESSMAN want 2 room bachelor apt: nice section east white GA 19175 YOUNG couple with child desire 4 5 rooms to $90 east References WA 11523 CARRIAGE house or garage type apt in Heights for young couple SW 53569 COUPLE want 4 5 room colored Box 19627 Plain Dealer EMPLOYED lady desires 3 4room apt garage AC 1 6927 eves CREDIT mgr need 2 bedroom apt Glanx Broker CE 11587CH 12072 DESK space dignified and desirables $25 and up per month PR 12020 OICE or Light Mfg Space PARKING EN 1722 1 ST CLMR NW Offices aif conditioned parking MA 1 9292 SHARE air conditioned $2250 Phone answering $12 AC 1 2 5 Alt LARGE office space with parking lol and scale west BO 2 43S9 nice location beach privileges Will 1M $150 RE 1 6658 5 BEDROOM furnished home near bus $160 month WY 1 1499 4 ROOMS DOWN: GAS A1 9309 4 ROOMS in tingle by wek or ma white 1130 114 16169 ROCKY RIVER' INE COOL 4 ROOM APT: 2 LARGE AIRY BED ROOMS TILE BATH: ALL APPLI ANCES: VACANT: 2 BUS LINES PEARSON ORG'N LA 18227 KEYS AT 15309 MADISON AVE (STOP IN: "HAVE MANY ROCKY RIVER DR: De luxe beauti 1 ful 2 bedroom large living room and dining room 7 closets: attached ga rage quiet neighborhood adults only See to appreciate $170 ED 1 8366 WAKEIELD 6018: 5 rooms and bath up See after 5 tn WARRENS VILLS Cnlr1 MAPI Heights: 4 room apt near Libby: ti rage stove icelesa: $105 EV 1 1987 WEST Blvd Madison areu 4 looms bath: steam heat garage adults Box 14721 Plain Dealer WEST BLVD 5 lovely room sun room upper brick 2 famlly: garage $100 Broker OL 1 1346 SH 16185 5 2130 near airfield: 3 clean rooms bath children welcome own entrance: parking SU 1 7199 14 2711: 5 rooms adults: no pets: redecorated See custodian 20 2056 rear house: 4 rooms UP 3 adu 1 1 1 child 25: 4 rooms and bath: steam heat Adults SU 1 2557 after 4 YE2 1 930 25TH 2939: 2 rooms utilities $45 YE 2 8299 1970 28TH ST 4 room and bath (2 bedrooms) heat furnished $70 See custodian Aot 2 29 1567 (corner ranklin Blvd): 2 rooms: heat light gas included 33 2116: 4 rooms bath redeeo rated children: $60 WY 1 2879 41: fl room apt up $80 mo SU 12557 after fl YE 2 1930 53 Loratn: 2 rooms bath private entrance: electricity furnished $4250 OR 1 3180 81 near Madison: 2 room effi ciency: bath: heat: middleage couple: $48: wilt allow half off rent for small services in building BO 21017 84 1421: 3 rooms bath heat all Utilities $45 WA 13029 98 3240 corner Denison at 98th St: Attractive 5Vo rooms bath heat hot water A tenancy See custodian WEST Lakewood: 4 attractive large rooms reasonable good location: must buy furniture set to appreciate BO 2 0889 eve WOOSTER Rd: 5 room terrace apt Move refrigerator full basem*nt ga rage $120: near schools and trans £Dl 52 1 4 ED HO 9 1 4 4 ROOMS BATH: INQUIRE 2562 SCRANTON RD 2 APTS: Redecorated no pets adults only 1 0347 5 ROOMS up adults older child ref erences $80 ME 1 4541 Il Want Rint Aprtmmti Glidden Company' Accountant LAKEWOOD: 5 room upper nicely furnished nrtxe: utillti not in eluded ho pets 8135 AC 1 0217 LAKEWOOD Detrolt: 5 rooms up nicely famished $95 BO 21395 LAKEWOOD 5 rooms up: adaits: available 1593 6 3164: 4ROOM8 $20 WDDC 1 CHILD CALL ATER fl 65 3428: 4 rooms tip furnished no children 4479 3 EXTRA large new washer nice garden: adults refer ences $100 WI 17170 OR RENT: Cottage at lakeland Beach $30 boat Inquire Mrs Meier 128 University Wooster Phl0 I chagrin harbor beach tAvelv modern: 9 and bath s'5l in' Mrn itfinni r' id a rn I A AVW 'll IAkE front modern cottage: wk or season private beach: al! con veniences adults: 'Lak Rnru SftP 86 Uke Road Phone 85 837 Lorain CANADA: J)ousexeDing cottages 1 4 bdriwts Wat? tottt Uh ell heat sandy bach MI 1 3575 CHIPPEWA Uke 4 rooms sunporch summer or all year round residential areaMI 1 83 BEACHVIEW cottogM 1 4 bedrooms all modem Haidens Hsrbor Box 812 Ru ts I la Pof nt JI 3 3 3 3 i ndis INDIAN Lake cottages at beautiful Lookout Pt1o 40 $80 werir Laura 5 2S84 GENEVA onth? Lk' Ortvttoff KE 1 587 1 CHAGRIN Harbor Barh: ishing swimming boating WI 2 099 WILLOUGHBY on the Uke: Modem private beach WI 3 032 9 ON VermtUon River tn) Labor Day $300 MO 3 5502 CHAUTAUQUA Lake Modern 2 bedroom cottage $50 AT 1 9619 GENEVAon the a room cottage now available XE 1 7780 It Rtol Office Desk Rita SCHOIELD BLDG TH AND KUCUDmill medium and Ixrg offleaa Se Mr Schofield Boom 14M 4914 PROfiPECT AVE 1750 sq ft unit with paridag Osborne EstetM Co EX 1 443V 1436 Lorain nt ulton 8000 SO OICE BPAC9 TN MODERN BLDG: ELEVATOR CALL MON MA 1 1800 EXT 5703 BROADWAY ront office with rerrptiep mw 367 sq ft steam heat: reuonahto Call Mon MA 1 1600 Ext CONVENIENT downtown: 1100 84h ft partitioned Into 5 offlcm: reason able rent: available July 1 204 Wtnous Bldg 1258 Eaelld SV 1 916 A KJt area: ew air" coridlhcned bldg 3 offices soluble for doctor dentist: parking A 1 8824 ef A 1 6180 SALES office 240 fu Brookpxri Rd Parma Newly decorated park ing no problem Reasonable gent Ott ON 1 1900 RONT office In 1 floor office M6f Noble Monticello 9'x9' reception room 10'114' office strnrage lavatory: heal furnished: parking GL 1 6190 MODERN offices near Shaker Squsro for professional or any other burinem All utllltiaa included tn low tent TO 1 0 63StWY 1 2 7 5 15614 DETROIT AVE 240 SQ CLEAN LIGHT RUNN1 NG WATER CE 1 416 1 EUCLID 36TH: New bldg 2 ronneeto Ing office (850 sq ft In all): conditioned elevator A Monday PR 1 0520 PHWhTK office with secretarial serv fr parking Rcky River bvi neMaction ED 17686 OICE spare mexzanfne floor decorated or Information eall CH 13410 DOWNTOWN: Use our office Phone Including phone answering $10 dsk space 15 parking S'J 1 1855 REASONABLE Alrcondltiond doctor's offlcss air view Park ED 15900 SHAKER HEIGHTS: Office apace 1r conditioned parking secretarial serv ice sk 3 1550 EUCLID 4TH: 900 sq ft modem Of fire ti floor fine bldg Monday PR 1 0520 22: 5 room up: ga furnace adults only white 60 SH 11852 36 Memphis: rooms: up rouple with child $85 12541 63Denison: 6: bath up: garage: adults: Hungarian speaking OL 11021 71 ranklin: rooms and bath upper half of double front and rear porches: 3 or 4 adults no pets children ME 1 7024 73 Detrolt' 6 room bath sun porch basem*nt and garag $100 OL 1 5461 88 Denison area: 5 rooms and bath down garage: hatj or elderly couple $85 OR 1 8369 7 97 3418: fl modem rooms: 3 bedrooms hath garage: child icn wd come available July 25 (Continued in Next Colrmn) 52 Shart Apartminfs Homi WOMAN with character references to share 5 rooms with 2 other girts nr rapid and bus transportation: private bedroom reasonable Box ntaM rut 1 MIDDLE ated gentleman will share Wa i WIWOOD NJ THE fl room completely furnished home with 1 nr 2 gentlemen or a eouple APTS 2 BLOCKS TO BEACH PRONE reasonable rent tor upkeep all priv 23243 lieges MU 15676 AIRVIEW Park: Businesswoman will share her home with same or rnt one room with twin beds and closets must have car ZD 11168 DOES a young executive or professional man have a nice apt to share with same age 29 Box 2727 Plain Dealer BUSINESSWOMAN Till share her 2 bedroom apt with same in Smith Euclid: private yard EV 2 5585 2 to 6 WILL you share your apt or adult heme with refined elderly lady as companion or housekeeper? Box 13227 Plain Dealer 1 2 MEN 25 35 Share Heights apt with same In persoui 1558 Belmar Mayfield Sun and eves after 6 or 301 36427 Plain Dealer cl*tON Blvd 3 girls want to share their apts with 4th girl A1 7 1 33a tier 5:30 NURSE will share her apt with same or employed girl Call after 5 BO 2 5766 COUPLE will share their 6 room home child accepted BR 1 4789 ROUNDUP LAKE PARK Modem cottages on private spring fed lake private bath: swimming boating fishing playground restaurant Is rated just east of Aurora on Rt 83 Phone Aurora 5211 in Cleveland MA 14255 or SK 2 0866 GENEVA ON THE LAKE: Overlook Cottage (upitslrai sleeps 8: $60 a week all conveniences: private en franc and beach AC 1 83J1 or HUxley 7 4470 GENEVA ON THE LAKE OHIO Our own private back playground: modern cottages $30 to $100 per week: rs'e tor June Write for told er Breens Presidential Ave CHAGR1N Harbor Beach: 4 bedroom home completely furnished: privst beach: toa) vacation spot Available Aug 1 $150 week 3 8357 NINEVAH BEACH: COT TAGES 3 nolle east of Gear lake large cottages private beh LO 12840 er Mhtabttla2 4 493 ANNA Gay cottages atCatawbt Point all modem conveniences to enjoy your ara Has own range and rerrigrater Married no children Wife a school teacher references Must occupy by Aug 1 Box 17924 Plain Dealer Property Owners ree East: Hat your for rent or for aae property us Quick servlet rena bl clientele MILLER REALTY EY 1 4226 MAYIELD RESPONSIBLE company amplovcsa with good references desire unfur nished houses or apartments: prefer West Bld Call Mrs Ruth Jamas MI 1 3600 Ext 314 8:15 to 9 Monday thru riday EXECUTIVE WIE 3 Children Wei! trained desire modern tn exclusive section Will leas post bond Call my agent Mrs lhahan CL 1 8300 NO CHARGE Let Us Rent Your Property Reliable colored tenants waiting MI 1 9554 Stutx Realty MI 1 6207 Branch Office 7908 Kinsman QUIET family consisting of buslneee executive wile and baby seeks 2 bed room house or apt Prefer xuUirban West Side Up to $100 including utill ties OL 1 68 12 INANCIALLY responsible ntiddle sred eouple forced to move due to sale after living In hem 8 vars 6drea 6 rooms aveland Heights SK 16269 Rtnl urn Homs (E) BRATENAHL SUBURB IK THB C1TT Ovtf looktag Lake Erie spacious 4 bedroom 2 furnished: beauti ful grounds maintained by owner: IS ditautea to the Squaxt Lease $350 a month REALTOR A 1 flffl COLONIAL Heights: 5 roc mi up rear transportation $130 TV 1 6050 41 Hsusu for Rent (Wist) (Contlnaed rom Preceding Colaamtg w7 105 near atfton: Recently' redrol orated upper living room dining room kitchen 9 bedrooms and bath: gas furnace garage $110 CE 1 3133 117 Lorain: 5 room suite large kitehen garbage disposal large living room 2 bedrooms: utility room ga rage $100 1 child CH 1 6969 Call between 10:30 and 2 117 3840: 4 large airy rooms with automatic washer dryer Die posall and garage OR 1 5889 117 near Lorain 5 rooms down $85 call Walter Green MA 1 4908 131 3448: Upper 5 rooms sun room garage adults references CL 17672 136 St: 9 rooms bath up gas furnace automatic tank Couple with 1 child or teen ager acceptable $100 WI 12825 SHAHAN RtNTAtB LANDLORDS CALL CL 1 SS09 Dally with new Uttinge sueh as: 38th 4 room upper $55 95th 4 room heat $60 73 5 room lower $80 125 5 room lower $85 LAKEWOOD 9 room lower 8100 cl*tON 7 room duplex $125 Other single $100 to $250 Always a selection $60 to $100 OUR SERVICE IDEAL tor strangers 'a take you to places by appoint ment Not associated with any other rental agency Come in today Our staff anxious to help you Shahan Rentals 3191 117th St CL 19300 Actom from Drive In and Car Wash Same location 11 yrs Open 1 1 7 NO REGISTER EB Lakewood 5 up $85 Lakewood: 4 up $78 Lakewood 9 single $155 Brooklyn: fl single $125 Wert Richfield: fl single 3 acres $125 Cleveland 5 up: 3 bedrooms $95 Cleveland: 6 lower 3 urnished: Lakewood 5 up $125 urnished fl single: urnished: 5 up Brooklyn $135 East Cleveland: 10 de luxe 160 and St Clair 4 up $75 Cedar 136: single 6 $16 CARRIER REALTY CO REALTORS 1852 5DETROIT A VE LA 1 6291 3 BEDROOM RANCH IN BAY LEASE or SELL on land ronfrart with small down payment An unusual home that has just been REDUCED in price to SELL $200 PER MONTH Ask Mr Green MERRITT nTTNNtY SOVTHARD Dally ED 1 5252 Eve AC1 5301 Duplexes 5 Room Suites $105 PER MONTH: LEASE AND SE CURITY REQUIRED 17220 9 A TO fl PENTHOUSE Beautifully landscaped Terrace UNUSUAL LIVING 2 large AIR CONDITIONED bedrooms paneled library full dining room jalousie porch 2L baths are few of the fea tures Included In this beauti ful AND act METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT Mon to rl GA 1 1800 41 Rnt Aprtmenh (Wet) LAKEWOOD near Rocky River Bridge: 2 newly decorated 2d floor suites 2 bedrooms kitchen appliances In cluded heat and gas utilities: 8905115 BO 23066 or A 13024 LAKEWOOD: rapid transit lines 5 rooms redecorated: adults VU 33591 BO 2 7794 UlKEWOOD 3 lovely large rooms iittUtiM furnished BO 2 9441 between 10 and 13 noon Lakewood 1385 Manor Park 34 rooms cove ceilings modem kitchen redecorated adults $110 AC 19446 LAKEWOOD: 6 up garage: adults: gar heat no pets LA 14353 LAKEWOOD Clifton Blvd: 4 rooms frath adults: $100 AC 16005 LAKEWOOD 1299 Cme: 3A rooms: stove ieeless: utilities: $75 LAKEWOOD: 4 rooms bath heat hot water rarage LA 1 727(L LITERARY 509: 2 bedroom suite utilities furnished 16149 IzORAIN Rd near airport: 2 rooms firtvate bath and entrance Utilities neluded: $65 wil 5991 53 Children Boarded Avtrtiitrr maxf br lierttstd by Ohio Stalo Dojmrfmftit of Poblic Wtlfort DAY care aga 1 3 licensed home Parkgate area GL 1 7444 ROOM and board for mother and child AT 1 7965 CHILD BOARDED LICENSED HOME 1 0883 I' YOU would like a gopd home for your baby (boarding) etU GL 1 706L COMMODORE ApartfrieriE Hotel Weekly Rate h2 3 Room MODERN Kitchen Apartments YOU MAKE A SELECTION TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET ONLY 15 MINUTES DOWNTOWN AMPLE PARKING CALL MR MURRAY HENDERSON GA 13900 Commodore Hotel 11300 Euclid at ord Driva CRAWORD Rd 1581: 3 fl room apts also 1638 75th 3 room apts children welcome white SW 8 6973 UT 1 3939 DRURY HALL 2030 86TH EUCUD 1 to VT room suites: fumiihed er unfurnished adults select clientele: switchboard service CE 1 436 3 EAST Cleveland 1827 Wadena: Lovely 3 room furnished suite private bath near Euclid bus stops must hare ref erence 19th ST 1751 2 3 5 Room Apts MtlVATB BATHS CHILDBBS 3B 1900 cornr ChMtn Ztfl clmey 1 0 3 rooms 13 up: fm pirklng TO 1 0530 Ner bu Un 57 1945 2 rooms private bath refrigerator reasonable children white 65 1845: 2 suites redecorated very reasonable: children white EN 11661 LO 18715 65 1567: 3 ROOMS BATH WHITE ONLY HE 22132 95 2 front rooms: leeleu: porch Child: white $15 KE 13152 66: 3 ROOMS newly decorated tor 2 men or couple white EN 1 0418 69 1981 2 rooms private bath refrigerator: reasonable: children: white 73 ST 1647: 5 large rooms 1 CHILD white $75 MO EX 1 3095 after 5 73 1949 off Euclid: Small bache lor apt $4250 See custodian 73 1851: 3 rooms all utilities private children white 1858 75: 2 rooms nicely fur nished: Hough Chester area colored HE 1 3753 75 1615: 4 rooms: heat white $60 EX 1 0123 or HI 2 5818 77 2027: 3 large rooms 1 step from Euclid newly decorated: new stove cabinet sink refrigerator all utilities deposit: white up $2150 weekly See custodian Ant 77 Euclid: Two room apis 1 child: white EX 1 9240 77 1628: 2 3 room apts white BE 22725 77: 2 iticely furnished rooms utiK itles: white HE 21377 78 1834: 2 rooms private bath and entrance? child welcome Hough bus: white Dt 1 7983 79 1696: 3 nice rooms: private bath weekly or monthly white MA 1 1981 79 1962: 3 3 room apts white children welcome 79 1837: 3 rooma oath llneni utilities white 81 1843 APTS Off Chester rooms bah new rigidaire stove children white See custodian 82 1886: Attractive 3H room suite modern range and refrigerator elevator white RA 18914 82 1909 north of Chester clean home 3 room suite laundry privi lege: colored RA 1 0847 82 1881: 2 room's 2 kidi $20 week SW 5 0900 85 1939 off Euclid roomtf steam heated apt bldg laundry fa cilities children: white $3875 half month YE 26860 65 1839: 4 large room apt: all utilltec adults must be seen white 86 1596: 2 room suite senti bath clean home Colored 3 rooms and bath newly furnished white GA 17302 88 Superlor Well furnished dean efficiency own kitchen bath utill ties $17 White GA 17710 88 2052: 3 4 ROOMS UR NISHED WHITE ADULTS ONLY 89 1821: 3 front roomi nice kitchen: iceless: adults 96 2064 nar Euclid: JU and 3 rooms private bath $20 up a week 97 2859 off Elwell: 3 rooms private entrance and bath working couple 102 near Euclid? Private bath children welcome white RA 1 5845 103 753: Elegant 3 rooms fur nished new furniture? $25 week chil dren welcome white GL 1 4077 Call Mrs Thomas 103 Unlon area: 3 rooms on 2d private bath and entrance TV all utilities? $80 DI 18707 105 EUCUD: 2 room apt: nicely furnished all utilities included excel lent transportation white adults: $75 Call SW 1 0713 after 4:30 105 926: 2 and 3 room suites: colored: 2 weeks In advance SW 5 0784 105 1924 Off Euclid: 1U 2 3U rooms $15 $20 $25 weekly 107 2026 2U rooms til bath shower elevator $90 SW 14090 108: 2 rooms bath couple or single RA 14561 110 ST CLAIR 3 rooms private bath entrance child welcome LI 16072 113 oft Wade Park: 5 rooms: 2 couples or 3 single ladies colored CE 19694 117 EUCLID: 3 4 men: 3 rooms kitchen bath porch SW 16716 118 1445: 5 room furnished suite In brick apt bldg adults only white Cali GA 1 8713 118 1666 near Euclid: Brick apt: 2 rooms bustaeu lady $40 mo 205 Upper In a dor bed $90 rent Security deposit and lyear lease RE 1 2256 EDDY Rd 747 749: Lovely 4 rooms stove refrigerator tile bath beautiful brand new furniture rferene re quired $95 mo CH 1 8296 after 12 noon EDDY 364 off Taft: fl room suite furnished Ideal tor 3 gents or ladies ELK: 2 rooms bath adult couple colored $17 week GL 1 8984 EUCLID LOGAN HOTEL 9507 Euclid Ave 4 rooms nicely furnished: decorated: 1st floor: suitable 2 4 adults phone maid linen service EUCLID Heights Blvd: Large 3 room apt 1st floor: idea! tor couple near ahopping transportation: ref erences YE 2 0464 EUCLID Ave 5716: 3 rooms: $40 semimonthly whit See custodian Suite 211 EX 1 6298 EUCLID 4209: 34 rooms all utilities Included: white HE 1568 EUCUD 15986: 2 room efficiency apt adults only EUCLID Heights Blvd 2860: Effi clency 1 2 also 4 rooms YE 29077 AIRVIEW Ct 125 section: 2 3 rooms bath utilities MA 19292 enway Hall Hotel 2 3 ROOM NEWLY DECO RATED URNISHED KITCH ENETTE APTS COEE SHOP? COMPLETE HOTEL SERVICE Weekly and monthlv rates Call Mr Leonard Porter Mgr GA 15760 Haddam Hotel 23 4 Room Kitchenette Apts BEST VALUES IN CITY $95 AND UP MONTH UTILITIES MAID SERVICE LINENS INCLUDED CLOSE TO INE RESTAURANTS Theaters Parks and BUSES CALL GEO PEARCE MANAGER 1 10510 Euclid CE 1 56001 HARLOW 1906 105 near Euclid: Lovely corner room kitchen ladies HEIGHTS: 4 rooms: close transporta tion shopping: adults A 1 9341 HOTEL Victory 2171 18: 1 and 2 room efficiencies TO 1 8743 6527 HOUGH APTS 4 beautilfu! 3 room apt: nlcriy fur nished children utilities white reasonable See custodian HOUGH 85 IH APT 1717 beautiful 3 room apt 1if: nicely furnished decorated utilities children custodian HOUGH 5904 APTS 3 5 large room baths all utilities children accepted ideal for 2 couples See custodian HOUGH 9508: Children welcome white GA 1 7367 KENMORE 8601? 4 rooms private bathRA 16906 KINSMAN 9314: 2 room suite? kitch en room Custodian New Amsterdam Hotel Euclid Ave at 22d St Rooms suites and apts Special weritlv and monthly rates: redecorated: com plet hotel service: convenient parktag PAYNE Ave 2359 off 24th Sii pertor 2 room furnished apt washer dryer and TV maid service working adults $15 per wfk SU 10630 ST CLAIR 5507 Efficiency $15 sleeping $10 completed rw through out: parking HE 1 4586 ST CLAIR 110: 3 lam dean rooms: own entrance white UL 10341 CLEVELAND Heights Hampshire Rd: 4J rooms 2d electric range heat and hot water accept baby SW 1 0303 Corr rd: nice 2 family up ADULTS: $85 UL 10477 CLEVELAND Heights: 5 rooms up adults YE 23936 CRAWORD Rd: Colored? new mod ern 2d and 3d: 2 tile baths kitchen adults GA 1 5422 DALEORD Rd Shaker: 'de luxe 1 famlly lower 5 adulta $125 CaH weekdays 9 to 5 A 18817 DALEORD Rd: fl rooms up: newly decorated: $150 month WY 12812 EAST Park off Lake Shore Blvd: 5 rooms up adults KE 1 3066 88 4986 New 24amily garage SU 1 9510 105 section: White only 4 room upstairs: completely remodeled IV 17000 123 639: 5 NICE ROOMS $ifl MO 1 BABY WELCOME 130 2654 off shaker Square 5 rooms up: gas furnace garage quiet a a no hHdren no pets $90 142: 5 rooms near bus adults only: colored SK 106 09 185 Lake Shore Blvd: fl rooms up carpeting garage $120 KE 1 3150 Sat Sun weekdays after 6 EDDINGTON Rd: 5 rooms up auto matic heat: white $100 A 11244 EDDY Arhngton: fl rooms up GL 18069 EUCLID: duplex 3 bedrooms fenced in yard basem*nt vicinity Babbitt Rd and Euclid Ave $95 available Aug 1 Write giving refer ences Box 26327 Plain Dealer EUCLID Single $115 Sun 11 1 Glans Broker 10615 Euclid SW 1 4430 Cleveland Oldest Rental Brokerage AIRPORT 11703: fl rooms newly decorated in and ouL Near bus line YE 27738 GARIELD Heights: Cottage: $60 Sun 11 3 Glanz Broker 10615 Euclid SW 1 4430 Cleveland's Oldest Rental Brokerage GLENVILLE MOUNT PLEASANT Hnugh area: 3 4 5 fl rooms $60 up Ml 1 6554 State Realtor MI 1 3344 Branch office 7908 Kinsman GREKN Euclld: 5 $70 Sun 11 8 Glanz Broker 10615 Euclid SW 1 4430 Clevel ands Oldest Rent al Brokerage HARVARD Duplex $60 Sun 11 37 Glanz Broker 10615 EucUd SW 14430 Oldest Rental Brokerage HEIGHTS: 5: $100 garage Sun fl 3 Glanz Broker 10615 Euclid SW 14430 Oldeat Rental Brokerage HEIGHTS Single $140 Sun 11 Glanz Broker 10615 udld SW 1 44 30 Cleveland Oldest Renta! Brokerage HEIGHTS Lee near EalrmounT: De sirable 6 rooms up: garage $125 references YE 26990 HEIGHTS: duplex 6 or 8 lease and security adults A 1 7154 KINSMAN Lea area: 5 rooms up gas heat garage must bux carpeting and drapes white LO 16089 KINSMAN Rd 27921 New 2 famlly garage heat MA 1 9293 LAKE Shore Blvd 19670: Brick 5 rooms down garage finished recrea tion room adulta no peta $140 IV TSTSphone after 7 IAKE Shore Blvd tn Euclid: Clean rooms no carpeting $120 adult MU1 0379 LAKEVIEW are: 5 rooms bath up colored EV 1 5492 MILES Ave 9304: 8 rooms rear of restaurant will be open Sun 1 or write Box 1760 Cleveland 5 MILES 5: $90" Sun if 3 Giant Broker 10615 Euclid SW 14430 Cleveland's Oldest Rental Brokerage MILESLee: 4 bedroom single car peting and drapes $125 WY 1 6446 NELSON Ave 11018: 6 room upper garage $110 MI 13651 Eddv nar roeway Ca hL 5 rooms up $75 adult PO 1 4710 after 7 SOUTHEAST 5 up: no pets nar 3 buses: elderly eouple VU 33167 8 ROOMS $75 No children SW 19542 47 HoutH for Rant (Witt) AVON LAKE Brand new all brick exeeutfve type ranch home on comer lot In exclusive wooded section 2 bedrooms garage attached Call Avon Lake 33360 cl*tON Express: Attractive 5 room lower newly derortted garage: ecu pie $90 LA 1 6689 9 12 a 5 6:30 cl*tON West Blvd area: 8 rooms children welcome 1 40 ME 1 52 23 ORESTDALE 2010 5 rooms up ad ults ULTON Rd 4 rooms and bath WQ 1 5888 3916 GERMAINE: 3 bedroom single brick garage gas furnace Adnlu GIORD Ave 4309 4 rooms screened porch: garage shown ba tween 1 7 $73 CLARENCE 2131 Lakewood: 4 rooma up adults $65 LAKE xvet 5 mln to Howard John son's 3 rooms bath up: adults enly ideal for working couple $60 Reply with details and phone Box 2 827 Plain Dealer LAKEWOOD Clifton Blvd Upper and lower suite fl rooms etch newly dc oratid tile bath shower gas air conditioned furnace garage $135 AC 1 4997 LAKEWOOD: 3 bedroom single very clean: large modem kitchen and bath: redecorated: tor lease Box 23426 Plain Dealer LAKEWOOD 71639 Grace: Attractive 5 rooms up adulta only prefer mld dle agd working couple available immediately LAKEWOOD ARTHUR AVE SECTION INE 6 ROOM SINGLE $150 BUS PEARSON ORGN LA 1 8227 (STOP IN: "HAVE MANY LAKEWOOD: 3 rooms 2 busses adults reference deposit BO 22998 LIBRARY AVE: 4 rooms share bath adult PR 14728 LITERARY 509: 2 bedroom suite utilities furnished SU 16149 LORAIN Ave 10030: 4 rooms (2 bedrooms) bath? completely furnished rigidaire steam heat adults no pets references LORAIN Ave 2848: 3 and bath adults Mr errell NEWARK 4208: 3li lovely room: private bath and entrance adults no pets: $23 a week ROCKY River Dr 4255: 2 rooms bath 2 3 men preferred near ord Chevy Inquire at Barber shop ROCKY RIVER Living room kitchen bedroom bath ED 1 7433 WESTDALE: 2 rooms bath: 2 or 3 men preferred: near Chevrolet and ord pla 1 8 CL 10 3 4 11 3028 (2 houses of Clark): 5 rooms: all utilities adulta only SU MflB 28 2090: 2 rooms up ahara bath utilities Mr Mays SU 19510 40 2406: 5 rooms and bath all utilities: adults 41 3467: 2 rooms utilities own entrance couple SH 1 3993 WEST 44th Clark? 3 furnished rooms bath utilities included: $20 a week Broker 1 1346 SH 361 8 5 45 area: rooms bath up prl vate entrance OL 1 5 1 1JL 47 2021: 3 rooms lor employed lady WO 1 2726 49: 3 nicely furnished rooms: private bath porch and entrance child welcome ME 15422 54 1891: Nice 4 rooms young employed couple: own entrance 61 DETROIT: 5 and bath utill ties: couple $30 week CL 20179 65 1408: 2 and 3 room apts near shopping end bus atop? newly decorated new furniture: also sleep ing rooms 69 Detrott: 5 rooms 2 bedrooms large front and back porch laundry facilities garage: close to schools bus shopping and Edgewater Park BO 25415 106: 4' roomibath up: private entrance couple CL 16995 117: 2 room efficiency nice apt building laundrw facilities near transportation $1950 weekly BO 20160 STORE 2500 sq ft: Ideal location: ample parking 25039 Center ldge Rd TR 11515 5228 LORAIN Ave: Good location good for apparel or gift shop WO 1 064 3 STORE 26x20 located at 1100'S Woodland CE 1 4285 900 UIERARY at Professor: Store 18x60 basem*nt $75 TO 1 1775 DETROIT AVi Storel 4 steam heat TR 17 730 1535 CRAWORD at 93d: Tailor and clean equipped $75 TO 1 1775 2 STORES tor rent 3594 Bosworth Rd CL 3 1041 40 at ENTRANCE OOD TERMI NAL 13000 iq ft UT 18880 97 1R47? 18x70 any business' heat basem*nt $75 A 16537 CLARK 4621: 2 storri seml lndus trlal $75 AT 19646 25th 2639: Retail light menu factoring storage $50 YE 28299 105 neer St Clair call Walter Green MA 14908 2501 PROSPECT: ced 1n lot with small building A Roth WY 10184 ST CLAIR 30618: Store A Icca tlon for any business A 6736 STORE and shop: Rent 83K and $60 2656 WoodhlU YE 23286 STO newly dacoratM baut pu lor other badness MI 11791.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.