The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


MA60J HOUSEKEEPER, over 43, three adults na washing, gocd heme. 0 Canonbury Grove. Dulwlch Hill. LM1U68. HOUSEMAID, Permanent, rellevine.

want-ed, over 45 years. Straight shift. Wiaea 3116 per week. Apply WENTWORTH HOTEL. CITY, HAMBURGER Cook (43) wanted, straight shuts, Sundays off, high wages.

Apply alter 11 a.m., Silvers, 402 George Street, near King Street. HOUSEMAID and Dining-room Assistant required, tor St. Marys War Workers' Hostel. Apply with references, Controller ot Hostels, Rannan House, 9-11 Costlercagh Sydney. DEATHS SMITH July 24, at Esk.

Queensland. Lillian Florence Maude, beloved wife of Vivian A. smith and dear aleter of Bob Uorley (Wpllongong) und Bilh Waplea (Dapto). Cremated at Brisbane. 80UTIIAN.

July 27. 1044, Lee Reginald, dearly beloved husband of Lily Louisa southan and loved father of Frederick Lea (A.I.F.). ecd 52 years. At rest. H'ARKINKR July 26.

1044. at St, Vincent's Hospital, James Warrlner. of Amalfl. 502 New Boulh Htad Road. Double Bay, dearly Mr-vcd hii'band ol Maud Warrlner, STOTL-i'B BUblNEaa COLLEGE.

Pr efiare Btudenta to meet demands lor trained assistant, indiTldual tuition. Shorthand, Typing, likks. Day and early Evg. Olissea. 149 Castlereasrh Street.

M2181. SLlMMiNatotPEKTS. Special nltht sessions Mm bui. women. The comf.

Eleo. Blan- ana reuivigorote a comf. bed. Ray Treat. Exp.

Massage. Venus Thera- VpeuU.S,lon'. Pltt ati end Strand. MA7633. ENUS THERAPEdTIO SALON.

183 Pitt ii. St' ColM Blimmlnn Experts. The Ultra-modern Electric Blanket Way. Why aul-fer dlcccmfort when you can reduce safely the healthful way a comfortable bed? MA7633 T7ETERINARY Instruments Repaired. Ear-Y marks.

Emasculators. etc. First-class work. Prices moderate. Bend direct.

J. B. Roaan Hosa ana York sts, Forest Lodge. CASUAL WORK WANTED CONCRETE PATHS. Floors, etc.

87 Edward St. Kenamh jXPERT Plastering, Tiling, i-J Brickwork. Fn inn Pnn.t.nm) OiUlln! All BuildlnB and Furniture Repair. Ring Campbell. B1702, week daya only.

acna your own Tw2.m5nP Orplntjton St. AshHeld. LA1593. a SPRAYING, Factories. Workshops, eU.

ME SPRAYING, factories, garages, bake- K.nJir -ri 1VX filled, Estimntiii fi. MA7nr.n JET. n.tth ii. XV and PoM.hlnir r-Tn work around city area. city.

'Phone, B0541, WAniiiu. typing, to be done In own home, by woman over 43, with own type- riutni a ntjws Agency, fciersnam, POSITIONS VACANT A SSISTANT TEACHER lor Katocmba. Nur- JX. SerV BChiVll FlKTlrlani-. If rtulraH innlu Day Nuratrv nn Ourt- nt' "niiij, over city iroc salan.

Ploonr -nnu(nn. A Walker Smith, 173d Liverpool Street. LEADING Wholesale Motor Spare Parts nwst rtquirea the services of an experienced Assemb er and Packer. Experience in A ry1? ractorT western Suburbs, en- ri" essential worn, requires Records Permanent pceltlon. Hours 9-5, no r-r, owiury conaitions.

Vm wationai aervice ouice Martin Place, X- for eastern llhnpK Innlu miik Inxsi i-iiiiuiui oci live uicc. T3EADERS. women over An vmh. nn ntif, dcor work given, good wagea. Apply Mr.

Women over 45. tor Joyce Shoe Factory. Smell Strict nMF r.rarA nrn. BOILER FIREMAN required. St.

Marys and Lltneow. war workers' hostel. Apply with references. Controller of Hostels. Rannan nuuac, -n uasuereagn street, Sydney.

rtASHIER for butcher's shop. Edgecl*tT, ex- -v. perience not necesaary. Apply your i mu a nutans, 43, Kantane or Tresu- unu, jcijuncg permanently lor young baby, Warrawee. 310 per week.

Telephone. Mrs. Turner. JW1233. T10MPTOMETER OPERATORS, exp.

With Stock Sheets essential, over 43 yrs. Full and part time, required. Appiy with Staff Anthony Hordern and Sens, Brickfield Hill, Sydney. Ciitttft, icmaie. iu-Z3, lor general omce large Manufacturing Alexandria.

Muat be good at figures, Gocd conditions. Hours 0-3, no Sat. Apply by letter, stating age, experience, copies references, No. 705, National Service Oliice, 32 Martin Place. Sydney, DRESSMAKERS and TAILOR ESSES, vacancies exist for first -class Sklrtmakers.

full or part time, excellent petition. Over 45 yrs. Pond and Pond, 119 King Street. Embroiderers wanted, lor traced needlework models, over 45 years. Wages 315 per week.

Apply with samples ol work to A. G. Morris and 130 Klppax St EXPERIENCED Coat, Vest, and Trouser Hands: Basters Under. Bastera Out. and Finishers; also Juniors for all sections cf Tailcrlns.

Your services are urgently required to assist in malting civilian suits for returned and discnarged soldiers. iaeai conditions in well-appointed factory. Permanent positions. CHIEF CLOTHING 74 Reservoir Street, Sydney. 'Phone, MJ4664.

ijiii it-uo watuea, ior constructional ana XJ maintenance work. Apply your local National Service Office. FINISHERS. 45. for ladles' Coats and Military Frocks.

No experience. J. Hillman. 533a Gecrtre Street, next Victory Pictures. tuny expenencea, ior frocks, over 4s.

excellent working condi tions, no Saturday. A. Benjamin, Elizabeth House. 230 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. lKAvis DiuufcKtj wanted icr uawoiie uernc- va ttry, local Nat GIRLS, 15-16.

wanted, to learn any section of the tailoring trade, which will ensure them of a good trade in future rears. No Sat urday work. Apply direct to EVERS and COREN, 16 WeDt worth Avenue, city. Here Is an oprjorttintty to obtain VX securitv in emnlovment durlnn iJtiiua. wc neea gins io tram as -cai.

vent, and Trouser Table Hands, manufacturing civilian suits fcr discharged soldiers. Full award wages paid while ycu learn a trade. Apply direct to H. J. Cconey.

443 Pitt St. Svdnev. HA IF DRESSING, Lady, over 45. required as Teacher, competent ell branches. Hours 9 to S.

no Saturdays. Excellent waces and conditions. Master Hairdressers' Academy. 267 Elizabeth Street. JUNIOR GIRL required for suburban office, protected industry, hour3 9 to 5, alternate Saturdays off.

Gcod wages and conditions. Apply ycur local National Service OClce. UNIOR Typiste-Stcncgrapher. by manufac-tuiipg concern. Good prospmta suitable applicant.

By letter, stating ase. experience, to No. 733. Wemen's National Service Of5ce. 32 Martin Place.

Iaukdry. women 43. lor Ironing and Foldin Room. No Sntiirtia? work. ten's Steam Laundry, 162 Blue's Point Road, North Sydney.

MAuinmoia, 93, exp. irocKs. uownngs, 53 Oxford Street, city, over Fostars. MILK BAR Assistants, female, 45 yrs. 39-1 New South Head Road, Double Bay.

MACHINISTS. Women, over 45. for dressmaking, experience net necessary. Gcod wages. BROOK.

20 Mary Street. MA2673. MACHINIST, fully experienced, full and nart time, frocks. 45. Highest wastes.

American Sports Styles. 321 Pitt Street. MACHINISTS, over 45. fcr aprens end children's wear. Best wages and conditions.

No Saturday. R. A. FfeirTer, 250 Pitt St. MACHINIST, Women, over 45.

lor ladies' coats. Permanent position. MARTIN MODDEL. 44 Campbell Street, 2nd flcor. MACHINISTS.

Female, 45, for high priority defence work. Ton wanes, no Satutdars. Apply Mrs. BASSETT'S. 24 McLachlan Avenue.

Rushcutter Bay. MAwmmsis. ia, lor ladles coats and Military Frocks. Kn tortnrv vnti-lnr-. needed.

We will teach. J. Hillman. 533a George Street, next Victory. Miluklri.

women over wanted ior nlaln anil Strut? hnun tn eiiifr Apply Lutcn Mlllinsry 39 Liverpool St! near George St. MACHINISTS, over 45, wanted for lisht fac-tcry wcrk. Good conditions, no Saturday work. Also Part-time. Apply Natty Novel ties, 1R3 Pitt Street.

MUTntR (J a ft nurse, for baby 13 mths. 10 to 5.30 dally. Salary 3. Personal Hampton Court. King's Cross.

FL3071. Myniwioio no rressers. Ladies' Wear, gocd wages, profitable bonus, no constant; bright, pleas, work. Part-time '-i ,167 Castlereagh St. 74 ACHINIST, 45.

easy plain sewing, urgent. defence work, very hlah wanes, no Sat. 3. BLAIR. 283 Clnxrnr Rt Inmtt Town Hall Station).

MA22G7. MAuninisia, over is. nign priority defence work, New Guinea tent fiys. Htjh wages, good conditions, natural light. Airy WOrkrOTtn.

mulc etc. Nn SntlirHaw rnrlr GOODMAN'S, 3 Market Street, city. Mnmnjoi, over is. ior industrial sieves, protected industry, mornln; and afternoon tea, radio, no Saturday work. Part or full time.

Kent 423 Elizabeth Street. MAS484. MACHINISTS, 45. experienced, for ladles' wear, urgently wanted. Highest wages and bonuses; Best conditions.

No Saturday work. Apply Jersey Knitting Co. Hall Hcuse, 567 George Street, city. MACHINISTS, female, over 45 years, for bag and sack repairing. Highest wages paid.

Protected undertaking. Full or part time. No Saturday. Apply T. Smith and 33G Sussex Street.

M6843. MACHINISTS (8) and LEARNERS. 43, you ccn apply dlreet to us. Serve your country, be well paid while doing so. work In congenial surroundings, In good daylight, and have music while you work, morning and afternoon break, and every consideration.

No Saturday work. Be engaged on light canvas work for the Military at Smith, Copeland. and Co. Pty. 33 Regent Street, Sydney, handy tn Central Ratlwav.

NURSE, small cony, no heavy cases, good salary, award condn. UJ4960. NURSE, trained, to relieve few weeks, staff hclidays, small nursing home. UJ4702. "rVTURSES, Semis.

Miss 1 MncLach nn's. 350 George St. BW6363. TVrURSES: Many Semis. Mis J.1 MncLachlan'a.

350 Georae St. BW6363. fFPICE BOYS, aged 16-17 years, required by otate wool (jommiuco. Local National Service OIBce. Apply PHOTOGRAPHY.

Retoucher, woman over 43, must be experienced, excellent sal ary. Swiss Studios, 307 George street. TRESSERS for machine and hand pressing na nina pressing. Apply your local good wages, constant, MoHnnol OIHcc -r-ARTnvrnntC An Assistant Female Pa. trycook, over 45 required.

Aflply HORDERN BROTH lino, XUJ fltl Bl. THnTnoBAPHY. Women over 45 wanted for spotting photographs, also Retouchers. Lcmalre Studios, Newtown, T-HFRSHrnfl. 4S.

blouses, cood waces. no Sat. J. Constant, sunny, pleasant, part-time If req. Tucstom Turner.

167 Castlereagh St. TJHOTOGRAPHY. Retoucher, piece-work or permanent, requirea ior country stuaio, female, over 43. Apply Keith Riley Studios, Gunnrdah. PASTRYCOOK.

Experienced Female, 45 years, required for the cafeteria. Apply Stan ukauc ukub, Broadway. 1J HINTING: Women, oyer 45 year, experienced table hands, wanted. Part or Full Time. No Saturday work.

Good conditions, Award wages. Bexley Press, 104 Day Street, city (foot of Liverpool Street). nHPARER wanted. 3000. man one district commence 1st August.

LB2242, between and iu. nnnnTHAND.TYPISTE. Junior or Interme dlate, Gocd wages for capable girl. Reply No. 729, Women'a National Service Office, 32 Martin Place.

STRAW MACHINISTS, orer 48, wantd for fine and coarse bralda, permanent. Hours to suit. Apply butcn Miiunery ju ijivti nnnl flirMt nr Ct-GTtta Street. nuiflT anil Atrrt Tjfldy. 45.

for Stocttkeen. ing, part duties dining-room and little tyPmg, gOOCj WBBCB, "WK. r-w utnTa Ti-rrnrUupurl Trimmers, flleeve and Collar Hands, 43, shortened hours to suit tnoao Wltn respond di hum. nwv iAi rtftilriiirri nirl. or MAflQ.ll.

STENdORAPHER-TYPISTES required by protected Industry. Good prospects and salary offered. Reply, with full details of experience and to No. 698, Women's National service umce, riate. STENOGRAPHER, Clerks, Bookkeepera (Fe-miiit tirtrttnilv wanted by Welfare Asso ciation oaring for Babies, office near Central Station.

Apply No. 738, Women" National Service Office. SYDNEY Funeral Director requires Branch Manaatr. with driver's licence and know ledge or bookkeeping, previous experience not necessarily essential. Excellent conditions and rrmuneratlon.

Residence provmea, Appiy in writing, No. 455. National Service Office, 03 Martin Place, evaney, noiTAi a Applications are Invited from D.O, Sinters for the position of MATRON at th above ncapiUI, Award rnioa no tunaiuum, timw cations to be addressed to Honorary Secretary, Sofala Hospital, Softla, via Balhurit. (2 T. W.

STUNOORAPHMt-OLEKKS (female), also Bookkeepeto, urccntty wanted by Clothing Manufacturer engaged on Defence Work. High salaries paid to experienced applicants. Near Central Station, Excellent working conditions, lunch-room, etc. Apply your local National Service Oflice, SYDNEY HOSPITAL. TEMP.


ASSIST. PHYSICIAN (2 vacancies). i-BMf. nun, niuvvu. aboibi bukugon vacancies).

Applications close August 16. Terms, 12 mths. or duration war, whichever lesser. Appointments Drs. H.

J. Ham, J. Anderson, E. H. Spark, N.

A. C. Corlette, and R. O. Kelly expired, but eligible for re-election.

Aooly Med. Stint, particulars, annlica- tlon forma, Canvassing members Board will dla- qualify. P. BURRLTT, Secretary. riiAiijUKcoBJUs: uoai Macniniau, uoat iaoio Hands, over 45, full or part time.

B. Daymcnd, 62 Abeicrombte Street. rpAILORESSES, 45, Coat and Trouser Fln-X irhers, good wages, conditions, lull or part time. Stanford, co Barclay, 241 Pitt St. riiAiLunmu, niacnine rresser ana nann Presaer.

aood wirM. constant. Aoulv your Local National Service Office. riiwwnBK, enortnond, I'ypewriting uaay, 45). Afternoons or Full-time.

Bellevur Hill District. 283. Herald. rpO TAILORESSES: Wanted, Competent Coatmakers, over 45. Permanent position.

Apply R. C. HAOON 129 King Street, Sydney. riiu wantea, vest. Maxers, over 45, gocd wages.

Permanent employment. Apply R. C. HAGON 129 King Street. Sydney.

TO TAILORESSES: Wanted, Skirt Makers, over 45, gocd wages, permanent employment. Apply R. C. HAGON 129 King Street, Sydney. TAILORESSES wanted, experienced Coat Table Hands.

Centre of city. Protected undertaking. Permanent positions. Apply direct to Oowlng 11th Floor, 45 Market street. TAILORESSES.

Wanted, Women for bast-out-out and felling, to work on discharged soldiers' suits, lull or part time employment, 'Phone. MA5443. S. Jenkins. Berman Hse 112 rnmmiinwMlih SI.

Svdnev. TAILORESSES. Table Hands Ior basting out and finishing; very essential work, making discharged soldiers' suits, which are urgently required, meat conamona. nmy Rosenberg. 5th Floor, Murdoch House.

74 Re- Korvnlr front RvriiiPV ripAILORESSES: We require Apprentices lor -a. an orancnes oi tne traae, gooa uppw tnnltv tnr urn art nlrl tn lnm a. trndft that will be useful to them in the future. No Saturday work. Apply direct to EVER3 and uunbPi, io went worm Avenue, tiiy.

TAILORESSES. Coat Table Hands, all sec-Hrnis- Tr nnjr Plnlshprs Vast Hands. permanent positions, over 45 years, full or part time, protected undertaking. Apply Staff Superintendent, Marcus Clark and Central Square, Sydney. TAILORESSES.

Table Hands for basting out. basting under, and felling. These positions are required to be filled to enable us to carry out contracts for Returned soldieis civilian suits. Apply Mr. Cohen, co Esquire 230 Elizabeth Street (near Hay Street).

'Phone. MA7029. TAIIjORESEES. L. SULUMUn aim have Vacancies for Coat Table Hands.

baste out and baste under wcrk. Vest Tabic Hands and Trouser Finishers required to work cn auits for discharged Servicemen. Good conditions. Gocd wages. One minute from Central fitaticn.

acdIv direct to Mr, S. Solomon. 4 Ri in am Street, Sydney. TAILORESSES. We require Table Hands lor Coat Table, Basting Under.

Basting Out and Finishing; also Vest Finishers. Trcur Pinlrhers, and Button Sewers. Full cr part time employment offered. These vacancies occur through need to Increase prcucilon of Civilian Suits for Discharged Soldiers. Security cf employment for period assured.

Apply direct to H. J. COONEY, 449 Pitt St. mAILORESSES. Murdoch's Manufactories ne vacancies lor a number of: Coat Table Hands for baste out and baste under work.

Vest Table Hands. Trouser Finishers. Gocd conditions. Airy, well-lighted workrooms. Muilc while ycu work.

Well-appointed Rest Room. No Saturday work. This wcrk Is ol urgent priority for dis-chaised Servicemen's suits, and, by special arrangement ycu may apply direct to: TAILORING WORKROOM MANAGER, 6th Floor, Murdoch's Building, Cnr. Park and George Streets. TAILORESSES wanted to make Suits for DEMOBILISED SOLDIERS.

Tallcresses. Girls and Wcmen of any age, are wanted to help in a vital part of Australia's War Pro- erammn tha maktner cf Suits tcr D(MTlCbili3d Soldiers. These men have dene their Job wen; it is Australia's auty to see inst imj are given a good return to civilian life, properly clothed. Lowe's require 50 Coat. 50 Vest, and 50 Trouser Hands to make suita for demobilised soldiers.

The need is urgent, for the men are coming back in increasing numbers every month. The workris constant, the wages and conditions are gcod. bright, airy workrooms, re-oiilir hrrm and KO Saturday work. Come and talk: it ever with our Workroom Managsr. Apply direct to Workrccm Manager.

LOWE'S. LIMITED, 504-14 George St. Sydney. WANitu, expenencea nurse, awara saiaiv. gcod conditions, liberal time off.

UJ4702. WOMEN, over 45. for Packing. Winn Chocolates, 44 Australia St. Campcrdown WANTED, good Dressmaker.

45. gcod wages, conditions. 3 Flat, 51 Hall St. Bcndi. X7MEN.

cver 45 Pack Foodstuffs, no Sat. i tt worx. Dudleys, zt Kippax st. city. WOMEN over 45, used to sewing, wanted, hours to suit.

Apply Luton Millinery 39 Liverpool Street, near George Street. WANTCD, Wcman. over 45, light tailoring lactcry wcrk. with or without experience. 302 Bcurke St.

Darlinghurst. WANTED smart Women, over 45, clean, easy wcrk. gd. wages. Barker and 5th Mansion 180 Elizabeth St.

city. WOMAN, 45 for light factory work, experience net necessary. London Knitting Mills 516 Kent St. Sydney (near Liverpool St). WANTED, Woman, 45.

SmallGocda counter, experienced, business references. Wages 6 Apply Eastwocd's Ham Shop. Circular Quay. WJ-ATKIN QUALITY PRODUCTS. Wcmen (45) wanted, to retail in suburbs and country towns.

Stocks, finance arranged. Liberal ccm. assures satisfactory earnings. The J. R.

130 George St. Sydney. WOMEN, over 45. reqd. for machining In hat dept.

Prev. factory exp. net essential. Good wages and conditions. Apply H.

C. Henderson 11-13 Randle St. Sydney (near Central Railway). WANTED, Experienced Foreman Ganger, gocd prospects, no Saturday work, good conditions. Textile factory, permanent posi tion man.

Apply local National service Office. WANTiD, men. no experience necessary. Good prospects. No Saturday work.

Overtime II desired. Gccd conditions. Textile factory. Permanent position right men. Age not necessarily a oar.

Appiy your locai National Service Office. WfOMEN. Here is an opportunity to ob-tt tain security in employment during postwar period. We need girls to train as Coat, Vest, and Trouser Table Hands, manufacturing civilian suits for discharged soldiers. Full nwaiu iyeBC5 psia unue you learn a traae.

Apply direct to H. J. Cccncy. 449 Pitt St. REMINGTON BOOKKKEPING MAfiHTHE OPERATOR urgently required by Prince Henry Hospital.

No Saturday work, excellent conditions and salary. TEMPORARY SENIOR INVOICE TYPISTE required immediately for four (4) weeks, preferably one with experience In Invoicing imported goods, city position, gocd salary. Appiy your iNauonai aervice umce. SITUATIONS VACANT over. Knickerbocker 70 Pitt St.

ASSISTANT COOK, female, 45. 10 a.m. t( 7 p.m., 2 p.m. Sat. Gocd wages, conditions.

Embassy Coffee Lcunge, 69 York Stmt A COMPETENT WAITRESS. 45, hourly dally, or weekly, live in or out. 5: Macleay St, Grecnknowe Ave, Potts Pi. A RETD. SOLDIER, tcr small farm (35 jrx.

mins. a. P.O.), general wcrk, able ride. geca quarters, etc. jaouj wash-uD.

11-5. 3: 8-11. award "tOOK, over 45 years. Hotel Olympic. furore ran, rLiiooo.

CHILDREN'S Nurse or Nursery Housema! Kj any ase, live in or out. FM52D0 riOOK -GENE RAL, over 45 small family. no wasning, seep, ujioju. aurweca. COOK, wcman (43), to cco*k for 4 adults, gocd wages and conditions.

Melton Hotel. Auburn. TJX7624. (lOOK -GENERAL and Hcuscmaid, over 43, or 2 friends, one lady, 2 each, handy station. 40 Hunter St, Lewlsham.

LM1245. CLEANER wanted, woman cver 45, congenial woik. Apply Manager, St. James FlaU. Stanley Street, 'Phcne, FL2651.

COOK -HOUSEKEEPER-, 45, for Offlcera' ClUr In city, live In, easy conditions. Apply 507 Pitt Street. MA4266. COOK -General, 45, 2 In own mistress, highest wages, best accom. Sir John Young Hotel, cor.

Gtoige-Liverpcol sis, city. LEANER, wcman 45 early momlne work. Apply Caretaker before 11 a.m. oi 342 Street, Sydney. CHILDREN'S NURSE, over 45, for two children, station home, Orange district.

Apply FA1532 before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. COOK. Wanted, capable Female co*ck, preferably with hotel experience. Over 45 years.

Wages 5116. Apply WENTWORTH HOTEL, CITY. ftHIEP and 2nd COOKS, Pantrymald, Servery Hand (females, over 45), wanted. No Sundays. Nicolls' Restaurant.

165 King St, city. LEANER, female, over 45. daily from 6.30 V. P-'Si 9-30 P-m APP'y Miss Brlstow, Hotel Plaza, Wynyard SUtlon. CLEANERS, female, over 45 req Apply with Staff Anthony Hordern and Sons, Drlckflefd Hill, Sydney.

COOK-GENERAL, over 43, adult no boarders, no washing, 3 per week ajid keep. Oxford Hotel. Oxtord St, Darllnghurst. COOK-GENERAL, refined woman, over 45, for KUlara, no laundry, good conditions, Wages 70. 'Phone.

BW2704. CAPABLE Kitchenmetd, over 45 years. 6 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Nlcoll's Restaurant, 163 Klna Street, city.

ft LEANER. Female, 43, wanted, 2 days week- iy, jewjuiui, Mcacrn nome, tiu uover Heights. FA1075. 26 hour. COOK-GENERAL (45, over), experienced.

Ior modern flat, Point Piper, 3 adults, no washing, own quarters, other help kept, Wages 4 weekly. References essential. FM6314. COOK, woman 43 for Bowral district, 4 Inside, 4 men In kitchen, good plain cooking, wages 60: can recommend pos. BENTLEY'S, WlngeflO Angel Pi.

BSR32. CHILD'S NURSE. 45, Karltane or Tresllltnn, required, permanently, for young Baby, Warrawee, 310 per week. Telephone, Mrs. Turner, JW1233.

CLEANER, Woman 43 years, for bathrooms. Permanent If suitable. Wages 75, Sunday off. IMPERIAL, 221 Darlinghurst Road, King uross. ok.

wen nental cooking preferred), wages 4. Prl vate home, woollahrm. Copies references essential. No. 4377, Herald.

EXP. KITCHENMAID, over 43, full time. Sun. free. Lindy'a.

Maclcay St, Potts Pt. ELDERLY Married Couple, light duties, own cottage, sution property. Orange district. Apply FA1332 before 11 a.m., after p.m. EXPERIENCED Female Cook.

45 or over, wanttd fcr small cafe, good hours, wages 7. XU2832, after a.m. GENERAL, over 43 years, wantea for Jeno-lan Caves. Apply Government Tourist Bureau, Chains House, Martin Place. GENTLEWOMAN, over 43, care and house-keep aged lady, cottage home, M2371, between 9-8.

GENERAL HELP, over 43, live in, small modern home, excellent bedroom, liberal time off, easy position, Rood home for refineo Christian. JAB531. Housemaid. 43, straight shift, live In or out. Apply Oriental Hotel.

HOUSEMAID-COOK, 43, 44 no Sunday, own room, permanent. M3300. HOUSEMAIDS, ever 43, required by Hydro Mojeatla Hotel, Med low Bath. Gcod accommodattnn and conditions, Apply Hydro dlract; or telephone B1000. HARVEY.

The Relatives and Friends Oi th late Florence Harvey, Ute of Bal-m3in, are kindly invited to attend her Funeral to leave my Private Mcrtuary Chapel. 2A Auburn Road, Auburn, This Day at 10.30 a.m.. for the church of England Cemetery, nockweod. Section 15. Reginald W.

Hilton. Funeral Director, 2a Auburn Road, Auburn. UX7030. HAYWARD, The Relatives and Friends oi Mr. John Michael Hayward, of No.

7 Station Road. Auburn, avid Family, ara kindly nvited to ait-nd the Funeral cf his dearly cved Wife and their loving Mother, Ada Eleanor: to leave St. Philip's Church, Macquarle Reed. Auburn. This Day after a Service- commencing at 1.45 p.m..

for the Crematorium, Rcckwocd. Reginald W. Hilton. Funeral Director. 2a Auburn Road.

Auburn. DX7050. HILLY. The Relatives and Frlenda of Mr. and Mrs.

L. R. Hilly and Family are Invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved Son. Bilnn Roy Hiily: to leave his grandpHrenu' residence. 1 1 Stewart Street.

Arncllfle. This Day, after Service commencing at 2.45 p.m.. for the Presbyterian Cemetery. Woionora. J.

Andrews. A.F.D.A., 21-23 Enmore Rnntl Nan-rm-n 'Ph l.ilflM tr HUDSON. The Funeral of the late Ed-waid Thcmas Hudson will arrive at the Catholic Cemetsry. Northern Suburbs. This Day, Friday, at 2.30 p.m..

lor private interment. Whelan and Olacken. A.F.D.A.. 263 Miner street. North Sydney.

'Phone. XBiuio. mi mineral oi tna iuic wii.ia.iii John nf Kit 1 ovinia Riimhln WnoH Tafl-V HUla, will leave our Private Chapel, 92 The Corso. Manly, This Afternoon, Friday, at 2.30 o'clock, and will arrive In the French's Forest ocmeiery, at a cidck. t.

waugn ana uo. Funeral Directors, Manly, X01113. JONES. The Funeral of the late John Earp Jones will leave our Chapel, Bel- vice commencing at 1.15 p.m., for Church of antfiann uemetery, rrencn roreti. ay request, no flowers, wood Cofflll Limited.

JONES. The Mortal Remains of the late Margaret Elizabeth Jon3s were privately Interred In the Church of England Cemetery, Field of Mars, on Thursday, 27th instant. Motor Funeral Limited A TVA Road. city. M6277.

rne Funeral or tne lata Francis Lrfmls Kellv will lanva hU lota 2 Haves Stretr Mrnfral not Thin TPHrtav Morning, at 10 'o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Northern Suburbs. Wood Cofflll Limited. Tiie Relatives and Friends oi Mr. John Reay Luco*ck are kindly invited to ftttnnri tha Piin.r!.! hi. -aa1v Inurri Wife.

Mavis Adeline; to leave the residence. nvenue, urcyaon iarK. 'inis uay (Friday), at 1.30, for Rookwood Crematorium. Walter Carter. Waverley.

I u3wmon. me iteiauves ana rnenas oi J-i the late Isabella Lusccmbe are kindly Invited to Attend hr tn luvi. nur Chapel. 32 Railway Parade Burwood. This (Friday) Afternoon at 1.45 o'clock lor the Church of England Cemetery.

Rookwood. Wood Cofflll Limited. Luscombe. The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. Violet Luscombe and the late Fred- incK uscomoe ana Family are invited to ttend tht Funeral nf thulr hl nvpH Aunt Tm- bella Lusccmbe: to leave the Funeral Parlours of Wood Cofflll Limited, Burwood.

at 1.93 p.m. To-day. PITT. The Funeral of the late Mrs. Muriel Olive Pitt will Ir-flv nur Chanel.

Bel- grave Street. Manly. This (Friday) Aiternoon at 3.30 o'clock, lor the Church of England Cemetery, French's Fcreat. Wood Ccfflll Limited. Maxwell.

The Relatives and Friends oi Mrs. Helm Msxwrll and Marcaret. of 16 Arthur Street. Fivedock. and Mr.

C. O. Maxwell and Ren (St. Peter3). are invited to at- iena tne runrrai oi ner neany oeicvea mu band, htr dear Father, their dear Son and Brother.

Lance: to leave Gee. Andrews' Funeral Heme. 237-0 Liverpool Read. AshfMd, This Day, at 1 .30 p.m for the Church cf England Cemetery. Rookwood.

Geo. Andrews 237-9 Liverpool Road. Ash- ncia, UAZtiiiu-u. MAYO. The Relatives and Friends of Mr.

W. J. Mayo and Jchn, of Canley Vale. Mr. N.

F. McA lister and Family, of Sans Scucl, and Mrs. E. Mayo and Family, of KfimEgntc. are Kinaiy lnvuea to attena rne Funeral cf his d-arlv loved Wife, hl.i dear Mother, their dear Daughter, Sister, Daugh- ler-ui-taw.

ana oisier-jn-iaw, uni; 10 leave our Private Chapel, 2 Carrlnatcn Avenue. Hurstville. This Aiternoon. at 3 o'clock, for the Cremctcrium. Worcncra.

Labor Motor Funerals Limited. 2 carrlngton Avenue, Hurstville. 'Phones. LU1358. MOCKLER.

Requiem Mass for the Repose cf the Soul of the late Mr. Laurence Mockler. cf 36 Berwick Street. Guildford, will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Church.

Guildford. This (Friday) Mornlntr, at 7 o'clock. The Funeral will leave the Church Th: Afternoon, at 2.13 for Catholic Cemetery. Mortuary No. 3.

W. N. Bull A.F.D.A.. Telephone. LA2U58.

MORRIS. The Friend3 of the late Thews Owen Morris, of fi Nant.v fitr-t Pnn. itjtu. nrc uiviieq io auena nis runerai; io leave rhe Private Chapel of Motor Funerals, Limited. 97 Rawson Street.

Auburn. To-mcr- u.v (ouiurouyi Aiierncon, aiicr a sen-ire CCmmencintT nt 1 an ftVlfVlf tnr th TJnrlr-rruif Crematorium. By request, no flovrers. Motor Funerals. Limited.

A.F.D.A.. 97 nawsnn oueti. rtunurn, UAYzol. TVTEELY. The Relatives and Friends of Mr XI and Mrs.

C. J. Neely and Famllv are ln- Vitfd 1ft flttnrt th TPunnrnl nf tVi.iw hi1nit Daughter and Sister, Valerie; to leave our i-urnrr urcnara rtoea ana JBrown Street. Chatsvocd. This Friday, at 3.15 p.m., for Methodist CemeUry, Northern Suburbs.

Wood Coffin Limited. PATTERSON. The Relative and Friends Cf Mr. Kinffit Pritrarrl ITIml Puimi-n Mr. and the late Mrs.

John Joseph Dcigan, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edwin Patterson. Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. N.

Goodair, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Patterson. uiih meir are ainoiy lnviten tc attend the Funeral of hia dearly loved Wile, meir dear Motner.

Momer-in-iaw. ana uranfl-mcther, Sarah Emily Louisa Patlerecn; tc leave her late residence. 82 Brighton Street Petersham. This Morning, after Service commencing at 9.30 o'clock, lor the Church of Ensland Cemetery. Botany.

Labor Motor Funera'3 Limited, 24 Enmcre Road. Newtown Phones: LA2777 (4 Lines). PEAco*ck. The Funeral of the late Mrc. Purves Cocmbe Peaco*ck, of Katcomba, will leave our ChaDel.

810 Georae Street. Sydney. This Friday, after Service commenc ing at 1.49 p.m.. 1 or wavency iicineicr) Wood Cofflll Limited. PYMONT.

The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. Marcaret Pvmcnt and Famllv ait kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly loved Hutband and their dear Father, William Martin Pymont. late cf 74 Dickson Street, Ncwtcrn: to Have our Funeral Home. 24 Enmoro Read. Newtown.

This Mornins. at 9.43 o'clcck. for the Catholic Cemetery. Rookwood. Labor Motor Funerals Limited, 24 Enmcre Rd.

Newtown, l-azyvi i i--inesj. SEARLE. The Relatives and Frienas 01 Mr. Thpm wllHam ssr1i and Family arc Im-ituri tn ttnH thg Funcrnt ct hit beloved Wife and their Mother. Lucy May: to leave cur ChnpEl.

810 Geori Street. Sydney. This i-riaay, at p.m.. iui cwmu. Tne runerai or ine ipic nrmui Allan Shelley.

late of Boyre Street. En-nrld, will leave T. J. Andrews Chapel. 214 Liverpool noca.

Asnnem. ini, nnv oiiiv Rrn-lrn rrnimrncinff at 0.49 a.m. tor tne Metnc-aut (jrmeiery. aj request, no flowers. T.

J. Andrews, a.p.u.a.. T.A9R7.1 TIA40S11. tC. WALKER.

The Relatives and Friends oi Mr. and Mrs. L. Cotter, Mrs. B.

Walker, vl Tkii th 1st Mrs T. Withers, and their Famlllw. are kindly Invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved Mother and their dear Grandmoiher. Sophia Klrby Walker; tc leave her daughter's residence. 58 Pitt Street.

Waterloo, Ihis Afternoon, at 3.15 oclock, for the Church cf England Cemetery. Rookwood. Motor Funerals Limited. 24 Enmore Road. Newtown.

'Phones: LA2777 (4 Lines). WARRINER. Tne Relatives ana ricnas i the late James Warrlner. of Almafi smith Mrnd Rnad. Double Bav.

or liivited to attend his Funeral: to leave the Kinscla Chapels, Taylor Square. Darilngnurst. This Frldav. alter Service to commence at 1 p.m. for the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium.

Charles Kinse.a A.F.D.A.. Taylor Fouaro. ParPnghiitst. FL41U6-7-H. mM ATiriN AT ROOKWOOD or NORTHERN SUBURBS Ent oil tni-nrmaHnn Funeral Director.

Information and Literature may be forwarded CREMATION OFFICES, 19 Bligh 8t. Sydney, TT ORTON'S fcr Wreaths and Floral Tributes rl a Rawcm PI Hnvmnrket. MA4672 XTREATHS. Crosses. Flcral Tributes.

Mise tt nansm. izn uxiorn cn.v. ru-tni. FURNITURE FOR SALE AND WANTED LARGEST and Most Varied Stock of Used Furniture in N.S.W. Also New Furniture.

O. K. ELLIOTT'S. Established 1809. Inspec tion cordially Invited.

New ana usee, ueanwni Furniture; Dressing Tables. Chests Drawers; 3-plece almost new Modern Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suite, 40; Bedsteads. Cots, Platforms, Bedding: 4ft 6ln Inner-spring Box Mattress, snop-sonca; uccafianai. lure, Bookshelves, Mirrors; New and Used UAn Ext.

Tabes Dining Chairs: almost new Dining Setting; 250 Used Austrian Chalra from ture; Several Used Trade-In Lounge Suites; nttnmnnK. Couches. Settees. Chesterfields Lounge, Bridge, and Easy Largest stock Cedar and Mahogany Furnl O. K.


Dlnlna Chairs. Bridge and Fireside Oha LLOYD'S. 440-451 George Street. ueen vie HCr. n.lui.n near Market Street.

REDDINa.BEDDlNO "EDD1NO 33: double size. 413. Also large stocks ot FLOCK and cotton Beaaini. ana Doub c-R ze inner wnn? symonds furnIshIno (Only Address naa on pirp rt (near Pnrlt Street), workmanshl 2210. 3210.

Inspection coraiany in' i.rf HVMnNDS FURNISIIINO (Only Ad. dresa) 260 to 274 PITT ST (near Park St) rvFFICE DESKS. TABLES, FILinuLAUi NETS. CUPBOARDS. CHAIRS, ETC, nn 11 VORK RTREET.

lVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AJ OUR Jb, Popular Auction Sales. Every. Thursday Aiternoon. BOGUE ATRlwsurro. inn nnAt V.W.C.A.

MA3605. INNER Spring Maltrtiset. new, all tndard lies, made to order. STEELE'S SPRING MATTRESS 100 MlMoein between Market and Park Streete. MA0307 LOUNGE SUITE.

Dining, Bedroom Suite wireless, Bewlng Machine, Highboy all In. perfect order. Sell cheap, 204 Clarence St. 1st floor (Town Hall end) OFFICE TABLES, fitted drawers, oaninet oi oo anmiJip i.w..o, nu a.Ut. f.fVF 35 SYMONDs" 2CB-274 Pitt St (near Park SO, TOUNGE SUliU.

loose i fi. nl tin. In good order. 204 Clarence Street, 1st floor (near Town Hall) ir.i.nt, emm r.rnv.r.d ffom 20. ft' Li conditioned suites for Sale, suites called for and delivered.

Ring LA2701. fAK BEDSTEAD. Dressing Table. BRnhg Mattresses, ITaymooiie, ln Table. Good order.

Cheap. Epp, 2402. KITCHEN CABINET, large "earn, pre-war full length coloured leadllght doors. 12 nin between 10 and 12 noon to-dar COMMODES, complete with Fittings. 576 SYMONDS.

260-274 Pitt St. near Park St, -1LEAN Bedstead, Spring Mlttresg. tor gale. ajo iiiawarra nq, IOUR-PIECE Double Bedroom Suite, as new 'Phone, xwooio. DOUBLE BEDSTEAD.

Bedding, wire Mat. nrt nt Kn.rah. LOUNOS SUITi. yrlvtt. new.

loose ciuhions. Alter 12, 6 Albion St, AnnajidaJe BIRTHS OHABl.ES. At Mater Mlserlcordlae (Private) Hospital, Crow's Nest, to Olca, wife of Reg new Guinea) a son (Ronald). COLLIN (neo Melmeth). July 24.

at Laurli--ori private hospital, Mosrnan, to Owen wile of Cpl. collln a son (Cvflrey Rosa). IIKNRV July SI, at Utslnglon private hospital, Habarfleld, to Alio and the Ute Henry a daughter (Frances Josephine), Lindsay July 21, at. Luke's. Roslyn Oardens, to Major J.

O. Undsay, M.O., and Mrs. Lindsay a son (Klmberley John). McMAHON July 27, at Englewood wl, 01 Edward 0. McMahon.

Concord West daughter (Ann MARSHALL (nee James). JulT e. 1044. at Temora, to Malsle, wile ol Stt. Neville Marshall (R.A.A.F.) daughter (Margaret Lorna), MURRAY.

July 27. at St. Monan's private hospital, to Louise, wile ol Cardm Murray a son. NEWMAN (nee Sheila Munro). July 22.

at Emlyn privet hospital, Summer Hill, to Mr and Mrs. w. Newman a son (Douglas Robert), FAROISSIEN. July 24. to Mr.

and Mrs. John Parolsslen, of Vaucluse a daughter, 1-ODUEB (nee Mitchell). July 7, at Manly. Lorna, wife ot Group-captain 1. S.

Podger, D.F.C. a daughter. SAMUEL (nee Nell Steele). July 21. Mater Private Hospital, to Mr.

and Mrs. John Samuel, ol Aahtteld a daughter lOeraldlnc Maria). ENGAGEMENTS FOX BLANCIIAHD. The Engagement Is announced ol Margaret, eldest daughter of the Rev. J.

R. and Mrs. Blanchard. Adelaide, to Warwick, eldest son ol Prot. and Mrs.

A. C. Fox. Perth. GILLIES THOMPSON The Engagement Is announced of Ena May, only daughter el Mr.

and Mrs. J. T. Thompson, of Colllnswood, South Australia, to Nell McKlnnon. third sen ot Mr.

and Mrs. A. Gillies, ot Parramatta. HICKS ROSS. The Engagement 16 an- iiuuuLcu oi neuy, naugmer oi Mr, ana sirs, A.

Ross, of 35 Reserve Street, Claremont W.A.. to FO. Ken Hicks, youngest son of Mr and Mrs. R. H.

Hicks, of Harvey. W.A. MARRIAGES CAVANAGII DEVEN1SI1-MEAHES. July 14. 1044, at St.

Mark's Church, Darling Point, by Canon Bardcr, Nell Devenlsh-Meares, scconu aausnier or Mr. and wis. r. a. crago.

ot Burwocd, to Julian Cavanagh, R.A.F., only son of Copt, and Mrs. G. Cavanagh, R.N., of Edinburgh. Scotland. CLARE LEO July 26, 1944.

at St. Phil-Hp's, Church Hill, Melva Doreen. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Leo, of Petersham, to Harry Clare, R.A.A.F.. second son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

Clare, of Vaucluse. LYNDON LEE. July 22, 1944, at St, Stephen's Church, Macquarle Street, Flora, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

F. Lee. Narrabrl, to Allan Rex, elder son ot Mr, and Mrs. F. Lyndon.

Taree. DEATHS BINGHAM. July 27, 1U44, it Sacred Heart Hospice, Darllnghurst, Lucy Bingham ot fiii Albert Street, ErslcinevUle, relict ol the late William John Bingham, beloved mother ol Margaret. (Mrs. C.

Wattcrs), May (Mrs. L. Holmes), and Frank, and dear slater oi Nellie Klrkham. aged 62 years. Requlescat In pace.

BINGHAM 27. at hospital, Lucy Elizabeth, dearly loved Bister ol Jim. Tom, und Jack, and Nell Kirkham and Maria Alice tCcsy) Anpel and Maraaret Hope. R.I.P UK OWN. July 27.

1944, at Nenean District, Hospital, Forbes Brown, of 2 MulRoa Head. Penrith, beloved husband ot Zanthy Brown and dear lather ot Harry. Ruth (deceased). Ura (Mrs. Roy Jenkins), and Amy (Mrs.

Victor Wallace), aged 77 years. CH ANTHILL. -July 27, 1044. at his residence, 1 Hope to un Avenue, Mosman. Benjamin Joseph Chantrlll, late 7th V.D.C., Mosman, 8th3rd, 1st A.I.F., beloved husband of Susan Chantrlll and loved lather ol Jack, Eileen, and Donald, aued 69 years.

July 26, 1044, Graham Morton Clarke, ol 28 Empire Street, Hnberfleld. relict or the late Margaret Clarke and loved lather of Edward Swltt, Morton Stewart, and Eleanor Pemberton, aged 84 years. Privately cremated July 27. 194, at Northern Suburbs Crematorium, CLINTON, July 26, 1944 (suddenly), at his residence, 31 Gardeners Road, Daceyville, Charles Francis, dearly beloved husband it Evelyn Margaret Clinton and loved lather ol jacK ana rat, agea ou years, n.i.r. COAN.

July 27, 1944. at his residence. 91 Rcnlomln GImaI El 1 Otanhnn rIHrraM (Bill) Coan, dearly' loved husband of Edna Joyce L-oan una joving iincr oi ncuay aim GaJ, aged 42 years, CORK. July 27. 1944.

at hospital. Parra-matta, Alexander, loved lather ot Alex and Eileen, aged 66 years. CROOK. July 26. 1944, at a private hospital.

Winifred, beloved mother oi Martha, Winifred, Robert, James, William deceased). Emily, and Sara. Privately cremated July J.I 1 Q44 DAKCEV. July 26, 1944, at Ihe Mater Hobart (Tasmania), relict of the late Blanche Darrv and Invinff father of Moll it. Len.

John. Marjorle, and Richard (R.A.A.F.). aged 74 years. Kcqmescat in pace. DRAKE.

July 26, 1944, at Randwlck, Altred James Drake, late of Millet's Point nirrvi 15 vrars Hpniiiesrat in nace. DUFFY. July 27. 1944. at Home or Peace.

Maxrickville, Minnie, dearly loved mother of Matilda Morgan and loved grandmother ot William. Alice. Vera, and Arthur, and dear mother-in-law ol the late Reginald Mor (ton epsrl T1 vnnrt DTP DUFFY. July 27. 1944.

at his son's residence, 10A Ransers Avenue, Mosman. John James, beloved nusbana oi tne late tayin auk-usta Dunv and lovina lather of d'Arcy. Keith Yvcnne, and father-in-law of Eileen and Malsle and dear grandfather of Kennetn. uousjhi RhirUv. Warwick, and Dlanne.

sued 69 years ELGAR. Julv 27. 1944, at her daughter's residence. 37 Maher Street, Hurstville. Elizabeth Elsar.

formerly of Mascot, beloved mother Ol wmiireo. in uei oo.u jem. rahbh i. Tutv ys. 1944.

at her residence. Swan Iile. Darley Read, Randwlck. Lydla Frances, eldest daughter ol the late Colonel ni Francos Parrel 1. FR AS EH.

July 27. at Royal North Shore Hospital, Gwendoline Maud, beloved wife oi rncmas rraser, oi aunumi, mm iuriu mother of James Claude, oped 5b years. ha WAR II. Julv 27. 1944.

at her rest dence, 7 Steticn Road Auburn, Mrs. Ada Eleanor Hayward. beloved wife of Jchn Michael ana lovca momer oi aia. nuoy mirs. Alma (Mrs.

Wade), Kelthe. Archie, and Harvey, aged 73 years. At rest. MfcisiriRRsnN. Julv 25.

at his residence Devon Street. Croydon. Victoria. Ewart Gladstone (Hugh), dearly beloved husband of Eileen ana loving iatner oi reggy irais. HILLY.

July 27. 1944, at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. Brian Roy. dearly beloved son or Mr. and Mrs.

L. R. Hilly, loved brother ot Valma, and dearly loved grandson ot Mr. and Mrs. J.

Lawscn and Mr. ana oars, uwen nui3 aged 7 years. HIXSON. Julv 25, at her residence. Pair-light, Ellaabeth Bay.

Jane, dearly beloved wile ot F. w. Hlxson. Privately Interred. HUDSON.

July 27. 1044. at a private hospital, Neutral Bay. Edward Thomas Hudson, agod 81 years. JACKSON.

-July 27. 1944. at her residence. 1 Orient street, Oladesville, Sarah Mary (Nurse), relict of the late Andrew Thcmas Jackson and dearly loved mother of Elslo (Mrs. Crause.

of Lismore). Martha (Mrs. C. Needham. of Millthorpe).

Margaret (Mrs. C. s. Elliott, ot Oladesville), and William, of Ryde, in her 82nd year. For funeral notice see Saturday's "Herald." JACKSON.

July 27. 1044. at her residence, 1 Orient Street. Oladesville. Sarah Mary, eldest daughter of the late William and Margaret Turner and loved sister of Elizabeth (deceased).

Margaret (Mrs. Swan). Annie (Mrs. Woods). William.

Jack (deceased). Joseph, Nellie (deceased). Orace (Mrs. Payne). Frances (Mrs.

Searle). and Eva (deceased), in her 82nd year. For funeral notice see Saturday 26. 1044 Mount Lavlnla, Pymble Road. Terry Hl'ls, and late ot Collaroy, William, beloved husband of Marion Lavlnla Johns.

loved father of Annie (Mrs. Eugene). Marlon (Mrs. Splnks), William Thomas. Gladys (M Violet (Mrs.

Robertson), Lillian (Mrs. Farrell) Elsie (Mrs. Nell), and Charles, In his 80th year. nn tlvo.A hnenl- Vrnv Jones and loving father ol Edith. Frances, Richard (R.A.A.F.).

and u-trrii (A I By request, no flowers. K.ii lulT 27 1044. at his residence. 12 HiveT Street, Neutral Bay. Francis Louis, beloved husband of Eileen Kelly and loved father ot Margot and Frank, aged 50 years.

LUco*ckT-July 27. 1044, at her residence 71 Brighton Avenue. Croydon Park. Mavis Adell5 dearly loved wife of John Reay LucMk. A.I.F..

loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Berry and beloved sister of Will (ol Kcmpsoy). Rube, A.I.F. 0' iW' Queenle (of Croydon), and Gladstone, A.I.F., "'LuIcoMBEl-July 27. 1044 at hospital, Slarrlckvllle.

Isabella Luscombe. slep-molher of Frederick (deceased) and Perc, aged 1044. 4 Street Crcnulla. Nelile Aslre, beloved wife ot Philip Alexander McKay and mother of Marian (Mrs. Moss), Donald Aslre (capW In, Anzac).

and Philip Alexander (Captain, U.S.A.). Prt- 23. at 54 Avenue. Concord. Dick Lwlle.

beloved husband of Elsie McKlnley and fond father of Keith. 27. 1044. at B.lma.n Dl-trlct Hospital. Clarence Alfred (Lance) Maxwell, of 16 Arthur Street, Flvedock, dearly beloved husband of Helen, loving father of Margaret, dear son of C.

O. Maxwell (St. PeteVsl and brother of Ron. aged 25 years. MOCKI.ER.-July 27., 1044 (suddenly) at his residence.

36 Berwick Street. Guildford, Laurence Mockler. beloved husband of Mary Mockler. dear fatner of Kitty (Mrs. Mlnto Larry (R.A.A.F..

England), and Bren father-in-law of Frank and Margaret, and grandfather of Joseph. Bernard, and Anthony, aged 70 years. Renulescat In pace. By re- 27., 1044 (suddenly) at his residence, no Berwick Street. aiilTdford, Laurence Mockler, dear brother of Jack, Nell Dcakln.

and Pat. aged 70 years. Requlescat in pace. By requett. no flowers.

MORRIS. July 27. 1944. at 6 Napier St. Concord.

Thomas Owen, beloved husband of 1D44. a private hos- pital, Mcsmnn. Stuart Mill, beloved husband of E. K. Mould and lovlnjt father of Dorothy (Mrs.

D. J. Ncttlefold) ind Lieut. -Commander John Stuart Mould. O.C.O.M., R.A.N.

V.R., nbrond. and loving Rt-andfalher of Ann, John. Peter, und Margaret, antd 70 years. See Saturday's paper tcr funeinl particulars. NEELY.Julv 27.

1D44, at Mater Mlserl-cordlan Htwnital. Valerie, loved daujrhjfr of Mr. and Mrs. C. J.

Neely, of 37Tjnioh Street, WUlouijhby, and lovrd alster of Oean-nette end TJllly. aacd 7 years. PEAco*ck. July 26, 1044, at Katcemba. Purves Cccmbe, dearly beloved mother of Ross, Nina (Mrs, T.

E. Fwman), and Sheane (decea-iod). In her B7th year. SAUNDERS. July 27, 1044.

it her late ffPtdence, 03 Princess Hthwy, Kogarah, Ellen Sf-unriers, beloved wife of the late Jchn Alfred Saunders and lovintj mother of Florence (Mrs. F. aged R4 year. SEWKLlV July 27, 1044. Christopher Charles, belovsd husband of Florence Sewell, and fond father of Charles and Neville, aired 5D Years, At rest.

For funeral notice see Herald" Saturday, SHELLEY. July 28, 1044. Arthur Allivn, eldest son of the late Julius and Emily Shelley. lal of Bowml. year.

July 27, 1044. at St, Vincent's private hospital. Darlinijhurst, William James Small, fx-Buperintendent N.S.W. Police, late of Dubbo, beloved husband of Clre Small, and loved father of Oladyt Hushes), ot Darlintrhurst. and Pet (Mm.

de Lepemanehe). of Earlwood, ad 61 yeara. For funeral see Savjrday's suti.t Julv 97. 1IM4. at St.

Vincent's private hospital, Darllnjhurst. William Jamra Small, beloved brother of John and Thr.maa Small, Elisabeth (Mrs. Webcter). Charlotte (Mrs. Weldon), RachM William).

Ruth father and grandfather, Edward Patrick, who departed this life July 28, 1943. Inserted by his loving son and daughter-in-law, Jack and Marie, and granddaughter, Janice. VRCOE. In cherished memory of my dear son Edward (Ted), passed away July 28, 1943. Inserted by his loving mother and step-father.

Mrs. and Mr. King. VERCOE. In loving memory ol our dear brother, Ted.

passed away July 28, 1943. Sadly missed by Ben. Bcntty, and little Beattv. vkkuoe. In loving memory ot my dear brother, brother-in-law.

and uncle. Edward (Ted), who ritfrt on aiwava re numbered by Bill and Tina, and nieces. Myra and Judith. loving memory or my aear brother FriwnrH TH. tvhnm nur T.nrd Jestlx called home to rest cn' July 1943.

Always iciiir-uioetea oy nu sisier, umo, oian, cv, Albert. VERCOE. in memory of mv friend. B. Vercoe.

who died July 28, 1043. Remembered by Mrs. C. Lester. WALDEN.x-in loving memory of our mother and grandmother, who passed away July 27, 1043.

Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. J. McMahon and family. WELLS.

In loving memory of our dear mother, who parsed away July 27. 1912. Sudly misted bv her sen and daughters, Ethel, Evr. Jessie, Hilda. Harold, Doris.

WILSON Nnt lust tn.Hnv hut vrv rUv In Ellence fverla-it Intr mtmnrii. r.maln nt mv I dear mother and grandmother. Alice Christina Jane, whom God called home, July 28. 1042. Inserted by her loving son, BUI.

Gertrude, and grandchildren. i WILTS HIRE. Deep in our hearts a memory Is kept of one we loved and can never forget, our dad, Frank, who fell July 28, 1942. Sadly missed by mum, Hilda, Eta. WOODWARD.

In loving memory of my dear mother and our grandma, Hannah Sarah, who passed away July 28. 1943. Ever remembered by Roy, Lucy, and Keith. WRKNCII. In loving memory of our little sen and brother, Vincent, who died July 28, 1042, aged 3 years.

Inserted by his ever-sorrowins mummie and daddie, sisters. Elaine. Pat, and Beverley, also his papa and aunty. Dot, WRENCH. Treasured memories of our darling little nephew and cousin, Vincent Charles, who fell asleep July 28.

1942, aged 3 years. Always remembered by Aunty Till and family. Aunty Kate and family, and Aunty Lil. WRIGHT. In sad but loving remembrance of my oarlfns mother.

Nora, who departed this 1 fe July 28. 1938. Inserted by her affectionate daughter. Florence Fognettl. On Active Service HALL.

A tribute of love to the memory of my dear son, Lieutenant Edwin WiUiam Hall, who died of illnets July 2U, 1942. Ever remembered by his loving father, Malcolm Hall. HODGEKISS. In loving memory of my dear son. NX55706, Sigmn.

F. R. (Don), killed. Syria July 28, 1941. Fred.

Eva. Bess. OS TENFELD To the memory of our beloved son, Sgt. C. C.

Ostenfeld (Vic), No. 402169. R.A.A.F. made supreme sacrifice July 28, 1041. aged 22 years.

RETURN THANKS Mrs. E. a. HODGES and FAMILY, ol Campbrlllown, wish to THANK all lor expressions of sympathy In their sad bereavement. Please accent this as nerEiinal thanks.

Ml. A. E. HOWES and FAMILY wish to THANK relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy In their recent sad bereavement, and for floral tributes to their ucwiiy uneven wne ano moiner. Mr.

FRANK CANTY and DADOHTER EILEEN (Mrfi fiT.FTnWl Rtr.el Lldccmbe. sincerely THANK all relatives ard friends for expressions of sympathy, telegrams, and floral tributes In their recent sad be reavement in tne less oi dear wile and motner, Winnie. PlEase accept this as personal thanks FUNERALS the latt- Mrs T.ltru ninnhmn nf (tO AlHarf Street, ErEkinsville. are Informed that hei Funeral IVill 1V th. rhnrfh nf 1-1.

T.arlv cf Perpetual Succour, Erskinevllle. This (Friday) Morning, at 9.30 o'clock, for 'Catholic ubiiicicij, AiwKftoca. Mortuary wo. z. w.

K. Bull A.F.D.A.. Telenhone. LA2S50 BROWN. The Funeral of the late Forbes Brown will mcve from the Methodist Church.

Ptnrith. This Friday, after service commencing at 3 p.m., for the Penrith General Cemetery. J. Price and Son. Funeral i-none.

ren run au. T3URCHETT. Tne Relatives and Friends of ouicnett ana Mr. and Mrs. K.

Funeral of his dearly loved Wife and their dear Mother. Emmefine Burchett: to leave her late rfifdencc. 13 Pine Avenue. Flvedock, This Aiternoon at LIS o'clock, lor th nro. matorium, Rookwood.

Labor Motor Funerals aj i-ariamima Kono, Annandaie Thcnes. LA2777 4 inofi. pATLEY. The Funeral of the late Aithur r7r "'c. win icave tne Kinseia cnapeis, Taylor Square, Darllnghurst, To-morrow (Saturday) Morning, at 9.30 a.m..

for Section i yuitn oi unaiana uemetery. Rookwood unanei Kinscla A.F.D.A.. Taylor squuic, uarnngnurst. 'Pnones. FL4136-7-8.

i1HANTRiLL. The Funeral of the late Ben- pT i Josepn cnantrlll will leave our g.J corner Miner and Falcon streets. North Sydney. To-morrow (Saturday). alter Service commencing at 11.13 a.m., for i ououriw uremaionura.

wood com Limited. CLINTON. The Relative and Frlenda or C'inton. Jack and Pat. are kindly invited to iend the Funeral of her dearly loved Husband and their dear Father, Charles Francis Clinton; to leave St.

Michael's Church. Daceyville, This Morning, after Requiem Mass commencing at 9 o'clock, for Ihe Catholic Cemetery. Botany: Labor Motor rwnerais uimuta. nuq urown street. Sydney.

Phcnef: LA27'i7 (4 Lines). flLINTON. The Relatives and Friends of v- wr. ana Mrs. w.

Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cllntcn.

Ml. and Mrs. E. Clinton nnd their Families, and Miss K. Cllntcn.

of Mosman. aie- invited to attrnri th Fiinnral nf their dearly loved Brother and Uncle. Charles Francis Clinton. For details see lamily notice, isBoor aiotor run era is ua, CLINTON. The Relatives and Friends of Mr.

and Mrs. A. Wilkins. of Kinzslord. are Invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved Brother-in-law, Charles Francis Clinton.

For details see lamuy notice. Labor Motor Funerals ua. filJNTON. The Re at ve una Fr ends Kj N. Cour.

of Manly. Mr. and Mrs. CofTev. Mr.

M. Coffey, of Goulburn. Mr. Wriehtson. cf Berrima.

and their Families are Invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly lovea Brainer-in-iaw, rscpnew, unu unci: Charles Francis Clinton. For details see fam ily notice. L.nbor Motor Funerals Limited. lOAN. The Hetflttves and Friends of Mrs.

Edna J. Ccan and Family, of 29 Ben jamin Street, Bexley, are Invited to attend tne tunerai or ner oeariy ic-veo tiusoana ana their dear Father. Stenhen Tvrrcl) (Dill) Ccan. which will Icave cur Private Chapel, Seven Ways, Rockdale, This Frldav, after service commencing at 3 p.m., tor tne Crematorium worcnora. j.

ana (J. naray, a.c.lj.a nr.rkdnl and Hur.tvlH. titAW Loase uexiey, no. aiu; u.u.l.. oi i N.S.W.

Officers and Brethren are Invited to attend the Funeral of their late Bro. 3. T. Ccan. Regalia.

For further particulars see lamuy notice. e. v. Neville. W.M.: 5.

Debbie, Secretary. urt i ua. ma HMATiveft inn iTipnns Mr a A. Cratpa. Mr.

and Mrs. Ccates, Mr. and Mrs. W. Uod.

Mr. and Mrs. s. coates, Mr. and Mrs.

u. uoaiei Mr. and Mrs. A. Farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Crutcner. and their Families, Miss D. Ccatci and Friend.

Bay Eirord. arc invited to attenc tne oi ner oenrjy icvco ttusoana their dear Father, and Grandfather. Dennis which will Imv the Church. North- mead. This Afternoon at 1.30.

fcr the Church of En aland Cemetery, at Rookwood. The Ser vice win commence bi p.m. (jnantre Innes and Son. A.F.D.A., 32 Darcy Street, Parramatta UW9259. ioates.

xne Relatives and Frienas oi Mr Vj and Mrs. G. Ccates. of Lldecinbe. and amuy, are inviteo to ancna tne runeia cf ihfir dojrlv leved Son and their deal urniner.

utnnw. bor lurmer nanicuiars stt the preceding announcement. Charles Innc and Sen. Relative and Friends of Pte. a.

B. Corry and Slnr. E. M. Corry are invited to attend the Funeral of their deatiy lovcd Father.

Alexander Ccrrv. late of assail Street, Parramatta; which will leave our cnapeis, Tins Morning at 11 o'clock, tcr the North hocks cemetery. Charles inne; ana son,,a., uarcy street, rarra malts. UW02S9. "pkARCEY.

The Funeral of the late Richard jr jenn uarcey win leave at, Leonard': Catholic Church. Donnelly Road. Naremburn in is uay, rnaay, at a. 30 a.m.. tor tn Catholic Cemetery.

Northern Suburbs. Re qulcm Mass for the Rcpc-se cf his Soul will be celebrated at 7 o'clock This Morning. Whelan ana uiacxen, a.i-.u.a.. Miner btreet North Svdnev. 'Phono.

XR1A10. DRAKE. The Funeral of the late Alfred James Drake will leave Mount St. Joseph. at 3.30 p.m., for the Catholic Cemetery.

Wav- crley. Whelan and Olacken. A.F.D.A.. 263 Miner street. North Sydney.

"Phone, XB1510 TRAKE. The Relatives and Friends, of Fred Masters are invited to attend the r-uncrai oi nis iate estecmca rriena, aii Drake, late member Waterside Workers' Fede ration, eyuncy urancn DRAPER, The Relatives and Friends of the late Aanes Ada Dm ner. ol 31 Ouiua Street, Lakcmba, are Invited to attend her Funeral; to leave our Chapel, This Day, after Saviour's Church of En eland, cemetery. Punch. uuyw.

LNRnuiea rune raja, opposite nanway Stcus. Lakeinba. UL2512. lUFFY. The Funeral ot the late John Mr jamcs uuuy win leave our funeral nome, ccrncr Miller and Falcon Streets.

North Syd ney, This Friday, at 3.30 p.m., for Northern suoutbE crematorium vooa ccmii Limnec. The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. XJ Matilda Mo run and Family are advised that the Funeral of her dearly loved Mother ana meir aear uranamouier, Minnie uuuy will leave our Funeral Home. 24 Enmore Road Newtown, This Afternoon, at 2.15 o'clock, for the Catholic Cemetery, Rookwood, Labor Motor Funerals Limited. 24 Enmore Road 'Phones: LA2777 (4 LI ties) Tii.riAR.

The Relatives and Friends of Mr. Jli and Mrs. R. Bishop and Family are (nvlhtri tn attend thu Funeral of their dearly loved Mother and Grandmother, Elizabeth Elgar, which will leave the Becxenname Memo rial Congregational Church, Botany Road menclng at 1.30. for the Botany Cemetery Floral tributes direct to Church.

Joseph Med-calf. A.F.D.A., 172 Rcdfern Street, Red fern Phones, MX2315 lines) TTi VANS. The Relatives and Friends ot Mr. and Mrs, C. Evans and Family are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Father and aranaiatner, cnaries nenry avans; io leave T.

J. Andrews' Funeral onapei. an En Vl.niikimi Th nan aftatt- Rm vice commencing at S.43 a.m., for the Woro-nora Cemetery. T. J.

Andrews, A.F.D.A., 28 TAHRELL. The Funeral of the late Miss jl' uydia prances rarren. oi owan iwe, to- nmri Rttnriwfpk. will leave St. Judft'l Church, Avcca Street, Randwlck.

This Day (Friday), after Service (commencing at 3.15), for Randwlck General cemetery, Walter Carter, Waverley. 171 RASE R. The Funeral of the lite Mrs. 1 rtniattffiin Matiri Frr will leave thi Private rhanl nf Motor Funerals. 389 Pacific Highway, Crcw'a Nest, To-morrow (Saturdky), after service commencing iv a tnr rh nrtma fftrluiTi Northern Suburbs Motor Funerals.

A.F.D.A 380 Pacific UUnajau rmtu'l Nnfll Tl XRtmA tTlkesON. The Relatives and Friends of the lat Mary Grace Oteeson (late of Temora) are kindly Invited to attend her Funeral; to leave St. Joachim'i Church, Lld- MMkt rhla Unrnlnt at 10 A'fllOCk. fOf the Oathol'lc Cemetery. Rookwood.

Labor Motor Funerals Limited. 24 Enmore Raa, Newtown. 'Phones: LA2777 (4 Lines). GREEN WELL. The Relatives and Friends of the law Mr.

Richard Greenwell, of 17 Hordern Street, Newtown, are kindly invited to attend his Funeral; to leave the Methodist Church, King Street, Newtown, This Day, after service commencing at 1.49 p.m.. for Woronora Crematorium. Thi Workers Funeral Dlreotora (C. H. Parker and Bon), 40 Brown Streat, Newtown.

LAJlOfl. LARGE KFJ.PnTIOM'nisi ait. ni7ra Veneer, TWIN BEDSTEADS, complete with 5d Quality WIRES and BEDDING. DOUBLE BEDS In Blonde, Dark, and Veneer, with S21Sprin, Mattresses: STRETOHERS ar.d flED SETTEE'S and Cushions. COTS Keidin.

Children's High Chu. efilTINas (complete. ttli Chalra), nice In niniV BRIDOE and BEDSIDE and HALL TABLES. CABINETS, with glaju topi: II and 1,811 Scats: HALL CHAIRS. Splendid range of BEDROOM SUITES, nice KITCHEN SETTINGS, Odd CAB1NE'1S.

atrcni WORKROOM' atlJ DINING tables, louoiwoys. nRAiflESWa 7AS CHESTS Of "KAWERS. combination WARDROBES. SfIDfuN1SHINa (Only Address). 206 to 274 PITT ST (near Park fit) SORti' WE MODEIl ou could wish for in smait new furniture 1 at Booths.

We otter Btccks unsurpassed In wo'nonshlp and quality that mean unbeatable value. See our Bedroom Suites, nlnj-room Suites, Breakfast -room Suites, and Kitchen Furniture, Loushboya, Tallbova. Ladtei' Wardrobes, Children's Cou, Bedside Tables, Olory Combination Wardrobes, Chea's cf Trawera, ice Cheats, Flreslrift Chair n-riu jK.r. Innei'-sprlnst t.nd several typos cf other Beddlna (Indiai; Kapok, cotton. Wool-flock, all alces; Dlnln-rocm ChalK, Children's Hlh Chairs, DretEing Tables.

Combination Bedsteads, also Twin Beds and Wires, Iron Stretchers, Bed Settees and Overlaya, Day "tuo. iiiBiiy winer jieceesary items. Booth Famous TIME-PAYMENT Plan will ncip you. J. A.

BOOTH and CO. Corner Pitt and Onlllhu fttrt Rvrlntv. A R. H. GORDON and LTD.

New ci. Dininu-room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads. Rfrirtlni- n.niu tlaH, I 1 a,. In, mm Chairs. Individual Dressing Tables, lor' Cash or hubjt jerins.

JUW-HAIR UKUEHft.LT, prolonas the life of your caroets. 721n wide. 00 yd. No coupons. Gordon's cut underfclt to fit your carpeU if desired.

R. H. GORDON and Home Furnishers lor over 43 years, 560-301 GEORGE STREET. SYDNEY, and Branch, 304-306 KING ST. NEWTOWN, CARPETS.

Wilton. Axminster. Indian Car- i ano rcrsian kues. unaer- JS1.3'. tcv Cheap- FOWLER, 77 Boulevarde.

Dulwlch -Hill. LM5741. TPURNITURE WANTED TIRNiniR K. JL Surplus or old-ffiahlonixi nnmnlft hmcj ui tuiwui DDujiiii i so t-ianos, riayers, jb.t- ixtiB. L.mcn.

uiasaware. ornaments, E.P. ware. Antiques, moves, sewinn Machines, 'Refrigerators, Wash inn Machines. Radios.

Curtains. Blinds, Ice Chests, Vacuum Cleaners. Motor Cars. ANYTHING. ANY CONDITION.

DON'T ACCEPT THE FIRST OFFER, Before you DECIDE net our Valuer's advice; we are known as the largest and best buyer In Sydney. GO ANYWHERE. 'Phone, FU6293. any time. ubUAHFALDS offer a war-time service.

We Dinlnff-ieom. and a Rultns nf onnH mial. turnip, riease ring mouui tm jor tumi-ture Mananer. 4th Floor. BEBARFALDS.

opp, Town Hall. Sydney. J17AN'IUJ TO BUY FURNITUKK, VV BOGUE ATKINSON'S FURNITURE auctions. Prompt inspection. Trained, courteous valuers.

FAIR. GENUINE PRICES. MA3665: alter 8. UA7014. Or call.

laa Liverpool street, next UTE BUY FURNITURE. Complete Homes or Surplus. Carpets. Linen. Glassware.

Crockerv. Ornaments. Silver Tools. Planes Ehcn and Office Furniture. Pay carh.

Immfdiate Inspection. Courteous buyers. Zt CAST LiK t'AUii BIHttT, IVlA.JOOrt IjiUHNJTUKtS A Nt r.LJ. Will Rive VOU nn 1 HftMtCT umnK anrl tncnct nrnmntlv. BfH.

nintncr Timtr fllchm SultflA. Sundries. a few Antfques; also Vases. You will be satis- nea. unu.

ao uorrcaaie ncaa. rwngsiuiu, 'Fbcne. FXaai. oay or evening. WANTED.

FURNITURE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOURS. After ail ether quotes, u. wit ent.T. pav vmi MflfiT.

Delth's. 64 Oxford St (opp. Arnold's). FL1070 vate heme or flat: complete or surplus. any style; also urnamenis.

nina. bmcn. pets. Antiques. Piino, Radio.

Curtains every-thins. Highest prices paid. Genuine. UJ2H47 SELL your 1-UHflllUiir, una hei n-SKttO r.rt Rmtch'i! There IS better 'way. you set'prcmpt cash, cartage is arransea.

tsiimaie irucu- ivc. Stores. Bounht. sold. Prompt cBfh.

Brcdrlbb, va camncTii at. Mrwio. Amoiw. Miie AV.S"."" i if In east. ern rufcurb.

Good prices. LANNEN. FX26G1 "ITT ANTED to Buy, Heme oi tumnure. or part; preparea io pay nuwa tuv. Phrn PV1224.

WANTED. Modern FURNITURE heme or cart, nav cash and inspect at once. 18 Hr.ld-n Street. Ashfleld; or Inn FA2314. WAN1-ED.

Furniture or Heme of Furniture Apolv 1 Walla Walla. Caldwell Street Kinqr's crow: or nn? rrt.iuoo. ri vt-ntiMcn sniriiap hainv married thnni XV anxious to buy Flat of modern Furniture, i T.t(nn nir T.A:tS41. WANTED TO BUY. IjGUitzc sun.

condition. Rlnt MA0P63 1XTANTBD OFFICE FURNITURE of CTfrv rifscrln trn. aio iron oaie. "it QURPLUS FURNITURE and EHects wanieo. TT ANTED, ixmnte tsune in iwu w.tu., i Fadiator.

osow. jumu. MEETINGS THE SYDNEY MEAT PRESERVING COM PANY (LIMITED). Notice Is hereby glvei ihiri npiicral Meet ins or the shareholders cl this Company will be held at the office cf the Company, Farra- mnttfl Road. Aucum.

on rtav nf Sf-itember 1944. at ii- 7 tnr th- r.iirnfises fcllOWlns: receive tiie "Dlrrxtors' Report and Balance ia mrh 1044- to elect two DireC' tcra in tne room oi mcisic. Mills and Arthur Randolph Thomson, who retire in peenvdance with the provisions or the and BTP eligible 10 It- election: to elect Auditors in the place cf Mcsirs. D. O.

Kngiana ana Chartered Arcountants who retire and nu rrhrv hiiclnMt) that mflV be fjlOUKht befOte rn meeting in cojiiurumy By order or tne acura ci ivnetiuia. A. R. HCBBS. Secretary.

ii- in Ad NOTICE is herebv jiven that the Annual General Meeting ct Shareholder of the Balma'n Bcwlins Ground Crmpany Liml- ta. win ce neio at ine nsaisieicu unite ili nr.mniinv 1 RH nnrllntr PfrFtlt. BfllmRin. On Wednesday, the 16tn iai4, at p.m. 1.

To roneider Ihe Bplanc. Sheet and Ac cciinl.i io- the year ended 30th June. 1941 3na ine directors' ana Auaivors uepoiv 2. To elect Director. 3.

To elect Auditors. 4. General business. crder of the Beard. a PARDOS.

Secretary MICK SIMMONS, LIMITED, Mrtln in hrrehv elver, that the Thirty- third Annual General Meetlnjt of Shareholder of Mick Simmons. 'will be held at th-Rezistered Office of the Company, 720-22 Georae Street, Haymarltet. Sydney, on Fri day. 11th August. 1944.

at 12 noon. By oraer oi ine ocara. A. T. WIGMORE.

Secretary, Ha ymarket. Sydney. 28th July. 1944. LECTURES O-NIGHT.

0 o'clcclc. "Pecdina India- Mllllr.nn." J. G. Crawlord. M.Ec.

Odd fellows' Hall, 149 CastlereaRh St. Admission i Austraiia-mnia Asscciancn. MUNICIPAL SHIRE NOTICES TRIENNIAL LISTS OP ELECTORS. 1944 NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with tne provisions oi ordinance in. unacr i-Local Government Act 1019 that Lists Electcra for the Municipality of Ku-rlnR-ttal will be available fcr public inspection from tne Join to tne jutn August, iuh.

octn naiti Inclusive, at the Council Chambers. Gordon una an fcst-omces witnin tne Municipality Persona dpslroiis cf IcrlsInD cl.iims or rib Jectlcns In conncctlcn with these lists may do so cn forms obtainable on application at the council unnniDcrs, ucracn, sucn ciaims tr cbjECtlcns to be lodged with the Town Clerk on or oeicre tne August, iyqi. A. H. HIRST, Town Clerk.

Council Chain urrg. btn JUiy, OPTOMETRICAL NOTICES A J. HlGGS and UArtKEH, 3rd T. and t. O.

Bldgs. Park St. MA4329. MA4821. 4 iuw, di uroaaway mctrl3ts.

A. M. Merrlnaton. M.I.O E. Merrlngton P.I.O.: J.

c. Merrlngton. P.I.O. t1, H' MI rc HELL Optometrist. Opiicmn, Nnt.

Mut. 330 George St. B13(S6. nnvL'Kt Ji' Bna Bank 135 Burwocd Road. Burwood.

UA201K G. WEBSTER rtntnmatrlet 1 On.y address, 133 Pitt St. 'Phone, B35'jc' PROFESSIONS, TRAPES, ETC. ALL Tax Returns, books kept, highest quail-ficatiom. Box 1SK1 ft pA vita "VER'S PltlVATE COACHING COLLEGE.

SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKKfcJiPINa, ENGLISH FRENCH waimm cnrs. no Classes, 12 rcagh bl, city, and ROSE BAV, B4763, tlHAR'l HES BUSINESS COLLEOE, EVENING SESSIONS Mondays. Tuesdays, Tliurfidnvn. Punnntl 1iltln tn Shorthand, Bookkecplns, English, etc. 16fi Direct.

MtilUl. "I HART RES BUSINESS C.rn.l.vnv The Principal will interview Parents and enrol New Pup) La (to commence Immediately) to-day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 169 Liverpool ircii, uppuEiie museum otaiion. Jj W.

E. Roberta, P.S.D.. 17a Pitt St TTAIHDIlESSINa. Learn this profession as JLX taught by Australia's largest Haird teasing uiiBnumwn, oena lor iun particulars now JUNE RUSSELL, 84 Oxford Street. Sydney.

FLU 109. FL3IIJ9. HAIR DRESSING und BEAUTY CULTURE Expert Tuition by Licensed Teachers, moa ern mrthrrit. mnderste fees. Send for Brink lt PREMIER SCHOOL OP HAIRDRESSING, 3rd Floor, Rigney's 147 King St.

MA5100. INCOME TAX Returns prepared and books kept. W. S. Beit, Read.

Tan Agent, 83 Pitt St. HW1H9G. T.C.S. COURSES FOR WOMEN. Radio Play a writing, onort story writing.

Dressmaking, Secretarial, Office Training, Art worn, rrer t-rtwpogius, inietnmioiiHj uurre- spon sponaence ocncoia, uepi. iiu unsioetn oi. Auasuit inugnt, ineary sna rrnciice aaonaayft, n. jrvoDerts, i riu IVXran nroduce trouble In both ladles' and gentlemen's faces. Expert operating removes permanently, 30 years' practice.

Miss MAUDE MAUUULKU, an ueorge ut. none, majiuj. TURSES' Preliminary November. Special Class Forming, taylors. ia in n-nnnntlt Strot.

BWfi334. NURSES' ENTRANCE November iNnivmnAT, Tultlnn riav and nlaht. oi SIMPLIFIED postal lesaina. No failures, NEWTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (over Fay's corner Pitt ana Liverpool iujio, ROTO. COLOURING, Spotting.

Retoucl.ln; jrar.tlmA work and ooaltions nlentlfu INDIVIDUAL Tuition. Day, Night, Saturdays, MTrrwrnN ntmiNFfla COLLEGE lover Fav'a' mm.r PHI anrl Live moo fits. MH2R3 QUIXPEED TYPEWRITING Typlstes wanted urgently. Learn now easy method taught MA310Q 1JEMOVE Halt Permanently, Mrs Orban J-a. Strand Arcaae.

ntt at. MA Mil VII. hairs. In manv cases It tMd to me by sufferers thnt somaone ha told them It Is very painful. Wh? not convince yourself? 30 years estab Miss MAUpE MADDOCKS, 387 ueorge Ol.

j-nsno iwn.iiu.i ri MnnTMAND t.Mrn tha SHORTEST method, ft Newton Rapid is recognised as the most easily acquiren aystem, npen in tew NEWTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, 381 P1U St, IN MEM OR I AM ALLEN. Deep In our hearts a memory Is kept oi one we loved, our lovina: brother, George, called to his rest July 28, 1943. Inserted bv his loving sisters, Frances, Mat tie. and Florrie. ALLtN.

in loving memory of our dear brother and uncle. George, who parsed away July 28. 1943. Always remembered by Albert. Beat family, Nell and Dave, Kemp, Adam, and family, ANDERSON.

Treasured memories of my dear wile and our mother, Julia, vho pasfed away July 1926. Inserted by her loving husband and family. BARNES. In loving memory ol mother. Margaret Jane, who passed away July 28, 1943.

Not forgotten by Wal, Phyl, and grandson. Graham. BARNES. In loving memory of our dear Maggie, who parsed away July 28. 1943.

Sadly missed by her loving tlstcra. CIS Mln Sarah BARTON. In loving memory of our dear father, R. E. Barton, Inte of Burwood.

who aepariea mis me JUiy to, j-jju. Always c-membcrtd by Dot and Sam, end grandchildren Dorothy and Keith. Farm 812, Yenda, to A It TON. In loving memory of our dear father, Robert who passed away July 28, lyjw, a iso a ear metner, Aiary may 19iU. Inserted bv their lav inn family.

UELL. In levins memory of my dear husband and lather Allied Albert, who passed away July 28, 1940. Inserted by his loving wlfo and Hanphtur Vpra. BELX. In loving memory of my dear father.

Alfred Albert, who passed away July -u, lyiu. insertea oy nis aaugnier. mine and scn-ln-law. Jim BLACK ALL. To the memory or dearest mother and beloved Ganny, Inserted by her daughter and grandchildren.

UitEACIl. In loving memory of my dear iiuauuim unu wur miner, icuci ucuihc. vho passed away July 28. 1942. Always remembered by his lovlnz wife and sons.

Frederick and Robert. dukll i LOvinir remrmnrfl nc oi mouier, passed away July 28, 1941, Ever remembered by Edna and Max Bevcs. BUR LEY. Loving memory of my friend. Amy Burley, called home, July 28.

Constance Hamilton. BUTT. in loving memory of our dear mother, Emily Maria, who departed this life July 28, 1943. Inserted by her loving sens and sons-in-law, daughters and daughtRrs- in-iaw, ana granacnuaren, CARVEY. In lovino memory of our dear daughter and sister, Burther Joan (Joe), whe passed away July 28, 1940.

Always rtmem- ucrca cy ncr momer, xauier, una Diuiicia. CARVEY. In lovlni memorv of our dear sister, Jce, who passed away July 28. 1940. Sadly missed by her sisters, Kath and Nell, and brothcrs-ln-law.

Matt and Bill. CHfc.Nfc.YAL. in memorv of dar na Mau rice, passed away July 28. 1939 aged 8 years CONLEY. In loving memory of my dear husband and our beloved lather.

Thomas Henry, departed this Hie July 28. 1943. Sadly missed by his lovlnz wile and family. rONI.KV In fit rionr Had Thcmas Henry, who passed away July 28, 1943. niways rem tnicc re a oy nis icving son anc daufihler-ln-law.

Bill and Mary. DEAN. A tiihutft nt lnvi to the memorv of my late husband, William Leslie, died July aq. aati. Always rememoerea ny r.e:i.

DAVEY, In loving memory of my aear wife, our loved mother, and her loved daughter, Elsie Ruth Davcy, who passed away July 28, 1941. Ever remembered by her loving husband, Tom, and family, Irene. Altred, Jchn, Jim, and Jean, and her loving mother, Mrs. Fanny Payne. DAVIS.

Sweet memories of my dearly loved son, Keith. So dearly loved. Mother. DAVIS. A tribute ol love and everlasting remembrance to dear Keith, who passed away July 28.

1937. Inserted by Alma and sons, Barry and Dennis. DEW. In loving memory of our dear little Allan, who passed away July 28, 1940. Sadly missed by mother, lather, I-red, and Ginhame.

DOUGLASS. -Sad thoughts for to-day, but sweetest memories lor ever ol my dear husband and cur lather, William Joseph (late P.M.G.'s who passed away July 28, 1942. Inserted by his ever-sorrowing wife, Em, devoted daughter, Blanche, and son, Siddie. DUNtlAit. In memory of my dear husband, Duncan, who passed away July 28, 1939.

Deeply mourned by his loving wile and family. EDWARDS. In loving memory ol Arthur Raymond Jchn, died July 28, 1943, aged two years and three months, only sen of Private A. W. Edwards.

219 8th P.O.W. in Malaya. Always remembered by his loving aunt and uncle, Clorene and Jack Brayshaw, EDWARDS. In loving memory of our dear little sen and grandson. Arthur, who died an July 28, 1943.

Inserted by his loving lather. Pvte. A. Edwards (A.I.F., P.O.W. and grandmoiher, M.

Edwards. ELLIS. in loving memory of our dear fathei and grandlather. Arthur Jchn, passed away July 28, 1939. Sadly missed by Mervyn, Zena, snrl cranrirhllrtf en.

ErSTEiN. in loving memory of our dear iatner, wno passed away July zu. laia. Always remembered bv hla lovina lamllv and wile. FORD.

In loving memory of our dear rammer, wno away iz montns ago today. Inserted by her loving daughter-in-law, Ollive, end son. William. GILL1GAN. In loving memory ot William Maiiin, who passed away July 28.

1942. Inserted by Icving wife and family. GREENWOOD. In loving memory of oui dad. iuther-fn-law- and orandna.

Edward. who fell asleep July 28. 1943; also of our mother, mcthcr-fn-law, and nanna. Alice Mnudtv who nasscd away Scntembcr 22. 1931, Inserted bv Wilfrid (missine.

Rabaul). Clssle und Jack, Emily (Mrs. J. Palmer), Jim (A.N.G.A.U.). and Jacqueline.

HAMILTON. A thought tor to-daj but a memory for ever of our dear father. William, who passed away July 28. 1942; also our dear met her, Eliza, parsed away August 5. 1940.

Always remembered by her loving children. HAMMOND. In loving memory ot our dear mother and grandmother, Susan Hammond, who passed away July 28, 1942. Sadly mlu-ed by htr loving sons, Wal, Bill, and daughter. Mrs, Morton, and family.

ANN AM. In loving and cherished memories of my dear husband, Vincent, beloved father of Phil. Eric (A.I.F.), Eileen. Billy (A.I.F.). Hawkins.

A thnurrht for to-dav but lov ing memories of our dear father. Jack, who passed peacefully away July 28, 1943. Always remembered by his loving daughters, sons, and daughters and sons In law, and crandchlldrcn. DUTCHMAN. In lovina memory ct my dear brother, Alfred George, accidentally killed, Queensland railways, July 26, 1928.

Inserted by Arthur. HOYLE. In loving memory of my darllnR daughter and dear sister, Isabelle. and nephews. ever ley and Oiahame.

July 28. 1035. Sadly missed by mother, Anne, and Frank. HOYl.E. In loving memory of our dear sister and, Isabelle.

Beverley, and Orahame, who departed this life July 28. 1S35. Always remembered by Mabs and Humbert Pur lie so. JACKSON. Cherished memories of our dear wife, mother, and grandma, Emily, passed away July 28.

1042. Sadly missed by husband, daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. JONES. Cherished memories of our dear mother, Margaret, who passed away July 28. 1037.

Always rememhered by her Icvina children, Lily, Margaret, Dill, Roy, and families. KELSO. Treasured memories ot our deat son and brother, orris, who passed away July 2a, 1916. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by his loving mother, father, sisters, and brothers. KELSO.

In loving memory ol our dear oro. iher. Norrls. who passed away July 28, 1916. noni-iv bv Phllln.

Lllv. and Babe. KELSO. Cherished memoriei of our dear hrrthpr Nnrrls who Dflised awav July 28. 1016.

Loved and remembered always by hid icving sisters, unaa ana uecKie. KNIGHT. In Icving memory ol dear dad snd grandpa, who passed away July 28, 1040. Inserted by Beattie, Campbell, and Bobbie. LETH.

In memory of my husband, Henry. mir riiar fn tiler, who awav Julv 28. 1013. Ever remembered by Julia. Allen, and ttonnie.

i.ETH. In loving memory of our beloved hrnthir Hrtirv who Yiavirrt awav fin Julv 28. 1943. Ever remembered by his brother and sisters. LETH.

Not Just to-day but every day In silence we remember our dear friend, Horry, who passed away July 28, 1943. Sadly missed by his friends, Alice, Cec. and family. MAPLE. In loving memory of my dear husband and father, and also my beloved son, and brother.

Wall. Ever-lovejl by mother, Allie. Tom, and Jean. ma its ii aim. everlovlnor memorr of mv dear husband and our father.

Sydney who passed away July 28, 1938. Always remem-berrd bv his loving wife and children. MOON. A tribute to the memory ol Fred, who passed over July 20, 1941, From Arthur MOORE. In fond memory of my belovco wife, Margaret, and our loving mother, who passed away July 28, 1038.

Always remembered by loving husband, Walter, and children. Hetty, oo, rem, ana ins. itiriurn in invlnrr momnrw nt Florence my mother, who felt asleep July 28, 1041. KEniemuerca sun. ejuucj, bum uui- ter-ln-law.

Nell. Pivvp in lAUinn memnrv ot mv dear band, our dear lathcr-ln-law, and grand-lather, Alfred (Tom) Pnyne, who passed away June 26, 1043. lnsenea oy nis loving win, PEARSON. In loving memory of my dear Sister, Minnie, wno passea away juiy iio Inserted by her loving sister. May, and brother- PEARSON! In memory of my beloved trts- ler.

Minnie isaoei, wno iisu 1943. Inserted by Ada. nticuTO a ihniiirTit for tn-dBV DUt 1 memory for ever of our dear mother and grandmother, Marie Jane, who passed away July 20, 1942. inserted by her loving son and daugnter, aaugnier-in-iaw RUDD. In loving memory of our dear father and father-in-law, John Joseph Rudd, died July 28, 1043.

Inserted by George and Betty Rudd, and children, June, Marlon, and JSEABORN. in loving memory of my dear wife and cur mother. Emily Catherine, who passed away July 20 1940. Inserted by her loving husband. William, and family.

8I1IPP. In loving memory of our dear father father-in-law, and grandfather Henry Lewis Shlpp. who passed away July 28, 1940. Sadly missed bv his loving daughters. Doreen ana urucc.

nun. uib' nmKrinhlMnn Moiirnrti Ttnv arid Mt STOREY. 'in memory of my dear husband and our oeioven iatner ana granaiin3r, on1 tut tuhn rtlofl .111 It 3ft lflHO. FOf ever In the thoughts of his toying wife and THOMAS. In loving memory of our dear brother and our uncle, Ernest, who passed away July 28, 1043.

Sadly missed oy Maua TINDAI.L. A tribute to the memory ot Glad, who died July 20, 1043. inserted by 1s Ikvim anil RmU Riirvrnrvl TURNER. In memory of Frederick Charles Turner, late cf London and Sydney, Insarted by two friends. TYLER.

Treasured memorls ot my darllna nuxbana, wno parsea away juiy ao, nnriiv mipri hv hi invino wlft. Maraaret. 1YLER. A tribute of love to the memory of a devoted rather, wnom uoa canea nome, July 20, 1943. Inserted by his loving dauitv ter.

May. also grandrhl! ren, meraoi'y forever of my dear father, who passed txway July 28, 1043. Inserted by lil son, dai'ohtet-ln-law. TYLER. A alien thought bring many tear lor cne I loved, my dear dad, Charles, who fell asleep July 28, 1043, Sadly missed Kit tila Inwlnv rianhlof flirt ft V.I TYLER.

In loving memory, of our dear grandfather, Cherlea B. Tyler who passed awav Julv 28. 1043, Always rimembered by Kuhlwumah, over in, casual, Sundays, Gavfi. 23 Bayswnter Rd. Klna's Crete.

KI1CHENMAID. over 45. morning ohIt, Hotel Majestic, King's Cress ltd. FL1618 KITCHENMAID (43), easy Job. hours only 2-9.

beat, waocs. Annlv aftnr 11 am LA RIDGES, 206 Pitt Street (near Lyreum). Kiiuniw iiiLit. oiMnwicnes. ciean job.

ROCd waons Over nhoniiu' rrfVu Lounge, 301 George St. opp. Strand Arcade. Kj-ruHKN woman, 43. and Pantrymald.

hi fill ttuncs. Kanlmhla RmtDiirani onr.J Huehes and Tusculum Sts. Potts Point. KITCHENMAID wanted, over 45 years, shilt 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.; no Sunday wcrk.

Wages 386 per week. Aoulv WENTWfiFtTW HOTEL. CITY. KITCHEN WOMEN (45). Excellent condition-and V.aacs.

Saturday altrrnnnn anA Sunday work. Apply Le Coq d'Or. 30 Ash Street, city. B6313. KJTCHEHMAiu, over 45 required.

Hours, Monday to Thursday. 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Friday. 8 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.: No Saturday work.

Wages 306. Apply HORDERN BROTHERS, 203 Pitt Street. AUNDRESS Cleaner. 45. Flat 2.

19 Ithaca IADY CHEF, 3 clear, sleep "in. not diffl-J cult, gccd hours. Braeslde Private Hospital. Stanmore. LADY HELP or Housekeeper, over 45, wanted for small country property in Central West.

All duties, for small adult lamily. Ring BW7460. MANAGERESS, 43. city residential. Apply at 261 Crown Street.

MARRIED COUPLE lor stn. homestead, wit man gardener-useful; four In family, comr. quarters. FM4745 before 10 a. in.

MARRIED COUPLE, for station. Southern district, man must be experienced all pastoral improvements, kill, drive tractor, understand machinery. Wife Cco*k-Housekeeo tor 1 gent, and visitors. Wages 6. Bentley'a, Wlnsello House.

Annel Place. B5332. NIGHT WAITRESS (45) wanted, shift 7-13 Sundays off Apply Silvers, 327 George Street, near Wvnyard. PANTRYMAID (43). easy Job.

hours only 2-9. highest wages. Apply alter 11 a.m.. CLARIDGES, 206 Pitt Street (next Lyceum). nu.

cii.nuein uay, rnouau. uai iitiMAiua tio, wantea. nignt wore only, straight shift, Sundays oft. Apply Silvers, 327 George St, near Wynyard. PANTRYMAID.

over 45. 5 days a week, no Sunday. Apply City Tatl's Club. 200 Pitt Street. Sydney.

PANTRYMAID, over 45, wanted. 5-day week. No Sunday work. FERNANDEZ CAFE, 126 Pitt Street. PANTRYMAID wanted, capable and experienced, 45 years, 2 lull days 'off per week.

Excellent prospects. Wages 3136. Apply WENTWORTH HOTEL. CITY. PANTRYMAID.

45. excellent and wpges. No Saturday aiternoon and Sunday worn. Apply Le Coq d'Or 30 Ash St reel, city. F.6313.

rl UvUqi wun ini ijBuy, uvei u. l-uu nun general. No laundry, Icmlly two, gccd heme. Eastern Suburbs. Wages 310 week.

Nc. 4381, Herald. U.L.V.A., 12 O'Ccnnell St. B3245. Wcmen, 45.

Bar Casuals. Barmaids, city. 3: Chef. 8, city. SO, Wo Hon yens.

URGENTLY Required: Waitresses. Cccks, KitchcnmaicLs. Cleaners, over 45. Crcwn and Eagle Cale, 492 George Street. wantea.

fvppiy 4. cuest house. Glenieirie. Kirribllli. X31605 WANTED, Domestic Help, over 45.

menu tigs. Buxton. 22 Ingram Rd, Glebe. MW1353 WAITRESSES, 45. full time und tor Sun.

4-8 p.m. G. and 337 Geo. St. "IXTAITHESSES.

also Salad Hand, all over it 45. Vere- Mathews, Kin? St WANTED, Hood Hand Milker. Gcod wassi and for single man. UW6115. WAITRESS.

45 gccd wages. 5 to 8 p.m., no week-end. Tilfln Cate, 65S Geo. St, WAITRESS, over 45. wanted.

5-day week, no Sunday wcrk. Fernandez. 126 Pitt Su WANTED WAITRESS, perm, and casual, day work, over 45. 214 Castlereagh WOMAN. 45.

cleaning. 6 hours, 3 days, 15 day. Darling Point. FM3649. WOMAN, over 45 years, tor denning moraines only.

Best wages. FL2984. WANTED, Housemaid, ever 45 or otherwlai elidible. Apply 14 Springfield Ave. WOMAN.

45, cleaning flats, 10 to 1 o'clock. 50. Westchester. Onslow Avenue Elizabeth Bav. "WANTED.

Woci3n over 45, 4 p.m. to i p.m. Monday to Friday, lisht housework. 100 Fitzroy Street, Mcore Park. WANTED, reliable Woman, cver 45.

aisirt general household duties; easy place. Apply letter, 37 Osboine Road. Manly. XTANTED. refined Wcman (over 45).

cen- ral help, small nursing home, gccd poa. 50, plus board and lodging. UJ4702. WANTED, Female Cleaners, over 43. lull time.

Apply Caretaker, 52 Pitt Street, city. 'Phone. BW2249. Iftundi v. two davs ocr week, aood con ditions.

'Phone. JW3036. WAITRESS, over years, wanieo ior Jfnolan Caves. Annlv Government Tour ist Bureau. Chailis Houie, Martin Place.

WAITRESSES, female, over 45 ri. Annlv. with Staff Anthony Hordern and Sons. Brickfield Hill. Svd.

WOMAN, over 45. for Flat Cleaning, wages 3. West End Flats. Crick Ave. Pott Point, between 8 a.m.

and 12. "VaTOMAN. over 45. required. Killara.

ior plain cooking and household dutiei. no laundry or bedroems, wages 70. BW4161. WANTED, 2 Waitresses, 45, live in. goci wases.

Easy position. Suit soldier's wile. Apply Tea Gardens, Medlow Bath. WAITRESS. 45.

full time, excellent conditions End wages. Apply Cale La Palette, 415 New South Head nd. Double Bay. WAITRESSES, over 45. required by Hydra Majestic Hotel.

Medlow Bath. Gcod accommodation and conditions. Apply Hydro direct, or 'phone B1000. WOMAN COOK. 2nd.

over 45. no bieax-fast. no Sunday, 5 days a week, need wages. Apply after 10, City Tatfa Club, 200 Pitt Street. Sydney.

WT ANTED. GENERAL HELP, over 45 vears, for 5 aduMs. 5Va days, from 9 a.m. lo 5.30 p.m.. near station.

Apply 9 Tryon Road. Lindneld. Ring JA4802. No laundry. WAITRESSES 45 lull time.

Excellent conditions and wages. Free Saturday aiternoon and Sunday. Apply Le Ccq d'Or. 3d Ash Street, city. B6313.

WANTED experienced Chef. Woman over 45. UiCd to guest house. Salary 1 3 a day. Haielhurst, Murdoch Street.

Cremorne. WXM3ANTED Lady Assistant, over 45. for library at King's Cress. Apply 370. comer Liverpool St and Darlinghurst Road, Saturday, between 2 p.m.

and 5 p.m. TXT ANTED, Trustworthy Woman, over 4 vears, clean small bachelor apartment. Onslow Avenue. Elizabeth Bay. Should tsj cne hour to do.

IV2 hours dally. a cod remuneration. Apply No. "07, Herald. "WOMEN, cver 45, as part-time Cleaners, a.m.

to 10.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Excellent conditions. Apply 9 Light Aircraft Grace Brothers, 7th floor, WOMEN'S NATIONAL SERVICE BULLETIN COOKS and DOMESTICS uraently required for Country, Suburban, and City HCf pltMs.

resident or daily. ST. LUKE'S, Darllnghurst, Sweets Cook, live in or out. Urgent. urgently required lor Government Offices.

6 a.m. to 12.36. 84, b. 5-day week. Public Schools (morn, and or part time).

Award wage. Apply Ycur Local National Service Offlce. r0UNG Scivlceman's Wile wanted, no tniifl-X ren. Home given tor services. Mrs.

J. Clark. 26 Virtcria Ave. Concert Wtv-t. SITUATIONS WANTED BA RM.MD.

ever 45, experienced Kqulrrt FcUticn in bar or leunge. Write Thcmo-sen, 17 Russall St, Rcse Bay Ncrth. BENTLEY'S AGENCY. An3el PI- 45 des. Pos.

Icr 1 3 wldcwer with chllaren. gocd plain co*ck, where well-behaved school child will be taKin. Excellent rels. Wages 20 to 25'. CI ENTLEVUMArt over -w.

dren or elderly Person, evenings, vlcimir North Sydney, water suburbs. Rets. r-o. iJi. "kv lNTy Poltion as Nurae-Ccmpmiicn, 45.

Write W.O.. 8 Spit Rd. McimH DimnnullATn'R In linifcrM. uTnTr rn 114 CastlcreaahStrcct. MJ432S.

MORNINO ADVERTISING RULES. MARKIAUU, BIRTHS, DEATHS. IN nolittl muVt prn'p amhentlcatJd. Birth Noti by a Srent. Enganemant Notlcss by IraUing parties, whose signature! must t-t lt.

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No guarantee Is Bl-en that wrUsSment will be set In any special appear under any specified hcodlnl and nua every care Is exercised, the 5ot hold themselves responsible Ior errors in advertisem*nts, mlsclasslflcatlon. or ncn insertion for any reason. rlnlit to alter or omit advertisem*nts. vm attention Is directed to errors on the day oi publication, no allowance 11 mde- Should an advertiser rwulre replies to an advertisem*nt to be sent to the Herald twos, afi extra charee of 3d Is made. No rpnsl blllty Is acoeptrd for such replies.

v.hleh musi be called Ior within seven days. Advertising copy must be plain Iy rlttn In ink, special care being tnKcn Pr names and flaures. and must have on tn; Sasr. rUhenlCofhniil.7"-Chr,, name. or ol any nd.

Co post ofllc" Is contrary to postal regulations. ments contalninii these addresses nnssl accepted. Manager. Serretoty, Overseer, and tho like, surnames, or plume must not be used as an address c. A Union advertisem*nt, are nnl; If sanclloned by the Chief Secretary offering, homes or boartj II" children are accepted only I the Child Welfare Department.

Such aoi-tlsemcnts must Include th. full name ana address of the advertiser. Replies to advertisem*nts may collect during the following hours: Mcndaya to Fridays 8 m. Saturdays Public Holidays 8 a.m. to Where references are asked Ior in "rllS, ments.

co a box number, either post oratj or "Aie Sydney Morning Herald" OIJ. should bo distinctly ststed that copies only reference, are required. Reouests Icr photographs with applications to advertisem*nts are not allowed. Advertisers are nsked to rtturn In rcfeteneea or other documents of arc received with replies to advert oi loss of any such papers might entail serious Inconvenience. Advertisem*nts should be lodged as fr possible on the dayk Under regulations, the Advertising D.P' ment Is closed at 7 p.m.

Mondays to in days; 9 p.m. Saturdays; and P-- SunttBys. JOHN FAIHr'AJt Hur.o i-J ii Prlnled and publlehed by Herbert Dadsivell, ol Ovenden, KJng's Road. vu cluse, for John Palrlax fc Sons PlMS.1!!!) at the office nf the Company, Street, Sydney. (MH, in dsn ana uiancuv imhi luvniauuu.

Med SI years, oiaoyft ana ksiw.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.