VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (2024)

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VMLO: the Strategic, Operational and Tactical

imperative for a Light Observation Squadron

with the USMC

Bamford, Gregory R.

Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School


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Gregory R. Bamford

June 2012

Thesis Advisor: Raymond Buettner Second Reader: William J. Robinette

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VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (4)

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2. REPORT DATE June 2012


4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with the USMC 6. AUTHOR(S) Gregory R. Bamford


7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000




11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. IRB Protocol number ________N/A________.

12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) The military, and the Marines specifically, are experiencing a gap in their light mobility, persistent ISR and CAS/FAC(A) capabilities. Ever changing international and local political and economic realities are impacting the way in which the Marines will continue to act as a force projection of the national strategy. The use of commercial off-the-shelf aircraft, integrated with existing sensors and weapons systems, is a performance and cost effective augmentation to existing military aircraft and is a discussion centered on placing the right technology, not always high technology, at the right place and time to influence the next battlespace. Researchers considered the future environments these aircraft would operate in and the capabilities that would enhance current aviation capabilities and augment distributed operations. Four aircraft were considered and compared in configuration, performance, cost and commonality on the current commercial market. In addition to the discussion of aircraft, consideration was given to the benefits of the creation of a fixed wing light observation squadron within the Marines and its ability to influence operations and augment current aviation capabilities.











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VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (6)


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


Gregory R. Bamford Major, United States Marine Corps

B.A., Virginia Military Institute, 1996

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


from the


Author: Gregory R. Bamford

Approved by: Raymond R. Buettner Thesis Advisor

William J. Robinette Second Reader

Dan C. Boger Chair, Department of Information Systems

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VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (8)



The military, and the Marines specifically, are experiencing a gap in their light mobility,

persistent ISR and CAS/FAC(A) capabilities. Ever changing international and local

political and economic realities are impacting the way in which the Marines will continue

to act as a force projection of the national strategy. The use of commercial off-the-shelf

aircraft, integrated with existing sensors and weapons systems, is a performance and cost

effective augmentation to existing military aircraft and is a discussion centered on placing

the right technology, not always high technology at the right place and time to influence

the next battlespace. Researchers considered the future environments these aircraft would

operate in and the capabilities that would enhance current aviation capabilities and

augment distributed operations. Four aircraft were considered and compared in

configuration, performance, cost and commonality on the current commercial market. In

addition to the discussion of aircraft, consideration was given to the benefits of the

creation of a fixed wing light observation squadron within the Marines and its ability to

influence operations and augment current aviation capabilities.

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VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (10)



I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1 A. STRATEGIC CONTEXT ...............................................................................2

1. The China Sea and Its Strategic Importance ....................................3 B. THE MARINES ...............................................................................................6

1. The Reality for the Marines ................................................................7 C. PARADIGM SHIFT FOR THE MARINES ...............................................10

1. Strategic Implications........................................................................11 2. Operational Implications...................................................................12 3. Tactical Implications .........................................................................12

D. WHY THE MARINES ..................................................................................13 E. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW...................................................................13

II. CONSIDERATIONS FOR MANNING AND OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION .....................................................................................................15 A. PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED VMLO SQUADRON...........................16 B. EXAMPLES OF DISTRIBUTED OPERATIONS SUPPORT .................18

1. Kenmore Operations .........................................................................19 2. Kenmore Aircraft and Maintenance................................................20 3. Kenmore’s Pilots ................................................................................21 4. Kenmore’s Chosen Model and Relevance to the Marines .............22

C. MISSIONS OF THE VMLO.........................................................................23 1. Assault Support..................................................................................24 2. Aerial Reconnaissance .......................................................................24 3. Offensive Air Support........................................................................25 4. Control of Aircraft and Missiles.......................................................26

D. AIRCREW CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE VMLO................................26 1. Pilot Considerations...........................................................................27

a. Pilot Training ..........................................................................28 2. Aircrew Considerations.....................................................................29

E. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW...................................................................30

III. AIRCRAFT COMPETITIVE FOR CONSIDERATION......................................31 A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS..............................................................31 B. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................32 C. THE AIRCRAFT...........................................................................................36

1. Cessna 208 Basic Description............................................................37 2. Quest Kodiak K100T Basic Description ..........................................38 3. Pilatus PC-6 Porter ............................................................................39 4. Sherpa Aircraft K650T Sherpa ........................................................40

D. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW...................................................................42

IV. ORGANIZATION AND CAPABILITIES VERSE LIGHT MOBILITY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................45 A. DISTRIBUTED AVIATION ELEMENT SUPPORT................................46

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (11)


B. HUB AND SPOKE OPERATIONS. ............................................................48 1. Shorter, Rougher and Dirtier ...........................................................49 2. The Next Step Is to Just Add Water.................................................50


1. Internal Configuration Options........................................................54 a. Sometimes More Is Less .........................................................57

2. External Configuration .....................................................................59 3. Pilot Training Impact for a Tailwheel Aircraft ..............................60

E. UNMANNED LIGHT MOBILITY COMPARISON.................................61 1. Joint Precisions Air Delivery Systems..............................................61 2. Cargo Resupply UAS (CRUAS) .......................................................62

F. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW...................................................................64

V. REDUCING EMERGING CAPABILITY GAPS WITH MANNED AIRCRAFT ................................................................................................................67 A. MANNED AIRCRAFT UAV SURROGATES ...........................................68

1. Pelican Cessna Skymaster 337..........................................................68 B. PHYSICAL PRESENCE ON THE DISTRIBUTED BATTLEFIELD ....70

1. Impact on Battlefield Mobility..........................................................71 2. Aircraft vs. UAV Size Comparisons.................................................72

C. PERSISTENT ISR SUPPORT WITH LIGHT MOBILITY AIRCRAFT ....................................................................................................73 1. Distributed Utility with Direct Support Operations.......................74

a. Prepping the FOB for a VMU Detachment ...........................75 2. Utilizing Existing ISR Systems .........................................................76

a. RQ-7B Shadow Payload..........................................................76 b. Manned Aircraft Systems........................................................77 c. Emerging Capabilities.............................................................77

D. IT ALL COMES DOWN TO CAS/FAC(A) AND SOMEONE IN THE OVERHEAD ..................................................................................................78 1. The FAC(A) ........................................................................................79

a. Detailed Integration and Coordination..................................80 2. CAS......................................................................................................82

a. Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS)............82 b. AGM-175 Griffin.....................................................................83 c. AGM-114 Hellfire ...................................................................84

E. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW...................................................................85


RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................92 D. WHICH AIRCRAFT AND IN WHAT COMBINATION.........................93

1. Cessna 208...........................................................................................93 2. Quest K650T.......................................................................................94

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E. IN THE END ..................................................................................................96 1. Rapid Response ..................................................................................96 2. Flexibility ............................................................................................97 3. Affordable...........................................................................................97 4. Use of Personnel and Systems...........................................................98

LIST OF REFERENCES......................................................................................................99

INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST .......................................................................................105

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Figure 1. South China Sea.................................................................................................4 Figure 2. DF-21D Ranges .................................................................................................6 Figure 3. AC-208 Caravan ..............................................................................................14 Figure 4. Cessna 208 .......................................................................................................38 Figure 5. Quest Kodiak K100T .......................................................................................39 Figure 6. Pilatus PC-6 Porter...........................................................................................40 Figure 7. Sherpa Aircraft K650T ....................................................................................42 Figure 8. Cessna 208 Amphibian ....................................................................................51 Figure 9. Dehavilland DHC-2 Beaver with an External Load ........................................52 Figure 10. PC-6 Passenger Configuration.........................................................................55 Figure 11. PC-6 Air Ambulance Configuration ................................................................55 Figure 12. External View of Cessna 208 Factory Installed Roll Up Door........................56 Figure 13. Internal View of Cessna 208 Factory Installed Roll Up Door.........................57 Figure 14. Kaman K-MAX in Afghanistan.......................................................................62 Figure 15. Boeing A160T Hummingbird ..........................................................................63 Figure 16. Cessna 337 Skymaster in CIRPAS Pelican Configuration ..............................69 Figure 17. MAWTS-1 VMU Overview Airlift Requirements ..........................................72 Figure 18. Cessna O-2 Skymaster .....................................................................................80 Figure 19. APKWS System on the AT-6C........................................................................83 Figure 20. AGM-175 Griffin Small Tactical Munition.....................................................84 Figure 21. AGM-114K Attached to a Cessna AC-208 .....................................................85

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Table 1. Total Flight Time Hours for NPS Research Students......................................28 Table 2. Total Time to Train and Total Costs for Training ...........................................28 Table 3. Aircraft Capability Comparison to ASC RFI for Light Mobility ....................34 Table 4. Research Aircraft .............................................................................................37 Table 5. South China Sea Nations .................................................................................48 Table 6. Aircraft Performance over a 50’ Obstacle .......................................................50 Table 7. Aircraft Cost Comparisons ..............................................................................53 Table 8. USMC MAWTS-1 Rotary Wing TACSOP TRAP Package ...........................58 Table 9. Aircraft Size Comparisons...............................................................................73

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A2/AD Anti-Access and Area Denial AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle ACC Air Combat Command ACE Air Combat Element ACO Airspace Control Order AFRICOM Africa Command AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command AGL Above Ground Level AGM Air to Ground Missile AMC Air Mobility Command ANAAC Afghan National Army Air Corps AO Area of Operations AOR Area of Responsibility ASBM Anti-Surface Ballistic Missile ASRR Airfield Suitability and Restrictions Report ATO Air Tasking Order ATP Advanced Targeting Pod BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BPC Building Partner Capacity C2 Command and Control CAOC Combined Air & Space Operations Center CAS Close Air Support CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation CBE Capabilities Based field Experiment CEP Circular Error Probable CENTCOM Central Command CIA Central Intelligence Agency CLG Combat Logistics Group CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps COCOM Combatant Commander COIN Counterinsurgency CONOP Concept of Operations COTS Commercial Off The Shelf CRFI Capability Request for Information CSAR Combat Search and Rescue CSG Carrier Strike Group

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (19)


DCA Deputy Commandant of Aviation DF Dong Feung DO Distributed Operations DoD Department of Defense ECO Enhanced Company Operations EEZ Economic Exclusion Zone EFV Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle ESG Expeditionary Strike Group EO Electro-Optical FARP Forward Area Arming and Re-Fueling Point FAC(A) Forward Air Controller, Airborne FID Foreign Internal Defense FMC Full Mission Capable FOB Forward Operating Base FOD Foreign Object Damage FSC Fire Support Coordinator FSO Fire Support Officer GCAS Ground Alert CAS GCE Ground Combat Element GPF General Purpose Force HQ Headquarters HQMC Headquarters Marine Corps IADS Integrated Air Defense System IED Improvised Explosive Device IFR Instrument Flight Rules IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions IR Infrared ISAF International Security and Assistance Force ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance IW Irregular Warfare JCAS Joint Publication 3-09.3, Close Air Support JEFX Joint Expeditionary Forces Experiment JOC Joint Operating Concept JP Joint Publication JSF Joint Strike Fighter JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller

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KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed KTAS Knots True Airspeed LAA Light Attack Aircraft LAAR Light Attack Armed Reconnaissance LAS Light Air Support LD Laser Designator LRF Laser Range Finder LOC Line Of Communication LOS Line of Sight LSS Laser Spot Search LST Laser Spot Track MANPADS Man Portable Air Defense Systems MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force MARSOC Marine Special Operations Command MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit MILF Moro Islamic Liberation Front MISO Military Information Support Operations (formerly known as PSYOP) MOB Main Operating Base MPH Miles per Hour MSL Mean Sea Level MWSS Marine Wing Support Squadron NA Naval Aviator NCTC National Counterterrorism Center NFO Naval Flight Officer NPS Naval Postgraduate School NVG Night Vision Goggles OA-X Observation/Attack Aircraft ODA Operational Detachment-Alpha OEF Operation Enduring Freedom OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom OPTEMPO Operations Tempo OTH Over The Horizon PACOM Pacific Command PLAN People’s Liberation Army’s Navy PN Partner Nation PPF Peace time Planning Factor PRC People’s Republic of China PSYOP Psychological Operations (now known as MISO)

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QDR Quadrennial Defense Review QLR Quick Look Report QRF Quick Reaction Force ROVER Remote Off-Board Video Enhanced Receiver RPA Remotely Piloted Aircraft RPG Rocket-Propelled Grenade RTB Return to Base RVN Republic of Vietnam (AKA South Vietnam) SATCOM Satellite Communications SDB Small Diameter Bomb SEAL Sea, Air, Land SECDEF Secretary of Defense SLOC Sea Line Of Communication SOF Special Operations Forces SOAR Special Operations Aviation Regiment SOCOM Special Operations Command SOS Special Operations Squadron SOW Special Operations Wing TIC Troops in Contact TTP Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UHF Ultra-High Frequency USASOC United States Army Special Operations Command USAF United States Air Force VFR Visual Flight Rules VHF Very High Frequency VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions VMLO Fixed Wing Light Observation Squadron WOC Wing Operations Center WSO Weapons System Officer XCAS Airborne On-Call CAS

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I would like to thank my wife Tricia for tolerating my continuing fascination and

one track mind about all things aviation. She had no idea that I could turn a graduate

school program into yet another way to talk about planes. She has been a constant during

my time at NPS and without her, this paper would never have happened.

I am also immensely grateful to my advisors Drs. Buettner, Pfeiffer, and

Commander Robinette. Without Drs. Buettner and Pfeiffer, this project would have never

gotten off of the drawing board. Commander Robinette stepped in when Dr. Pfeiffer

departed and was instrumental in the construction of this paper.

Additionally, the following individuals lent their time and expertise: BGen Carl

Mundy, USMC, BGen Gary Thomas, USMC, LtCol Thomas Savage, LtCol Mike

Wonson, LtCol Robert Burns, LtCol Dave Jesurun, Maj Grant Sharp, Gene Summer, Lee

Gossett, The Honorable Dave Duehring, RADM Gary Rosholt, Tenly Connor, Glen

Koue, Maj Chris Workinger, Capt Joe Horvath, Marianna Jones, Robert Richey, Tim

Brookes, Wes Gordon and Larry Duscher.

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VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (24)



During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military depended heavily on a large number of

different aircraft to support distributed forces across the length and width of the Area Of

Operations (AOR). The military depended on these aircraft to provide support across a

range of missions that required aircraft with varying lift and performance capabilities.

Their capabilities and sophistication ranged from a two-seat piston powered airplane

capable of operating only in day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) in a low to

medium threat environment to the latest generation of all weather fighter/attack jets

delivering the latest iteration of munitions against one of the most sophisticated

Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS) existing at the time. Since Vietnam, the focus of

the aviation elements of the U.S. military have been focused on the development and

acquisition of aircraft capable of penetrating and defeating the latest generations of IADS

to achieve operational and strategic objectives. Following a decade of combat focused on

a Counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan, considerable discussion

and research has occurred advocating the development and acquisition of a turbine

powered Light Attack Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft in support of a COIN


The concept of an organization composed of Light Air Support (LAS) aircraft

combined with an LAAR capability has generated a discussion about the use of low cost,

comparatively low technology aircraft in support of the Air Force Special Operations

Command (AFSOC) Foreign Internal Defense (FID) mission. FID advocates a

partnership with allied nations in the continuing battle against counterinsurgency

elements.2 Generally, the discussion has not included the potential benefits of developing

an existing commercial off-the-shelf system (COTS) to meet the existing light mobility,

Persistent Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (PISR) and observation gap.

1 Global Security, “Light Mobility Aircraft (LIMA),” July 7, 2011,

http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/lima.htm. 2 Robert C. Owen and Karl P. Mueller, “Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency

Operations,” Project Air Force Report (Santa Monica: RAND, 2007).

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The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming to end. With the end of these

conflicts, the focus of operations moves from protracted land battles in the Middle East to

the growing potential threat from China in the Pacific Command (PACOM) AOR and to

strategic Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs). According to the new strategic vision

for the Department of Defense (DoD), the administration wishes to focus military

capability in the Pacific region in general and the South China Sea, specifically.3 At the

same time the military is refocusing its efforts in the PACOM AOR it is also facing a

decade of fiscal austerity as the financial priorities of the nation shift from war

expenditures to domestic financial expectations. This new reality, with new constraints in

acquisitions and operations, offers the Marines the opportunity discuss what a fixed wing

light observation squadron (VMLO) built around low cost, comparatively low technology

aircraft can offer to a service that is only 7.8 percent of the DoD budget, which is poised

to be positioned between the traditionally larger land army General Purpose Forces (GPF)

and the Special Operating Forces (SOF).4


Within the next decade, the DoD is facing a reduction in spending from the

current fiscal year to the levels of funding in 2008. This is a reduction of $487 billion

over the next 10 years. Following the failure of the Congressional Super Committee, the

DoD faces a further reduction in funding of $500 billion to $600 billion over the same

decade, which amounts to almost $1 trillion in reduced spending for the DoD.5 For the

Army and the Marines, it means that the future holds a reduction in forces of 10 to 15

percent and renewed scrutiny of current and future war-fighting capabilities. For the

Marines specifically, it means they will experience a reduction in their force from its

current levels of 202,000 back to its pre-war posture of 175,000 personnel.

3 Todd Harrison, “Defense Cuts Could Only Be the Beginning,” Cable News Network, January 9,

2012, http://articles.cnn.com/2012-01-09/opinion/opinion_harrison-defense-plan_1_defense-cuts-defense-budget-american-military-strategy?_s=PM:OPINION.

4 Commandant of the Marine Corps, Role of the United States Marines Corps (Washington, DC: HQMC, September 2011).

5 Harrison, “Defense Cuts Could Only Be the Beginning.”

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In accordance with these fiscal realities, it was necessary for the Pentagon to

reassess its ability to fight two wars across different fronts simultaneously. The new

model calls for the ability to fight one major war and the ability to spoil an adversary’s

ability to start a second front. It also calls for a reduced permanent military presence

globally. Most importantly, it called for a change in the focus of the U.S. military. Instead

of focusing on the Middle East, the Pentagon has announced a greater focus on the

Pacific Ocean, Asia, and specifically, China. Since the 1990s, China has embarked on an

extensive military modernization program focused on reducing the U.S. influence in the

western Pacific.6 The United States also accepts the premise that by abandoning the

ability to fight two wars, it will reduce the amount of ground forces while relying more

on air and naval forces.

1. The China Sea and Its Strategic Importance

One new area of strategic focus consists of the South China Sea and the East

China Sea. It has a total of 2,150,000 square miles of space dominated by 30,000 islands

and strategic waters that form the main waterborne access points to the Pacific and Indian

Oceans, as well as shipping routes to Japanese and north pacific ports.7 The South China

Sea, with a total of 1,400,000 square miles, plays the greatest role of strategic importance

to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its armed forces. The PRC has attempted to

isolate the South China Sea, as well as its oil and natural gas resources and its

international shipping routes, as territorial waters in violation of conventional

international agreements. It is the position of the PRC that since the United States has no

territorial claims to the South China Sea, it has no right to free and unchallenged passage

in the same waters. The PRC has also used longstanding disputes with Taiwan, Japan,

South Korea, and the Philippines as provocation to threaten to use anti-access and area

denial operations in the South China Sea.8

6 Global Security, “People’s Liberation Navy-Doctrine Development,” November 2011,

http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china/plan-doctrine-offshore.htm. 7 Encyclopedia Brittanica Online, “South China Sea,” (n.d.),

http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/556146/South-China-Sea. 8 Michael J. Cole, “South China Sea all PRC’s, Op-Ed Claims,” Taipei Times, November 29, 2011,


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The South China Sea includes the strategic Strait of Malacca that is an essential

SLOC for the free flow of commerce and information in the region. It is strategically

important to the United States and its allies as a route to reduce passage time to the

Persian Gulf and its essential natural resources. The ability of China to reduce access or

close these strategic waterways through passive aggressive military basing and political

posturing or physical military intervention would have serious economical and political

impact on the international community.

Figure 1. South China Sea9

9 Wikipedia, “South China Sea,” March 2, 2012,


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The South China Sea presents the U.S. military with a series of new challenges it

has not faced in the last decade of land warfare in the Middle East. With a size of over

1,400,000 square miles, it would seem that a large conventional surface and amphibious

force would have the necessary space to conduct effective sea denial operations against

an emerging blue water threat, such as the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

However, the proliferation of Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) technology has greatly

reduced the size of the South China Sea and the U.S. Navy’s, and by association the

Marines’, amphibious ability to conduct forcible entry operations by either an

Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) or a Carrier Strike Group (CSG).

The PRC has adopted a strategy of offshore defense to protect its claim to

territorial waters in the South China Sea. It has three essential missions. The first is to

keep the enemy within limits and resist invasion from the sea. The second is to protect

the nation’s territorial sovereignty and the third is to safeguard the motherland’s unity

and maritime rights. It aims to achieve these missions with the doctrinally recognized

first and second island chains by creating an Economic Exclusions Zone (EEZ) out to 200

nm.10 Together, the two chains have encompassed maritime areas to an estimated

distance of over 1,800 nm to include many of the essential SLOCs in East Asia.11 With

the introduction and proliferation of ASBM technology, combined with an emerging blue

water navy and Nuclear Fast Attack Submarines (SSN) Nuclear Ballistic Submarine

(SSBN) capability, the PRC represents a credible threat to area and access denial

operations for the international community and the U.S. Navy and Marines, in particular.

The development and deployment of the Dong Feng-21 (DF-21) “Carrier Killer” missile

could allow the PRC sea denial or access denial success in the limited space of the South

China Sea. With a range in excess of 1,500 miles, it represents an ability to remove the

U.S. advantage of a carrier-borne strike force and the ability to close with and engage the

amphibious assault force. It also speaks to China’s ability to threaten forward deployed

forces in locations, such as Okinawa, mainland Japan and South Korea.

10 Global Security, “People’s Liberation Navy-Doctrine Development.” 11 Global Security, “DF-21,” July 24, 2011, http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/china/df-


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Figure 2. DF-21D Ranges12

The loss of a Nuclear Powered Carrier (CVN) and its associated airwing or an

Amphibious Assault Ship (multi-purpose) LHD with its Marine Expeditionary Unit

(MEU) components due to PRC use of the DF-21 ASBM would be a significant strategic

defeat for U.S. naval forces in the region. The use of the DF-21, combined with the use of

intra-theater ballistic missiles against aircraft, surface units and their associated logistical

support bases, could close the South China Sea that would allow the PRC to control a

major portion of the SLOCs in East Asia.


In September 2011, the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) delivered a

paper to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) outlining the future role of the Marines in

light of the new fiscal reality within the DoD. It described the future of the Marines with

12 Google, 2010, http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://blog.usni.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/DF-21D_ranges.jpg&imgrefurl=http://blog.usni.org/2011/07/18/re-enter-the-df-21d-asbm/&h=374&w=658&sz=94&tbnid=dS-yJ0q6LYihOM:&tbnh=69&tbnw=122&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDF-21%2BRanges%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=DF-21+Ranges&docid=IpH2Z2pO9ppJIM&sa=X&ei=zcChT_mHAoGoiQK5heiaBw&ved=0CHYQ9QEwCA&dur=476.

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the vision that the United States is a maritime nation that relies heavily on the maritime

commons for the exchange of commerce and ideas.13 It recognizes the importance of a

naval force as part of the solution set to meeting and fulfilling the global maritime

responsibilities. Within the paper, the CMC describes the need for an amphibious force

able to move seamlessly between the three domains of air, land and sea through

operational reach and agility. This movement would allow national leaders to “buy time”

and “decision space” during an emerging crisis halfway across the globe. The Marines

are currently the only task-organized service capable of supporting modular and scalable

operations of an expeditionary nature.

Seventy-five percent of the planet’s entire population lives within 200 miles of a

coast. The ability to control the littoral environment in future conflicts takes greater

importance when taken in this context and the fact that 95 percent of commercial cargo to

support those people living near the coast, travels through the littoral battlespace.14 It will

be essential for the Marines to support small-task organized operations in such a large

area without the constant presence of the ESG and CSG that has been the signature of

major naval operations in the Pacific.

1. The Reality for the Marines

Following a decade of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Marines face a

difficult post-war period of refocusing themselves on the expeditionary nature of

amphibious operations. While continuing to rely on Marine Air Ground Task Force

(MAGTF) resources that have been heavily engaged in the Middle East, they have

experienced the cancellation of the next generation of the amphibious assault vehicle, the

EFV, as well as continued acquisition issues with the F-35B. Continued delays have also

occurred with the F-35B impact legacy platforms, such as the AV-8B Harrier, F/A-18C/D

Hornets and the EA-6B Prowler. The Aviation Combat Element (ACE) has also had to

contend with simultaneous integration of the MV-22 Osprey and the KC-130J Hercules.

13 Commandant of the Marine Corps, Role of the United States Marines Corps. 14 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), IDGA Amphibious Ops Summit, July 2011.

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Cancellation of the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) means that the Marines

will continue to use the current Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) for their forcible

entry missions. The Over The Horizon (OTH) assault capability that the EFV was to

provide will now fall more heavily on the Osprey assault support aircraft. The F-35B was

placed on probation by SECDEF Robert Gates following major delays in the flight

testing program. While the program has recently experienced increases in flight testing,

the aircraft is still not scheduled for IOC until 2015.15 The entire Joint Strike Fighter

(JSF) program has experienced a doubling in the cost per model because of the delays in


The Marines expect to meet future operations, and shortfalls, with Distributed

Operations (DO) and Enhanced Company Operations (ECO). The increased Area of

Operations (AoR) in the South China Sea seems to maximize the offensive potential of

the Marines and does increase the number of small units to be supported in accordance

with the six functions of Marine Aviation. In other words, aircraft will have to fly more

sorties to meet increased demand for the ACE, which will impact aircraft and

organizations that experienced flight operations at three and four times their Peace Time

Planning Factors (PPF) during the last decade of combat.16

Increased flight operations and support requirements may lead to an even more

rapid degradation in aircraft availability and capability. As the Prowler and Hornet

communities continue to age, their performance envelope has changed. Aircraft now have

limitations on airspeeds and g-loads to extend their useful life cycle.

The Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) office of the Deputy Commandant of

Aviation (DCA) has stated that the Marines are experiencing a gap in their ability to

provide persistent ISR, CAS and FAC(A) support to their general purpose forces.17 The

major Component Commanders (COCOMS) have listed the lack of light mobility and

15 Bob Cox, “Is the F-35 Flying High or Stuttering?,” Star-Telegram, January 21, 2012,

http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/01/21/3676170/is-f-35-program-flying-high-or.html. 16 Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (MCCLL), “VMFA(AW) Operations VMFA(AW) 533

Quick Look Report,” August 2006. 17 BGen Gary Thomas, USMC, phone conversation with the author, August 9, 2011.

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ISR platforms at the top of their integrated priority lists.18 With the introduction of

Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC), which could be a major player in the

new national strategy announced by the Pentagon, the Marines also have had to answer

the question of how to support MARSOC with MAGTF elements.

The current solution to the Marines persistent ISR, CAS and FAC(A) gap is to

increase the number of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) within the Marine Unmanned

Aerial Vehicle Squadron (VMU). An increased number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

(UAVs) seemingly increases the battlefield visibility for the supported commander. Like

the KC-130J, UAV operations require air superiority to be effective. UAVs are

vulnerable to the satellite communications (SATCOM) disruptions, active Anti-Air

Warfare (AAW) measures, jamming and weather effects.

The Marines also plan to purchase additional modular gunships systems for the

KC-130J along with the introduction and integration of the F-35B.19 For the KC-130J to

be an effective CAS platform, the Marines must have air superiority. China would be able

to contest Marine air superiority in a manner that has not been experienced in Iraq and


Each of these systems represents a large financial obligation from the Marines to

allow them access to the battlefield of tomorrow across the full spectrum of warfare. The

increased use of UAVs reduces human exposure to enemy fire and provides the Marines

additional sensors to conduct multi-sensor based ISR. The Harvest Hawk modular

gunship enables a current platform to conduct CAS to fill the CAS gap and act as a

Tactical Air Controller (Airborne), (TAC)(A) to direct aviation fires.20 The F-35B should

allow the ACE to penetrate the latest iteration of IADS in a worst case scenario.

Each of the previous systems is a force multiplier in the MAGTF inventory.

Anytime that the Marines are able to leverage existing programs with future capability is

a win for a service that receives a small percentage of the overall DoD budget. However,

18 CAPT Kenneth Klothe, USN (ret), e-mail message to the author, November 20, 2011. 19 Thomas, USMC. 20 J. S. Payne, II, “Harvest Hawke ISR/Weapon Mission Kit,” 2010.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (33)


does a systemic mindset of “doing more with less” mean that the future limited budget is

being spent wisely when the war of the last decade may have no relation to the strategy of



A paradigm shift is a radical change in underlying beliefs or theory,21 which calls

for a fundamental shift or change in approaches and assumptions. The new strategic

vision and the end of conventional warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan give the Marines an

opportunity to redefine their mission and utility while maintaining their expeditionary


Since World War II, the Marines have been the preeminent experts in amphibious

operations. They have preserved their place in the DoD by being lighter, faster and more

agile than their sister services. They have also experienced more deployments than their

sister services. From the sea was more than a saying within the Marines prior to

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). It was the way

they justified their existence within the DoD.

Distributed operations are described as “small, highly capable units spread across

a large area of operations will provide the spatial advantage commonly sought in

maneuver warfare.”22 In its tactical application, it calls for small units, distributed down

to the squad sized element, to operate in disaggregated fashion outside of the range of

mutually supporting organic direct fires but able to coordinate and direct supporting arms

to include joint fires whose purpose is to disrupt enemy access to key terrain and avenues

of approach.

Consider the Marines shifting their operations to more closely support and align

themselves with SOF operations. Distributed units can act as blocking forces, tactical

communications teams and security forces for SOF. Consider a Marine infantry company

21 Dictionary.com, “Paradigm Shift,” (n.d.), http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/paradigm+shift. 22 Commandant of the Marines Corps (CMC), “A Concept for Distributed Operations,” April 25,

2005, http://www.marines.mil/unit/tecom/mcu/grc/library/Documents/A%20Concept%20for%20Distributed%20Operations.pdf.

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coming from the sea to support a SOF mission. It can secure a beach landing site (BLS),

a helicopter landing zone (HLZ) and provide security for SOF into the target area. A

platoon can provide security to a team conducting strategic reconnaissance or military

assistance missions. The BLT has a wide range of capabilities that match SOF

operational requirements.

With this paradigm shift, the Marines are able to still provide their conventional

amphibious presence, which is necessary in an area like the South China Sea. They are

also able to closely associate themselves with the new strategic vision, and thus, ensure

their place within DoD and relevance in a shrinking military environment.

1. Strategic Implications

Employment and allocation of airlift capabilities is a zero-sum experience.

Demands for routine and contingency airlift will always exceed the supply of inter and

intra-theater lift.23 Distributed units will only increase the demand placed on strategic

airlift capabilities. Increased demand equals an increased military presence.

Political realities can make the overt presence of U.S. military forces a liability. In

2007, the PRC refused entry to multiple naval vessels.24 Japan has continuously tried to

effect the rebasing of U.S. forces from Okinawa. Smaller, civilian based aircraft can be

suitable for shaping operations when used as a part of a theater engagement plan. An

organization like the VMLO can provide a small footprint, in terms of aircraft size and

support personnel that are required.25 Civilian style aircraft, without the large overt

military markings, can potentially reduce political sensitivities in which an overt presence

is not desirable.

23 Steven H. Stater, “Modifying Intratheater Airlift for Irregular Warfare”(master’s thesis, U.S. Army

War College, 2009). 24 Foster Klug, “China: We Are Moving Past Spat Over Port Calls,” The Associate Press, December 4,

2007, http://www.navytimes.com/news/2007/12/ap_china_071204/. 25 Stater, “Modifying Intratheater Airlift for Irregular Warfare.”

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2. Operational Implications

Operationally, Marines can meet a majority of their intra-theater lift with KC-

130J, MV-22 and CH-53E aircraft. They are purpose built, equipped with advanced

systems for defense and built to withstand battle damage.26 However, the KC-130J is also

a strategic intra-theater lift asset, aerial refueling aircraft and now CAS platform.27 The

MV-22 and the CH-53 are the major lift components of the MEU ACE. As of FY2010,

the Marines have 99 of 360 planned MV-22Bs, 33 CH-53Ds, 148 CH-53Es and 37 KC-


The use of small, civilian based aircraft would greatly enhance the Marines’

ability to conduct dispersed airlift operations in support of distributed units and enhanced

company operations in a semi-permissive environment. It would also enable the Marines

to close the gap of light mobility and persistent ISR that the creation of distributed

operations would create.

3. Tactical Implications

Small, reliable aircraft are designed to land in remote locations in very short

distances. They are inexpensive to purchase, operate and maintain when compared with

current military aircraft. These small aircraft, combined with a short field capability,

allow these aircraft to operate from the smallest distributed unit. Their reliability and ease

of maintenance will mean that they can operate from remote locations for a sustained

period and the aircrew are able to conduct most routine maintenance to make them full

mission capable (FMC).

These types of aircraft bring a right technology, not necessarily “high technology”

answer, to light mobility, persistent ISR and CAS/FAC(A) support of a distributed unit.

The decision-making matrix is flattened when seconds count in a tactical scenario. Co-

26 Stater, “Modifying Intratheater Airlift for Irregular Warfare.” 27 Payne, II, Harvest Hawke ISR/Weapon Mission Kit. 28 Daniel Fasci, Operations Research Analyst, NAVAIR Cost Department Air-, e-mail message

to author, July 28, 2011. Derived from attached Excel spreadsheet for FY10 Operations and Sustainment (O&S).

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (36)


locating an aircraft with CAS/FAC(A) capabilities, with short field performance, can

mean the difference between victory or defeat in a distributed environment. When

seconds count, air support can be minutes away.


The United States Air Force (USAF) has been using AFSOC to provide BPC and

FID support since the creation of the 6th Special Operations Squadron (SOS).29 The fight

over LAAR has left the Air Force unable to see the benefits of using small, civilian

aircraft in support of conventional U.S. forces. The Marines have not been involved in

the fight over LAAR and LAS. Institutional experience with the MAGTF also gives the

Marines an understanding for the need of timely aviation support to distributed units.

It is envisioned that distributed operations will operate in a disaggregate fashion.

These units must have the ability to “rapidly re-aggregate in, order to exploit fleeting

opportunities to reinforce or support another unit in need.”30 The ability to re-aggregate

rapidly changing tactical environment and do it faster than the enemy requires an increase

of tactical mobility assets for small units.31

The proposed VMLO can provide for the increased tactical mobility required by

distributed operations. It provides for additive and complimentary capability to existing

inter-theater and intra-theater operational and tactical support.


The use of low cost, low technology aircraft is not unfamiliar to the U.S. military

in general. The USAF has been using aircraft, such as the Cessna 208 Caravan,

configured as the U-27A in support of Foreign Internal Defense Mission (FID), to train

and equip allied air forces with low cost aircraft capable of providing persistent

ISR/CAS/FAC(A) missions. They have provided the Iraqi Air Force aircraft that have

been equipped with defensive missile approach warning equipment to increase

29 Stater, “Modifying Intratheater Airlift for Irregular Warfare.” 30 Commandant of the Marines Corps (CMC), “A Concept For Distributed Operations.” 31 Ibid.

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survivability. These aircraft are also equipped with Forward Looking Infa-Red (FLIR)

targeting systems capable of employing Hellfire missile systems, as well as meeting

increased ISR demand.32 If this type of capability has utility for an emerging nation with

limited financial resources and physical resources facing a threat over a large AOR, it is

not unlikely that the same capability has a role to play in the future of the U.S. military as


The look into the advantages or disadvantages of manned low technology in the

battlefield of tomorrow is more than a simple discussion of the types of platforms suitable

for supporting distributed units. It requires a discussion of what a light observation

squadron should look like organizationally. It must explore the type of skills that military

pilots must master to fly fixed wing aircraft in remote locations. It would be inappropriate

to simply choose an aircraft and say it meets the mission requirements for a VMLO.

Multiple aircrafts with different configurations must be reviewed and their performance

characteristics compared against one another and the definition of the operating

environment. The discussion must also include how the aircraft and the organization can

augment existing capabilities and fill future capability gaps in a distributed environment.

The following discussion touches one each of these topics to evaluate the additive value

of a light observation squadron built around low cost, low technology manned aircraft.

Figure 3. AC-208 Caravan33

32 Bill Sweetman, “Keep It Simple | Aviation Week,” aviationweek.com, March 15, 2010,

http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp? 33 Feral Jundi, “Posts Tagged Cessna Grand Caravan 208 B, Funny Stuff: The MAV (Manned Aerial

Vehicle), Armed With Hellfire Missiles!!!,” (n.d.), Iraq, http://feraljundi.com/tag/cessna-grand-caravan-208-b/.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (38)



The Marines have extensive experience with aircraft and organizational

detachments and utilize modular and scalable approaches. They have used these task-

organized units to meet the full spectrum of missions that define current military

operations. In the past decade, they have supported an array of Humanitarian

Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR) missions and combat missions by way of ARG

shipping, as well as land based, fixed airfields and operating bases.

The rotary wing war in both Iraq and Afghanistan has been referred to as the

section leader’s war. In other words, the tactical environment did not consistently call for

large flights of helicopters to move men and material throughout the AOR. The AORs in

Iraq and Afghanistan began to look like a bicycle’s wheel. They consist of a few major

logistical hubs connected to smaller FOBs connected either by ground convoy or aerial

LOCs. Small sections, consisting of two helicopters, became the logistical lifeline for

these locations.

The physical distance of these FOBs from the main air bases made it

unsustainable for squadrons to support daily flights to and from these remote locations.

Squadrons could not afford to expend the flight hours on transiting between the FOBs.

Ground forces could not afford to be without air support. To close this supportability gap,

the Marines forward deployed elements of AH-1W and UH-N’s along with CH-46E’s.

To sustain these aircraft for an extended period of time, the Marines have been forced to

push maintenance support personnel to the FOBs.

Support personnel being utilized at the FOB means that the parent unit

experiences a shortage in aircrew, aircraft and support personnel, which places an

increased demand on the men and material that remain behind. In addition, a larger

number of personnel are at risk in the forward deployed location. The supported unit

must now also sustain the additional Marines within the FOB, which increases the

logistical demand and support required to the FOB.

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It is very possible that the near future for the Marines includes the doctrinal

paradigm shift described in Chapter I. Established conventional Marine forces and their

operations already place a steady demand on aviation availability. Distributed operations

will only increase the demand for additional aircraft and additional sorties.

The multi-year procurement for FY2008–2012 allows for the purchase of 167

MV-22s with a total purchase of 360 MV-22s for the program. It has only sustained a

readiness rate in the 70th percentile during combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From October 2007 to June 2008, CH-46E and CH-53 aircraft maintained a readiness rate

of 85 percent or higher.34 The CH-53K heavy lift replacement for the CH-53E has

experienced delays in acquisition that have postponed introduction until 2018. The initial

design review was completed in July 2010, a full 16 months behind schedule. It has also

experienced an increase in overall design cost of $1.7 billion and will not reach initial

operating capability until 2018.


Through 2018, the Marines will experience a period of transition in the aircraft

traditionally tasked to support heavy and medium assault support. Small commercial

aircraft can relieve a future capability gap in the Marines with an increased number of

distributed units to support. Turbine powered aircraft capable of carrying 14 passengers

or 3000 lbs of cargo 900 nm that operate from remote locations exist in the commercial

market. They are readily available in the arena of 1,900,000.00, a fraction of the cost of

42,300,000.00 MV-22 and its associated operating cost of 19,000.00 per flight hour.35

The purpose of the proposed VMLO squadron is to alleviate the additional burden

for aviation support that distributed operations create. The current Marine aircraft are task

organized to the MEU ACE or Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF). The current doctrinal

construct leaves little room to support small, distributed units not directly related to MEU

operations. The inability to provide a dedicated aviation element to MARSOC because

34 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions: Assessments Needed to Address V-22 Aircraft Operational and Cost Concerns to Define Future Investments (GAO-09-482), Washington, DC: GPO, 2009.

35 Fasci, Operations Research Analyst.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (40)


they are small platoon sized elements outside of the conventional Marine construct, does

not speak well to the Marines’ ability to meet the substantial additional demands of

distributed operations.36

Aircraft within the VMLO should be significantly less expensive to purchase,

operate and maintain than the aircraft within the current ACE. The program unit cost of a

CH-53K is estimated at $109.1 million. The CH-53E, legacy platform to the CH-53K,

has an hourly operating cost of $11,079.00 according to the flight hour program. The

addition of other operation and sustainment costs, modifications and mission personnel

results in an hourly cost of $28,215.00. By comparison, the Quest Aircraft Kodiak K100

hourly operating cost is $500.00 that includes fuel, instructor and maintenance


Manned aircraft are capable of acting as a UAV surrogate that integrate a man in

the co*ckpit with the sensors associated with current UASs fielded by the U.S. military.

By integrating the man and systems, increased situational awareness can be achieved by

providing a three-dimensional situational awareness to the supported command and

enhanced by the multi-sensor imagery provided.

The VMLO must provide for the six functions of Marine aviation in such a way

as to augment current capabilities and provide for a value added on the battlefield. The

pilots and aircraft must be able to provide capabilities not currently considered standard

within conventional military aviation. Examples of these skills are the use of a seaplane

to extend the reach of aviation support, as well as tailwheel equipped aircraft suitable for

austere, off airport locations. While UAS technology has rapidly grown over the last

decade, algorithm driven software within the vehicle is unable to match these capabilities

and may not be able to do so for another decade.38

36 Thomas, USMC. 37 Larry Duscher, Chief Pilot for Quest Aircraft, personal conversation with the author, January 19,

2011. 38 Bob Bluth, Director of the Center For Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies

(CIRPAS), personal conversation with the author, March 17, 2012.

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Distributed operations provide an example of what a hub and spoke support

structure could look like in a future battlespace. Small detachments of aircraft could

operate beyond the limits of traditional operational level lift, such as the KC-130J or

maritime ISR assets like the P-3 or P-8A in politically sensitive environments. The use of

a forward deployed naval vessel, such as the proposed use of the USS Ponce as a SOF

mothership,39 could act as seaplane tender while supporting SOF missions. For the

Ponce, the offensive capability is the assigned SOF or conventional military force. The

question is how are these distributed units supported once deployed. It is possible that to

augment the conventional assault support aircraft, five or six amphibious operations

capable aircraft are operated from alongside for an extended period of time. They are able

to conduct covert insertion and extraction missions, MEDEVAC/CASEVAC and

movement of men and material within the AOR. The purpose is not create the equivalent

of a seaplane tender dedicated to supporting the aircraft, but the ability of the aircraft to

operate from alongside the vessel to increase the tactical reach and support of the

distributed units.

Air America and the less known Continental Air Service conducted light mobility

missions throughout Southeast Asia during the period of the Vietnam War in support of

small, distributed units. Their pilots and support personnel had an extensive working

knowledge of how to conduct aviation support missions in a low to medium threat

environment.40 They operated a hub and spoke network that relied on certain amount of

centralized control and decentralized execution. It was determined that operations at the

Lima Sites, satellite fields at the end of the spoke, required a highly flexible and

decentralized C2 structure.

39 Defense Tech, “USS Ponce to Become Spec Ops Mothership,” January 28, 2012,

http://defensetech.org/2012/01/28/uss-ponce-to-become-spec-ops-mothership/. 40 Lee Gossett, Air America Pilot and Central Intelligence Chief Pilot, interview at Naval Postgraduate

School, December 14, 2010.

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Both of these companies operated a mixture of fixed wing and rotary wing

aircraft. The primary aircraft used for operations at the major hub facility of Long Thien

was either the C-130 or twin engine C-123. For operations at the remote Lima Sites, the

tailwheel configured Pilatus PC-6 was the primary aircraft.

In addition to the experiences of Air America and Continental Air Service, the

commercial operations of Kenmore Air were considered. Kenmore Air has been

conducting commercial seaplane operations in the Pacific Northwest since 1946. From

1946 to 1985, it conducted a mixture of charter flights and government contract work

throughout Washington, Alaska and Canada. In 1985, it inaugurated a dedicated

passenger service to the San Juan Islands from Lake Washington and Lake Union in

Seattle, WA.41

For the purposes of this work, it was important to consider Kenmore Air for a

number of reasons. The most important consideration is that Kenmore is a commercial

operation. It must find the best business model to be successful and grow to meet

additional commercial demand in the Pacific Northwest. Second is that Kenmore has

over 60 years experience purchasing, operating and maintaining the very type of aircraft

with the capabilities essential to a proposed platform for the VMLO. Its knowledge of

manning requirements, aircrew responsibilities and the working knowledge of aircraft in

the challenging environment of the Pacific Northwest made it a suitable example of what

to expect in the composition of a VMLO.

1. Kenmore Operations

Kenmore supports 78 satellite locations throughout the San Juan Islands, Puget

Sound and international operations to the port of Victoria in British Columbia. It has two

primary hub locations. The first location is its primary passenger and cargo terminal

located on the west side of Lake Union, which is dedicated to movement of passengers

and cargo to and from the satellite locations. It only acts as a point of embarkation and

41 C. Marin Faure, Success on the Step: Flying With Kenmore Air (Seattle, WA, Earmark Publishing,


VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (43)


debarkation. The only service available for the aircraft is refueling. Typical personnel

assigned are two ticket agents and one lineman to assist the pilots between flights.

The second location is its primary administrative and maintenance facility located

on the north end of Lake Washington, which is also its primary administrative and

maintenance support facility. It also conducts regularly scheduled passenger operations

from this location. In addition to the daily schedule, Kenmore conducts initial seaplane

and recurrent seaplane training.

To support these operations, Kenmore maintains 12 full time pilots. During the

peak summer season, it has between 47–50 pilots. It also maintains a small pool pilots

who are called on for mission specific flights and clients. Much like an average Marine

squadron, Kenmore produces a daily flight schedule. Any similarity to the daily flight

schedule stops there.42 Kenmore pilots arrive at the scheduled time and location and are

given their assignments for the day. They are required to coordinate with fellow pilots an

effective method for the movement of men and material through their AOR.

Kenmore’s operations are optimized to utilize its limited resources. The satellite

locations are the local marinas and resort docks where it has land use agreements. It has

no additional overhead in buildings, ticket agents or baggage handlers in these remote

areas. It maximizes the utility of the individual pilot to minimize its overhead. When

shown the organizational structure of a typical Marine squadron, the Director of

Operations, Tim Brooks, determined that Kenmore would be unable to sustain such a

large administrative overhead for little economic gain.43

2. Kenmore Aircraft and Maintenance

Flight operations are conducted with a fleet of 22 aircraft. The Director of

Maintenance has 24 full time maintainers to support a mixture of piston and turbine

powered aircraft. Its initial and recurrent training is conducted with PA-18-180 Super

42 Tim Brooks, Chief Pilot Kenmore Air, personal conversation with the author, September 8, 2011. 43 Ibid.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (44)


Cub. It supports the operation of float equipped and fixed gear, land based Cessna 208

Caravans. The mainstay of its fleet is a mixture of piston and turbine powered DHC-2

Beavers and DHC-3 Otters.

The three primary costs to Kenmore operations are fuel, turbine engines and

personnel. The price of fuel and turbine engines is a cost of the commercial aviation

model and cannot be avoided. Without either, the operation does not work. Personnel are

one variable that Kenmore can control. Just as the pilots are required to act as pilot in

command (PIC), ticket agent and baggage handler at the satellite locations, they are also

responsible for maintenance actions on their aircraft. The daily pre-flight inspection is the

civilian equivalent of the daily and turn around inspections for military aircraft. Kenmore

pilots are responsible for this daily inspection, as well as turning the aircraft around for

the next flight to include unloading passengers and baggage, as well as refueling the


Maintenance personnel are used to conduct the repairs that require an individual

qualified as an Aviation Mechanic Powerplant (AMP) to conduct the repair. Kenmore has

also eliminated the need for an equivalent to the military Functional Check Pilot (FCP) to

conduct pre-maintenance evaluations and post maintenance Functional Check Flights

(FCF). Kenmore saves time and money by using a pilot-qualified AMP to fly the aircraft

when a discrepancy is found and then repairs it, which allows a pilot to remain on the

schedule, moving men and material to meet the Kenmore mission.44

3. Kenmore’s Pilots

The average pilot applicant to Kenmore must have a minimum of 500 hours total

flight time with 150 to 300 of seaplane time. Typical successful applicants have 700–800

hours of flight with the appropriate commercial ratings from the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA). Once selected to fly with the company, each pilot undergoes a

one day ground school followed by 20 hours of flight experience with full time pilots.

44 Robert Richey, Chief Maintenance Officer Kenmore Air, personal conversation with the author,

September 9, 2011.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (45)


Kenmore does not use a specific mentor for each pilot during this phase. The new pilot is

expected to fly with several different pilots to build upon each of their experiences.45

Commercial seaplane operations are demanding and require a level of skill,

situational awareness and decision making similar to the level of expertise demonstrated

by military pilots. The airways and waterways of the Puget Sound are full of other small

aircraft and shipping. Obstacles, such as other aircraft, ships and changing weather

conditions, force the pilot to make a continuous string of good decisions to safely

complete each day’s flight without damaging the aircraft.

In a Marine aviation unit, Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) “is a measurement

of demonstrated proficiency.”46 If a crewman falls outside of the refly factor for a

particular event, then that individual will lose CRP for that event. To regain proficiency,

the unit must provide additional aircraft and aircrew to revalidate the proficiency of that

individual to restore CRP.47 When asked about currency and training issues for this

demanding environment, Mr. Brooks said they had none because daily exposure to the

operating environment negated artificial standards of performance.48

4. Kenmore’s Chosen Model and Relevance to the Marines

Profit has driven Kenmore to its current commercial model. It is driven by a need

to reduce its overheard expenses to maximize the profits and ability to remain in

business. It has minimized its administrative requirements and eliminated duplication of

personnel by assigning non-traditional roles to its pilots. By having the pilot fill the role

of ticket agent, baggage handler and intermediate maintainer, it has been able to remain

relevant in commercial aviation.

The Marines could maximize their effectiveness by emulating many of

Kenmore’s business practices by reducing or eliminating administrative jobs for the

distributed aircrew. A small administrative team located at MEF headquarters should be

45 Brooks, Chief Pilot Kenmore Air. 46 George J. Flynn, MV-22 T&R Manual NAVMC 3500.11, February 2007. 47 Ibid. 48 Brooks, Chief Pilot Kenmore Air.

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (46)


able to meet the needs of the small detachments. Commercial aircraft companies like

Quest provide for intermediate maintenance training for aircrew when no available depot

level equivalents are available. Other than preconceived notions about the role of a pilot,

no reason exists that a pilot cannot be responsible for maintaining an aircraft. If higher

level maintenance is required, small maintenance tiger teams operating from one of the

hub locations is capable of going to the aircraft and conducting required maintenance. If

that is not possible then the aircraft can be flown back to a more suitable maintenance



Traditional aviation support for Marines is detailed in Marine Corps Warfighting

Publication 3-6. MCWP 3-6 states that when planning for a mission, planners initially

consider the functional area that needs support, not the means with which the support is

provided.49 To provide for the integrated, task organized support expected of the aviation

element, six functions of Marine Aviation provide the following.

• Assault Support

• Air Reconnaissance

• Control of Aircraft and Missiles

• Electronic Warfare (EW)

• Offensive Air Support (OAS)

• Anti-Air Warfare (AAW)50

Each of these functions is further divided into sub categories of defined missions.

The purpose of the VMLO is not to meet a need in each of the functions of Marine

aviation but to augment existing capabilities within the ACE to provide for the existing

gap in light mobility, ISR and CAS/FAC(A) capabilities for distributed operations and

support extending the life of more expensive platforms.

Low cost, mechanically reliable, Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) aircraft

capable of austere field operations can provide for the stated capabilities gap over the last

49 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations, May 2000. 50 Ibid.

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tactical mile. They provide for a timely, cost effective augmentation to current aircraft.

Such an organization should be able to conduct the following missions relative to small,

distributed operations.

• Assault Support

• Aerial Reconnaissance

• Offensive Air Support (OAS)

• Control Of Aircraft and Missiles

1. Assault Support

MCWP 3-2 defines assault support as supporting the warfighting functions of

maneuver and logistics and uses aircraft to provide for the tactical mobility and logistical

support of the MAGTF for movement of personnel and cargo within the immediate area

of tactical operations. It consists of seven sub categories. Aircraft and aircrew capabilities

should consider these sub categories when evaluating roles and capabilities within the

light mobility capabilities gap over the last tactical mile.

• Combat Assault Transport

• Air Delivery

• Aerial Refueling

• Air Evacuation

• Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (TRAP)

• Air Logistical Support

• Battlefield Illumination51

2. Aerial Reconnaissance

Aerial reconnaissance is defined by the publication as the employment of visual

observation and/or sensors in aerial vehicles to acquire intelligence. Aircraft of all types

are capable of supporting the aerial reconnaissance function. The Marines employ three

types of reconnaissance: Visual, Multisensor Imagery and Electronic that are employed

tactically, operationally and strategically according to MCWP 3-2.

51 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations.

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Consideration of aircraft and aircrew should include suitability of current sensor

systems on manned and unmanned aircraft for modification and inclusion. Additional

significance should be given to non-standard employment. The use of ISR and targeting

pods on an amphibious capable aircraft could have operational and tactical implications

on an AOR the size of the South China Sea with the ability to help address the persistent

ISR capability gap within the Marines.

3. Offensive Air Support

Offensive air support is air operations conducted against enemy installations,

facilities, personnel to assist in meeting the MAGTF objectives, and destroying enemy

resources. It consists of close air support (CAS) and deep air support (DAS). OAS is

what allows a commander to shape events in time and space through firepower, as well as

the ability to delay enemy movements and reinforcements, degrade critical functions and

delay enemy perceptions.

The fixed and rotary wing communities have traditionally provided CAS to troops

in contact (TIC), which is the engagement of enemy forces within close proximity to

friendly forces. CAS properly done requires the detailed integration between air and

ground forces.52 With the increase in UAS technology and numbers, these platforms have

also been involved with TIC scenarios.

Aircrew selected for the VMLO should have the ability to coordinate and

integrate fires within close proximity to friendly forces. By co-locating an aircraft with

the distributed unit, it is possible to achieve a high state of situational awareness. Any

aircraft considered for the VMLO ought to be able to incorporate Precision Guided

Munitions (PGMs) and non-precision guided munitions to delay the enemy. This use of

right technology, not high technology reduces the exposure of expensive, high

technology aircraft available in limited numbers. It ensures use at the right time and place

commensurate with the capabilities and cost of aircraft and aircrew.

52 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations.

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4. Control of Aircraft and Missiles

Doctrinally, the control of aircraft and missiles falls under air direction and air

control. It integrates the five other functions to give the commander the ability to exercise

command and control authority over Marine assets.53 However, Marine aircraft have the

ability to exercise some method of airborne command and control during missions. The

UH-1/AH-1 and F/A-18D aircraft provide for FAC(A) and TAC(A) capabilities. The

larger context of control of aircraft and missile is the doctrinal discussion of positive or

procedural control.

The ability to conduct FAC(A) and TAC(A) missions in support of distributed

operations will be essential. Aircrew must be qualified to direct fixed and rotary wing

aircraft. They must also be capable of coordinating indirect fires for the supported units.

The systems within an aircraft considered for the VMLO should be capable of supporting

the multi-role qualifications of the aircrew.


Experience has shown that an organization built around non-standard aviation

operations requires a crew with considerably more experience than someone freshly

graduated from initial pilot or flight officer training. Kenmore requires a minimum of 500

hours total time. Continental Air Service and Air America required a minimum of 2,000

hours total time to be competitive for a pilot position. The typical pilot was hired with

closer to 3,000 hours total time.54 To be considered competitive for a position with the

CIA sponsored Raven FAC program, pilots were typically recruited by reputation. At a

minimum, they must have had six months flying experience in Vietnam. It also required a

six month extension to their combat tour.55 It was understood that junior pilots directly

assigned from initial training did not have the experience or situational awareness to be

an effective part of these organizations.

53 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations. 54 Gossett, Air America Pilot and Central Intelligence Chief Pilot. 55 Christopher Robbins, The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America’s Secret War in Laos

(Philadelphia: Crown Publishing, October 1987).

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Crew composition typically consisted of the pilot and an observer. Some Air

Force organizations flew the OV-10 as a single seat during daytime conditions but

utilized a second pilot for night operations to reduce workload. The pilot was responsible

for directing air strike, fixed and rotary wing, against a target. The observer was

responsible for coordinating with artillery and naval gunfire for indirect fire against a

target. The observer also acted as the tactical air control (airborne) (TAC(A)) who gave

holding instructions and familiarization of the tactical situation.

1. Pilot Considerations

A pilot within the VMLO should bring knowledge and experience to the

organization similar to that described above. It is necessary to establish a baseline of

experience for a potential pilot for example.

• Second tour pilot

• Minimum 1000 hours total time

• Section Leader

• Ground FAC or FAC(A) experience

The Marines has many pilots with current combat experience. As the wars in Iraq

and Afghanistan fade, this pool of experience will also fade. This thesis has been

influenced by the study of three experienced military aviators conducting research

involving the proposed VMLO type of aircraft.

Two researchers are Air Force AC-130 aircraft commanders with overseas

combat experience. The third, the author, is a Marine CH-46E pilot with prior ground

FAC and flight instructor experience.

Table 1 represents the amassed flight experience of the three researchers primarily

involved in evaluating LAAR and LAS. General aviation (GA) experience is not

uncommon to military aviators. Upon graduation from the undergraduate flight training, a

rated military aviator is able to receive the equivalent civilian commercial ratings,56

which is representative of the type of flying experience suitable to a future VMLO.

56 U.S. Department of Transportation, FAR/AIM 2012, Rules and Procedures for General Aviation,

Sport Pilots, and Instructors (Newcastle, WA: Aviation Suppies and Academics, 2012).

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Pilot General Aviation Military Jet Military Propeller Rotary Wing Total Time Bamford 175 0 120 2600 2895 Jesurun 170 0 3000 0 3170 Sharpe 8 100 2400 0 2508

Table 1. Total Flight Time Hours for NPS Research Students

a. Pilot Training

It is recognized that the military does not provide the type of aviation

training that a VMLO might require. Seaplane training and tailwheel endorsem*nts are

functions of the type of aircraft with which the organization is equipped. Air America and

Continental depended on multiple configurations of land-based aircraft. Kenmore has a

mixture of land and sea based aircraft to support its commercial operations.

To evaluate the time to train and the cost, the researchers also attended

training programs designed to provide initial single engine seaplane (SES) rating and

tailwheel endorsem*nt. Two researchers received their training during a ten-day

evolution with Alaska’s Cub Training Specialists. Their total cost in training also reflects

associated travel costs. The third researcher received his SES with Kenmore Air over four

days and his tailwheel endorsem*nt over a period of 10 days with Adventure Wings

Aviation in Monterey, CA. The SES training was conducted in Piper PA-18-150 Super

Cubs for each of the three pilots. Two researchers also received their tailwheel

endorsem*nts in the PA-18-150. The third researcher received his tailwheel endorsem*nt

in a Bellanca Super Decathlon.

Table 2 represents the total time to train and cost for the three researchers primarily involved in evaluating the LAAR and LAS concept.

Pilot T/W Hours SES Hours Total Hours Total Cost Bamford 7.5 10.0 17.5 3,600 Jesurun 10.5 6.0 16.5 7,000 Sharpe 11.0 6.5 17.5 7,000

Table 2. Total Time to Train and Total Costs for Training

It is possible to offer timely and cost effective support to distributed

operations if the organization is provided the proper aircraft and aircrew trained for off

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (52)


airport operations. Three military pilots received a combined total of 46.5 hours of flight

instruction and six initial qualifications for $17,600. By comparison, the total cost is less

than the $19,105 for one hour of flight time in an MV-22B.57 In those 46.5 hours of flight

time, the military gained a capacity to operate aircraft from remote locations, as well

seaborne aircraft opening up a number of previously closed tactical and operational

options for small, distributed units.

2. Aircrew Considerations

An additional purpose of the VMLO proposal is to reduce the number of people

required to support actual flight operations. The proposed crew composition is a pilot and

an observer. The first possibility is to use a NFO who has experience in managing fuel

consumption, navigation and coordination of aircraft in TIC situation to occupy the co-

pilot’s position. A second option is to utilize a JTAC qualified Non-Commissioned

Officer (NCO) as aircrew. As the second member of the crew, this individual would be

accountable for the coordination of indirect fire coordination and the TAC(A) roles in the

aircraft to allow the pilot to identify, mark and direct the terminal control of tactical

aviation (TACAIR) assets.

The additional member of the crew must also be responsible for coordinating the

loading and unloading of passengers, as well as with the pilot to determine the most

efficient method of moving men and material. As in the Kenmore example, this member

becomes the ticket agent, baggage handler and flight attendant and is also responsible for

the role of jump master for aerial delivery and parachute operations. The following are

recommended minimum requirements for the second member of the aircrew.

• Second tour NFO or NCO

• FAC(A)/TAC(A) qualified NFO

• JTAC qualified NCO

The Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO) model of aircraft requires that each

of its flight crew be qualified to handle all servicing tasks for the aircraft. Each is

essential enough to the strategic posture of the United States in that these crews must be

57 Fasci, Operations Research Analyst.

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enabled to service them to meet their mission responsibilities. It is not as much as a

doctrinal shift as some readers may think for aircrews to change their roles and



The military has an extensive history of using commercially available aircraft,

flown by military pilots, to meet capability gaps within its modern air forces. The Air

Force provided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with pilots for the Raven FACS

through the Steve Canyon Program who flew the O-1E in Laos.58 The CIA used

contracted pilots to support covert operations throughout Southeast Asia in the form of

Air America and Continental Air Service. The Army and Marines provided direct support

of conventional ground forces from forward locations by utilizing off airport operational

techniques, in the form of the Reconnaissance Air Company (RAC) and the Marine

Observation Squadron (VMO).59 They also used the Cessna built O-1E.

To place the VMLO within the ACE construct, it is important to align potential

missions with the four functions of Marine Aviation previously discussed. However,

slightly modified, a paradigm shift is required within those missions to realize the full

capacity of commercially available aircraft capable of off airport operations. By

combining the Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) performance of these aircraft with

their flexible missions capacities, it is possible for the Marines to close their light

mobility, persistent ISR and CAS/FAC(A) gap now without waiting a decade or more for

UAVs. It is an opportunity for the Marines to lead the services forward in a demonstrably

cost effective and tactically relevant model to employ low technology and comparatively

low cost in the next conflict.

58 Gene Sumner, Raven 21 Forward Air Controller, Laos 1971, interview, Naval Postgraduate School,

December 14, 2010. 59 Jim Hooper, A Hundred Feet Over Hell: Flying with the Men of the 220th Recon Airplane Company

Over I Corps and the DMZ, Vietnam 1968–1969 (Minneapolis, MN: Zenith Press, 2009).

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The purpose of considering certain types and models of aircraft is to best identify

the characteristics and capabilities that would allow additional research and eventually to

conduct an analysis of alternatives (AoA). Two basic factors were considered when

identifying the four aircraft taken into account over the course of this research. First, they

must offer a cost effective solution to supporting distributed units capable of sustained off

airport operations. Second, they must be available for acquisition as commercial off-the-

shelf systems.

Cost effective solutions should be evaluated using the following considerations.

The first is the cost per airframe. Second is the cost per flight hour. The third is the

impact on the individual services’ ability to support the aircraft logistically. Does it share

a common fuel source with current military aircraft? Is it able to integrate currently

available aircraft survivability equipment (ASE) and multi-sensor equipment in use on

manned and unmanned aircraft?

The commercial market has many aircraft that have proven their capability for off

airport operations. Common to bush pilot operations in Alaska is the family of Cessna

piston powered aircraft, such as the C180/185 and the C206/207. The newest workhorses

in remote area operations are the Cessna 208, Quest Kodiak K100, re-emergence of the

Pilatus PC-6, as well as the emergence of the Sherpa K-650T on the commercial market.

Their capabilities typify the performance that commercial operators are seeking; turbine

powered, high wing aircraft with reinforced airframes to allow for rough and ready

operations built for the utility mission.


Commercial operators depend on the reliability, ruggedness and durability of the

aircraft they use. Airplanes are considered the trucks of the sky in Alaska.60 Reliability

means that the aircraft spends more time on the flight schedule than in the maintenance

60 F. E. Potts, Guide to Bush Flying (Tucson, AZ: ACS Publishing, 1993).

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department. Ruggedness implies that the aircraft performance meets or exceeds the

requirements to operate in remote areas. Durability is the ability to consistently operate in

this environment for a long period.

The four aircraft considered for research share the desired characteristics. Three

of the four aircraft were purpose built for remote area operations. The fourth is a

commercially designed aircraft proven suitable for remote area operations and is a

common aircraft throughout Alaska and other operating environments. In addition, the

four aircraft share the following general characteristics required for the VMLO to be


• Single piloted

• 800 nm range

• 2,000 lb cargo capacity

• Certified for Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)

• STOL capable


In July 2009, the Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) Capabilities Integration

Directorate outlined what it was looking for in a light mobility aircraft in support of

irregular warfare (IW) operations. ASC was looking for an aircraft capable of integrating

within traditional C2 organizations and “existing joint Tactics, Techniques and

Procedures (TTPs) for Air Transportation operations.”61 It required that a competitive

aircraft be able to multiple missions. It was meant to conduct movement of men and

material. The aircraft had to capable of conducting air drops for forward area resupply, as

well as also be able to conduct MEDEVAC and CASEVAC flights. The following

specific characteristics should be existing capabilities on the aircraft or have the ability to

support integration of these systems.

• Turbine engine capable of using JP-5, JP-8 and JET-A equivalent

• Dual crew station, certified for single pilot operations

• Category 1 precision approach certification

61 Global Security, “Light Mobility Aircraft (LIMA).”

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• Dual Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) encrypted radios and Satellite Communications (SATCOM).

• Capable of seaplane operations

• Take off and land within 2500’ over a 50’ obstacle

• 170 Knot Indicated Airspeed (KIAS) cruise

• 25,000’ service ceiling with integrated oxygen

• Side loading cargo door

• Minimum eight passengers

• Certified for aerial deliver and parachute operations

• ISR platform compatible

• Integrate with precision and non-precision munitions (CAS/FAC(A))

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Aircraft Turbine

Engine Dual Crew



Seaplane T/O < 2500

170 KIAS Cruise

25,000’ Service Ceiling

Side Loading

Cargo Door

Minimum 8


Aerial and parachute delivery


Cessna 208


Quest K100


Pilatus PC-6


Sherpa K650T


Table 3. Aircraft Capability Comparison to ASC RFI for Light Mobility

VMLO: The Strategic, Operational and Tactical imperative for a Light Observation Squadron with - [PDF Document] (58)


Initially, each of the aircraft fail to meet the dual LOS and BLOS VHF, UHF

encrypted radios and SATCOM requirement. Existing communication solutions currently

exist within the military that would enable each of the four aircraft to meet this

requirement. The Air Force has found a suitable solution to the communication shortfall

in their AFSOC application of U-27A. The Marines have also enabled secure voice and

data communications through the RQ-7B Shadow UAV by installing the Army/Navy

Personal Radio Communications (AN/PRC) 152 radio as a Communication relay

payload.62 Produced by Harris Tactical Communications, it is “a single-channel,

multiband, multimission” radio currently in use by each branch of the DoD, as well

multiple federal agencies. It supports SINCGARS, VHF/UHF AM and FM

HAVEQUICK operations.63

The Sherpa 650T is designed to enable aerial deliver and parachute operations.

The K650T was not originally designed as an aerial delivery capable aircraft. It was built

with back-country utility operations. Sherpa’s production model supports aircraft

modifications to meet the individual user’s needs. The production team at Sherpa has

stated that the addition of the required hardware for static and free fall operations could

be easily and inexpensively added in the production process.64 Integration of ISR assets

within the aircraft would also require re-engineering early in the design and

manufacturing process. A large number of options are available for multi-sensory

imagery. Just as the Marines can evaluate integration of the AN/PRC-152, effective

integration of existing payload packages can be applied not only to the K650T but also to

the other three aircraft for consideration as well.

The Cessna 208 is the only aircraft used in recent military operations as a CAS

platform. Modification of the 208 is known as the Armed Caravan (AC-208) by ATK

62 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), NTTP 3-22.3-VMU, July 2011. 63 Harris, “AN-PRC-152 Type-1 Handheld Multi-band Radio,” (n.d.),

http://rf.harris.com/capabilities/tactical-radios-networking/an-prc-152/. 64 Wes Gordon, Designer of the Sherpa K650T, personal conversation with the author, September 29,


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Aerospace Systems and been supplied to the Iraqi Air Force.65 It features an MX-15D

Electro Optic/Infra-red (EO/IR) with an integrated laser designator. Survivability features

include ballistic panels for co*ckpit and passenger protection, as well as AAR-47 Missile

Warning System (MWS) and ALE-47 countermeasures dispenser. The Pilatus PC-6 was

used as the AU-23 Peacemaker by the Air Force during Vietnam. Utilization of existing

commercial capabilities to modify a chosen light mobility platform will fulfill the

shortfalls that three of the four chosen aircraft currently experience.


To study fully the capabilities of multiple aircraft and identify the aircraft type or

types suited to support the proposed VMLO, it was necessary to review the

configurations of commercially available aircraft. Each of the aircraft considered was

turbine powered. They are all high-wing configurations. In other words, the wings are

mounted on top of the aircraft fuselage to allow additional obstacle clearance and

increased visibility for observation of the ground. Two of the aircraft are equipped with

the more common tri-cycle landing gear configuration that consists of two main wheels

under the cabin of the aircraft and a third wheel mounted under the engine. They are non-

retractable fixed gear. The last two aircraft are tailwheel configured. They have two main

mounts also under the fuselage and a third smaller wheel located under the tail.

Advantages and disadvantages of the two configurations are discussed. All four aircraft

are modern designs widely used in commercial operations and currently still in


Table 4 illustrates the varying cost, capacity and performance of the proposed

aircraft and capabilities that exist within the civilian general aviation community.

65 ATK, AC-208 Combat Caravan,” (n.d.), http://www.atk.com/products/documents/ac-


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Aircraft Cost Max Gross WT

Empty WT

Useful Load

Range Max Cruise

Service Ceiling

Cessna 20866 1.9 million 8785 lbs 4680 lbs 4105 lbs 862 nm 175 KIAS 25,000’

Quest K100T67 1.7 million 7305 lbs 3770 lbs 3535 lbs 979 nm 172 KIAS 25,000’

Pilatus PC-668 1.9 million 6173 lbs 3086 lbs 2646 lbs 870 nm 119 KIAS 25,000

Sherpa K650T69

.9 million 6500 lbs 3550 lbs 3000 lbs 1091 nm 174 KIAS 25,000’

Table 4. Research Aircraft

Each of these aircraft is available in multiple configurations. For the duration of

this paper, the cargo variant is the standard configuration discussed.

1. Cessna 208 Basic Description

A basic 208 comes as a high winged fixed gear aircraft. It may also be configured

with straight seaplane floats or amphibious floats able to operate on land or water. The

aircraft is powered by the Pratt and Whitney PT-6A-114. It is capable of producing 675

shaft horsepower (SHP) at full power. The cabin of the aircraft is unpressurized. For high

altitude operations, it is capable of supporting 17 oxygen ports for aircrew and

passengers. It features the Garmin G1000 integrated avionics panel.

The U.S. military currently uses the Caravan for BPC and FID missions in

multiple AORs and configurations. It is known as the U-27A. In the civilian market, it is

being used for medical transport, cargo movement, executive and regional airline

operations, as well as sky diving operations. In the 25 years that the Caravan has been in

production, over 2,000 aircraft have been produced.

66 Cessna Aircraft Company, “Grand Caravan Specification and Description,” 2010,

http://textron.vo.llnwd.net/o25/CES/cessna_aircraft_docs/caravan/grandcaravan/grandcaravan_s&d.pdf. 67 Quest Aircraft Company, “Kodiak Pilot’s Checklist; Model Kodiak 100 with PT6A-34 (750SHP)

Engine,” 2007, http://questaircraft.com/kodiak/specs/index.html. 68 Pilatus Aircraft Company, “Performance and Specifications,” (n.d.), http://www.pilatus-

aircraft.com/#20. 69 Sherpa Aircraft Company, “Sheroa K650T Turbine,” September 2011,


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Figure 4. Cessna 20870

2. Quest Kodiak K100T Basic Description

The Kodiak was purpose built as a bush/utility aircraft capable of supporting

missionary and humanitarian requirements throughout the third world. The aircraft

specifications are a result of the collaboration of designers, engineers and the Quest

Outlook Team, which is composed of several humanitarian and missionary organizations

with over six decades of back country experience.71

It is a high wing turbine powered aircraft. The design also supports configuration

as a either a straight seaplane or amphibious seaplane aircraft. It is powered by the PT-

6A-34 turbine engine. The engine is capable of producing 750 SHP. To support high

altitude operations in the unpressurized cabin, it is capable of supporting 12 oxygen ports,

two pilots, and 10 passengers. The aircraft also incorporates the Garmin G1000 integrated

avionics system. It is currently being used in the civilian market for humanitarian and

missionary missions, as well as by the U.S. Department of Forestry, cargo operations and

small regional sky diving operations.

70 JETPHOTOS.NET, (n.d.), http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6665258. 71 Quest Aircraft Company, (n.d.), http://questaircraft.com/quest/mission/index.html.

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Quest has produced 56 aircraft and is currently producing an average of one

aircraft every seven days dependent on demand from commercial operators. It has

supplied amphibian K100s to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the U.S.

Fish and Wildlife services.

Figure 5. Quest Kodiak K100T72

3. Pilatus PC-6 Porter

The PC-6 is the first of two tailwheel configured aircraft to be considered. It was

first flown in 1959. Since its inception, it has undergone several modifications and

upgrades to the airframe, powerplant and avionics. Like the Cessna 208, the aircraft has a

previous history with IW and COIN operations with the USAF.

In addition to the tailwheel configuration, the PC-6 is a high wing aircraft with an

unpressurized cabin. It can be configured for seaplane operations like the 208 and

K100T. It is powered by a Pratt and Whitney PT-6A-24 turbine capable of producing 650

72 Larry Duscher, disk provided to the author during research trip to Quest Aviation, January 19, 2012.

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SHP at takeoff and flat rated to 550 SHP in flight.73 Its cabin is capable of supporting 10

passengers with oxygen and accessible with a sliding cargo door that the pilot is able to

open and close inflight. It uses the Garmin 960 avionics for integrated instrumentation,

similar to the Garmin G1000. In the civilian market, it is being used for humanitarian

operations, movement of personnel and cargo, medical transportation and sky diving

operations. As of August 2012, 562 aircraft have been built since production began on the

turbine porter in 1961.

Figure 6. Pilatus PC-6 Porter74

4. Sherpa Aircraft K650T Sherpa

The K650T does not have the history of military operations associated with the

previous aircraft. Cessna, Pilatus and now Quest have become industry staples for

commercial aviation. Their respective aircraft have each received the required FAA

certification for commercial operations. The K650T is still classified as an experimental

category aircraft by the FAA. Development of the K650T started in 1994. Since then, the

aircraft has been under continuous modification and improvement to the airframe,

73 Pilatus Aircraft Company, “Performance and Specifications.” 74 Pilatus Aircraft, “General Missions, Performing any Role That Comes Its Way,” (n.d.),


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powerplant and avionics. The basics of the K650 were “lots of power, lots of wing, lots

of flap, lots and lots of structural durability.”75 The designers focused on reducing the

length of take off and landing, increasing the useful load of the aircraft, while improving

stability and stall performance at slow speeds. Due to the company’s small infrastructure

and lack of financial backing of the other aircraft companies, the number of aircraft is

small in comparison to the other platforms being evaluated. However, three additional

aircraft were recently purchased for commercial operations in Alaska.

In addition to being configured as a tailwheel aircraft, it has a high wing

unpressurized cabin with side by side crew seating. The powerplant is a Honeywell

TPE331-5 turbine engine that produces 840 SHP. Testing is currently under way on an

optional TPE3331-10 1000 SHP turbine. It has the capacity to sustain eight passengers

with available oxygen to the each pilot and passenger. Unlike the previous aircraft, the

avionics package for the Sherpa is an option for each purchase. However, it does have the

ability to incorporate the latest advanced technology avionics like Cobham and Garmin

Avionics.76 It is designed for movement of cargo and personnel, as well as medical

transportation and aerial delivery and seaplane operations.

75 Budd Davisson, “Big Foot Saves Lives,” EAA/Sport Aviation, June 1995,

http://sherpaaircraft.com/Budd.html. 76 Sherpa Aircraft Company, News, January 2012, http://sherpaaircraft.com/news.html.

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Figure 7. Sherpa Aircraft K650T77

The three previous aircraft are all currently in production. The Sherpa is in the

early stages of commercial production and sales. It is included for a number of reasons.

First, it has an unparalleled short field take off and landing performance. Second, the

ability to move men and material is equivalent to the other three aircraft. Third, while

carrying equivalent payloads, it is able to meet or exceed the radius of action for the other

three aircraft. Since Sherpa is not a large company with an established production line,

necessary modifications may be easier and less expensive to achieve. That same small

production facility and capability also means that a certain amount of cost associated with

increasing the production output and facility capacity are applicable.


The military considers more than per unit cost of an aircraft when determining the

overall cost of a program. Research and Development (R&D), modifications and life

77 Larry Duscher, disk provided to the author during trip to Sherpa Aircraft, September 25, 2012.

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cycle costs all figure in to whether or not an airframe meets it mission requirements for

what it costs to procure. Military aircraft are built to survive in a non-permissive threat

environment. Inherent to their design process is built in defensive systems and the ability

to sustain high levels of battle damage.78 The result of the arduous acquisition process

over at least a decade is a capable military aircraft.

The performance and reliability of aircraft has improved within the general

aviation market as the fleet of aircraft has aged. The advent of advanced technology

avionics has improved the safety and reliability of these aircraft as simplicity, ruggedness

and durability has decreased the maintenance demands being experienced by the older

mainstays of commercial operations like the DHC-2 and DHC-3. Mission requirements

for humanitarian and missionary organizations have created a fleet of robust, multi-

purpose aircraft capable of off airport performance.

The commercial market is supplying commercial operators with aircraft capable

of sustained remote area and off airport operations. These aircraft demonstrate an ability

to support the four proposed missions on a daily basis in the general aviation community.

The ability to utilize companies, such as ATK, to modify them to survive in a low threat

environment has been proven by their operations in support of Iraq’s and Afghanistan’s

emerging air forces.

Per flight hour costs of these commercial aircraft are dependent on several

variables, just as per hour cost of military aircraft. Military costs can exceed tens of

thousands of dollar per flight hour depending on the airframe. These proposed aircraft

must be cost effective to operate and able to meet the demands of those they support. The

MV-22 costs over $19,000 an hour to operate.79 It is a complex aircraft that took decades

to design, develop, test and implement at a cost of $42.3 million per copy. The K100T

costs under $2 million per unit and $500 an hour for a commercial operator.80

78 Stater, “Modifying Intratheater Airlift for Irregular Warfare.” 79 Fasci, Operations Research Analyst. 80 Duscher, Chief Pilot for Quest Aircraft.

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The proposed aircraft will not replace the current medium and heavy lift, ISR and

CAS/FAC(A) capable platforms within the military. The Marines must maintain the

ability to support their deployed forces across the spectrum of warfare scenarios.

However, the aircraft can provide cost effective support to distributed units that augments

ACE elements, as well as also enable the Marines to reduce costly wear and tear and

airframe fatigue issues on a fleet of aircraft after a decade of war.

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The following description of conditions within the PACOM is just a scenario that

builds upon emerging political and military realities. It describes an environment in

which the United States must maintain a military presence to protect its national political

and economic objectives. However, the United States is unable to maintain a traditional

presence with large conventional naval and marine units and is forced to incorporate

distributed operations to meet strategic and operation objectives with the region.

At the end of operations in OIF and OEF, the U.S. military has a significant

military presence in the Persian Gulf.81 The Navy and Marines remain an important part

of the U.S. military strategy to ensure that the Strait of Hormuz remains open. Regional

security requirements continue to draw heavily on an overtasked U.S. military, which

leaves few additional units for the increasing hostile South China Sea.

Japan has been able to remove U.S. forces from the island of Okinawa. The III

MEF has been moved to the city of Darwin on the northern coast of Australia. The MEU

has been moved from Camp Hansen, Okinawa to the island of Guam, which is 1,600

miles from the South China Sea.

The Japanese government has also been able to remove the forward deployed

USS George Washington (CVN-73), as well as her accompanying CSG and CAW.

MAG-12 has also been asked to vacate Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni.

Former U.S. military facilities within mainland Japan are to be only used for transitory

personnel, aircraft and shipping. Japan no longer allows a sustained offensive U.S.

military presence.

The Navy is unable to sustain a two MEU presence in the PACOM AOR. The

mandatory presence of a MEU within the Persian Gulf dominates the deployment cycle

81 Department of Defense (DoD), “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century

Defense,” January 2012, http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.

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of west coast MEU’s. The 31st MEU is unable to deploy as an aggregate force. Due to

material readiness issues, the LHD has been unable to support MEU operational

commitments for seven months.82

The U.S. military has been pushed east across the Pacific from its bases in the

second island ring. It has gained temporary basing agreements for USS George

Washington in the Philippines. Singapore has agreed to support basing options as well.

For the first time since the Battle of Midway, June 1942, the U.S. naval presence has

been challenged and successfully blunted in the PACOM AOR.

III MEF has moved MAGTF elements to three central locations within the AOR.

Darwin acts as the primary logistical and administrative support hub. Temporary basing

agreements with Singapore support operations along the Straits of Malacca, Indian

Ocean, Indonesia and Borneo. Additional conventional units along with Force

Reconnaissance and MARSOC operate from Camp Zamboanga, Republic of the


The Marines have been forced to change the way they think about engaging the

Chinese threat in this low intensity conflict, as well as their role in a future full spectrum

war. Radio Reconnaissance Teams (RRT) can be placed in strategic locations throughout

the South China Sea. They conduct strategic reconnaissance, electronic warfare

operations and support expeditionary networks for other distributed units. Infantry

companies are tasked with military assistance, civil affair operations, as well as acting as

blocking positions and security elements during SOF operations while operating from

Afloat Forward Sea Basing elements. It is in the context of this very real operational and

tactical scenario that the utility of the VMLO has been developed.


If the above scenario occurs, the Marines are faced with a difficult challenge in

supporting their distributed units. Traditional logistical support LOCs are severely limited

82 Matthew M. Burke, “USS Essex Unable To Fill Mission for 2nd Time in 7 Months,” Stars and

Stripes, February 1, 2012, http://www.military.com/news/article/uss-essex-unable-to-fulfill-mission-for-2nd-time-in-7-months.html?ESRC=marine-a.nl.

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due to the political and military posture within the region. Intra theater lift assets are

operating at the limits of their range. The ability to resupply and support remote outposts

is limited because many of the available airfields are less than the required minimum

operation length. Rotary wing assault support is limited by their range in an area as large

and as diverse as the South China Sea. The large numbers of distributed units also places

a heavy burden on their limited number of available aircraft.

Conventional military aircraft will be focused on supporting large operational

movements of men and material. The MAGTF is focused on supporting the one MEU

presence in the Middle East, PACOM and Europe. The 18 month work up, deployment

and recovery cycle dominates the available tactical lift assets within each of the three

MEF elements In the above scenario, it is possible to envision use of the proposed utility

aircraft to reduce the burden on the tactical aircraft and open them up to support

dedicated combat missions from naval shipping and in support of SOF forces.

The off airport capability of proposed aircraft could maximize the use of the

number of small paved and unpaved fields available in these countries. In the example of

Singapore, its lack of runways under 3,000’ is balanced by its stable political

environment, pro-U.S. affiliation and willingness to act as a forward deployed base for

the United States. It can be used as a major logistics hub to support distributed

operations. If Darwin is used as the primary point of entry for U.S. forces within the

region, then Singapore and the Philippines can act as secondary hubs within the AOR on

an operational and tactical level.

Table 5 illustrates the short field and unimproved surface environment that exists

in the nations that compose the South China Sea AO and PACOM.

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Country Area in sq mi.

Water Area in sq mi.

Coastline in miles

Highest elevation in feet

Paved Runways < 3000’

Unpaved Runways < 3000’

Indonesia 699,450 35,907 33,998 16502 34 484 Malaysia 127,354 459 2905 13,451 7 73 Singapore 265 3.8 193 545 0 0 Philippines 115,124 706 22549 9691 10 99 Brunei 203 193 100 6069 1 0 Cambodia 168,152 1745 275 5938 1 1 Vietnam 119,718 8162 2140 10314 9 3 Burma 252,320 8907 1199 192941 1 23 Spratley Islands 1.9 0 926 13 1 1

Table 5. South China Sea Nations83

China was not included in Table 5 because any type of military presence within

China’s physical border is beyond the scope considered for this thesis. Any pretense to

conducting low intensity conflict or passive aggressive political posturing would be lost.

The Spratley Islands were included because they are a source of political and military

tensions within the region. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World

Fact Book, they are composed of over 100 islands. Forty-five islands, as well as their

abundant energy resources, are contested by China, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines

and Taiwan.84


Distributed operations will depend on hub and spoke operations to support their

logistical support needs. In AOs, the size of the South China Sea and Africa, distributed

units will be dependent on established FOBs acting as hubs. Air support will be the

spokes that provide for their requirements. It becomes a system of systems with multiple

layers of hub and spoke operations. An apt description for the operation will be the

drivetrain of a bicycle that consists of the pedals, front sprocket, chain, rear speed

cassette (sprocket) and the spokes emanating from the rear hub.

83 Central Intelligence Agency, “World Factbook: Countries,” (n.d.),

http://ciaworldfactbook.us/countries. 84 Central Intelligence Agency, “World Factbook: Spratly Islands,” (n.d.),


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The pedals on a bicycle are attached to a front sprocket. When the pedals turn, the

sprocket moves the chain. The chain is attached to the back sprocket. The back sprocket

is attached to the wheel via spokes. Envision that the main sprocket is the III MEF

headquarters in Darwin, Australia. The Chain is inter and intra theater lift composed of

C-5’s, C-17’s and a mixture of C-130 and KC-130 aircraft. Singapore and the Philippines

are the back sprocket. They support more distributed units with intra theater tactical lift

like the CH-53, CH-47 and the MV-22. The aircraft proposed for consideration can fill

this additional need and provide another layer of light mobility to distributed units. They

can ensure that the tactical helicopters are available to support MEU and MEF

operational considerations in the AO while still providing the required support to the

distributed units.

1. Shorter, Rougher and Dirtier

The hub and spoke would be the infrastructure for the VMLO within the region.

Aircraft capabilities will be what ensure that the hub and spoke is operationally and

tactically feasible. The VMLO can maximize the utility of the existing infrastructure or

non-infrastructure as described in Table 6.

The proposed aircraft give the Marines access to areas that existing transportation

infrastructure does not support. The Marines do not have a fixed wing lift capability of

landing in less than 3,000’. AFSOC contains a capability to operate aircraft in a remote

location. However, they are limited to 2,000’ on a semi-prepared surface.85 These aircraft

and organizations are also limited to FID and BPC missions. They are not tasked or

structured to support conventional units.

The proposed aircraft are capable of supporting off airport operations in an

environment not support by the AFSOC NSAV units. They offer a variety of maximum

take off and landing distances over a 50’ obstacle. Combined with the pilot’s ability to

select and utilize off airport locations, achieved with back country flight training, they are

able to operate in direct support of distributed units in remote or austere locations.

85 Dave Jesurun and Grant Sharpe, “Irregular Ware (IW) Aviation Lessons Learned in the Alaskan

Bush,” Trip Report, Naval Postrgraduate School, 2011.

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Table 6 compares the proposed aircrafts performance over a 50’ obstacle.

Aircraft Take Off Ground

Roll (feet) Maximum Take

Off Distance (feet) Landing Ground

Roll (feet) Maximum Landing

Distance (feet) Cessna 20886 1405 2500 915 1740

Quest K100T87 779 1212 931 1681 Pilatus PC-688 646 1443 417 1,033

Sherpa K650T89 N/A 336 N/A 240

Table 6. Aircraft Performance over a 50’ Obstacle

2. The Next Step Is to Just Add Water

An aircraft’s ability to utilize small fields or off airport locations is important in a

restricted environment. The ability to utilize inland waterways or expansive coastline is

another way to maximize the utility of distributed units. From Table 5, the aggregate

coastline of the South China Sea is over 61,400 miles. The number of islands within the

region is in excess of 30,000, which is a significant amount of shoreline to secure. It is

also a considerable amount of shoreline to exploit.

86 Cessna Aircraft Company, “Grand Caravan Specification and Description.” 87 Quest Aircraft Company, “Kodiak Pilot’s Checklist; Model Kodiak 100 with PT6A-34 (750SHP)

Engine.” 88 Pilatus Aircraft Company, “Performance and Specifications.” 89 Sherpa Aircraft Company, “Sheroa K650T Turbine.”

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Figure 8. Cessna 208 Amphibian90

Seaplanes are able to conduct covert insertion and extractions of GPF and SOF

organizations within the region. Seaplanes are able to conduct water landings anywhere

along these shorelines. They can beach the aircraft for transfer of men and material. If the

beach is inaccessible, they are able to land offshore, unload the men and material and

allow the force to motor ashore aboard a Combat Rubber Reconnaissance Craft (CRRC).

The aircraft are not the fastest, nor the most technologically advanced; however, they are

utilitarian when the operators are innovative in their application. In this configuration, it

allows for the aircraft to be hidden in plain sight. Many of the political implications of

overtly military aircraft are avoided and increased mission flexibility is achieved.

90 Cessna Aircraft Company, “Caravan Special Missions,” September 2011.

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Figure 9. Dehavilland DHC-2 Beaver with an External Load91


When the Marines were short of medium and heavy lift requirements, they

determined the best way to compensate was to increase the number of CH-53E aircraft

and squadrons. To support additional units, they removed existing airframes from

AMARG and returned them to operational status. They also removed all CH-53E aircraft

from HMX-1. An alternative option could have been to introduce a light mobility aircraft

into the scenario.

Table 7 describes the capacity of aircraft considered for the VMLO against

existing rotary and tiltrotor aircraft within the USMC and uses cost per cubic foot and per

hour for comparison.

91 Jesurun and Sharpe, “Irregular Ware (IW) Aviation Lessons Learned in the Alaskan Bush.”

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Aircraft Operating Cost Per Hour

Passenger Capacity

Cubic Capacity (Cubic Feet)

Cost Per Passenger Per


Cost Per Cubic Foot Per Hour

CH-53E 28,215 55 1463 513 19.28 MV-22B 37,979 24 739 1582.45 51.39

Cessna 208 393 10 451* 39.3 .87 Quest K100 500 8 248 62.5 2.01 Pilatus PC-6 248 10 106 24.8 2.34

Sherpa K650T 400 8 220 50 1.82 * Includes cargo pod configuration

Table 7. Aircraft Cost Comparisons

Assault support is the function of Marine Aviation that supports the warfighting

functions of maneuver and logistics. Maneuver warfare depends on rapid, flexible

maneuverability to achieve a battlefield decision.92 Combat assault support is used to

deploy forces in offensive maneuver warfare to bypass obstacles and quickly redeploy

their forces. In a distributed operations environment, the number of units to support and

the distances involved to travel will increase the demand on existing units. The ability of

a light mobility aircraft to support these functions and existing capabilities has the ability

to enhance the speed and distance that the Marines can influence the tactical situation.

The proposed aircraft offer the Marines the ability to provide rapid, flexible

maneuverability while allowing their medium and heavy lift units to remain focused on

their more doctrinal relationships with the MEU and the MEF. They are also a cost

effective solution to providing additional lift assets that forced the Marines to remove

previously retired aircraft from AMARG. Instead of requiring five years to refurbish,

commercially available aircraft are available to support almost immediately.93


Two configurations of aircraft are considered for proposed VMLO aircraft. While

both types of configurations are turbine powered and high winged, two are configured as

tri-cycle aircraft and two as tailwheel aircraft. The merits of range, cargo and passenger

92 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations. 93 Cathy Hopkins, “DLA Helps Navy Resurrect CH-53 Helicopters,” Defense Logistics Agency, July

1, 2010, http://www.aviation.dla.mil/externalnews/news/20100702.htm.

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capacity and operating cost have been discussed. They have also been compared to the

operating environment that the VMLO may encounter in the South China Sea or other

remote locations.

While external configuration differences exist, the proposed aircraft provide

similar internal mission capabilities. Multiple aircraft configurations support missions

that closely resemble the seven mission subsets of assault support that lend to their utility

as light mobility airlifters.

The argument about whether to use a tailwheel or tri-cycle configure aircraft is

varied depending on the source. Tailwheel training is an additional cost when considering

time and cost to train for prospective pilots. However, they offer an advantage during off

airport operations to be discussed later.

1. Internal Configuration Options

Each of the four aircraft was designed to take advantage of their internal capacity

and aircraft performance. In addition to their STOL performance and ability to carry large

internal loads, the interiors were designed with multi-mission capabilities.

To meet the multi mission requirement, each aircraft must be able to change its

internal configuration rapidly, which typically means going from a passenger

arrangement to supporting cargo operations. Each of the four aircraft supports this

requirement through the use of quick removal seats that allows the aircraft to be

reconfigured without additional personnel or maintenance support.

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Figure 10. PC-6 Passenger Configuration94

Figure 11. PC-6 Air Ambulance Configuration95

Common to each of the aircraft is the ability to support high altitude passenger

operations. Each aircraft has a service ceiling of 25,000’. An aircraft requires either a

pressurized cabin or it must provide oxygen to each seat to operate above 10,000’ mean

sea level (MSL). A pressurized cabin is expensive and adds additional weight that would

reduce the aircraft’s STOL performance. All four of the aircraft provide for oxygen to

each passenger seat. Internal oxygen support also enhances the aircrafts capability to act

as a MEDEVAC or CASEVAC platform.

Three of the four aircraft have demonstrated their ability to support parachute

operations and are common within the general aviation/sky diving community. The

94 Pilatus Aircraft Company, “PC-6 Turbo Porter: Anywhere, Anytime In Any Environment,” June

2010, http://www.danieleicher.com/pdf/Pilatus-PC-6-Brochure.pdf 95 Ibid.

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Cessna 208 and Kodiak are both equipped with electrically driven roll up doors on the

left hand side of the aircraft to support parachute operations. The Pilatus PC-6 has a

manually activated sliding door system that supports parachute operations from either

side of the aircraft. Each one comes with required equipment to support either free fall or

static line operations. It is possible for them to support either GPF or SOF resupply and

covert insertion without reconfiguring the aircraft’s cargo doors from mission to mission.

Figure 12. External View of Cessna 208 Factory Installed Roll Up Door96

Since the aircraft are configured as utility platforms, they have diversity in the

missions that they can support. Their ability to move men and material allows them to

fulfill either a combat assault support mission or air logistical support missions.

Installation of the roll up or sliding doors as a standard feature supports mission transition

96 Airport-Data.com, Aircraft N208TS Photo, (n.d.), http://www.airport-


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for air drop and parachute operations in a restricted environment. Oxygen and litter

configurations support an immediate CASEVAC or MEDEVAC capability essential in

any GPF or SOF mission.

Figure 13. Internal View of Cessna 208 Factory Installed Roll Up Door97

a. Sometimes More Is Less

Downed aircraft, and more specifically, downed aircrew, is a very

sensitive subject in the current military. A TRAP mission is a complicated tactical

problem that has many moving parts. It is an example of when the mission flexibility and

aircraft utility of the VMLO would enhance aviation capability within a distributed

environment. Current doctrine requires a large assault package supported by various

97 AirTeamImages.com, Cessna 208 Caravan, (n.d.),


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strike aircraft and personnel. When operating from amphibious shipping or a central

location, such a robust package has its advantages. When operating in a distributed

environment, it requires a large amount of logistical support to maintain the appropriate

posture. In addition to the large number of aircraft, it has an associated operating cost.

Table 8 is the doctrinal USMC TACSOP TRAP package. It details the

amount of aircraft and personnel considered to be required for successful execution for a

variety of scenarios dependent on distance to the downed aircraft.


Package Distance Conditions Aircraft Lift (as required) A <90 NM Over water 2xCH-46E 2xMV-22B 12 Man TRAP

Corpsman 1 SAR Swimmer

B > 90 NM Over water 2xCH-53D/E 2xMV-22B 12 Man TRAP Corpsman

1 SAR Swimmer C < 90 NM Day/Night Over land 2xCH-46E 2xMV-22B 2xCH-

53D/E 2xAH-1W 2xAV-8B 2xF/A-18

2 24-48 Man TRAP Corpsman

D > 90 NM Da/Night Over land (long range FARP or TBFDS

required for AH-1W)

2xCH53D/E 2xMV-22B 2xAH-1W 2xAV-8B 2xF/A-18

2 24-48 Man TRAP Corpsman

E > 90 NM Day/Night Over land (KC-130 may be required for HAR/TAR distances beyond

250 NM)

2xCH53E 2xMV-22B 2xF/A-18 2xAV-8B

2 24-48 Man TRAP Corpsman

Table 8. USMC MAWTS-1 Rotary Wing TACSOP TRAP Package98

Package E requires some combination of assault support aircraft (CH-53E

or MV-22B), both fixed and rotary wing strike aircraft, as well as a KC-130 for

Helicopter Aerial Refueling (HAR) or Tiltrotor Aircraft Refueling (TAR), which is for a

mission in excess of 250 nm. If the mission takes two hours, assuming use of the MV-

22B, the combined hourly cost of those aircraft is $378,724. It is also a significant

98 Director of the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, “Air NTTP 3-22.5-RWTACSOP

Tactical Pocket Guide, USMC RWTACSOP,” November 2006.

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investment in aircraft and additional aircrew when assuming that the location of the

aircrew is predetermined and that actions on the objective are immediate. Additional time

on station, TOS, will require additional refueling support, as well as additional sections of

fixed wing attack aircraft to maintain air superiority.

Envision the same scenario at the same distance. The MV-22B has a 70

KIAS cruise advantage over the proposed light mobility aircraft. However, the proposed

aircraft have a 20 KIAS advantage over the CH-53. It does not require additional

HAR/TAR support from the KC-130. It is able to loiter over the crash site or in the

vicinity without the additional logistical support. The VMLO can assign a fixed gear

aircraft, seaplane or amphibian to conduct the TRAP mission. It is a single aircraft with a

crew of two able to conduct the very same mission in a distributed environment.

It is possible to provide an effective SAR presence with an aircraft able to

move quickly between mission sets. A seaplane operating from an afloat forward sea base

could go from an ISR or air drop mission and assume the mantle of SAR aircraft. It is

able to land on the ocean and affect a crew rescue or coordinate the recovery from an

island within the AOR. A single aircraft attracts less attention and is less of a target than a

large number of aircraft in a confined operating area.

2. External Configuration

Each of the four proposed aircraft has a demonstrated ability to support multi-

mission internal configurations. The external configuration discussion is oriented to

whether or not the suitable aircraft is a tailwheel or tri-cycle landing gear configured

aircraft and the advantages or disadvantages of each.

Each of the aircraft for consideration share the same high wing characteristic. The

high wing allows for a considerably larger amount of obstacle clearance in off airport

operations,99 as well as also making for a more suitable ISR and CAS/FAC(A) platform.

Two common characteristics defined good FAC(A) aircraft during the Vietnam

War. The first was excellent visibility from the co*ckpit. The second was a high wing to

99 Potts, Guide to Bush Flying.

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facilitate visibility and obstacle clearance, which can be seen in the O-1E, OV-1D, O-2

and OV-10 series of aircraft. An aircraft operating in remote locations can apply the

benefit of the high wing to capability and mission performance.

Commercial operators in Alaska choose the aircraft most useful to their

operations. Many operators use the Cessna 208 and Quest K100T on improved and

unimproved strips everyday. True off airport operations are a completely different

consideration when determining the most useful type of aircraft. Unforeseen obstacles

and terrain pose challenges to tri-cycle landing gear aircraft.

The tri-cycle gear has an advantage over tailwheel aircraft on a paved runway in

high wind conditions. Experience in Alaska has shown that the nose gear has shown a

tendency to collapse in off airport conditions. For a commercial operator, the weight

required to reinforce it sufficiently would negatively impact its profit margin for


When a tailwheel is placed on an aircraft, it naturally raises the angle of the

fuselage in relation to the ground. It forces the nose of the aircraft up and increases the

distance of the blade tips to the ground, which helps to reduce the possibility of striking

the prop. This fact alone is enough for most off airport operators to rely on the tailwheel

configuration. Replacing a turbine engine is the number one cost at Kenmore Air.

In addition to the increased safety of the raised nose, it also has an effect on the

longitudinal stability of the aircraft during take off and landing, which is important

because the terrain and size of obstacles are unpredictable; achieved by changing the

geometry of the landing gear and having as much distance between the main mounts and

the third wheel. Thus, the center of gravity is placed behind the main mounts.101

3. Pilot Training Impact for a Tailwheel Aircraft

The FAA FAR part 61 describes the additional training requirements for a

tailwheel endorsem*nt. It is an additional cost and time to train when considering the two

100 Potts, Guide to Bush Flying. 101 Ibid.

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configurations of aircraft. Table 2 shows that each pilot was able to complete the training

with an average of 9.6 hours. During Vietnam, the USAF required an additional 20 hours

of tailwheel proficiency before acting as a pilot in command (PIC).102 It is possible that

the VMLO has a small number of piston powered aircraft on which to train incoming

pilots to reduce the cost of training, as well as allow assigned aircraft to remain forward

deployed. The additional 20 hours of proficiency in type can be gained with the forward

deployed detachments while conducting area familiarization and standardization flights

for new pilots.


When the Marines are unable to conduct missions of resupply in support of

isolated units due to restrictions in terrain, available assault support aircraft or a

prohibitive threat environment, they resort to the use of aerial delivery.103 In the past,

they have used KC-130 aircraft to deliver required supplies via parachutes and pallets.

During OIF and OEF, advances have been made in the use of Cargo Resupply UAS

(CRUAS) and Joint Precision Air Delivery Systems (JPADS).

1. Joint Precisions Air Delivery Systems

JPADS was developed to meet COCOMS requirement of using high altitude,

precisions airdrops as a direct theater delivery method to sustain combat operations

power.104 The Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) concept of

operations for JPADS recognized that the current CENTCOM AOR and possible future

conflicts would encompass non-contiguous, expansive territories in which asymmetric

threats are the norm while occurring over an expansive area. Driven by the increasing

threat of Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) and IADS, resupply aircraft

have been driven to higher altitudes to accomplish their missions.

102 Sumner, Raven 21 Forward Air Controller. 103 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations. 104 Richard Benney, Mike Henry, Kristen Lafond, and Andrew Meloni, DoD New JPAD Programs

NATO Activities, 20th Annual Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar, May 4–7, 2009, http://www.nps.edu/academics/centers/adsc/papers/jpads%20-%20benney%20-%20dod%20new%20jpads%20programs%20and%20nato%20activities.pdf.

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Several premises are involved with the introduction and utilization of JPADS. It is

a high altitude delivery to take advantage of GPS steering capability to ensure accuracy

within 50 to 100 meters circular error of probability (CEP) when utilizing a KC-130 or C-

17. It uses a flexible computed aerial delivery release point (CARP) to determine when

and where in relation to the intended point, accounting for wind, as well as the lift and

drag characteristics of the load. Finally, it integrates an enroute mission planning and

satellite communications (JPADS-MP) to conduct mission planning and mission changes

enroute to the delivery point.105

2. Cargo Resupply UAS (CRUAS)

In October 2011, the Marines deployed both the Kaman K-MAX and Boeing

A160 Hummingbird to evaluate the battlefield utility of CRUAS in Afghanistan. The

purpose was to demonstrate an ability to provide logistical support of 10,000 lbs within

24 hours with a round trip distance of 150 nm supported by a BLOS capability.106

Operational organization is a mixture of Marine Corps personnel and contract personnel.

Figure 14. Kaman K-MAX in Afghanistan107

105 Benney, Henry, Lafond, and Meloni, DoD New JPAD Programs NATO Activities. 106 Seth E. Tufveson, MAWTS-1 UAV Department, personal conversation with the author December

5, 2011. 107 Zimbio, “K-MAX Flies in Afghanistan,” December 20, 2011,


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K-MAX is rated for a useful load of 6,855 lbs. The A160T Hummingbird is rated

for a useful load of 1,500. The required crew for their operation is a VMU mission

commander, UAS operator at the Landing Zone (LZ), and is contractor operated. Each of

the aircraft has achieved the delivery of 2,500 lbs over 75 nm within a six-hour period,

BLOS with GPS enroute waypoint navigation and delivery of the cargo within 10m of the

terminal controller. However, they have been unable to sustain cruise operations above

15,000’ MSL.108

Figure 15. Boeing A160T Hummingbird

Introduction of automated systems continue to enhance the Marines’ ability to

provide for logistical support in remote locations. While JPADS is filling a niche that

even a STOL capable aircraft may not be able to provide, the introduction of another

108 Tufveson, MAWTS-1 UAV Department.

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UAS within the airspace does not offer a full and timely solution to an ever increasing

demand on light mobility aircraft. The CRUAS is not slated for introduction until



The demand for an American military presence is not going to diminish over the

next decade. The end of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan does not spell the end

of deployments for military forces. Reductions in military spending are going to require

that each of the services find innovative, low-cost solutions with small footprints to meet

overseas military challenges.110

As illustrated in the given scenario, the South China Sea is not the only location

that future distributed operations will be conducted. It is an example of how large and

diverse of an operating area that the armed forces in general, and the Marines

specifically, will be operating. This tyranny of distance applies in more locations than the

South China Sea. Emerging SOF and conventional operations with AFRICOM will

continue to place heavy demand on light mobility assets. Combined with new political

realities that affect forward deployed units and the possibility that material readiness

issues will prevent capital naval vessels from deploying, it describes an area that can

benefit from alternative methods of conducting doctrinal Marine assault support missions

in support of widely dispersed units.

Emerging autonomous technologies still have significant technological hurdles to

overcome before they are a significant player in a distributed environment. They require a

large presence of manpower to support their operations. Both the A160 and K-MAX are

operated by civilian contractors that can have drawbacks in a more aggressive combat

environment than that currently being experienced in Afghanistan. It is a permissive

109 Tufveson, MAWTS-1 UAV Department. 110 Department of Defense (DoD), “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century


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operating environment that allows for exploration of these emerging technologies but

may not be truly representative of the challenges faced in future AOs.

General aviation utility aircraft have a role to play in this scenario. They have

documented STOL performance characteristics, comparable cargo capacity and mission

flexibility when compared to more conventional fixed and rotary wing aircraft. They are

efficient and cost effective augments and alternatives to supporting small squad and

platoon sized elements.

The researchers originally focused on determining if one aircraft could meet the

mission requirements of the proposed VMLO. However, as researched progressed, it

became apparent that it was possible to have mix of aircraft to increase the utility of the

VMLO and still have an advantage over conventional organizations. The ability of each

aircraft to reconfigure quickly mid mission has shown that each of the four are equally

viable. Range and airspeeds are relatively comparable. Even though the PC-6 has a slow

cruising airspeed, it has better short field characteristics that gives it an advantage over

the Cessna 208 and Quest K100T. Considering the area of the South China Sea and the

large number of possible units to support, a combination of tri-cycle and tailwheel

equipped aircraft would be the best solution.

The cost of the aircraft is not a prohibitive factor. Consider the $109,000,000

price tag of the F-35B. Four F-35B’s will cost $436,000,000. If the Marines were to

purchase 200 of these aircraft, according to Table 7, it would cost only $400,000,000 for

the aircraft. The author is not advocating the purchase of 200 aircraft. The proposal is the

creation of three squadrons, 40 aircraft per squadron, and to task them with supporting

emerging or current theaters. It is recommended that one squadron support operations in

PACOM, one in CENTCOM and the third support AFRICOM operations.

Already doctrinally spoken for are the conventional military aircraft. The MEU

requires an entire VMM of 10 MV-22Bs. They also deploy three UH-1Y and four AH-

1Ws, 4 CH-53Es and six AV-8Bs to just support a deployed BLT. A single infantry

company has three line platoons, a weapons platoon and command element. In distributed

operations, it is possible that the company can create 10 distributed units when using

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squad sized elements and assuming that the weapons platoon is either co-located with the

command element or sourced out to support one of the distributed squads. Then consider

that each battalion has three infantry companies, each regiment has three line battalions

and each division has three infantry regiments, which does not include the Combat

Logistics Battalions (CLB), artillery regiments and batteries, as well as their robust

command elements.

The VMLO is not a permanent solution. It is an organization able to fill the

capabilities gap with low cost alternatives until the Marines are able to support

distributed operations materially and technologically. Sufficient rotary wing aircraft do

not exist to support the escalating demand. UAS presence on the battlefield is increasing.

However, they are limited by their inability to change rapidly between mission sets while

airborne and the fact that they are unable to move men on the battlefield. Until

technology develops to the point that the UAVs are truly autonomous and trusted to move

combat troops on the battlefield, they will have limited value for distributed units.

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The U.S. military is moving to replace manned aircraft providing PISR and

CAS/FAC(A) with increased utilization of UAVs. The ability to reduce the exposure of

aircrews to possible capture or death is attractive to the military and the political class

within the U.S. government. The use of a manned aircraft means that the possibility,

however remote, of an aircrew being captured and used as a propaganda tool on the

nightly news is a very real scenario. Video and pictures appearing on television and the

Internet of dead Americans has a very strong impact on the psyche of the American

people and their continued commitment to the conflict at hand. However, an over reliance

on the abilities of UAVs can place distributed units in equal danger that imperils the safe

and successful completion of their missions.

Future battles will be fought in contested environments. The experience of

uncontested airspace that has been the norm in Iraq and Afghanistan may not be repeated

if a war with China breaks out in the South China Sea. The UAS will be increasingly

vulnerable to physical and technical attacks in AO. Slow airspeeds and limited

maneuverability make the UAVs vulnerable to aircraft to air engagements, surface to air

missiles and air to surface anti-aircraft artillery (AAA). A heavy reliance on established

data links carried over commercial connections with little central oversight means that the

link can be easily and frequently interrupted.111

Future UAV applications also face number of technical and economic challenges

as an increasing number of them are used. A finite number of geostationary satellites

exist that provide for worldwide coverage and transponder availability. SATCOM

requirements will exceed capacity with an increased number of UAVs. In addition to the

limitations of the electronic spectrum, the costs of continuous UAV capability will

become prohibitive.112

111 Scott Fontaine, “USAFE Chief: Don’t Rely on UAVs,” July 30, 2010, Air Force Times,

http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2010/07/airforce_UAVs_073010/. 112 Bluth, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS).

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The use of manned aircraft as surrogates to UAVs would appear to be a step

backwards in technological development and employment. UAVs were the method that

would remove the threat to aircrews, provide for PISR and CAS/FAC(A) shortfalls, and

decrease operating costs and infrastructure. However, the Air Force has cancelled the

RQ-4 Global Hawk in favor of the older, manned U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.

Cancellation of the Global Hawk was due to high costs of operation and maintenance and

shortfalls within its operational capabilities.113

The Air Force determined that it was more cost effective and responsive to utilize

manned aircraft for ISR missions. AFSOC utilizes the Pilatus PC-12 and MC-12 aircraft

because they are cost effective long endurance options for light cargo movement and

PISR.114 In other words, the vaunted UAV is unable to fill the needs of distributed units

effectively. The military has recognized that manned aircraft, with the same capabilities

as the UAV, is the more affordable, responsive and flexible option for distributed units.

The fact that a commercial company finds it more economical to use a small manned

aircraft as a UAV surrogate is very telling about the utility of light weight, manned,

STOL capable aircraft.

1. Pelican Cessna Skymaster 337

The Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS) is

an independent research center, associated with Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), that

utilizes a modified Cessna 337 Skymaster referred to as Pelican to provide a low-risk,

low-cost test and evaluation alternative to Predator and other UAV type, model and

113 Richard Clements, “RQ-4 Global Hawk in Shock Cancellation News: Old Planes Better Than

New?,” The Aviationist, January 27, 2012, http://theaviationist.com/2012/01/27/rq4/. 114 “U.S. Military Orders More King Air 350ER Aircraft [MC-12],” Defense Industry Daily, June 19,

2011, http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/US-Military-Orders-More-King-Air-350ER-Aircraft-05165/.

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series.115 Its operational premise is that by using Pelican, it is giving access to an asset

not readily available to a unit. Since 2001, it has provided experience with Predator and

other UASs to units to which they may not have had access.

Figure 16. Cessna 337 Skymaster in CIRPAS Pelican Configuration116

The Pelican Surrogate UAV (SUAV) system has an estimated $11,000 daily

operating cost, which consists of one Pelican, six flight hours, radio relay, mobile GCS

and Rover utility. The systems itself consists of the General Atomics Predator mobile

GCS, portable GCS, portable GDT, and Vestatron Westcam 14” Skyball sensor. The

capability the Pelican mimics is identical to the Predator RQ-1A system.117

115 Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS), (n.d.),

http://www.cirpas.org/index.html. 116 Arizona Aviation Photographers, (n.d.), http://www.azaerophoto.com/SoAR/?p=185. 117 Bluth, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS).

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An additional advantage of the Pelican for comparison is that the aircraft has a

history with the U.S. military. During the war in Southeast Asia, it was used by the Air

Force as a FAC(A) platform in support of both conventional military and SOF operations.

Through CIRPAS’s efforts, it has become a proven low cost, low risk alternative to using

an UAV. It is a low cost example of how existing civilian aircraft can be modified and

operated in association with existing manned and unmanned aircraft within the military

airspace structure.


Future AOs in a distributed environment may not allow for the luxury of

unopposed airfield operations that have enabled extensive use of UAVs in Iraq and

Afghanistan. UAV operations are large complicated affairs that require a certain amount

of infrastructure to operate.

A VMU is the parent organization for UAV operations within the Marines. Each

VMU consists of three detachments led by either a major or captain. The personnel

assigned to the detachment are approximately 50 Marines. They fulfill the functions of

command, administration, intelligence, operations, logistics, communications, safety and

operations.118 In addition to the amount of personnel required for operations, the

following equipment is assigned to a detachment.

• Four RQ-7B air vehicles

• Two ground control stations/ground data terminals (GCS/GDT)

• Two tactical automated landing systems (TALS)

• One portable ground control station/portable ground data terminal (PGCS/PGDT)

• One hydraulic pneumatic launcher

• Four one-system remote video terminals/modular directional antenna systems (OSRVT/MDAS)

The detachment is designed to operate independently from the VMU but it is not

purpose built to act autonomously from the supported unit. Since the unit is not designed

to operate without external support, it places a requirement for support from the

118 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), NTTP 3-22.3-VMU, July 2011.

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supported unit. The RQ-7B has been “right sized” according to NTTP 3-22.3 to minimize

the burden. It requires the traditional logistical support for Marines of food, billeting and

security. In addition to these expected demands, it places a heavy demand for long-term

power generation and heavy equipment for establishing and maintaining its airfield.

1. Impact on Battlefield Mobility

The VMLO proposal advertises an ability to self deploy the aircraft and personnel

within the AOR. While the detachments would require some of the same logistical

requirements, such as security, billeting and food, they are able to move from supported

unit to supported unit. When the VMU moves from location to location, it is dependent

on a number of vehicles and aircraft to facilitate its movement.

The initial entry operation for a VMU consists of one GCS, AVT and launchers

along with three air vehicles (AV). It requires one KC-130J to move the two wheeled

vehicles, trailer and AVs. To conduct split site operations, it would require a second KC-

130J. For sustained operations and full detachment capability, it would require 3 KC-

130Js,119 which is a significant amount of airlift when a VMGR detachment in Iraq is

composed of just six KC-130Js and two of those are designated as Harvest Hawk gunship


119 Tufveson, MAWTS-1 UAV Department.

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Initial Entry


Split Site Ops Susta

Figure 17. MAWTS-1 VMU Overview Airlift Requirements120

A single VMU detachment is considered as appropriate for direct support of a

regiment or MEB deployment. All three detachments should be considered when

considering deployment of a MEF or division level event.121 Experience in Iraq and

Afghanistan has shown that the size and mobility requirements of the VMU force them to

operate from established and fortified FOBs. While they are able to extend the range of

the RQ-7B by 67 nm with the use of the PGCS/PGDT an area the size of PACOM and

AFRICOM, along with the challenging terrain, it does not appear very useful when

deploying in direct support of company and platoon sized elements.

2. Aircraft vs. UAV Size Comparisons

It is possible to argue that the size of the proposed VMLO aircraft can make their

operations in a remote location prohibitive. They appear to be large aircraft with

significant length and wingspans to be landing in space restricted conditions. However, it

is necessary to consider that even the RQ-7B requires a runway of at least 710’ in length

and a width of 164’ for safe operation. The Sherpa K650T requires just half of that

120 Capt Seth E. Tufveson, personal conversation with the author, December 5, 2012. 121 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), NTTP 3-22.3-VMU.

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distance to land in and has a wingspan of just 47’ 4”. In addition to the amount of

equipment required to operate the UAV, a space in which to store the aircraft while not

being utilized must also be available.

Table 9 illustrates the relative footprint of existing UAS and proposed VMLO

aircraft. Important to note is the physical presence of the aircraft as well as the

comparable take off requirements. The table does not include the associate footprint

required to support the UAS operations.

Aircraft Length Wingspan Take-Off Distance (Feet) to clear a 50 ft obstacle

RQ-1 Predator 27 ft 49 ft 5000 RQ-7B Shadow 11 ft 4 in 14 ft 710 Cessna Pelican 40 ft 11 in 42 ft 1500

Cessna 208 41 ft 7 in 52 ft 1 in 2500 Quest K100 33 ft 4 in 45 ft 1,001 Pilatus PC-6 35 ft 9 in 52 ft 1 in 1,444

Sherpa K650T 34 ft 1 in 47 ft 4 in 336

Table 9. Aircraft Size Comparisons

While the RQ-7B has an advantage in physical size over the proposed aircraft, it

has a significant footprint associated with its administrative demands for the operational

detachment. The RQ-1 is the largest of the UAVs and is comparable in size to the four

proposed aircraft. However, it has a significantly larger take off distance to clear a 50’

obstacle in its path. The proposed aircraft are capable of providing the same types of ISR

and CAS coverage. They also provide FAC(A) capability and the ability to rapidly

change missions. They require less take off and landing distance than the multiple models

of the predator. They are also able to operate from unimproved surfaces unlike Predator

and Global Hawk. In addition to these performance advantages, they do it with a

significantly smaller number of support personnel. A 24-hour mission for a Predator

requires 160 personnel.


In a perfect world, the ability to provide the right amount of ISR capable aircraft

would permanently close the PISR gap currently experienced by the Marines. Sufficient

aircraft, support personnel, physical space to occupy, an over abundance of the electronic

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spectrum and operating funds would be available to meet each and every need of

distributed units. The reality is that each of these resources is finite and is becoming

increasingly scarce with each budget cut and technological innovation.

Anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) operations can entail more than the ability of

an enemy nation to prevent a significant military support presence within an AO. It is

possible that A2/AD can be accomplished by eliminating the communication link to the

United States that enables long range UAV operations. An electrical storm located along

the LOC from Afghanistan to the United States can interrupt data and communication

links that control the UAV. Significant cloud cover and heavy rains can render the

sensors on a UAV ineffective when most needed. It can leave a supported unit alone and

unafraid deep in enemy territory.

While the use of SATCOM has enabled the U.S. military to operate UAVs at

arms length from the actual field of battle, the ability of foreign militaries to interfere

with them limits potential use, but does not mean that the supported units will no longer

demand the same services to which they have become accustomed in the last decade.

Through a combination of direct support operations and technology integration, light

mobility aircraft can increase the situational awareness of the supported unit.

1. Distributed Utility with Direct Support Operations

The VMLO enhances distributed operations by the way in which it ought to be

organized and employed. The Marines ought to capitalize on the lessons learned from

organizations that have perfected hub and spoke operations to their commercial

advantage. In a scenario like the South China Sea, the VMLO could operate an

administrative hub in Darwin, co-located with III MEF. Smaller facilities in Singapore

and the Philippines would act as maintenance and logistical support facilities. They

would then function as a rear area element for the smaller aircraft detachments operating

from battalion and company level locations. The mission needs of the supported unit

would determine the number and type of aircraft required to support their mission.

A VMU is not designed to support expeditionary operations. A detachment of 50

personnel that requires a full KC-130 to move about a battlefield will have difficulties

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matching a fluid combat environment in an area the size of the South China Sea or

northern Africa. Modularity and scalability are central themes to how the VMLO would

operate and maximize its presence. Since the aircraft require only a crew of two, they are

cross trained to sustain the aircraft in the field and are self-deployable within the AO; it is

able to move quickly and easily between supported units as the focus of effort changes

within the operational and tactical construct.

The aircraft themselves enhance how direct support is provided to these smaller

units. They take advantage of significant useful loads and short field performance to

access areas once off limits to fixed wing support or out of the unrefueled range of the

current rotary wing fleet of aircraft. Due to their rugged construction, they are able to

take advantage of less than ideal landing conditions that would prohibit continuous

operations by a VMU without major advanced preparation work prior to the detachment’s


a. Prepping the FOB for a VMU Detachment

In July 2011, VMU-3 was forward deployed to Camp Leatherneck,

Afghanistan. In preparation for the arrival of the detachment at the well established

facility, Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 272 utilized heavy equipment to flatten

the landing surface. The MWSS expeditionary airfield section then utilized aluminum to

reinforce surface of the runway. This process took 10 days. Following the arrival of the

VMU detachment, it was an additional three days of aircraft testing and area


Bush pilot experience in Alaska and research conducted for this thesis

shows that aircraft are able to use a wide variety of techniques to provide air support in

remote locations. One example is using shallow water landing techniques to reduce the

landing distance required.123 The Sherpa K650T is able to take off and land in half of the

distance required for an RQ-7B and does not require the establishment of a fixed runway

122 Samantha Herrington, “Marine UAVs Get New Home in Afghanistan,” July 13, 2011, http://www.marines.mil/unit/mcascherrypoint/Pages/MarineCorpsUAVsnewhomeAfghanistan.aspx#.T24rKXiPRg.

123 Jesurun and Sharpe, “Irregular Ware (IW) Aviation Lessons Learned in the Alaskan Bush.”

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to operate. The possibility exists that the four proposed aircraft could use the

expeditionary field established for the VMU and the associated FOB as one more hub to

utilize to support the distributed unit.

2. Utilizing Existing ISR Systems

To keep the VMLO aircraft economically feasible, the purpose is not to introduce

new technologies and capabilities within the military inventory. The introduction of an

additional aircraft within the military is a significant enough impact. Aircraft acquisitions

are plagued by costly airframe and system overruns that can delay the introduction for a

number of years, if not decades. Both the MV-22B and the F-35 are characteristic of the

delays experienced in acquiring the latest generation of aircraft. It is not the intent of the

VMLO to complicate the different number and types of systems available. Commonality

of payloads is necessity for the VMLO to be an effective cost alternative at the tactical


a. RQ-7B Shadow Payload

If an increase in the number of VMUs, equipped with the RQ-7B, is

sufficient enough for the Marines, then the first system to consider is the payload that the

Shadow currently uses. The Plug-in Optronic Payload (POP) 300D is a dual imagery

sensor that supports both Infra Red (IR) and Electro-Optical (EO) day night

operations.124 Built by Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), the POP-300D, is also

equipped with an eye safe Laser Rangefinder (LRF) and a Laser Designator (LD)

compatible with AGM-114 Hellfire operations.125 IAI offers a number of additional

sensor “slices” containing different sensors that can be switched in field conditions in just

minutes. The advertised cost for the system with Forward Looking infra Red (FLiR)

system and television (TV) is $260,000.

In addition to equipping land based UAVs and manned aircraft, IAI has

also developed the POP-300 family of sensors for shipboard use. In other words, the

124 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), NTTP 3-22.3-VMU. 125 Israeli Aerospace Industries, “POP Family,” 2002, http://www.iai.co.il/18688-16661-


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POP-300D is able to operate in the maritime environment typically very abusive on

sensitive electronic equipment. Integration of the marinized POP-300D would enhance a

seaplane’s role as a maritime PISR asset. When a P-8A is unavailable because of limited

numbers of acquisition or political pressures, a POP-300D equipped Cessna 208 or Quest

K100 could reduce the information gap within the AO.

b. Manned Aircraft Systems

FLiR Systems, Inc. has produced the BRITE STAR II target designation

system for a number of airborne and maritime aircraft and vessels. It is currently the

systems of choice for the UH-1Y and AH-1Z and ensures commonality on a critical piece

of equipment. In addition to the BRITE STAR II, FLiR is providing additional systems

and capabilities to the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the system

will be compatible with sister services and other NGOs operating within the AO.

In addition to the systems common to military aircraft, FLiR has

introduced a line al all digital, full high definition systems. The Star SAFIRE family of

interchangeable sensors utilizes common connectors, wires, gimbals and FLiR common

interface, which is a significant increase in capability to an organization looking to reduce

the PISR capability gap. In addition to the full digital capability, the sensors provide all

of the same capabilities as the BRITE STAR II systems.126

c. Emerging Capabilities

The Marines are not the only service experiencing a lack of organic

airborne ISR support. CANOPY is a proposed Joint Capability Technology

Demonstration (JCTD) attempting to reduce significantly the 1.6 percent ISR support rate

experienced by SOF forces in Afghanistan during November 2010.127 The intent of the

JCTD is to leverage Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS), COTS and an open architecture

network to create an ISR capability in one integrated system.

126 FLIR, “Star SAFIRE HD Systems,” (n.d.),

http://gs.flir.com/uploads/file/products/brochures/star_safire_hd_family.pdf. 127 Bruce Holmes, N833 Science and Technology Advisor and Special Program Analyst for

COMNAVSPECWARCOM, personal conversation with the author, February 15, 2012.

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CANOPY expects to utilize a number of systems on board the ARES II

UAS to provide for a number of mission capabilities that will meet ISR shortfalls. It plans

on utilizing the Harris Company family of Small Tactical Terminal (STT) Link 16

network nodes the SEA LANCET system for VHF/UHF communication relays over 100

nm using either the PRC-117G or PRC-152. To provide for full motion video (FMV), the

JCTD uses the STARFIRE 380HLD Sensor Ball from FLiR. Other initiatives call for the

use of Video Scout and National Security Agency certified Type-1 Secure Network

(SECNET) 54 Cryptographic Module (CMOD). Integration of these capabilities with

Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveforms (ANW2) and the VHF/UHF relays give the

ground commander HD FMV and SIGINT situational awareness. The application of

LINK 16 within the JCTD allows for digital (DCAS) utility.

Even though the focus of the CANOPY is geared to SOF applications, the

idea of utilizing a common payload to be used on an UAS is an added benefit when

considering PISR applications on a manned aircraft. It must be a lightweight payload. If

the weight is too heavy, it will have adverse effects on the UAV’s ability to reach altitude

and have adequate loiter capability. In other words, it would also be light enough for one

of the proposed aircraft to carry without affecting its useful load.

To save infrastructure and cost, commonality in parts is essential to any

new system being introduced. The Marines are looking for a common or baseline EO/IR

ball and are involved with the CANOPY JCTD. A common payload that users and

customers are familiar with would go a long way to reducing the PISR cap within the

military. The use of CANOPY within the VMLO aircraft would augment existing ISR

sensors within the Marine aviation community.


The ability to provide CAS and FAC(A) capabilities to the distributed unit is a

two-part process. CAS is the action taken by fixed and rotary wing aircraft against hostile

targets in close proximity to friendly forces. As a subset of the OAS function of Marine

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Aviation, it provides fires and force protection, and can directly or indirectly affect the

enemy’s center of gravity. CAS itself requires detailed integration and coordination with

fire and movement of the friendly forces.128

According to MCWP 3-2, a FAC(A) is “specifically trained and qualified aviation

officer who exercises control from the air of aircraft engaged in close air support of

ground troops.”129 As an extension of the Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) who is

trained and qualified to perform air reconnaissance, surveillance, terminal control of

aircraft as well as controlling artillery and naval surface gunfire. In addition to these

capabilities they are qualified and designated to act as radio relays within the AO.130

1. The FAC(A)

No argument exists that the ability to place an aircraft overheard for troops in

contact (TIC) has a value added. For this reason, FAC(A) designation exists within the

Marines. In addition to providing for fires, force protection and situational awareness, it

allows for the rapid application of firepower once the aircraft arrive on station. The

FAC(A) is able to apply aviation firepower at the time and place the ground commander

needs. It also determines the type and amount of ordnance that will best support the

developing ground scenario. When done properly, the FAC(A) is able to reduce the

workload on the ground commander who is busy fighting a much closer and personal

fight with the enemy.

128 Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), MCWP 3-2 Aviation Operations. 129 Ibid. 130 Ibid.

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Figure 18. Cessna O-2 Skymaster131

Depending on the aircraft being used, the FAC(A) was not intended to be a CAS

platform directly engaging the enemy. The O-1E and O-2 were armed with 2.75” White

Phosphorous (WP) rockets intended to mark the target for TGO132 but did not intend that

they would not conduct impromptu CAS missions. Some pilots carried a combination of

WP and high explosive (HE) rockets dependent on the immediacy and need for CAS.

Stories exist of some O-1E pilots using personal weapons against the enemy when no

tactical jet aircraft were available to provide for support.133 The larger and more powerful

OV-10 was equipped with internal guns and external hard-points for the use of 2.75 and

5” rockets with WP and HE.

a. Detailed Integration and Coordination

When the dedicated FAC(A) aircraft for the Marines is the two seat F/A-

18D, how is the ground commander able to achieve detailed integration and

131 Psywarrior.com, “The Psyop Role of the O-2B Aircraft in Vietnam, 02B Skymaster,” (n.d.),

http://www.psywarrior.com/02.html. 132 Robbins, The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America’s Secret War in Laos. 133 Hooper, A Hundred Feet Over Hell: Flying with the Men of the 220th Recon Airplane Company

Over I Corps and the DMZ, Vietnam 1968–1969.

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coordination? While video teleconferencing, chat functions and email are effective

methods of communication in a sympathetic electronic environment, it is vulnerable to

cyberwarfare operations aimed against U.S. military forces.

The VMLO is able to provide detailed integration and coordination by

providing a sustained presence with deployed conventional and SOF. Since the aircraft

are built for sustained remote operations in civilian applications, they can maintain their

presence in the field for extended periods that conventional squadrons cannot match.

They will utilize the performance of the aircraft to support locations that larger fixed

wing aircraft are unable to support. Decreased distance to the supported unit allows for an

aircraft to carry an increased amount of fuel or ordnance, either increasing the loiter time

of the aircraft or its ability to act as intermediate CAS platform until the more

conventional fixed or rotary wing aircraft can arrive. By co-locating with the supported

unit, it is conceivable that the supported and supporting unit will experience an increased

level of situational awareness and more timely level of support.

While the idea of co-location sounds like a common sense idea, it is an

idea that could use multiple metrics to either prove or disprove the theory. The

Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) has created the Remote Area

Air Mission (RAAM) to explore co-locating a Cessna 208 with a SOF organization

deploying to an active AO. CTTSO’s purpose is to evaluate the ability to operate and bed

down an aircraft in which the aircraft and environment are compatible. However, the

issue for CTTSO is the application of this capability with a distributed SOF organization.

Consideration for use within then GPF is an subject for a separate experiment.134

CENTCOM is currently investigating the same possibility with a more CAS oriented

aircraft in an alternative AO from CTTSO. The premise of both these experiments is that

a more cost effective way exists to provide light mobility, PISR and CAS/FAC(A)

capability in an asset limited environment.

134 CAPT Kenneth Klothe, USN (ret), e-mail message to the author, December 15, 2011.

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2. CAS

Keep It Simple Stupid. (KISS). When considering the integration of existing

small, precision-guided munitions for these proposed aircraft, the Marines must look no

further than existing systems. Within the military inventory, a number of weapons being

used to conduct CAS relevant to the considered aircraft are available. In some cases, the

weapons have been deployed aboard the specific type/model/series of aircraft or aircraft

similar to those considered in this thesis.

a. Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS)

British Aerospace and Defense Company (BAE Systems) has developed a

semi-active laser head for use on the existing USMC 2.75” rocket. It provides for a plug

and play compatibility that requires no additional remanufacturing of existing systems. It

is advertised as a field installation friendly systems that requires not additional

modifications for existing systems.135

In an environment of restrictive Rules of Engagement (ROE) in which

collateral damage can have operational and strategic propaganda impact, it provides

terminal guidance for a previously unguided missile system. It fires the legacy unguided

2.75” rockets from existing launchers compatible with fixed and rotary wing aircraft, as

well as unmanned vehicles. It is compatible with existing laser designators that

maximizes accuracy, combined with a low yield warhead, to reduce costly collateral


135 BAE Systems, Products, “Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS),” (n.d.),


136 BAE Systems, “APKWS, Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System WGU-59/B,” (n.d.), http://www.baesystems.com/cs/groups/public/documents/document/mdaw/mdqw/~edisp/baes_027114.pdf.

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Figure 19. APKWS System on the AT-6C137

b. AGM-175 Griffin

Raytheon has developed its own precision guided missile system for use

aboard a wide variety of aircraft. It is advertised as an air and ground launched system for

precise, low collateral damage engagements.138 Griffin A is the aircraft deployed model.

It has been used aboard the Marines KC-130J Harvest Hawk gunships. The Harvest

Hawk has utilized it from the rear ramp of the aircraft as a free fall launched weapon. It is

also capable of forward firing from a wide range of aircraft. It has been certified for use

on the KC-130J, MC-130W, MQ-1 Predator, MQ-8 Fire Scout, MQ-9 Reaper as well the

OH-58D as a test platform.139

The system itself weighs 33 lbs and is 42” in length. Raytheon advertises a

12.5-mile range when used from an aircraft. The 13 lb fragmentation warhead maximizes

137 RP Defense, “APKWS Scores Successful 1st Time Demo on Fixed-Wing Aircraft in Record

Time,” February 21, 2012, http://rpdefense.over-blog.com/article-apkws-scores-successful-1st-time-demo-on-fixed-wing-aircraft-in-record-time-99837718.html.

138 Raytheon, “Raytheon Missile Systems Griffin® Real-Time Attack System,” (n.d.), http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/griffin/index.html.

139 Ibid.

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effect while minimizing collateral damage. The capability to receive geo-coordinates

from UAVs and other aircraft can eliminate the need for the operator to find the target

and engage from a BLOS position.140

Figure 20. AGM-175 Griffin Small Tactical Munition141

c. AGM-114 Hellfire

Hellfire was first built in 1978. It was designed as short-range, laser or

radar guided air to ground missile systems. Since 1978, it has undergone a number of

design changes and advancements. It has been utilized on a number of different platforms

over the years. First used on The AH-64 Apache and AH-1W, it has been adapted to

additional helicopters and aircraft. The Marines currently use the AGM-114K from their

helicopters and KC-130J Harvest Hawk.142

The AGM-114K is a Hellfire II missile first developed in 1994. It weighs

in at 100 lbs with a length of 64”. It has a range of 9,000 m. The -114K was initially

developed for the Navy and the Marines. It was finally adopted for use with all of the

140 Raytheon, “Raytheon Missile Systems Griffin® Real-Time Attack System.” 141 Defense Update, “Griffin Small Tactical Munition (STM),” 2011, http://defense-

update.com/products/g/31122010_griffin_sgm.html. 142 Boeing, History, “AGM-114A HELLFIRE Missile,” (n.d.),


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services. The -114P is a variant of the -114K that has been optimized for use with high

altitude UAVs.143 ATK has modified the AC-208 to fit two -114K’s from underneath the

wing and has been in use with the Iraqi Air Force.

Figure 21. AGM-114K Attached to a Cessna AC-208144


The current environment in Iraq and Afghanistan has been user friendly to UAV

operations. Little opposition has occurred to the air superiority that the United States has

been able to achieve. The threat of sophisticated IADS is non-existent.Nevertheless, this

does not mean that U.S. forces have not faced a threat from MANPADS and optically

guided heavy caliber threats. However, the predominant threat within these AOs is a

limited number of MANPADS and an overabundance of small caliber infantry weapons

that pose little to no threat to manned and unmanned aircraft providing for light mobility,

PISR and CAS/FAC(A) missions.145

The increasing dependence on UAVs has not faced a significant challenge in the

electronic spectrum from a more sophisticated enemy, such as China. Little to no

countermeasures have been used against UAVs, and the satellites and networks that

support their operations. If there is to be a lesson learned from the past decade, it is that

143 Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, AGM-114, “Boeing/Lockheed Martin (Rockwell/Martin Marietta) AGM-114 Hellfire,” June 23, 2009, http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-114.html.

144 ATK, ATK’S Caravan FID Family: ISR, Training and Light Attack Presentation, 2008. 145 Bluth, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS).

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the way the United States operates and depends on the utility of UAVS has been widely

studied and disseminated throughout the world by its enemies. It has also created a false

sense of security that the UAV will always be a viable option in a more volatile and

disputed environment.

The Marines continue to face force protection issues while operating in

Afghanistan. The country is dominated by small Taliban organizations in a heavily

entrenched COIN environment. The FOBs are heavily defended to prevent an individual

attack, and the military is consistently looking for ways to remove vulnerable convoys

from the roads to prevent IED attacks. However, they have not faced a more conventional

force looking to decimate their forces and dominate the terrain that they occupy. As the

VMU becomes more important, the numbers of detachments increases. They are a large

unit dependent on a large logistics network to move them about the battlefield. While

they are on the move, they leave the supported units without their PISR capability. In a

less static environment, the time and energy required to breakdown and set up their

equipment could be problematic at best and impossible if the supported unit is constantly

on the move.

The Marines continue to attempt to do more with less. It has become unofficial in

the Marine Corps over many decades. It is an institutional idea that stretching the utility

of a resource is a better option than identifying a solution that could reduce the wear and

tear on and preserve costly assets in a fiscally constrained time. Use of the KC-130J as a

modular gunship is an innovative idea. However, it draws focus of the purpose of the

aircraft away from providing for assault support and aerial refueling and places a

premium on its ability to act as a CAS platform. It does not make sense to purchase a

modular capability for $22 million per system at the expense of TACAIR and air mobility

operations that reduce the miles driven over IED-infested roads.

The proposed light mobility aircraft can help close this gap. It will maximize its

utility by integrating baseline EO/IR systems already in use by the Marines. The

CANOPY concept would enable a modular system that can be scaled to the needs of the

supported unit quickly and inexpensively to be used on the aircraft with little effect on

useful load. By basing the aircraft in close proximity or directly with the support unit,

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they would achieve an overhead presence tailored to their specific needs by aircrew

intimately familiar with the tactical situation. In a contested electronic environment, they

could utilize LOS and BLOS VHF/UHF communications to feed FMV and digital

information to the supported unit.

In an environment experiencing active AAW operations, a manned aircraft has

several advantages over its UAV counterpart. First, it is equipped with advanced active

countermeasures. Current UAVs are not equipped with either chaff or flare dispensers or

countermeasures.146 Second, UAVs operate autonomously in established search tracks to

optimize the performance of their sensors. The enemy has been watching and evaluating

these operations for over a decade. Manned aircraft can vary altitude, airspeeds and flight

paths for weather, threats, and developing situations to support the distributed units more


146 Bluth, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS).

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The next decade will present the Marines with many challenges. They are faced

with a reduction in their annual budget. From a total of 202,000 Marines, they must

reduce their active force to 182,000 Marines. As the OIF and OEF come to an end by

2014, they must realign their forces, doctrine and equipment to support the new national

strategy and operate across a distributed environment. In addition to these challenges,

they face the acquisition and integration of new aircraft, such as the F-35B and CH-53K,

and the elimination of legacy aircraft like the CH-53D/E, AV-8B and the F/A-18B/D.

Faced with the costly overruns and delays experienced by each of them, the Marines will

be forced to support an increase in support missions to distributed units with a legacy

fleet defined by high operating costs, dwindling numbers of aircraft and a declining

readiness rate.

Consideration and creation of the proposed VMLO is not the cure all for the

challenges of the future. However, it is a cost effective alternative to reducing the light

mobility, PISR and CAS/FAC(A) gap for the next 10 to 15 years. It offers an ability to

provide remote locations with the flexibility of the MAGTF that supported units have

come to expect. The Marines spend a significant sum of money to train their aircrew and

maintain their currency and proficiency. The VMLO, and the supported units, would

benefit from the sustained presence of the aircrew and the aircraft. Leveraging STOL

capabilities and utilizing the skills learned in the back country of Alaska could bring a

timely and effective method of air support in areas the size of the South China Sea and

Africa. It would leave the more conventional aircraft and organizations to focus their

talents and capabilities against a more defined, conventional foe.


The idea of the VMLO is simply an update to the VMO concept used so

effectively by the Marines from World War II through Desert Storm. It depends on a

modular and scalable application of detachments to support the specific needs of the

supported unit. Utility of the squadron rests on a decentralized command and control

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function from higher headquarters. It depends on a small command element to manage

the administrative and maintenance needs of the deployed aircrew and aircraft, which

reduces the costly administrative overhead that would push proven commercial operators

like Kenmore Air out of business. The aircrew is given the ability to focus on flying and

fighting their aircraft as an integral part of the supported unit’s ground scheme of


The South China Sea is not the only location that the model of the VMLO has

applicability. It has applicability across a large spectrum of possible areas of conflict. The

South China Sea has been used to demonstrate the size and complexity of the AO. The

offensive capability of China has the ability to deny large conventional naval forces

access. Operations in northern Africa face many of the same challenges when considering

distance, response time and number of aircraft available to support. Project RAAM is

evaluating the same capability and requirement for distributed units within AFRICOM.

As of October 2011, SOF forces within AFRICOM face significant challenges to

achieving a persistent light mobility, ISR and CAS/FAC(A) presence. A C-130 request

takes 35 days of notice. AFSOC NSAV planning requires a minimum of 48 hours notice.

JSOAC only provides four aircraft to support the entire continent of Africa. In addition to

the limited number of aircraft, JSOAC-A NSAV units will only land at a site that has a

site survey completed prior to use.147

While the AFRICOM operations are SOF specific missions, the new national

strategy is calling for an increased presence of more conventional forces to support SOF.

If the Marines experience a change in roles and are more closely aligned with SOF, as

CMC has called for, it is very possible they will operate extensively in this area.

Increasing the number of units will only increase demand for responsive air support.

It is recommended that the Marines evaluate the utility of a VMLO to fill the

existing capability gap to allow more conventional units to focus on returning to the

challenges of operating aboard amphibious shipping. Additional NPS research should

focus on the manpower impact and organization of two VMLOs within the Marines. NPS

147 CAPT Kenneth Klothe, USN (ret), e-mail message to the author, November 21, 2011.

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has an existing relationship with CTTSO and Project RAAM. The evaluation of their

experiment in AFRICOM would provide many answers to the utility and viability of co-

locating COTS aircraft with distributed units. It is an excellent opportunity for NPS to

remain relevant in the evaluation of these aircraft in the COIN/IW arena, even for

conventional forces.


Project research took three experienced military aviators and immersed them in

the basic skills required to operate the types of proposed aircraft in remote locations.

Currency and proficiency training have significant impact on the fiscal budget of each.

Considering the high operating costs of existing aircraft, an hour of flight is costly when

compared with the training and operating costs experienced by the three researchers.

When compared to initial training and qualification in existing aircraft, the

training of the researchers had significant cost savings. In 46.5 hours of flight, they

achieved six individual ratings and endorsem*nts for a cost of $17,600. The cost of one

hour of MV-22B flight time is $19,100 as a function of just flying. When the

administrative overhead cost is added to the operating cost, an hour of MV-22B flight

time is in excess of $34,000.

It is possible to train experienced military aviators to fly civilian aircraft of

different configurations in remote locations. AFSOC has been demonstrating this

capability for a number of years. However, AFSOC NSAV as a community and the

military as an institution have remained closed to applying this unique capability to the

U.S. military. They remain convinced that the only utility of this capability is for FID and

BPC. Significant resistance remains to the discussion of using these skills and aircraft for

conventional U.S. military forces. A more adequate evaluation of the type of training,

time to train and cost would have been possible if the AFSOC community and the USAF

as an institution were to take this capability more seriously.

It is recommended that the Marines take a close look at how AFSOC NSAV units

organize, train and deploy COTS aircraft in support of FID and BPC missions. Evaluate

what benefits that the Air Force believes that pilots trained to operate in this environment

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bring to the service. They must then be able to look at the future of distributed units and

an aging legacy fleet and apply the lessons learned in the development of a VMLO that

leverages pilots operating STOL aircraft in a distributed environment. In addition,

AFSOC in general and the Air Force specifically, must openly discuss the capabilities

and advantages that their NSAV units bring in a distributed environment and not treated

as a secret to keep from a sister service to protect their piece of the budgetary pie.


Rapid technology development and application has increased the number and

types of manned and unmanned aircraft that can support ISR and CAS applications. By

adopting a baseline EO/IR system and applying it to the proposed aircraft, combined with

their forward deployed nature, the Marines have the ability to close the existing PISR

capability gap. Since they are used aboard existing UAV,s they are able to integrate

seamlessly within the existing networks and provide the desired last tactical mile of

support to the distributed unit. When faced with a challenging electronic environment,

manned aircraft can provide that essential communications relay and LOS FMV and

digital communications so essential to operations.

The same can also be said for integrating existing small tactical munitions

currently being used aboard manned and unmanned aircraft. Retrofitting an aircraft with

any of the mentioned weapon systems is a very real possibility as the AC-208 conversion

has shown. Operations of Griffin from the cargo ramp of the KC-130J may be no

different than from the cargo door of one of the proposed aircraft. If that is not applicable,

the A model is compatible with forward firing operations from an aircraft, which brings

that desired CAS capability to the lowest supported or distributed unit.

The ability to provide the capability is proven. Additional research on the actual

cost and process to install both the EO/IR sensors and the weapons systems would be the

next logical step, which would require coordination with the aircraft manufacturers and a

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commercial company like ATK to evaluate properly. It is a necessary piece of

information not within the scope of this research. The cost of the modifications is

necessary to give a more precise cost to the proposed aircraft.


The ultimate purpose of this research was to consider what type of aircraft would

be best for a proposed light mobility aircraft able to fulfill the light mobility, PISR and

CAS/FAC(A) capability gap. Each of the four aircraft is capable aircraft with solid STOL

capabilities while providing a significant useful load applicable to distributed units.

Initially, research focused on providing for one aircraft to fill the possible

missions for the VMLO. However, this concept continues to feed the do more with less

mentality within the Marines and the military. A combination of aircraft will allow for

each aircraft to fit a specific and well defined niche to augment existing conventional

aircraft. Training has proven aircrews are capable of mastering different

type/model/series of aircraft. The fact that the aircraft are relatively unsophisticated

means they do not require the extensive training and orientation associated with a MV-

22B or AC-130. It also allows for a more responsive structure to the environment and

needs of the supported unit. It should consist of one type of proposed tri-cycle gear

aircraft and one type of proposed tailwheel configured aircraft. The reason is that the

proposed tailwheel equipped aircraft provided additional performance advantages that

could enhance the type and amount of direct air support that the VMLO could advertise

and provide.

1. Cessna 208

The Cessna 208 is the aircraft that ought to be acquired as the primary light

mobility, PISR and CAS/FAC(A) aircraft. Although the Quest K100 and the Cessna 208

are similar in physical appearance, the 208 offers several advantages in both performance

and compatibility with the U.S. military that would save time and money over the

acquisition cycle.

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The first factor is that the aircraft meets all but one of the AMC CRFI

requirements for a light mobility aircraft. It has a proven ISR and CAS capable variant in

the AC-208. Modification of the avionics for dual BLOS, encrypted VHF/UHF radios

can easily be accomplished with systems like the AN/PRC-152 or the ARC-210 radio

currently in use with conventional military aircraft. It is also important to note that 208 is

presently an approved aircraft within the military, which reduces overall costs when

considering aircraft evaluation, acceptance and aircrew training. Flight Safety now

handles the initial training and qualification of crews assigned to the U-27A.148

The second factor is that the aircraft outperforms the K100 in all but a few

performance factors. With a useful load of 4,680 lbs, it has a 910 lb advantage over the

K100’s 3,770 lb useful load. While the K100 has a range advantage over the 208 of 117

nm (58.5 nm radius of action), the 208 has a three knot cruise advantage with a capacity

for 14 passengers compared to the K100’s eight passenger capacity. While the K100 has

a distance of 1,212’ over a 50’ obstacle, the discussion of a more capable tailwheel

aircraft in combination with the 208 will make clear why this was not a major

consideration. Also, considering the number of unimproved runways, sufficient distance

for the heavier 208 to operate in exists.

The third factor for choosing the 208 is that the aircraft is available in a larger

quantity than the K100. Cessna has overproduced more than 2,000 208s compared to the

60 K100s produced for Quest. The popularity and utility of the 208 secure the aircraft’s

production for the foreseeable future. Over time, with an increase in orders and a more

secure commercial market, Quest may become more competitive with the numbers of

aircraft produced and production rate. However, it may take a period of time to meet the

demand placed on them by the introduction of the K100 into the U.S. military.

2. Quest K650T

The first question to answer is why the decision to include two type/model/series

of aircraft within the VMLO. The Cessna 208 is the 80 percent solution when advocating

a STOL aircraft capable of true remote off airport operations. It gives access to a majority

148 Maj Andrew Jett, personal conversation with the author, January 5, 2012.

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of unimproved airfields within future AOs like the South China Sea and northern Africa.

It can even take advantage of a number of airfields of opportunity, hastily identified by

the supported unit and capable of matching the aircrafts performance factors. However, it

does not answer all the questions about where the VMLO can support a distributed unit

operating far from home in a very remote location with limited options for airfields and

landing zones.

First, in contradiction to one of the very reasons that the 208 was chosen, the

K650T is not available in large numbers. Nor does it enjoy an established production

facility that even matches the capability of Quest or Pilatus aircraft companies. However,

the performance of the aircraft can provide for that last tactical mile and provide the

missing piece for true off airport operations. It is viable because the 208 can be the 80

percent solution until the aircraft is available in sufficient numbers to support VMLO

operations. The K650T can be introduced in stages to forward deployed detachments as it

becomes available.

Future research should focus on three aspects of developing the K650T. The first

aspect should be on the impact on design modifications during the design and production

phases. Since the aircraft is relatively new, it is possible for the military to have more

direct access to the process for modifications. The second is the cost and ability to expand

the capability of the production facility and how long that process would take. The final

aspect is to consider just how many aircraft would be needed, how long the production

would take, and the impact on cost and availability.

The Pilatus PC-6 has a long history with organizations like Air America and

Continental Air Service. The U.S. military has used the aircraft for FID and BPC

missions. However, it is simply outperformed in by the K650T. It has an advantage of

passenger capacity over the k650T when comparing its 10 passengers vs. the K650T’s


However, the PC-6 cannot compare to the demonstrated STOL capability of the

K650T. At maximum gross weight, the aircraft can take off in under 300’ compared to

the 1413’ required for the PC-6 over a 50’ obstacle. The K650T can also land in less than

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400’ compared to the maximum landing distance of 1330’ of the PC-6. When considering

providing off airport operations to close the last tactical mile, it is essential to minimize

the maximum take off and landing distance while maximizing the number of passengers

and cargo weight.

With a range of 1,091 nm and a cruise airspeed of 174 KIAS, the K650 far

exceeds the PC-6’s range of 870 nm with a cruise airspeed of 199 KIAS. Considering the

importance of distance and the ability to traverse a large AO, speed and distance,

combined with landing and take off performances, makes the K650 a clear favorite. The

performance and the endless possibilities that the aircraft can provide to the VMLO make

it well worth the time and cost required to develop its production infrastructure. It would

certainly have a significant chance of beating the Initial Operating Capability (IOC) of

2018 for the CH-53K.


Over the next 10 to 15 years, the capabilities within the proposed VMLO and

their aircraft would provide significant light mobility, PISR, CAS and FAC(A) services

to distributed units. Events in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown that UAVs have made

significant advances; however, they are not a substitute for manned aircraft overhead

troops in contact. The fact that both the Air Force and Army have purchased turbine

aircraft to provide more timely flexible responses speaks volumes about the UAV’s

limitations. Global Hawk was cancelled because it was more expensive to operate than

the legacy manned U-2. Delays, cost overruns and uncertainty over what models of the F-

35 the Marines will use are jeopardizing their ability to provide organic CAS to units.

1. Rapid Response

Manned aircraft provide for a rapid response to the needs of the ground

component. Since they are built for specific conditions, they require very little of the

maintenance overhead experienced by existing rotary wing aircraft. They have significant

performance abilities over the KC-130J and the C-17 when considering remote area and

off airport operations. They do not require a communications link for mission execution

that can span thousands of miles and require several layers of approval authority before

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being reassigned a mission. UAVs are built for extended duration missions. They

sacrifice performance for fuel to loiter for hours, which means they can do essentially

two missions, ISR and CAS. A manned aircraft can do that and more with a simple radio

call and on the fly rapid mission planning by the aircrew flying the aircraft.

2. Flexibility

Detached units are modular and scalable to best support the unit they are assigned

to or the area in which they are operating. They are a utility squadron equipped with

utility aircraft. Each aircrew is trained to fly both types of aircraft and associated

missions. Aircraft performance will vary, mission skills will not. It is possible for a pilot

to fly a fixed gear aircraft one day and a seaplane configured aircraft the next day. That

same crew may start off flying a PISR/CAS/FAC(A) mission but rapidly change to a

CASEVAC mission mid-flight without delay or endangering the injured Marine. An

UAV is unable to meet that flexibility now or in the near future. It brings the ACE

mission flexibility to distributed units as the ACE assets are being rapidly overwhelmed

with support requests.

3. Affordable

At $2,000,000 a copy, the proposed aircraft are significant cost savings when

compared to existing aircraft. Since they are already in production and some are already

used by the military, research and development costs are minimal and should not

significantly affect unit price. The same can also be said for integration of sensors and

weapons systems. The most significant costs should be the integration of systems on the

aircraft themselves, which should be mitigated by the number of commercial

organizations, such as ATK, that does this work on the aircraft already.

The physical cost of one unit of either the Caravan or the Sherpa is $2,000,000,

which is the same cost of a Predator. However, the two aircraft do not have the additional

costs of Control Vans, radar guidance units and the large number of personnel required to

operate the Predator. They are fractions of the cost of a MV-22, CH-53K or F-35. As the

F-35 is further delayed, partner countries continue to reevaluate their purchases of

aircraft. As they modify or cancel orders, it causes an increase in the unit price that the

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U.S. military must pay. The Marines have already reduced the number of aircraft being

purchased from 600 to fewer than 400 airframes to replace its entire fleet of AV-8Bs,

F/A-18s and EA-6Bs.

4. Use of Personnel and Systems

In the end, the VMLO organization should focus on having a larger number of

pilots than administrative personnel. The current VMM has 28 pilots assigned. It also has

three additional officers for medical, maintenance and intelligence functions. It has 171

enlisted personnel assigned to support those 10 MV-22Bs and 28 pilots. Dividing the

number of pilots by enlisted Marines results in a 6.1 to 1 ratio of enlisted Marine to pilot,

which is a significant overhead cost to operations.

It should be composed of two types of aircraft to provide options for modular and

scalable operations to distributed units. The use of two aircraft will prevent an aircraft

being tasked with more missions than originally designed for and at a cost to the

TACAIR assets it is meant to support, such as the Harvest Hawk KC-130J. Finally, it

must take advantage of existing targeting systems, weapons systems and networks to

integrate fully within the MAGTF structure.

In the end, until the Marines are able to support distributed operations materially

and technologically, the use of low cost, low technology manned aircraft is a significant

alternative solution for the existing capabilities gap. They are not a permanent solution. It

is a solution that makes the best use of dwindling finances, existing trained personnel and

aircraft, as well as allows for responsive, flexible, and affordable support for troops in


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.