KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (2024)

KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & EunwolRemaster

June 9, 2024MaxLeave a commentGo to comments

The test world was updated a couple hours after the showcase, with the first iteration of the Aran and Eunwol remasters! It’s just the skill changes, nothing else. The next test world patch will be this Thursday, and will contain more changes as well as the various events we’re going to get the week after in the official server.

Similar to what happened with the Angelic Buster remaster, I think I’m just going to translate the patch notes as-is (with some additions and fixes, I noticed that Nexon did miss some changes so I included those where I noticed them) and then for the official server patch, I’ll do full skill translations to make it easier to understand.

  • Aran Remaster
    • Beginner
    • 1st Job
    • 2nd Job
    • 3rd Job
    • 4th Job
    • Hyper
    • 5th Job
    • V Core Changes
    • 6th Job
  • Eunwol Remaster
    • Common
    • Beginner
    • 1st Job
    • 2nd Job
    • 3rd Job
    • 4th Job
    • Hyper
    • 5th Job
    • V Core Changes
    • 6th Job
KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (5)
KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (6)


  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (7) Regained Memory:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The movement speed boost has been removed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (9) Combat Step:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The movement speed boost has been increased from 15 to 25.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (11) Back to Rien:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (12) Combo Kill Advantage:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.

[Back to Overview]

1st Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (16) Smash Swing:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The master level has been increased from 10 to 15.
    • You can now use Smash Swing while in the air.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (18) Final Charge: [Master Level: 10]
    Quickly move forwards and push enemies in front of you. Certain monsters will resist being pushed.
    [Activation Command: ↓→/↓← + Attack Key]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    • [Level 10]
      Consumes 20 MP. Move forwards and deal 200% damage on up to 6 enemies.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (20) Final Toss: [Master Level: 10]
    Jump by launching multiple enemies into the air. Certain monsters will resist being launched.
    When used on the ground, you can use it up to 2 times consecutively. When activated with the Command, the jump height is increased.
    [Activation Command: ↑ + Attack Key]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    • [Level 10]
      Consumes 20 MP. Launch up to 6 enemies into the air and deal 200% damage.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (21) Pave: [Master Level: 10]
    Build up the foundations of a warrior to increase defense, attack, and critical rate.
    • [Level 10]
      200 defense, 20 attack, 10% critical rate.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (22) Smash Wave:
    • This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (23) Body Pressure:
    • This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

2nd Job

  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (24) Combo Ability: [Master Level: 19]
    Realize the power of Combos to engage in skillful combat.
    Combo will increase automatically every few seconds and when your own directly attacking skills hit an enemy.
    Based on the stacked Combo Count, increases attack and movement speed. Permanently increases critical rate and Stance.
    Required Skill: Level 15 Smash Swing.
    Level 19 of this skill is required to learn the 3rd job skills ‘Advanced Combo Ability’, ‘Adrenaline Boost’, and ‘Adrenaline Boost Activate’.
    • [Level 19]
      When your own directly attacking skills hit an enemy, acquire Combo equal to the attack’s number of hits.
      When your Combo is 1 or higher, acquire 10 Combo every 5 seconds.
      For every 50 Combo Count, increases your attack by 2 and movement speed by 3. These boosts can stack up to 10 times.
      [Passive Effect: 20% critical rate, 50% Stance]
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (26) Beyonder: [Master Level: 20]
    Maha draws out Aran’s strength together to sweep away enemies in front of you. Aran’s technique takes the form of the legendary divine beast, the Black Tortoise.
    Required Skill: Level 1 Combo Ability.
    Level 20 of this skill is required to learn the 3rd job skill ‘Beyonder Mastery I’.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 20 MP. Deals 110% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.
      Additional 30% critical rate.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (28) Drain:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (30) Snow Charge:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (32) Final Attack:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (33) Rolling Spin: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (34) Dynamic Mastery I: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (35) Swing Studies 1: This skill has been removed.

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3rd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (36) Advanced Combo Ability:
    • This skill now always applies Combo Ability’s stacked effect at the maximum value.
    • The master level has been decreased from 10 to 1. You will now instantly learn this skill after completing the 3rd job advancement.
    • The critical rate boost has been removed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (39) Frozen Ground: [Master Level: 20]
    With Maha’s power, summon a polearm filled with the bitter cold that creates frozen ground for a certain period of time. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
    [Activation Command: ↓ + Attack Key]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 35 MP. 60 second duration.
      Deals 250% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies intermittently.
      Cooldown: 60 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (41) Judgement:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The Command Activation effect and DoT application effect have been removed.
    • The ↑↓ + Attack Key command has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (43) Blessing Maha:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (47) Adrenaline Boost:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (48) During Adrenaline Boost, an Ice Wave will now be created that deals 350% damage 2 times on up to 7 nearby enemies continuously.
    • The feature where Aran’s attacking skills, other than Boost End/summons/additional hit skills, had increased damage, number of hits, and number of enemies hit during Adrenaline Boost has been removed.
    • The feature where Aran’s attacking skills’ damage was increased has been removed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (50) Adrenaline Boost Activate:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The master level has been increased from 1 to 20. The skill level will be shared with Adrenaline Boost.
    • The Combo applied if you do not activate Adrenaline Boost during the given activation time has been decreased from 800 to 600.
    • When Adrenaline Boost ends, the Combo will be reset to 0.
    • A feature has been added where after Adrenaline Boost ends, the Combo will be refunded based on the number of times your own directly attacking skills hit an enemy during Adrenaline Boost.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (53) Beyonder Mastery I: [Master Level: 20]
    Beyonder is enhanced by resonating more with Maha to draw out more of Aran’s power. Through Aran’s strengthened technique, Beyonder is enhanced and takes the form of the legendary divine beasts, the Black Tortoise and the Vermillion Bird.
    Required Skill: Level 20 Beyonder.
    Level 20 of this skill is required to learn the 4th job skill ‘Beyonder Mastery II’.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 25 MP. Attacks up to 6 enemies.
      By pressing the skill key, you can attack up to 2 times consecutively.
      Beyonder – Black Tortoise: Deals 200% damage 5 times.
      Beyonder – Vermillion Bird: Deals 205% damage 5 times.
      Additional 60% critical rate.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (54) Might:
    • The master level has been increased from 10 to 20.
    • This skill now also increases critical rate by 20% and boss damage by 15%.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (55) High Defense: [Master Level: 20]
    By learning more solid defensive techniques, decrease damage taken from enemies and increase max HP, defense, and Stance.
    • [Level 20]
      Decrease damage taken from enemies by 40%.
      20% HP, 300 defense, 50% Stance.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (56) Aero Swing: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (57) Final Blow: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (58) Gathering Catcher: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

4th Job

  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (63) Adrenaline Maximum: [Master Level: 30]
    You can fully use the Combo’s power and Maha’s power, surpassing Adrenaline Boost’s limits.
    In Adrenaline Boost Mode, when you hit an enemy with a certain number of attacks, you will enter Hyper Awakening Mode where Maha’s power is fully unleashed.
    In Hyper Awakening Mode, you can use Hyper Boost End skills and Maha’s power will become a Golden Flash of Light that additionally attacks enemies.
    Adrenaline Boost’s duration is not affected by Hyper Awakening’s duration.
    Hyper Awakening Mode is not affected by buff duration increasing effects.
    Required Skill: Level 20 Adrenaline Boost.
    Level 30 of this skill is required to learn the Hyper skill ‘Hyper Boost End – Last Stand’.
    • [Level 30]
      In Adrenaline Boost Mode, when you hit enemies with an attack 15 times, enter Hyper Awakening Mode.
      Hyper Awakening: 5 second duration. You can use Hyper Boost End skills. When you use directly attacking skills, activate a Golden Flash of Light every 1.2 seconds.
      Golden Flash of Light: Deals 650% damage 10 times on up to 12 enemies.
      Reactivation cooldown: 180 seconds. Hyper Awakening’s reactivation cooldown will be displayed as Adrenaline Boost Activate’s border.
      [Passive Effect: Ice Wave’s damage is increased by 320%p.]
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (66) Boost End – Hunters Targeting:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The feature where charging the skill would increase the damage has been removed.
    • The feature where you would rush to an enemy when this skill is cast has been removed.
    • The feature where you could adjust the attack angle using the up/down arrow keys has been removed.
    • The number of strikes has been increased from 7 to 10.
    • The damage has been decreased from 1070% to 990%.
    • The maximum number of enemies hit has been increased from 1 to 10.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (69) Glacial Prison: [Master Level: 30]
    Condense an immense coldness into the Polearm in an instant to bind enemies’ movements. Enemies hit will resist being bound by Glacial Prison and other skills for 90 seconds.
    [Activation Command: ↑↓ + Attack Key]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 110 MP. Deals 480% damage 8 times on up to 12 enemies.
      Enemies hit will be bound for 10 seconds.
      The bind duration will be increased by up to 100% based on the damage that Glacial Prison dealt to the enemy.
      Cooldown: 180 seconds.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (73) Beyonder Mastery II: [Master Level: 30]
    Beyonder is enhanced by further resonating with Maha to greatly draw out Aran’s power. Beyonder is enhanced once more and Aran’s technique takes the form of the legendary divine beasts, the Black Tortoise, the Vermillion Bird, and the Azure Dragon.
    Required Skill: Level 20 Beyonder Mastery I.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 40 MP. Attacks up to 6 enemies.
      By pressing the skill key, you can attack up to 3 times consecutively.
      Beyonder – Black Tortoise: Deals 380% damage 5 times.
      Beyonder – Vermillion Bird: Deals 395% damage 5 times.
      Beyonder – Azure Dragon: Deals 410% damage 5 times.
      Additional 100% critical rate and 30% defense ignore.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (74) High Mastery:
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (75) Swift Move:
    • The master level has been decreased from 30 to 10.
    • The damage boost to Final Charge, Final Toss, and Judgement has been increased from 60%p to 140%p.
    • A feature has been added where Frozen Ground’s damage is increased by 250%p and Smash Swing’s damage is increased by 600%p.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (76) Cleaving Attack: [Master Level: 30]
    Through neverending effort, increase defense ignore and damage.
    • [Level 30]
      40% defense ignore, 30% damage.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (77) Advanced Final Attack:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The damage has been increased from 85% to 180%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (78) Boost End – Storm of Fear: This skill has been removed.

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  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (79) Frozen Ground – Reinforce: [Required Level: 140] [Master Level: 1]
    Frozen Ground’s damage is increased by 20%.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (80) Frozen Ground – Extra Target: [Required Level: 150] [Master Level: 1]
    Frozen Ground’s maximum number of enemies hit is increased by 2.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (81) Frozen Ground – Persist: [Required Level: 180] [Master Level: 1]
    Frozen Ground’s duration is increased by 10 seconds.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (82) Boost End – Reinforce: [Required Level: 140] [Master Level: 1]
    Boost End and Hyper Boost End skills’ damage is increased by 30%.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (83) Boost End – Ignore Guard: [Required Level: 165] [Master Level: 1]
    Boost End and Hyper Boost End skills’ defense ignore is increased by 20%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (84) Adrenaline Boost – Persist:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (85) Beyonder – Reinforce:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (86) Beyonder – Bonus Attack:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (87) Beyonder – Ignore Guard:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (90) Maha’s Grace: [Required Level: 140] [Master Level: 1]
    The Polearm Spirit Maha creates a powerful shield that nullifies enemies’ attacks.
    • [Level 1]
      Consumes 100 MP. 2 seconds of invincibility.
      Cooldown: 60 seconds.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (94) Hyper Boost End – Last Stand: [Required Level: 160] [Master Level: 1]
    With the unwavering will of a hero, unleash blows engraved with Maha’s power.
    This skill can only be used 1 time in Hyper Awakening Mode.
    Required Skill: Level 30 Adrenaline Maximum.
    • [Level 1]
      Consumes 500 MP. By pressing the skill key, you can attack up to 3 times consecutively.
      1st Attack: Activate 5 strikes that deal 1400% damage 10 times on up to 12 enemies.
      2nd Attack: Activate 5 strikes that deal 1400% damage 10 times on up to 12 enemies.
      3rd Attack: Activate 7 strikes that deal 2500% damage 13 times on up to 15 enemies.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (96) Hero’s Oath:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (97)Swing – Reinforce: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (98) Swing – Boss Killer: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (99) Swing – Afterimage Reinforce: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (100) Storm of Fear – Extra Target: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (101) Hunters Targeting – Reinforce: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (102) Adrenaline Generator: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (103) Maha’s Domain: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

5th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (105) Brandish Maha:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The damage has been decreased from 1200% to 1100% at level 25.
    • The number of hits has been decreased from 15 to 8.
    • The number of strikes has been increased from 2 to 6.
    • This skill has been changed so that a 50% cooldown reduction effect is applied when you are not in Adrenaline Boost or Hyper Awakening mode.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (107) Final Beyonder – White Tiger: [Master Level: 30]
    Beyonder becomes complete as Maha’s power fully inhabits the Polearm. Aran’s technique takes the form of the legendary divine beasts, the Black Tortoise, the Vermillion Bird, the Azure Dragon, and the White Tiger.
    After using Beyonder’s 3rd attack, you can use Beyonder again. You cannot be knocked back by any enemy attacks while using this skill.
    Required Skill: Level 30 Beyonder Mastery II.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 200 MP. Deals 815% damage 7 times on up to 10 enemies.
      Additional 100% critical rate and 50% defense ignore.
      This skill can be used after using Beyonder’s 3rd attack.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (109) Blizzard Tempest:
    • The skill effect when cast has been changed.
    • The feature where a bind would be applied to enemies when cast has been removed.
    • The number of enemies that are applied with the Dire Wolf’s Curse when cast has been decreased from 12 to 10.
    • The number of enemies that are applied with the Dire Wolf’s Curse from the aura every few seconds has been decreased from 10 to 5.
    • The Dire Wolf’s Curse’s duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
    • The Dire Wolf’s Curse’s maximum duration has been increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • A feature has been added where the Dire Wolf’s Curse will prioritize being applied on the enemies with the highest maximum HP.
    • The Dire Wolf’s Curse’s Ice Chunks’ damage has been increased from 950% to 1200% at level 25.
    • A 0.4 second reactivation cooldown has been added to the Ice Chunks.
    • The cooldown has been decreased from 180 seconds to 90 seconds.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (114)KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (115) Boost End – Adrenaline Surge: [Master Level: 30]
    Adrenaline’s power is greatly increased.
    Hyper Awakening Mode’s duration is permanently increased, and when using skills in Adrenaline Boost Mode or Hyper Awakening Mode, the explosively released cold and Maha’s power become a giant snowstorm that attacks enemies.
    This skill can only be used 1 time in Adrenaline Boost and Hyper Awakening Mode. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
    [Activation Command: ↑↑ + Attack Key]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    Required Skills: Level 30 Adrenaline Maximum, Level 1 Adrenaline Boost – Persist.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 1000 MP. Activate a giant snowstorm for 6 seconds.
      Adrenaline Boost Mode: Deals 1320% damage 14 times on up to 12 enemies continuously.
      Hyper Awakening Mode: Deals 1430% damage 14 times on up to 12 enemies continuously.
      [Passive Effect: Hyper Awakening’s duration is increased by 5 seconds.]
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (116) Install Maha: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (117) Fenrir Crash: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

V Core Changes

  • The Smash Swing Core has been removed.
  • Existing Enhancement Cores with Smash Swing will be replaced with the following skills. If the Core already has the first skill on it, then it will be replaced by the next skill instead.
    1. Beyonder
    2. Hyper Boost End – Last Stand
    3. Boost End – Hunters Targeting
  • The Rolling Spin Core has been removed.
  • Existing Enhancement Cores with Rolling Spin will be replaced with the following skills. If the Core already has the first skill on it, then it will be replaced by the next skill instead.
    1. Beyonder
    2. Hyper Boost End – Last Stand
    3. Boost End – Hunters Targeting
  • The Gathering Catcher Core has been removed.
  • Existing Enhancement Cores with Gathering Catcher will be replaced with the following skills. If the Core already has the first skill on it, then it will be replaced by the next skill instead.
    1. Beyonder
    2. Hyper Boost End – Last Stand
    3. Boost End – Hunters Targeting

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6th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (122) Beyonder VI:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The 1st attack’s damage has been increased from 525% to 645%.
    • The 2nd attack’s damage has been increased from 540% to 660%.
    • The 3rd attack’s damage has been increased from 555% to 675%.
    • The feature where this skill did increased damage to normal monsters has been removed.
    • The additional attack’s damage has been increased from 600% to 630%.
    • The feature where the additional attack’s reactivation cooldown was decreased during Adrenaline Boost Mode has been removed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (125) Boost End – Hunters Targeting VI: [Master Level: 30] This skill has been changed into a skill that unleash a powerful blow by concentrating power into the Polearm.
    Unleash a powerful blow by concentrating power into the Polearm.
    During the keydown, you can change the attack direction and you will be invincible.
    This skill can only be used 1 time in Adrenaline Boost and Hyper Awakening Mode.
    In addition, Beyonder VI is permanently enhanced.
    [Activation Command: ↓→↓ + Attack Key keydown]
    Command Lock: Right-click.
    Required Skill: Level 30 Boost End – Hunters Targeting.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 250 MP. You can hold the keydown for up to 6 seconds.
      Activate 10 strikes that deal 1970% damage 15 times on up to 10 enemies.
      [Passive Effect: Beyonder VI’s damage is increasd by 135%p.]

View Effect (M)View Effect (F)

  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (126) End Game: [Origin Skill] [Master Level: 30]
    Completely liberate Maha’s power to end an arduous battle in a single blow. If Hyper Awakening is not on its reactivation cooldown, you will instantly enter Hyper Awakening Mode when you use this skill.
    Level 10: 20% defense ignore.
    Level 20: 20% boss damage.
    Level 30: 30% defense ignore and 30% boss damage.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 1200 MP. You will be invincible during the cast action.
      Liberate Maha’s power, activating 50 shockwaves that deal 1500% damage 14 times on up to 15 enemies.
      Afterwards, activate 30 strikes that deal 1620% damage 15 times on up to 15 enemies.
      When used, enter Hyper Awakening Mode for 15 seconds. If Hyper Awakening is on reactivation cooldown, enter Adrenaline Boost Mode.
      Hyper Awakening or Adrenaline Boost’s duration will be increased by 1 second per 100 Combo stacked before using End Game.
      When End Game is used in Adrenaline Boost and Hyper Awakening Mode, Adrenaline Boost or Hyper Awakening Mode’s duration is changed to 5 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (127) Fenrir Crash Enhancement: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (128) Final Beyonder – White Tiger Enhancement [Master Level: 30]
    Final Beyonder – White Tiger is enhanced.
    • [Level 30]
      Final Beyonder – White Tiger’s final damage is increased by 60%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (129) Install Maha Enhancement: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (130) Boost End – Adrenaline Surge Enhancement [Master Level: 30]
    Boost End – Adrenaline Surge/Hyper Boost End – Adrenaline Surge is enhanced.
    • [Level 30]
      Boost End – Adrenaline Surge/Hyper Boost End – Adrenaline Surge’s final damage is increased by 60%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (131) Adrenaline Surge: This skill has been removed.

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  • The secondary weapon’s equipment type notation has been changed.
  • The Blue Fox Marble’s equipment level restriction has been changed from level 20 to level 10.

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  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (136) Fox Trot:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (137) Spirit Bond 1:
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (138) Spirit Affinity:
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (140) Close Call:
    • The skill effect has been changed.

[Back to Overview]

1st Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (144) Mega Punch:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The master level has been decreased from 25 to 20.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (148) Flash Fist:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The master level has been decreased from 25 to 20.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (150) Leap:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The master level has been decreased from 20 to 10.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (152) Mark of Blessing: [Master Level: 20]
    The Fox God’s blessing increases your attack speed for a certain period of time.
    In addition, permanently increases attack and damage.
    Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill.
    • [Level 15]
      Consumes 15 MP. For 200 seconds, increases attack speed by 1 stage.
      [Passive Effect: 20 attack, 10% damage.]

[Back to Overview]

2nd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (154) Ground Pound:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The shockwave feature has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (158) Fox Spirit:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The master level has been increased from 1 to 10.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (160) Blade Imp – Choice: [Master Level: 1]
    Summon the Blade Spirit to decide Blade Imp’s direction.
    After using the skill, you can input a directional key to select Blade Imp – Forward, Blade Imp – Downward, or Blade Imp – Spin.
    • [Level 1]
      Consumes 10 MP. Decide Blade Imp’s direction.
      Cooldown: 2 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (162) Blade Imp – Forward:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The damage has been increased from 110% to 155%.
    • The master level has been increased from 10 to 20.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (164) Blade Imp – Downward:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The damage has been increased from 110% to 155%.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (167) Blade Imp – Spin: [Master Level: 20]
    Summon the Blade Spirit to perform a spinning attack, pulling multiple nearby enemies towards you. Certain monsters will resist being pulled. Enemies hit by the attack will be inflicted with the Blade Imp – Trap mark for a certain period of time.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 50 MP. Pulls up to 8 enemies and deals 155% damage 4 times.
      KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (168) Blade Imp – Trap: 60 second duration. When Eunwol attacks an enemy inflicted with the mark, final damage is increased by 10%.
      Cooldown: 1 second.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (170) Back Step:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The master level has been decreased from 15 to 10.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (171) Spirit Bond 2:
    • The master level has been decreased from 10 to 4.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (172) Fox Power Embodiment: [Master Level: 10]
    By embodying the Fox God’s power, improve your combat abilities.
    • [Level 10]
      25% damage, 15% critical rate.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (173) Fox Spirit Mastery: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

3rd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (176) Shockwave Punch:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The 1st attack’s damage has been increased from 310% to 350%.
    • The 1st attack’s number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4.
    • The 2nd attack’s damage has been increased from 330% to 396%.
    • The 2nd attack’s number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4.
    • The shockwave activation feature has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (179) Spirit Frenzy: [Master Level: 20] This skill has been changed into a skill that installs a veil which opens a passage for spirits to pass through.
    Create a veil that opens a passage for spirits to pass through.
    Spirit Frenzy will absorb the souls of enemies that pass through it, increasing its duration. If Spirit Frenzy hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
    Level 20 of this skill is required to learn the 4th job skill ‘Deep Connection’.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 30 MP. Summon Spirit Frenzy for 45 seconds. Spirit Frenzy will deal 210% damage 6 times on up to 10 enemies intermittently.
      For every 1 enemy defeated by Spirit Frenzy, the duration will be increased by 1 second, up to 15 seconds.
      Cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (183) Spirit Trap:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The cooldown has been decreased from 210 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (186) Summon Guardian Spirit:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (187) Spirit Bond 3:
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The damage and attack boost features have been removed.
    • This skill now increases final damage by 15% and boss damage by 20%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (188) Weaken:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The Weakening Spirit’s duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • This skill now also increases defense ignore by 20%.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (189) Unity: [Master Level: 9]
    The spirits and your mind become one, increasing attack, damage, and critical damage.
    • [Level 9]
      20 attack, 20% damage, 10% critical damage.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (190) Blade Imp – Spin: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

4th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (194) Bomb Punch:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd attacks’ damage has been decreased from 300% to 225%.
    • The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd attacks’ number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4.
    • The increased damage when attacking normal monsters has been decreased from 255%p to 192%p.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (196) Spirit Claw:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (199) Death Mark:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The damage has been decreased from 700% to 600%.
    • The number of hits has been increased from 3 to 8.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (203) Soul Splitter: [Master Level: 20] This skill has been changed into a skill that summons the Flame Spirit to split enemies’ souls and create a wall of flames that saps their strength.
    Summon the Flame Spirit to split enemies’ souls and create a wall of flames that saps their strength.
    Even if multiple enemies are hit, only a single wall of flames will be created, prioritizing the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    Enemies hit will resist Soul Splitter for 60 seconds, and even if they are hit by Soul Splitter again, their souls will not be split.
    • [Level 20]
      Consumes 100 MP. Deals 720% damage 10 times on up to 6 enemies.
      When the attack hits an enemy, split their soul for 10 seconds and create a wall of flames. The duration will be increased by up to 100% based on the damage that Soul Splitter dealt to the enemy.
      When you are inside the wall of flames, your final damage is increased by 20%.
      When you defeat the Soul Split enemy, your experience acquired is increased by 100%.
      If the wall of flames fails to be created, the cooldown is decreased by 30 seconds.
      Cooldown: 120 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (206) Spirit Ward:
    • This skill has been changed into an On/Off skill.
    • It has been changed so that taking touch damage from a monster no longer consumes a Guardian Spirit.
    • A feature has been added where if the Guardian Spirits’ re-summon cooldown is not on and the maximum number of Guardian Spirits is not summoned, it will automatically resummon Guardian Spirits.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (207) Spirit Bond 4:
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The final damage boost feature has been removed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (210) Deep Connection: [Master Level: 20]
    Gain a deeper connection with the spirits through your gentle heart.
    You can summon more powerful spirits, increasing Fox Spirit and Spirit Frenzy’s strength.
    Required Skills: Level 20 Spirit Frenzy, Level 10 Fox Spirit.
    Level 20 of this skill is required to learn the 5th job skill ‘Smashing Multipunch’.
    • [Level 20]
      Spirit Frenzy’s attack range is increased, and it deals 280% damage 8 times on up to 10 enemies intermittently.
      Fox Spirit’s damage is increased by 100%p, and the maximum number of hits is increased by 1.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (211) Advanced Knuckle Mastery:
    • The critical damage boost feature has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (212) Critical Insight:
    • The critical rate boost has been decreased from 25% to 10%.
    • The critical damage boost has been increased from 10% to 20%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (213) Fire Fox Spirit Mastery: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]


  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (214) Fire Fox Spirit – Reinforce: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (215) Fox Spirit – Reinforce.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (216) Fire Fox Spirit – Repeat Attack Bonus: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (217) Fox Spirit – Repeat Attack Bonus.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (218) Fire Fox Spirit – Summon Chance: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (219) Fox Spirit – Summon Chance.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (229) Fox God Beginning: [Required Level: 140] [Master Level: 1]
    Unlock the Fox God’s power within the Fox Marble.
    Through the unlocked Fox Marble’s power, increases your boss damage and defense ignore and Fox Spirit will be enhanced to Fox Spirit Orb for a certain period of time.
    • [Level 1]
      Consumes 200 MP.
      For 20 seconds, increases boss damage by 20% and defense ignore by 20%.
      When your own directly attacking skills hit an enemy, there is a 25% chance to summon 3 Fox Spirit Orbs.
      Fox Spirit Orb: Deals 105% damage 1 time. Attacks up to 3 times then disappears.
      Cooldown: 120 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (231) Spirit Incarnation:
    • The damage has been decreased from 700% to 100%.
    • The number of hits has been increased from 1 to 7.
    • A feature has been added where when the skill ends, the cooldown will be decreased by 5 seconds for every 1 second of the remaining keydown duration.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (233) Hero’s Oath:
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (234) Spirit Bond Max: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

5th Job

  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (236) Reincarnated Fox God: [Master Level: 30]
    The Fox God manifests itself as a clone and unleashes a brilliant light that cuts through the darkness.
    The Fox God’s clone grants a blessing to Eunwol for a certain period of time, and when Eunwol’s attacks hit an enemy, Fox Light will fall and judge enemies. If the Fox Light hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
    When the Fox God’s Blessing is cast, all of Eunwol’s skills except for those unaffected by cooldown resets will have their cooldowns reset.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 1000 MP.
      Activate 7 manifestations that deal 440% damage 9 times on up to 15 enemies.
      For 30 seconds, increases final damage by 20% and activates Fox Light intermittently.
      Fox Light: Deals 330% damage 11 times on up to 15 enemies. Can activate up to 60 times.
      Cooldown: 120 seconds.
KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (246)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (247) Spirit Gate: [Master Level: 30] This skill has been changed into a skill that opens the Spirit Gate to release powerful energy and Darkness Spirits that pour out to attack enemies.
    Open the Spirit Gate to release powerful energy. Darkness Spirits will pour out of the Spirit Gate to attack enemies.
    If Spirit Gate hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. The Darkness Spirits will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP within range.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 1000 MP.
      Open the Spirit Gate to activate 5 energies that deal 275% damage 10 times on up to 15 enemies.
      Enemies hit by the energy will be applied with a debuff for 30 seconds that increases critical rate by 80% and critical damage by 10%.
      Afterwards, 30 Darkness Spirits will appear and attack enemies.
      Darkness Spirit: 880% damage 6 times.
      Cooldown: 60 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (249) True Spirit Claw:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The damage has been increased from 690% to 800% at level 25.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (252) Smashing Multipunch:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The maximum keydown duration has been increased from 1.3 seconds to 2 seconds.
    • The keydown damage has been increased from 500% to 600% at level 25.
    • The keydown number of hits has been increased from 5 to 10.
    • The final attack’s damage has been decreased from 1250% to 800% at level 25.
    • The final attack’s number of activations has been increased from 3 to 8.
    • The feature where additional Fox Spirits were summoned when the final attack hit an enemy has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (253) Spirit Flow: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

V Core Changes

  • The Blade Imp – Forward Core has been changed into the Blade Imp Core.
  • The Blade Imp – Downward Core has been removed.
  • Existing Enhancement Cores with Blade Imp – Downward will be replaced with the following skills. If the Core already has the first skill on it, then it will be replaced by the next skill instead.
    1. Blade Imp
    2. Spirit Claw
    3. Fox Spirit
  • The Blade Imp – Spin Core has been removed.
  • Existing Enhancement Cores with Blade Imp – Spin will be replaced with the following skills. If the Core already has the first skill on it, then it will be replaced by the next skill instead.
    1. Blade Imp
    2. Spirit Claw
    3. Fox Spirit

[Back to Overview]

6th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (255) Spirit Claw VI:
    • The skill icon has been changed.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (259) Fox Spirit VI: [Master Level: 30]
    When Eunwol’s directly attacking skills hit an enemy, there is a certain chance to summon Fox Spirits. The Fox Spirits will target and attack nearby enemies. If they hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. They will prioritize targeting the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated.On/Off skill.
    Required Skill:Level 20 Deep Connection.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 20 MP. When your directly attacking skills hit an enemy, there is a 40% chance to summon a Fox Spirit.
      The Fox Spirit deals 540% damage 2 times.
      Attacks up to 3 times then disappears.
      [Passive Effect: Spirit Claw VI’s damage is increased by 50%p, Fox God Beginning’s damage is increased by 55%p.]

View Effect (M)View Effect (F)

  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (260) Advent of the Fox God: [Origin Skill] [Master Level: 30]
    Using the Fox Marble’s power, the Fox God awakens the power of all the Spirits sleeping within Eunwol.
    Level 10: 20% defense ignore.
    Level 20: 20% boss damage.
    Level 30: 30% defense ignore and 30% boss damage.
    • [Level 30]
      Consumes 1200 MP. You will be invincible during the cast action.
      The Fox Marble awakens and activates 28 lights that deal 600% damage 11 times on up to 15 enemies.
      Afterwards, awaken the Spirits’ power to activate 28 shockwaves that deal 780% damage 13 times.
      Finally, activate 30 final strikes that deal 840% damage 14 times.
      Cooldown: 360 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (261) Spirit Flow Enhancement: This skill has been changed into KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (262) Reincarnated Fox God Enhancement [Master Level: 30]
    Reincarnated Fox God is enhanced.
    • [Level 30]
      Reincarnated Fox God’s final damage is increased by 60%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (263) Spirit Frenzy VI: This skill has been removed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (264) Advent of the Fox God: This skill has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

Categories: KMSTTags: 5th job, 6th job, aran, eunwol, hyper, remaster, skill change

KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.