KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (2024)

KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (1)

The second test world patch has been released, with further changes to the Aran & Eunwol remasters as well as a bunch of game system changes and improvements. Unfortunately it seems like most Aran and Eunwol players are still dissatisfied and with only one more week until the live server release, it doesn’t seem like there’s much possibility that it can be made significantly better by then…

Meanwhile, for regular servers, the new Additional Potential reset system is really expensive and they added way more expensive Bonus Rewards for Epic Dungeons which is of course making regular server players mad too.

  • Aran Remaster
  • Eunwol Remaster
    • Skills
    • Story
  • Additional Potential Reset System
  • Daily Gift Reorganization
  • Epic Dungeon
  • Growth Path Below Level 200 Reorganization
  • Maple Scheduler
  • Quick Character Change
  • Foggy Forest Training Centre
  • V Matrix
  • Genesis Weapon Quest
  • Spell Trace Fever Time
  • Cash
  • Improvements
    • Bosses
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • NPCs
    • Maps
    • UI
    • Security
  • Error Fixes
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • Monsters
    • Maps
    • UI
    • Etc.
  • Events
    • Hyper Burning
    • Tera Blink
    • Item Burning
    • Burning World
    • One Page in Memory
      • Book of the Forgotten Festival
      • Aswan Shaman’s Blessings
      • Spirits’ Memories
      • Von Leon’s Swordsmanship
      • Secret Record Reclamation
      • Festival Record Cultivation Centre
      • Secret Record Cultivation Centre
      • Meso Shop
      • Achievements
    • Aran & Eunwol Remaster Event <Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight>
      • Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight: Hyper Burning
      • Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight Scroll: Flower Scroll
      • Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight Scroll: Moon Scroll
      • Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight: Secret Record Reclamation Ranking Event
    • Gold Richie’s Secret Safe
    • Star Force Stage
    • Lady Blair’s Dream Express
    • Sunday Maple



  • The effect when job advancing has been changed.


  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (3) Three Snails
    • Fixed an issue where the skill could not be used.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (4) Combat Step
    • The skill usage sound effect has been changed.

1st Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (5) Smash Swing
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes the client would exit if you used this skill immediately after using Blink.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (6) Final Toss
    • Fixed an issue where this skill could not be used in <Victoria Cup: Main Stadium>.

2nd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (7) Combo Ability
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • It has been improved so that Combo is no longer reset when entering content that resets certain buffs.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes you could not drag the Combo UI in certain resolutions.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Combo UI looked awkward when changing channels.
    • Certain images of the Combo UI have been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (9) Beyonder
    • The damage has been increased from 110% to 115% at master level.
    • Fixed an issue where Advanced Final Attack did not activate properly.
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • The monster hit sound effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (10) Polearm Mastery
    • The final damage boost has been increased from 8% to 10% at master level.

3rd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (11) Advanced Combo Ability
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (12) Frozen Ground
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • Fixed an issue where certain effects did not apply effect transparency when used with the Command Lock feature.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (13) Judgement
    • The monster hit sound effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (14) Adrenaline Boost
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (15) Adrenaline Boost Activate
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The time you are able to use the skill after reaching 1000 Combo has been increased from 300 seconds to 600 seconds.
    • It has been changed so that when Hyper Awakening is not on reactivation cooldown, you will no longer enter Hyper Awakening Mode instantly after reaching the required number of attack hits after using this skill.
    • It has been changed so that if you use this skill with the down arrow key, you will enter Hyper Awakening Mode instantly after reaching the required number of attack hits after using this skill. If you use the Custom Command, you can enter Hyper Awakening Mode instantly after reaching the required number of attack hits without having to use the arrow key.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes Combo was not refunded if you entered Hyper Awakening Mode just before Adrenaline Boost Mode ended.
    • The Combo refunded based on number of attacks hit has been decreased from 300 to 150.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (17) Beyonder Mastery
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s damage has been increased from 200% to 205% at master level.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s skill effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s monster hit sound effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Vermillion Bird’s skill usage sound effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (18) Might
    • The skill description has been changed.

4th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (19) Adrenaline Maximum
    • A feature has been added where Hyper Awakening’s reactivation cooldown is displayed on the quickslot and buff icon.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (20) Boost End – Hunters Targeting
    • The skill description has been added.
    • A 2 second invincibility effect after the skill ends has been added.
    • The damage has been decreased from 990% to 790% at master level.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (21) Glacial Prison
    • Fixed an issue where Advanced Final Attack did not activate properly.
    • The monster hit sound effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (23) Beyonder Mastery II
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s damage has been increased from 380% to 410% at master level.
    • Beyonder – Vermillion Bird’s damage has been increased from 395% to 410% at master level.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s skill effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s monster hit sound effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Vermillion Bird’s skill usage sound effect has been changed.


  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (24) Hyper Boost End – Last Stand
    • The 1st attack’s damage has been increased from 1400% to 1600%.
    • The 2nd attack’s damage has been increased from 1400% to 1600%.
    • The 3rd attack’s damage has been increased from 2500% to 2800%.

5th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (25) Brandish Maha
    • When Adrenaline Boost and Hyper Awakening Mode end, Brandish Maha’s cooldown will now be decreased by 50%.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (26) Blizzard Tempest
    • A feature has been added where your Combo is increased by 200 when you cast this skill.
    • Fixed an issue where the Dire Wolf’s Curse did not apply the effects of +1 mobs hit on multitarget attacking skills.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (27) Boost End – Adrenaline Surge
    • Fixed an issue where the skill icon looked awkward when hovering over it.

6th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (29) Beyonder VI
    • The skill effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s damage has been increased from 645% to 675% at master level.
    • Beyonder – Vermillion Bird’s damage has been increased from 660% to 675% at master level.
    • Beyonder – Black Tortoise’s skill effect has been changed.
    • Beyonder – Vermillion Bird’s skill usage sound effect has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (30) Boost End – Hunters Targeting VI
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • A 2 second invincibility effect after the skill ends has been added.
    • The damage has been decreased from 1970% to 1530% at master level.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (31) End Game
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • Fixed an issue where Adrenaline Boost’s duration was not applied properly when you used End Game in Hyper Awakening Mode.
    • Fixed an issue where the sliding banner displayed to other party members when you cast the skill looked awkward.

[Back to Overview]


  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (32)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (33)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (34)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (35)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (36)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (37)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (38)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (39)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (40)

New Aran quests have been added.

  • Return of the Hero
  • Disappeared Weapon
  • Disappeared Abilities
  • Gift for a Hero
  • Lilin’s Story
  • Basic Health Training 1
  • Basic Health Training 2
  • A Hero’s Conditions
  • Polearm Warrior, Aran
  • New Beginning
  • To Victoria Island
  • First Information Collection
  • Orange Mushroom’s Strange Investigation
  • Crying Blue Mushroom Appears
  • First Information Collection Copmlete
  • Camila’s Testimony
  • Chief Stan’s Request
  • Puppeteer’s Warning
  • Second Information Collection Complete
  • Thid Information Collection
  • The Girl Investigating Ghost Stumps
  • 10 Boogies’ Request
  • Puppeteer’s Traces
  • Puppeteer’s Cave
  • The Cave Password Is?
  • Defeat the Puppeteer!
  • Black Wings’ Conspiracy
  • Strange Information Collection
  • Victoria Island’s Seal Stone
  • The Weapon Waiting for its Owner
  • Finding Forgotten Memories
  • Orbis Investigation
  • Giant Nependeath Appears?
  • Sealed Garden
  • Path to the Sealed Garden
  • Orbis’ Stolen Seal Stone
  • Mu Lung Investigation
  • Empty Hanging Scroll
  • Creating Special Ink
  • Shadow Warrior’s Notice
  • Mu Gong’s Test
  • Defeat the Shadow Warrior!
  • Mu Lung’s Stolen Seal Stone
  • Hero’s Whereabouts
  • Another Hero
  • Path to the Past
  • The Rememberer
  • Past’s Seal Stone
  • Find the Key
  • Past’s Seal Stone Recovery
  • Letter Decoding
  • Letter Sent to the Empress
  • Empress’ Tactician Nineheart
  • Nineheart’s Gratitude
  • Emergency Request
  • Past Commander
  • The Weapon that Annoys its Owner
  • Pacify the Rampaging Weapon

Aran quests’ details have been changed.

  • [Alliance] Lilin’s Communication
  • [Alliance] The Person that Knows Aran
    • Certain dialogue has been changed and new cutscenes have been added.
  • The Weapon Recognizing its Owner
    • New cutscenes have been added.
  • [Temple of Time] Finding Lost memories
    • Certain dialogue has been changed.
  • In ‘Blockbuster: Black Heaven’ ACT 2, certain Aran-only dialogue and cutscenes have been changed.
  • [Labyrinth of Suffering] Confusing Time
    • Certain Aran-only dialogue has been changed.
  • [The Day After] After That Day
    • Aran-only cutscenes’ details have been changed.
    • Aran, Luminous, Mercedes, Phantom, and Eunwol NPCs’ pixel art and illustrations have been changed.

Certain existing Aran quests can no longer be completed.

The Artifact Special Mission ‘Complete the Aran story quests’ completion requirements have been changed from ‘Complete the [Nineheart’s Gratitude] quest’ to ‘Complete the ‘[Commanders of the Past]’ quest.

The ‘Book of Aran’ achievement’s requirements have been changed.

[Back to Overview]



  • The effect when job advancing has been changed.


  • NEW! KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (43) Missing You: [Master Level: 1]
    Summon your Guardian Spirit through the Fox God’s consideration. Does the Guardian Spirit really take the appearance of someone you miss?
    • [Level 1]
      Consumes 10 MP. Summon Eunwol’s Guardian Spirit for 120 seconds.
      Cooldown: 5 seconds.

1st Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (44) Leap
    • The skill description has been changed.

2nd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (45) Fox Spirit
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The skill sound effect has been changed.
    • The Fox Spirit’s movements have been changed.
    • The damage has been decreased from 185% to 80% at master level.
    • It has been changed so that when you use Bomb Punch, there is a 10% chance to summon Fox Spirit.
    • Fixed an issue where Fox Spirit did not move while you were stunned.
    • Fixed an issue where certain Fox Spirit effects were not displayed when you were Skill Locked.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (46) Blade Imp – Forward
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (47) Blade Imp – Downward
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (48) Blade Imp – Spin
    • The skill description has been changed.

3rd Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (49) Spirit Frenzy
    • Fixed an issue where the skill voices did not play after learning Deep Connection.

4th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (50) Soul Splitter
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • A feature has been added where the first time you enter the wall of flames, you will receive the same effects for 15 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue where the wall of flames was not created on certain fixed monsters.
    • Fixed an issue where the wall of flames was not created above the tentacles in (Story/Normal/Chaos) Dusk.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (51) Spirit Ward
    • This skill has been changed back into an active skill.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (52) Deep Connection
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The Fox Spirit damage boost has been decreased from 100%p to 75%p at master level.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (53) Advanced Knuckle Mastery
    • The final damage boost has been increased from 16% to 22% at master level.


  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (54) Spirit Incarnation
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (55) Fox God Beginning
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The skill sound effect has been changed.
    • The duration has been increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • A feature has been added where Spirit Ward is recast when this skill is cast.
    • The boss damage boost effect has been removed.
    • The defense ignore boost effect has been removed.
    • Fox Spirit Orb’s damage has been decreased from 100% to 90%.
    • Fox Spirit Orb’s number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2.
    • Fox Spirit Orb’s movements have been changed.
    • It has been changed so that when you use Bomb Punch, there is a 5% chance to summon Fox Spirit Orb.
    • Fixed an issue where Fox Spirit Orb did not move while you were stunned.
    • Fixed an issue where certain Fox Spirit Orb effects were not displayed when you were Skill Locked.
    • A feature has been added where each Fox Spirit Orb’s final damage is decreased by 20% when it re-attacks the same enemy.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (56) Fox Spirit – Reinforce
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (57) Fox Spirit – Repeat Attack Bonus
    • The skill description has been changed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (58) Fox Spirit – Summon Chance
    • The skill description has been changed.

5th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (59) Reincarnated Fox God
    • A feature has been added where during this skill, you will recover 60% of your maximum HP every 1 second.
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The shockwave will now create Fox Spirits.
    • The shockwave’s damage has been decreased from 400% to 300% at level 25.
    • The shockwave’s number of hits has been decreased from 9 to 7.
    • The shockwave’s number of activations has been decreased from 7 to 4.
    • Fox Light’s skill hit sound effect has been changed.
    • The Fox Light activation duration boost when an attack hits an enemy has been increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds. (Not sure how I missed this in the original translation but basically the Fox Light part of the skill starts at a 4 second duration and increases by 4 seconds every time an attack hits an enemy <once per 1 second>, if Fox Light’s activation time ends then it can no longer activate for the rest of Reincarnated Fox God’s duration, will be a little clearer in full skill description next week)
    • Fox Light’s damage has been increased from 300% to 350% at level 25.
    • Fox Light’s number of hits has been decreased from 11 to 10.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (60) Spirit Gate
    • The skill sound effect has been changed.
    • The Energy’s damage has been increased from 800% to 850% at level 25.
    • The Energy’s number of hits has been decreased from 6 to 5.
    • Fixed an issue where the Darkness Spirits sometimes did not prioritize hitting the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (61) Smashing Multipunch
    • The skill cast effect has been changed to follow the character.
    • The damage has been decreased from 600% to 500% at level 25.
    • The shockwave’s damage has been decreased from 800% to 700% at level 25.
    • The Fox Spirit creation chance when this attack hits an enemy has been decreased from 100% to 50%.

V Core Changes

  • Spirit Gate Core’s description has been changed.

6th Job

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (62) Fox Spirit VI
    • The skill sound effect has been changed.
    • Fox Spirit VI’s movements have been changed.
    • The damage has been decreased from 540% to 225% at master level.
    • Spirit Claw VI’s damage boost has been decreased from 50%p to 40%p at master level.
    • Fox Spirit Orb’s damage boost has been decreased from 55% to 41% at master level.
    • It has been changed so that when you use Bomb Punch, there is a 10% chance to summon Fox Spirit VI.
    • Fixed an issue where Fox Spirit VI did not move while you were stunned.
    • Fixed an issue where certain Fox Spirit VI effects were not displayed when you were Skill Locked.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (63) Advent of the Fox God
    • The skill description has been changed.
    • The action delay has been decreased by about 18%.

HEXA Core Changes

  • Spirit Claw VI Core’s description has been changed.

[Back to Overview]


  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (64)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (65)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (66)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (67)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (68)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (69)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (70)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (71)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (72)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (73)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (74)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (75)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (76)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (77)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (78)

New Eunwol quests have been added.

  • The Human who Walks Slowly
  • Greetings
  • New Name, New Home
  • Rice Cakes for a New Move
  • Fox God’s Protection
  • First Hunt
  • Something Humans Can Also Eat
  • Fox’s Gift
  • But I Don’t Feel Like It
  • A Gift In Return to a Fox
  • Reason for Being Angry
  • Like a Decent Fox
  • Goro’s Footprints
  • Guwol’s Footprints
  • Orong’s Footprints
  • Lang’s Footprints
  • A Gift for a New Fox
  • Fox Rain
  • Fox’s Heart
  • Regression
  • Unfamiliar Village
  • After That Day
  • A Story That Can’t be Told
  • Her Memories
  • Buried Memories
  • To Those Who Wait
  • Fox God’s Guardian
  • [Alliance] Nightmare
  • [Alliance] Conversation with the Empress
  • [Alliance] Decision
  • Longing Brings More Longing
  • Fox’s Tears
  • Fox God’s Gift
  • Even if You Forget Me, I Still Remember You

Eunwol quests’ details have been changed.

  • [Temple of Time] Finding Lost Memories
  • Theme Dungeon [Fox Valley]
    • Certain Eunwol-only dialogue has been changed and added.
  • [Lacheln] Falling
    • Eunwol-only dialogue will no longer be displayed.
  • [The Day After] After That Day
    • Eunwol-only cutscenes’ details have been changed.
    • Aran, Luminous, Mercedes, Phantom, and Eunwol NPCs’ pixel art and illustrations have been changed.
  • [Cernium (Before)] The One From Beyond the Ocean
    • Eunwol-only dialogue will no longer be displayed.
  • Grandis Area [Shangri-La]
    • After completing the Shangri-La area quests, the Eunwol-only dialogue when talking to the NPC Sino and Sky Guardian Spirit have been changed.

Certain existing Eunwol quests can no longer be completed.

Eunwol related items have been added and changed.

  • Medal: Stranger
  • Medal: The One Beyond Memories
  • Medal: Fox’s Friend
  • Medal: Member of the Pointy-Eared Foxes
    • The equipment level restriction has been changed from level 27 to level 30.
  • Equipment: Blue Fox Marble
    • The equipment level restriction has been changed from level 20 to level 10.

Eunwol related items will no longer drop.

  • Etc: Glass Bottle

The Artifact Special Mission ‘Complete the Eunwol story quests’ completion requirements have been changed from ‘Complete the [Missing Each Other] quest’ to ‘Complete the ‘[Fox God’s Gift]’ quest.

The ‘Book of Eunwol’ achievement’s requirements have been changed.

[Back to Overview]

The ‘Additional Potential Reset System’ where you can reset additional potential using mesos has been added.

  • In the Inventory UI, you can click the ‘Potential Reset System’ icon to use it.
  • When resetting Additional Potential, you can choose to apply the existing stats or the reset stats.
  • The Additional Potential reset cost is applied differently based on the item’s level and current tier. The mesos required for resetting are as follows.
Equipment LevelRareEpicUniqueLegendary

※ The Tier Up Guarantee system is also applied to resetting Additional Potential using mesos. The cumulative number of uses is stacked separately from existing Cubes.

※ The Additional Potential tier up rates, stat appearance rates, stat tier setting rates, and number of resets required to guarantee a tier up are applied the same as Additional Cubes/Whtie Additional Cubes.

KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (83)

Suspicious Additional Cubes will no longer drop when defeating boss monsters.

[Back to Overview]

The Daily Gift completion rewards will be changed as follows starting from July 2024.

  • Day 21: 5 Maple Silver Coins
  • Day 27: 1000 Mileage
  • Day 28: 7 Maple Silver Coins

※ Reboot World will not be changed.

[Back to Overview]

The Epic Dungeon Quickpath has been added.

  • In the Epic Dungeon Entry UI, you can use 10,000 Maple Points to instantly complete Epic Dungeon: High Mountain.
  • If you use the Epic Dungeon Quickpatch to instantly complete it, you will receive the Base Rewards. After that, through the Epic Dungeon Entry UI, you can acquire the Bonus Rewards.
  • Only characters that have completed Epic Dungeon: High Mountain at least 1 time can use the Epic Dungeon Quickpath.

The Bonus Rewards have been reorganized.

  • The existing Bonus Rewards and Special Rewards have been removed and changed into EXP Bonus and Sol Erda Bonus.
  • The EXP Bonus and Sol Erda Bonus each have Level 1 and 2. You can choose which Level you want.
  • You can choose any combination of the EXP Bonus and Sol Erda Bonus.
  • After selecting an EXP Bonus or Sol Erda Bonus to receive additional rewards, you can receive additional rewards by choosing a higher Bonus level that you did not choose before until midnight of the following Thursday.

※ If you clear High Mountain and choose the existing Bonus Reward or Special Bonus Reward to acquire additional rewards before the maintenance on June 20, you will only be able to acquire the reorganized Bonus Rewards the week after the maintenance.

ChoicesAdditional RewardsMaple Points Used
EXPBonus (Level 1)Additional 4x of the base experience reward
4 Maple Gold Coins
EXPBonus (Level 2)Additional 8x of the base experience reward
8 Maple Gold Coins
Sol Erda Bonus(Level 1)4 Sol Erda
4 Maple Gold Coins
Sol Erda Bonus(Level 2)8 Sol Erda
8 Maple Gold Coins

In Epic Dungeon: High Mountain, certain stages’ difficulties have been adjusted.

  • A weather effect guide and interaction guide have been added for the Fragment of Mitra’s Power.
  • The number of consecutive hits to activate the Fragment of Mitra’s Power that appears in Stages 3, 6, 9, and 10 has been decreased from 9 to 6.
  • The Stage 3 boss’ Rush damage has been decreased from 30% max HP to 25%.
  • The Stage 3 boss’ Poison status damage has been decreased from 5% max HP per second to 1%.
  • The Stage 6 boss’ Contamination Explosion damage has been decreased from 30% max HP to 10%.
  • The Stage 6 boss’ Contaminated Area damage has been decreased from 30% max HP per second to 20%.

When starting each stage of the Epic Dungeon, the effect has been improved to be smoother.

[Back to Overview]

Quest Categories have been added.

  • Job: Quests that are job-specific.
  • Main: Quests that have high story importance and are recommended to be completed during the growth process.
    • Riena Strait
    • Leben Mine
    • Joining the Alliance
    • Aswan
    • Helisium
    • Lion King’s Castle
    • Root Abyss
    • Alliance Regular Meeting
    • Temple of Time
    • Cross Hunter
    • Stone Giant Colossus
    • Destroyed Henesys
    • Kritias
    • Twilight Perion
    • Haven
    • Fallen World Tree
    • Arcane River and Onwards Areas
  • Normal: Quests that are not Job or Main quests.

The experience given by Main Quests level 200 or lower has been adjusted.

The level 30~59 special Theme Dungeons‘ quest experience rewards have been adjusted to be given regardless of the character’s level.

  • Riena Strait
  • Fairy Academy Ellinel
  • Gold Beach Resort
  • Secret Forest Elodin

Quest-related UIs have been reorganized.

  • In the Quest UI, a top Category tab has been added.
  • It has been improved so that Job/Main quests will use separate quest speech bubbles.
  • It has been improved so that Job/Main quests will use separate quest tags before the quest name.
  • It has been improved so that the NEW image no longer appears at the bottom of the Quest Alert icon on the left side of the screen.

The Maple Guide UI has been reorganized.

  • The ‘Content By Level’ section has been changed to match the Main Quest reorganization.
  • It has been improved so that you can see all of the hunting grounds in the same level range all at once.
  • In the ‘Content By Level’ section, the requirement to defeat monsters to use a hunting ground has been removed.
  • In the minimized Maple Guide UI, a Main Quest alert button has been added.

Certain Riena Strait related area quest dialogue and cutscenes have been changed.

The Leben Mine area quests have been changed overall.

  • The ‘I Know what Happened in Leben Mine’ achievement has been moved to the Memories tab, and a new achievement with the same name has been added.
  • Certain Leben Mine quests have been removed.
    • [Leben Mine] Crime Prevention Device Maintenance
    • Another Way
  • Certain Leben Mine quest dialogue and progress methods have been changed.
    • [Leben Mine] Escape Attempt
    • [Leben Mine] I Can’t Escape
    • Buying a Black Wings Camouflage Outfit
    • [Alliance] Their Purpose
    • Albert’s Daughter
    • They Might Tell You
    • How is Your Father?
    • Wonnie’s Agony
    • Where is the Sincerity?
    • Please Find My Younger Brother
    • Ready to Rush In
    • Gabrielle’s Request
  • New quests have been added to the Leben Mine area.
    • [Leben Mine] Edelstein, the City of Iron
    • [Leben Mine] Stop! Spy!
    • [Leben Mine] New Recruits Don’t Do This
    • [Leben Mine] Nothing Happened
    • [Leben Mine] Her Circ*mstances
    • [Leben Mine] Surprise Gift?
    • [Leben Mine] Those Who Resist
    • Preparing Mesos
    • Preparing Memory Chips

Alliance related quests have been added and certain dialogue has been changed.

  • [Alliance] Tragedy in Ereb
  • [Alliance] If We Had the Same Enemy
  • [Alliance] When You Have to Make a Decision
  • [Alliance] Continental Meeting
  • [Alliance] Advice
  • [Alliance] Conversation with the Empress
  • [Alliance] Decision
  • [Alliance] To Become Stronger
  • [Alliance] Invitation from Ereb
  • [Alliance] You’re Not Fighting Alone
  • [Alliance] Letter from Ereb
  • [Alliance] Alliance’s Invitation

The Aswan related quests have been changed overall.

  • The existing Aswan quests will no longer be available. New Aswan quests have been added.
  • Certain Aswan quests’ dialogue and cutscenes have been changed.
    • [Aswan] Alliance’s Mission
    • [Aswan] Rumours About Aswan
    • [Aswan] Ancient Kingdom of Aswan
    • [Aswan] Troublesome Intruder
    • [Aswan] Graverobbers’ Information
    • [Aswan] The Shelter’s Ghosts
    • [Aswan] Hilla’s Tower
    • [Aswan] Fake Potion 1
    • [Aswan] Fake Potion 2
    • [Aswan] Fake Potion 3
    • [Aswan] Fake Potion 4
    • [Aswan] Alliance Mission Complete

Certain Magatia area quests have been changed.

  • All quests’ level requirements have been adjusted to level 85.
  • The quest completion conditions have been lowered overall.
  • Convenience features such as teleports to quest areas and navigation guides have been added.

Convenience features such as navigation guides have been added to the Helisium area quests.

  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (89)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (90)

The Lion King’s Castle related quests have been changed overall.

  • The existing Lion King’s Castle quests will no longer be available. New Lion King’s Castle quests have been added.
  • Certain Lion King’s Castle quests’ dialogue and cutscenes have been changed.
  • The ‘[Theme Dungeon] Lion King’s Castle Exploration’ achievement has been moved to the Memories tab, and a new achievement with the same name has been added.
    • [Lion King’s Castle] In the Land of Winter
    • [Lion King’s Castle] The Lion King’s Castle
    • [Lion King’s Castle] First Tower’s Key
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Second Tower’s Key
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Third Tower’s Key
    • [Lion King’s Castle] A Ghost’s Voice
    • [Lion King’s Castle] The Lion King’s Knight
    • [Lion King’s Castle] The Crying Queen
    • [Lion King’s Castle] The Unbelieving King
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Rose Garden’s Key
    • [Lion King’s Castle] The Denying King
    • [Lion King’s Castle] A True Curse
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Why Did the King Change?
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Frozen Heart
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Defeat the Lion King
    • [Lion King’s Castle] Remaining Doubts
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (91)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (92)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (93)

Certain Root Abyss area quests have been changed.

  • Certain quests’ NPCs, dialogue, and cutscenes have been changed.
  • Certain Root Abyss area quests have been removed.
    • [Root Abyss] Defeat the East Seal Guardian
    • [Root Abyss] Defeat the West Seal Guardian
    • [Root Abyss] Defeat the South Seal Guardian
    • [Root Abyss] Defeat the North Seal Guardian
    • [Root Abyss] Old Tree Key

Certain Temple of Time area quests have been changed.

  • All quests’ level requirements have been adjusted to level 130.
  • The quest completion conditions have been lowered overall.
  • The [Beyond the Ruins] quest’s cutscene has been changed.

Certain Stone Giant Colossus area quests have been changed.

  • Certain quests’ NPCs, dialogue, and cutscenes have been changed.
  • Kona’s Request quest will no longer be available.
  • The ‘[Stone Giant] Kapu’s Riding’ quest name has been changed to ‘[Stone Giant] Sudden Earthquake’.
  • The ‘[Stone Giant] Tarantulus’ Identity’ quest name has been changed to ‘[Stone Giant] You Are No Longer an Enemy’.

Certain Kritias area quests have been changed.

  • The quest completion conditions have been lowered overall.
  • Convenience features such as teleports to quest areas and navigation guides have been added.
  • New quests have been added to the Kritias area.
    • [Kritias] What Parma Knows
    • [Kritias] What Hillel Knows
    • [Kritias] What Brundel Knows
    • [Kritias] What the Princess Knows
    • [Kritias] Kantor Knows
    • [Kritias] Truth of Kritias
  • The ‘[Kritias] Restarted Invasion’ quest name has been changed to ‘[Kritias] Kritias’ Situation’.

A ‘View Content Summary’ feature has been added for Black Heaven and Heroes of Maple.

  • After clearing Haven’s [Thank You for Saving Me] quest, you can view a summary of Black Heaven through One-Eyes’ [Squishy’s Feats] quest.
  • After clearing Deserted Camp’s [Those Who Left and Those Who Remain] quest, you can view a summary of Heroes of Maple through Alchetto’s [The Heroes, the Wolf, and the World Tree] quest.

Certain Artifact Special Missions’ completion requirements have been changed.

  • The Artifact Special Mission ‘Complete the Lion King’s Castle quests’ completion requirements have been changed from ‘Complete the [Lion King’s Gatekeeper] quest’ to ‘Complete the ‘[Eternal Loyalty]’ quest.
  • The Artifact Special Mission ‘Complete the Leben Mine quests’ completion requirements have been changed from ‘Complete the [Erase the Traces] quest’ to ‘Complete the ‘[Call from the Alliance]’ quest.
  • The Artifact Special Mission ‘Complete the Kritias quests’ completion requirements have been changed from ‘Complete the [Restarted Invasion] quest’ to ‘Complete the ‘[Truth of Kritias]’ quest.

[Back to Overview]

The Maple Scheduler UI has been added.

  • You can use the Maple Scheduler UI through the Maple Scheduler icon on the left side of the scren or through the shortcut key.
  • You can use the Maple Scheduler UI to check your play status for the Daily/Weekly/Boss Content in the game.
  • You can directly edit the list of content that you want to check the status of.
  • You can start or complete quests and teleport to maps where you can use content registered in the Maple Scheduler. However, you cannot use content that you do not meet the preqrequisites for.

The Batch Start/Batch Complete Daily Quests feature has been added.

  • You can batch start or complete daily quests registered in the Maple Scheduler.
  • The existing ‘Batch Start Arcane River Daily/Weekly Quests’ and ‘Batch Start Grandis Daily Quests’ features have been removed.

The existing Daily Quest/Weekly Quest icon has been removed.

The existing Boss UI’s Clear Status tab has been removed.

The existing Daily Quest shortcut key has been removed.

[Back to Overview]

The Quick Character Change feature has been added.

  • You can open the Quick Character Change UI through the Character Change menu in the bottom Settings menu.
  • The UI will display all characters in the current world. You can select a character to change through mouse and keyboard controls.
  • After selecting a character to change to, you can input the Enter key or click the Login button then enter your 2nd Password to change to that character. However, if you have the Skip 2nd Password option on in the OTP Settings, the 2nd Password input step will be skipped.
  • The Quick Character Change feature cannot be used in certain content that use cross world channels and fixed resolutions.

[Back to Overview]

The Foggy Forest Training Centre Only Buffs feature has been added.

  • In the Foggy Forest Training Centre, you can now use buff effects without using real buff effect skills or consuming items.
  • In the Foggy Forest Training Centre map, the buffs effects you can use are the same as those provided in the Boss Practice Mode Only Buffs.
  • After entering the Foggy Forest Training Centre map, you can choose use the Training Centre Only Buff Settings UI to choose the buff effects you want to use.
  • The buff effects you select will only be applied in the Foggy Forest Training Centre map, and they will all be cancelled when you leave.
  • If you use the Foggy Forest Training Centre Only Buff feature, previously applied buff skills and buff items of the same type or effect will be cancelled.

[Back to Overview]

The V Matrix Core Slot system has been improved.

  • At level 200, when you first unlock the V Matrix, the number of equippable Core Slots has been increased from 7 to 12.
  • The number of Core Slots expanded by level has not changed, and the maximum number of equippable Core Slots has been increased from 25 to 30.

※ For characters whose Core Slots were further expanded by consuming mesos before the update, the Core expansions will be maintained.

The Enhancement Core Selective Crafting feature has been added.

  • In the V Matrix Crafting Mode, you can use the Enhancement Core Selective Crafting button to open the UI.
  • If you click the three slots in the centre of the UI, a list of Enhancement Cores for your current job will be displayed and you can choose a combination for the Core.
  • When you select all 3 Cores, the Core that will be crafted will be displayed, and you can consume 500 V Core Fragments to craft a Core with the selected options.

[Back to Overview]

The Genesis Weapon Quest UI has been added.

  • After accepting the ‘[Genesis Weapon] Battle of Destiny, After’ quest, you can use the Genesis Weapon Quest UI through the ‘[Genesis Weapon] Following the Traces of the Black Mage’ quest in the icon on the left side of the screen.
  • Through the Genesis Weapon Quest UI, you can check information about the currently ongoing quest and information about all of the quests. You can start or complete the quest through the buttons at the bottom right.
  • When you click on certain completed quests, the View Past Records button will be activated, and you can click on it to view a past record.
  • When each quest is completed, a menu will be displayed that asks whether or not to proceed to the next quest immediately.
  • When challenging a Liberation Mission, a Liberation Mission guide image will be displayed below the timer.
  • For the quest conditions of the following quests, the ‘Acquire a Black Mage’s Remnant’ completion condition has been changed to ‘Defeat the Genesis Egg’.
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the High Priest of Time: Arkarium
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Tyrant: Magnus
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Wing Master: Suu
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Sword of Destruction: Demian
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Spider King: Will
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Master of Nightmares: Lucid
    • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Red Witch: Jin Hilla

※ Characters who have a Liberation quest in progress from before the update and are holding a Black Mage’s Remnent quest item will have the item deleted from their inventory and will be treated as having defeated the Genesis Egg.

  • For the Lucid Liberation Mission conditions, the ‘Defeat Lucid while using only 50 Challenger’s Elixirs’ condition has been changed to ‘Defeat Lucid while using only 50 consumable items’.

[Back to Overview]

The Spell Trace Fever Time event’s schedule has been changed.

  • Before: Every Sunday 12:00 AM ~ Sunday 11:59 PM
  • After: Every Friday 12:00 AM ~ Sunday 11:59 PM

[Back to Overview]

The All Jobs Illustration Collection: Cygnus Knight, Hero, and Adventurer Packages will be sold.

  • Selling Period: June 20, 2024 after the maintenance ~ August 12 at 11:59 PM

Note: In next week’s post, I’ll include a link to the official site’s Cash Shop update notes where you can see all of the outfits in detail.

In the Cash Shop, Additional Cubes will no longer be sold.

The Cash Shop’s ‘Enhancement’ section in the ‘Enhancement’ category has been removed.

[Back to Overview]


It has been improved so that items will no longer drop on platforms that can’t be used in the Epic Dungeon: High Mountain boss battle maps.

For Pierre (Normal/Chaos), Von Bon (Normal/Chaos), Bloody Queen (Normal/Chaos), and Vellum (Normal/Chaos), the Old Tree Key item has been removed from the entry conditions.

  • The Old Tree Key item will no longer drop from the Fire Imp, Spear Imp, Elite Fire Imp, and Elite Spear Imp monsters.
  • The ‘[Root Abyss] Old Tree Key’ quest will no longer be available.
  • The NPC Havis will no longer appear in Giant Root.

For Pierre (Chaos), Von Bon (Chaos), Bloody Queen (Chaos), and Vellum (Chaos), the requirement to clear Normal Mode 5 times has been removed from the entry conditions.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where using certain skills would activate Sol Janus: Dawn. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Paladin – Blessed Hammer
    • Dark Knight – Darkness Aura
    • Bowmaster – Arrow Platter install mode, Arrow Platter VI install mode
    • Viper – Serpent Screw
    • Cannon Shooter – Special Monkey Escort
    • Mikhail – Sword of Soul Light
    • Evan – Breath – Return!
    • Battlemage – Black Magic Altar
    • Wild Hunter – Assistant Hunting Unit, Drill Container
    • Xenon – Pinpoint Rocket, Aegis System
    • Demon Avenger – Demon Frenzy
    • Cadena – Chain Arts: Fury
    • Angelic Buster – Spotlight
    • Kinesis – Psychic Drain, Ultimate – B.P.M, Ultimate – Moving Matter
    • Adele – Infinite, Restore
    • Lara – Winding Mountain Ridge
  • Fixed an issue where certain attacking skills activated Sol Janus: Twilight. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Archmage (F/P) – Ifrit
    • Archmage (I/L) – Elquines
    • Bishop – Bahamut
    • Bowmaster – Phoenix
    • Marksman – Freezer
    • Pathfinder – Raven

Developer Notes:

We confirmed that when Sol Janus was used in combination with certain skills, hunting would continue without taking any actions.

Sol Janus is a skill that was implemented with the intention of improving jobs’ hunting performance and convenience. Providing additional convenience only to certain jobs was not in line with our intention, so we have changed it so that Sol Janus no longer interacts with automatic activation skills or installed summons’ attacks.

  • It has been improved so that certain jobs’ Gauge UIs now display detailed values when hovered over.
    • Luminous
    • Kaiser
    • Ark

Angelic Buster

  • Fixed an issue where Mascot Familiar’s explosion damage was not enhanced by the HEXA Enhancement Core.
  • Mascot Familiar’s continuous attack damage has been decreased from 1540% to 1265% at level 30.
  • Mascot Familiar’s explosion damage has been decreased from 1815% to 1485% at level 30.

Developer Notes:

We discovered and fixed an error where Angelic Buster’s Mascot Familiar’s explosion damage did not receive the effects of the ‘Mascot Familiar Enhancement’ HEXA Core.

To prevent Mascot Familiar’s performance from becoming excessively high due to the error fix, the performance of the skill itself has been adjusted.

[Back to Overview]


The 6th job advancement quests have been improved.

  • The experience required to fill the Arcane Stones has been decreased from 50b to 10b.
  • The ‘Goddess in the Erda (2)’ and ‘Goddess in the Erda (3)’ quests can now be completed without charging the Arcane Stones.
  • When entering the Deep in the Sol Erda map, it has been changed to display a guide to the portal where you can proceed with the currently ongoing Symbol Recovery mission.

※ Even if you are currently in the process of the 6th job advancement quests, the experience required to fill the Arcane Stones will be adjusted.

The following Root Abyss daily quests will no longer be available.

  • [Root Abyss Daily] Defeat the Time Sorceror Von Bon
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Pierre’s Invitation
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Tricky’s Surprise Gift
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Garden of Red Roses
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Defeat Bloody Queen
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Offering to Vellum
  • [Root Abyss Daily] Defeat the Earth Dragon Vellum

The Arcane River Daily quests have been changed so that they can be started instantly after completing all of the area’s story quests.

The following Arcane River daily quest guide quests will no longer be available.

  • [Daily Quest] Investigation Team from the Temple of Time
  • [Daily Quest] The Ultimate Chef is So Angry
  • [Daily Quest] Old Man’s Request
  • [Daily Quest] What the Tree Spirits Desire
  • [Daily Quest] Message from Ollie
  • [Daily Quest] Tenebris Investigation Team

Helena’s image that appears in Destroyed Henesys has been changed.

[Back to Overview]


It has been improved so that when using Mysterious Monster Eggs, a warning message will now be displayed if you have fully registered Monster Collection.

It has been improved so that characters with the Hyper Burning effect applied can now use Typhoon Growth Potions, Maximum Growth Potions, and Transcendent Growth Potions.

※ This improvement only applies to items acquired from events that start after the June 20, 2024 maintenance.

Information regarding the colours that can be adjusted freely has been added to the Custom Mix Dye Coupon, Custom Mix Colour Lens Coupon, and voucher items’ tooltips. Certain typos have been fixed.

[Back to Overview]


It has been changed so that in the Flag Race exit map, you can now immediately retry through Programmer Simon.

[Back to Overview]


It has been improved so that Lie Detectors are no longer activated in the ‘Lacheln: Hideout’ map.

[Back to Overview]


The Pet/Android Transparency Control feature has been added.

  • The feature to control Pet/Android transparency for your character and other characters has been added.
  • Your character’s Pets/Android can be adjusted to be up to 50% transparent, and other characters’ Pets/Android can be adjusted to be up to 100% transparent.

The Character Select window’s Burning Designation pop-up button has been changed.

  • The Character Select window’s Burning Designation pop-up’s ‘Cancel’ button has been changed to be ‘Do Not Designate’.

The Character Info UI has been improved.

  • The range of the backgrounds that you can change in the Character Avatar area has been expanded to fill the entire window to the left and right.

Character Presets have been improved.

  • You can now set Shortcut Key Presets in Character Presets.
  • When setting each Preset, you can now select ‘No Selection’ to not make any changes to that Preset when switching to the corresponding Character Preset.

The Skill Macro UI has been improved.

  • In the Skill Macro UI, you can now more easily remove skills by right-clicking on them.
  • In the Skill Macro UI, it has been improved so that when placing a skill in a location where another skill is already registered, the previously registered skill will no longer be removed and can be placed in another location.

The Quest UI has been improved.

  • It has been improved so that the top Tab images don’t look awkward.
  • It has been improved so that the Category expand/minimize button images don’t look awkward.
  • It has been improved so that the shaded range when selecting a quest doesn’t look awkward.
  • It has been improved so that the In-Progress tab’s check box location is not awkward.

The Maple Guide UI has been improved.

  • It has been improved so that the Quick Teleport does not function if you end a mouse drag on the Quick Teleport icon.

The Event List UI has been improved.

  • You can now press the icon for each event to open the Event List UI where you can check the list of currently ongoing events.
  • You can participate in events by clicking on the event in the Event List and pressing the ‘Participate’ button.
  • If an event has its own UI, you can check the UI of an event you are participating in by clicking on the UI in the event list.

[Back to Overview]


The Macro Detection System <Find the Transparent Shape>’s activation range has been expanded.

  • It will now also be activated while hunting.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where if you exited the Cash Shop after using certain summon skills, the buff icons of summons that do not exist in the map would still be displayed. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Common – Erda Fountain, Spider in Mirror, Sol Janus: Dawn, Invitation to the Nightmare
    • Resistance Common – Resistance Line Infantry
    • Anima Common – Lotus Flower
    • Archmage (I/L) – Spirit of Snow
    • Bishop – Fountain for Angels
    • Bowmaster – Quiver Flow
    • Marksman – Bolt Flow, Arrow Illusion
    • Pathfinder – Relic Unbound (Blast/Discharge/Transition)
    • Night Lord – Dark Lord’s Secret Scroll
    • Dual Blade – Dummy Effect
    • Captain – Battleship Bomber, Battleship Bomber VI, Sign of Bombard
    • Cannon Shooter – Magnetic Anchor, Magnetic Anchor VI, Support Monkey Twins, Rolling Cannon Rainbow
    • Mikhail – Install Shield
    • Soul Master – Cosmic Shower, Cosmic Shower VI, Soul Eclipse
    • Aran – Frozen Ground
    • Evan – Summon Onyx Dragon, Zodiac Ray
    • Luminous – Gate of Truth
    • Eunwol – Spirit Frenzy
    • Battlemage – Black Magic Altar
    • Xenon – Hologram Graffiti: Penetrate, Hologram Graffiti: Penetrate VI, Hologram Graffiti: Force Field, Hologram Graffiti: Force Field VI, Hologram Graffiti: Support, Hologram Graffiti: Support VI, Hologram Graffiti: Fusion
    • Mechanic – Robot Launcher: RM7, Magnetic Field, Robot Factory: RM1
    • Kaiser – Petrified
    • Khali – Death Blossom
    • Illium – Gram Holder
    • Lara – Eruption: Heaving River, Eruption: Heaving River VI, Eruption: Whirlwind, Eruption: Whirlwind VI
    • Hoyoung – Talisman: Warp Gate, Scroll: Star Vortex, Scroll: Tiger of Song Yu
  • Fixed an issue changing the settings of certain skills that can set Special Modes or Command Locks was delayed.

Soul Master

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Solunar Slash did not activate properly when affected by the Confusion status effect.
  • Fixed an issue where if Soul Eclipse’s duration ended while dead, Soul Eclipse’s effect would not disappear.

Flame Wizard

  • Fixed an issue where if multiple people cast Burning Region in a party, the Burning Region’s buff effect would stack for the characters that cast it later.

Wild Hunter

  • Assistant Hunting Unit’s skill icon has been changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the character looked awkward when climbing a ladder after riding the Jaguar.


  • Fixed an issue where doing a basic attack when not riding the Metal Armor would not display an effect or play a sound effect.
  • Fixed an issue where doing a basic attack when riding Metal Armor: Human would not display an effect.


  • Fixed an issue where after activating Crystal Skill: Glory Wings, sometimes the Crystal would be summoned and collect gauge.
  • Fixed an issue where Glory Wings: Javelin would sometimes be activated awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crystal was sometimes covered by the background and was not visible.

[Back to Overview]


  • Fixed an issue where the Genesis Liberation Weapon mission could not be peformed due to an equipped Saddle item.

[Back to Overview]


  • Fixed an issue where cancelling the Let’s All Start Together!, Spring Sky Duck Chair, and Punch King Together Chair would sometimes cause the character chat bubble to be awkwardly placed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Punch King Together Chair’s score was sometimes displayed awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where certain actions of the Arcane Shade Claw were displayed awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Black Heaven’s Adversary medal was not registered in the Medal UI and could not be reissued.
  • Fixed an issue where an error would occur when using a 100% scroll on an item with the Lucky Day effect applied.
  • Fixed an issue in Boss Practice Mode where you could use the same type of stat increasing pill consumable item as the Stage 10 Potion support.
  • Fixed an issue where the New Year’s Wish Chairs’ hitbox range was awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where the image for characters that equipped an Illusion Ring looked awkward when riding on a mount that can be ridden with other characters.
  • Fixed an issue where if you used and cancelled specific chairs with an Illusion Ring equipped, the cape’s image would be visible.

[Back to Overview]


  • Fixed an issue in Kaling (Easy/Normal/Hard/Extreme) where Phase 1’s Qiongqi was not aggroed by certain summons.
  • Fixed an issue where Mirror World’s Henky’s monster sound effects were not played.

[Back to Overview]


  • Fixed an issue in Calm Beach 1 where the number of monsters that appeared was not correct.

[Back to Overview]


  • Fixed an issue where clicking the Consolidate button in the inventory would sort items awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Maple News UI’s content was not displayed properly in certain environments.
  • Fixed an issue in the Disassembly window where the tooltips for items that had their tradability changed would incorrectly display the previous state.
  • Fixed an issue where you needed more empty slots than actually required when disassembling Scrolls and Recipes.
  • Fixed an issue in Maple Auction where items claimed would not combine with existing items if the item was inventory sort locked.
  • Fixed an issue when job advancing as a Dual Blade where the job advancement SP acquired message was displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification window at the bottom of the screen for things like buddy requests and guild invites would disappear when changing resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue in the Foggy Forest Training Centre where UIs could not be moved if they were near the Monster HP UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the test displayed when trying to enter Bloody Queen (Normal) without completing the Root Abyss prerequisite quests was awkward.
  • Fixed an issue in the Party UI where party members in cross world channels were displayed as being located in the Cash Shop/Maple Auction.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes HEXA Cores did not appear to be deactivated if all V Cores were disassembled while certain HEXA Cores were activated.
  • Fixed an issue in the Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat UI where the ‘One More’ button was not displayed when there was no more remaining quantity to use.

[Back to Overview]


  • Alleviated an issue where sometimes down jumping did not function properly.
  • Fixed an issue where if an Elite Boss was summoned, if you used a Rune of Darkness after using a skill that changes the background music then the background music skill ended, the Elite Boss background music would continue even after the Elite Boss was defeated.
  • Fixed an issue in certain situations where the graphics would remain even when a V Core was disabled.

[Back to Overview]

KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.